I went to the historic British seaside town of Southport. It seems to receive so much negative publicity but yet again I find that this is massively exaggerated. I had a great day and found a wonderful motorhome friendly park up.

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    hey up everybody this has to be one of the biggest beaches I’ve ever been on I’m just on the outskirts of uh Southport and why have I come to Southport well I had no plans on going on a trip this morning and I woke up and I were on my phone having a coffee like you do and an article come up from yesterday in Daily Express I mean I don’t read Daily Express but you know like when you swipe left on your phone and all them adverts and stuff come up and it’s it said the famous UK Seaside town now in serious Decline and I thought oh well you know what the light we click B but I had a look and uh I clicked on it and it was Southport and I thought well I’ve not been to Southport it’s not that far away it says well it’s not it’s about 90 M from Barnsley but it took me like over 3 hours to get here across of traffic and I thought is it as bad as what they’re making out cuz I know what papers are like and I did a bit of research online and I went on a few websites and there’s a lot of people bringing it down you do usual search on uh on YouTube and it’s all same oh you know making out what a dump it is and I don’t want to I don’t want to be like that but you know if it if it is if it’s gone downhill then we need to sort of investigate it so what beach am I on I forgot but it’s the beach right next to ponon is it aale Beach or something that might be wrong there’s all the sandunes there’s not many people about but there’s all sandun there and there’s some like rare birds and frogs that sort of make that their home and in the background there you can see that weird building which is uh it was part of Ms I think which is sadly closed down off in the distance that way we’ve got I thought I can see Blackpool Tower you’ll not be able to see it I don’t know if I can zoom in I can see Blackpool Tower right off in the distance and just further down we’ve got Southport sort of town that way which is where I’m going to go next in that direction you’ve got Liverpool and then that way that’s the Irish sea and you’ve got some sort of oil rig type thing going on out there and I can see a big tanker off in the distance they’re very faint but what a lovely Beach and I think this is like this for miles [Music] if you wake up don’t smile if it takes just a little while open your eyes look at the day you see things in a different way don’t stop thinking about tomorrow don’t stop it’ll be here it’ll be here better than before Yesterday’s Gone Yesterday’s [Music] Gone to think about times to come I’m not about the things that you’ve done if your Lu was back for you just think what tomorrow we’ll do now this is a one of those car Parks can pay on an app so that’s good I like paying with me app now because you can top it up wherever you are right there we parked I’ve parked for 4 hours and that’s cost 590 so we’re near the front here there’s a little kids part there and the start of the the prominade prominade a music right we’re going to head down into this uh LGE Street [Music] area the Town Center I can see Victoria there because of course this was a really famous Victorian Seaside town and these Resorts would have been absolutely packed out years ago that’s seen better days do it Leo’s bar this is nice you got this column here and this uh this building on the left these sort of like classical columns I like that this will be obviously it’s a a memorial a war moreal on that see you beside I like that that’s that’s really nice now is this Lord Street I think it is should we start at that end right I’m going to go down this end and start down here [Music] I just bumped into a couple of subscribers there I was I was filming along this LGE Street and they were Harry and Margaret Harry from Northern Ireland and it was little B to meet you there they were sat having a nice coffee in the Sun and I must say I like it on here this is nice look there’s some shops that are that are closed down but that’s the same everywhere it is really leafy some of the sort of uh the lovely what’s the word for it the the RO Tian sort of uh the roofs and stuff the architecture’s lovely yeah it’s really nice now the rumor is that some of the streets in Paris were based off this Lord Street there’s water bikes again there’s a nice looking Church there in the background so I’m going to have a quick look at that and uh then I’ll head back down to Lord Street and get the rest of it and go the other way I like that house uh there’s some lovely houses on this street and down that way the’re really big houses I’m not talking about that monstrosity in background but yeah here’s the church I wonder if we can go in here and have a look there’s a few cars I don’t know if I can go in and have a look but we’ll see the church is open of course we can it’ll be cold in here [Music] [Music] I’ll tell you what I don’t know if it’s just me but I heard when you were playing the organ in there only the crumbliest flak is chocolate I’m sure that’s what it were playing what were that what were it cabis flake go back and listen to it it might just be me it might be because I’m hungry and I’m thinking about chocolate I’ve just walked past what looked like a lovely Pub this seems to be some good pubs here and apparently this’s the smallest Pub in Britain so we’ll go and