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    [Music] you you so back from Girona and I’m going to do a video that I promise which is comparing Girona Majorca Gran Canaria in Tenerife so that you can decide where it’s gonna be the best place for you to go and get some winter song or decide your holiday for next year if you want to try any of those locations so I recognize just get straight into it let’s start with the closest so Girona and New Yorker are about two hours from the UK and sorry I’ve got some potato semen that’s what if you can hear that noise that’s what lie is so yeah Girona and New Yorker are the closest to ours from the UK approximately so if you’re not from a UK this might not be that helpful but yes two hours so they are close obviously that they’re not going to have as better weather in like the depths of winter and because it’s just gonna be a little bit cool and a little bit damp where is Tenerife and Gran Canaria or four hours away so they’re gonna be hotter and they just have better temperatures all year round so I’m going to look at obviously temperature cafes and weather you know what what the climbs like us that’s why we’re going way up we want to go well I do I want to go on climb mountains or Hills or just yeah so Girona Drona’s climbs were crazy they were just so than what some of them are long and steep so one cool but long and steep madam l du monde is that right pronunciation of it but that was long and steep as well and Elle’s Angels was pretty steady and actually I think the rest between the climbs it’s actually quite flat and so you get a variation of you can do really long steep climbs if you want you can do steady climb flight else angels you can do flat riding the only thing about your honor that I didn’t find that good for cycling it was there weren’t many cafes and so on the ride that we did we just didn’t come across any cafes at all whether that was weekend or in the week there was just not so yeah that’s kind of the negative I guess about Girona whereas in Girona itself there were so many in so many good ones Majorca in comparison cafes everywhere it is so well-equipped cyclists and similar weather says your owner the climbs though the climbs are nowhere near I had not found a steep climb in New Yorker I just haven’t been on one and I’ve been maybe four or five times now and and yeah still not um still not come across one and so yeah there’s the Klan’s of New York are are a lot steadier so you’ve got got the so many climbers for me near sabbatai air so yeah it’s a kelabra which is obviously the famous iconic line and push Mazur I think that’s how you pronounce it my pronunciation you’ve probably figure from this video it’s pretty awful I do try though and then we’re still on that I’ve not said what are the climbs are there so many climbs and so many beautiful like different climbs so you’ve got like the shorter steady ones like sub Italia which it may be like six canes really steady you’ve got a cycle opera which is absolutely just stunning I love that climb so much nice like the spaghetti row just like to so many weavings you’ve got say air which is switchbacks and yeah I think the variation in New Yorker is and just let me just say maybe it’s because I’ve been to New York or so many more times I own a mintue journal once but I feel like the climbs in New York there are just so many more in such a small like area they’re much more compact obviously just because it’s a smaller I don’t know I don’t know they just seem it just seems a lot more compacting you get to a lot more climbs really folks together cafes like I’ve said it’s amazing and I think if you wanted like the best of everything I think New Yorker is just really good obviously in winter it’s not gonna be the best weather but I find that there’s just it’s just so well equipped for cyclist and if you are a cycle spin there you’ll know and let’s get on to Gran Canaria in Tenerife they are say four hours away so you are gonna get better weather from them throughout the whole of the year and so when we went to Tenerife we say the Santa Cruz which is at the top at the north of the island and for me I felt the only real climb there was marked 80 which is 40k about two and half thousand meters and I felt like everything else other than that was just a main busy road and just we’re like just not nice it didn’t feel like I liked me your core-drobe and Canaria fell and maybe it was because we were just say in the wrong area let me know in the comments if you’ve in Tenerife and you found that different but yeah that’s what we found from that I felt like it was not a deal really not a lot else whereas I feel like there were a lot of cafes oh it was good for cafes whereas I feel like Gran Canaria we say a cup from the name of the area we stayed but it was about 10k from Maspalomas so we had a climb a copy when she wish it was a call was it serenity cloud I can’t remember and which was about 5 K from where we were famous literary straight from Mountain and that was absolutely stunning why I was made it with it obviously that the clients that you’ve got in gran canaria Valley the tears but she’s an absolute brew I’ve checked these stats on that and it says it’s 11 K I felt it was a heck of a lot longer maybe something 11 K but it was gravely it was so hot when we did it it was about 30-some degrees and we did it I’ve done a video of it I’m gonna link all my actual videos from these different places below so you can have a look through my whole catalogue of like trips and but yeah I really like Gran Canaria really good weather and a really good variation of climb so you’ve got like the steady climbs and you’ve got the really steep climbs as well and obviously it’s gonna be better and in like the depths of winter for it to be warmer I talked about cost actually so we when we go away with us go self catering and so we all just go to lb little buy a lot of food and then just cook for ourselves but I did know it’s in girona every seemed a lot cheaper especially at cafes it was so cheap so the day that I accidentally bought a kind of beer so the beers bowls of water juices it was like five or something it was so cheap and when you can actually find a cafe so it’s really difficult to say which one I prefer out of all of them because they’ve all got such different good and I guess negative qualities and I do have our others a lot for me or good because I just felt there’s just so many very it just feels quite homely because I’ve been there that many times tenerife I wouldn’t rush person I wouldn’t rush back to it maybe I would if there was more variation at the bottom of the island maybe I should go back and try that Gran Canaria is good because it’s just brilliant weather and Girona was good because it was just really hard climbs so you know where you gonna go which one do you prefer out of all of them and they’re all beautiful and they’re all brilliant places to ride your bike socce Jane and I will see you next video bye


