Delve into the wonders of the Netherlands as we reveal 15 astonishing facts that will leave you speechless. From its picturesque landscapes to its progressive policies, there’s so much to learn about this remarkable nation. #Netherlands #Trivia #discoveries

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    While we do our best to provide you with the most accurate information. These are after all just our take based on data we analyzed.

    Related Tags:-
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    have you ever wondered what makes certain countries truly mind-blowing from the vast icy expanses of Antarctica to the bustling vibrant streets of Tokyo Each corner of our world holds unique and fascinating surprises some countries boast natural wonders While others are known for their incredible Innovations or quirky cultural practices today we’re diving into one such country that stands out for its remarkable features and achievements welcome to the Netherlands a place that consistently amazes with its blend of History culture and modernity known for its iconic windmills tulip fields and intricate Canal systems the Netherlands has earned a spot on our list of 15 mindblowing things about countries around the world but there’s so much more to this low-lying nation then meets the eye from being the first country to legalize same-sex marriage to having the tallest people in the world the Netherlands is a treasure Trove of astonishing facts that will leave you in awe number 15 love for licorice one of the sweetest secrets of the Netherlands is their absolute love for licorice the Dutch have a serious Sweet Tooth for this unique treat in fact on average each person in the Netherlands consumes about 2 kilos of licorice every year that’s 32 million kilos of this delightful candy devoured annually that’s like the weight of a small elephant for every single person why this love affair with licorice you ask well it’s deeply embedded in their culture and has been for centuries but that’s not all folks hold hold on to your hats because it gets even sweeter when you step into a candy store in the Netherlands you’re in for a real treat they don’t just have one or two types of licorice oh no they’ve got over 80 different varieties in Dutch licorice is called drop so you’ll find everything from sweet and chewy to Salty and firm and everything in between whether you prefer it soft and sweet or hard and salty there’s a drop for every palette it’s like a licorice Wonderland for your taste buds number 14 High birth rates did you know that the nether land has one of the highest home birth rates in the developed world around 30% of Dutch women choose to deliver their babies at home and this trend has remained quite steady since 1991 a significant factor is the Dutch Health Care System unlike in many other countries Dutch health insurance fully covers home births this means that for many families giving birth at home is not only a preference but also a cost effective option while home births are covered Hospital births without a medical necessity might not always be creating a financial incentive for families to opt for a home birth especially if there are no complications during pregnancy it’s an intriguing aspect of the Dutch Health Care system that sets it apart from many others around the world the Dutch medical system is known for its exceptional care and thorough screening processes expectant mothers receive regular checkups to ensure the health of both the mother and the baby these screenings are designed to catch any potential issues early on providing peace of mind for families choosing a home birth number 13 a strong cycling culture the Netherlands is renowned for its deep rooted cycling culture with an astonishing 22 million bicycles in a country of just 18 million people this means there are more bikes than residents averaging about 1.3 bicycles per person cycling in the Netherlands is not merely a Pastime it is an integral part of daily life and societal fabric the Dutch use their bikes for over 25% of all trips a stark cont cont to the UK’s mere 2% on average a Dutch person Cycles about 2.9 km each day akin to taking a leisurely ride around the neighborhood the practicality of cycling extends to Innovative designs like the back Feats a combination of a bike and a wheelbarrow perfect for transporting groceries or even children this widespread use of bicycles contributes significantly to the nation’s health and environmental sustainability making the Netherlands one of the healthiest countries globally number 12 Spirits culture in addition to their cycling prowess the Dutch have a historical claim to fame in the world of spirits in the 16th century they pioneered the creation of jyn known locally as jev utilizing juniper berries and various Botanicals they developed distillation techniques that transformed this concoction into a medicinal Elixir the popularity of Jin spread to Britain during the late 17th century when King William III also known as will Willam of orange ascended to the English Throne his Dutch Heritage brought jyn to British Shores where