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    prime minister which is it stay informed stay updated stay entertained I just don’t know how anyone would not want to be there every week day from midday we are good afternoon Britain only on GB news Britain’s News Channel hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show jub zunko we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best debate sh in town Monday to Friday 6:00 till 7:00 on GB news Britain’s news channel are the newspapers getting you down my wife didn’t divorce me that month struggling to separate the wheat from the chap I know that it’s a bit of a circus at the best of times well don’t worry Headliners has got you covered we’ll take the burden to reading the day’s news and if we get depressed who cares it’s an occupational hazard frankly that’s Headliners on GB news from 11:00 p.m. till midnight and the following morning 5 till 6:00 a.m. on GB news the comedy channel nah just kidding Britain’s News [Music] Channel it’s 900 p.m. I’m Patrick ches tonight last election we’ve had a very uh poor choice uh in 2019 okay sir K dmer answered some GB news viewers questions we’ll have reaction from Sir gr Brady as well plus follow him down yes they’re young they’re full of enthusiasm they’re optimistic has Nel farage caught the establishment sleeping he is very very popular with the Gen zedas isn’t he and that’s looking at driving licenses other access to finance all sorts of other things do you think it’s right that Richie sunak should throw the book at teenagers who bunk off national service also could send a very symbolic gesture to millions of people by saying that she was going to stop using those Jets yeah I reveal which global superstar has a pack and private jet Playa in their inbox he has mugged himself off big time there I am going to bring you the very first of tomorrow’s front pages as well with my press bag I’ve got for BBC Chief political correspondent and ITV as well John John Sergeant former Apprentice star Joan jaru and political commentator Alex Armstrong oh and life’s all about balance isn’t [Music] [Applause] it he got back on it today that lad you’d love to see it get ready Britain here we go [Music] can you trust a word that cir Dharma says [Music] next good evening from the GB Newsroom at 1 minute past 9 your headlines opposition leaders are accusing the Tories of being corrupt after a string of people with links to the party are caught up in allegations of betting on on the timing of the general election four people are being investigated by the gambling commission including Laura Saunders the wife of the tor’s campaign director Craig Williams another Conservative candidate has also admitted to an error of judgment after placing a bet on when the election would take place prime minister runak says any law Breakers will be booted out of the party but labor leader sakir stama says it shows everything that is wrong with the Tory party went to I think he should clean and say who knew he should take immediate action against those that are being investigated suspend his candidate if they’re my candidate I’d have had them out the door without their feet touching the ground and show some leadership on this the first instinct of some of those Tories in relation to a general election is not what’s good for the country but how quickly can I get to The Bookies and make myself some money I mean it tells you everything that’s wrong with 14 years of chaos and decline Nigel farage has suggested the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by expanding NATO after missing out on last night’s BBC question time leader special the reform leader has taken part in an interview with BBC’s Nick Robinson we’ve provoked this war it’s you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what we way I’m the only person in British politics that predicted what would happen and of course everyone said I was a pariah for daring to suggest it George Robertson former labor cabinet minister who went on to become the Secretary General of NATO has in the last couple of weeks said the war is a direct result of EU expansion in other news a seven-month-old baby girl who was m to death by a dog inside her family home in centry has been named Ellie deti suffered serious head injuries after being bitten by the pet dog and died in hospital last Sunday the dog registered as a Belgian Malinois which is not considered a dangerous breed was removed from the house and humanely destroyed and two women have been charged with criminal damage after just op oil activists sprayed private jets with orange paint at stanstead airport 28-year-old Jennifer Kowalski and 22 year-old Cole McDonald are both duw to appear at Chelmsford magistrates court tomorrow they’re alleged to have caused more than 5,000 worth of damage in the incident on Thursday and for the latest story sign up to to GB news alerts by scanning the QR code on your screen or go to GB alerts now it’s back to [Music] Patrick welcome along there are very serious questions about who sir Kama really is he’s been nicknamed sir flipflop he claims that he’s changed his views because he decided to put country before party last night he said this just answer this yes or no when you said Jeremy Corbin would make a good prime minister did you mean it look he would be a better prime minister well look look what we got Boris Johnson a man who made massive promises didn’t keep them and then had to leave parliament in disgrace but then today he refused to double down on that the choice at the last election before the electorate was not a good choice you had Boris Johnson who won and then 3 years later was thrown out of parliament for breaking the rules had Jeremy who is now expelled from the labor party that’s why I have been so determined to change the labor party and to make sure that that change labor party puts forward a credible Manifesto for growth so that at this election there will be a real choice between carrying on with the failure of the last 14 years or turning the page and rebuilding the country okay I mean this could be a sign that cier is worried about losing the left of his party it emerged that the local labor party leader in Corbin’s constituency was actually out campaigning for Jeremy Corbin but he could be seen as quite concerning if Corbin had beaten Boris he’d have had to handle the covid pandemic how do we think he would have done with that the brexit deal needed to be finalized Jeremy Corbin was a lifelong brexiteer but miraculously became a remainer after the referendum how do you think he would have dealt with that Putin invaded Ukraine how do you reckon Corbin would have done in that situation and let’s be honest Jeremy Corbin would have likely Israel an enemy over Britain when it came to Gaza let’s just have a little look as who else would have been involved in this Jeremy Corbin government shall we would have had Diane abber as Home Secretary Emily Thornbury as foreign secretary and John McDonald as Chancellor is it not a concern that the man who could be about to be our prime minister seems to think that that cabinet would have been better than the one that we had in 2019 what do we actually know about Sir st’s views here let’s get the thoughts of my panel this evening former BBC ITV Chief political correspondent John Sant former Apprentice star Joanna chario and political commentator Alex Armstrong Alex I’ll start with you I mean when it comes to sir starmer and Jeremy Corbin do we have any idea what he thinks is it not a worry that he might have genuinely might think that Jeremy Corbin would have been a better prime minister than Boris Johnson well he he clearly does think that he wouldn’t have said it otherwise surely he thinks it I think he must have realized and his advisers must have said after that little stint and the laughter that came from the audience hey look you sound a bit silly you’re the bloke who who endorsed Jeremy Corbin for prime minister and backed his Manifesto I mean sir flipflop is the perfect thing to say about him because he constantly changes his opinion with whatever the the wind is on the day I mean he only changed his opinion on trans rights the other week when Tony Blair said it so you know this is a BL you can’t trust is it well this is the issue John isn’t it it’s trust when it comes to cir St he’s built his whole thing about being Mr forensic we don’t really know where he stands on anything he blows With the Wind know this is I’m afraid it’s where the Clash really of the Westminster culture which is about tribal loyalty essentially if you want to get anything done in Britain you’ve got to combine at Westminster the Tories have shown what happens if you don’t do that you get extreme chaos for a long period so I think all all K’s instincts that I think we must pull together and of course that means in party terms at Westminster you pull behind your leader there’s another Point too he must now increasingly feel he will be prime minister in two weeks time and what will he have to do then he will have to call on a whole lot of people on the labor side some of whom will actually be against him yeah and he’s got to get make sure that they say look right or wrong go behind the leader if you want to change another party cross the floor of the house have a by elction in your seat and so on but that sort of rather rigid way of looking at the world I’m afraid is the Westminster way and I was there for many years observing this and you could see that the actual critical the critical question was which side are you on are you on the government’s side or the opposition side so if you then put him into his first election campaign and you ask him this sort of question he then gets completely confused but he’s not he keeps saying he’s changed the labor party he’s not changed to labor party loads of people still support Jeremy Corbin the person who’s the local isington North uh labor leader there was out campaigning she hid in a bush when it turned out that someone had rumbled or for goodness sake you know he he would have obviously supported Jeremy Corin he did support him a couple of times can you imagine Patrick if if you even said a year or so ago that that Jeremy cor be out of the lab body not allowed to stand I mean that would have seemed quite a shakeup that an amazing what exactly is jerem mcau you can dislike his policies but the way that people talk about him is is as if he’s like an enemy of the country and he’s done something absolutely terrible he’s not the one that was saying pile the bodies High when people were dying and people’s grandparents he’s not the one that was neglectful all all the way through the um covid pandemic he’s not the one that has lied time and time and time again when it comes to his promises Boris Johnson is the type of person who’s actually had that record so of this fantasy and it almost seems as if the country is like stopped being um granular and actually having evidence for why they hate Jeremy fantasy would Jeremy Corbin have dealt with some of those key flash points better than Boris Johnson no no he absolutely would honest he ideologically driven so Jeremy Corbin is not a pragmatist let’s be honest he is driven by his ideology so he would have had all these people around him telling him oh you better do it this this is the Socialist way to do it Jeremy and that’s the difference it’s the reason why Jeremy Corbin never got elected in the first place because he socialist to the when it comes to the things that have actually affected the country and its population the covid pandemic you can’t tell me that Jeremy Corbin would have been necking pint but we won’t know right won what I will say about this just say on this neck for a lot of people necking pintes is not actually the central ISS it’s things like lockdowns it was things like the co jab it was all of this stuff which many people do think that bis Johns do that’s a point so would Jeremy Corbin have actually been worse on that be honest well look I I don’t know but it seems to me from Labour’s position during Co that they would have locked us down for longer and harder so so let’s be real that’s the position and and K starm someone he said he supported Jeremy Corbin and has followed through on those policies and said I mean I’m surprised we would still be bloody locked down today if it the difference is I agree that maybe labor would have locked us down for but maybe the difference is they would have locked us down sooner which meant that maybe we wouldn’t have the pandemic wouldn’t have gone on for us longer whereas Boris Johnson delayed that yeah go you just saying I mean if you think of Jeremy Corbin’s personality he’s a campaigner now he may say that’s good but it doesn’t make him a good prime minister he would not have been a good prime minister he finds it extremely difficult to take in other people he has a line that he follows a left line he’s proud of the fact that his views don’t change now for most people if you’re trying to run a government you you have to change and when there’s a an epidemic that we had to suffer from everyone had to just be think my goodness me I mustn’t have hard and fast views this thing is changing so rapidly we’ve got to adap this is a Jeremy cor is a man that loves to bow down to Big institutions and socialist institutions like the wef for example you know he would have the who would have had their grip on Britain and any policy that came out there would never be allowed to question the science I I do put Jo when it comes to K St he’s changed his views on brexit he’s changed his stance on Jeremy Corbin he’s changed his definition of what a working person is he’s changed his definition of what a woman is but he’s just a liar isn’t he I don’t think necessarily I I I completely admit that I completely no okay yeah he’s flip-flopped on a few things I admit that but I don’t think that that makes him a categorical liar I think that you know in the political landscape things have changed so things that seem like is flip-flopping is because the economy’s changed for ex so if he’s made a u-turn on something certain things he’s had an excuse when it comes to what he thinks about things personally like what is a woman and whatever then I think that that’s a bit you know I kind of squint when I look at him when it comes to stuff like that but really important stuff when it comes to policies that people say I don’t know what put um K sta stands for I think that’s I don’t think he goes the full I don’t think he goes the full term he’s on a personal popularity racing of a around 51% unpopularity rate sorry about 51% at the moment um and that’s because considering that he’s about to potentially win a 200 seat