have a look at that as well now there’s an Irish bar here but they’re blasting out football which you know let’s have a look so what game is that [Applause] so it looks like Romania are playing Ukraine that looks interesting the old post office that’s a bar sin Clair’s that’s where I’m at uh Harry and Margaret but I didn’t have a drink that looks nice the Bold you could be in Paris this is nicer than Paris I’m telling you [Music] now this bit obviously is the center of the town and it what a beautiful Monument to mark all those fallen in war it really is impressive faithful to H we fell and rest content so this is the Town Center bit I mean it’s like most Town centers it’s not brilliant but it is what it is a lot of people focus on this street which is just one small Street and then they’ll use it for a thumbnail let’s have a look it’s terrible is it and it’s a shame because it’s a beautiful old sort of walkway this isn’t it it just needs some work right so I’m walking to somewhere I want to show you and it’s further than I thought I’m naked it’s a big old place isn’t it Southport I’m going miles I should have d there but I thought no I’ll keep fit and I’ll walk it but I just hope it’s open and it’s really going to be worth it because it’s going to be the best bit on this video honestly are you ready for this right I have finally made it probably I mean I I love to show you all these attractions these museums and these wonderful places but this one is probably going to be the best one you’ve ever seen are you ready for this this is going to blow you [Music] away this is going to blow you away this there were a guy waving to me then and he didn’t realize camera on me right you ready the best attraction you’ve ever seen this is what I Vlog for and in the museum we show about 200 machines that have been uh sort of rare ones that have been restored the collection has about 1700 Machin really the bigger horse drawn ones and U we received one not long ago from Lord’s cricket ground wow weighs about two ton would have cost perhaps twice the price of a house goodness me this one’s in the Guinness book of records for never changing the model for 70 years right okay um if you equate that with any other product say your mobile phone for instance yeah uh in 3 or 4 years time would you still want that and this company said we’ve made this machine it’s perfect why change it exactly into motorbikes it’s a funny funny you should say that I’m not into motorbikes no but a lot of my friends are okay uh well this one’s uh Vincent motorik there’s a lot of um uh car companies and motorbike companies that made lawn mowes but there was only one lawnmower company that made a car and when we got stairs I’ll show you that one Vincent were one of the best bikes they were yes I’ve heard of that yeah a lot of unique designs on the a bike that one may be possibly interest it belonged to Albert Pier Point okay and Albert retired in Southport he was Britain’s most famous executioner really he hung 400 people and got paid £15 from the government uh per execution and his la lawn mow cost him5 and we always wondered it was yeah gosh um this was the first robot lawn mow um cost a million pound to doel uh just runs on daylight and the solar panels are the same that’s fitted on the space shuttle wow and it wanders around like a sheep and the the uh computer inside it when it senses the grass is a bit long in that area it’ll cut all the grass in that area and then wand off to the next area wow that was really good actually I I’ve had to cut that down an absolute load cuz I’ve been in there and the problem is I bet I’ve been in there an hour and a half chatting to the the guy that set that up and it’s his passion and that was Brian who I was talking to there what a lovely guy and then I had to turn my camera off after a bit because my Bacher were running out and he’s told me some really interesting stories so it was telling me all these stories and there were things uh old tales and things and where certain sayings and words come from and like shank’s Pony well uh Shanks there were a a lawn mower company and obviously the pony were the pony that pulled the lawn mower and then we got on to a bit about uh we were talking about where old words come from and stuff and it was on about the uh the term top dog so you know when they have them big saws you know you have one man at each end and the cutting trees up you’d have one man in a ditch and the other man on top and the one at the top would be called the top dog and that was the best job cuz the underdog would get covered in crap absolutely filthy so you imagine they’re at middle of Norway and it’s many years ago and they’re in forests and there’s all muck and crap and everything and occasionally the underdog would get something in his eye and the only way apparently this is what Brian told me the only way that they could get something that out whatever was in his eye was for the top dog to come down and lick his eye that’s what Brian said I don’t know if he winding me up on that but don’t surprise me olden days yeah so get there they were only three quid to go in as well brilliant he’s ging me loads of literature to read I’m going to be like a lwn more expert me now that’s a grand old building isn’t it look at that lovely shop is that beautiful got a bar here is it a bar or a restaurant Vincent you know the some room they just need a bit of tidying up don’t they I don’t know why see if I had one of them shops I’d be tidying that open and painting that this is the