it quickly became a cultural staple the term Dutch courage originates from this period referring to the Gin fueled bravery shared by British and Dutch soldiers during the 30 Years War number 11 oldest national anthem the Dutch national anthem Vil helmus holds the distinction of being the oldest in the world its Melody dates back to between 1569 and 1572 though it was was only officially adopted as the national anthem in 1932 the lyrics written over 400 years ago include the archaic term diets blood referring to the Dutch people this term serves as a linguistic Time Capsule connecting modern listeners to the Heritage and history of the Netherlands the anthem’s enduring presence through centuries of Dutch history underscores its significance as a symbol of national identity and pride number 10 capital on wooden poles Amsterdam the capital city of the Netherlands is an engineering Marvel built on wooden poles founded on swampy land early Builders fa the challenge of constructing a stable City on unstable ground their solution was to drive over a million wooden poles each extending 12 M into the ground into a solid Sandy layer beneath the riverbed this ingenious method provided a stable foundation for the city’s iconic canals and historic buildings notably the Royal Palace at Dam Square stands on 13,000 657 wooden supports showcasing the Precision and craftsmanship of the era even the trees in vondel park are supported by these wooden poles preventing them from sinking into the soft ground while modern construction now uses concrete or steel for greater stability the legacy of Amsterdam’s wooden foundations remains a testament to the city’s remarkable engineering history and number nine large population the Netherlands despite its relatively small size is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe with a population exceeding 17.9 million people the country boasts a population density of 535 people per square kilometer to put this into perspective the United Kingdom which is significantly larger has a population density of only 277 people per square kilometer this stark contrast highlights just how crowded the Netherlands is but why is the Netherlands so densely populated one key reason is that over 40 5% of the total population resides in a region known as the ranad this area includes some of the most vibrant and bustling cities in the country such as Amsterdam the ha roddam and utre the Ranstad acts as the Beating Heart of the Netherlands attracting people from all over the world number eight height of its people another fascinating aspect of the Netherlands is the height of its people Dutch men are the tallest in the world standing on average at a 183 cm di while Dutch such women average 171 CM this impressive stature has increased by a staggering 20 cm over the last 2 centuries according to military records several theories attempt to explain this remarkable height difference some experts believe it could be due to genetics suggesting that the Dutch gene pool may have a natural tendency to produce tall individuals others point to the country’s exceptional Health Care system which provides accessible and highquality care for everyone potentially contrib ruting to their overall health and stature Additionally the Dutch diet rich in cheese and dairy products might play a role in supporting growth moreover the Netherlands is known for its innovative approach to land reclamation a significant portion of the country lies below sea level and the Dutch have mastered the art of creating poers tracks of land reclaimed from the sea this Ingenuity has allowed them to expand their habitable and agricultural land showcasing their resilience and Engineering prowess the saying God made the Earth but the Dutch made Holland aptly captures this Spirit of innovation and determination number seven samesex marriage on April 1st 2001 the Netherlands made history by becoming the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage this Monumental event was marked by a beautiful ceremony orchestrated by job Cohen the mayor of Amsterdam at the time at the stroke of midnight he married four couples symbolizing a new era of equality and love since then countless same-sex couples have celebrated their unions embracing the freedom to marry the person they love Amsterdam is not just famous for its picturesque canals and stunning architecture it is also renowned as one of the world’s most lgbtq friendly cities the city boasts a Vibrant lgbtq Community with numerous gay bars clubs and events that cater to all tastes and preferences in the heart of the city you will find the homo Monument a powerful symbol of lgbtq history this Monument stands as a tribute to gay men and women who have faced persecution and discrimination serving as a reminder of the ongoing fight for equality number six culture of tulips when we think of tulips our minds often jump straight to the Netherlands however these colorful blooms originally hail from a land far to the east turkey these Gorgeous Flowers found their roots in the fertile soils of the Ottoman Empire fast forward to the 17 Century a Time known