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    [Music] oh good morning to you at 6:00 on Saturday the 22nd of June today a politician of the people Sakia s tells GB news he wouldn’t use Private health care even if his children were ill um you know elected in to serve as prime minister my job is to bring those waiting lists down and I’m not going to at the same time say but for me I’m going to jump the que it’s a problem that just won’t go away prime minister Rishi sunuk refuses to say whether a cabinet minister is involved in the Tory gambling Scandal as four figures now face investigation a step too far well that’s what some are saying after reform UK leader Nigel farage suggested the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine we provoked this war it’s you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what we Prov the invasion of the search for missing teenager Jay Slater enters now its sixth day in tenar as British police say Spanish officers have refused their help good morning don’t mention the VAR English players have failed to impress on the pitch and now our officials are at the cent of a referee in controversy that denied Holland victory over France last night Gareth Southgate meanwhile says his players aren’t fit enough and Andy Murray will undergo back surgery today as he enters a Race Against Time to be fit for wimble more later it’s a bit of a dull start for some of us this morning but generally a fine summer’s day today and many of us will have some sunshine on Sunday as well and it’s swming up join me later for a full forecast good morning to you I’m Steven Dixon and I’m and diamond and this is breakfast on GB news [Music] now you know it feels like the country is falling apart it does rather yes nothing works nothing is happening um I mean to be fair trying to be nonpolitical that is how it is at the minute well things have just got worse considerably worse good because some fella called Michael foser from tooting in London went to the supermarket bought a packet of Jammy Dodgers and no jam oh no no J in the entire packet of jamy Dodgers no Jam he said I was really looking forward to enjoying a classic Jammy Dodger a Dodger on its own would be a bit dry wouldn’t it I’ve enjoyed it as a sweet treat since I was a kid but it seems my biscuit decided to play hide and seek with the jam it must have been you know a Friday afternoon packet of um jam Jammy Dodgers in the factory wasn’t it they ran out of jam oh went on printing foxes anyway foxes have apologized foxes and said they’re going to send Al Bett you’ll be in and dated with Jammy Dodgers from now on yeah well good I lovely yeah why not there you go just when things couldn’t get any worse I know and here we are look in our Westminster studio in a Westminster Studio because they’re doing things um hopefully they’ll probably bit knocking it down at the moment as we speak this weekend they’re giving us a new set or or at least some parts of a new set um in our old Studios we’ll be back there hopefully next weekend but for the moment we’re in Westminster well that’s the secret out the b that was no not meant to say that I didn’t say that didn’t really nobody said keep it secret any that’s a launch ruined on Monday morning but never mind never mind anyway let’s talk politics CU yesterday our political editor Christopher hope sat down with a man who hopes to be prime minister in just a couple of weeks leader of the labor party sakir stama yes sakir was answering the questions that you sent in so please do keep them coming because this is the first of many interviews to come with Party leaders now in this exclusive uh he refused four times to say that he would pay for Private health care for his children even if they badly needed treatment and were stuck on an NHS waiting list meanwhile Nigel farage leader of Reform UK has taken part in an interview with the BBC he suggested the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by expanding NATO well let’s take a look back at the last 24 hours in politics I pay for Private health care to effectively jump the waiting list yes I wouldn’t the idea of the prime minister of the United Kingdom who is responsible for bringing waiting list down yes then saying to the public but as far as I’m concerned I’m going to jump the afford to most people on a good way to do afford it and pay for it if I am you know elected in to serve as prime minister my job is to bring those waiting list down and I’m not going to at the same time so but for me I’m going to jump the queue this is a man who tried to overturn the result of the brexit referendum who twice urged everyone to make Jeremy Corbin prime minister and who ran on a series of pledges to be labor leader that he cynically then abandoned my friends because he has such a past he doesn’t deserve to decide your future if people know the outcome of something and they bet on it I think that’s immoral we provoked this war is you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what we Prov the invasion of and very interestingly once again 10 years ago when I predicted this by the way I’m the only person in British politics that predicted what would happen and of course everyone said I was a pariah for daring to suggest it George Robertson former labor cabinet minister who went on to become the Secretary General of NATO has in the last couple of weeks said the war is a direct result of EU expansion well let’s talk to political commentator John Oxley who’s here with us this morning good to see you John can we talk about farage first and foremost um is he just a man profer a a view that some do hold or is this one of those moments he’s going to look back on and through gritted teeth it is a view that some people hold but it is also you very much one of the lines that the Russians want us to believe and the reality of NATO expansion is these countries that join NATO were desperate to do so and we’ve seen that recently again with Finland and Sweden because of the fear of Russian expansion so I think it’s you know it’s wrong and I think particularly when you look at how popular um you know support for Ukraine has been in this country I think it’s a very foolish thing for Nigel farage to be saying and I think it could become a bit of a difference point between him and the conservatives as they fight the final few weeks of this election yeah I mean even though a lot of people might think it’s a reasonable point of view and we often get that coming from our audience actually um the uh the problem is you get you get hoist by these things don’t you it’s a bit like K sta being asked time and again whether he would have uh Private health care in any circumstance for his family um sometimes you just get to you have to live for the rest of the campaign with a question that now it sort of just is almost going to shoot you down every time yes absolutely these things take in a life of their own and what you might think reasonable other people have a different spin on but I think these comments in particular when we get past the election and there’s a bit more of a squabble about what influence Nigel farage and reform have on the conservative party after the election these sort of questions about where they stand on National Security we’ve seen a lot of Tory ministers s of really calling farage out on this could become a a a real thing that they pick up on yeah I mean he’s been was it it’s been Wallace shadowed Former Defense secretary who said he’s more Chamberlain than Churchill now that’s that actually is quite a stinging comment yes it absolutely is but it speaks to this idea that you know is the answer to Russian aggression appeasement and giving them what they want or is it standing up to them and you know certainly the conservative party have really believed in standing up to them and we’ve seen that through the support through Ukraine you know and before that things like the salsbery poisoning as well this is not just a distant thing it’s something that you know if if the West provoked the attack on Ukraine did the West also provoke you know British citizens being attacked on on English soil but it helps doesn’t it uh it helps the whole conversation to try and understand your opponent your enemy yes that’s true and I you know there’s nothing wrong in trying to understand what is going on on Russian inside Russian heads but I think you know one of the things that you have to be clear when you’re saying this is the Putin interpretation of what happened with NATO is a very it’s very informed by their worldview and it completely ignores that you know following the collapse of the um the Warsaw Pact you had all these nations newly emerging newly free and what did they want they wanted to be like the west and they wanted the security of joining