#france #frenchculture #americanreacts

    Original Video: https://youtu.be/WeqH6Rt_dGM?si=0CyphRG13qReVCGM

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    bonjour y’all bonjour guys howdy today we are doing 101 facts about France I know you are looking forward to this one I I can’t wait this is going to be 101 things more than I’d ever known about France so I know you’re you’re trying the best you can to not be biased at all I’m not being biased nothing against France I’m sure it exists and so let’s let’s dive into it one bonjour motherf factors jel Sam at a we’re going to be looking at the wonderful country of France land of the Quant home of the guillotine France has much to offer in the areas of pastries and decapitation but what creepy collection lurks beneath the streets of Paris which famous French Landmark was meant to be scrap metal by now and why are there always dozens of French school children on the tube when I’m really really late for my internet addiction and Anonymous meetings oh mad two out three of those questions are going to be answered so take a seat on the Shay launch grab a bowl of escaro and prepare yourself because this is 101 facts about France number one in case you thought this video was about a genre of electronic music that was popular in the early naughties well that’s trance and it ain’t sorry France is a country that is mostly located in Europe though there are a bits of France all over the place we’ll get to that later number two you see the area in Europe is known as Metropolitan France and is the third largest nation in Europe by land area and the largest in the EU oh the EU I remember that number three wait France was this made it’s uh I don’t know if he I think it’s based in oh six years ago okay okay yeah yeah I I can see why he’s crying for the EU right now got it got it a population of almost 67 million people which is slightly more than the UK oh they all have to be one up on us those French don’t they number four France is also one of the five permanent members of the United Nations security Council which was created by the main Victoria States following the second world war number five France’s national motto is Leber eel fraternity except probably in a better accent than that these emerged in the 17th century as Enlightenment Valu spread throughout Europe however the three words did not become the nation’s official motto until much much later number six Fran’s flag is a very famous and very fabulous combination of three columns of blue white and red blue and red are the traditional colors of Paris and were adopted Into the Now iconic tricolor along with white which has been described as the ancient color of France number set the G rooster is an unofficial national animal of France the rooster as a symbol of France has its origins in an ancient pun from the word gallus which means both the people of Gul and cockr apparently the people living in what is now known as France took the rooster on as an icon for their nation France there being led by a [ __ ] just like the US number love that there’s so many [ __ ] jokes we could make right now yes oh yes there is oh man if we had just 101 [ __ ] jokes I’m sure if you Googled that that 101 [ __ ] jokes would come up oh yes somebody try it and tell us what you find yeah oh God number eight the French Republic is divided into 18 regions 13 in Metropolitan France and five in overseas France these regions are divided into departments these departments are further subdivided into arment arment are subdivided into cantons and cantons are subdivided into communes my God France you couldn’t be less complicated huh number nine as of January 2015 there are 36,6 181 communes in France that’s more communes than a Communications Department in the Communist Community nothing political there I must stress they just all sound a bit like the word commune that’s the level of my humor number 10 technically Corsica is known as a territorial collectivity giving it a greater degree of autonomy over itself but it’s considered to be the equivalent to a region number 11 France also has several regions overseas Guadalupe French Guana martinque reunion and miot from a legal standpoint these regions have exactly the same status as those in Metropolitan France and so use the euro as their currency as a part of the European Union it would be like if I don’t know Kent was in the Caribbean exactly the same legally weatherwise very different number 12 France also has overseas collectivities French Polynesia St Martin St bartelmy Wallace and Fortuna and St Pierre and melon overseas Collective have more autonomy some of them use the euro some of them don’t and some of them are in the EU and some of them aren’t number 13 France also has a few other territories that fit into neither category trust me don’t worry we’ll startop talking about decapitation soon New Caledonia which is known as the special collectivity of France clipton Island which is an uninhabited minor territory and the French Southern and Antarctic lands which have no permanent population but generally around 140 military personnel and civilian scientists number 14 the most widely spoken language in France is Shaka French or Le France yep I don’t want to be too much of a show off here but I did get a b-grade at gcsc anyway French is the official language of France and France is the country with the most native French speakers so yeah pretty French number 15 however there are more French speaking people in Africa than in France huh in fact the largest country by population where French is an official language is not France but it is the Democratic Republic of the Congo yep there’s a plot twist you didn’t expect number 16 French like languages such as Spanish Portuguese and Italian is a romance language though these languages are stereotypically associated with love and tenderness the romance languages are those that evolve from Vulgar Latin that’s a form of Latin by the way it’s not you know like you know T mother dis so popular like bigest dick big thck anytime we can make a money python joke is a great day it’s a great day that’s why we’re here by the way no parlay def fron that’s all I know yeah yeah Paris is in Texas okay this Sor so popular is French that it is the second most studied language in the world after English oh I remember it like it was yesterday Shel samab laundre voice on the internet yep still got it number 18 apparently 34% of French people can speak English which is much higher than the percentage of British people that can speak French yep makes number 19 there are several words in French that feature three consecutive e such as cre and agree which means created and approved number 20 the word France comes from the Latin frania or land of the Franks most of the Germanic European languages still have a variation on the Frank in its name for France Fran in German Frank Reich in Dutch Frank in Swedish and Norwegian etc etc number 21 but where did the word Frank come from there are a few competing