The Netherlands Is The Worst Country in Europe. Here’s Why

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    yo what’s up guys teacher Paul over here and today I’m going to react to a video which left me a little bit confused seeing the the thumbnail and um first of all it says worst country in Europe and then she’s just smiling casually like either this is a a bad joke or uh I don’t know I’m not going to judge the video um maybe it’s clickbait I don’t know but the the the the thing that doesn’t make me think it’s clickbait is the fact that this video has 84,000 dislikes so um I I think this person is probably genuinely um you know criticizing the Netherlands and I have no idea or I have no idea why we’re going to watch the video I’m not going to say anything before that let’s just see what this person has to say about the Netherlands don’t forget guys like And subscribe let go straight to this video I’m losing my voice reasons you should not move to the Netherlands hello fellow Travelers today I’m going to tell you about a country that I didn’t like officially it is named the Netherlands but and unofficially my experience was specifically in the Holland region in the city of Amsterdam the country of Holland is full of Attractive people many people would like to move there to find love because the Dutch are very good-looking people is she saying ugly people do not deserve love or you wouldn’t travel to an ugly um country what okay oh man I’m starting to think this is a joke people claim that there are jobs there and that it’s a very special country I found out about this country online she found out about the country online oh man what about in school or or in geography classes the internet you know is making the Netherlands a famous place I think I guess come on come on come on this must be a joke and it feels like she is being dubbed it feels like this isn’t properly her voice I don’t know you’re right arrived in this country with my son the very first day was snowy I stayed at skipple airport for the first night because we landed late and security Personnel mistreated us and were racist towards us most people spoke Dutch which is a very hard language to learn some people also spoke English as a secondary language wait a second is she actually complaining that the Dutch speak Dutch is that what I understood one of her complaints is that your language is hard so she doesn’t like it come on oh man this must be a joke and the fact that many people speak a second language is impressive to say the least but it was broken English therefore it was very hard to communicate with them struggled as the airport was the first enounter I ever had with the Dutch the next day went to my hotel which by the way was very expensive I did not find any cheap hotels to stay at within the city of Amsterdam bro I’m not Dutch and I’m I’m getting angry with this video the the the fact that she’s calling people out for speaking um quote unquote broken English is really um I don’t like that because broken English is a term that um many of my students if you don’t know I am an English as a second language teacher so I teach people how to speak English and um they normally say oh my English is broken and I hate that because um everyone has a chance to learn English right and um the fact that Dutch speak English as a second language is very impressive because most of the world including the United States don’t speak two languages and it is really really disrespectful F to try and um you know belittle someone for their English um speaking skills which however I think the the Netherlands has a very high skill not only the Netherlands but the whole Scandinavian region um which I know you know the ne isn’t part of but I’m saying um these countries have very high quality in in the English studies so I don’t know what she talking about she she’s losing the plot here let’s keep going and she’s complaining about being come on I spent too much money after staying 2 months in Amsterdam I suffered so much I wanted to leave and I ended up completely broke well try going to New York or try going to come on bro it was freezing there oh man okay I’m pausing too much was too much snow and many bicycles everywhere because the Dutch culture involves riding a bike everywhere since the country is little the Netherlands being a carfree country Carree country cars around oh wow if you’re living in the Netherlands do you guys know what a car is because according to her you guys never seen a car in your life that’s the the tone that she’s using here but guys you know honestly I I think this is a fake video I think this is a trigger video and um I’m starting to to doubt that this is a genuine traveler um especially because if you look in the you know in in the description that I’m I’m trying to look right now it it actually has a disclaimer it’s a copyright disclaimer which makes me believe that all the footage that she used or the person used is um you know stock image so I I think this is a trigger um hate bait type of video um so I think it’s it’s trying to trigger people into um engaging with the video that’s what I’m sus suspecting because I don’t think somebody’s that ignorant you know the the fact that she knows the difference between the the Holland region you know the difference between Holland and the Netherlands the fact that she knows that is okay I’ll give her credit to that but the rest Netherlands is a car-free country oh man come on oh man okay okay I I think they’re playing into the stereotypes as I said earlier the Dutch are very attractive people physically at least a compliment right at least a compliment and I know the Dutch are so tall in in average they’re very cold and they will not socialize with you wait they will not socialize with you I’m okay with the them socializing with me cuz I don’t think anybody in any country would try to socialize with you the way you’re talking about them you know what I’m saying not socialize with you they will never talk to you out of the blue instead they just show you a fake smile the fact that they constantly said annoyed me so I’m