
    This stream is created with #comedy

    for for [Applause] for that welcome back welcome back to YouTube apparently I have said um uh something negative about minority groups so I will not do that in the future I will not talk about about them at all in the future because maybe they will get their feelings hurt I don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings anyways you know the deal don’t donate to me today and uh no media today and I see if I can bicycle to the camping site now I’m very very delayed very delayed I really have to speed up as fast as I can I’m looking for my app I cannot find it Kut Kut K yeah see it was in the middle so you so you miss it follow this wave for 1.10 ft longdistance cycleway head Southeast to follow the tour [ __ ] there we go I hope this this will work very [ __ ] de depressing annoying day today because I have to fix all this with YouTube YouTube never works always problems with them this so annoying I wonder if they all have blue hair at the office at YouTube’s office blue hair and the men are long-haired hippies take the next right take the next right now turn right now turn right follow this way for 076 follow this way for 0.76 miles YouTube is so gay I can’t believe it why why are they so gay it’s unnecessary for [Music] message there we go up [Music] in 500 ft keep right at the four then in 700 ft go straight keep right at the FL then 700 ft go straight 300 ft keep right of the for then in 550 ft go straight in 190 ft keep right at the four then in 400 ft go straight in 120 ft keep right on a long distance cycleway then in 250 ft go straight [Music] at this intersection go straight onto Ali mwag follow this wave for 062 Miles yes Americans who won the war Americans who won the second world war yes it was the Yankees oh do land do land is this the right way or the wrong way this is the right way Fantastical amazing it is the right way yes let take a picture I will be world famous on kamut Kut what kind of name is that Kut [ __ ] [Music] yeah are Hanover Hanover we are but we are leaving we leaving hanova leaving leaving h leaving leav no because uh because I have been practicing for many years to set up my camera uh so now I finally finally after 10 years I found out a way uh very cheap way to mount a camera on my bicycle so it doesn’t shake at all and that’s why my camera is not shaking very much thank you that’s why my camera is not shaking very much thank you my camera is Shing thank you this is [Music] why I am here in 300 ft go straight and continue on long distance cycle away then in 550 ft turn right onto long distance cway then in 500 ft turn right on to longdistance Cycle Way at this intersection go straight on a long distance like away [Music] see I have to can you see it ah in 160 ft turn right and continue on long distance cycleway then in 350 ft turn left onto V Aller we in 90 ft turn right onto long distance cycleway then in 160 ft turn left onto V all damn I took the wrong way that was not good follow this way for 600 ft that was not good that was wrong way oh my God in 450 ft keep left at the four in 110 ft keep left on to V Aller weed in 110 ft keep left onto beer saor W uh if it that if if it’s that you um uh what’s your name uh you idiot who reported me to the Danish to where I was living if if that is K fron hen in 250 ft at the intersection turn left onto long distance Cycle Way in 250 F of the intersection turn left the long CLE in 250 the inter this intersection turn left on the long distance cycleway this intersection turn left long inter just in take away [Music] come bring beers here at suit snail suit snail and there’s a big lake there’s a big lake and train station and everything now you can just bring be just just like we did in prison when I was in prison that they come and deliver beer to us on the highway because we were we were working in the fields with the cows and the grass yeah I have to go straight ahead on on this road here long long long time look at that bus over there that that looks really funny oh my God what kind of bus is that [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] all come oh oh I I have to follow this way a long long time that’s good Straight Ahead yes that’s what we like straight ahead roads they are the best okay so now I can read the chat uh can someone ban Jonathan pricing for being a negative person we don’t like negative people they can uh go suck off somewhere else not me thank you very much you don’t know how [ __ ] many problems I have with this streaming it’s not easy in [Music] it’s a long way to H this H thishe long long way to hildesheim City we need to H thishe City in 400 ft at the intersection go straight onto proo stasa in 400 fet in the intersection go straight onto through maybe 40 kilm I I don’t think maybe 25 oh did I make a mistake here [ __ ] oh did I make a mistake here how could how could I make a mistake here can I make a mistake here oh my God I did make a mistake oh how can I be so stupid oh my God I should have turned left here I how could I be so stupid no that was ridiculously stupid of me but I did didn’t know I had to turn left so now I have to turn right up there you’re traveling in the wrong