칸 시리즈가 끝나고 시작된 홀로 유럽여행!
    제대로 하는게 하나도 없는 여행이지만~
    재밌게 봐줘요 ^~^

    copyrightⓒ 2008 All rights reserved Today begins at Nice Airport! I mindlessly followed the drama team I came with and on the way back since the destination is different, the terminal for boarding the plane is also different From then on, I started to feel a bit nervous Can I handle this alone…? Oh, it’s coming from the opposite direction.. heehee I was waiting for the tram while looking at the opposite side.. Am I being foolish Where is the tram going in the opposite direction! Isn’t it a comforting word? No??? I can do it. ?????? I’m .. already 28 years old (Full of worries) A firm tone with eyes that say otherwise A collaboration of excitement and concern When you don’t know where to go, follow the people Wayfinding 1 Since it seems like people are going over there, I will follow them Isn’t it?????? The road is a bit rough… Heh Terminal 2~ Feeling good about finding it well No, the escalator suddenly broke down I can’t carry this (suitcase) up? Elevator? Oh, it’s right there. Phew! Wow, I almost missed the elevator while following people Because the escalator in front broke down I almost had to carry my suitcase up. There’s the lift, it’s over there. I shouldn’t just blindly chase after things. Reasons to live with determination Laugh Heh Wow, yes, I found the elevator. Um… How do you board a plane? It’s my first time flying alone. … How do I go…? Do I just go anywhere? I still don’t know what I’m looking for 2 o’clock, Paris, going up. Check-in opens at 12 o’clock… 🤨 Securing unnecessarily long leisure time. There’s still over an hour left until check-in I’m not fond of waiting times Because I get tired while waiting Should I have gone to Nice and come back? Why is my head like this Should I have had lunch in Nice? You’re boasting about coming all the way here again? Even though you don’t even know how to board a plane But I’m scared, that’s why I can do it ….if you say so Look, I took the elevator well and the tram all the way to Terminal 2 Don’t be scared, Irudda You’re an adult at 28 Don’t be afraid ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I came to buy souvenirs! How about this? It’s so pretty This is pretty too This is also pretty 2 Oh, this one is really pretty But Is there no refrigerator magnet? ♬ ♫ ♩ ♪ ♬ ♬ ♫ ♩ ♪ Oh! Here it is Found what I was looking for! Other than Monaco Is it Nice or Cannes? Cannes? Why isn’t it here? Haㅎ… Should I have bought it in Cannes? I didn’t even buy that.. I need to reflect on myself Ah, I found it found it found it Gotta hang it up at home Nice, Nice Seems like there’s nothing I really like Unsatisfactory souvenir shop shopping But after checking in, I might (be able to) sell various things You know? You know what I’m saying? Quite positive Okay I feel like it’s a bit of a waste to take a break. I want to use my time efficiently Ah… How should I pass 2 hours….. Also, I don’t like waiting for long periods, it lowers my mood ㅠㅠ I’m the kind of person who values mood! What time is it? So, your boarding time is Ah 1 hour remains Still There are about 1 hour and 20 minutes left. 1 hour and 10 minutes? Experiencing a real-time mood drop I also have two hours until I check in. Just take care of your luggage and came back from (the heart of) Nice Um, my… Self-satisfaction? Is it really Because in reality, just Even if I missed an airplane, it wouldn’t be a problem It doesn’t happen. There is a matter in the back I will just be patient And since there will be no more reservations Museums, tours, restaurants, etc… It has worked well. Positive power I have no energy because I’m hungry. There’s no business in front of hunger. I’m tired. whimper I’m dizzy because I’m hungry. I’m going to check in. The saddest check-in in the world. I made various reservations during the hour and a half wait. Because I made a reservation too late, Reservation times are a bit … ………… I should have reserved the Louvre Museum in advance. When should I date? When should I make a reservation? I chose Saturday lunch. I’m worried it will be crowded. Check-in hasn’t opened yet. It’ll open soon. Line up first. The line is quite long. I think check-in will open as I wait in line. My luggage is really heavy. Should I show you? Oh.. This? This isn’t it… Camera manipulation is clumsy… The luggage It’s really big and heavy. That’s why I might have to pay extra. Additional fee, let’s do it. I didn’t pay it. I was really heavy… Maybe that’s not it..