up with the west and you know surely we believe that that is a good thing and we should encourage it um can we talk about starma is he being what’s his strategy now I mean talking to to our political editor Christopher hope and sticking to that line you know under no circumstances would I pay for Private health care even if my children were was seriously ill um I mean it it’s frankly ridiculous in that anyone would Scrabble about for whatever pennies they possibly could if that was the only option that they had for urgent care but he’s being quite robotic on it is that because he doesn’t want to Freestyle if you like because that risks falling into a bigger trap I think it’s partly that I think you know you bring out these lines but also you know you can only assume what political parties do in the background is they test these lines they use them on focus groups so I imagine there’s probably a lot of advice going to him that actually you know this is quite a good line people on the right might attack him but for a lot of people the sort of people he’s trying to appeal to you know many people who you could probably never even dream of affording private healthare should they need it then you know this probably tests quite well with them this idea that you know you support the NHS and you you wouldn’t jump the queue but he is sort of self-c confessedly um showing that he’s politically expedient because when he’s asked about why he was such an Argent supporter of um of Jeremy uh Corbin um he’s more or less said because that was the right thing to say at the time yes not what he believed no um but one of the interesting things about this I was looking at some stuff from a focus group again and actually that seems to be landing with people and there’s this sense that well that’s your job you get on with it and you know we’ve all been in the position of covering for a boss we didn’t necessarily like or was doing the right thing um but obviously it does look him make him look a bit as you say politically expedient but the thing is when you’re doing well and when people like you they don’t hold things against you and you know the Tories are in the sort of Converse problem that when people really dislike you everything you do that’s bad gets Amplified and gets the worst take on it I mean it wouldn’t be I mean there is an understanding and you can see it when you know politicians you know people do tow the party line and all that sort of thing the difference is Reeves who obviously is crucial to their campaign um she stepped out she didn’t serve in a in a coring cabinet did she she’s sort of removed herself from that and has come back once he’s gone which seemed to be you know that’s a point of principle isn’t it that’s something which some people could look at and and applaud yes and I think that’s true and you there are plenty of political people who really damage their own careers you K dmer has not chosen to do that under Corbin and it looks like it’s paying off for him but it does raise interesting questions and you we were talking about um you know Ukraine in relation to Nigel farage there’s a question there Jeremy Corbin has said many similar things and had labor been in government in 2022 when The fullscale Invasion happened what would K St have done then if you know Jeremy Corbin didn’t believe in giving military aid for example yeah every one of the leaders at the moment has got a problem with um with the next two weeks of interrogation from journalists and from members of the public they’ve all gotten Achilles heel really haven’t they and some sometimes several absolutely and you know the other thing about this period of the campaign it’s when things get really intense everyone’s tired they’ve been doing this for four weeks already it’s the point where you do start to slip up you’ve got more chance of those unguarded moments and with you know just two weeks left they can actually have a really outsized impact because you know the last group of people who are getting to make their minds up are thinking about this you know there’s still a good chunk of Voters that have not decided which way they’re going to go so making mistake in these last two weeks can make a huge difference which is a is why there’s can be potentially an element of Sympathy for the Prime Minister I mean he apart from his own massive up off a D-Day everything that’s now happening around him actually isn’t his fault necessarily but it’s Landing the party in a whole whole load of trouble that’s absolutely true but on the other hand you know and we saw this quite a lot with um the party Gate scandal as well if you’re the person at the top you’re there you’re meant to be setting the culture you’re meant to be making sure the rules are followed you’re meant to be keeping a grip on things and so if you’re in a circle particularly with the betting thing if this is his inner circle if he’s not got control of that then I’m not sure how much he can really wash his hands of it because ultimately you know if you’re the sort of person that gives the no messing about here you know don’t embarrass us like this from day one these things tend not to happen it’s it’s his team it’s it’s like party gate all over again really isn’t it it’s the fact that it looks as though the leader doesn’t have very good control over people who are just running a mock now yeah and it’s absolutely that that if you’re not sort of setting the standards and people aren’t you whipped in by you then you know can you really run a country okay Wonder it’s like thank you very much indeed B of the moment have you seen the picture in the guardian in the guardian I can oh here we are it’s a picture from the Tory battle bus well they all very happy and yeah and guess who’s with them start very own Catherine forer on a minute where’s the picture there we go I don’t know if you can see it well enough they’re all very happy at that in that particular picture and there on the right of the picture is Catherine fer looking delighted as well which I’m surprised I’m surprised it’s in the guardian were you going to say well no I’m I’m I’m not surprised no I’m surprised Catherine looks happy because I know she is absolutely exhausted yes the moment it is a Relentless campaign she perhaps just Delirious yes she as as all of our political team going from Pillar To Post and trying to cover they really are yeah one minute in the program they’re up north on the battle bus and you can see them careering down the motorway and the next minute they’re doing a piece to camera as we call it outside um the houses of Parliament and you think how did they get there so fast it must be relentless at the moment very hard work um right let’s move on should we to the search for missing British teenager Jay later it’s now in its sixth day in tenie yes police on the island say their search will now focus on a rural Village and Valley after the 19-year-old went missing on his first holiday ever without his parents let’s talk to a former police officer Oliver Lawrence who joins us now I mean Oliver where where do they even go at this point to continue this search because it I hate to I hate to say it but it’s really not looking good at the moment six days in yeah good morning Steve good morning and you know any search and rescue operation which enters a lengthy period of time as you say we’re into day six there are obviously greater concerns held for the the welfare of Mr Slater who’s been missing since early Monday morning when he messaged a friend advised that he only had 1% of battery was lost in the mountains which is an incredibly vast area um and needed water um so we know the circumstances under which he went missing uh weren’t brilliant at all in terms of of him needing water and was probably getting tired and disorientated and got lost so this is a vast area that local police are searching there has been some early criticism of their communication with the family and the efforts they’re putting into certain areas and obviously we know as of in the last 24 48 Hours Lancashire police have reached out to local authorities to provide some level of assistance that assistance has been turned down at the moment and the search continues but as this goes on obviously the concerns begin to grow as the welfare of Mr Slater I mean is there any implied criticism then of the police on tenner Reef or or do they just feel justified in saying no look we we’ve got everybody on it and we’re coping I think every Police Service deserves a right to assess a situation in their own right they believe they’ve got the resources to carry out the search and rescue operation it is an incredibly vast area which needs to ultimately be grid searched very painstakingly uh during daylight hours cuz after night you’re you’re going