as tulip mania this was a gripping period in the Netherlands when the value of tulip bulbs soared to astronomical Heights creating a frenzy in the market people were buying and selling tulip bulbs like there was no tomorrow and prices were Rising faster than you could say tulip number five happy country the Netherlands consistently ranks as one of the happiest countries globally now you might be wondering what’s their secret well it turns out they’ve got a recipe for happiness with with a high quality of life a fantastic Health Care system and an enviable work life balance it’s no wonder the Dutch are all smiles feeling safe and secure is something we all cherish right well the Netherlands has got that covered too it’s one of the safest countries around making it an ideal place to live and visit whether you’re strolling through the bustling streets of Amsterdam or exploring the Serene Countryside you can rest easy knowing you’re in good hands the Netherlands is a Melting Pot of cultures it’s a place where diversity is celebrated and people from all walks of life come together you’ll find a vibrant mix of languages traditions and Cuisines creating a rich tapestry of experiences that’s truly unique to this country the Netherlands public transportation system is simply fantastic from high-speed trains to efficient trams and buses getting around is a breeze and the best part it’s eco-friendly too so you can explore this beautiful country with a clear conscience number four many bridges did you know that Amsterdam alone boasts over 12200 Bridges these Bridges aren’t just mere structures they’re the heart and soul of this beautiful city they connect Amsterdam’s 165 canals creating a mesmerizing network of waterways that Define the landscape what makes these Bridges even more intriguing are their stories some of them carry centuries of History witnessing the passage of time and the city’s Evolution take a stroll along the canals and you’ll discover Bridges adorned with bursts of of colorful flowers turning them into living works of art it’s like a natural Gallery right in the Heart of the City stand at the crossroads of regular grock and Heron grock and you can actually see 15 Bridges at once it’s like a visual Feast for the eyes showcasing the stunning craftsmanship and design of these architectural Marvels number three windmill culture one of the things that truly defines the Netherlands is its extensive collection of windmills believe it or not there are actually over 12 00 windmills scattered across Dutch soil these towering structures are more than just picturesque they’re an integral part of Dutch history and culture these incredible machines have a rich history of functionality back in the day they were used for a variety of tasks imagine harnessing the power of the wind to grind grains or drain Wetlands that’s exactly what these windmills were designed to do one notable windmill moland de otter in Amsterdam is a prime example of Dutch Ingenuity this Mill doesn’t just grind grain it’s a versatile powerhouse it’s been known to power a sawmill showcasing the sheer adaptability of these machines however it’s not all smooth sailing for these Ancient Giants with the urban landscape evolving some windmills face a unique problem they’re getting overshadowed by taller buildings making it harder for them to catch the wind imagine that these windmills that have stood the test of time are now facing a new kind of challenge many of these windmills have found a new lease online life as tourist attractions take zansa Shan’s for instance it’s a picturesque village where you can get up close and personal with some of these historic Beauties it’s like stepping back in time every second Saturday and Sunday in May the Netherlands celebrates National Mill day on this special occasion some windmills that are typically off limits to the public swing open their doors allowing visitors a rare glimpse into their inner workings if you’re itching to see Dutch windmills in all their Glory there’s no better place than Dy this UNESCO world heritage site boasts an impressive collection of 19 traditional windmills it’s like a Living Museum dedicated to the history and art of windmill craftsmanship number two dominance in flower market when we talk about the Netherlands it’s hard not to mention their dominance in the global flower market believe it or not they produce 80% of the world’s flower bulbs the flower industry contributes over 5% to the Netherlands GDP the Netherlands boasts nearly 90% of the world’s total area dedicated to tulip Farms that’s around 11,000 hectares which is like having 16,000 soccer fields covered in tulips they churn out 4.3 billion tulip bulbs every single year the Netherlands vibrant flower fields are a major draw for visitors worldwide picture this thousands of people flocking to witness the breathtaking Bloom each year one of the Prime spots to experience this floral Extravaganza is Harlem this city is teeming with commercial flower fields and hosts an annual flower parade that’s nothing short of a spectacle and now let me introduce you to a place that’s straight