telling you this is a joke video this cannot be true this is somebody that is is trying to trigger that is isn’t that German I don’t know I I I don’t know but it’s a meme isn’t it the fact that they constantly said annoyed me so much and I didn’t like it at all that’s how they communicate so you move out of their way because they are commuting through the city using bicycles there are also real I don’t think this is her I think this is uh bro I am adamant into like I I can’t I can’t believe this is a real video if if this person is so out of touch with the reality and saying these type of things bro I’m getting I’m getting triggered here bicycles there are also Railways for cable cars on the streets with the buses and cars and bikes they’re called trums all of them using the same roads I found it quite unorganized did you want them to have individual roads like what they wanted oh she wanted an individual Road per car or what per train it is a very small City beautiful and old-fashioned but it is full of canals and rivers which I didn’t like I suffered so much I became depressed since I spent so much money I never even found a job to sustain myself and I’ve been did you not do your homework before you went to the country did you not calculate aren’t you that organized to be you know um to to calculate how much you’re going to spend and how much you’re going to need didn’t you do your research she’s complaining about the Netherlands being unorganized while she doesn’t even have a budget ripped off by two Dutch employment agencies because they demand you meet so many requirements to work and it’s a very closed country you can’t work or have access to basic Services as a Foreigner I I doubt that’s true I I doubt that’s true if you are an American I guess the same principles applies to any non-european Foreigner you have zero possibilities of working in the Netherlands if you’re illegal yeah I lived in Amsterdam and after doing so for a time there is nothing left for us let’s also not forget that the Dutch are stingy and greedy wow in most they will not give you a handout if you’re in need oh you want handouts now oh I’m telling you I’m getting angry bro I’m not even from the Netherlands but I’m a very um cultural uh like supporter I support all cultures and and I’ve been to many countries and I I I I I feel when like you know because this this could be applied to any country not only to the Dutch some people point out the greatness of the welfare that citizens of the European Union can benefit from but that was not so great because I’ve met many people from Europe who still had nothing while there as they spent all their money in that country and especially in the city of Amsterdam they read on the internet that it is supposed to be the best country and that there are plenty of opportunities but it’s not true forget about going there if you don’t have any money because if you’re unlucky and end up homeless you can’t even exist there the police will arrest you and find you if they see you sleeping on the streets they’re going to arrest you for being homeless I met a girl from Germany and she had a tough life in the Netherlands she had trouble saving up money working at bars and hotels even with two jobs she was not able to save enough money to survive it is very hard because the system is made to benefit older people older people’s wages are way higher than young people’s is she complaining about older people getting more I I feel like she would benefit from from from that if that’s true it’s a system where the older you get the more you get paid the most important thing you need to know before moving to the Netherlands is to bring a lot of money with you because you are going to spend a lot on hotels and going out this is especially true in Amsterdam which is a very small City you could literally walk across the city in 1 and a half hours oh you can walk across the C City imagine if you do that by bike it’s just you know if you want to go um cross country or or you know it’s just a 15minute bike ride oh man consider in Winter it is very cold very windy very snowy did you expect the winter to be hot okay I do understand that maybe some people can complain about the Dutch weather you know it being um rainy season and stuff like that you know people might not like the rain but all the other things bro this is just so stupid man come on and in Amsterdam there are not many places to sit there aren’t big shopping centers to go shopping the only places to go are McDonald’s and Burger King which are places most people gather and drink in reality this they gather and drink at Burger King and McDonald’s bro the person who wrote this script is is is bro oh man country isn’t that great there are too many drugs on the weekends teenagers get high get drunk and there’s also a lot of legal and illegal prostitution to be honest I didn’t find it was the best country in the world as the internet claims this cannot be serious okay there might be some drug problems um that is true right but um I I I I don’t see it being the worst country in Europe cuz even here in the UK there are drug problems there’s no way this is [Music] real what I’m telling you this is a joke isn’t it look at that wanted poster she apparently is the most hated person in in the Netherlands I’m joking I know you guys don’t hate anyone and I know that um you guys don’t take this video to Heart uh the the the Dutch you guys have a very good sense of humor so this this for me is a satire this is a parody nothing in this video should be taken seriously and um I know that there are some people who are going to be triggered by this because it’s so ridiculous and um in the comments and the the description it says um Let me clarify a few points some argue let me actually open this up so you guys can read with me um she tries to to justify a few things as if it was true some argue that when locals say hello it’s a sign of socializing well it’s not a sign it is socializing you say hello to start a conversation however what I meant is that they often use it rather in an impolite manner like what like hello that