to miss things obviously they’re using helicop and dogs and resources that we’ve seen been used in other search and rescue operations in the last few weeks overseas with other cases but these are very protracted investigations dep obviously what doesn’t help is the size and scale of the error an 11-hour walk Mr Slater was looking at and to get disorientated in such a complex area means the task is even greatly difficult for police to try and identify where he is with so many areas where he could be potentially sitting there waiting for support um is it is now the right time to be looking at what on Earth he was doing there or does that need to be left for now until something is discovered so I think there’ll be two phases to this Stephen there will certainly be an investigation going on in the background in trying to identify what was he doing leading up to his disappearance the people that he was with obviously two British experts who traveled back to the UK were interviewed by local authorities so obviously the story in the picture of developing of him being at this this event over the weekend that story has has been developed and obviously at the moment the hypothesis that the police appear to be working with is that he’s trying to obviously navigate his way back home and has got disorientated on route but obviously you know I I the police will be keeping all their options open um but at this stage I think it’s a search and rescue operation hopefully uh Mr Slater is found alive and well as you say Stephen as the as the days go on one has to consider whether this becomes a recovery operation unless something happened I mean he was last seen one of the last writings was where he was meeting up with two other I think British men and we don’t know what happened consequently after that do we so I mean there still could be a chance that he’s alive somewhere yeah very much so you know there’s been some incredible stories over the years of people’s resilience being out in the open air in the evening it does cool down during the night time but that can provide challenges if you’re not hydrated but he is a fit and young healthy young man obviously an apprentice brick layer so he’s going to be fit and healthy but still there’s some challenges out in the environment so you know his parents um and his mother has pulled away from helping with the search she’s obviously incredibly concerned herself and terrified and our thoughts are with her at this moment because it will be a very very difficult time for their family to navigate but hopefully in the coming hours and days the police will be able to provide us more information and find Mr Slater Al and well well let’s hope so Oliver good to see you thank you thank you yeah I mean one of one of the things absolutely haunting the family and and it’s of course it’s occurred to us all is what happened to Michael Mosley is it oh of well of course it’s it’s so terrible to hear this happening again but apparently people go missing um often uh particularly in these sort of circumstances when they’re in an area they don’t know um and something because they’re in an unknown terrain and maybe an unknown sort of climate they come to some sort of a some sort of grief because they just can’t cope with unknown circumstances Plus in that it’s similar to similar sort of terrain to where Michael Mosley was bigger but lots of lots of sort of Ravines and things which obviously are hugely problematic as far as the search goes but nevertheless let’s try and stay positive on that one it’s 20 past 6 let’s have a look at some of the other stories coming into The Newsroom this morning well two women have been charged with criminal damage after just stop oil activists sprayed orange paint on private jets at stanstead airport on Thursday there Jennifer Kowalski who’s 28 and Cole mcdonal who 22 and they’re alleged to have caused over £5,000 worth of damage the pair are due to ACH to appear at Chelmsford magistrates Court later today after months of speculation it seems King Charles and the queen are going to confirm an official visit to Australia and Samoa later this year Reports say the original plan was also to visit New Zealand but the trip has been scaled back as the king continues his cancer treatment and Taylor Swift has kicked off the London leg on her IRAs tour with the first of three soldout shows at Wembley fans descended on the capital in their masses with attendees including everyone from s sta to the Prince of Wales and his three young children tonight another 90,000 fans will make that same journey to celebrate the princess of pop it’s a day worth celebrating for Dame Esther Ranson she’s 84 today a day she says she never thought she’d reach as she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer last year and has since campaigned to legalize assisted dying saki starm has personally promised uh D Master a vote on assisted dying if he wins the election on July 4th happy birthday Esther yeah she was a very nice lady on the times of interviewed wonderful wonderful yeah my my absolute hero es is yeah there you go now a few months ago we reported on the fundraising campaign for the shot at DOR Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire two months on and thanks to many donations from you the GB news viewers it’s now been reopened to the public well our West Midlands reporter Jack Carson went to see the result for himself in World War I 309 men from Britain and the Commonwealth never came home because they’d been shot at dawn the majority were killed for desertion cowardice and sleeping at post appearing at their Court Marshals and told they’ brought shame on their country these men had no opportunity to defend themselves and were executed by a firing squad back in April the National Memorial Arboretum launched a fundraising campaign to restore the memorial which has stood for more than 20 years with work taking place over the past few months yesterday marked the official reopening with a service at the site attended by members of the public Philipa rollinson is director of the National Memorial Arboretum thank you to your viewers for their support for the um the fundraising campaign and thanks to the generosity of so many people over 900 individuals have donated we’ve been able to not only replace all 309 of the of the posts that represent those young men that were shot at in the first world war but also look at drainage um and Landscaping and access and interpretation for the site so we’ve been able to do a fullscale restoration of this really precious Memorial the centerpiece of the memorial is the young Soldier blindfolded and facing his execution it was designed and sculpted by Andy doomin he describes the restoration so the sculpture itself I me you see it’s looking a lot brighter than the last time you saw it um so first of all a really good clean um and then this COA in is uh it’s a of lime uh and polymers um also there’s a waterproof COA in over top of that so it first of all it brightens it up but then also it’s um it’s going to keep it looking nice uh for a long time keep the keep the rain out and this will be like a periodic thing that you will do from time to time in September 1916 private Harry far was ordered to the front already suffering from Shell Shock he was overwhelmed and refused his orders he was caught marshaled and in a trial lasting only 20 minutes he was sentenced to death on the day of his execution he faced the firing squad without a blindfold Janet boo is private far’s granddaughter and was part of the public campaign to have those who were shot at dawn officially pardoned when I asked my grand um you know as where do you know where I could find Harry’s grave and she sort of she looked at my mother and there was this sort of look between them and then she said we hasn’t got a grave because they didn’t warrant he deserved one because he was shot as a a coward and had let his his country down we can come here as a family and pay our respects to him and remember him and and also for all the other families it’s somewhere to come and and and remember their loved ones the restoration of this Memorial is now complete and its future secured so that the sacrifice of these men will never be forgotten Jack Carson GB news news Staffordshire it’s a disgrace what happened breaks your heart doesn’t it absolutely disg when you look at those I know with Harry far age unknown um but a lot of them 19 20 just kids kids being shocked because they you know didn’t want to be there or had were already Shell Shocked or whatever whatever it I must say I never really knew the derivation of the phrase you know so so so should be shot at dawn but that is it and it’s it’s hideous absolutely hideous isn’t it so quite right and thank you to to all of you who donated