ㅎ First of all Write and Travel economic mindset tips.TXT I’m going to save money when I go to Korea. Huhuhuㅓㅇㅎhe Will it be okay? Hehe I checked in. Now Airplane Where should I take it? Wow, this bag is really heavy. My height feels like it’s getting shorter. Ah, it’s tough. And the microphone… Oh, the microphone isn’t on? I almost lost it. Luckily, someone behind me found it for me. It would have been a sad trip if I had lost it. Where is this? Let’s see. Where is it? Which gate? It’s not on the ticket. We have to find and go by looking at the flight information board. Isn’t it supposed to be on the ticket originally? Is it Gate 2? Why do I think that? Why is it so complicated? I’m so hungry that I came into a cafe for now. Actually, the hardest part of traveling is the airport. It’s so hot… Pshh Pshh2 It’s so hot~ Pshh3 Pshh4 Also, gotta charge whenever I can. Nom Finally, having my first meal… Babsoonie filled the meal with bread. It’s France, so I’ll allow it. There’s an hour and a half left. Until boarding. What can you do in an hour and a half? Zap~ I bought souvenirs. There weren’t pretty magnets, so I bought keychains. I bought two of these. This one has a lot. But there’s this here too. Cannes~ And a camera. Star~ Chair. There’s something like this. Isn’t it pretty? I bought it well. Excitement Down I’m feeling nauseous. Finally going to board the plane! The weather’s nice, so I feel good too. Goodbye nice&cannes Hello Paris Moving to the hotel!! There’s no time, no time. Checked in quickly. We have to go right now, right now. Arrived at the Paris hotel for now. But there’s no time right now. So, I need to get ready quickly. I’m late, I’m late. The hotel is close to Champs-Élysées, so I’ll go by bicycle. Electric~ bicycle~ Feeling better after coming to Paris Let’s go. Took a taxi. Tickle Tickle The app didn’t work, so I couldn’t take the bike. So, it might take longer than the bike. Reason for being late: Not me. So, I might not be able to enter the cathedral. Say it nicely when I’m sad. Traffic… Traffic is insane. My friend who was supposed to come with me has already entered the cathedral, and I might not be able to enter the cathedral. I’m getting lost in my thoughts… Actually, I’m spacing out… It’ll work out somehow~ Wait, does it make sense that the app suddenly doesn’t work? But I’m not as annoyed as I thought I’d be. It’ll work out somehow. If I can’t get in, it’s wasting 13 euros, What will I do? I’ll try asking once I’m there. Can’t you do it just once~?ㅜㅜ Please~ No way! A door that’s tightly closed I’m so sad. I haven’t even tried using aegyo skills What should I do? Is this real? Wow, is this for real? I’m 4 minutes late and the door is closed, is this for real? What should I do? Can’t even get into Sacré-Cœur. ! Huh? Look at the road and turn right. My friend said there’s no way the entrance is already closed, Explaining where the entrance is Here? Isn’t that the entrance? Hope Then where is it? 😑 Wow, but it’s really beautiful. Impressed Is it here? After wandering around for a while, it turns out the first door I saw was the entrance. Even though it’s just the exterior, I got to look around a lot haha Decided to accept reality. Wasted 13 euros. It was fun. Thought it was Sacré-Cœur Cathedral and barged into a courthouse. TMI: Sacré-Cœur and the courthouse are adjacent. People asked why we came. Someone with a gun Isn’t this Sacré-Cœur? When I asked, they said no. But would I have been able to get in late anyway? They said. That was right. Ah, what should I do now? Sacré-Cœur? I didn’t really want to see it that badly. Regret? I’ll try to control it. I wanted to see a little bit, just a little. I booked it because I didn’t want to do nothing when I arrived. That’s why I made a reservation. I didn’t really want to see it like that. ☹️ How beautiful. When will I be able to handle it comfortably? Oh. What should I do