that doesn’t make any sense to me um often accompanied by an angry expression hello okay it’s not meant as a friendly greeting but rather as a way to get your attention to push you out of their way on the street well if you’re on the bike lane maybe polite phrases like excuse me or sorry as the British do would be more polite Choice bro you’re not in Britain um when I mentioned that you can’t have access to basic Services as a foreigner I’m talking about essential needs like emergencies shelters access to Medical Care um or assistance from food banks sadly these services are often Beyond reach unless you’re a Dutch citizen or an EU citizen or possess a valid resident permit yes but come on why are you trying to work if you don’t have a valid resident permit this situation leaves undocumented immigrants who are just as human as anyone else without the crucial support they desperately need bro you know this person is very well versed you know they’re what they’re saying and the way they’re saying seems to be very well written but it just makes no sense because um it’s complete um fake false it’s completely false um when I say there’s nothing left for us my intention is to show empathy to my fellow immigrants um even though I’m a Spanish Citizen and I have Spanish ancestry I was born in Chile okay and I truly understand the Immigrant um experience I thought she was from the US um cuz the the accent but as I said I think that might be AI generated speech or or talk to speech text to speech for most non-eu immigrants such as Americans for example you essentially have no rights unless you fall into the category category of high schooled migrants who endure years of bureaucratic processes to obtain a uh resident [Music] permit come on you’re you’re not seriously trying to um you’re not trying to live there illegally are you I don’t I hope that’s not the case some have suggested that the police may not arrest you but instead take you to a homeless shelter which is you know what the the common sense thing would be um however going back to point number two these services are primarily reserved for a select group of migrants who are registered for welfare assistant with a social worker and hold either a um resident permit or EU citizenship they aren’t accessible to everyone in need okay but the thing is if they don’t have um a resident permit how were they going to live even though they are homeless in the country they will surely either go to um you know um those those prison for illegal immigrants which is a temporary hold until they are deported or they will immediately be deported if there’s any next flight and if they agree to do so feel free to create your own perspective on other aspects discussed in the video as they are open to interpretation and subjectivity bro I’m telling you the she seems very well versed and I’m starting to believe that this is actually not a joke video I hope these clarifications shed light on the challenges faced by immigrants particular nonu immigrants and why these issues um are significant and worthy of consideration interest inter thing um other comments did she just complain about us speaking Dutch I totally understand why people don’t want to socialize with you I feel sorry for the Netherlands to have lost such a positive optimistic Citizen May she ride um on a ray of sunshine to the next dream destination where she will bring joy to everyone around her American here and I lived in the Netherlands for 10 years and loved it broken English my heiny they speak better English than Americans um good you left Karen and please stay away the Netherlands being a car-free country say what now yeah man I I I don’t think that technology has arrived in in the Netherlands according to her oh man come on that’s so dumb I met a group of four or five young Dutch women in bilau Spain last year they were very kind and we had a small talk okay interesting um I found it quite unorganized she said about about one of the most infrastructurally advanced cities in the world yes some people speak English the Netherlands one of the best speaking English countries that does not speak English as a main language yeah I agree I agree with the comments you know the Dutch have very good English um I just don’t agree with this video I I genuinely thought it was a joke satre clickbait rage bait you know I might be wrong this person might be delusional you know I you know there’s no other explanation I I can’t think of any other explanation about this so let me know your thoughts in the comments Down Below guys and um yeah the Dutch they’re very good at engineering uh you know exporting the the knowledge and Technology from the Netherlands um you know the creators of Wi-Fi maybe that’s why you know the Netherland is um well known on the internet guys obviously I’m I’m being a little bit sarcastic because this is a ridiculous thing to to to Post online and I I saw this video um the title called my attention and I was like ah this is going to be this is going to be a crazy video to react to so I hope you enjoyed my reaction to it and I hope you do understand that some of my jokes um I don’t read think the Netherlands doesn’t have a car I’m just saying that’s what she’s trying to say anyways guys I don’t need to explain my humor right I I hope you guys understand the sarcasm and the tone but in any case thank you guys for watching um keep sending me these precious videos and you know um next time I go to the Netherlands I I want to you know Vlog and and talk about a few things uh you know try to show the positive side because you’ve already seen the negative side okay guys thank you for watching I’ll see you on the next video take care for now bye-bye and let me know your thoughts in the comments down below keep it safe make some jokes but don’t fight okay bye-bye now you can get full access to exclusive content special reactions to shows series anime full movies and even request a video of your choice just become a YouTube member or join by me a coffee today find out more the link is in the description break always fight never quit do it right play the game