theories about this but the most likely of these appears to be that it comes from the Frankish word so we could just start calling France Frank and we good to go hey hey Frank Frank I I can I can relate now a lot more frankly uh I think yeah that you make a good point Frank it’s the Frank of Europe yeah it’s a Frank baguette Frank Frank Frank fries hell yeah Frank wine oh God I love some Frank cu uhhuh that’s the best there are a few competing theories about this but the most likely of these appears to be that it comes from the Frankish word Frank meaning free free number 22 the oldest evidence of human life in what is now France dates back to approximately 1.57 million years ago so you know they old number 23 France is home to numerous decorated Cav from the upper Paleolithic Era including some of the most famous and best preserved examples such as the laco and Chu caves unfortunately neither of these caves have been open to the public for years as visitors had the exceedingly rude habit of breathing inside the caves I know right meaning the carbon dioxide that people were exhaling led to the growth of mold on the walls damaging the art third rude how rude how dare you breathe in there isn’t that what the Co Mass was supposed to prevent yeah they should have opened it then they should have opened it then had a moment like hey everyone’s messed up set him open the caves missed opportunity number 24 throughout the Iron Age what is now Metropolitan France was inhabited by Celtic people known as the GS which is why France is sometimes referred to as GA mostly by fans of the comic asteris I imagine number 25 however the ancient Romans had the Gaal to invade Gaul with Julius Caesar eventually subduing the last remaining areas of the region in 51 ad the Romans would ultimately control Gul for over 5 centuries until dot dot dot number 26 dot dot dot the fifth century when the Germanic Franks conquered the region and formed the kingdom of France yay number 27 that’s right get your history hats on folks cuz here we go into the old past one of the defining periods in the history of France is the 100-year war in which France and England duked it out over the French throne France prevailed helping to transform it from a series of feudal lands into a national state and in England created the political and economic struggles that would ultimately lead to the War of the Roses in which loads of people died also Game of Thrones is based on that very War of the Roses so we kind of have the French to thank for okay I had no idea neither I never watched Game of Thrones so I wouldn’t have known to look through history to see what it’s based off of but yeah no I would never have guessed but I mean there was remember we checked out the what did we check out though the Holy Roman Empire yeah both it was that complicated where I’m like now I see it and now I see how it could be based around that time like yeah okay was that it was that what the [ __ ] is happened happening any day yeah yeah Mercy France number 28 between the 15th and 17th centuries the French Renaissance prompted advances in many areas of thought art architecture music and science Renaissance by the way means rebirth and flourish from the rediscovery of classical Greek philosophy lovely stuff number 29 France eventually developed a hefty Colonial Empire ultimately controlling roughly 8% of the world’s land in what would become the second largest Colonial Empire of the 20th century come on France invading places and creating an Empire who would to the oh yeah right oh the few Brits that actually are watching this are fuming right now wait what we did it first we invented colonialism first we invented history oh man Jonathan history would be proud number 30 in 1316 King John the first of France was proclaimed King 5 months prior to his birth and sadly only lived for 5 days the strange circumstances of his Reign means that King John the first holds a number of distinctions he’s the only French King to hold the position since birth making him the youngest French monarch his death 5 days later also makes him the only French King to rule for the entirety of his life h number 31 Louis Philipe styled as the king of the French survived seven assassination attempts during his 18-year reign in 1835 he was targeted using an array of 20 separate muskets arranged on a wooden frame to fire simultaneously 18 people were killed in the attack but the king only suffered from a grazed forehead wow number 32 shockingly another French leader managed to beat the seven assassination attempts French president Charles de gal is known to survived over 30 assassination attempts more than anyone else in the world how are the French so Invincible number 33 during the 16th century France suffered through the French Wars of religion or the Hugo Wars though the war broadly pit Catholics against Protestants it also founded in a number of rivalries between various French aristocratic families approximately 3 million people died in this conflict oh wow number 34 one of the most famous events in French history is the French Revolution in the late 18th century the French public angered by growing social and economic equality over through the monarchy cementing France’s status as a republic it’s basically what happens in the background of lay Miz remember that number 35 France’s national day known in France’s LEF National but more commonly known to English speakers as bastile day is celebrated on the 14th of July and commemorates the storing of the bastil prison during the French Revolution in 1789 The Assault on the medieval Fortress was mostly a symbolic Act only seven prisoners were imprisoned at the time but the bastile status as a symbol of the abusers of the monarchy made its downfall an important event in the revolution number 36 During the Revolution thousands of people deemed to be acting against the will of the movement were executed in fact almost 177,000 people were beheaded using the guillotine although some estimates put that number far far higher this period became known as the reign of terror but hey yeah make a musical about it why not why not number 37 the guillotine was last used in France in 1977 for the execution of a convicted murderer from Tunisia named Hamida jand dubi officially it remained as a method of execution for those sentenced to death until the abolition of the death penalty in France in 1981 I think this should bring it back what do you think I’m all for that yeah I’m all for that I think we should Implement that sh here yeah yeah make it a televised thing or stream it on social media for you know criminals that actually deserve it yeah like look at this [ __ ] not don’t go there don’t be this yeah that or sentence them to I don’t know build Ikea furniture or something like that or go to a tell St concert yeah number 38 although the monarchy was abolished in Metropolitan France there are actually several Kings of France’s overseas territories for instance Wallace and funa in the South Pacific is a French