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    I’m back with another video on microt transport and this one is going to be to focus on the difference between having a light as opposed to an ultra light or a hyperlight bicycle or kick bike or whatever mono whatever you however you want to categorize it but I typically focus on the two- wheelers most of them have pedals but I will review some hyper lights that are lighter than even 14 lb so a lot of people wonder about the weight of the bicycle and they think that if they get if they spend an extra few thousand then it’s going to go faster so long that you stay within reason for example you look at this birdie here so long that you are within reason this is almost a 25 lb bicycle here we go 11 12 kilogram that’s probably around 24 lbs so this is probably the heaviest bike I’m going to show you today but consider that on the downhills having more weight is actually a benefit because the heavier you are the faster you come down on a hill this is one of the reasons why vom mobiles are so incredibly fast because on downhills they can get the speed up to 50 60 sometimes even 70 M an hour and most of them don’t even have the gearing to ride that fast so so they become a gravity racer on the uphills having something really light is going to help you I’m not going to lie it’s better to have something lighter than heavier and for example when you ride with the titanium brumpton I have been on a good number of group Prides where somebody was there with a a titanium brumpton bike and I can definitely tell you that they that they climb better than the average steel brumpton but you know whatever benefit you get on the uphill with a light bike you’re going to lose on the downhill and then there are the Flats on the flat the difference between an 18 pound and a 25 lb bike is not that great there is a difference in your accelerate faster and if you have an a very light bike of course you are going to be a little bit better but not buy a long shot so I would say anything under 25 lbs is a lightweight bicycle that would include practically every single non-c cargo bike I have ever reviewed typically none of these folders even if they are made of steel or or aluminum none of these are going to go over 25 lb that’s kind of a limit most of these manufacturers don’t want to put a 35 lb folding bike on the market because most people would not want to travel around or commute around with that extra 5 pounds but at the basic level I mean look at the price this is um Singapore dollar it’s actually cheaper in us so you are a little over 2,000 and look at what an incredible bike you are getting yeah $25 pounds but look at the gearing the quality of it the hydraulic disc brakes very nicely put together re un Müller style and the fold is really not bad or you can go for a Molton this would be a bit more expensive but this is their entry level TSR model quite remarkably this bike also comes if it’s still on the market with the with the B drive you can go faster with the chain because you they can put in a smaller U Cog in the rear a smaller sprocket but it’s nice to know that you can even get the B drive for a genuine molten you get the quality rear um suspension the front is kind of a lower in suspension it’s not the best that they have but definitely a good suspension to have so the weight is lighter than the previous one almost the same almost the same about 24 lbs which is you know this is a steel bike the the birdie was an aluminum bike this is a solid steel bike it’s very sturdy by Molton standard it’s a cheap bike as well for 24 lb I mean you are getting enough for your money if you want light if you want to get I would say if you go under 20 lb or even at 20 lb that would be what I call an ultra light or a super light so these are bikes that are for racing for better climbing for various performance attribute and if even though they climb better than the 25 lb bike nobody really makes a touring bike at this weight range and that’s because yeah you climb a little bit better but ultimately for touring sturdiness and a very wide range of Gears is much more important but this is a great bike I have mentioned it previously in another video I wish I had more images of it as you can see the price is close to $20,000 this is actually made of steel but it is actually below 20 lb in fact I think it’s 19 lbs us instead of the kilogram now you don’t have to spend $22,000 to get into the ultral light category you don’t have to get a titanium bike there are some aluminum and even steel bikes that can go under 20 see this one this is about 18 lb that’s pretty intense this is a combination of aluminum aloy for the frame it’s a Japanese trell company I have already reviewed this company so I’m not going to go that deep into it but the fork is made out of carbon in house this is all specialty stuff and this is a little bit of a Ste uh space frame very similar to what you saw on the molten but much more narrow and look at the quality of the workmanship internal cabling look at the colors they the multicolor carbon fork and I don’t think the price is more I don’t have the price on this one but it’s it’s no no more than3 or $4,000 you’re definitely not