direction take a look at the map whoa how can this be wrong too oh my God you left the tour automatic replanting is turned off take a look at the map the tour is 170 ft behind you no it was that way oh my God it was the correct way it was that way no what am I doing oh my God no no the t is now ahead of you prepare to turn left why it was the right way oh my God I can’t believe it you are back on the tour navigation will now continue that was insanly bad [Music] bicycling aage speed 8.2 M hour it was this way though I can’t believe it I cannot believe it okay now I have to look at the map and not the chat take the next left then turn right now turn left then turn right that was sweet lenhof follow this way for 850 ft oh look at this big church oh my God in 450 ft turn right onto weer stasa now turn right onto Leber straw follow this way for 1.93 miles yes okay good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] minut I have to fix my my sleeping bag it’s falling out completely flying down everything else is is sitting all right I need some water sauce soon all my healths will run out and I will die so where can I get water from I am I am going to Twitch con next Friday have to Bicycle all the way to water dam is 276 miles and right now I’m actually going in the war Direction I’m actually not going anywhere near ham if you donate then just let me know because then I have to replay it because it’s not there’s no sound on your donations okay well it’s just straight ahead now for a long long time yes I can s bicycle time to ice beside in America yes you are you are very very intelligent person yes I just take a water bicycle and then I cross the Atlantic Ocean on a water bicycle yes yes good idea you’re so intelligent oh it’s [ __ ] we in now [ __ ] I think I have to go in there I go in there God damn it’s raining how I just a little little water water on my penis I don’t have to I didn’t have her to talk to me anyways it’s just an NPC nonperson player non non-player character non-player character in this game called in real life it’s very realistic game I must say the graphics Graphics is absolutely amazing 10 out of 10 Graphics it’s very sharp it’s almost like I’m here in Weir life I can even feel the trees when the trees hit me in my face I can actually feel it on my head oh my God oh my God for in 450 ft go straight onto hes shimer stasa L 393 she’s back the lady now continue straight on hild theimer stasa 393 yes look at ice posidon look at ice PID how he has maybe he say he has $10 million okay and then look at his life what is he doing he takes sleeping pill at night so he can fall asleep he takes drug in the morning so he can wake up in the morning he’s staying all alone in his is in 2 million dollar house in Austin Texas he has zero friends his last friend Victor Victor the cameraman has just left him he has several friends but he has so so much money just imagine he has so much money just imagine all the bicycle L is there oh my God I’m [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] [Music] I feel I have seen this before I feel like I’m cycling in circle circles he ah I heard a noise what was that was it Mobile Pay it’s a very very beautiful city here let’s see was mobile pay or what probably just the police sending me a message let’s see who it was is Twitch twitch why is twitz sending me messages I don’t want any messages from twits [Music] the fu preparedness and response I can’t imagine what this includes what funds for the research development and Manufacturing hubs required in every reg dude why get I why do I get a message from this [ __ ] weard are you kidding me oh my God okay so it’s straight ahead still we are still in still in Hanover South South for we are in lson lson that is unfair south of Hanover we still have a long long way oh my God long long way we are in lson these pants are very annoying [ __ ] hate these pants they’re very annoying oh let me find some McDonald’s so I can get get some hamburgers oh car worst oh my God they have Curry worst oh Curry was and Coca-Cola [Music] [Music] what [Applause] in 400 50 ft at the intersection go straight onto hes shimer stasa k260 at this intersection go straight onto hes shimer stasa k260 on [Applause] in 500 ft turn right at the for on to hold a shimer stasa in 190 ft turn right onto H shimer stasa I missed the McDonald’s I can’t believe it follow one mile God damn it God [ __ ] damn it man how could I miss it hey how’s that sound quality do you like it now now that I have a microphone on [Music] so far so good it has been going very very slow today I don’t know why it’s been been really bad today and I missed McDonald’s oh my God I was I was supposed to turn left no white I’m supposed to turn white up I completely I could see it so I just continue straight ahead okay this is going to be too hot for me I will I refuse to take this jacket off it’s going to get too hot I I I don’t think much I will [Applause] not okay I just have to buy some water in a very cheap supermarkets oh my phone is not charging why is it not charging you cannot be down to zero already that’s impossible what it’s already down to zero this cannot be happening not again yeah then then there’s