    1. This is ragebait in its purest form and never fails to put a smile on my face. "I went to Amsterdam and now I dislike the complete country" or "Netherlands is shitty because it was snowing" 😂.

    2. First it was a car free country and later there were railways on the street with buses and cars and bikes all used the same road. Car free? She needs someone else to speak engish for her video, so that also shows that she's a person who speaks broken but probably no english at all. I think the (sick) person who made the video only did it to get more attention to her / his channel to get views.

    3. The video is real but yes dubbed in English. The og is Spanish. Yes if people who are not of the EU region, Can not get easy work. All of the migration problems. Only if a company wants. if u have a Dutch partner And a third option if forgot. Then a foreigner can have access to basic needs and get a job.

    4. The video is undoubtedly dubbed and much of what she says is incorrect. The part where she says that we sometimes use the word 'hallo!' to mean 'get out of the way' – albeit rarely – is correct, however.

    5. I dont love Amsterdam either…
      My parents come from Rotterdam 😅 something foodballish ⚽😅
      Many people speak English,my sons also get English at school and oldest son also German and French..
      What is not good about here is the weather 😂 in winter it can be -10 celcius..
      We use a bike a lot, and there are to many cars😅

    6. There are dislikes in the Nerherlands like every other country. But her arguments are just funny. The most Dutch people like me like this video. Dont be to serious in your life. She is great.

    7. She doesn't specify what kind of immigrant she is our her visa. The way she talks about the bumps in her road, and as you pointed out the lack of organization and budgetting on her side – It makes one wonder. There are issues in the Netherlands, and she could have bumped into them… but in general right now the conflict internally left vs right in a large aspect has to do with how we take care of immigrants:
      They get housing and stuff, etc.
      The tax money spent on this while born and raised native Dutch people have much difficulty to find housing, etc. in part because the limited housing we have gets taken by immigrants and expats.
      We have social systems, burocratic systems, etc. just as any other country.
      But thing could be better, things have gotten worse here compared to my youth, this is not nostalgia; the issues are not that much different, the influx in people that get faced by them have.

    8. The person who made this video is very smart! Have you seen the amount of views the video has? Its genius. There is even a part 2 now. Its all about the views. Greets from The Netherlands. 😉

    9. 10:33 Just as an example; Yesterday I went to Maastricht. Ever since the Ukraine invasion there is this begger sitting on "the" stone bridge. He technically is not here legally. Just him being there and begging technically is illegal, since homeless people get een uitkering (social security pay). He still is there, he gets money, locals and tourists. Police and security don't bother him since he isn't bothering other people.
      People are not too cringy to give money, if they have this to spare and miss, and on them.
      Put a pin in this.

      Ever since we shifted from Gulders to Euro's, there was this change I noticed and not me alone.
      With Gulders it was not that uncommon to find money on the streets, change and coins mostly… especially at certain area's. [Winkelwagenstallingplaatsen.]
      Then came the Euro, and finding money on the street became a lesser thing, still talking about spare change.
      Then came the shift to most payments happening digitally: Pin card, and now also telephones.
      Finding money on the streets? Really that once was a common thing???
      People have less cash money on them now days.

      €1,- equalled FL 2,20 –
      I know we should not do this anymore…. but ever since the Euro came prices went up, and with the inflations that hit later things got more pricy…
      And now days most people view psychologically €1,- = to how we once did with fl 1,-

      I mean a simple tosti (toasted bread with ham and cheese) = € 3,50 and people don't blink an eye….
      to me this means this simple piece of toast/tosti is now fl 7,70 at least…. come again? It might have been fl 2,50 at most once.
      Simple 2 slices of bread, a slice of ham, and a slice of cheese….
      And this goes for all things.
      As long as people are paying, this will be sold as such.
      Just imagine: 1 bread = € 1,- depending on the price of ham and cheese, but keep in mind that price is not just for one slice…. how is €3,50 okay?