spending um2 ,000 on it on the other hand see this space frame here so it’s a very very rigid frame especially in the front it it’s probably going to be as good as the Molton maybe not in the rear but in the front and it does not have a suspension so these bikes are made exclusively for performance especially the the high-end ones so I’m putting links below I hope you will check it out you can’t buy a TRL from a US there because there are none but you can import them in quite easily there is a German dealer online and there are several Asian dealers as well so if you want if you are in Asia then this is something to check out in fact I have seen these bikes in real life in Japan because they are quite popular and look at the prices the prices are not bad € 2600 is now slightly less valuable in the US dollar but even at if you take it one to one like 3,800 if you can go this one goes definitely under 20 lb maybe 19 pounds for less than $4,000 it’s really not a bad deal and you get a lot of gearing it has a front gear and the rear gear for something so light I mean these bikes are really a good deal so this is this is what I would call the ultr light category and I think the burmon is really losing out on it because you have to go for titanium and look at the price nearly twice the price of a trell and it’s not nearly as sporty it flaxes like crazy like it doesn’t have any anywhere near that rigidness that you get from this design the space frame and everything so this is designed this is meant for people who who need to have the shopping cart experience you can push it into the grocery store fold it into a shopping cart with a bag in the front and you’re good to go in fact most people who buy these alter light especially if they buy the brumpton they don’t even they don’t even report going so fast on it or riding more on it the city is definitely very comfortable so I don’t think I’d wanted want to ride more than 10 miles 5 miles on this thing but they report that is just much easier to carry to carry up into a Walkman um walk up apartment to get it into the elevator to go into the revolving door and all of those things so if you need the kind of compactness that you get from the brumpton then I’m afraid they don’t have any cheaper deals for you and now we are getting into the next category which would be which would be what I call a hyperlight this would have to be 14 lb or less now there are some people who have taken those other bikes like the the brumpton and the trell and all these bikes and if you spend another $10,000 on the part perhaps you can get down to 14 lb or close to that but consider that in this case it’s out of the box 14 lb which is absolutely astounding this is the weight 14 maybe 14 and 12 PBS around there and this is the price in prish pound so it’s probably going to be at least 5,000 us little over five maybe five and a half but that’s the price you you pay for a brumpton which is a much much clumsier ride although it has more speed so I’m comparing a little bit apples to oranges here I love the wheels so you get a lot for your money and you have an exceptional frame because this Frame is this middle section of it is not going to flax it’s a solid piece of material they used to make it out of carbon fiber but now they are using a plant fiber to do the frame and I will do another video on this because this is an interesting topic this is the single speed one so if you want to go get down to 14 lbs and you still want to have nine speed it’s possible to do but it’s going to set you back quite a bit of money I think it’s much easier to just keep it simple no gears or if you use gears just in the front which is easier and lighter to do and uh except the fact that for example on my zutter scooter which weighs less than 11 lbs it is feather weight absolutely hyperlight because I have to kick it because I don’t have this kind of a drivetrain I average about 6 M an hour with this thing you can average twice as much isn’t that enough for something as light as this so I think for for people who are just just want to go as light as possible consider you’re not buying that for the performance you are buying that for the ease of handling the ease of lifting of care caring it around and also to have a very very simple bike that can double the speed of a Kick Scooter so that’s what you’re paying for for 55,000 great Parts none of the other bikes really compete I mean even the trell doesn’t have these wheels are primitive compared to compared to the magnificence of what you get from the hummingbird and again I’m putting links below so you can check out the website this bike has already been reviewed but we can never review um it enough now another way of getting down to 14b almost I mean other than the hummingbird I don’t even know a small Wheel manufacturer that sells you a 14lb bike out of the box so one thing you can do is buy a frame a quality frame this is a trell titanium it is only 3 lb it is incredibly light if you put in the carbon Fork I probably buy the carbon Fork from them and the whole frame is really not bad you’re less it’s less than $800 you can’t really complain so you buy a fork from them you buy a headset I would keep it at single speed or maybe I