    1. For the best all round holiday i would say Hotel Belvedere, Riccione. Expensive maybe and no direct flights from up north, you have to go Bologna. Fantastic food and riding. Cote d'azur based in Nice has some epic riding as you will see in the tdf in 2020. If you like going up/down then Almeria in Spain is just that.

    2. I am proud to know that I live in a privileged environment for cycling. That everyone who comes to Mallorca leaves happy and enjoys the landscape the mountains and the experience in general. For me the best time of the year is at the beginning of October. I do 80 or 100km a day with my old Massi road bicycle. Always I want to find a big reason to go anywhere out of the island. Any recomendation? Not so far, not to hard to ride. Just to enjoy cycling and food. Thanks for you time.

    3. We go to Mallorca in late Spring and Gran Canaria In November. Gran Canaria has the weather and great climbs , but only climbs. You are going either going up or down. The coast road in the South was a useful alternative but the road closure outside Puerto Mogan has made it less attractive. By contrast Mallorca has both great climbing but also plenty scope for base rides. To be frank , Mallorca has all you need.

    4. I´m going to try out the Peleponnes in April next year. Rumour is, there are almost empty roads, great climbs (eg Kalamta to Sparta) and it´s even more south than Mallorca, and there will be few to no other cyclists i hope. And, i´m dying for greek food and hospitality…

    5. Garda Bike Hotel in Lake Garda Italy. Amazing support, amazing bikes (pinarello), wonderful food and fantastic routes. Highly recommend. Same price point as the Belvedere and you fly into Verona airport.

    6. In your Instagram Story you said that any reduction of eating meat is good, why is that? Is it purely for health or is there another reason?

    7. Did you ride the climbs in the Anaga mountains (so north of Santa Cruz) in Tenerife? All the different routes up to El Bailadero make for some proper long climbs (not Teide long mind) on fun and interesting road that aren’t too busy. Definitely worthwhile. The roads/climb around Masca in the south are fantastic except they are just too busy and narrow with cars to really enjoy on a bike.

    8. GC: agree Valley of the Tears is very tough but well worth doing (carry plenty of food!). Best place to stay is Puerto Mogan and there is a Freemotion bike hire shop in the town which I can recommend. Fewer route options on GC than Mallorca I would say. Agree that there are more cafes and inland towns/villages of interest on Mallorca and great road surfaces generally, many poor ones on GC.

    9. You must try other places here in Spain, outside typical tourist destinations. In summer time(July to September) Cantabria and Asturias are amazing. Check pictures and videos of places like: Portillo de Lunada, Estacas de Trueba, Lagos de Covadonga, Jitu Escarandi, Gamoniteiru, Lagos de Somiedo, etc, etc…. and you can travel from UK to Santander by ship(ferry) with your car and bikes.

    10. Sierra Nevada, Alpujarras and Granada, can't beat it, no traffic, proper mountains, great weather and food and low cost. I've taken my mates for a few years and they love it. Can eat halfway for €6. No tourist in the roads. Let me know if you want more information.

    11. Andalucia, Sierra Nevada, Alpujarras and Granada, better than Mallorca, Tenerife, Girona, Gran Canaria, struggle to believe that you do not mention it!!

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