Day 4 : Into Dorset!
    Day 5 : My destruction 🙁

    good morning day four just left Stonehenge campsite really nice place if you’re staying nearby we got toilet showers facilities blah blah blah blah some food couple of pubs nearby but sorry I’m knackered there’s just a massive Hill back there uh the only annoying thing is I’m still not getting really good sleep I figured that after 3 days of sleeping in the tent I would kind of be used to it but I’m just not getting the hours in so I’m starting to feel quite tired especially at the start of the day and my legs definitely feeling the fatigue now so I’ve had to I had to change the route slightly today because the Caravan Park I wanted to book uh either wasn’t open or they just weren’t answering the phone not sure so I’ve had to change campsite which means now got to do 88 km and 1200 M of climbing today so it’s going to be a big one luckily because the campsite is further away tomorrow will’ll be much shorter like 45 km and I’m really really looking forward to that one now although why do we what did we find out yesterday the distance doesn’t mean easy hopefully 46k isn’t too spicy I haven’t looked at the elevation graph yet I’ll have a look in a minute but yeah that is my life as of Tuesday uh there is I don’t think there’s too many interesting landmarks today actually um obviously I’m going to stop and film anything that’s cool but it might just be rolling country all day we got some of the big ones out yesterday like Stonehenge and SB plane that was really cool anyway been talking a while I’m going to up if I see something cool I’ll turn the camera back [Applause] [Music] on another fine morning in Paradise it’s about 9:00 left the campsite about 8:30 I’m hoping it’s a little bit cooler today there’s a bit more cloud and uh fun times uh there was a thunderstorm warning in Dorset guess where I’m heading so that’s actually a little bit concerning so either pitching my tent or packing up my tent in pouring rain is something I haven’t done before and I’m really not looking forward to like getting all your stuff drenched and having to stop later and dry it all out and sounds like an absolute F so uh might have to deal with that if it does get really bad I could just stay at a hotel have a have a cheeky bed we’ll see yeah not going to worry about that just yet I might get lucky might pass to the left or right of me who knows just come off a load of farm tracks and is now opening out again wow oh we’re going this way interesting I ain’t complaining oh wait a minute okay God damn it it’s little uh it’s little farm tracks like this that just give up halfway and force you into the field ah this is stuff that gets my anxiety up cuz it’s like is this is this the trail is it just going to be a dead end at the bottom and I’m going to have to turn around and go back I don’t know so there supposed to be a trail be on that h r but it’s all just completely overgrown and the trail just kind of dumped you out into the field so let’s just go and see yeah sometimes Kut has a very strange idea about what a trail is so I had to check Google Maps satellite and it was indeed taking me to the end of the field so I had to divert onto this path which takes me exactly where I wanted to go anyway so yeah that would have been fun that was a lovely descent hopefully more of that 100 speed bump Round of Applause please oh God another one isn’t this something and no one asks I didn’t just move these signs and go across that bridge keep it [Music] quiet I swear to God there’s a road up here that just connects without having to just go through all that I’m be pissed I’ve got about a thousand stingy nles scratches yeah that’s fun Offroad isn’t it great on The Struggle Bus a little bit there’s a lot of steep bits here but the views are pretty incredible look fly my mouth oh have a look at this yeah makes the fatigue work worth it I am starting to struggle though even going up green climbs I’m in like a very large gear a very easy gear should I say in a forestry area it’s quite a quite an ominous Vibe so I did look at the map quickly so this area is the Wessex Northwest X Downs I don’t know if there’s a Southwest 6 Downs I didn’t look but we are going south yeah there been a a lot of this kind of stuff slowly going uphill the track is slowly deteriorating the further we go up but it’s all right so far yeah going to continue oh yeah we’re going now oh some roads finally just had to hike a bike up a field with really poor signage so I had a fence going away from me up the hill with a sign pointing upwards saying foot path but not which side you should be on so I got to the top had to lift my bike over the fence cuz I picked the wrong side oh man man today is just me up but look suddenly I feel better again oh all right hopefully a convenience store stops soon I need some food wow there’s definitely some gray clouds starting to roll in I’m staying ahead of it right now I’m not sure if they’re coming exactly towards me or what but yeah let’s keep an eye on it fingers crossed another real spicy one I’m in my easiest gear it’s still hard see at the top just been passing through tons of tiny little Villages like this all these quaint little houses it’s quite nice every 15 km or so you find a new one definitely getting cloudier I’ve just climbed a massive Hill I had to walk it it was so steep [Music] so a main road turned into a country road which then turned into a dirt track which then turned into a double track and now it’s turned into this in the middle of nowhere let’s hope it goes where I want it to it’s slowly getting worse God these ones are following me 20 km to go hello yeah I knew today was going to be hard and it has been hard so many Hills I guess the clue