fair famous scar brick hotel and Malone is bar which is owned by britania I like the little lanterns outside and this street looks nice this takes us towards the front now and I’m really thirsty so I’m going to have to get a drink but there’ll definitely be a bar down the front I don’t know what to do for Te it’s at half five now first world problems in it what do I do do I get something in a pub or or do I cook something in Van so while I’m thinking about food have you seen that in news that terrible shocking news about the uh well I think it’s shocking the Arab billionaire that’s buying up at UK’s fish and chip shops it’s unbelievable what’s it called Sultan vinegar [Laughter] eh there’s the Pleasure Island off that way when I got here I could hear singing so I’m going to head that way right just down here we’ve got apparently Britain’s smallest Pub but I have been in pubs before and they were apparently Britain’s smallest Pub so I don’t know how they work it out but that’s what it says it’s called The Lakeside I think Lakeside bar we’re going to go and have a look at that there’s a lake over here I just need to have a bit of a rest I need to charge up my cameras and my microphone and uh I need to call Helen got a check in and hopefully have a nice beer the smallest Pub in Britain and I’m going to have a beer oh this one’s very [Music] nice so it’s not a bad little Pub this quite liking it nice view and everything I’ve gone for a pint of the white witch from the mouses Brewery nice beer this that is lovely very smooth gorgeous and as I’m starving I’ve got myself a bag of Lancer crisps I’ve just G for playing because I’m boring so I’m going to sit and eat my crisps and have a beer and decide what I’m going to do next so that Pub I’ve just come out of is behind me and there’s a car park here let me show you and there’s quite a few motor homes now can I stay here the night or is it just F day campers let’s have a look there’s a sign over here and if we can I might spend the the night here right so that is my spot for the night apparently it’s a regular van live spot it’s right up front the Sun’s shining it’s next door to that banging Pub that is perfect and what’s even better there were there were a couple sat eating a curry outside in sun outside the van and I said oh excuse me are are you all right here fortn night and they’re only subscribers aren they well they watch I don’t know if they subscribers but they’ve seen me on YouTube she says you’re him off YouTube That’s says I am Karen and Dennis lovely to meet you and they were eating a right nice Curry I’m tempted to do that as well how good is that get a curry in backet Van what I do so yeah I’m heading back uh towards the van now because my ticket’s about to run out and then I’m going to just part there for night 5 quid for 24 hours boom so as you probably guessed this is the pier and it is really really sad that it’s shot it’s the second biggest pier in the UK after South End and if you seen me South End video you know I walk down that that’s took forever but you can get a train down both room I’m going to have two little runs here now okay the first run is this pier this needs sort in because that would make a massive difference to this area and it’s been closed now for over 18 months it will build 160 years ago and then they did loads of repairs to it about 20 years ago with new steel and then it ISS doing again so you think what crappy steel did they use probably Chinese they didn’t use chefville steel put it that way you know they’ve been in consultation for for all that time and you just know what it’s like they’ probably spent Millions already with these companies just doing quotes for work and stuff I mean people might correct me if I’m wrong but you know it needs doing doesn’t it because it’s a big attraction and it’ll make a massive difference to this this area just walking I’d have been walking down that this evening G to Cafe on end or whatever’s there by B Fab and my second run is this morning I read an article in Daily Express and it was all about hang on let me bring it up let me try and find it the famous UK Seaside town in serious decline as nobody stays longer than 3 hours and then basically it was an article just slagging off Southport and then I do a searching on YouTube and stuff and you see the usual crap people painting a a sort of bad image of a place because they just find a street that’s got some boarded up shops and they film that and oh my God is’t it terrible well I’ve come to investigate and I really like it it’s lovely it’s really nice there’s obviously issues I mean the peer shut that needs sort in and that Pleasure Park were closed I don’t know if that’s cuz of you know it’s a Monday at end of day but for God’s sake it’s a lovely town that Lord street is really nice yet there’s a few empty shops on but it’s still nice I don’t get it myself you know all these Seaside towns have the challenges and that’s mainly because of the Advent of cheap overseas flights and cheap package holidays but what do we do about it do we just sit there and complain you know we’ve got to support ourc side Towns come here you know spend a bit of your money have a day out with family or a weekend we got to support them it’s a lovely place I strongly recommend it anyway that’s my little rant I’ve got to decide what I want for me to or GE going to be noisy do you think I don’t want to be up at bloody 6:00 at morning by noisy geese and there’s a lord over there so this is my garden for the day it’s 5 for 24 