majority I think John highlighted earlier on some of the uh fractures within that labor party it’ll be interesting to see how they come to the for John do you think cir s goes the full five years well it’s going to be very hard for him because of course yes he gets in with enormous majority but the moment that happens people think oh right I don’t need to support him let’s object to this let’s subject to that let’s form factions and goodness me we’ve seen it under the conservatives when you think of the majority had that with a few weeks ago they had a majority of 80 for goodness sake but did they manage to mess all that up by arguing can I just say that K starma will last if he actually does bring the parties together and if he doesn’t bad mouth um uh Jeremy Corbin because when you look at in the US no but when you look at in the US um what I think that Biden has done really well is not kind of alienate people who were more of the left of the party so he’s kind of tried to bring um other people with him you know the Bernie Sanders type of camp and that for him but whereas when you look at Hillary Clinton even though she didn’t win when everything went you know um went wrong for her she then started slating that side so I think that he should learn from the parties that um in the US and how that’s worked out for them because Biden’s been able to get things over the line around completely naked in the White House part party management J is absolutely right party management is going to be right there the moment new starts from day one has just nailed it right the part’s going to go more left right let’s be honest this is a big sh at the moment no that’s exactly what you said going to go further left just watch just watch they’re going to go further left and what happens when they go further left is the public and go no no no no no we don’t like this and I’m telling you I I I speak I used to work for the late party bear in mind and know I’m not I’m not Lefty anymore but I used to work for party and I all the sources say that angel complain Angela Raina is scratching on the doors and she will be scratching on the doors of number 10 just you wait and see will be she will be gunning for the top job within within months 21 it’s a question of credibility and whether or not we can believe a single word that K starma says the guardian has seen internal labor documents today confirmed by senior sources which scope radical changes to both capital gains and inheritance tax they are going to be ramping up tax absolutely big time and he sits there and he says well not on working people not on working people then he Chang his what happens to the if the market response is bad what do they do then we’re back in the world of Liz trust so don’t think talking this is John this is the media bias this is the media bias he can build an entire Manifesto an economic Manifesto around I’m just going to go for growth and that’ll cover everything with zero evidence that that’ll work and no one has a go for everybody knows the position they’re going to take over if they do take over is going to be extremely narrow they have not got very much room for maneuver they know that everybody else knows but they’re hiding the truth and the ifs put out a massive video and a statement saying both the major parties by the way are but labor are doing it far worse they’re saying they’re not going to cut to raise your taxes but they are going to raise your taxes they’re saying we protect income ta every know the bands aren’t going to be unfrozen and I reckon they will fall back ultimately on that thing when they realize that they’ve got to do that they will go oh well well are you relatively well off then well do you have a house well you think you should pay tax should you you should pay more tax and and I know there’s some people uh Joanna particularly I think that’s a great idea there’s a lot of people who work very hard for that stuff but I’m going to go to the candidates list now for the constituency of Islington North Jeremy Corbin independent Paul josling independent Vic agoal liberal Democrats Karen Harris conservative PRL nargan labor sherid and katees greens and Martin Nelson reform UK now coming up Nel varage has declared war on ofcom for supposedly suppressing reform coverage are the establishment absolutely completely Neally asleep to his popularity amongst The Young and the old and the working class and loads of other people follow him down we go yes they’re young they’re full of enthusiasm they’re optimistic like all the Stingrays are going places ah anyway I will ask the deputy leader of rejoin EU Richard moley whether he can actually get his head around the fact that Mr farage might be quite popular but up next rishy sunak has pledged to come down strong on any national service denters that’s looking at driving licenses other access to finance all sorts of other things all right then what do you think should happen to young people who refuse to take part in national service hang them and flog them or not CEO of Youth Vote Alex K goes head-to-head with former senior Military Intelligence officer Philip Ingram and that’s next stay tuned [Music] this is GB news Britain’s News Channel the new BBC director of sport who’s a man called Alex K jelski who’s downplayed fears raised by Sports women about biological men competing in female categories and he’s also called Martina abova I’ve got to say has to be probably the most successful woman tennis player in history and a very brave woman too she escaped the Iron Curtain uh and came out and Sharon Davis he says are not experts on the issue at the same time transgender us from Malia Thomas has lost her legal battle and been told that she cannot compete at the Olympics Leah Thomas made an appeal to World Aquatics who have this rule in place it says that they protect the female category as does Athletics and World cycling and because Leah doesn’t actually qualify because Leah isn’t training so she’s she’s not even someone that would be potentially part of the Olympic team they just said that you know you don’t qualified to be a to bring this case it’s been been thrown out on a technicality thank goodness um and which means that you know swimming will not have any males beating Elite females uh in Paris this summer which was particularly good for me bearing in mind that I now have to be very careful about what I’m allowed to say and not say we’re not allowed to use the words biological male uh transitioned male I mean just every single possible way that we could explain that the person in the race wasn’t a female and it only affects women it doesn’t affect men you know females that identify as Mal are no risk to to men’s sport in any shape or form it’s just women that are losing their opportunities the thing I take the most offense to and this is very serious and this needs to be dealt with by the BBC and this is why I wrote to Tim Davey in that article he compared males that are identifying as women in women’s sport to Jamaican and Ethiopian females being allowed to compete what the people’s Channel hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show jubes and C we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in birth sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell you exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best deit sh in town Monday to Friday 6: to 7:00 on GB news Britain’s News Channel in the GB news room we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK GB news brings you accurate reporting of the day’s topical agenda when the news breaks wherever and whenever it’s happening we’ll be there this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel hello there I’m am and homes thank you for joining us on GB news Britain’s News Channel GB news is Britain’s election Channel and when the big stories break we’re tackling them on Britain’s news room when we disagree and disagree a lot even live yeah we’re normal we don’t disagree that much we do his comedy though is revolting I knew her and unlike you that explains Beverly Turner’s temperament it’s a bit Frosty in here isn’t it he’ll have one of me one day for D ball practice Britain’s Newsroom on GB news weekdays 9:30 a.m. GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel [Music] welcome back to Patrick Christi tonight coming up has Nigel farage found a way to engage Britain’s politically disillusioned youngsters but first would it be fair for rishy zunac to sanction young people who refuse to take part in national service it’s time for the head to head well Ry soon accept the cat amongst the pigeons during last night’s leaders debate when he claimed that young people people who try to dodge his compulsory national service plans could face sanctions we’ll have a set of sanctions and incentives and we will look at the models that are existing around Europe to get the appropriate mix of those there’s a range of different options that exist for example there’s all sorts of things that people do across Europe whether that’s looking at driving licenses other access to finance all sorts of other things there’s a range of things and we will have a royal commission look at all of those come back to the government and recommend what the appropriate mix of incentives and sanctions is it comes just weeks after the conservative leader first announced the policy in a bid to woo back voters who were originally drifting to Nigel farage’s reform UK under the plan every 18-year-old will either have to enroll in the military for 12 months or spend one weekend each month volunteering in the community needless to say the policy was torn to shreds by young people on social [Music] media the maker get ready with me then you can make it get ready with me on the front line and if you can rot in bed then you can rot in a trench born in the ughs but made to do national service some people might argue they are exactly the kind of people who need a bit of national service but tonight I asking would it be fair for Richie sunak to sanction young people who refuse to take part let me know your thoughts go to GB youra tweet me and GB news go and vote in our poll you know how it works by now but first going head-to-head on this is the CE of Youth Vote Alex K and former senior Military Intelligence officer Philip Ingram chaps thank you very much Alex I will start with you on this look if someone wants to Bunk off military service and it is the law then why should we all be paying that student loan I I think this is a absolutely ridiculous idea we’ve got to a situation now where the government are looking at the declining number of people that are leaving the military are leaving the NHS and and they’re they’re saying to themselves what’s the solution let’s force a bunch of 18-year-olds that don’t want to be there to have to step for the country bear in mind lots of young people already did their part you know during the lockdown they stayed at home to make sure that we could protect you know the elderly you know they did a lot of volunteering is that the conservatives would put it in their community so forcing young people because you know the government don’t pay the military or the NHS staff a proper wage and they need to get people ining did young people do during Co on there was you know I know lots of people in my community that made sure that you know some elderly people got their food Parcels you know carrying shopping you know lots of you know lots of people do so with respect doing that one weekend a month is is not a massive hustle is it but but but I think you know I’m very surprised that he’s decided of all age groups let’s attack the young people let’s get them to step up because the wider Point here is not listen you know lots of young people actually take an active part in this in in in their Community what we’re saying here is you know we’re going to force them to do a 12mon military or NHS service and we literally if if they don’t do it we’re going to take away their driving license or we’re going to you it’s ridiculous well is there is there not something in this Philip I mean you know former senior uh Military Intelligence officer I I do wonder if some of young people have been quite shortsighted about this I was talking to someone in the military the other day about this very policy and they were saying there’s loads of cool stuff that you can do things that are involved with like AI things that are involved in cyber security as well you’re not all necessarily picking up a gun and going and getting transener are you yeah 100% I’m not a fan of compulsory service in the military so conscription for for the military but the ideas that the government have come out with I think have been rushed in so that’s what’s causing the problems but I Liv in Germany for many years and Germany had um conscription and the conscription was either into the military for um 12 months or into um providing help to this the Civil side of society for two years and that worked brilliantly and it set young people up with a lot of skills on their CV it allowed them to prove to employers of the future that they could they could go out and do a job it gave them skills for life it allowed them to make friends for life in an environment that was different to what they got beforehand so I think there’s real mileage in what the Prime Minister has proposed and of course if you got to make something compulsory you have to give incentives for people to do it or you have to give disincentives for people not to do it and therefore you the simple ones from my perspective would be you know don’t allow people who are refusing to go International service to get benefits and don’t allow them to get a student loan you know that would incentivize people therefore to go to to go in and contribute to society yeah indeed and Alex you know I want to know why are so many 18 to 204 year olds lazy factless and unemployed to to make a statement like that I think is absolutely ridiculous you know lots of young people whether they’re doing apprenticeships whether they’re going to University let’s remember benefits you know let’s remember 20 years ago we actually saw a situation where young people could go to university and had minimal tuition fees under the coalition government the tuition fees went up and now we see young people that want to get educated and are being almost penalized for it you know lots of young people there’s absolutely no data to suggest that young people sitting at home uny unemployment figures well there are there’s at least 133% of people aged 16 24 are unemployed in fact there’s a load more of them actually that are signed off uh sick as well which I know a lot of people are very very dubious uh about I mean