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    well done mate I’m G to follow your Ro this odox is called is it Fels forward and oh wait I’m going to come behind you wait there good morning good morning I uh didn’t film much we’ve done probably 30k into a 212k odax called what’s it called FS Ford and we had the Ford the little flood um because I need to get some big miles in some big Hills cuz I’m doing some in 3 weeks uh sorry thanks for that um so yeah that’s where I going to take you today and it’s going I’ve come back up north and I’m going into my favorite favorite place which is where the dals we’ve just come through keithly how and then we go up into the Dales to Castle Bolton yes ask rig is that you say oh it’s going to be a it’s going to be a be rout [Music] we are officially in Yorkshire Dale’s territory and look how green and Lush and pretty look where I am this is the Tails and this is where I want to bring Juliet because it is like look at that I’ve stopped here so many times and filmed it but it is just bling love I mean look at that bridge there all the hills just love these stone walls I’ve got something about the stone walls I just like rocks but I just love how beautifully they put like art to me that that is Art and I’ll stop when it’s less windy and tell you all about my plans for yeah it’s going to be very hilly hi sheepies hello [Music] guess which way I’m going now we’re at bolon Castle one really good thing that orx is good for is just finding places that didn’t never knew existed I’ve found so many places I say found been directed to on routs I’m like oh I didn’t know this was here um but yeah this is really pretty been here once before an odex uh now we’re going to head down this is a little bit of like an out and back um so at 90k about I know you all want to know the vs actually I bet you don’t but I’m going to tell you anyway 600 M and maybe it’s about 1,700 to go look who’s waited for me but then look at this oh my gosh that Edwin we just saying that oh God come across the headwind oh my God it was all the way on it from the Bon Castle it oh God SL all the way was eating to buy a drink off sit in the sun leg oh my God it’s so wind it’s windy there oh my God right so very quickly before we set off because the wind is so strong um the reason that I’m doing I’m doing this right cuz I love it but um and I love the dals but I need to get some miles and heels in my legs because in 3 weeks I’m going to go ride across the Pyrenees so it’s going to be 800k 21,000 M climbing doing it so low unsupported just for the fun of it I’ve always wanted to go to the panes I was like you know what I’m going to go and do it and that is kind it’s called pyan panan raid and it’s kind of like an kind of like an aex it’s a set rout um and I’m doing the longer one um it’s got more climbing so I’m going to go and do that I’m deciding I think probably going to do it over 6 or 7 days but yeah it’s 20,000 M it’s going to be like at least 3,000 3 and 1/2 maybe 4,000 a day um but I mix not not every day 4,000 but um yeah I just thought I would tell you cuz I’m very excited about it and I’m going to show you all the prep that I’m doing for it in the 3 weeks leading up to it but I just I need to get out and just do um I just want to go and do some like big solo things again because I just they’re my favorite I just love being like in the middle of nowhere on my bike and that I’ve never been before so right going to go uh I have been to HS and this is where we are now quite a few times but it’s very pretty but the only Supermarket or shop is that Spar we’ve got 20K this way until we turn off into a headwind and it is so strong had a flat we’ve been riding in the headwind for it’s 30k it’s 40K this way and we’ve got like a East Wind and we’ve got 10K until we turn off and we’re hoping it’s going to be a bit of a side wind but they had a flat and I was like oh got and then the valve core came out with the the tube and I was like not no I’m just I’m putting it off I I’m sunning this way cuz the wind’s I don’t want to go in it it’s I’m not being soft am I no it’s tough e said it was R he went this is outrageous it’s ridiculous it’s absolutely I’m just I’ve had enough I’ve had enough of it at least I’ve got some like wind training in for the Pyrenees hellon this windy not even really see how windy it is but my God is it brutal [Music] oh this is one of my favorite views in the DS look at that and we’re about to turn left hopefully out the headwind so we’ll see God please be out the headwind oh my God please please we’re out the head window how good does that feel oh I think that’s a Tailwind so this is the Ford on the route I think that’s why it’s called Ford is it Ford felsen I can’t remember the other one but anyway that’s that’s it also a little story about this Ford in particular when I did all points North a few years ago I my plotted my route to come down here didn’t know there was a for didn’t really know what that meant cuz it was Pitch Black and I rode straight in it and I was like oh and I stopped cuz I was like it it was literally my ankles when I stopped it like my ankles in I was like this is this is not good on like a 3-day Ultra event so yeah little warning if you see that just stop cuz it means it’s a Ford so learn that mistake the the hard way um and I’ve got about 35k left stev’s headed off um so yeah 35k left it’s been such a good weather day apart from the wind the wind probably when I said we turn off and it was like really nice no it was nice for about 5k and then it just had wind all the way back so that’s probably why I look a bit a little bit scarecrow like um so I’ve got my music on as like motivation to get me back in the wind in fact these are the open swim Pro I did a video on them um when I was in Cornwall I’ll leave a link if you want to go have a look but yeah if you’re a triathlete someone that rides a lot in the rain cuz I thought it was going to rain quite a bit today which is why I wore these but I mean I could I could wear them if I’m going to ride through a Ford again um so so yeah 35k left and just going to head off now but it’s just like my favorite place ever to ride I just love it I can’t wait to get Julia up here as well so yeah I’m going to head on um I don’t know it’s I’m getting a bit worried because I’m like I’ve got this this event in like I say event this ride in 3 weeks um and my legs are quite sorted I’m like I’m hoping it’s because it’s been so windy not just because I’m not fit on the Hills anymore let’s blame the wind we’ll blame the wind if anyone’s interested in what I’m listening to a bit tail of Swift I have never been through this part before but how pretty is this and coat’s park I think got a sneaky 20% sign up here wet feet or Stepping Stones with a bike I’m not riding through about boy Cobble boy cobbled NE I am I feel so disheveled the wind was so bad and I’ve just gone and Char to the organizers like everyone that’s come back has been like that wind was horrific it was yeah it was pretty uh it’s pretty rough most of the day but I did it some good training getting in for the Pyrenees so that is it for this video thank you so much for watching I will leave a link to the odox here because it’s going to be on next year if you want to do it it is a tough is it tough cuz it was the climbs yeah it’s a lot of clim I think it was like 3,200 210k uh but the wind just added extra pain and suffering all right before I go a little debate for you in the comments would you prefer to get rid of wind or rain I’m like I would get rid of wind I don’t I don’t love rain but I would rather not fight the wind I hate it but Steve is like no I’d get rid of so let me know in the comments all right see you next video goodbye goodbye goodbye why do I always end the videos like that goodbye goodbye bye


