This is the first part of the second day of the journey. I was captivated by Avignon’s beauty so I decided to share it with you. This format is brand new to me, I hope you enjoyed it!

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    [Applause] but hello as I promised in my last video I’m going to show you around theion today but also later on I’m going to talk about how you too can become a super cyclist like me I’m going to share with you some of my secrets now without further Ado R the intro to Paris by [Music] bike giant golden statue speed [Music] just woke [Music] up I’m at the Windmill from yesterday but I just came here so I can show you some of these things now look at this man look at this book or look at this barel it’s even broken that’s so cool and no one told me now look at this look at this Turtle oh look at this so to be honest with you before going into Aion I hadn’t done much much research now that I’m in Sofia I’ve done my research and I also have this microphone so what we’re going to do is a voice over tour with clips that I’ve taken from on top of my bike and uh also I’ll try and give you a small history lesson into uh the Western Schism of the Catholic church that has played a big role in the development of Aion so here’s some more of these cool Stone bench things that I like [Music] and here’s what the street looks like honestly uh it has this uh medieval feel to it that just gets me [Music] going the walls that go around the whole city I was so stoked to enter through that small entrance on the first day I like these steps cuz they were so worn out [Music] the [Music] I saw that this church was open so I went inside they were reading Genesis 2 I sat down and I listened [Music] and the Holy Spirit over looking everything [Applause] okay we’re back on the street so right along with me and let’s talk about why a is the way that it is right now my historical lesson begins now well big reason is that Aon was under direct Pap rule for about 500 years and uh that’s because the Vatican used to be much bigger and much more influential than what it is today and uh it played a big role in European politics at that time and uh in the year 1300 the popes had some disagreements with the French King and so in the beginning of the 14th century we had one Pope that was abducted beaten he was released but uh then he died a month later and then the next Pope died 8 months after taking up the post and then after that we had Clement V that was a Frenchman who decided to move the papal Throne to Aenon and after Clement V the next six popes were all Frenchmen so from 1307 to 1377 um the pope resided in Aion after that uh the Italians were not happy with uh of course the situations the situation so uh they started to revolt and the clergy was forced to uh place an Italian Pope but some of the clergy was not happy with that decision so they decided that they’re going to choose a new pope for themselves and they’re going to continue the Aon papacy uh so that’s how we ended up with two popes one in Aenon and one in Rome and that lasted for about 30 years now that lasted until 1409 when the two popes were supposed to meet uh and work this out they were supposed to both resign and choose a new pope and they were supposed to meet that pizza but uh to that meeting none of them showed up and of course a new pope was also chosen so now we’re in situations with with three popes and that situation lasted for another eight years uh after which the two Italian popes finally decided to unite and meet and they excommunicated the Aenon Pope after which they resigned and chose a new pope and that’s how the Catholic church was reconciled end of lesson uh and as you can see here I’m a little bit lost but I just guess that if I go through this parking lot and I just go up up up I’ll reach the destination I’ll reach the main attraction so here’s me going up through the parking lot and then out on the stairs and and there it is here’s the papal Palace it’s beautiful a little asymmetrical but remember this thing was built in only 20 years in the 14th century so it’s better in real life than uh than on pictures I I didn’t think it would be that impressive and uh you can enter inside but there I’m going to skip out on this for now and uh I’ll come back for sure so here I am at the notam Avenue when they say notam that refers to Mary immediately what stands out about this uh Cathedral is the giant golden statue of Mary you also have statue of Christ it’s beautiful as you can see the P the paper Palace and also some other beautiful buildings of you have you also have a view of the the home River somewhere over there is the pond Avenue and uh honestly tell me what you guys think about this statue of Mary is this idolatry to you I don’t know Catholics Catholics make a pretty good case for it not being idolatry at least to my years [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah so Vatican uh flags all over the place no more of this the Pope’s supposed to be in France business it’s beautiful church but the front is more impressive than the inside and here’s the not down from behind here’s some footage from the park directly next to the cathedral my favorite town in France and there isn’t even any competition really look at this there’s another Fortress way over there there’s the river and uh let me show you no over here you can see the pond Aven here’s a pond with a fountain that I really liked there it was getting kind of late so I just went and got some Afghan food and after that was finished I just uh left the city and I went to see the pond Deon it was pretty I was wondering why it’s so famous but I think that the combination of Aon it’s aesthetically pleasing and the song those three just make it make for a viral Bridge you know one last look at the city walls before I leave for my next Voyage to Valance I’ll try and upload that video for you this week well I love love you and goodbye AV is the best the best


    1. This is only the first part of the second episode. Due to technical limitations the editing process has been slower then expected. The second part will be coming out sometime later in the week.

    2. This video made me want visit Avignon.
      Also, we can see your improvement in every video. Keep pushing.
      And about Mary – Yesterday I discussed this with a catholic (and last week with a priest ) and they are saying that we have evidences in the Bible that we are going to be conscious in heaven and that is why you can ask saints and Mary to pray for you so you can understand better the Word of God. It’s quite a good point knowing that she is however the mother of God.

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