there there is record levels of unemployment when it comes to people AG 18 24 I mean it’s it’s quite astonishing that those those numbers to see Rich to get gone Philip Patrick there’s a there’s a better incentive for this you know what you’re doing is you’re giving a foundation and you’re giving everyone an equal foundation and for them to build on so those that do want don’t want to do military service you know one weekend a month isn’t huge but you’re giving people that Foundation that they can then build their future life their future career and employers can measure them against um those that want to go into the military and it it’s voluntary to go into the military the military is having difficulty recruiting a lot of people get a try before you buy this is a way of doing it and might suddenly decide that actually this will give me a good career will give me the skills that I want to do and get people in it’s a it’s a very reasonable way of recruiting so but what you’re doing is you’re giving that constant Baseline for everyone so you haven’t got that differential across the country everyone’s getting the same start in life um and that can only be a good thing for youngsters all right I mean Alex so so you want you know youth vote do want 16 year olds to be able to vote do you yes so You’ like 16 year olds to be able to vote all right taxpayers yeah yeah well okay all right how many 16y olds payload of tax any 16-year-old that works is subject to tax so therefore we should be giving them not if they earn earn below I think it’s about1 15,000 a year but a nine-year-old can pay tax oh but anyone that earn anyone that’s 50-year old that doesn’t earn enough money I mean I don’t understand what the argument here is right you know the government what they’re doing here is they don’t have enough people to work in the NHS they don’t have enough people to work in the military they don’t pay them properly they don’t look after them when they come out of it as we’ve seen with lots of you know military personnel that go that go homeless and actually they’re deciding you know what’s the solution let’s force a bunch of 18-year-olds that aren’t going to vote for the Tes anyway to go and do military service or NHS it’s nothing to do with CV enhancement or helping them they don’t care about them if they cared about them they’d be helping them with making sure that landlords don’t absolutely take them with rent increases and helping them get in the housing market that it’s nothing to do with helping them with the CV you know development it’s absolute nonsense okay Philip go on come back to that well you know I you we’ve we’ve gone around on so many different subjects that that aren’t related um it will give them an ability to have a common Baseline of CV it will give people the indiv the the ability to have friends for life from diff from different areas that will then allow them to have you know and and those that are in the that decide to join the military will get paired I suspect a lot of those that go into the voluntary sectors will get will get paid as well but if they don’t then they should get the benefits that enable them in that that will then get them uh the finances that they need for a period of time to get into the housing ladder um and to move forward and help them with their their career development but none of these things that you know the the the um my other guest has turned around and said are are related it’s not necessarily just a Tory thing I am as I’ve said I am against national service going into the military but I think there’s some legs on this and it based that on the fact that I’ve seen it for many many years in other European countries and actually it works well that that is the point I’ll give the final words to you on this Alice if it’s good enough for people in Sweden a load of Nordic countries in countries like Germany Etc a load of EU countries well why why why why is it why is it too awful for for British team it’s it’s a completely different situation you know in Sweden for example young people get given a lot more support you know the NHS or their their you know their their services there are much better and actually you know everyone is basically trying to give why are you all take take sorry just say this why are you all take take take why don’t you want to do something for your country Young People Patrick young people let me tell you young people have done a lot for their country as I mentioned stayed indoors during yeah and actually you know no no no but actually you know let’s be serious about this you know the guest makes the point about you they’re going to earn enough you know to get on the housing ladder they’re not with the starting salary for people in the NHS or the military is definitely not enough right young people fed up being lectured and and and called lazy and actually why is it 18yar olds that need to step up you know I know lots of people that are in their mid 30s why are they not being asked to help the country because they haven’t done this when they were 18 and they don’t have that sense of Duty in life and the thing that’s missing in society today is a sense of Duty and a sense of contributing to society as Patrick said it’s all tick tick tick gimme gimme give me and not give anything back people don’t take but for free what what are young people taking you know they they’ve been giving they’ve been given tuition fees that are ridiculous you know young people are trying to get on in life you know they they’ve got plenty of career opportunities at the moment lots of them do apprenticeships lots of I I guarantee you I don’t have the data to hand but there’s no way the 18 to 24 year olds are the ones are taking from the government on benefits I guarantee you it’s the older demographics you know what about the triple pensions you know what about the other things that cost the government lots of money what about the wars that we’re funding you know and and you’re saying that young people foundation and there has been for many many years give that foundation in and you’re then building a more coherent and a more capable and a society that’s got a sense of Duty to it that’s what it was um a long time ago we need to get back to that again all right good guys we asked for our heads ahead we definitely got one I massively massively appreciate the strength of views on both sides here I I know that I would have held a mirror up to literally the nation’s views on this so thank you very very much the co of Youth for Alex K their former senior Military Intelligence officer Philip Ingram look who do you agree with would it be fairish she soon act to sanction young people who refuse to take party national service Andrew on X says it wouldn’t be fair at all plus making government departments do more work when they barely function now is a pie in the sky idea Charlie says refusing shouldn’t be an option okay your ver is in oh here we go 50% of you agree that it is fair for richy suak to sanction young people 50% of you say it isn’t that is first here on on one of these polls I’ve been waiting for this day and it has now finally come it’s a 50/50 split good stuff coming up I speak to a druid who is furious with justop oil’s idiotic attack on one of Britain’s most precious cultural sites will he curse the Eco mob find out shortly but next is Nigel farage boast that support for reform UK is exploding amongst gen Z voters follow him down yes they’re young they’re full of enthusiasm they’re optimistic are the establishment again failing to recognize the popularity of the Nigel farage movement or is it a load of hot air rejoin the eu’s Richard Morley is on next and it’s probably going to kick off stay [Music] tuned good evening welcome to your latest GB news weather update from the Met Office this weekend will be a little bit cloudier than the week has been but it’s still going to be warm but next week will be even warmer for the time being though we’ve got a few weather fronts still moving in from the West that’s going to introduce quite a lot of cloud from Western areas but also some rain through this evening for parts of Wales Northwestern England much of Scotland down into the Southwest as well through this evening and that’s going to push eastwards through the night introducing more Cloud to Central and Eastern areas by tomorrow morning now behind that it does turn much clearer across parts of Northern Ireland and Scotland we could see temperatures as low as 5 degrees for Northern Ireland but for many of us another fairly mild start to the day however Sunshine is going to be slightly more limited very first thing tomorrow but for much of Scotland it should be a fairly bright start to the day there will likely see a bit more Cloud across Eastern areas of Scotland perhaps into the far Northwest as well a risk of the odd shower but for many areas Northern Ireland and Scotland a bright start to the day elsewhere across parts of Northeast England a cloudy start to the day some drizzly rain as well across Eastern areas of England but for much of Wales and the Southwest still fairly bright and that Sunshine will become a bit more widespread throughout Saturday the clouds going to break up and lift up and that will allow a few showers to break out here and there across Eastern areas of England but I think most of us should stay dry through the day on Saturday and in that Sunshine still feeling fairly warm we’ve got very high UV levels and very high pollen levels temperatures climbing towards 24° across the southeast but widely into the low 20s another warm day to come on Sunday there is a more Cloud arriving from the west through the day though so it will likely be another cloudy start this time across Wales Northwestern England and into the Southwest but once again it will brighten up as the day goes on and in that Sunshine it will feel very warm turning even warmer though Monday and into Tuesdays temperatures climb to the mid to high 20s weekdays on GB news wake up to breakfast every day from 6:00 a.m. followed by Britain’s Newsroom at 9:30 at noon it’s good afternoon Britain followed by Martin dney from 300 p.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel join me Neil Oliver every Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. on GB news and if an hour is not nearly enough for you go to GB for special extended episodes online every Friday at 9:00 p.m. where we can truly get into the nitty-gritty of what’s going on GB news Britain’s News Channel this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians in the media but actually it’s about you and we won’t forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision ahead of polling day we’re here for you this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel join me Nana que for an informative interactive news program with the difference it’s fun it’s true you’re not wrong no one will be cancelled lovely join me from 300 p.m. every weekend only on GB news Britain’s News Channel welcome back to Patrick Christies tonight now coming up after just up oil spray painted Stonehenge earlier this week and a couple of private jets as well well I’ll be joined by Druid though who has some very harsh words for Eco activists he obviously feels very strongly about Stonehenge be interesting to get his views but first Nigel farage today declared war on ofcom Over The Regulators rules that dictate broadcasters only need to give reform UK 8% of coverage that’s despite some polls putting the party as high as 20% indeed since he announced his decision to stand at the election farage has received a less than cozy welcome from the usual lovey media type the following night in Bowman we have yet another question time special much like tonight but it will be with the green party co-leader Adrien Ramsey and reform UK’s leader Nigel farage and that will be on at 8:00 so if you want to be what sort of interesting noiser from the audience here he has said that this is now a matter of National Security Nel farage with his um customary inflammatory language there at a reform UK press conference yeah I mean Sky News chose to I think describe him did they as far right I think they also said it was a humbling experience for him when he was um you know assaulted by milkshake in the street but despite that reform UK is actually soar in popularity especially among gen Z voters so these are these are the young people aren’t they with the most recent yugov poll putting the party at 15% among 18 to 24 year olds now farage is by far the most popular UK politician on the social media site Tik Tok with videos like this one propelling him to a whopping 776 th000 followers looksbody Follow Need A littley it feel and that song by American rapper Eminem Without Me it was released back in 2002 it’s now back in the charts okay such is Nigel farage’s popularity I’m joined now by the deputy leader of rejoin the EU Richard moley Richard look thank you very very much I mean this must be killing you inside to see that Nel farage is actually ready popular especially with young people well I think it’s it’s a bit of an exaggeration to say that he’s very popular amongst young people yes a poll suggests that he has somewhere between 12 and 15% of uh this generation Z behind him but of course let’s remember that leaves round about 80% who are not behind him the vast majority of young people I’m afraid are with the labor party because of their policies uh they may follow Nigel farage a small percentage of them but I think that’s could be more out of amusement than actually support for him is that just quite an arrogant out of touch thing for you to say well you may think so but I think that there are lots of reasons why young people will reject Nigel farage at the at The Ballot Box let face it he’s no friend to Young people is he uh his measures that he wants to adopt I a complete endorsement of brexit which goes against the young people’s wish generally that most young people want to rejoin they want to have the opportunities to live and work in Europe as they did before is not exactly in tune with their thinking uh uh the uh the zero maybe his main his main thing his his main thing is that he actually wants to try to protect the future of this country and May maybe Richard maybe there are an increasing number of young people now in Britain who really really really do not like the direction of travel in this country and that’s what he’s tapping into well I’m sure they don’t like the direction of travel after 14 years of this terrible Tory government of course they don’t like the direction of travel but that doesn’t mean to say they want Nigel farage’s direction to travel either certainly they don’t want him when it comes to his net