here now? Should I go down there? But it doesn’t seem like the view from down there is worth it. It’s beautiful.. -`♥´- No, wouldn’t having just a bicycle be enough? Even with just a bicycle, I could have seen (the cathedral). Sigh. My 13 euros… What did I take a taxi and rush for? I’ve learned that sometimes you just have to give up on the bike slowly ^_^ I would have come up here somehow. I came here with 10 euros. I wasted a total of 23 euros. Approximately 34,500 won. My friend says we’re coming out (of the cathedral). I have to go back to get my friend. Wasn’t it fun inside? They probably couldn’t enjoy it properly because of me. How But it’s so pretty, isn’t it? It doesn’t capture well on camera ㅜㅜ It’s so beautiful. But the current is faster than I thought. Would it kill you if you ate it? Q: It won’t kill you. A: Met a friend! A friend who passionately takes pictures of me. Notre Dame under construction, can only see from afar… But it really suits Paris well. What about me? Me? Thank you! I think I know why people asked for directions. A true Parisian. Should we take a picture? Sure, let’s! Time to take pictures of each other. Started taking pictures without a word… haha That was cute just now! How is it? Is it okay? So adorable~ So cute… If you don’t like it, you can honestly tell me… I really like it! I’m going to upload something. Since I’m alone, I can only take selfies… So I brought this. Hello. A travel mate appears in Paris. Now it’s time. Restaurant opening hours. It’s time. Perfect timing. Let’s go eat~ Finallyㅜㅜ A proper meal… How does it look so (pretty)? But! It seems like it’ll taste good. Both of us are ready to eat anything delicious. A restaurant near Sacré-Cœur. Since we don’t speak French, we have to go in English. Please give me the English menu. What did you say? Huh… Didn’t they say "English"? … It’s all French? Huh… they said "English"! Embarrassment. Here it is! English version! The English menu was written small in the corner. It wasn’t that I couldn’t find it. I’m reading it, but it doesn’t feel like I’m reading it. Snail. Trying out Papago. I’ll take one shot. Soup..! So hard Stirring it… English and French mixed together. Snail and mushrooms. Would you like some? Sounds like it would taste great. Today’s soup. What do you want to eat? Let’s start with the snail. Agreed. Without knowing any French cuisine… They told us to eat something like lamb or baked fish. I don’t know either. Crazy about bass and scallops. More cautious than ever. Is it okay to be this serious? Translation apps seem to struggle with French. Someone who eats food with a hole in it. What’s up with the translation? They said they jumped from the 18th floor. Menu name… Seems like it could hurt a lot… The menu is so funny. After a long discussion, we ordered three dishes. It looks like what I saw in the reviews, but do we eat it with a hammer? I hope it tastes good. There’s too much… Is this possibly snail soup? Did I order soup, not just snails…? It’s snail soup…! Why is it submerged in water? To Snail Scallop and bass Steak Wine Mind blown by the food visuals. I don’t know! I want to eat it. But will it really taste good? (Are you) born in 2001? Yeah~ Yes. There are a lot around? 01…? That’s not too many, is it? Not particularly… First time seeing someone born in 2001. What’s your MBTI? First-time rule question ……… Do you want to speak comfortably too? Official request Both together? That way we can become friends faster and more… Okay~ Okay What’s your MBTI? I’m INTJ. And you? ESFJ. The important thing is that it fits well. J! Not the textbook J, but anyway… Enjoy your meal~ Yum Satisfying taste Should I cut it a bit? I think this one will be really delicious. Bass and scallops I think this one will be really delicious. I have a feeling. Getting closer as we speak hehe We met for the first time through a mutual friend today, Luckily, Yoon-seo is an MBTI E. Maybe that’s why we’re becoming friends quickly. If it goes like this, even I wouldn’t mind being friends. Talking about expensive face masks. Isn’t there anyone who uses them? That’s why people don’t use them. They’re expensive. Heading to see the Eiffel Tower after dinner! Entering