hours they’re going to be noisy aren’t they there’s a few motor homes there already I says I’ll go and have a couple of beers in there but I’ve got some uh beers from morison’s I’ve got a couple of fruit beers what I would like craving cuz they don’t have them in there it’s a good Pub but I might just sit it back at van I don’t know and I’ll tell you what else I’ve done as well I’ve not fetched my chairs or anything because they’re in my lock up the problem is having a small van I’m always putting stuff in and out of my lock up we’re going on a campsite me and Helen uh at weekend and I’ll take chairs and everything there I need to tidy up I’ve got me uh what’s it called there as well I need to put that in front right I’m in but that sun’s coming through I have to shut that I’ve got windows open cuz it’s quite warm I’ve put my shorts on there’s some boat people practicing there rowing on the lake there one healthy Morrison’s Pella done in a frying pan I would argue that it’s better when you do it in frying pan cuz you get like the burnt bits and I think it’s more authentic it’s nice and a Castile Rouge so a little of cherry beer available from Morrison’s it’s lovely I don’t like moris to be honest but it’s the only option I had so I going to sit here watch the geese and eat my [Music] Pella and then decide what I’m going to do for the rest of the evening oh do you know what it’s not even late but I’m tired so what I’m going to do it’s only 5 8 but I’m want to getting bed I don’t want to watch a better Netflix funny in the about I’ve got to I’ve got to be honest with you now I’ve got to be up front with you all I don’t I don’t always met bed I just leave it down most of the time it depends on doing but when I’m making a video you see you want it to be tidy in Van I remember you get a lot of steak off people I get a load of crap I w’t going to mention this but I think I will now you get you get a cute oh you’re not doing proper van life you’re not fulltime you’re lying and to be honest I don’t care what people think think what you want but their reason for saying that is because it’s too tidy in your van yeah well one you’re a Scruff and two I TI It van when I’m filming that’s what I do and I always talk about that I’ve got a lock up where I P my stuff I’ve never read that right I’m just making bed and I started filming making bed and then you know when you’re on your own all day and you like talking and I just talked to you guys and then I just realized I’ve been sat here for about 30 minutes just ranting about everything and I thought I’m not going to can’t put that on what am I thinking of it’s like you know when you get a bit of abuse off somebody on a text uh not text on like a well you probably don’t know but on a comment or something you get a bit of an abusive comment I type out like really long answer and then I just delete it I don’t send it that’s what I’ve just done now I’ve had a rant about everything that’s wrong with YouTube and all that sort of stuff I thought that’s just not going to get on Lo this video will be 4 hours long I’m doing it again now so quit that I’m making me bed I’m going to get in bed I’m going to watch Telly and then I’ll be asleep in a bit so I’ve pulled my bits out I’ve done it wrong right do I leave that open okay my bed is set it’s it’s half past 8 somebody asked me how I do my oops that’s the torch I don’t want to put the torch on somebody asked me how I do my telly now I have this Telly it’s called I don’t know what that says can you make out what that says hang can you make out what that says aex and it’s a smart TV turn tracking off turn that off it’s a smart TV I’ve got two things I’ve got an actual aerial that I can put up that window is still open so it just plugs in it sits on roof magnetic so I can use that and I can get normal TV like free view but like a lot of you I just don’t watch tell I’m not interested in it cuz they’re full of crap like newspapers see the office I prefer English version Brooklyn 99 I really like that I’ve watched them home I don’t know and this is where I do I can never think what it work I like War stuff Hitler and the Nazis look it says it’s a disturbing Deep dive into the global global conflict to you see that’s what I’m going to want to watch I’m going to shut window cuz them geese in the Ed right and we’re going to watch this I might even shut that a bit look how dark that goes then anyway I’m going to lay and watch my uh Hitler documentary and uh I would like to thank you yet again for joining me on this video please remember to like And subscribe i’ hopefully see you in the next one which I have no idea where I’m going to be to be honest I’ll have to give that some thoughts but thank you uh please keep commenting like you do sending me messages if you follow me on Facebook on the by the curb Facebook page appreciate that you can send you can contact me through there and uh I thank you I thank you for watching my channel I don’t know why you watch it but you do so thank you all right night night then bloody geese are going to drive me crackers I hope geese got to sleep I hope they’re not going to be geesing about all night can you hear him what time did G get up in the [Music] morning this is probably the end of this video but if any sort of geese Shenanigans or anything happens I will try and record it so it might not be the end but if it is the end I thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video please don’t forget to like And subscribe it really means a lot to me okay okay City