zero abandonment ideas anybody suggests that it’s good for young people that Britain should abandon our drive towards restricting carbon emissions when it’s their future that lies on the line much more than ours young people today of generation Zed have got to live through the most unimaginable temperature rises unless we do something to why is it hero which is Nigel farage’s big idea is the biggest harm that you could possibly do to young people but why why is it why is it then Richard that that the latest poll shows that reform are on 20% of the vote and the lib Dems who are the only party who openly come out really instead of you vote for us it’s a it’s a way of Paving our way back into European membership are on about 12 or 133% I read today in the in the papers that a lot of people suspect that ki’s policy is going to lean much more towards Europe than what he’s saying at the moment and indeed I suspect it will do because economic realities will force to look more towards Europe and yes readdress the treaty that we’ve signed with Europe over trade because quite frankly it doesn’t benefit us at all we’ve got to go back and rethink it brexit was extremely badly managed even you’re about to lose your second massive vote Richard I I get that you might not want to admit this on National Television but you were about to lose your second massive vote aren’t you because you you’ve got here Nel farage missed the brexit standing on the kind of ticket that you’ve just said there who is potentially potentially on course to get double the number of votes of the only other party they’re saying they want to rejoin the European Union Yes but you know that these these opinion polls are indicators of public dissatisfaction rather than actual fact indications of what they’re actually going to vote for on the day I’m sure that when we come and see it reform UK is not going to get the seats that it expects to are not going to do as badly as everybody think they’re going to do and they will remain the opposition it won’t be Nigel farage who will be the opposition it will be the leader of the the conservative party whoever that will be okay yeah I think in terms of just a pure number of votes I mean the way our voting system is here absolutely I mean on on that as well presumably you’re probably in favor of some kind of electoral reform are you I don’t know whether that’s PR or whatever it like but also you’ve got Nigel farage now standing in this country if we were to do what the liberal Democrats did at the moment we would be walking back into a European Union that I dare say you would describe as far right would you well I all all countries go through political ups and downs in terms of left and right yes there is a current movement in some countries in Europe towards the right and I can see that will may may progress to others but it’s not a permanent move it’s a reaction against the crisis that we face at this moment both internationally and in terms of the climate change problems that we have I’m quite certain that this a reaction to the illegal migrant crisis Richard that’s what it is isn’t it it’s a reaction to the illegal migrant crisis that’s why people voted that way on Continental Europe and that’s why people really want to vote for Nigel farage isn’t it and I don’t know if maybe you want to do that much about the illegal migrant crisis do you no I do agree with you there has been an enormous concern amongst the general public about illegal migrants of course this has stimulated a great feeling of Crisis and therefore stimulated the votes towards the rightwing parties who have methods of dealing with it which are perhaps stronger uh than the the leftwing parties that’s quite possible however whether or not they can actually solve it is another issue there has been no successful solution to them because because unfortunately people people people on of your political persuasion tend to try to do everything they possibly can to SCU of that don’t they Richard that’s that’s part of the issue I think but we are going to have to leave you there friend Richard Moy there is the Deputy leader of rejoin the EU coming up I bring you exclusive reaction to the first of GB news’s vote 2024 the leaders interview with cir starma plus TV presenter and conservationist Chris Packham has sent a message to a Superstar singer could send a very symbolic gesture to millions of people by saying that she was going to stop using those Jets yeah and he got completely ignored I’ll reveal all later but next member of the Druid grade and spiritual healer Adrien Rook who is glorious would just stop off the Stonehenge attack he joins me stay [Music] tuned this is GB news Britain’s News Channel today we’ve got two fantastic individuals who have invented a teddy bear to help children who are suffering with mental health yes so Lynn and Samantha Krill came up with the idea for the trouble muncher toy following Samantha’s own battle with an eating disorder and OCD yes the teddy comes the notepad and encourages its owners to write down what’s troubling them and then they can pop the note into the Rock sack on the Bear’s back I struggled with mental health most of my life actually and oh no it’s fine um I’ve got Mom I feel quite sorry for you but um and one one thing I always did was message my mom and it was a thought dis disassociation kind of technique I would message you even now I message you thoughts that come into my mind but massively when I was younger and I thought what happens if you’re younger and you don’t have this um yeah and I think in today’s technology fied world yeah I think we go back to basics and it just helps them to process by writing it down everything’s so instant these days so so it’s like an indirect way of telling your parents how you’re feeling what you’re going through such a great idea what’s the feedback been from parents who have uh got a trouble muncher for their kids what you got stories been really good um in one household he sits on the kitchen side and um I think during the day the parents the the children put their worries in or at night and then they know that their parents will look at it during the day and it’s gone into some schools as well you’d imagine you’d want one of these trouble munches in every classroom in every school up and down the country because children who are being bullied for example you feel like they can’t tell their parents they’re too embarrassed to talk about it this is such an important tool isn’t it for children to communicate that yeah well you were saying mom’s a mental health counselor and you had a young young child who was had Snapchat a so you talk to an AI and Snapchat and that’s what they talk to now the people’s channel are the newspapers getting you down my wife didn’t divorce me that month struggling to separate the wheat from the chap I know that it’s a bit of a circus at the best of time well don’t worry Headliners has got you covered we’ll take the burden of reading the day’s news and if we get depressed who cares it’s an occupational hazard frankly that’s Headliners on GB news from 11:00 p.m. till midnight and the following morning 5: till 6: a.m. on GB news the comedy channel n just kidding Britain’s News Channel GB news is Britain’s election Channel and when the big stories break we’re tackling them on Britain’s news room when we disagree and we disagree a lot it’s even live yet we’re normal we don’t disagree that much we do his comedy though is revolting I knew her and unlike you that explains Beverly Turner’s temperament it’s a bit Frosty in here isn’t it he have one of me one day um for D ball practice Britain’s Newsroom on GB news weekdays 9:30 a.m. GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel welcome back to Patrick Christie tonight now thousands flocked to Stonehenge in the early hours of this morning to celebrate the summer solstice that celebration comes just days after two activists from just op oil were arrested for spraying orange pain over the Neolithic structures at Stone Handel I’m very pleased to say I’m joined Now by a member of the Druid GR and a spiritual healer Adrien rug thank you very much Adrian tremendous to have you on the show how do you feel about what just oil did I I think it was a a somewhat ill thought out stunt so childish and risked permanent damage to one of our most sacred mon monuments um just stop oil have obviously got a relevant point that a lot of uh the druidic ideology would agree with um the world is in trouble we need to rethink how we relate to the planet but this kind of action causes more people to pull away from support um of you know the work to to deal with climate change then brings in I’m afraid well can you just Ed can you educate me a little bit on what Stonehenge means to The Druids because you know if just stop had done that to a church or a mosque or a synagogue or something you know people would be saying oh it’s a bit racist or it’s it’s bang out of order but I mean how important is Stonehenge to you well Stonehenge is very important it’s important to all uh people of uh a druidic or Pagan based Faith it’s our greatest Ancient Temple that said uh Richard it’s not the only temple in the UK and people celebrated Sorcerers last night in different Stone circles all the way across the land and on hilltops and and and different venues um Stonehenge has a particular significance it’s in our it’s in our subconscious it’s there it’s magnificent and of course you know it links us back to a a past it’s a a Time clock it brings in the sers marks the wheel of the year and and people were the people I’ve spoken to were genuinely upset and a lot of those people would be um I think certainly on side of the ideology of around climate change and that something has to be done we can’t ignore it and but should should yeah I mean I what would what would your message be what what is the kind of Druid message to to just stop oil now really well they need to rethink some of their um there are ways of trying to draw attention to what is a global crisis um and replan their uh protest that actually brings the general public behind them rather than isolates them and pushes them away I I mean I don’t know are are things like curses a thing in the Druid grade no no we don’t do things like that Druid is a nature-based spiritual tradition um it encourages us to foster a relationship with the land and deep our relationship with the land we come from the in a way just St oil have have literally attacked the most well one of the most important sites to a group of people who who conceivably on paper would would be the most sympathetic to just St o they have you’re right you you you bought off and so really they’ve shot themselves in the foot um so it’s very counterproductive unfortunately for them but it is what it is and thankfully there wasn’t any permanent damage done to the stones if there had been it would have been a bigger tragedy but you know from a from a politically sensible point of view it’s gone down like a lead balloon really uh well I’m not surprised and um can I just ask you and we are going to have to be quite quick on this who made Stonehenge well Stone henge was made um on they estimate 5,000 years ago those varying um degrees of consensus as to whether it’s not older but it was made by our ancestors um you know post uh postchristian 3,000 years before we don’t know if it was the Kelps the indigenous people that were here before probably the indigenous people that lived there before and it was a huge emotional um and spiritual significance to those people if if you think of the work that’s gone into creating something like that it’s massive and I love I I love all the stuff about about Stonehenge and everything I I get absolutely gripped by it and all the theories behind it and everything but can I just say a massive thank you Adrian all the best you look after yourself take care as Adrien Rook there is a druid spiritual leader coming up I’m going to be speaking to the 1922 committee chair sir GR Brady stay tuned for that that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB news good evening welcome to your latest GB news weather update from the Met Office this weekend will be a little bit cloudier than the week has been but it’s still going to be warm but next week will be even warmer for the time being though we’ve got a few weather fronts still moving in from the West that’s going to introduce quite a lot of cloud from Western areas but also some rain through this evening for parts of Wales Northwestern England much of Scotland down into the Southwest as well through this evening and that’s going to push eastwards through the night introducing more Cloud to Central and Eastern areas by tomorrow morning now behind that it does turn much clearer across parts of Northern irand and Scotland we could see temperatures as low as 5 degrees for Northern irand but for many of us another fairly mild start the day however Sunshine is going to be slightly more limited very first thing tomorrow but for much of Scotland it should be a fairly bright start to the day they will likely see a bit more Cloud across Eastern areas of Scotland perhaps into the far Northwest as well a risk of the odd shower but for many areas Northern Ireland and Scotland a bright start to the day elsewhere across parts of Northeast England a cloudy start to the day some drizzly rain as well across Eastern areas of England but for much of Wales and the Southwest still fairly bright and that Sunshine will become a bit more widespread throughout Saturday the clouds going to break up and lift up and that will allow a few showers to break out here and there across Eastern areas of England but I think most of us should stay dry through the day on Saturday and in that Sunshine still feeling fairly warm we’ve got very high UV levels and very high pollen levels temperatures climbing towards 24° across the southeast but widely into the low 20s another warm day to come on Sunday there is a more Cloud arriving from the west through the day though so it will likely be another cloudy start this time across Wales Northwestern England and into the Southwest but once again it will brighten up as the day goes on and in that Sunshine it will feel very warm turning even warmer though Monday and into Tuesday’s temperatures climb to the mid to high 20s looks like things are heating up box boilers sponsors of weather on GB news don’t miss out on your chance to win our summer spectacular and have we got a prize for you first there’s a totally tax-free 1550 £1,000 in cash to make your summer spectacular spend that extra cash however you like you’ll also win a brand new iPhone Apple airpods and if that wasn’t enough a £500 voucher to spend