territory and like the popular Christmas song it has three kings number 39 France has a semi-presidential system of government which means it has a popularly elected Head of State who has more power than a mere ceremonial figurehead however the ministers that he or she chooses as part of a cabinet are ultimately accountable for legislation yep there’s another politics fact for you I know you love politics of course number 40 the capital of France is Paris but Paris was originally a Ramen City oh nope sorry I don’t mean Ramen I mean Roman sorry I’m hungry a Roman city called leesia leesia is a Celtic word meaning a place near a swamp which is kind of nice but mainly if you’re [Music] Shrek he said Shrek is life oh Shrek is love Shrek life yep do you understand that reference uh probably not you know what’s funny I just started watching the first Shrek again with my son before we went to bed oh nice nice like I got maybe 10 minutes into it got it got it it it don’t don’t Google it if you don’t want your uh life to be completely messed up okay yeah got it it’s like Googling Bo waffle got it yep I’m good yeah near a swamp which is kind of nice but mainly if you’re Shrek number 41 a stering 20% of French people live in the surrounding area of Paris known as the Parisian region the meaning of life though Paris is indeed a very nice pretty sparkly place the nicknamed City of Lights actually refers to a high number of intellectuals who have lived there throughout history though its early adoption of Street lighting probably helped that name along number 43 there is only one stop sign in the entire city of Paris is what an incorrect person would say this commonly stated factoid is no longer true the sign was removed at some point in 2012 so actually now there’s none sounds like an accident waiting to happen whoa number 44 what no stop signs in Paris what that that is crazy that that can’t be true whoa I well hopefully there stop lights but yeah but a stop sign like what um okay cool you guys do you maybe it’s just a more walkable City maybe and I don’t know I don’t know when Hitler invited Paris during World War II the French cut the lift cables in the Eiffel Tower so that if he wanted to visit the top he’d have to walk up the stairs nice passive aggressiveness among regular old aggression there you go number 45 the oldest bridge in Paris is called the Pont Nerf which translates to New Bridge very funny Paris very funny number 46 a slightly more maab fact about the nation’s capital is that of the Catacombs of Paris which are OSU Aries located beneath a city in the underground tunnels what’s an U area here you say I’m glad you asked OSU areas are boxes or rooms that contain the skeletal remains of the deceased it’s thought the remains of up to 7 million people are kept beneath the surface of Paris in elaborately arranged displays of limb bones and skulls so just think about that next time someone talks about the city of love hey they literally got some skeletons in their closet yeah man dude yeah I and I’ve heard some crazy [ __ ] that comes out of those catacombs you know yeah and goes on in the catacombs I mean my God my first introduction to the catacombs was in Indiana Jones that’s it yep yep number 47 Paris with its big metal towers and underground bone reserves receives around 83 million foreign tourists annually to most of any country in the world makes sense number 48 the Lou Museum in Paris is the most visited Museum in the world with an amazing 7.3 million visitors in 2016 meaning that it basically received the entire country of Sweden the whole of Sweden didn’t visit there by the way that would be mental I just mean the numbers the same sorry I should have made that clearer number 49 the Lou Palace which houses the museum was originally built as a fortress by Philip II in the 12th century as protection against attacks from Vikings I’m sure that glass bit wasn’t built by him though cuz how would that protect against any Vikings number 50 by far the most visited attraction in the capital is Disneyland Paris which attracts well over twice the amount of visitors as the Lou so you know that’s two whole swedens it’s a lot number 51 the PE La Cemetery in Paris is the resting place of many esteemed writers artists and academics such as frederi chopan honoro Balzac Marcel PR Oscar Wild and the frontman of the doors Jim Morrison unsurprisingly for this reason it’s the most visited graveyard in the world number 52 Lou XX no relation to Charlie XX was technically the king of France for just 20 minutes the shortest ever reign in French history he ascended to the French thrown in July 1830 following the application of his father Charles the 10th and applicated himself 20 minutes later number 53 can you imagine being any world leader for 20 minutes what I mean what can you that’s how you take a box that’s how you take a personal box King did it bye guys like what’s the point at that point I mean obviously you can’t help if you’re in line of secession to the throne but I guess you do have the choice to Advocate the throne I’m I’m not pronouncing words correctly it’s it’s it’s Sor right I have no idea in France you can marry a dead person who said romance was dead well France apparently in 1959 a damn broken freus killing over 400 people including a man named Andre cpra who was engaged to Irene jodar jodar begged then president Charles deul to allow her to marry him poisly with the support from the media she was given permission and since then hundreds of French men and women have married dead people you can save money at least that way you can have the wake in the reception at the same [Laughter] time how does that ceremony go I Now pronounce you husband and Widow till death do you parked yeah what but that wouldn’t make any sense though so you just rewrite that [ __ ] just like uh okay you’re just throwing this script out for some just like that’s crazy cool cool yeah and and also good thing is you don’t have to bring flowers what cuz they’re already there boom uhuh that’s crazy it’s convenient number 54 the French army was the first to use camouflage in 1915 following a heavy defeat to the Germans that convinced military leaders to ditch their usually bright red trousers and white gloves which look great by the way Lads number 55 France is sometimes known as the hexagon due to its roughly hexagonal shape very roughly hexagonal I would say number 56 there is a commune in the north of France simply called e it’s the shortest place name in France and one of the shortest in the whole world although I don’t know how you can get any shorter than that really I don’t know what’s shorter than why or E I’m just now I’m just thinking about the letters of the alphabet okay if you put I in there just the letter i that’s the that’s the shorter one it takes up the less least amount of space so there you go that’s your that’s how you get a shorter name that’s that’s how it’s more simple you’re they’re doing too much with that yeah with a why just sticking out like that can