was like wesex Downs yeah what the do you think was going to be there but yeah it’s been brutal I’ve pushed my bike up like through Four Hills the descents down the other side have been fantastic but yeah it’s just taking it out of me yeah 20K to go it’s not far and then just need to hope there’s somewhere that sells food nearby I don’t want to go cycling another 5 6 km just to get something to eat but we’ll see see you soon the gradient line of my garment is black this is about yeah 18 20% whose bloody good idea was it to come this way I’m going to I’m going to get him yeah that’s where I come from it suddenly just got really steep almost at the top you can see the size of these Hills like going down fun going up not fun is that a horse it is a horse is that a view it also is a view yes okay everyone chill no one needs to get kick in the teeth Aloha okay so it’s been a few hours about 70k in So nearly there just stopped at a convenience store in the village and restocked on water and food and other bits and bobs I’m kind of done though the thought of having to cycle at all tomorrow is not very appealing I knew I’d kind of get to this point and at some point in the ride where you’re just tired and you want to stop but you got to keep pushing I think I’m starting to hit that point now I just got to summon some strength and keep pushing I’m hoping I haven’t checked the elevation preview on tomorrow’s ride yet I need to do that but if it’s 46 km more of this then oh my goodness I’m going to die but if it’s relatively chill like Road ride I’m quite happy with a boring Road ride for a day let’s just do that I’m happy let’s do that please but well if it was just easy you wouldn’t feel any accomplishment from doing it and this is certainly not been easy today all right hopefully Camp will be the next video unless something spectacular happens look at this got a Ford I’m going to go for it my tires need my tires need cleaning pretty cool almost at the campsite I think another 10K or so hopefully I’m having fun oh this is just about the worst case scenario so I got to to K Abs if that sounds familiar it’s the place with the mural on the hill with the guy with a giant penis well I’ll show you tomorrow if you don’t know what I’m talking about it’s not weird okay it’s a little bit weird but just bear with me um but yeah as you can tell it’s raining so I walked all the way down from the campsite into kavis and there was no food anywhere so I walked all the way back and I’m now munching down on whatever snacks I got left from my uh pouch on my bike and tomorrow morning it is also going to be raining so we’re going to do our nice chilled out ride like this I guess I I’m not looking forward to it it’s going to be horrible but the weather forecast is looking better the day after by the time I get into Cornwall it should be relatively sunny again hopefully so I’m just going to Lodge that thought deep in my mind so I can get over this all right see you tomorrow we’re at the hill I hope you can see that on the GoPro I might uh zoom in and post yeah there’s the uh the sun giant otherwise known as man with a huge penis why is he there no one knows yeah that is why I had that painful ride yesterday so I could come and see this cuz I’ve never seen it before was it worth it probably not but at least now I can say I’ve seen it so today after yesterday so yesterday was the kind of ride where I’d take two days to recover afterwards if I was doing it a weekend back home no such luxury here but luckily today is only 46 km or something it’s still quite hilly but once I get to my destination I can go into the nearby town which is called I think it’s like chard or something like that that and uh there’s plenty of pubs and restaurants there so yeah I was going to have a good moan today but I’ve decided that I want to be happy so I’m just going to do that instead even though the situation currently sucks I need to buy some food I need to recharge all my stuff luckily it stopped raining for now it probably going to start again but yeah we’ll see what happens today still somewh where in the wesex downs I don’t know how much video I’m going to capture today cuz it’s very wet and miserable mirroring my mood oh hey look at this place damn don’t know what it is looks spicy though just to give you an idea of what’s going on today the uh rest day has turned into a day where I have to walk the bike up practically every Trail cuz it’s all washed out and unridable or it’s too steep or it’s full of rocks or all three so what’s usually meant to be like a 3our ride probably going to take more like 5 hours maybe six if it’s all like this and the mythical rest they will just disappear I don’t know what’s going to happen after that cuz tomorrow it’s going to be another day like yesterday a lot of climbing long distance and I’m just I’m not going to be able to do it I’m just not going to be able to do it my legs are already complaining look at this Cal doesn’t mind being out in the wet and cold I need to channel some cow energy and oh yeah oh oh yeah yeah rain on me you this is it I think I think this is the puddle that finally broke [Applause] me might seem like a simple thing but I’ve been dealing with this for hours I’m cold I’m wet I’m tired and now there’s no way of getting through this without getting my feet completely soaked and then I’m going to have cold wet feet for the next day in a bit that yeah I think I’m done I really think I’m done yeah


    1. I abused my tramadol script for long trips , sleep and tiredness no problem at all . Luckily physio means i no longer need them but long distances are soooo much harder now . Well ty for a window to your adventure .

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