I think that’s a l Memorial as well I think we should all I think everyone without a marked grave either isn’t that terrible whole thing is Dreadful yeah right okay let’s see if we can cheer ourselves up a little bit this morning because it should be a pretty nice weekend fingers crossed let’s get the details with Alex a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a drab start for some of us today but generally a dry and a fine day and feeling quite warm when the sun comes out later on a fine start of course much of Scotland bit of a cool start here we will see the cloud steadily increasing across the far Northwest elsewhere the cloud actually breaking up after a damp and drizzly beginning over parts of the East we’ll see some Sunny spells just one or two pretty scattered afternoon noon showers so as I say for most it is a fine Summer’s Day temperatures creeping up as well 23 24 degrees perhaps with a bit of afternoon sunshine always a bit cooler further west and particularly in the far Northwest as the breeze starts to pick up a little bit of rain trickling in here so turning a bit damp by this evening over the Western aisles and through this evening some of that rain will spread across the highlands but so for much of Scotland it’s a fine evening uh temperatures still holding up in the High Teens into this evening as well it will Cloud over across Northern Ireland but still dry and bright for most of today in Belfast fine conditions for most of England and Welles this morning’s Cloud melting away to reveal some evening sunshine further east and generally staying fine across the Southwest just perhaps a bit more Cloud spilling in here come the late afternoon into the evening and the cloud will continue to increase during the night still a bit of drizzly rain pushing through southern Scotland perhaps into North Wales Northwest England but for most it’ll be another dry night and another fairly warm one as well temperatures certainly most towns and cities holding up in the teens what about Sunday well a warm humid feeling day there will be a bit more Cloud around especially for Wales Southwest England Northern England to begin with so a duller day but even here I’m hopeful that it will brighten up small chance of one or two showers some coasts in the west may stay Misty but for Scotland Northern Ireland some good Spells Of Sunshine and across the southeast as well should be fine once more during Sunday and temperatures ticking up going to get hotter still as we head into next week that warm feeling inside from boxed boilers sponsors of weather on GB [Music] news well it’s time for the Great British giveaway now and your chance to win over £6,000 worth of prizes we caught up with a previous winner John from North Yorkshire who got his 20 grand prize from us this week uh here’s what he had to say about it hi I I’m John from Sunny North Yorkshire and I’ve just won £20,000 in the GB news Great British giveaway well there I was sitting in the garden with a cup of coffee and then I got this phone call out the blue and I thought what what’s this about uh and then it all became apparent I have to say I kept thinking several times a day wow I’ve got 20,000 coming that’s fantastic and then of course when it arrived but I do have something to spend it on I’ve never actually won anything like this before but of course if you’re not in you can’t win but it didn’t cost much to enter and here I am having won 20,000 and that’s uh tax free so I’m rather pleased I did it I bet you are John well done spend well anyway you could be our next big giveaway winner we’ve got1 15,000 in cash and a whole host of goodies to win is how don’t miss out on your chance to win our summer spectacular and have we got a prize for for you first there’s a totally tax-free £15,000 in cash to make your summer spectacular spend that extra cash however you like you’ll also win a brand new iPhone Apple airpods and if that wasn’t enough a £500 voucher to spend at your favorite UK attraction so you can enjoy amazing days out this year for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £15,000 cash text win to 63232 text cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message you can also enter online at gvnews win entries cost too quck or post your name and number to GB 06 PO Box 8690 Derby D1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of June please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck do stay with us still to come Aiden McGee will be here joining us for all the latest sport that’s next you’re watching breakfast on GB news with Steven [Music] andan on Election night we are throwing a party the GB News election night watch party will be live from Essex and you are all invited on air from 10:00 we’ll have familiar faces from across the channel entertainment and lots more stuff as we keep our eyes on all the results as they come flying in if you want to join our live election night watch party audience scan the QR code on screen or go to whiteness and heterosexuality in their seminars um they are saying that you should be guilty if you’re white and heterosexual not using the long words they use but that’s kind of what they’re yeah but you know what history in this country is more is concerned with more and has lived been has been lived by more white people and more heterosexuals right and that’s the history I’ll tell you something else Don this is Russell group University material here this is Liverpool it’s a really good University the thing that really got me going apart from this I thought it was an AI generation of h words things you know words input into to a system to come up with from something it’s ridiculous the the main issue I have is the verb problematize I’ve never heard of that before so they should be prioritizing grammar let’s get first principles back in there firstly it’s it’s just promoting anti-racism it’s not bring it is wait wait wait it’s just bringing the the marginalized voices into the discussion so no what they’re saying is look at British history through the optic of all perspectives so let’s look at it from uh the perspective of a queer person growing up let’s look at it from the perspective of um uh somebody from that’s not the majority when I actually looked at the evidence it’s all about unpacking bias and you have to admit there has been a white bias in history no there hasn’t because the facts from a white perspective the facts are in history most people in this country are white and heterosexual of course but then there’s still voices that deserve to be brought into the discussion as much as the dominant like that’s all decolonizing the curriculum is is hearing all sides surely we at GB news love we celebrate that that’s what we do we do but we’re not telling anybody it’s bad to be white or it’s bad exactly that is not what Amy it is it is the people’s Channel hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show jub z c we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best de bit sh in town Monday to Friday 6:00 to 7 on GB news Britain’s News Channel on Election night we are throwing a party the GB News election night watch party will be live from Essex and you are all invited on air from 10:00 we’ll have familiar faces from across the channel entertainment and lots more stuff as we keep our eye on all the results as they come flying in if you want to join our live election night watch party audience scan the QR code on screen or go to / elction party be an election party all right it will be there’s going to be some moments in this election I think oh some big scout it’s going to be worth staying up all night which we doing anyway I think yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s going to be great it’s going to be absolutely great anyway look let’s crack on with the sport Aden McGee is here morning good morning to you both I mean look what would sport be without some V controversy well yeah you know what it’s actually worked pretty well throughout this tournament lots of people have been saying in fact someone said to me the other day they said oh hasn’t the v v functioned well throughout the uh throughout the Euros you know what’s what has been any mention of it really no not really not really and then and then last night the we have Anthony Taylor the English official and Stuart Atwell in the box and they take six minutes to arrive at a decision on a goal so all the problems we’re seeing we’re used to seeing the Premier League were transferred over to the euros and people weren’t happy so what happened was that it was a pretty dull game anyway I mean it was France versus Holland it was meant to be the the one of the real key matches of this tournament Friday night 8:00 everyone was looking forward to it uh having had watched a couple