at your favorite UK attraction so you can enjoy amazing days out this year for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £15,000 cash text prize to 63232 text cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message you can also enter online at only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of June please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show jub Zer we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best debate show in town Monday to Friday 6:00 till 7:00 on GB news Britain’s News Channel have the newspapers getting you down my wife didn’t divorce me that month struggling to separate the wheat from the chap I know that it’s a bit circus at the best of times well don’t worry Headliners has got you covered we’ll take the burden of reading the day’s news and if we get depressed who cares it’s an occupational hazard frankly that’s Headliners on GB news from 11:00 p.m. till midnight and the following morning 5: till 6:00 a.m. on GB news the comedy channel n just kidding Britain’s News [Music] Channel it’s 10 p.m. I’m Patrick Christies tonight very proud of our country um I’m very proud to sit um you know in front of the Union Jack is he really that patriotic sir kiss Dharma has answered GB news viewers questions we’ll have reaction from Sir gram Brady the former chair of the 1922 committee [Music] also is Nel farage right that the Tories are morally bankrupt Plus the of sectarian politics in action as four Tories sign a Hindu Manifesto and could send a very symbolic gesture to millions of people by saying that she was going to stop using those Jets I reveal which global superstar has made Chris pacam look like an absolute idiot I’ll bring you the first of tomorrow’s front pages with my press pack former BBC NV chap political correspond and John Sergeant former Apprentice star Joan aju and political commentator Alex Armstrong oh yeah and life is all about balance isn’t [Applause] it oh yeah and listen to what Nigel frage had to say about the war in Ukraine we’ve provoked this war it’s you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what but we provoke the invasion of he also has some rather interesting in words to say about our King get ready Breton here we [Music] go do you trust a man who takes the knee [Music] next good evening I’m Sophia wler in the GB Newsroom your headlines labor leader sakir stama has urged richy sunak to show some leadership amid allegations of Tory betting on the timing of the general election four people are being investigated by the gambling commission including Laura Saunders the wife of the tor’s campaign director Craig Williams another Conservative candidate has also admitted to an error of judgment after placing a bet on when the election would take place prime minister Rishi sunak says any law Breakers will be booted out of the party speaking on GB news the labor leader saki starma says it shows everything that is wrong with the Tory party and they went to him I think he should come clean and say who knew he should take immediate action against those that are being investigated to suspend his candidate if they’re my candidate I’d have had them out the door without their feet touching the ground and show some leadership on this the first instinct of some of those Tories in relation to a general election is not what’s good for the country but how quickly can I get to the book is and make myself some money I mean it tells you everything that’s wrong with 14 years of chaos and decline meanwhile Nel farage has suggested the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by expanding NATO after missing out on last night’s BBC question time leader special the reform leader has taken part in an interview with BBC’s Nick Robinson we provoked this war it’s you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what we I’m the only person in British politics that predicted would happen and of course everyone said I was a pariah for daring to suggest it George Robertson former labor cabinet minister who went on to become the Secretary General of NATO has in the last couple of weeks said the war is a direct result of EU expansion now Boris Johnson has called on sakir starma to take back his claim that Jeremy Corbin would have made a better prime minister than him sakir was facing a grilling from members of the public at last night’s BBC question time leader special in York the ex- Prime Minister Mr Johnson wrote in his Daily Mail column that saki’s original claim was utterly terrifying Mr Johnson said he must take it back going on to say you can’t back Corbin and back Ukraine at the same time in other news in Devon a school boy has been found guilty of attempted murder at exitor Crown Court the boy who can’t be named for legal reasons attacked two sleeping students and a teacher with hammers at at blundel school in Tieton the 16-year-old admitted assaulting the two boys and the housem but claimed he was sleepwalking and two women have been charged with criminal damage after just up World activists sprayed private jets with orange paint at stanstead airport 28-year-old Jennifer Kowalski and 22-year-old Cole McDonald are both due to appear at Chelmsford magistrates court tomorrow they’re alleged to have caused more than £5,000 worth of damage in the incident yesterday and for the latest story sign up to GB news alerts by scanning the QR code on your screen or go to [Music] uh and also our King as well but a little earlier GB news’s political editor Christopher hope sat down with the man hoping to prime minister in two weeks time that is of course the leader of the labor party c starma c was answering the questions that you sent in and do keep them coming because we’re going to be doing many more interviews with the other party leaders well Christopher hope asked the labor leader if he could guarantee that he would stop the small bats now be in mind this interview came just after K sta had been gazumped by another journalist you said to him what are you going to do with the BBY stockhome what are you going to do with the BBY stockhome and he couldn’t answer it so here’s what he had to say to Christopher look we want to get those numbers down nobody but nobody should be making that Journey um and the way to do that is to tackle the gangs that are running this file trade so we want to set a border security command a new command an elite command bringing together all of our police and law enforcement which will have new powers counterterrorism powers to smash these gangs I’m don’t about betting too much but will you bet me a point of beer that in year one you’ll bring down the crossings Chris betting in politics not allmore a very very bad idea it doesn’t answer the question does it it just does not answer the question then Mr sta was asked about previous comments about private healthc care and the NHS pay for Private health care to effectively jump the waiting list yes I wouldn’t I actually had an operation on my knee some years ago I waited My ATT but the idea of the prime minister of the United Kingdom who is responsible for bringing waiting list down yes then saying to the public but as far as I’m concerned I’m going to jump the to most people on a good way do afford it and pay for it if I am you know elected him to serve as prime minister my job is to bring those waiting lists down and I’m not going to at the same time say but for me I’m going to jump the queue that interesting so he’s kind of doubling down on that though there was quite a funny bit there where Christopher said to him well what about members of your cabinet then and he said well I’m not ideological about this maybe you are but anyway Mr s didn’t seem so Keen to repeat the IR Rising claim though from last night that Jeremy Corbin would have been a better prime minister than Boris Johnson last election we’ve had a very uh poor choice uh in 2019 um and what transpired was obviously jeremyc Corbin got rejected by the electorate um not the right person and we’ve expelled him now from the labor party so that’s how far we’ve changed the labor party Boris Johnson was elected as prime minister and a number of years later was booted out of parliament for breaking the rules that’s why I’ve been so determined to Chang the labor party to always say country first party second okay and there’s an interesting question here and this is one thing that I’m going to lead off on with the panel actuallyy about whether or not cir Isam is actually that patriotic okay he was asked directly whether or not he thought he was more patriotic than arel farage the very reason I came into politics is to improve our country and improve the lives of millions of people in our country very proud of our country um I’m very proud to sit um you know in front of the Union Jack I did it when I represented our country as Chief prosecutor but the passion in me um yes it is perhaps a quiet passion is to improve this country to genuinely Take It Forward I think most people in this country are reasonable tolerant Live and Let Live they want them they want to get on themselves they want their family to get on they want their Community to get on and they want their country to get on and that’s what drives me Alex if he’s not patriotic why did he take his poppy off when he was addressing the British Muslim Community well exactly Patrick he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing he’s he peels whoever he who’s in front of that’s what he does and the public aren’t stupid I mean farage made a very big point about this and he got a massive Round of Applause and did very well online as well afterwards because he’s absolutely right K self describes himself as a shy Patriot whatever that means and he’s only putting all these Union Jacks on his leaflets and on his campaign and his Manifesto because he’s trying to appeal to Tory voters and working-class people who are patriotic but we we know deep down you know that the man who backed Jeremy Corbin is not a patriot and as you said taking the poppy off when he shouldn’t have done that just to appeal to Muslim voters is completely wrong okay DNA do you think he’s patriotic uh I think he patriotic absolutely and I think that he’s kind of put his money where his where um his mouth is is that even the right phrase it is um if you look at recently what rak’s gone through coming back early in the D-Day celebrations and things like that K starm actually stuck around so I want to judge people based on their actual actions and Rich sunak has been getting away with saying that he’s a patriot for so long when he’s talking about you know immigration and when it it suits him because it knows he knows that it goes with um the line that the party uh conservative party usually use but K starma has actually done it and part of being a patriot I think is acknowledging that we live in a Multicultural Society and also acknowledging different communities I’m not saying that it’s right if he did take off um his poppy but things like taking the knee I think has been completely politicized and I understand politici it with respect man well I understand that people have problems with the black lives matter movement for certain things I disagree with certain things but really it’s about you know the gesture that he was trying to make about what is actually going on when it comes to race relations and I don’t think that he should be you know reprimanded for that who do you think is more patriotic John Nigel fra or sir I think it’s a silly question um you know people go on about are you patriotic well I mean in certain circumstances people are amazingly patriotic but the best ones I suppose don’t go on about it Dr Johnson I’m a great fan of Dr Johnson I was once president of the Johnson Society so um I st a lot of what he said and one of his famous phrases were was patriotism is the last Refuge of the scoundrel the idea that you know you go around saying well I got a Union Jack here I’m patriotic it’s just silly we all know what we like about our country people who are successful in Britain like K starma know perfectly well that whole career is based upon our system where we get on and the idea that he’s all of it I mean there was that time he was representing foreign Terror groups in a foreign no no no but yes yes yes law no lawyers lawyers have a duty no he didn’t have a duty to do it at that point actually no he didn’t have he law no hold on a moment lawyers one of their jobs it’s like being a journalist and you’re asking the right questions to people you don’t like it’s one of those things you might have to do but the idea that the the idea that hold on a moment the idea that somehow K is anti-british or something or or it is so beyond the chances compl even mean it’s as if people think you’ve got to be proactive about all right I’m just going to was it on because one of the other things that I think is becoming increasingly obvious at the moment is that K sta very rarely gives you a straight answer now earlier on in the day he was asked directly what are you going to do about the BBY stockhome barge and he was asked about that because previously members of his cabinet and said they wanted to abolish the barge they didn’t want the barge so he started by prattling on and saying well look you know the barge is the visible symbol of our borders are broken fine what are you going to do with the barge will you remove the barge couldn’t answer it at all and there he was B just a point will Bo Crossings come down in the first year of a labor government and he didn’t even take that bet what what do you take from that well I think it’s quite telling isn’t it that he can’t actually he doesn’t have a policy to address these issues ask him how he’s going to stop the boats he says smash the gangs he like you know he’s like this is nonsense kiss Arma this is absolute rubbish because there’s no actual detail on how he’s going to do it this Commando force it already exists okay so what new what’s new and they don’t have the answers but I think we all know what the answer is why they don’t have the answers Patrick is because they don’t really want to address this problem well there is but they’re not going to address it are they they don’t they don’t have any political will to do so the party the labor party itself doesn’t like the topic of immigration it never has done and it will again lean to the left when it gets into government talking about it freely why are you saying that but what policy is that Joanna what’s the policy they’re talking about um tackling the the criminal gangs and you’re saying what’s changed what’s changed is that they want to up the anti and actually get intelligence Services we’ve talked about it before on the show talk we’ve talked about