do you guys know the way to why you mean E I guess I don’t know man number 57 additionally there’s a small village in the southeast of France called [ __ ] the name comes from pus who was a Roman fellow who owned the place way back when I I’ve never been but I’d love to be found in [ __ ] stop [Laughter] laughing ah it’s just too easy just just don’t uh don’t go go to any of the swimming pools because you don’t want to be drowning and [ __ ] you know yeah you don’t don’t that would be that’d be a very interesting death certificate yeah how did he die drowned in [ __ ] Damn Damn son we bury a legend to you know he was in France like [Laughter] damn number 58 there’s also a town in Southwestern France called oh jeez called condom the French word for condom is actually preservatif but a few years ago the mayor decided to capitalize on the town’s name in English by opening a condom Museum it closed in 2005 oh thank God that was not in good taste at all like what are you doing what are you doing yeah they they had to wrap it up in 2005 yep makes sense yeah that that that museum was closed prematurely yeah all the jokes yeah yeah a good thing we didn’t have they we had to go through condom way too fast I’m out I’m done I got nothing else oh my God number 59 up until 2016 at least 40% of the music on private radio stations in France had to be a French origin however following protests from French radio stations the requirement was reduced down to 35% the rule was first introduced in 1994 to combat what the government called an Anglo-Saxon cultural Invasion o sorry now we are Pricks number 60 the reading and writing system for the blind known as Braille was created by Lou Braille a Frenchman who was blinded as a child while playing with a leather all that slipped and struck him in the eye o number 61 hold on hold on it stuck him in the eye they say oh my God that’s crazy no yeah yeah no oh and then he invented a system for people who can’t see to be able to make stuff out that’s crazy wow how con struck him in the eye number 61 since February 2016 it’s been illegal in France for supermarkets to throw away or destroy unsold Food Shops are legally required to donate wastage to Charities and food banks which is good I reckons well done France bon bon Mercy nice one number 62 the academy France was founded in 1634 by a small group of French intellectuals to preserve the French language today it attempts to limit the influence of new foreign words from other languages mostly English such as blog hashtag and email admittedly though they have mixed results wonder what the actual words for all those things like Vlog email llog email Emil hashtag Le hashtag it’s like what what was um John tr’s character in Pulp Fiction oh my God L Big Mac what do he say uh uh uh Royale with cheese Royale with cheese number 63 France can also lay claim to being really good and not dying as those assassination dodging guys proved earlier French woman Gian Lise kment was born on the 21st of February 1875 and died on the 4th of August 1997 making her the world’s oldest ever human being at an incredible age of 122 years and 164 days that’s crazy Nintendo 64 the oldest recorded human voice is French Parisian inventor Edward Leon Scott de Martinville created a device known as the pH autograph which etched sound waves onto paper covered in s he never intended the recordings to be played back but some smarty pants in America converted them into a digital file revealing the sound of a woman or small child singing an old French song called olair de laoon which is honestly creepy as F that’s a the hell was that that’s crazy though if you think about it like that’s pretty insane yeah yeah I mean we wouldn’t have this technology right here it not been for that that’s man number 65 Mont Blanc in the French Alps is Europe’s highest mountain standing proudly at 15777 ft tall all it’s also Europe’s deadliest mountain with an average fatality rate of 100 climbers a year yikers yeah number 66 G dord in Paris is not only the largest train station in Paris it’s also Europe’s busiest Railway Station by far with around 190 million passengers passing through it each year choo choo choo choo number 67 in new surprising to exactly nobody France produces roughly a billion tons of cheese a year in around 1,200 different varieties wow number 68 in fact almost 50% of French people eat cheese every day nous SW on Nerf the world’s longest novel is Frenchman Marcel PR Al puru which translates to remembrance of things past it was first published in 13 volumes starting in 1912 and contains a staggering paper cut inducing 4,000 215 Pages that’s way too much that’s a that’s a that’s going to be my next uh Kindle gift who are you gonna give it to just people gag gift here you go here you go you be going like this for the next years of your life yeah just had I I’ll I’ll just have to eat more Taco Bell that way I could get through it more I just send people like or maybe I’ll I’ll I’ll zip it and have a like PDF form like what is this just [ __ ] scrolling oh God man number 70 number 70 France was the very first country to introduce the license plate when it passed the Paris Police ordinance act on August 14th 1893 oh wow number 71 in 1748 the cultivation of potatoes was made illegal in France as they were thought to cause leprosy 24 years later and I can’t believe what I’m about to say but potatoes were decriminalized in 1172 legalized potatoes who would have thought who would have thought yeah who would have thought just lay off the salt if you know you know yeah oh my God could you imagine that what they’re taking away what leprosy okay yeah I mean while you’re at at legalizing marinara as well legalized marinara damn it number 72 it’s often stated that in France it’s illegal to name a pig Napoleon this isn’t technically true it’s illegal to insult the head of state but this law is barely ever enforced so I guess feel free to name your French pig Napoleon God these facts keep getting weirder and weirder guys yeah number 73 oh I spoke too soon in the year 1386 a pig was hanged in France for apparently eating a baby’s face during the trial yes there was a trial the pig was allegedly dressed in human clothing and was executed in front of other pigs as a warning which I imagine was very effective due to the well-known ability of pigs to comprehend quite why humans would dress one of them up as people and then murder them just for eating a delicious baby’s face what what they exe they they they put a pig through a public trial and executed a pig it’s all right it’s all right Hey listen some town in the in the UK elected a a monkey as a mayor all right they they do things they well that’s what happens when you’ve already done everything when you guys have all the history you guys have all the history you guys started there all this [ __ ] we have this we had this 800s throwing around three-digit date numbers ridiculous you know you guys have done it all I’m nothing surp surprises me from across the pond anymore yes