something wrong maybe I I need a new power bank then I need a new power [Music] it was like 70 72 earlier okay then it’s going to be a short stream [Applause] today I can’t believe [Applause] it okay ni it’s raining really really bad but luckily it’s only today tomorrow it’s it’s much better weather tomorrow okay so it’s basically Straight Ahead all the way yeah I have the bicycle in the way there’s nothing I can do about it [Applause] it’s too hot to to take on anything for protection so here we go that was really unlucky with the power bank then I have to buy a new power bank that looks very very nice with the German flag [Applause] it’s going very very slow I oh they have they have POA beer oh up be oh my God they’re probably closed so it’s better we just continue [Music] for [Applause] [Applause] for [Applause] how’s the sound sound test 1 three four okay so apparently uh next time I have to be very careful with my power bank because apparently it’s uh it’s uh it’s uh what what you call it uh it completely dies my power bank dies if I make a mistake like something like switch it or switch if it get switch follow this way for 950 ft yes T sh t now apparently I’m switching my power bank so uh so it’s a weitting so it’s it goes down to zero even though it was all the way up to 70 72 I remember I told you it was 72 and then now it’s down to zero God damn it you have to buy a new power bank in Germany under by a new power bank in Germany okay so here I have to turn here I really have to follow the now it’s getting very complicated here now I have to have to acally have to cross to the other side amazing amazing damn I [ __ ] hate this I can’t wait till I till I’m back in my tent again tomorrow will be a better day tomorrow we go to Holland we start going that that direction there I just needed to get away from hand Handover because the Handover was a really shitty industrial [Music] city oh sorry should It Go for I’ll just sit down [Music] oops for for [Music] oh my God couldn’t understand him what he said he said he said chicken or or me beef I could understand what you said beautiful summer I buy what you told me d for for for for no I I also need water water yeah Al this is uh from Coca-Cola uh uh number four come here come yes number four [Music] here for [Music] [Music] oh d dker for remember to hit the like if you haven’t done so and then tomorrow you can donate to me we we don’t take donations today I don’t accept donations today God damn power bank I have to waste money on that no it doesn’t charge doesn’t charge 31% [Music] come here here that’s com out yes for [Applause] that’s my phone that’s my phone oh that’s a really good camera angle there perfect remember to hit the like button like this one or else I will never stream again never [Music] [Music] follow this wave for 700 ft these five taste really good they’re so hot they’re hot and nice m so nice very are oh go fora this is a very nice place but not so not so many young young people than us you know I I don’t like gang it’s so big oh my God holy [ __ ] oh e I can save the other one here yeah do you have a some little sauce hello can I no you have special fore okay I T really good that’s a lot of food it’s really nice yeah where am I that’s a good Christian see am Miss I missed McDonald’s by the way this is better I think we are in lson l e I’m taking this for that was very very awkward very very awkward he he didn’t speak very good do anyways I got my my water and my dinner the food was was it was delicious very very very very big so so much [Applause] let’s go just get out of here SC I’m looking for the for for the commut the wood like re if if you donate you have to let let me know because I I don’t know if you I cannot hear it so if you donate this just uh type it in the chat oh what was that Germans where are the Germans Germans where are the Germans Germans where are the Germans Germans where are the Germans Germans where are the Germans Germans where are the Germans Germans Gan skull oh t next keep right so I can hear it I I I I didn’t know I I could hear I can hear oh my God I can hear now keep right [Music] follow this wave for 337 miles oh my God that’s a long way 3 37 Mar I tasted really good especially the coola oh it was very nice it was better than McDonald’s and the the pom the pom frights pom FS P fights were very good what do you mean where are where are the Germans they’re right here Germans are right here and he said he said he said 10 10 10 it’s 10 10 10 s it’s set set s s s not Dano he couldn’t speak German I could I didn’t understand a word he said I couldn’t understand a word he said I said I said I said I want a d r and he then he he Point his finger at at two two uh Kebab two Kebab so and he said he said two words I didn’t understand but apparently he said chicken or beef I I didn’t understand he’s German at all it was hilarious [Applause] oh my God that was hilarious he was he was really bad at German oh my God then I I wanted to pay you know I wanted to pay and it was it was 10 10 10 he said what the [ __ ] is 10 what is it then it’s [Applause] 10 someone has to teach this man to speak German God damn it so it’s it’s set set H H and set h e in sanee it’s