the subway. Getting tangled up in real-time… ? What? I should take a picture. What are you doing? While filming this, if someone passes by behind… Suddenly, that person starts following. He recognizes their face and moves accordingly. Hello. Are you okay? It’s up to 4K resolution. Talking about cameras. Really? Yoon-seo is very interested in cameras, so the two of them talked extensively about cameras. One, two, three. ˗ˋˏWowˎˊ˗ So cute… Entering an unidentified train. Following as if possessed. What… what’s happening? First, let’s run haha. Is this right? No, let’s get off right now. How do we get on the subway… Next train… Platform 2. Trying hard to read the display board but not understanding. Both slightly flustered + surprised + bewildered. Phew, we barely made it on? There’s no one here. Ominous sign. What’s going on? Can this happen? I thought we got on the subway fine, but suddenly tomorrow seems scary. Tomorrow, the person who needs to take a train far away= Suddenly the subway was going fine, but… Suddenly the subway was going fine, but… BACK The subway suddenly went back. Suddenly went backwards. No, what’s happening? An unimaginable development. I don’t really understand why it was going fine and then went backwards. We just took a taxi. Let’s just take a taxi. The atmosphere here feels quite different. Exploring a new neighborhood thanks to the train reversing. It’s a bit more hip. If anyone knows why the train reversed, please explain in the comments. I’m really curious. Arrived at the Eiffel Tower by taxi! But this is also beautiful. Comforting because I can’t see the White Eiffel. I think yellow is prettier. What time did we leave? About 8? 9? No x2 After 9. We left after 9. We arrived at 10:30. The level I walked I think it’s because it’s a first time. Thanks, I’m scared. I have to take the train tomorrow= I have to go to the same place tomorrow. I have to go to the same place tomorrow= What do you do? I… ……… I did well to take a taxi. Cheer up! You! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Finally, we meet the Eiffel Tower! I heard I might not be able to get in. Eiffel Tower might be closed because of the Olympics. I heard they mowed down all the lawns. Maybe. They’re going to hold a beach volleyball match. 2024 Paris Olympics organizing committee website To build a venue. In front of the Eiffel Tower? Huh…! They’re going to play a game in front of the Eiffel…! It’s too cold. Oh wow~~~ The Eiffel Tower up close is so beautiful to see. It’s even more beautiful up close than seeing it from afar. It’s this kind of feeling. A feeling that’s somehow intricate and beautiful. It’s beautiful even from afar. We walked a long way to find a spot to see the White Eiffel Tower. There are so~ many people. Pretending to take pictures in the mirror. Such a hassle… Not even tidy. Doesn’t it look like a cat washing its face? No, it doesn’t? What should we do then? When will they light up the White Eiffel Tower? They’ll do it in three hours. I’m a bit nitpicky~ But (the Eiffel Tower) is beautiful. Waiting for the White Eiffel Tower. Can’t see it. ON Not the White Eiffel Tower, but a pretty Sparkling Eiffel Tower. They say you can see the White Eiffel Tower in the early morning. Here’s the translation of the segment: Next time, I definitely have to see it… Sparkling~ man~ Review of the White Eiffel Tower. Sparkling Eiffel Tower. It really looks just like this. Like this. Rather than the sparkle, I preferred seeing it up close. Instructions themselves. It’s really exhausting. Flying from Nice. *Noise alert Didn’t even see Sacré-Cœur. Mistake 1. Ate. Took the wrong subway… Mistake 2. Where did I go… Took the wrong subway… What’s that… Can’t speak properly due to fatigue. Got lost along the way too. Get a grip and tell the story again. I didn’t do anything today. Was late, so couldn’t see Sacré-Cœur. Ate. Took the wrong subway. Saw the Eiffel Tower briefly. End. I’m really~ so tired… I’m going to take a shower… I’ll shower… I’m not confident I’ll shower. I really can’t shower. So nitpicky. I’ll try to shower quickly. Can’t not shower. Then see you in the next video! Bye!


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