      At the kantine where I work, we get pre-packed bread/sandwiches, once they are hitting the date of expiring, and we sell them for €1,-
      People are all praising them, untill I tell them the original price for them would be €3,50.
      They are not worth that price, believe me… we make similar sandwiches that are better for cheaper.
      But the €1 discount price since they have to be sold that day; who's complaining?
      People wonder why the differences in prices and qualities.
      We can't sell a meatloaf sandwitch for €1,- its a different kind of bread (ours is bigger) and you get more sause on it, lettuce, cucumber; €2,50
      But not sealed packed the same way afterwards. Theirs is €3,50 (originally) The people praising them for €1.- would never pay €3.50 for them.
      [Now also keep in mind the example I gave for a tosti being €3.50 (? WTF?) At my location it's €2.- for a tosti like that]]

      The boss wants to make X amount of profits, the customer is only willing to pay X amount of money, right now we are straddling that razor line…
      Some customers are comming lesser, so we are not making more profits actually it's getting less.
      And I am the codepentent in this story. Dependent on the job to make profits so I still have a job.

      Also the location with the people that earn more money [A+] get things for cheaper and free… figure that.
      We have like A+ (or even A++) locations, we have A locations, we have B locations and even C locations.
      The A & B location get to pay the most, technically.
      A+ gets stuff for free, and C has lower pricings because they have the thinnest wallet and can't/won't pay more than that.

      Back to the pin, you can pull it out, and resume: Years back there was this girl/woman that was also on that same bridge begging for money. She had a disabillity, and a gang took advantage of her. She was begging for money for them. Why begging is not allowed, technically there should be no need to do so. If you have no job/income or it's not the minimum required there are social safety-nets, but with hoops you have to jump, go through.
      Homeless people get een uitkering to survive (basic level) to pay for food & drinking (but not to pay for an addiction; this is where it often finds the bump in the road for them to beg) to have money to spent for the sleep locations; Opvanglocaties, etc. So the basics of the costs which they will encounter.
      The sign of this male we started with said; please donate some money, I'm hungry….
      So a Dutch thing to do is give him something to eat and drink not money….
      who knows where they spent that money on…Drugs, to give to a gang, etc.

      You want money to buy for a ticket? I'll buy you the ticket if it's not too expensive…. I had been willing to give up to €5. In the past that would have been enough for a dagkaart in the OV. (In my grandmothers middle aged days, and in my mothers youth this would cost you fl 0,25)
      If not mistaken a dagkaart now is €7.- been years since I had one with the introduction of the OV chipkaart.
      I am not giving more away, € 5 was the max, when life for me is also getting more expensive.

      I always try to imagine: What if I was that person, in need?
      But now the feeling has become more like, sorry, but I hoop I won't end up for that need, thus got nothing to spare.

      However there are loads of people that take advantage of people like me, why we are becoming less and less, and give less and less.
      My donations are not tax deductable, those of the big companies and firms are. And their corporate greed is getting out of hands.

    10. Love it, I have no idea whether it's sarcasm or real and she gets almost everything wrong (But it's hilarious.nonetheless) Dutch speaking Dutch; shameful behaviour 🙂 But she isn't completely wrong; it can be cold and rainy overhere. Hahahaha. And of course we are car free, that's why we learned to swim like German U-boats and fly around like gentle butterflies.
      Great reaction Paul, cheers from the Low Countries

    11. dutch people are the best non native english speakers in the world.
      tha vast majority of dutch speak reasonable upto good english

      you can not just show up and start to work when you are not from the european union.
      just like in the usa you must have a green card.

      and social security is fot inhabintants of the county.
      not giving away money to every tourist that shows up.

    12. when you walk in the middle of the bikepath, people may say hallo in a non friendly way to go to she sidewalk as biking is a form of transport and not a leasure activity.
      it is basicly the same as walking in the middle of the street.
      you may also honk your horn.

      homeless people (wish there are relative few of) mosly find chelter to spend the night and don't sleep in the streets, but not get arrested.

      the drug problem is in genaral much less than in most other western countries.
      even soft drugs use is much lower than in countries were it is complete illegal.

      about her speach, i think she is asian and the voice is a translation.

      about the weather, come in the right season.

    13. I saw this video before. How dare we speak Dutch! This woman deserves all the love she can gets but I am sure she will not find it in the Netherlands 🤣🤣 Your commentary makes everything better.

    14. The netherlands isnt perfect. We have our flaws but in my opinion we are very helpful in general. And going to Amsterdam for 2 months.. well then you need a lot of money! 🤣

    15. Standing in a bike lane, especially in Amsterdam, will get you an angry hallo (or something worse). Most tourists catch on after one or two times and don't stand in the bike lane anymore. 😄

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