I put 25Volts in to a bike designed for 8.4 to try and break the UK Speed limit. What could possibly go wrong! (volts printed on pack are at storage charge, full charge is higher)
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    w w I want to make this RC motorbike break the UK speed limit which is 70 mph at the moment it can do 35 mph 35 mph and to make it go over 70 m per hour we’re going to have to give it more power and the easiest way that I know is More Voltage by the way want to win one of my RC cars see the link in the description so here’s the battery that he runs on now 7. 4 Vols 2 s but if we go up to a 6S that’s 22.8 Vols and that is three times the power but to take the 22.8 volts we’re going to need a new speed controller I’ve got one here so hopefully it’s going to fit no idea what’s going to happen it could blow up it could catch fire the tires might blow off the chain might fly off it might just back flip a million times or maybe it will even do 100 mph who knows let’s find out so let’s start off I’ve taken it all apart and I’ve got rough idea what I’m doing because I’ve just built this bike here with a whole load of aluminum upgrades so I kind of sort of know how this one comes apart so the speed controller is just there not really sure with the easiest way is to get to it maybe if we take all this lot off [Music] possibly so we’re getting deeper in but it’s still buried so I think we’re going to have to take off this chassis plate [Music] so speed controller is now freeish still got the wires to [Music] unplug sizewise the new one is a little bit bigger hopefully we can find a way to make that fit in there but I think there’s just enough space just to tuck him up the inside like this now we do have a problem this here is a gyro it’s basically a motor with a flywheel that spins around this I’m told can only take two s lipo any more than that it’s definitely going to blow my friend Andy’s got one and he’s even blue just running it on 2s so we’ve got to step down the voltage from a 6S down to a 2s and a lot of you guys in the comments told me to get this so this is a voltage regulator 2 to 14s input and an output we can have 4 volts to 12 Vols and that one 7.4 so perfect now space here is really running out and I’m thinking because the ESC is a bit Slimmer this way hopefully that will squeeze in there but this part here is knocking so maybe if we put it like that I think we might just get it all in there so to change the voltage in here we have to plug it into this Castle link so I’ve got all that plugged into the laptop here we got the software default we got 5.25 volts I think we going to go with six if we go with eight it might blow it up so basically what this little Gadget is doing is allowing the main motor to run on 6s and stepping the gyro motor down to 2s right here we go got to temporarily plug it in see if it works but just before I put the connector on wish me luck oh look at that the gyro spinning up should be a turn it off on here yes that works that works guys I think it’s going to work yes [Music] here we go ready for action so let’s quickly refresh ourselves to see what it does on the stock Lio then we’re going to go up to a 3s Lio and then we’re going to add more and go all the way up to 6s later on in this video so 2s going in right here we go 2s check out 2s expansion so next up we’re going to try the 3s same size it should fit in there oh no look the wires Horizon put the wires on the other side they always do it so that you can’t have to use their stuff but no big deal we can CHP this piece out so 3s we got to make sure that our little voltage regulator works for the FL wheel so yeah that’s coming on what’s going to have I think it’ll be fine on 3s yeah what going happen on 6s bang you reckon it will take something it blow up fire do I contain fly off what do you reckon motor all right okay well we’ll see in a minute but it’s winding up that’s the flly wheel inside while that’s winding up I think we are going to need eye protection thank you right see what he can do oh look at that expansion oh look at that smoke oh burning wood oh that jro still works so that’s dyro mode one mode two mode two triple flash is wheelie mode should you keep outside yeah still light quick yes it’s still we all 3s can’t see a lot turn around speed pass oh no in a minute we’re going to go seek s so don’t go anywhere this is going to be nuts look at that we’ got all three colors lined up so this one here is actually going in a different video I don’t know if it goes in before or after but this one here looks got all the aluminium Parts all over it loads of bling it’s a little bit heavier this one here is Andy’s one and how many runs does it had one and a half and he’s already broken the gyro motor inside it so he’s got to open that up put that in there and hopefully it’s going to be all right what is he doing over there oh no I’m what are you doing I drawing a diagram so I know where all the fols go back cuz I know what I’m like so this is the thing that’s gone wrong isn’t it yeah so here’s the system in action oh you see it’s all melted got to put that back in and back in Action quickest way boom that was easy was it very nice hey hang on that sounds a lot smoother than my one probably on his way out as well is it boom here we are back on location we was here yesterday and it was wet wind rainy and crappy and for some reason this didn’t work when we plugged it in it just wouldn’t arm up then I took it back to the shop and it did work so now hopefully it’s going to work oh it works yes so we’re starting off a Onyx 3s lipo then we’re going to go to a 4S and then we’re going to have to try and see how we can get a 6s in there later on we got the GPS on there all set to zero and in the house with his one all stock look look at that look how much space we got in there [Applause] not much here we go here we go here we go that’s full speed I was trying to wheel I have to wind him up slower oh you’re kidding me he’s upside down again guys when you get these