any of Europe I mean even though like going uh with that weird thing uh that you just said It reminds me of when uh Michael Moore tried to get a ficus elected to congress because of something but yeah hey but we we’ve all done weird things yeah and listen in Maryland it’s still illegal to take a lie to the movie theater so you know I think that’s outdated I think you know we should allow that [ __ ] yeah make it more entertaining yeah Oklahoma it’s illegal to whale to go wailing but you know what that that’s just environmental that’s see they’re ahead of the curb they know some shit’s about to happen and they’re about to be front row to Seaside property yeah they’re just getting their laws set before it happens yeah exactly number we are going on on the weirdest tangent here I love that IL legal whale in Oklahoma like yeah anyway oh [ __ ] I think I think it’s North Carolina it’s illegal to honk at a sandwich shop is it really I I think it might be another state I can’t remember oh my god oh my god dude we got to do a list of craziest us laws maybe for this channel I don’t know yeah I don’t know but there’s some whack ones out there for damn sure yeah yeah 74 beauty pageants for children under the age of 16 are illegal in France good there I said it and anyone Court attempting to organize or enter a child into such competition can be punished with up to 2 years in prison or a 30,000 fine wow number 75 including its overseas territories France stretches over 12 different time zones more than any other country in the world damn number 76 remember all the way back in fact 6 when I talked about white being the ancient color of France well that manifested in a slightly unfortunate manner between 1814 and 1830 when the flag of the kingdom of France was just plain white which probably didn’t exactly do wonders for them as they were probably seen as cowards surrendering all the time number 77 for 214 years until 2012 it was illegal for women to wear trousers in Paris without official authorization how the heck would you even enforce that law take them off now now lady I mean take I’m not going to do the accent number 78 members of the French Foreign Legion wounded while fighting for France can immediately apply for French citizenship apparently such people are French by spilled blood however you do get French citizenship anyway for serving in the French Foreign Legion for 3 years number 79 the French Unown for esaro which if you’re I don’t know Silly is French for cooked land snails the French eat approximately 30,000 tons of snails a year but recently French snail Farmers have warned that up to 90% of snails found in French restaurants actually come from Eastern Europe where villagers gather them in the wild meaning you could lit you beating a snail from a roadside in Poland H mouth waltering I can’t get on board with escargo I’m sorry I’ve had it before really I’ve had it before what do you make of it it’s just it’s the same it’s like it’s like a weird shellfish like a muscle like a isn’t it a mollusk I I I guess like it would be related it’s like it yeah like the same flavor profile very chewy but if you’re like calamari and it’s like I I didn’t I obviously not my first choice ever guys I’m not like oh i’ love some snail no yeah but it was served at the restaurant we were in the table ordered it and I was like sure let’s have it okay I mean it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever had all right I mean I guess if you can I’ve had oysters before uh you got to get past the visual okay okay get past the visual that’s one of those things you close your eyes Bottoms Up and it’s it’s passible for like seafood okay all right you know that’s honestly good to know yeah but but yeah it’s just it’s just a visual hurdle that you would have to get over not necessarily taste the The Taste is you know you’ve seen those like survivor shows and stuff they eat bugs all the time and you and you like you can hear them like oh this actually not terrible heated up right right and like you could classify Lobster and crawfish as bugs and we eat those without a second thought yeah so yeah oh well so to the French that are watching this how do you prepare esaro let us know yes please number 80 okay brace yourselves brace yourselves Quant are not frch not originally anyway the kip furl the ancestor of the Quant dates back to 13th century Austria indeed the family of French pastries which cants fall into vieres means things from Vienna wow number 81 it gets worse for French cuisine French toast isn’t French it dates back as far as the fifth century and in France the usual term for what we call French toast is palue meaning lost bread as soaking milk and eggs was a method of reclaiming bread that had gone stale yeah that’s why people always all chefs when they have french toast recipes they go say go for stale bread M um but yeah that the the croissant actually Austrian I am at a loss for words where are we right now yeah I mean typically the hamburger is associated with America but has German Origins uh so I guess same deal I don’t know what tell me oh my God if they take away the bagette I’m done this video is lies I’ll love me some french toast though oh yeah yeah I think it’s Superior to waffles and pancakes I’m just saying oh I no waffles I’m all day waffles your team waffle okay team waffle pancakes can go suck a duck there yeah we can agree on pancakes yeah there we go waffles are yeah all right number 82 so how did it get the name French toast in English apparently an inkeeper named Joseph French created a similar dish in 18th century Albany New York and instantly began having izing it as French’s toast but due to his poor grammar he missed off the possessive apostrophe and the name eventually evolved into French toast however there’s no real actual evidence for this story and the more likely explanation is it was popularized in America by French immigrants there you go they just we just France just brought it over yep add that to the list of things yeah thank you France yep thanks mhm number 83 though France has reputation for its pretty nice Cuisine France is actually McDonald’s most profitable Market outside the US obviously with more than 1,000 restaurants spread throughout the nation yeah we just checked out that video of why is it that the French Love American fast food now hear me out I have a weird I have a weird theory about this that wasn’t covered in that video either you know how a lot of people go to visit Disneyland you know they have a lot of tourists yeah maybe the tourist also flock to McDonald’s heavily too yeah because it is one of the like they said earlier one of the biggest tourist spots ever yeah ever in the world so so yeah I’ll go with you on that one think I think if there’s a lot of tourists McDonald’s will do well a lot of tourists a lot of Mickey D’s yeah that’s the one thing that combines us all believe it or not whether you want to admit it or not McDonald’s yeah yeah 100% number 84 despite its entire Cuisine apparently