the getting the intelligence Services involved which does up the ant talk about James Bond rubb going to go and fight terrorists in North Africa come what he’s saying is that the current situation that we’ve got with border Force clearly isn’t enough and he has headed organizations where he’s gone after terrorists and succeeded so if you can go after actual threats like terrorists then you can do it with the criminal so so you’re telling me you’re you you the labor party is going to send military Specialists out to go and Destroy these gang somehow with violence not necessarily send them out obviously you’ll see more of the detail when that comes out but it’s about having an actual detailed why is there no detail now J this is the general election there should be the detail where is it come on do you really think he’s going to sit on National ision and say this is what MI5 or MI6 why not that’s what the he’s going to be prime minister going to be a secret operation one thing that one thing that is happening though one thing that is happening we know it’s about to happen we revealed it on this show and it’s it’s rare that we are proved right immediately but we were actually because we had the record day the day after the French are going to be taking off the beaches because they’re going to go and police the uh Olympics um also human traffickers are now fast tracking people through Continental Europe because Europe voted to the right and some parts of it and they can pedal this fear that they’re going to get deported so you need to get to Britain now okay which is going to mean that more people are going to end up coming H and you could end up with issues like what we’ve got here is clip of the baby stockhome barge where is Karma’s labor government going to put all of the people by the way 990,000 people already on a watch list or on a waiting list I should say asum Seeker waiting list that under the current policy would never be allowed to claim asylum in this country but under labor will be allowed to claim Asylum so you’re going to need a bigger barge sakir aren’t you however we can hear from him now what would you do with the baby stock homeing the Asylum Seekers on board if you’re prime minister well the thing we need to do in relation to Asylum Seekers is to make sure that we stop people uh climbing into boats uh on the northern co would with the barge that’s M off Portland currently housing a couple of hundred Asylum Seekers what would you do that that is evidence of the failure of the government they are using barges they’re using hotels it’s costing the taxpayer an absolute would you get rid of it cannot go on like this would you get rid of the B have to the moment what’s happening is um the I must say I don’t actually immediately know to my head who that reporter was but they’ve did a Stella job there I quite enjoyed the level of sass of would you get rid of the bars yet would you get rid of the bar about the barge you know what about the bar but yeah what about the barge John that’s tricky there’s no doubt about that um no I mean there there really there’s as as very little they can say that hasn’t either been tried and already failed there are real problems about how how you can’t get better cooperation in Europe that’s one of the key points I mean goodness knows the French are now in such a shambles politically but if they could sort themselves out there might be a government in France where you could say now look hold on a moment these people who are appear to be claiming asylum in Britain have gone through your country there comes a point where it really this has got to be resolved we’re going to get record day after record day after record day in the channel this is predicted to happen I see no reason why it will that could be literally welcome into Dow Street a string of record days and then you’ve got the idea now that we have 90,000 more people on the sil and backl list he saying oh we’re going to build one and a half million new new homes when he when he becom when he becomes prime minister hold on when he becomes prime minister this is the point he will see the list of things he’s got to solve that an awful lot of them and he will realize this is not something he can do simply but the responsibility will be his that’s the well look coming up coming up coming up as at least four Tory candidates have signed the Hindu Manifesto that demands easier immigration for persons of Indian origin and Hindu priests is sectarian Politics on the rise in the UK we will debate that plus could send a very symbolic gesture to millions of people by saying that she was going to stop using those jzs I’m not sure realizes it but Chris buckham has just mugged himself off Big Time next I will be joined by the former chair of the 1920 committee sir gram Brady so that should be quite good I’ll see you [Music] soon if you want your news to be straight talking this is the nightmare for the conserv is a g down to earth it’s not just notum where this is happening is it and most importantly honest hardworking middle class taxpayers they’ll get the book thrown at them then catch me Martin dney Monday to Friday 3: to 6:00 p.m. on GB news Brit News Channel hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my sh jubes z c we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best debate show in town Monday to Friday 6: to 7:00 on GB news Britain’s News Channel every Saturday 10 till 12 we’ll bring you all of the news that you need to know we’ll also remind you that there is so much to smile about it’s my favorite time of the week I get to relax enjoy some lighthearted stories and let Ellie teach me about fashion too that’s Saturday morning live every Saturday 10 to 12 only on GB news Britain’s News Channel this is GB news Britain’s News Channel it’s the walk be with you these days not the force be with you and Star Wars you know it it was the one thing as a kid that brought me and my brother together pretty close and I love it with my all my heart but ever since Disney took it over this diversity out in inclusion has run rampant throughout it and actually we’ve had uh the actress from the latest Star Wars spin-off a series on Disney actually saying that making white people cry was actually what she wanted to do have a listen when people watch the hate you give what what do you want them to walk away with cuz I know everyone has a slightly different feeling um well I mean white people crying actually was the goal um yeah so that diversity equity and inclusion running rampant throughout Hollywood and ruining really good franchises actually ensuring apparently r2du the little robot you know that scoots about and gets on the starships and all the rest of it apparently that could be a lesbian now she’s half white this actress this is what I don’t understand she’s half Danish then half African-American I have skin in this game as you know with a mix R child nobody ever sees a Mixr child as half white they see them as black we used to say that the to focus on the color of someone skin was rampant racism and therefore we ought to reject it now we’re saying actually the potentially the only thing that we should notice about a person is the color of their skin I don’t really think she was actually wanting white people to be sobbing and it wasn’t malicious but it’s just this silly kind of ruination of something that’s meant to be entertainment and fun I wouldn’t go as far as say Star Wars as I’m not it is you know excluding people it’s actually dividing people once again by the color of their skin we are teaching people to not like each other the people’s Channel join me Neil Oliver every Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. on GB news and if an hour is not nearly enough for you go to GB for special extended episodes online every Friday at 9:00 p.m. where we can truly get into the nitty-gritty of what’s going on GB news Britain’s News [Music] Channel welcome back to Patrick Christies tonight uh coming up I’ll be bringing you tomorrow’s front pages there has been a massive intervention in this J election from JK Rowley by the way can you guess which side she’s come down on GB news though did hold its first vote 2024 the leader interview with cir starma um I’m just going to remind you of one of the things he said which is about working people and whether or not he’d lift income tax thresholds working people are people who work for living they pay their National Insurance they pay their income tax now that will be many millions of people who don’t have very much in savings it now would actually cover quite a lot of people who do have savings income tax threshold will you lift them the T say they’ll lift them after 2028 and stop nurses and teachers paying a higher rate of tax will you do the same well I do want to bring those taxes down but I’m not going to make promises um that are unfunded well I’m very pleased to say I’m joined Now by Sir gr and Brady so gr we’ve got quite a lot to get to you tonight but I will start with that thank you for joining us down the line do you think it’s fair for the conservatives to be warning about Labor’s tax issues when we have had the highest tax burdens is World War II yes I think it is and I think it’s important that we warn about it uh I think we also have to recognize uh we have overseen a period of a significant rise in taxation and that’s been very largely because of some big external shocks uh but also uh as you will know Patrick I was very strongly opposed to the extreme covid lockdown policy I think that was a huge mistake it cost the country a vast amount of money but we should also be pointing out that whatever it cost the country when Boris Johnson locked down repeatedly Karma always wanted to lock down sooner for longer and more strongly and the country would be in a massively worse position had K starma been responsible for policy through that period so there are reasons why we’ve got the public finances in the state they are at the moment uh there are debates we can have about how we got there whether we should have been in the same place uh but it’s also very very obvious that the labor party and K sta would have made it worse so do you think sir stor is lying then when he says that you know taxes certain taxes they’re not going to go up for working people do do you think he is actually just lying I think he’s being very uh selective in his choice of words and his definitions and it was quite interesting I thought the way he defined working people and I’m old enough to have got him involed in the conservative party when Margaret Thatcher was leader the great uh thing about the Thatcher Revolution that was going on was that she understood that it actually a point of principle uh that people should get to keep more of the money that they earn and that should be a driving force and it’s not about picking particular segments of the population it should be something we all want to do for everybody uh to make sure that they don’t end up paying more than half of what they earn in tax which so people now do and you know interesting I’m Deputy chairman of the center for policy studies we did some polling a few years ago and it came out with very very strong evidence the whole of the British public uh whatever their income level whatever their age there’s a very strong feeling the state shouldn’t be taking more than half of what you earn however wealthy you are and you know it’s just a b basic fairness I think that people respond to yeah I think that’s that’s quite hard to disagree with that when it comes to the the amount of tax that people could be paying um look so when it comes uh to a scandal that I must say is bizarrely embroiled the conservative party is that is a a betting Scandal all right so Nigel farage is well he said that you’re morally bankrupt not you person they put the party suggesting that you’re like a dodgy tenant who when he knows he’s being evicted takes the light bulb and the toilet seat with him how do you respond to that I’ve Migel for a long time and he’s got a very good uh creative turn of phrase certainly but uh I I mean I I I don’t know the detail of all of the people who’ve been embroiled and bets on the general election the only one of them I know reasonably well is Craig Williams the prime minister’s PPS up until the election and you know I think he’s he’s admitted he made an error of judgment I I think perversely actually the the thing is that I suspect he wouldn’t have done it if he knew the DAT of the general election I think that he would have seen some things going on he would have thought oh lots of people talking about the Autumn uh and he thought oh yeah I’m not so sure so you know of course he bet on a July election not on a Fourth of July election and you know I didn’t know the date of the election I thought it was going to be in the Autumn I’d been advising that it should be in November or October and then didn’t know until uh about four hours before it was announced that it was going to be the the 4th of July um but obviously if if you knew the date of the election it would be very very seriously wrong to place a bet on it uh I think if you just think well I haven’t been told I don’t know uh it was an error of judgment uh and of course you know I think from memory I think Craig put 100 quid on at 5 to one you know I think that I think that’s one one of the more bizarre aspects to it actually which is that you know it doesn’t pay the mortgage off does it the kind of amounts that were being bet which I find all the more astonishing maybe for for it actually happening at all obviously will’ll have to wait and see the full outcome of any investigation but um it’s been revealed today though by GB news reporter Charlie Peters that apparently several Tory candidates have signed a Hindu Manifesto that campaigns for looser immigration rules for elderly Hindus and religious workers the manifesto calls For Those who commit microaggressions against Hindus to face specific prosecutions an anti-hindu hate or Hindu phobia apparently um is this not a rise or an acceptance of sectarian politics you I think we’ve been a candidate seven times and been elected seven times you get as a candidate a huge amount of stuff sent to you by different interest groups I I think you need to be pretty careful about what you sign up to and what you commit to uh and sometimes people make mistakes I haven’t seen the Hindu Manifesto uh but I think uh it is something you should be very cautious about especially if you’re making commitments that seem as though they might apply to some people and and not others and uh certainly I think there can be a very strong case for saying that people uh might want to bring elderly relatives into the