out of a fairy tale cucin Hoff Park often hailed as the garden of Europe imagine walking through the largest flower garden in the world with a jaw-dropping array of around 800 varieties of tulips it’s a floral Wonderland that’ll leave you absolutely a struck kinghoff isn’t just about tulips it features a variety of other Gardens including an English landscape garden with winding paths and surprise see through Vistas a historical walled area with archival varieties and a nature garden where shrubs and perennials are combined with bulb plants the park opens its gates to the public for 8 weeks each spring showcasing what the Dutch Flory cultural sector has to offer in 2024 kinof will celebrate its 75th Edition marking 74 years of being a world famous attraction for those planning a visit it’s worth noting that kinghoff requires an entrance fee and it’s a advisable to book tickets in advance a visit typically takes about 2 to 4 hours but you can easily spend an entire day soaking in the beauty whether you’re a flower Enthusiast or just looking for a serene escape cucin Hoff offers an unforgettable experience to enhance your understanding of the Netherlands consider exploring the country’s role in the global flower market further the Netherlands is not only a leading producer but also a key importer from developing countries like Kenya Ecuador Colombia and Ethiopia iopa the rise of these Emerging Markets presents both challenges and opportunities for the Dutch flower industry additionally developments in e-commerce could positively impact the market allowing for direct sales to Consumers and reducing Reliance on intermediaries number one flat country the name Netherlands literally translates to the lowlands and it’s not just a catchy name the country earned this moniker for a very good reason the Netherlands is the flattest country in Europe with nearly 1/3 of its entire land mass sitting below sea level that’s right 1/3 if you’re wondering just how low we’re talking let me introduce you to zuid plas poer this area holds the record for the lowest point in the country a staggering 7 m 23 ft below sea level on the flip side we have valberg Hill which stands tall at 323 m above sea level but that’s not all 50% of the land in the Netherlands is just about 1 m above sea level half of the country is living on the edge quite literally and 60% of the population actually resides below sea level by about 5 m even shipul airport one of the busiest and most vital international airports in the world is located over 3 M below sea level it’s a testament to the Netherlands incredible expertise in managing water levels and preventing flooding and there you have it the Netherlands a country that never ceases to amaze with its Rich history culture and Innovation whether it’s the breathtaking tulip fields the ingenious use of windmills or the progressive social policies the Netherlands has rightfully earned its place on our list of mind-blowing countries so next time you think of this fascinating Nation remember all the incredible reasons why it stands out on the global stage if you enjoyed this video let us know in the comment section down below and turn on your notifications to know when next we upload see you in our next video byebye


    1. i was sitting in a bar in amsterdam holland in the 1970s and one of the local people said that there is a lot of murders in amsterdam what do you think of that so maybe the that city is not so safe

    2. There are a lot of American standards applied to Dutch culture.
      Was it really necessary to show Americans cycling when there are millions of Dutch people doing it every day?
      Nobody in the Netherlands sings the National Anthem with his hand over his heart. You're lucky if they have the courtesy to pull their hands from their pockets. We also aren't as patriotic as Americans, so there's little pride or respect for the Wilhelmus.
      The wooden foundations of Amsterdam are now their biggest concern. Due to sinking water levels the wooden poles are no longer submerged and are now rotting away really fast.
      The LGBTQ tolerance is dwindling very fast due to the influx of intolerant refugees who are adamant that their culture of hate and intolerance dominates the Dutch culture of freedom and tolerance.
      Yes, Stabbings by religious fanatics, shootings and the bombing of private houses by criminals makes us feel very safe. The best part is that it can happen to anyone of us regardless if you are or aren't involved in criminal matters. Criminals don't have very reliable information, so they'll just bomb any house that they think could be from a competitor or shoot anyone they think is their target.
      Our public transport WAS outstanding. Due to cuts, it's now gradually becoming one of the most unreliable and unsafe means of transportation. If you've got time to spare, use public transport. If you need to be on time, buy a car.

    3. What a horrible channel, talking about the Netherlands while showing images that are obviously not from here.
      Downvoted and blocked.

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