of games earli on that was the real that was the real you know the the main attraction and so they weren’t helped by that because if it had been two or three goals in it we wouldn’t be talking about the v as much but Hollands thought they’ won the game and uh shot by Javy Simons went towards the goal the goalkeeper it’s difficult to explain it without being able to see it but we can see pictures now on on our screen for the benefit of our radio listeners but the the the goal keeper Manan just couldn’t get to the ball because he claimed that he couldn’t the reason he couldn’t dive is because a player was standing in Holland player was Denzel dun was standing in offside position he was offside I mean even even the Netherlands he was offside but I don’t agree that he he was preventing the goalkeeper from diving so the fact is Stephen if you’re taking five or six minutes to arrive at these decisions there’s probably nothing wrong with the goal that’s that’s the Orthodoxy unsurprisingly did De sh the the French manager said Oh I thought it was right it was Nob brainer it was absolutely correct decision and ronal and the the Holland coach was was Furious and said no how do we arrive at this uh at this situation but nonetheless it was it was England’s or the Premier League’s V officials not necessarily cover them covering themselves in glory with that one so we hope their performance improves later on H how does that play out in terms of their positions in because because it was a nil it was first nil nil draw of the tournament wasn’t it yeah but is it going to affect where they stand uh no not really I don’t I don’t think I expect both teams to go through they’re both on Four Points now so they’ll play their final games next week they’ll kick off concurrently with the other teams in their group and I would imagine they wouldn’t have too many more problems I mean they’re IGN on Four Points as well and so that normally puts you in a decent position after two matches but who knows who knows I mean you know they if I think there was a scenario they could see either either side elimination they’re not they’re not home and hosed so yeah it could prove decisive absolutely good point um you’re well up on your football today hey I’m up on my foot I up on my football meanwhile after after England’s dismal performance yeah it was say was pretty bad yeah I me my reaction at home I didn’t watch the match but my reaction is hey you know we’ve come out top of the um group um and you know we weren’t defeated no why is everybody groaning well because expectations are so high there’s nothing new with English football or the England team in in in that regard but the G Southgate is claiming that the reason they’re starting games quickly and not being able to and dropping off quite quickly is because they’re not fit enough he’s saying that the riggers of a Premier League season mean that the players are playing upwards of 50 60 matches and it comes to a tournament like this where it’s very demanding you’re playing every 3 or four days and I just can’t cope with it he didn’t use those words exactly but it’s a very confusing thing to say Stephen because I can’t think of many other sides in this tournament who don’t have a smattering of Premier League players and if they’re not playing in England they’re playing in Germany where you have just as many games you play for Bayern Munich and you go to the the latter stage of the Champions League your schedule is every bit as as as busy as Manchester United or lipol it would affect almost every side yes exactly and they can’t blame conditions everything so I think it’s a bit weird they’ve doing some they were doing some yoga yesterday at their at their five star Retreat yeah stretch out stretch out there stretch out there staying at the Euros or show a bit of they can’t show tax tactical flexibility ultimately if they’re not fit enough it’s the manager’s problem isn’t it not necessarily manager wouldn’t necessarily say that he’d say he he’d say that it’s down to what they do in uh when they’re out of his yeah when they’re out of get much time to work with the players but you know you can I think the phys physical conditioning the sports condition they do I mean it’s the sport science is so Advanced now they’ll hope that they can Peak later in the tournament but the problem is they’re not pressing at the front so that’s tactical isn’t it that it’s managerial I would I would say it’s tactical yeah but then if if Harry Kane really is carrying an injury at the moment he looks as if he’s towing a towing a truck a trailer behind him even though he did score the other night against Denmark then I think that’s you know it’s not you’re giving the opponents the ball and when you give an opponent the ball then they grow in confidence that’s just natural that happens at any level of sport and you know what they were they were undone the other night by Christian Erikson who nearly died at the last tournament and has recovered from heart heart surgery he can’t even play in Italy for into Milan because because they don’t they don’t ensure anybody who’s got a pacemaker so he can only play in the Premier League and alongside him is another player coming towards the end of his career Pierre Emil hyberg and they were they really did outfight the England players and they’re both Premier League players Stephen so they have the same number of commitments the same number of games as any England player for me it’s a weak excuse and I can only hope that he’s just deflecting right now and taking the pressure off well I was going to say taking the pressure off the manager to me he’s putting player on pressure on the players and talking of surgery uh that sounds sort of pretty serious surgery before a major tournament Andy Murray is going to have back surgery and you know and everybody’s saying will he be fit enough to play in Wimbledon well back surgery sounds really serious it’s today as well so he has nine days because the tournament at Wimbledon starts on July the 1st he had a problem on Wednesday at at queens and he he came off against Jordan Thompson with a neural problem he described as he he was he had the SC on Thursday and he was given the option yesterday shall I go for for surgery now before the tournament or not now he’s so it can’t be much of an OP if he’s going to be recovered and match fit in nine days we don’t know we don’t know we can’t we can’t yeah I would think so but in the statement yesterday they said he they don’t know whether he’s going to be fit but his brother Jamie came out and said that he’s you know I can’t reveal too many too much detail in terms of the the machinations of the of the surgery the complications rather but um but he’s going to give it a go looks like and you know what if he doesn’t make wimon I think there’s a good chance he’ll go to the Olympics he did was successful there in 2012 it would be a nice place to say goodbye but ideally he wants to say goodby you have to admire his G up and go don’t you really has so many operations isn’t he I know he has yeah I know but he’s he’s he snapped his he SN to kill he’s tended early this year as well so he’s had he’s had the full gamut of injuries but it’s the way he plays I mean they they suffer they all suffer degenerative joints every tennis player even if you float around the courts and don’t put as much pressure on your joints like Roger Federer for example but if play like ldal you play jovic you play like Murray you are going to suffer injuries and I just wonder he’s made his money he’s got four kids at home he’s won three grand slams he’s got an Olympic gold medal under his belt I’m not really sure what keeps him going at this stage because he’s not going to win the tournament that’s for sure no no it’s the very thing that made him a champ is what’s keeping him trying to compete still just can’t put it can’t put it down crazy maybe he just likes the proper fall what’s that that’s the what you get with she’s General no that’s no she General an when you have an operation right yeah proile it’s bluming lovely is it I’ll bet it’s that one way you sh count backwards and you get to about eight yes that’s right wonderful and then you wake up two hours later feeling like oh just magic I had kidney stones once really badly and um I was in hospital and they gave me a shot of morphine oh you feel it I can’t remember I think they they shot it in my thigh you feel going around the body I had an operation about 10 years ago and I was they asked me a question about QPR and I was in midf flow and suddenly I don’t remember being staying awake after that I know I didn’t need the anesthesia I just not that we’re proposing that that you know only only when you need it oh yes please but yes thank good thank goodness for it indeed oh yeah