Join me as I ride my Royal Enfield down through Southern France stopping on the way to see the highest sand dunes in Europe

    morning guys morning from Southern France so I’m just about to set off again and the sun’s just starting to come out but uh yeah got my uh used my bike cover for the first time but um yeah had a good good night’s sleep here and um today we are going down two so that’s where we are there going down baritz is down here but I’m going to whatever this place is called another random Place bisar Ross bisar Ross but uh no doubt the French s it a bit different uh passing Bordeaux there skirting around the outside but um I’m going to have a little detour so um there’s something special to see on the way so um we’ll stop there so that’s only it’s about a 3-hour ride today so uh it’s about 9:00 is it yeah yeah 3 minutes to 9 so I’ve got loads of time um but um I’m looking forward to my little stop off and uh I’ll show you what that is as we go along but um yeah ready to pack up and get on the road [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh just stopping at this balerie so I’ve been on the road about half an hour I suppose but uh model to get a cant and a the bresso cheapest jet chocolate uh croissant and uh espresso €210 cheap [Music] [Music] yeah so the uh bike’s going really well really happy with it handles good brakes good it’s comfortable economical yeah can’t fault it um tires are really good they I assume they original tires from uh the factory never heard of them before Zoom plus F cat but um they’re really good and um ah the bike it’s easy to pack just Chuck that on and way we go [Music] sometimes when you’re traveling you just got to stop and take in the atmosphere and have a little bit of a rest so so look at this place there’s a place called leborn l i b o u r n e there proba like urin here good idea oh there’s a police looking at my bike so I’m finally getting some warm weather it’s um 1: p.m. and it’s 22° now supposed to be getting up to about 25 so I’ve uh reached my DeTour for the day and it’s called the Dune D plat and this is it here the highest sand June in Europe [Music] [Music] you can see the uh steps going [Music] up what just amazing views yeah I’m glad I came here so I ride on the coast uh just up from uh I don’t know about about an hour drive north of baritz hour and a half something like that [Music] up there got some more water cuz it’s really hot today about 25 and then I’ll have my strawberries after that but um I got 2 hours to kill anyway so no rush well this is where I’m staying this time it’s 10 to 5 so if she’s here or not so morning guys um so today I’m off to baritz down at the um southern part of um Spain so I’ve got my bike all packed up um now Sunday morning so um supermarkets here only open from H hour SE till about lunchtime so um I’ve gone and got some uh Caesar salad a mix of Raisor and nuts and some juice and some leftover strawberries from yesterday so uh we’ll have the road busy shop cure of about 20 people but uh got my espresso so they’re about €120 130 uh depending on the shop but [Music] uh coffee ends life yeah so they blocked the road off here so everyone’s coming down doing U tuns Patrol time staying in a hostel this time first time ever but um yeah all the accommodation so far I’ve been paying about 3537 uh they’ve all been private accommodation so this one will be a commercial one for a change but uh yeah same price for a dorm room 30 35 37 for dorm room but I am in baritz so and I wanted to have a look around town so that I’ll I’ll pay that money but yeah but uh big drop in temperature today uh back down to 18° yesterday was 25 but uh yeah that’s all right the dorm rooms about 1 and 1/2 km away from downtown burit so I’ll get to have a look around town as well over here oh this is the entrance here a thank you yeah so uh first dorm room in about 25 years but uh not too bad so pack my bike right there but I’ll uh show you through here there’s a couple of people there so just keep it quiet there’s more one see plugs down there which is good kitchen toilets shs so pretty good

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