not so difficult but care if your mother is not German it’s it’s very difficult [Applause] then d d what the [ __ ] is the D what I 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 19 [Music] [Applause] God damn it I guess they have some work they’re doing some work here on the street s I have two phones I have two phones and I have one power bank but it doesn’t work it’s really weird I’m in lson lotson hate these [ __ ] roads why this road so bad oh I got a Dono I have to replay [Music] that just a minute uh just a minute I I we replay it here it’s very very smart I can replay here boy solo bicycle to Twitch con day 1 where are you Bor I just tuned in this is amazing content oh mine got at the next roundabout turn left then right follow Road till you meet a homosexual German and make payment for massage continue Journey after for 2 minutes then turn right by tree then turn right right right right maybe left or look for Pub to get drunk end of Journey don’t get lost skull I I I I cannot I have to be in the camping side uh before 9:00 or else I will be homeless so I cannot go anywhere see I missed I just replayed two donations I I just replayed them because they were not playing it’s good I don’t have media anymore oh I hate this ah next go straight straight now I’m bicycling on the road again now continue straight on hild to shimer stasa k260 did she go she says straight yes I think she said straight I’m in the middle of the road now it’s actually a little bit dangerous I don’t like this I don’t like this at all ah oh my back oh and my phone oh my God I almost lost my phone there it it stop raining so take a break take about the the the light is amazing the sunlight is actually amazing I need to buy a new power bank I have an xra Bor no medium Mak stream boring I go fall into coma now bye no but the I I have to be I have to be uh like 80% sure that nothing will happen to me if if you play media here in Germany so and I’m not I’m not sure at all see I now I have to put my wallets in my in my little backpack here and then have to take off my see I have toon chocolate also after the last Diner r with beef you know he his German was so bad I I didn’t understand a word he said it was so bad I thought my German was bad okay so this is uh This Is My Idea okay so this is uh this is my idea I put a a tools screw driver uh some clothes so it’s not so heavy in the back then I have two um I have one elastic elastic and then I have another elastic to hold the tent up did I have uh all my clothes and underwear and socks sleeping bag and this one uh for warm and then I have the setup here but if if I connect the microphone then I cannot hear the donations yeah and so the I I have a problem with my power bank um apparently if I switch if I switch too much uh it will come it will just die see it’s it’s zero yeah zero it was because I was switching phones so next time I have to keep it in in the streaming phone all the time that was very unfortunate okay I connect the I connect the microphone again so we can get some good sound so if you donate again if you donate again it will I I will not it will be silent I will not be able to hear it okay now I really have to speed up the game a little bit take Mobile Pay okay what what’s what’s what’s with the Mobile [Applause] Pay take mobile pay if you live in Scandinavia uh Norway Finland or Denmark you can do like band from Norway and then he donated 100 cor to me yesterday offline but he say I have to check more but nobody has donated to me via mobile pay today but maybe I have to accept the money or something let me check [Applause] I really have to speed up the game I’m very very slow I will never make it never if I don’t speed up actually I don’t think I will make it at all better we power 5% oh my God it’s 5% it’s down to 5% okay check mobile pay before the mo phone dies I’m checking Mobile Pay right now [Applause] you sent uh B he sent me um B he sent me 200 Kona but uh why didn’t I get it maybe he sent it now just a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh no oh this is so scuffed before the stream the stream will end because I don’t have any power bank I just got 200 corner from uh band but I don’t know where they are I cannot see them here I didn’t get it I didn’t get the 200 Kona in my bank account there goone maybe I’m doing something wrong I don’t know maybe there there’s just something wrong with my phone let’s see here I think I got them now I’m not sure oh my God no I still don’t I didn’t get the where oh maybe they are in my PayPal account oh maybe they’re in my PayPal account I’m looking in the wrong placee no I didn’t get them I don’t know where they are this is where very confusing and my phone is dying oh no I didn’t I didn’t get the 200 corner from Mobile Pay oh my God now I lost my glasses on the floor oh no so now I don’t have any money and I don’t have any glasses oh and the phone is dying I don’t have any phone oh no no no no no no I I have to figure it out tomorrow oh it takes some hours okay okay good cool okay uh where did the stream go oh no I can’t find the stream it’s gone there it is okay time I’m signing signing out

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