Miracle stuff that anyway right Aden thank you see you later on S K will take you through the papers with Stephanie tchi and Kevin scofi [Music] this is GB news Britain’s News Channel the new BBC director of sport who’s a man called Alex K jelski who’s downplayed fears raised by Sports women about biological men competing in female categories and he’s also called Martina abova I’ve got to say has to be prob of the most successful woman tennis player in history and a very brave woman too she escaped the Iron Curtain uh and she came out and Sharon Davis he says are not experts on the issue at the same time transgender us fromia Thomas has lost her legal battle and been told that she cannot compete at the Olympics Leah Thomas made an appeal to World Aquatics who have this rule in place it says that they protect the female category as does Athletics and World cycling and because Leah doesn’t actually qualify because Leah isn’t training so she’s she’s not even someone that would be potentially part of the Olympic team they just said that you know you don’t qualify to be able to bring this case it’s been been thrown out on a technicality thank goodness um and which means that you know swimming will not have any males beating Elite females uh in Paris this summer which was particularly good for me bearing in mind that I now have to be very careful about what I’m allowed to say and not say we’re not allowed to use the words biological male uh transitioned male I mean just every single possible way that we could explain that the person in the race wasn’t a female and it only affects women it doesn’t affect men you know females that identify as Mal are no risk to to men’s sport in any shape or form it’s just women that are losing their opportunities the thing I take the most offense to and this is very serious and this needs to be dealt with by the BBC and this is why I wrote to Tim Davey in that article he compared males that are identifying as women in women’s sport to Jamaican and Ethiopian females being allowed to compete what the people Channel this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians and the media but it’s actually about you we won’t forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision in the runup to polling day this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel are the newspapers getting you down my wife didn’t divorce me that month struggling to separate the wheat from the chap I know that it’s a bit of a circus at the best of times well don’t worry Headliners has got you covered we’ll take the burden of reading the day’s news and if we get depressed who cares it’s an occupational hazard frankly that’s Headliners on GB news from 11:00 p.m. till midnight and the following morning 5: till 6:00 a.m. on GB news the comedy channel nah just kidding Britain News [Music] Channel it is 6:47 let’s a look at some of the newspapers for you this morning well the guardian leads with the news that Russian hackers managed to access and steal an i watering 300 million NHS patient records the business secretary KY badok is on the front of the telegraph with her prediction that starma will reverse brexit Nigel farage’s BBC in interview leads the mail after he sensationally claimed the West provoked Russia to invade Ukraine in an exclusive with the times JK Rowling accuses the labor party of turning turning its back on women and the I newspaper leads with the National Trust calling on UK political parties to sign a pledge to protect rivers from illegal sewage dumping all right let’s go through some of those with political editor um of Hof poost UK Kevin scof field and show reporter Stephanie tety good to see you both this morning Kevin let’s start with the guardian should we and this this concerning uh theft of medical records yeah so Russian hackers stole 300 million patient records or interactions with the NHS um an organization called quillin um and they say that that the government is considering um striking back against that the hackers you’d like to think they would you know you wouldn’t think they just me the real wor here is that you know exposes so many people to um having their identity stolen identity fraud you know it can be used to all sort of fishing attacks all sorts of things so the National Crime agency is um has has got involved naturally to try and um to try and get on top of this but 40 million was the ransom that they asked for from the NHS no does that hitting back suggests that we’re going to do it to them is a strange phrase I mean you would uh you’d probably think it probably isn’t that is not what it involves but you would to try and crack down and toughen up the defenses to try and PR do what do they what would they what would they do with that information so we’ll handle it the the guardian has uh answered those questions and it says that basically personal data can be deployed by these criminal gangs to carry out fraudulent activity so uh um they’ll use it to identity theft fishing attacks so basically once got your personal data you might have your um blood records you know really personal stuff so it’s not just a question of blackmail or something like that which again could be Pro part of the problem but it’s also the idea that um yeah that that I mean data is gold absolutely it’s it’s incredibly valuable uh commodity obviously these criminal gangs will sell it it will go around the houses you know they sell it to one another that’s how they make their money I guess but I think there needs to be a transparency on how this even happen happened in the first place and how it will be avoided in the future because rightly so a lot of patients now are worried that actually my health records could be up for sale all over the world well in this case it was outsourced wasn’t it it was the NHS had outsourced this data um to another company um why I don’t know because they were cheaper than doing it themselves abely that’s what it will be but then you then you um open yourself you’re exposed then aren’t you more to Outsource it to people who don’t have right security system nightmare um let’s a look at the telegraph Stephanie um KY badar is telling us that brexit is a a 10 to 20 year project um but K st’s going to Scupper the lot well yeah she’s worried well I think she’s probably going to be the woman who’s eyeing up the top job after Rish she leaves but at the moment she’s saying that under a labor government K summer is going to reverse brexit she’s now saying that brexit is a t 20- year project and it does make me think if most people would have voted to leave if they knew it was going to be a 10 to 20e project and they were transparent about that in the first place because at the moment K St saying he is looking for more closer alliances with Brussels on things such as education defense security and more EU standards on workers rights and food standards but you know tomorrow will be the eth anniversary since people voted to leave really years and so if we do reflect in the past 8 years what has really been achieved for brexit so maybe we have reached that crunch point where maybe we do need to be building those alliances again with um Brussels but also for people who did vote to leave are they happy with what’s been achieved and are they happy to wait as km’s calling it 10 to 20 years to see any benefits of leaving the EU but who knew that it was just a 10 to 15 year project well yeah I don’t remember that coming up in the I don’t remember leave saying vote vote to leave the EU and in 20 years time things are going to be great I mean they never won on that basis so I think that’s quite a revealing comment what’s interesting is that no brexit hasn’t really been mentioned in the election campaign no remarkably you think the last election was all about you know in a way why would it because because starma has I mean whatever KY badok is saying starm is saying no we not going back into the EU yeah and obviously Tes don’t want to go back into the EU reform definitely do so so why mention it well labor are are desperate not to talk about it because obviously all those red wall voters who voted to leave and then abandon labor in 2019 they don’t want to think that labor will backslide on brexit so they just want to basically Pretend This it didn’t happen so that’s why she’s saying what she’s saying sheing she’s just trying to get those red wall voters or the red wall don’t knows to still vote conserv project fear really from the conservatives because you know they’re throwing as much mud at Labor and K as they possibly can as July the 4th gets closer but nothing seems to be sticking uh we’re down to our last minute or so Kevin can we have a look at the mail uh we got to talk about Nigel farage last night interview last night um in which he said the West