being founded on lies France can claim one particularly impressive Accolade France has the highest number of Nobel Prize in literature winners of any country with 17 number 85 the world’s most famous bicycle race the tour to France which meanders through the French landscape has been running for over 100 years and was originally started to boost the sales of a sports newspaper called Lotto number 86 France gives people medals for hold on I had something to say about the uh tour to France if you had told me in year 2024 that I would have just as many tour to France victories as Lance Armstrong I would have I would have been like you’re crazy you’re crazy and I’m qualified to enter it unlike him oh that’s yep yep hey man ah man my number 86 France gives people medals for raising children with dignity it’s known as the medal De La France meaning medal of the French family and is awarded in three classes bronze for raising four or five children silver for parents with six or seven children and gold for those raising eight or more children in 1983 it was reformed to allow fathers to be awarded as well wow okay so pullout game is rewarded in that country interesting I mean I mean it doesn’t really mean nothing obviously but that’s something like hey man I don’t know how you did it congrats here you go your country appreciates you Census Bureau appreciates you the sensus bureau number 87 according to one study France suffers from the highest rated depression in the world oh man that sucks sorry France number 88 the first and only french actor to one best actor at the Oscars is Jean dejar Dawn for his role in the 2011 film The Artist wow number 89 one of France’s most iconic structures the Eiffel Tower was only ever meant to be temporary and was going to be demolished after 20 years and sold a scrap number 90 however the Tory fell as it’s and French ended up staying as it was useful for scientific experiments with radio it now has to be painted every 7even years to keep it looking spiffy a bit like my statue of Jennifer Lawrence that I made out of clay uh one that’s a bit creepy I’m sure Jennifer Lawrence would not appreciate knowing that but Eiffel Tower yeah was that a world fair kind of thing I think was it Ed by like in in the for the world fair World’s Fair yeah I think that was and just a prop and but and it just stayed it just it it there was use for it and I guess it’s iconic now now it yeah now it’s iconic now they have to maintain it damn yeah 91 a replica of the torch carried by the Statue of Liberty known as the flame of Liberty stands at PL Dalma as a gift from the USA to France due to its location it’s become an unofficial Memorial to princess Diner of Wales who was killed in a car accident in the Paris underpass in AUST August 1997 number 92 wow so they gave us a big old Statue of Liberty and that was what we gave them in return yeah what what I I I got very confused we gave them the flame on top of Lady Liberty which is a statue they gave to us and now it’s a Princess Diana Memorial site I’m what I’m very lost that’s a lot of confusion that’s I’m very confused I’m very confused please explain that in the comments yeah France was the fourth country to acquire nuclear weapons and tested its first a bomb in the Algerian portion of the Sahara desert in 1960 France is now only one of five nations that possesses hydrogen bombs which uses nuclear fusion instead of nuclear fishion to create explosions even more powerful than those creat by the United States when they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki number 93 speaking of atoms the two-piece bathing suit known as the bikini was almost called the atom and was created in 1946 by French fashion designer Jac Heim and French automotive engineer Lou rard number 94 there’s a coffee shop in N called latit s where not saying please or civil play makes your coffee more expensive I love those manners those guys nice number 95 have you ever drunk champagne mother factors of course you have you classy people but make sure you never drink champagne as real champagne can only be called champagne if it’s from Champagne otherwise it’s just sparkling wine number bless you sorry sorry about that sorry I’m alerted to all that sham pain sham the Sham in the it’s just it puts the pain in the Sham yeah I that’s why I stick to sparkling wine smart 96 apparently French people sleep for longer than anyone else in the developed world with an average of 8.83 hours a night of all the reasons to be jealous of the French this is probably the biggest one yeah it’s cuz they’re depressed number 97 cuz yeah cuz they have highest depression rate because they’re depressed that helps it helps sometimes during World War II secador babit of the mosque of Paris helped as many as 100 Jews to escape the Nazis by giving them fake Muslim identity documents number 98 two new cookbooks are published every day in France they love food don’t they hey all of these have been about food Mak me hungry now number 99 it’s illegal to say you follow us on Twitter or check us out on Facebook on French television as this is apparently unfair promotion of these social media sites over others 100 Paul desel who served as president of France for several months in 1920 was known for his eccentric Behavior he’s known to have walked out of a state meeting and jumped into a lake fully clothed and on one other occasion he greeted the British Ambassador wearing the French sash of office and nothing else basically he wore clothes when he shouldn’t have and didn’t wear clothes when he really really should have wow numeral and in 1997 a group of medieval enthusiasts began building a cast in France using only tools materials and techniques available in the 13th century it’s known as gidong castle and it’s due to be completed sometime in the 2020s I hope to visit there one day with my lady wife Queen Jennifer Lawrence and we can rule Europe together oh who am I kidding I D an army well I have you guys but I don’t think you fight for me it’s a bit weird to fight for someone who talks to you online isn’t it but hey just be ready one day for if the time comes I don’t know what I’m saying anymore right emble time watch these videos bye oh so awkward I guess that’s the French queline of the Beamish Museum in the UK which I have plans to visit that that’s and we have an equivalent of that in medieval times yes Medieval Times yep factual all right well we know more about France now than we used to or do we guys let us know in the comments do we cuz these one fax ones are kind Miss sometimes they get the conversation rolling which is always the important thing is to get that conversation going we learn our facts from the comments guys the positive ones anyway y’all thanks for watching and for those comments consider subscribing wanting another video thank you to our channel members we appreciate your support best way to support channels go buy some merch what else Dan unplug and do something legendary guys and we’ll see you next time later [Music] you