country especially if they’re able to provide for them and pro provide for their health care and their care and later life uh but obviously that should apply regardless of what your relit is uh I I think the the other point that I picked up I think listening to earlier report on it uh was that it applied to Hindu priests and you I thought that might be a perfectly reasonable point I don’t know what the number of Hindu priests in the country is at the moment and uh how many more might be wanted to uh minister to the Hindu popul I think I think if I’m if I’m being completely fair if I was sitting here now and uh for members of the labor party had signed up openly to um you a Muslim group’s demands uh I think I think I think you we we we would probably be hammering them for that a bit and I I do wonder whether or not you think it is acceptable for conservative MP seriously to to be doing that kind of thing what I said is I think it’s a good idea to be even handed and you know if you’re going to say this for Hindu people you’ve got to say it for Muslim people youve got to say it for Jewish people you got to say it for any other race or or religion that has a significant population here and you know I think um as long as people people have an even-handed position then that’s fine they can be judged on the on that position and whether it’s consistent with other things they’re saying uh such as the need to control numbers coming into the country well that’s that’s exactly it because the implication is if you say if you are if you play that out to his natural conclusion which is you’re consistent to every religion then presumably the policy is more immigration but finally though the word on the street I’m not entirely sure exactly which street but the word on the street is that Dane pretty Patel could be in the front row to replace rishy sunak if indeed rishy sunak does lose the election you the shackles are off from you now so Graeme you can rest easy I believe that you’re uh you’ve got a lot of things planned after you’re you’re uh you’re moving on from a long and esteemed political career so come on then should pry Bell take over from Ry well prin is an old friend and you know I’m delighted to see that she’s uh in any contest that’s great uh there may be other great people I much hope that Richie is going to win and you one of the things I I would stress the time I’ve spent out here in alham on the doorstep with our excellent candidate Oliver Carroll uh we’re getting a good reaction it’s certainly not consistent with the polls and I’m hearing that from a lot of other people so I’m more positive than the media and the the the people reading the polls uh would be um but if we do end up with the leadership election I think it’s great we’re going to have a good choice of candidates pretty certainly would be amongst them it’s a he’s a master at the you can see why you you were in the game for so long so gram so all right well would she be your favorite though who else might be in the in the rally my favorite I didn’t get that but but I am being told that we are out of time but look anyway and also say hello to the people of alri for me as well because I’m from near that neck of the woods originally so take care that’s so great Brady there thank you very very much um all right now coming up um yes we were mentioning it a bit there were we saying the Hindu Manifesto lightly inspired by the Muslim vote as well should we be more concerned about the rise of sectarian politics we’re going to be having a little chat about whether or not multiculturism really is working in Britain plus uh yes life is all about balance isn’t [Applause] it but next I’ll bring you the very first look at tomorrow’s newspaper from pages and there has been an astonishing intervention from none other than JK ring s [Music] good evening welcome to your latest GB news weather update from the Met Office this weekend will be a little bit cloudier than the week has been but it’s still going to be warm but next week will be even warmer for the time being though we’ve got a few weather fronts still moving in from the West that’s going to introduce quite a lot of cloud from Western areas but also some rain through this evening for parts of Wales Northwestern England much of Scotland down into the Southwest as well through this evening and that’s going to push eastwards through the night introducing more Cloud to Central and Eastern areas by tomorrow morning now behind that it does turn much clearer across parts of Northern Ireland and Scotland we could see temperatures as low as 5 degrees for Northern irand but for many of us another fairly mild start to the day however Sunshine is going to be slightly more limited very first thing tomorrow but for much of Scotland it should be a fairly bright start to the day they will likely see a bit more Cloud across Eastern areas of Scotland perhaps into the far Northwest as well a risk of the odd shower but for many areas nor Island and Scotland a bright start to the day elsewhere across parts of Northeast England a cloudy start to the day some drizzly rain as well across Eastern areas of England but for much of Wales and the Southwest still fairly bright and that Sunshine will become a bit more widespread throughout Saturday the clouds going to break up and lift up and that will allow a few showers to break out here and there across Eastern areas of England but I think most of us should stay dry through the day on Saturday and in that Sunshine still feeling fairly warm we’ve got very high UV levels and very high pollen levels temperatures climbing towards 24° across the southeast but widely into the low 20s another warm day to come on Sunday there is a more Cloud arriving from the west through the day though so it will likely be another cloudy start this time across Wales Northwestern England and into the Southwest but once again it will brighten up as the day goes on and in that Sunshine it will feel very warm turning even warmer though Monday and into Tuesdays temperatures climb to the mid to high 20s in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK GB news brings you accurate reporting of the day’s topical agenda when the news breaks wherever and whenever it’s happening we’ll be there this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I’m Nana aquer this is GB news Britain’s News Channel join me Neil Oliver every Sunday night at 600 p.m. on GB news and if an hour is not nearly enough for you go to GB newws docomo extended episodes online every Friday at 9:00 p.m. where we can truly get into the nitty-gritty of what’s going on GB news Britain’s News Channel I’m Emily Carver this is GB news Britain’s News Channel [Music] welcome back to Patrick Christie tonight and it is time to bring you tomorrow’s front pages which I have right here so let’s do [Music] it there are some really good ones here uh that is the Daily Mail uh which is farage the West provoked Putin um they’ve also got a lovely snap there of Kate’s magical holiday picture things are getting better it’s William in the kids let’s move it on so we’ve got uh I’m just going to tell you what’s on the front of the times actually uh because this is this is the big one that we’re going to be discussing JK Rowling has intervened now in this election she said that labor has turned its back on women and they’ve splashed with it on the front the author says that she would struggle to vote for starma doesn’t trust his judgment I’ll tweet you a little bit about this because we’re going to be dwelling on it anyway but um she says as long as labor remains dismissive and often offensive towards women fighting to retain the rights their foremothers thought were one for all time I’ll struggle to support them the women um who wouldn’t be quiet didn’t leave labor um labor abandoned them she’s saying I mean there’s strong stuff in here there a massive intervention from JK ring that to be honest with you a couple of weeks ago in this general election campaign we’ll go into that in a bit more details we’s on to another couple of the papers though for now so um I’ve got here a copy of the mirror which is Steven Killer’s Freedom bid Steven Lawrence killer David Norris is applied to be free as his minimum 14-year term has ended I’m going to go to the I National Trust challenges UK leaders to save Britain’s Rivers uh nation’s biggest conservation charity signs up to the eyes Manifesto It’s quite self-important isn’t it for a newspaper to publish his own Manifesto all right okay I’m going to whiz you over to my panel now I’ve obviously got John Sergeant I’ve got Joan jaru uh as well Alex Armstrong um I as a woman I’ll start with you J what do you make of JK Rowling accusing K stor of abandoning women as and saying I’m just trying to find other quotes here from her in all of this really um talking about how um uh that he doesn’t know whether a woman’s got a you know got a penis or not talking about Rosie Duffield who was a labor MP who was absolutely hammered really over this and Rosie has received literally no support from starma Over the threats and abuse some of which originated from within the labor party itself and has had a severe measurable impact on her life what do you think of JK Rowling’s intervention well I JK rling obviously has been so vocal about this for so long and she’s going to take this as a big opportunity obviously she’s on the front page for a reason and but I think that going you know um going against K armor on this is is slightly unfair and I think that he actually explained his standpoint a bit um on question time the other day when he said that what he disagreed with was the way that um Rosie Duffield actually the remarks that she actually made because it’s quite dangerous to say certain things and we’ve got to kind of acknowledge especially when we’re talking about these as politicians to respect I’m not entirely sure of the figure on this but I I it seems to be ringing a bell to me that about 52 or 54% of the British population I think are female I think that’s about right will to willing to be shouted down on that either way it’s a huge voter base and if JK ring splashed all over the front of the times tomorrow morning it lands on doorsteps all around the country there are a lot of women who feel like this yeah but we’ve got five years of this haven’t we so we’ve got five years to look forward to of of K starm and the labor party tearing themselves apart on whether they agree a man is a man and a woman is a woman it’s totally Bonkers uh the treatment of Rosie duffi by the labor party is is abysmal so has not received any support even after reaching out to K starma she received no support which says a lot about his character um this is a man who who you know Styles himself as changing the labor party but he’s only changed it where he feels it matters and he’s only changed his opinion on whether a man is a man and a woman as a woman because Tony Blair’s changed his opinion it’s quite telling isn’t it it’s quite telling of course it is how big how how damaging is this for so sty you’ve got probably the most famous author in the world I think saying that he’s got poor judgment no I think I mean obviously he he won’t be pleased with that I think the the trans R I think we’ve now I think we have now past Peak trans I think there there was a time just seem to be rowing about all the time and it got absolutely nowhere we’re now back to where we thought we were which is that there are men and men and women and women and some people feel uncomfortable with the gender they’re in really that has now been pretty well wait a minute that has now pretty well been agreed and for most people yeah it has joh can I just intervene because this is important I will come back you you think nobody agrees with that well well no lab labor have said I agree I agree with yeah I agree with you I agree with youna doesn’t she doesn’t not a complete I’ve not had a brain transplant and change one thing I’m trying to say is that under labor now they’re going to make it easier for people over the age of 18 so it’s not kids we talking about over the age of 18 to legally change their gender which will mean more men in women’s changing rooms John and that’s an issue well you know that’s a pessimistic view I take a more optimistic View and a feeling that this crazy that’s not pessimistic that’s bon no but this crazy argument which has gone on for now for a couple of two or three years I hope is now just dying down overnight thing and I think some people have loved so enjoyed it and got so entrenched in the argument they can’t imagine just thinking about other things but it’s just not one of those arguments that you will you’ll end up with the Blair position the position that you have Patrick position I have and I think anex said I’m not very much so yeah look go on so just one four more before we get to B farage I mean I I can see this having quite a big impact on the female vote Alex do you think it would yeah look I mean she has been a feminist a women’s rights campaigner for a very very long time and she’s traditionally been very vocal about her support for the labor party so so a lot of people and a lot of women who follow her across the country are going to be looking at their vote going actually you know she’s someone I listen to she’s someone who campaigns have that much impact I don’t think it’ll have that much of an impact because you can be a feminist and also be protrans so I don’t think that it’s oh if you’re just a feminist and if you come from that camp you’re going to believe in whatever JK Rowling says okay all right now on to reform UK because Nigel farage was grilled uh by Nick Robinson earlier on H and he was asked this question about his sons on Putin okay let’s have a listen we’ve provoked this war it’s you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what we Prov the invasion of and very interestingly once again 10 years ago when I predicted this by the way I’m the only person in British politics that predicted what would happen and of course everyone said I was a pariah for daring to suggest it George Robertson former labor cabinet minister who went on to become the Secretary General of NATO has in the last couple of weeks said the war is a direct result of EU expansion is that an outrageous thing to say no he is absolutely right and I want to be really clear about this because there’s people online who will call me a Putin sympathizer call farage Putin sympathizer because the headline has been taken out of context by what the BBC and others and the Daily Mail are doing today of course they’re attacking farage look this is not unprecedented when when the when the missiles arrived in Cuba in the Cuban Missile Crisis