provoked Russia into invading Ukraine yeah I mean pretty incend comments his his argument is that the Eastward expansion of the EU and NATO basically allowed Putin to turn around to his people and say we’re under attack therefore we’ve got to fight back um I think quite a controversial statement to put it it’s one thing to to say to try to understand the mindset of the of the Russians and the Russian people in in all of this but it’s it’s slightly different to say it was a provocation is it yeah well he’s trying to excuse what Russia did and let’s not forget Russia invaded another sovereign country but he didn’t say it was a deliberate provocation he just said because of the way it happened Russia interpreted it interpreted it as a deliberate provocation yeah well he says that Putin was able then to turn it into a propaganda move basically to say Well they’re coming for us so we’ve got to go after them um I think provoked was such an incendiary device it’s almost like he’s saying you know it’s weird to blame for The Invasion but it’s another sort of it’s not a misquote but it’s another sort of taking slightly out of context if you hear the whole interview he he he rounded it off much more gently than the headline would suggest yeah although um Nick Robinson did pick him up on and said provoked we provoked him and he didn’t say no we’re out of time Sor thank you a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a drab start for some of us today but generally a dry and a fine day and feeling quite warm when the sun comes out later on a fine start across much of Scotland bit of a cool start here we will see the clouds steadily increasing across the far north west elsewh the cloud actually breaking up after a damp and drizzly beginning over parts of the East we’ll see some Sunny spells just one or two pretty scattered afternoon showers so as I say for most it is a fine Summer’s Day temperatures creeping up as well 23 24 degrees perhaps with a bit of afternoon sunshine always a bit cooler further west and particularly in the far Northwest as the breeze starts to pick up a little bit of rain trickling in here so turning a bit damp by this evening over the Western AES and through this evening some of that rain will spread across the highlands but so for much of Scotland it’s a fine evening at temperatures still holding up in the High Teens into this evening as well it will Cloud over across Northern Ireland but still dry and bright for most of today in Belfast fine conditions for most of England and Wales this morning Cloud melting away to reveal some evening sunshine further east and generally staying fine across the Southwest just perhaps a bit more Cloud spilling in here come the late afternoon into the evening and the cloud will continue to increase during the night still a bit of drizzly rain pushing through southern Scotland perhaps into North Wales Northwest England but for most it’ll be another dry night and another fairly warm one as well temperatures certainly most towns and cities holding up in the teens what about Sunday well a warm humid feeling day there will be a bit more Cloud around especially for Wales Southwest England Northern England to begin with so a duller day but even here I’m hopeful that it will brighten up small chance of one or two showers some coasts in the west may stay Misty but for Scotland Northern Ireland some good Spells Of Sunshine and across the southeast as well should be fine once more during Sunday and temperatures ticking up going to get hotter still as we head into next week that warm feeling inside from boxed boilers sponsors of weather on GB news [Music] It’s the final week to see how you can win big this summer first there’s a fabulous 15,000 in tax-free cash to ensure this summer is special what would you spend that on next you’ll also receive the latest iPhone 15 and a set of apple airpods and finally £500 to spend at your favorite UK attraction you have to hurry as lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £5,000 cash text prize to 63232 text cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message you can also enter online at GB newws win entries cost too quck or post your name and number to gb6 P box 8690 derby de1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck join me Neil Oliver every Sunday night at 6: p.m. on GB news and if an hour is not nearly enough for you go to GB for special extended episodes online every Friday at 9:00 p.m. where we can truly get into the nitty-gritty of what’s going on GB news Britain’s News Channel I’m Michael pillo this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel every Saturday 10 till 12 we’ll bring you all of the news that you need to know we’ll also remind you that there is so much to smile about it’s my favorite time of the week I get to relax enjoy some lighthearted stories and let Ellie teach me about fashion too that’s sing morning live every Saturday 10 till 12 only on GB news Britain’s News Channel if you want your news to be straight talking this is the nightmare for the conservatives again down to earth it’s not just notum where this is happening is it and most importantly honest hardworking middle class taxpayers they’ll get the book thrown at them they catch me Martin dney Monday to Friday 3: to 6:00 p.m. on GB news Britain’s News Channel I’m Andrew Pierce this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s news channel on Election night we are throwing a party the GB News election night watch party will be live from Essex and you are all invited on air from 10:00 we’ll have familiar faces from across the channel entertainment and lots more stuff as we keep our eye on all the results as they come flying in if you want to join our live election night watch party audience scan the QR code on screen or go to GB newws elction party I’m Christopher hope this is GB news Britain’s election Channel [Music] good morning to you 7 o’ Saturday the 22nd of June today a politician of the people s Arma tells GB news he wouldn’t use Private health care even if his children were ill I am you know elected him to serve as prime minister my job is to bring those waiting list down and I’m not going to at the same time say but for me I’m going to jump the queue meanwhile labor pledges to get tough with water companies we’ll be talking to the shadow environment secretary Steve Reed shortly a problem that just won’t go away the Prime Minister refuses to say whether a cabinet minister is involved in the Tory gambling Scandal and is it a step too far that’s what some are saying after reform UK leader Nigel farage suggested the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine we’ve provoked this War it’s you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what but we provoke the invasion of the search for missing teenager J Slater enters its sixth day in ten as British police say Spanish officers have refused their help they stand on the verge of History Scotland finalized their preparations ahead of a decisive clash with Hungary tomorrow in stutgart GTH Southgate meanwhile says his England Stars aren’t fit enough and Andy Murray will undergo back surgery today as he enterers a race to be fit in time for Wimbledon it’s a bit of a dull start for some of us this morning but generally a fine summer’s day today and many of us will have some sunshine on Sunday as well and it’s warming up join me later for a full forecast morning to you I’m Steven Dixon and I’m and diamond and this is breakfast on GB news [Music] well uh awful lot going on on GB yoursay this morning and a lot of you has to be said um not at all put off by what Nigel farage said yesterday in that controversial interview about the West provoking Russia into invading Ukraine I tell you what I would love to do is is talk to someone who really understands the the Russia situation like Robert Fox yeah someone like Robert Fox to see how um it’s a I’ve heard many times yeah oh absolutely um also it’ be great get Nigel on wouldn’t it but to get that um there’s a difference between understanding Russia’s mindset and to say well we did push it too far do you stop the expansion of NATO I mean do you have to have a buffer zone or or should Russia not be reacting in the way it was or was it as someone said on on the views this morning you know you don’t poke the bear I don’t know it’s difficult I mean it’s a controversial view but a lot of people feel that you you have to accept don’t you you have to try and understand why they act the way they do um I mean a lot of young kids ask uh over the years say why is America so hated in the world I mean it isn’t hated everywhere but there are countries that absolutely hate America and it it’s worthwhile understanding why doesn’t mean you have to agree with it just listening to Nigel farage say