    1. 14:28 that painting is " la liberté guidant le peuple" and has nothing to do with the french revolution. its about the Trois glorieuse, another revolution that lead to the creation of the monarchy of july in 1830. its the same about "les miserable" everyone think that it take place during the french revolution of 1789 but it take place during the second restauration of 1815-1830. so yeah it take place after all the Napoleon stuff.

    2. We do not eat a lot of snails you know. . . . It's mosly a business for some Paris tourist restaurant who like to scam foreign people.

    3. You made a mistake with mac donald. We really like it + they adapted their marketting and services to french culture very well. And we like this kind of efforts.

    4. I know USA since 70ies and I can tell you it s not brilliant at all. My friends are there e since 72 and became a bit…morons. I don t wanna go there anymore.

    5. 23 : 50 : more precisely, the law allowing women to marry dead men was passed during the first world war. At the time, a lot of soldiers died letting their fiancées pregnant. Not being married at that time was a public shame for a pregnant woman and their kids had no rights then. So the posthumous wedding was created. That way, the fiancée was granted public military pension and the kid had the right to bear the name of their father and to get his share on inheritance. After the war, the law was never repealled but become obsolete. The Frejus' dam tragedy bring back that law into effect and a dozen of women could get married after their fiancé's passing. The law is still in the book and after terrorist attack the first gay man could marry his dead lover, a policeman killed in action.

    6. In fact, the Flame of Liberty is located in a square, "Place de l'Alma", and under this square there is a tunnel which passes and Princess Diana died in this tunnel

    7. The pastries found today in the bakery are completely French and have nothing to do with Viennese pastries;-) A brioche in the shape of a croissant arrives in France by Marie-Antoinette of Austria, in the 1770s. The wife of Louis XVI brings it in his luggage, as well as other Viennese specialties, this is how the appellation "viennoiseries" appeared. In the 1830s, two Austrians, August Zang and Ernest Schwarzer, opened in Paris "La boulangerie viennoise", rue de Richelieu, in which they marketed the croissant and other specialties of Vienna. The products have a great success and inspire other bakers who contribute to the spread of these "viennoiseries ". Not knowing the actual recipe many of them will adapt it or completely change the recipe. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, the modern French crescent created by French chef Sylvain Claudius Goy appeared. It is made from a puff pastry recipe (and no longer brioche) All a range of sweet bakery products with puff pastry derived from this new recipe will appear, such as chocolate bread for example. For the distinguished of the other traditional pastries and bakery products, we will continue to call them «viennoiserie» despite the fact that they have nothing to do with the original products from Austria.