America very quickly Rose to arms and said we’re going to go to war if you don’t get those these missiles out the way and this is what’s been happening NATO has been moving closer towards Russia NATO’s purpose is to deter a war not start one and they do know but by moving closer putting nuclear weapons closer to Russia they’re going to provoke them you disagree I believe yeah know I completely disagree I that’s as usual this is an attempt B Alex I’m afraid to rewrite history what Putin was hoping to do if you remember was very quickly to overcome the government in Kiev and go back to the old position of the Cold War and this was going to be why did he want that buff no why because that was that was Putin’s life as early on I made this point early on so I mustn’t repeat myself but he he likes to live in the in the feeling that we have this great influence we have a a repeat of the Russian Empire that’s what he was about but also he thought he would do it easily so the idea that he sort of he wanted this war he he he was provoked into a war he wasn’t even doing that himself just really really quickly make this point really quickly farage isn’t saying that Putin didn’t start the war he’s very clear that he says Putin did start the war and he’s mean we have to he can Putin’s using the cover Putin is using this as cover for the war for his own people tot antagonize go sorry I actually agree with both of you so um I do agree with Alex that you know NATO was supposed to be there as a defense mechanism and it seems as if if you’re going to go go closer and closer than it looks like you’re trying to attack but at the same time we have to take into account historical context of what Russia has been doing in Ukrainian territory for years and years and years and even if we go back to the annexation of Crimea it almost seems as if they’re just chipping away at Ukraine until they can actually get whatever they you know Putin I think would be satisfied with by the end of this year you know um taking over half of what the current Ukrainian and then leaving it at that then in the next 50 years taking a bit more and I don’t think you’re wrong but don’t take out don’t take for comments out of context that’s a really important thing and that’s what the mainstream media are trying to do to attack him all right lovely stuff okay well done everybody now coming up Chris packam you know off of the environment makes a private jet plea to a global Superstar could send a very symbolic gesture to millions of people by saying that she was going to stop using those Jets stay tuned to find how badly he has managed to mug himself off as patri chrisy tonight I’ll see you in a sec [Music] Nana aquer weekends from 300 p.m. theaters and drama schools are being offered plus-size inclusivity training come on seriously is this really a thing in order to tackle fat phobia to apparently make the theater more inclusive for bigger bodies A lady called Ruth and Phillips who is a plus-size theater director she’s behind the drive now apparently her own research so it’s not exactly independent showed that nine out of 10 respondents should have training on size inclusion Ruth is also the co-founder of inclusion Collective which is an organization that provides training and creative well-being body positivity and inclusive movement her website contains resources on fat activism advocacy for the rights and dignity of fat people combating discrimination and the body conscious scale this is actually about health Ruth is conflating the two Professor K sakora consultant oncologist just said normalizing obesity has become fashionable in advertising and the media simply to sell stuff but it’s got nothing to do with celebrating diversity nobody needs to be fat it’s like encouraging risky behaviors such as smoking driving after a boo up or lying like a lobster on the beach in the Sun a balanced startart and lots of exercise are the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle he went on to say how could anybody POS possibly justify these projects plus size inclusivity training please bring back common sense well exactly I’m for equal opportunity and for giving people credit based on Merit and what they bring to the table even if it is food only joking that’s where the way to my heart is through my gut I’m looking for a man that can cook but in truth being OB bees can be dangerous and while I absolutely agree you should love what God gave you obesity is the biggest killer and costs the Health Service of Fortune people come in all shapes and sizes and it’s a wonderful thing but to complate body positivity with obesity is very dangerous the people’s Channel welcome back to Patrick Christie tonight I’ve got some more front pages for you so we start with the Daily Telegraph starma will reverse brexit says Camy badok uh farage’s lying the West provoked Russia into um attacking Ukraine but on that C bad not one Minister has urged Tory voters to stick with the party despite frustrating past few years The Daily Express wonderful help has gifted me an extra special birthday beloved day Master Ranson today Shear has the joy of her 84th birthday that she never expected to see of course there was all the um she helped to kickart an assisted dying discussion in this country which I must say well we’re going to G after this election because both sunak and starm are Keen to have a vote on it and I think that that vote will probably pass free vote yeah so let’s go to the guardian 300 million NHS patient records stolen by Russian hackers uh National Crime agency consider ing striking back as be nice if they did actually wouldn’t it what are you considering yeah yeah new no don’t so John and I can’t be laughing each other’s company like you know the world will be over in seconds all right okay those are your front pages I have obviously got my wonderful panel with me as well this evening but I wanted to play you a clip from TV presenter and conservationist Chris packam he’s probably well acquainted with swift but he’s chasing of a different kind of Swift at the moment Taylor in a decision hilariously lacking in selfawareness Chris has decided to contact Taylor Swift the the global Mega star that is Taylor Swift to ask her to stop using her private jet enormous capacity to communicate a very powerful intelligent young woman she should be using that platform to lead and and certainly not behaving as a rockar of yester year uh traveling around the world in private jets and I think that she’s got to show that Legion of adoring young fans that she cares about their future she could send a very symbolic gesture to millions of people by saying that she was going to stop using those Jets so has she responded to you she hasn’t Kate do you have any idea who you are yeah no Kate no she doesn’t know no she’s seen your message cu no no she hasn’t seen your message right onto another hilarious England fan moment those supporters in Frankfurt have gone viral after they invented a new sport at the expense of a mate who was a little worse for where [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no there you go and that was before he watched G southgate’s terrible football but good news is the fan is alive he’s well and he’s back on the beers look at him there he is today Welling son yes the very best of us now sville today’s greatest bris Union [Music] jackass John I will start with you please my good man who is your greatest Britain well it’s no it follows straight on this is uh an honory award I’m giving tonight and it goes to Taylor Swift why because she’s just obviously good fun uh she doesn’t do she she her plane wasn’t at Stan in anyway she doesn’t use the plane when she she’s worried about security so I just think it’s time to say Well done ha she’s given 300 million to the uh economy in London alone she’s here for eight performances the kids love her what’s wrong with that yeah I didn’t have you down as a Swifty John just about to say I’m moving that Wayne that definitely was not on my bingo card um my greatest Britain is Virginia Hislop 105y old and this is honorary by the way 105y old um who received her master’s degree from Stanford Graduate School after beginning her journey there over 80 years ago Absolut oh bless her oh these are great these are very aome let’s drug into the gutter well my greatest friend is a good one today I think I beat John to it this week it’s prince prince Willie the Prince of Wales of course it’s his birthday I think he’s 41 is it 41 or 42 I can’t remember but he’s got he’s he’s got a lot a lot on the last year or so his dad and his of course the Princess of Wales so I mean you know big big birthday celebration for him well done all right okay I could have chosen any of those we did earlier in the week have uh Have a Prince William I’ve gone for Taylor Swift I’ve main because I would never stop hearing about it at home if I absolutely right who’s your Union Jack as well it’s it’s pretty boring really but it’s terrible story uh it’s this the police chief you know who who wore all these medals that he didn’t belong and what is extraordinary is that the whole procedure goes through the the the the panel sits the tribunal decides he doesn’t even turn up at the end of it why shouldn’t he have just resigned the moment it was perfectly obvious it was brought the the action was brought by his wife his ex-wife is an extra crazy you know it’s uh a woman scorned mine is the Hall of the UK no it’s the UK work ethic I’m only joking um so because there’s only one British applicant out of 200 um and I just find that really ridiculous really to say that everybody’s always kind of complaining about migrants taking their jobs one thing actually there was a viral clip where somebody was saying all the immigrants taking my job why don’t you have a job I’ve got a criminal record see that I did see that I did see that right very quick sorry I’m taking down a National Treasure unfortunately it’s name Judy Dench today she is joining Extinction Rebellion ahead of the election to protect help protect the nature it’s totally Bonkers I don’t know what she’s thinking it really is absolute nonsense all right lovely Stu today’s winner of the Union jackass is Nick ad who is the police chief who War well what am I say fake War medals is that right F you should never have even had and weren’t even they were real but shouldn’t be wer all right fantastic well look can I just say a massive thank you to everybody thank you thank you thank you thank you to everybody who’s been watching and listening at home I will be with you again on Monday Headliners are up next I hope you have a fantastic weekend Everybody Take [Music] Care a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good evening welcome to your latest GB news weather update from the Met Office this weekend will be a little bit cloudier than the week has been but it’s still going to be warm but next week will be even warmer for the time being though we’ve got a few weather front still moving in from the West that’s going to introduce quite a lot of cloud from Western areas but also some rain through this evening for parts of Wales Northwestern England much of Scotland down into the Southwest as well through this evening and that’s going to push eastwards through the night introducing more Cloud to Central and Eastern areas by tomorrow morning now behind that it does turn much clearer across parts of Northern Ireland and Scotland we could see temperatures as low as 5 degrees for Northern Island but for many of us another fairly mild start to the day however Sunshine is going to be slightly more limited very first thing tomorrow but for much of Scotland it should be a fairly bright start to the day they will likely see a bit more Cloud across Eastern areas of Scotland perhaps into the far Northwest as well a risk of the odd shower but for many areas Northern Ireland and Scotland a bright start to the day elsewhere across parts of Northeast England a cloudy start to the day some drizzly rain as well across Eastern areas of England but for much of Wales and the Southwest still fairly bright and that Sunshine will become a bit more wide spread throughout Saturday the clouds going to break up and lift up and that will allow a few showers to break out here and there across Eastern areas of England but I think most of us should stay dry through the day on Saturday and in that Sunshine still feeling fairly warm we’ve got very high UV levels and very high pollen levels temperatures climbing towards 24 Dees across the southeast but widely into the low 20s another warm day to come on sun there’s still time to win our summer spectacular with an incredible Trio of treats and you could win them first there’s a fabulous £15,000 in tax-free cash to ensure this summer is special what would you spend that on next you’ll also receive the latest iPhone 15 and a set of apple airpods and finally £500 to spend at your favorite UK attaction for another chance to win the iPhone treats and 15,000 cash Tex prize to 63232 Tex Cost £2 Plus One standard Network rate message you can also enter online at GB newws win entries cost too quick or post your name and number to GB 06 P box 8690 derby D1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of June please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck this is GB news Britain’s news Channel plenty of mixes plenty of lovely gin um what have you got here for us just explain what you’ve brought in so today I’m going to be presenting the cwos dry gin and The cwos Wildflower gin so the first uh the first one that was uh introduced into our Market was the CWS dry gin now um we have nine types different types of Botanicals we introduce into the into our pot still we introduce um well obviously juniper berries cuz it’s a Landon dry uh Angelica roots and coriander SE giving it that little limey flavor also um cardamon seeds then um black pepper corn giving it the little spice and then the part that is more interesting that regards to the pouring we have the grapefruit peel and the lime peel we’re going to start with the cot sauce dry okay so the first one introduced so Ellie was taking the mick out of me this morning cuz I said my favorite gin was uh what is it pink lemonade you like a pink gin and lemonade yes you called me I’m going to say what you said you said that’s a bit girly gir as you see it turned into cloudy those are the the oils of the spices because we don’t filter it it’s our gin is completely unfiltered okay I love this it’s 1152 as early cheers cheers and would you have any this sounds very juvenile would you have any snacks with Jin or does it ruin it olives ah you your cult it it depends on how

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