Breakfast on a Budget at Wetherspoons – What You Get. Wetherspoons are known for their cheap breakfast and food. But what do you really get and is it worth it? If you are on a budget, do you think Wetherspoons is value for money? #wetherspoons #breakfastonabudget
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    hello uh already inside actually I usually do the intro outside but do you know what I wasn’t going to come in but I’m really hungry I’ve not had breakfast and I thought does this chain Place do healthy breakfasts and they kind of do [Applause] [Music] [Music] cheers I’m in weather spoons and I’m having Scrabble egg on toast for a fiber and I’ve got an orange juice as well so it comes to £7 something so not um especially cheap but hey cheers that’s nice cuz it’s cold just remove tables because put my bag down I went to order come back someone sitting right next to me why do people do that anyway move tables now so yeah what do you think about the price 38 so sble egg using 3 eggs on a cad toast um say exactly how much 5 13 so yeah f um I mean you probably get that in a calf wouldn’t you but uh the end of the day it’s a f um yeah let’s see not that it really matters which one I’m in cuz they’re all the same aren’t they but uh I’m me hat and garden so uh that’s where I am um I’m guessing all the prices are the same in wherever you go weather spoons um or am I wrong I don’t know is it cheaper in outside of the [Music] city answers on a postcard getting ready for the for the Euros um they also do tea coffee and hot chocolate refills so for £156 you can go up as many times as you like but today I just fcing a cold orange juice instead of a [Music] [Music] drink I have to say it looks a bit um scarce there’s not a lot on what all is it well they must be small eggs you need five eggs on there would you a bit of pepper ketchup side yeah it doesn’t doesn’t look very appetizing I must say I mean if I I did that you know what I mean in actual fact I’m going to do that just put it on one save eating that that white breath that I don’t need there not sour though either gra but egg on toast this basic as you can get you know that’s not I’ll say that’s microwave scrambling no moisture to it at all but um we weather spoons [Music] [Music] I took the other slice off so it’s so I’ve got a bit of room [Music] [Music] yeah definitely microwaved eggs [Music] [Music] and it does fill a hole you know that’s it’s enough but when it came out visually it just looks a bit um like it was too much bread for the eggs do you know what I mean just didn’t you know how they look better on on one slice presentation wise as well is it just anyway um you know it is what it is it’s weather spoons isn’t it you’re not going to get out of cart um but I just thought i’ try something healthy and I looked at the menu outside and saw that they do scrab on eggs and porridge and I thought let’s just go in so that’s why it was a very impromptu um intro rather than me having a plan going somewhere after doing my homework doing the the outside intro and then coming in but hey who wants to see the same thing every time gets boring do it so I just you know it’s good to change it up a little bit now and again and eat a little bit healthier so you know I’ll just thought i’ po me show you what they got in the menu and healthy wise and there you go £7 something sorry 7 quid for a little bit of square B not toast and orang Juice So when you put it like that it’s quite expensive isn’t it i’ be interested to know if all the weather spoons weather spoons um charge the same so there you go weather spoons in between Hatton Garden which is literally 50 yards that way and then F in the station that way so that’s the weather spoon I’m in um but yeah guys just to finish off it was a disappointing scram scrambled egg for a fiver um especially from there because everyone says you why don’t you go WEA weather spoons more often you know especially if people on a budget they want to see cheap meals well if you want to go cheap is that cheap for the amount you had they must have been tiny eggs to say three scrambled eggs um it just didn’t look appetizing didn’t look right when it came out on the plate just didn’t there was too much toast oh personally if that’s three eggs then I would have I would make it five if they’re that small anyway what do you think I mean yeah know again it is what it is I just thought I’d try something that’s not a fry up and a a juicy burger and etc for a change so there you go guys if you get value from the content and you enjoy the videos share it to your friends just click the share button and send it to all your all your friends and family on WhatsApp or whatever you like uh do that like the video if you do like it uh and click the Bell because that notifies you every time I upload a new video so for now from Manhattan Garden I’ll see you on the next one [Music] [Music]


    1. I don’t think that represents spoons food really. It was the worst thing to chose. I use spoons sometimes and mostly the food is good for the price. It’s looks ok too. Try and get something from the new menu and something we all like. Egg on toast, or bread, we would simply knock up at home.

    2. I've had the scrambled eggs before, it's delicious £3.99 in Plymouth, so food for a very small budget!
      I think you were slightly unlucky in this one…the butter looks too yellow and its bread, rather than toast..

    3. Yes, some 'Spoons' pubs charge more than others (due to high location rents etc.). But they DO have standard prices for the vast majority throughout the UK. I.e. The vast majority of pubs would have charged their 'on-line' advertised price of £3.77 (by the way, 3 eggs on white, Bloomer bread – no mention of Sour Dough bread!). 😊

    4. Who in their right mind would order just scrambled eggs in a bar or cafe for their channel. If you wanted to eat healthy you should have stayed at home. This video would have been much more valuable and educational if you had gone for a full English. And please please don't do a video as if you just got out of bed 5 minutes ago it just makes you come across as dull and boring.

    5. It would be interesting if you went to a posh place and ordered scrambled eggs on toast, and a fresh orange juice. It would obviously cost more probably taste better, but would it be worth it. It’s the sort of breakfast you could get in Hampstead or Chelsea.

    6. It’s such a shame when it not quite up to scratch but like you said Darren it’s not top end… can I just say the plate was very pretty though 😊
      Thank you for sharing.

    7. I got to 3 minutes 47 seconds and paused , so , right now I don't have a clue what you going to say, but first glance , disgusting , various colours of yellow , and if its 3 eggs they must be quayles eggs , un-toasted bread , looks crap, now I will continue watching the rest )

    8. Fiver or not , its was best described as ( gruel ) the bread looked to doughy , the eggs looked terrible , the presentation pathetic , you well and truly got you hat nailed on in there

    9. Wow!..People have REALLY been conditioned to think what they pay is the "norm" and "value"….. It's bloody disgusting….
      A few bits of bread and a few eggs?.. £5?!.
      You make it last a long time—-I would eaten that in one minute.

      I wouldn't pay more than £1—-and that's it.

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