    1. Hi James
      The wife and I have visited Southport since the 1980’s and have witnessed the slow decline. Apart from the Pier which every good seaside place needs, you did not show the beach front, the beach has got in a really bad state, all silted up, if you dig in the sand you get blackened up. They really need to get it all fixed up 🤔

    2. Another great video and you give great unbiased commentaries. Southport is in my humble opinion one of the better resort towns and looked after quite well by Sefton council. Shame about the pier still awaiting Funding. Keep up the Good work guys enjoy watching you both.

    3. Yes James .. playing Fleetwood Mac and who should I think of but Helen ..! Yes James .. Helen reminds of both Christine/ Stevie .. 50/50.. I'm now taken with Southport too .. thought when you turned the camera seawards on the beach and the tide was obviously out, I thought I was in a desert …! Could have been a mirage you saw of the " Eiffel tower ".. whoops Blackpool tower ..😂 wrong coastline .. a clean tidy beach .. town too was clean and the Victorian iron architecture was lovely it was a nice town … Yes I had that " only the crumbliest flakiest choc moment"too .. but I'm a greater admirer of "if you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club" but it didn't quite ring to that organ beat as your suggestion ..🥳 .. how fitting that the very mower owned by Albert pierrepoint was "HANGING" there .. a fitting tribute to Albert himself .and looks like it's been hanging there for considerably longer than one of Albert's clients .. the obligatory 1hr. Can't let anyone cheat the executioner .. all that money ..! This country needs to address our Victorian and historical assets and the piers are no exception .. but victoria was looking well on her plinth.. 💯🇬🇧 .. as always catch ya next time james ..enjoy ya kip 🍻 " this one "brains SA"

    4. Loved the vid 👍👍I live in Southport and appreciate your honest comments…… also learned stuff I hadn’t known. So glad you enjoyed your visit. If you come back check out Masons Arms pub, Hesketh Park, Churchtown and the Botanic Gardens….. you also missed The Grand next door to Peaky Blinders! On Lord Street there’s also the Wayfairers Arcade and The Atkinson museum and gallery….both worth a visit. Was sorry you had an early night….all the trees on Lord Street are lit up at night and it’s very different to daytime. Hope this doesn’t sound critical, it’s not meant that way at all…..hope you come back and do another 👍👍👍

    5. A lovely vlog we live about twenty minutes away from Southport, we always go to Weatherspoons when we are there and have the fish chips and mushy peas, the fish is lovely.