    8. In France, we can't marry a dead person, it's nonsense and totally wrong fact. It was just a historic spécific episode, but we can't do that today.
      The name of the village Pussy is funny for english people, but for France, this name has no sense. It's just a familly name…

    9. Note: The croissant was invented by the French cook of Queen Marie-Antoinette at the court of Louis XVI. He gave it this crescent shape because the queen seemed depressed and nostalgic for her country. But, the French croissant has absolutely nothing to do with the Austrian croissant, which was nothing besides bread.

      Even the word “viennoiserie” does not mean that it comes from Vienna.

      It's simply the name that French pastry chefs gave to this type of sweet delight that couldn't really be classified as pastries (a pastry being characterized by a base of pastry covered with different ingredients added in successive layers ⇾ various creams, fruits, chocolate, etc.).

      This is why they proposed the name “viennoiseries” (in honor of the Queen of France, therefore) to everything that technically resembled French croissants, for example, "pains au chocolate" (or "chocolatine," the debate is open, lol), "brioches," "chouquettes," "chaussons" (with apples or stuffed with other fruits), "beignets" (donuts), etc. (a viennoiserie, unlike a pastry, is a dough, flaky at the base, inside which we incorporate ingredients, compote, dried fruits, chocolate, and others; later, we therefore also classify donuts, brioches, etc. — which are not made from puff pastry — to the rank of “viennoiserie”).

    10. 22:50 the very good reason for Louis XIX to abdicate 20 minutes after his father in 1830 is the angry mob with spikes and torches outside their doors. July 1830 is one of our revolutions called "les 3 glorieuses" (3 glory days). It is this revolution that's been immortalised in the painting "La liberté guidant le peuple" that you've seen for sure. It is during this revolution that Les Misérables takes place, unlike previously stated in the video. And last fun fact, it is one of the few revolutions that didn't end up in proclaiming a republic, but rather a somewhat liberal monarchy.

    11. Les Misérables is not set during the French Revolution. It is set from 1815 to 1832. At least, the book is. I haven’t seen the musical.

    12. Lady Diana died under the bridge of Alma, where the flame was.
      As the under bridge is a road, people are not allowed to go there, and they took the habit to commemorate around the flamme.

    13. The white in the french flag is the color of the french monarchy. In the revolution, citizens of Paris ( Blue and Red ) obliged the King to be in the City. ( He was living in Versailles ). So… Blue White Red.

    14. there are big errors, for example, Paris was not a Roman city….it was a Gallic city named so because of the tribe of Gauls who lived there, the Parisii. during the Gallic Wars it was renamed Lutèce, but subsequently took its name Paris.

    15. Jokes on the brits, the sun still never sets in France, but it does (if i'm not mistaken) on the UK

      We mostly use Give Way signs, stoplights or use the default priority on the right in France.

    16. Women in France have always wear pants. There is a distinction between a 500 hundreds years old law, and what people do in there Dayly basis life. Women in France always wore pants and way before the law was gone. It was just a stupid law in an old book, no one really cared.

    17. Paris never been a Roman city ! Officialy it was founded by a poeple named Parisi but the real story is named Paris for the prince of Troy ( Troie in french ) Paris by the templars/free masons who where the architecs of the city…in France the templars where founded at the city of Troyes ( spoken Troie in french ) .
      Im born in Paris and some Parisian folks know the true story about this city.
      Ps: forgive my english im french 🙂

    18. Alors théoriquement, le "e-mail" est censé être "courrier électronique"… mais heu……………….. ce n'est pas du tout utilisé. Nous utilisons "email". Et pour le #…. pffffffffffffffffffffffffff je ne sais pas, je dis "hashtag". Pour l'histoire du mariage posthume, j'ai lu un commentaire plus bas qui expliquait qu'il s'agissait de cas exceptionnels initialement pour les victime de guerre. et je confirme. mais pas que et il me semble qu'une de mes amies plus jeune a perdu son papa alors que sa belle mère était enceinte. Et elle a entamé ces démarches. Il s'agit surtout de droits d'héritage et filiation (et j'imagine de reconnaissance… et d'amour) mais c'est vrai que c'est bizarre.

    19. One thing is wrong . If the revolution did 377 000 dead, it was not by the use of the guillotine . In Paris there were only around 1200 persons executed by this way . In Lyon, Fouché prefered canister shot by canon for collective executions, and in Nantes Carrier chosed drowning in the Loire river or exaustion in large jails. the highest figure comes from the massacres of "La Vendée" repression, ( a counter revolutionary mouvement : between 250 000 and 300 000 dead ) where most poeple died by rifle or all kind of military exactions . The figure of the cost in lives is approaching the civil war….and a few years the napoléonic wars start !

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