    1. I done this route a couple of weeks ago. We had the same brutal head wind and can vouch for how bad it is. This don’t show how hard it can be. We had the tail wind that was nice at the sale section. I left my headphones in the car like a tit and my head went into a dark place 😢 nearly got a Uber home. Bravo Katie ❤️

    2. Raid Pyrenean, a ride across the top of Spain/bottom of France from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, wow formidable, with a nominal 100 hr time limit.

      Your constant comments on "how pretty is this" and then showing the scenery, I agree completely, The UK is just one big National Park, incredibly attractive.

    3. Love the Dales when I rode there a few years ago.
      Spent a week or so there with a few mates when the Tour was there.
      Beautiful but brutal I would say.
      There was some good climbs but a lot of my friends struggled!

    4. I hate both wind and rain, and to be honest, nothing sucks more than rain. However, when cycling, I have lots of good clothes for sycling in the rain and if I haven't forgotten them, it actually works quite well unless I get cold. The wind sucks (sic!) in all temperatures.

    5. Hello Katie, You must consider doing the "Race Across France" in 2025. I have several friends participating in it this year and it is SO UP YOUR ALLEY! Two lady friends of mine (Elsa and Noelie) are doing the 2500 km route as a Duo Team and I believe they may be the first females to do so (I could be wrong about that). Anyway, there are several different route lengths from 2500 km to 300 km and I think it would make a great video series for your channel. Perhaps you and Julie could do one of the route options as a Duo Team? That would be great fun and what a great video it would make. 🥰

    6. Punctures make you stronger. I hit a pothole & got a pinch puncture, replaced the tube then realised the new Bontrager tyres were directional, tiny arrow on the side I didn't look at, then had to take the tyre off & start again 😂

    7. You will love the Pyrenees, spectacular scenery! If you are on the Spanish west side, try to do at least part of the Bidasoa Valley through the Basque region. Stay safe, Roger in Spain 77

    8. Ha! Wind or rain, easy one Katie. >I< hate wind. On the other hand my bike refuses to go out in the rain, something about not "looking it's best if it's wet and dirty". We're a team so it's vote counts equally… 🤣 – Bob (Toronto, Canada)

    9. Them Dales never get old … delightful as usual … ta very much! PS: Good luck with the prep for that awesome adventure you have planned for the Pyrenees … that’s going to be epic! 🚴‍♂️⛰️🐑😄

    10. ..the Wind is The Cyclists Curse..Rain is Rain.. it's only 'orrible when the bloody Wind is giving Large as well!! 😂
      I feel You may understand now why Cornwall has so many Hedges ..You're never far from the Coast down there whichever direction & the Winds just keep a coming on those South Westerly 's 😢
      It's the same in East Anglia might not have Banging Hills but the bloody Winds never give up & being Sooooooo Arable.. there's no escaping 'em!
      (what with Our Cheap as Chips Roads.. it makes for a slower average by 1 to 1.5mph to normal Tarmacadam Roads We've worked out down here!)
      so basically it's All Good Training I guess!!

      Fab-U-lous News on Your impending Trip … I to have dreamt of doing That Mountain Range for Years… I will I hope get there in the next few….
      Another Terrific Video & look forward to You & Juliet giving it a go up there in the Dales before the Years out I hope Katie ..

    11. My wife and I had a lovely time getting to ride 50 miles in the Cotswold. Amazing views, very green, lots of sheep. Great memories! We ride in the WIND all the time here in Oklahoma, USA, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains.

    12. Hi Katie good video good views when l get a strong headwind l now it's hard dont think about it it's good training good luck after in 3 weeks be careful takecare

    13. Just in case you couldn't "nail" that song lyric Katie 🙂
      🎵 Wind that brings all
      the rain………. 🎵
      Oasis "Cloudburst" 🙂
      Epic track, they only deemed, along with "Listen up", to be labelled a " b – side " !
      Have fun ☀️

    14. Any video with you and sheepies is worth watching. You live in such a beautiful area to cycle (I do, too, but not as tightly fenced in as the Yorkshire hills). And your cycling top is really nice. Who makes it?

    15. I may be the only one but I vote to dump the rain as I'd much prefer to battle against even the harshest headwind than to wallow in puddles risking to fall off; I hate when that devilish drizzle somehow reach all the way to your skin and you instantly get the chills!
      🥶 😣
      Very challenging event indeed the one you've got ahead of you! I had to rewind the tape just a few times… 800k 21.000m climbing?!? That's huge! Even in 7 days.
      The Pyrenees, I've never been there; it is going to be exciting, yes, solo and unsupported I gotta say I've got to give you even more props Katie cause that require some real courage to think and do.
      Train hard but give yourself time to recover, rest deeply and splurge on sleep, don't spare any.
      Wish you the very best of preparations; we are here and we are going to support you !
      😄 😊👋 🇮🇹 =]

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