bikes you better get your exercise ready cuz I’ve just crashed over there and I’ve got to go running and this seems to happen quite a lot oh look at that Andy’s Wheeling look at that on the back wheel but anyway we got 47 mph so far let’s try a different wheel mode see what happens oh oh no GPS is off so on here we got different Wheeling modes so mode one mode two mode three they all do different things so let’s see which one is going to all right here we go that’s full speed that it’s full that was full he was moving oh and he’s upside down again if you need exercise get yourself one of these anyway how fast did he go 55 mph oh look at that on the back wheel oh oh curb on the back wheel on the back wheel on the back wheel oh and he’s got wobbly on ah man this Bo are epic let’s go fors but before that let’s give him a bit of off road [Music] first [Music] let’s try one 4S before we break him so that was 55 mph on this Onyx lipo now we going to go up to this Hobby King Nano Tech whatever it is 4S there we go 4S it’s working should we give it a REV ready yeah no uh wind your eyes in chain F off are you ready oh that’s working so 55 on 3s 4s 60 got to get 60 me I’m reing we’ll get 70 once we get the 6s in there all right there we go 0er mph let’s see what he can do here we go 4est that’s full that’s full power full speed oh what do you reckon how fast 60 56 I want to go with 59 just to be different oh 53 i l I reckon is because the Onyx has got more power even though this one’s a 3s and this one’s a 4S the 3s Onyx has obviously got more power than the 4S turn right so next we have to get it back to the shop and try unless we can shoehorn him somehow can we shoehorn that somehow I reckon know we should plug it in and R at least and see what happens here we go 6s oh look we can tape him on there oh man we can takee that on there we’re good to go yes s it I’m not going back to the shop messing around I want to do it now I’m a millennial I need instant glassification I was going to make a backpack for him and then have have it on his back but this is going to work look at that get lipo fire let’s check it a little rev wa wa oh look the tire is rubbing in there on the arm [Music] look oh oh reverse why did he go backwards oh it’s got reverse now no chance let’s get that GPS on there oh my God here we go full speed that’s FLIR out we keeps trying to whe we need to drop some weight to the front oh come on we need to add some weight to the front so I need to go and get myself some more exercise and go over there and can you find some weight I have to retrieve my toy more exercise new year new gym I was complaining that it was too too cold earlier now I’m too hot all right anyway how fast did we go 55 mph again it’s definitely got more power but it keeps trying to wheelie once we get that weight on there hopefully it’s going to work right so we got the ballast probably want the weight like there or something is it yeah we all having two one on top one there so my theory is with this one it might be too much weight high up but let’s keep it going anyway see what happens 0 mph here we go oh my God no a I tried to do my zoom thanks mate there you go there’s a good mate right there here we go who he’s moving oh oh no oh my God Li po off and he’s still going on his own he’s running [Music] solo bits absolutely everywhere more exercise GPS how fast did he go 55 again it seems to be locked to 55 mph oh that lipo’s had it look probably get another go out of it though let’s put it all back together again and try again there we go got another weight on the front there no I think that’ll cause that wobble at high speed you reckon yeah so your solution I think stick it down here all right well I want to give you one more go like that and then we’ll try something in there if that survives that rock on there I’m worried is going to come off and smash into everybody’s cars are you worried Dy about your car yeah oh Dan’s over there getting a second camera angle all right here we go oh no no no it appears they were right right let’s let them strap it down and see how it works this time Dan’s technique do it your way you’re in charge try to make it fit yet there we go we got all the weight there hopefully that’s going to work here we go that’s flat out that was full speed please stop and please turn me [Music] Mound oh man what did he get what did he get what did he get what did he get come on come on come on 70 70 oh nearly 67 mph we got 67 mph we only three more mile hour and we’ve broken the UK speed limit brother mate your way worked I’ll tell you what I’m really surprised that that stock motor in there’s taken 6s and the stock tire but look you can see the limit in Factor look is rubbing in there so I think next in a different video we’re going to have to put on a different tire maybe try and extend it back a little bit I don’t know who knows anyway future video we’re going to try it again still with 6s Lio but this time different tire and try and make the tire not rub on the suspension arm and then I reckon it’ll go way over 70 M hour uhoh I’ve just been playing a little bit off camera here on the car park on 3s and look it’s locked up think that motor didn’t like it look at that it kept getting slow on slow lower and now it’s done so next video with this I’m going to replace the motor probably going to end up putting one of these Castle Motors in there also I want to extend this rear arm maybe buy one maybe make one maybe modify this one we need to get this wheel here further away from that arm there then that can spin up faster make it more stable we should get way over 70 mph if you haven’t seen yesterday’s video we had a video on this motor bike here this one here is the same bike but in blue and this one’s got all the trill aluminium UPG on it look at that all the blue arm the sprocket all the frame up here look this thing is a work of art and you can actually win this one so if you want to win this bike there’s a link to that down below


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