South Dartmoor CTC cycling tour to Bath and Somerset, Day 4. We started at Street Youth Hostel and visited Clarks Village, Nythe, King’s Sedgemoor Drain and Burrow Mump. We took the train back to Devon from Taunton.

    how’s he do I’m all right hey will about do you want to be the commentator today yeah you this you talking will say where we are tell me where we are uh we’re at some place called Street in some well done and uh that was informative this is a hostel where we just stayed the night yeah hello Mom sh Theon oh can I go my uh awesome Place hey cop you going to do the commentating then no fine fine [Music] fine maybe the first floor balcony is better is actually okay so what do you all think of Street hostal very Mark 10 eight no seven out 10 eight 7 eight snap dude marks out of 10 what for a street hostel how many marks out of 10 ready one okay George gives it one but everyone else says seven to eight okay very good ex Ash that’s a long way um this is Street host hello Street and yeah this sweet and we up on the top level which is up there we’re going to go up and show you the room come one second we’re actually going to go up and show themo right let’s show them the kitchen and everything else George this way should the this is Mary M M all right this is the kitchen there’s something cool about this it’s got some Wicked sort machine when you watch it goes like this quite cool this is the line yeah it’s on the computer then we can print it off on the computer if you things more things things here there’s a bathroom it says it’s outside I think it probably is no that’s the bathroom well so there’s one bathroom there three bathrooms there is a bathroom outside but oh there see outside one you freeze your balls off when you’re uh when you’re middle of the night and you need the toilet and both of them are taken up and this one here has a shower in it see shower with some body lotion uh if we can read the content says it smells of crap right let’s move up oh well room number six is unlocked now well this is this was whose room um will and my dad’s um wait which bed did you sleep in one slept on the one the right and there will be that one which is one Wily’s bed there’s one other bed spare that you didn’t use and that’s one of the spares and a tap and stuff tap mirror in my wacky hairstyle today another mirror and there’s some cows grazing on the lawn or field whatever you want to say okay Mike one sec that’s where I slept that’s where Georgie slept that bed there cob cob slept there and cob did want to sleep there but we called heads and tails and George won cuz he called heads and that one’s that’s a spare um this is Lawrence’s bed that one is Lawrence’s bed and that was Michael’s Michael’s bed and that is the sink where we Ed our teeth and one last thing is if you went outside this door here which is just like a window we’re outside and there’s Michael Co and John hello John hello hello and this is us this is goodbye from will George and myself oh wait wait wait two drink 50p special offer special offer you need yeah this is myi myi over and out God sh products direct from the factory production line that c pack separately because they’re either broken damaged or Miss shaped all right they could be anything then yeah right I’ll tell you what mate I’m going to buy one of these from theep you’ve already got one down there yeah for me and you really y okay and for your mom hello what you going to get them don’ts in the too much stuff too much to choose from you’re right [Music] beautiful are you ready to go more or less we need to go now put this on he needs to put this on so we can go back in the cab so surely if we need to go you would go in there too wouldn’t you if you could no yes you would if you have a look mik yeah because this is broken I have to do a special way to make it not fall off like that over there this is what we did earlier yeah here’s the one put it through there does anyone think it’s cold by the way freezing freezing sooner we get cycling the sooner you’ll feel warm and then you put it in there again yeah very good can we go now please thank you very much need right and then you this it doesn’t actually wonderful now now you can go right well actually it’s not really a proper word is it so shat on what how’s Will right that was very unfortunate so where’s the evidence then we wiped her off oh where was it on his trash really show me away oh you actually were oh well done good luck the video it was my fault look me Michael at least my face doesn’t look like one like what like a camera well he’s insulting me I didn’t insult you we’re just having a bit of fun at your expense because you had just repeated the fact you had a bird BL on you deposit on you okay then we’re going left here then hey Mike pass for a sec why I want to see wait wait wait wait hold it is it still on yeah okay ready now I can see myself when I turn that For Heaven’s Sake there we go mirror in the bathroom yeah that’s wicked uh ask rain coming can you go on to the first Junction please Ash not too much around there [Music] [Music] are they your friends will or you can do this get me up excuse George I’m going to attempt to run and jump up it yeah yeah complete object sorry they want some food I think wearing glasses friendly just don’t feed them mcco they’ll start eating themselves wouldn’t be good get up y I don’t know how I’m going to get down oh we’ll help you help right how are you going to get down jump let’s go ready I’m going to attempt iy I need slide down step on my shoulders Lawrence finally Mr last again no hey why were you last John what about John okay I could jum nearly last can you help me get out yes we’re going to go down in a minute I think I no just drop it’s too windy up here just me trust I’m going to jum that ready all right quite simple wait my you want to come in John ready yeah we can let you in if you want no cob you’re too big and heavy no C go go you hurt yourself see you’re stuck now there we go go that’s my back ready just go he says go no no no just get down ready yeah I’m going to move in three two one you’re not a lightweight like George pretty heavy whoa what was that there paper just flew off there who’s crystal is m I think we should head down as soon as you’re ready we P us to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] London okay well that’s just a Freight engine huh that’s just a Freight engine okay go then all right hello comfortable hello Lauren hello hello comfortable yeah it’s protecting us from the wind okay very good we need to go then go ahead and I’ll catch you up look around we have look around I guess you’re joking I you all right then hello [Applause] right does anybody want to Scotch egg them not really H have a bit ler he forgot to take out he forgot to take out the first R what you had both then George said when I told him that you were having fried eggs he said he would look at it continuously until you’d finished eating it like he’s doing George like a dog waiting to be off of a scrap yeah I can make you something annoying some watching you I was going to say I can do bacon cuz Michael went one night in the house sing I could do you egg all right cuz we got some of them and I could probably find something else we could even do egg from our own chickens you eat chicken does eat chicken no he’s a flipping vegetarian and it took about I eat chicken because you know you’re going to enjoy that on a Sunday Dr the only time that had eating his chicken yeah I eat his chicken starving yeah I’ll make sure your mom knows you’ve had that when you get home so she doesn’t cook you another meal I was going to say he’s not going to tell her she’s going to she have a mammoth Mammoth meal waiting for you when you get home I ran Kelly and let her know that George hasn’t had any fresh fruit all week so she’s going to get him a fresh fruit party tonight is that you friends nothing but fresh fruit yes you never even know your always did your J I said I’m going to eat it tonight but I didn’t banana was a bit Mankey it a bit all right yeah

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