    6. Great to hear you sing Southports praises James. Did you manage to pop to Formby? If not bring Helen Bob's next time and we can meet you and treat you to a drink or two. Show you the squirrel reserve as well which is a great walk.

    7. I think the article you read in the Express is totally incorrect. Southport is a lovely place with many historic buildings and the covered walk way on Lord Street is quite unique and means you can still shop even in inclement weather.
      I visit Southport quite regular and always come away having had a good day. It seems to be quite a micro climate as they say in Lancashire, "it's an overcoat warmer".
      Glad you enjoyed it and if you get a chance the go again there is a Weather Spoon called The Sir Henry Seagrave and quite a good chippy done the side of the Bold Hotel called the Swan, so maybe check is out next time.

    8. Thanks for the great video. I’ve lived in Ainsdale for almost 50 years. Weird to see our lovely beach on your channel. Southport definitely isn’t what it was for shopping but plenty of factors why (internet shopping, Liverpool One etc). Facebook community groups really surface the worst opinions of locals, making it look like no one in Southport actually likes the place.
      Enjoyed your considered take on the place. Means a lot as you travel to many similar towns. Bought you a beer. Wished I’d have been in town and bumped into you in person.

    9. Love your videos don’t ever think your anything but a friend now it’s nice listening to you 😂😂 you are very like my hubby too which makes me laugh. I’m like Helen bless her x like chatting on FaceTime when u do videos like this thank you stay stage and well enjoy your holiday with Helen too x sithe matey till next time xx

    10. According to guiness book of records the nutshell Bury st Edmunds is smallest pub .maybe you could visit on your travels 😊 great video as always

    11. Should have called in for a brew 🙂

      Shame you didn't wander through Cambridge arcade. Fine examles of Victorian iron and glass architecture. The pier is a real problem. Oldest iron pier in the country, not just part of the towns heritage. Needs sorting!

      It is a cafe and old penny slots at the bottom. Unfortunately that business has been hit so hard.

      We used to have winter Gardens that rivled any in the country.

      The palace Hotel – that recieved celebrities from all over the world. Norman wisdom filmed a movie there.

      As life long residents we have watched the steady decline of our town. Like so many towns now 40% empty, 20% charity and pound shops, 30% coffee shops and bars. 10% retail.

      All the iron work is dilapidated, but look up past that and the beautiful builds being loft to rot.

      Needs change, so does the whole country though.

    12. The mainstream media is carrying out a full scale war upon working-class British people. It absolutely hates us and of course, the mainstream media is just a division serving the psychopaths who control the country and the governments. Woke is another division used in the war against normal working class people. We all have a duty to ignore their propaganda.

    13. One thing I hate are people living in the UK who continually slag the place off. Have you noticed that these people never emigrate? There must be something really wrong with their lives. I once read a comment left by some loser calling Whitby a shit hole. One of the most evocative, beautiful , historic, interesting resorts and he/she called it a shit hole. They're not right in the head.

    14. Hi James why not visit Ribchester near Longridge its absolutely beautiful next to the river Ribble they have a Roman museum there its a very quaint village with so much history apparently there's a roman village buried under the today one you don't need to go now as I've tod you all about it 😂 Helen would love it I'm sure ❤ we went today were stopping at Longridge a lovely little town its about 10 mins drive maybe 15 from Longridge see you on your vlogs we are subscribers 😊

    15. I a live near Edinburgh and am now a caravaner. I visited Southport as a stopover on the way back from Devon 30 years ago and the town was tidy and maybe a wee bit upmarket for a seaside town. Returned in 2021 and agree it is not as good as it was but it is still a
      good destination with plenty to do with decent pubs and restuarants. Like you have spent a rainy afternoon in the lawnmower museum and for £3 it is a bargain. I stayed at the CAMC
      site more than £5 per night but still ok value and close to Victoria Park and Birkdale Village.
      Every High street is suffering from out of town retail parks and internet shopping.
      You provided a great informative video and I am now a subscriber.

    16. You totally missed a trick by not going to The Sandgrounder chippy – it’s right next to the Victoria monument opposite the big merry go round 👍🏻

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