wouldn’t do this I wouldn’t put a disc brake on it this is supposed to be alrite this is somebody’s creation I would not do it I wouldn’t even put that much of a handle bar on it maybe a flat bar with a bar a lightweight bar end and I don’t like this fork and definitely would not be putting up all those gears but you know starting like this probably you could build a very light 14lb bike for yourself with a single speed or two speeds for maybe $3,000 you put it together and that you would you would have a titanium bike so this is another way of doing it then finally I need to add the kick bikes a lot of people don’t regard these as as a serious thing even though I I think they totally are and I have published some videos of me riding this scooter I have something very similar from way back 2005 this is a crappy website they just cut out some old picture what a joke but you can see what it is and I will definitely publish more videos showing you how it works and how it is you can average 5 six miles an hour with this you have practically no weight you don’t even have to fold it it is insanely lightweight so I’m definitely not buying a scooter like this because I want to pass somebody on a on a molon speed that’s not going to happen but for running errands locally within a couple of miles of range maybe three miles that would be a half an hour ride each way very easy to do to go into any kind of a place without even folding it I don’t even typically fold it and look at the price the money I saved on the subway and the taxi I have saved back many times over back in the day when we brought mine it was about $200 now this is the only one that woodn’t deck is the cheapest one it’s $ 250 and some of the prices are going up higher but I think it’s still a a killer deal and mine has lasted for two decades here is another one these uh kick bikes by the way are about 10 10 and a half pounds here are the weights in American pounds so 11 but this one is flat flat out 10 lb how crazy is that for 250 bucks 10 and2 pound 11 and A2 boy this one is heavy wonder wonder why it is so heavy that’s the street oh this is the one yeah because but it’s an aluminum deck that’s why and the wooden deck is lighter and this is some kind of a it’s not even aluminum it’s a magnesium so another scooter that is like it it is sort of uh the same weight not much heavier is the goad I know a lot of zutter people don’t like the goad and then there a lot of goad people don’t like the zutter the thing is this one is safer it doesn’t Glide as elegantly as the zutter because the the the tires are a bit wider but this gives you a whole lot more security and it’s very solid the way this pipe is bent around as a single piece it’s just a very sturdy very solid feel and if you’re over 6 foot tall if you if you are heavier than 180 190 PBS you really cannot do the zoor you have to do this the front brake is also better definitely lighter is better I wish they had a better website to be honest maybe somebody like me will have to fix this but uh and this is the fold not as elegant is on the zuther but just very sturdy look at how wide those those wheels are with great brakes front and rear brakes very good I should say that about the deck that it’s a really ugly design and most people replace it there is interestingly a whole Army of third- party people who are com companies that are supporting the various goads not just this one but others so you can buy a ton of different decks aluminum titanium whatever you want you can even probably custom design your own deck and have some have some laser printer character maybe cut it out of a a metal and Laser and the notepad comes in various uh styles and colors and it only costs 200 250 and as you can see a goit has been around for a very long time and they do make they do make even motorized models and this is a better deck definitely a much narrower better deck but it doesn’t have a front brake which I’m not too crazy about when you take down heels you really want to have front and rear brakes as much as possible yellow yellow black like a do two color combination once again no break which I don’t like I’m sure you can add the brake if you want to but this is very cheap this is not even $200 and the tubes are made of aluminum this is also aluminum just like the the zutter as you can see they make all kinds of both electric battery and even gasoline scooters so they were one of the first first to power Kick Scooter like that and they have these two-stroke engines but they are horribly noisy so it’s kind of ridiculous in oldfashioned this is straight out of the 60s or 70s with the little gasoline tank but they do sell it and they do have some electric pieces as well okay this is it for the current video I would say most of the ultral lights and super lights unless you buy a kick bike are going to be pretty expensive so make sure to take your time and do your research I’ll be back

    1 Comment

    1. You videos always take me deeper into the world of tiny bikes. One note, if you ever can upgrade your microphone it would be a big help. The audio quality is a bit rough when I cast through my TV speakers. Can be tough to listen to.

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