that the way he did doesn’t mean you have to agree that um that the war was just the war is in anywh Justified he did go on to say he rounded it off you see if you listen to the whole context of the interview he did say it is Putin’s fault yeah um so I don’t I mean it’s just it’s it’s it’s interesting but of course we’re in an election period less than two weeks ago therefore people have jumped on it Former Defense secretary and Wallace has said well he’s more Chamberlain than Churchill um I haven’t got the labor party quotes with him but the labor party’s jumped all over it as well um as you as you would expect I’m not sure he is more Chamberlin than Churchill I think Nigel farage you know put on the spot would could be quite um formidable as a leader don’t you think well well you would you would imagine so you would imagine so wouldn’t you but it’s you know it’s difficult it’s but it’s one of those issues that will rile a lot of people um but you’ve got you’ve got to look into the context of it I mean and that’s the thing and then come then come to your own opinion I guess um anyway should we crack on with politics because uh yesterday actually very good that we got to sit down uh with a man who hopes to be the prime minister in a couple of weeks sik stama yes he was answering the questions that you sent in so please do keep them coming because this is the first of many interviews to come with other party leaders and in the exclusive interview he refused four times to say that he would pay for Private health care for his children if they badly needed treatment and were stuck on an NHS waiting list uh meanwhile uh after missing out on the BBC question time leader special Nigel farage as we were just saying took part in an interview with the Nick Nick Robinson from the BBC he suggested the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by expanding NATO well let’s take a look back at the last 24 hours in politics pay for Private health care to effectively jump the waiting list yes I wouldn’t the idea of the prime minister of the United Kingdom who is responsible for bringing waiting list down yes then saying to the public but as far as I’m concerned I’m going to jump the afford to most people on a good way do afford it and pay for it if I am you know elected in to serve as prime minister my job is to bring those waiting list down and I’m not going to at the same time say but for me I’m going to jump the queue this is a man who tried to overturn the result of the brexit referendum who twice urged everyone to make Jeremy Corbin prime minister and who ran on a series of pledges to be labor leader that he cynically then abandoned my friends because he has such a past he doesn’t deserve to decide your future if people know the outcome of something and they bet on it I think that’s immoral we’ve provoked this war it’s you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what we Prov the invasion of and very interestingly once again 10 years ago when I predicted this but the way I’m the only person in British politics that predicted what would happen and of course everyone said I was a pariah for daring to suggest it George Robertson former labor cabinet minister who went on to become the Secretary General of NATO has in the last couple of weeks said the war is a direct result of EU expansion well let’s talk to our political correspondent Katherine forer who’s just hopped off the battle bus or one of the battle buses or something come from somewhere Catherine I was I I was in North Wales yesterday very briefly and then back here yes it’s stunning because if you watch the program as I did yesterday you’re you’re in one part of the country at the beginning of the program by the end of the program you’re outside Westminster it’s crazy it must be exhausting it it it’s all a bit of a blur and um I was thinking yesterday um one of the visits with the prime minister we were at a farm he was doing out as he periodically does a sliced cake with butter to the journalists and the sort of press pack and three weeks earlier uh we were in another uh seat and he was doing out ice cream but the difference in mood really between those three weeks I mean he’s still obviously trying to be upbeat and positive and bouncy but you know at the beginning of the campaign even though they were 20 points behind in the polls they did feel like it was all to play before that something might turn up whereas it’s hard to see you know the Gap hasn’t moved they’ve had several disasters the dday dearle being one of them then this huge betting Scandal that he really didn’t want to talk about you know it feels like they’ve had no luck and um yeah it’s it’s it’s very hard for for him isn’t it I mean even in the clip we were just playing a second ago he doesn’t sound like he’s got it anymore he just he just seem quite defeated I mean look have some sympathy with him I mean it’s there’s a lot on his shoulders yeah a lot on his shoulders and it always astonished me how it beat he is and he’s still trying but my goodness you know it’s been one thing after another and yesterday you know he wanted to talk about uh the conservative Manifesto for Wales I have to say uh he spent a lot of the time um bad mouthing labor basically trying to scare people saying look this is the Labor’s record in Wales don’t vote for them don’t give them a blank check he’s going to rig it by giving six to seven 16 17 year olds are going to stay in power for ages um but you know this betting Scandal for people that we know of with close links to the PM under investigation he was asked by three separate journalists in the Q&A afterwards I was one of them about this why hadn’t he at least suspended the candidates he just does not want to go there whether he thinks that if he does that’s going to create more bad headlines You could argue that if you suspend them you try to draw a line under it but you know these awkward questions are just not going away and this is the last thing they need and who knows there may be more to come if he suspended them um as some of them are candidates that means you leave a constituency without a Conservative candidate well sure but you know they’re going to lose so many seats potentially that uh you know is it worth the political capital and you know there are plenty of Precedence for um MPS let alone candid candidates sitting MPS being suspended while investigations are ongoing he doesn’t have to wait for the outcome of the investigations by the gambling commission or police to act this is a choice that he is making now he’s obviously got his reasons for doing that but you know on the bus as well afterwards we went round and round all the journalists on and on and on and he just picture of you on the bus I must say you you all look as you’re enjoying yourselves there oh it says the times that’s the guardian actually yeah it’s the guardian I I yeah my face looks wider than it does top to bottom I yeah I look quite as fat looking at myself now you’re on the edge of a wide lens camera don’t worry about that thank it just shows you have light moments but you say the mood is very very different we we were joking about the football one of the other political correspondents whose knowledge of football is pretty much as bad as as bad as mine so we were teasing him so yeah that there are light moments um but overall you know the the mood as was and the mood now are are quite different I mean it’s it’s going to be the exact opposite isn’t it on the labor battle boss with all of this however there are still these issues and we saw it last night um talking to Christopher hope k d still facing this issue and it’s it’s Daft things cuz it’s the it’s it’s a it’s the questions that you know are all hypothetical if your children were very ill and there was a very long waiting list would you go for Private health care it it just seems crazy that someone would say well if I if I could find the money I would do it but said just going no absolutely not no um which which won’t wash with a lot of people who would just want him to be realistic and normal and like us yeah getting a lot of attention isn’t it and I think there’s a couple of things there first when he was put on the spot in that debate what a couple of weeks ago and he said no um I think that took a lot of people by surprise and now when Chris hope our political editor pushed him you know say if it was a child he still said no I think a lot of people will think that very odd but I think probably a couple of things going on there first of all if having said definitively no he now goes oh well maybe for my son and daughter then of course we’ll get the Mr flip-flop can’t stick to anything changed his mind and I think the other thing is what it does show is his personal very real connection to the NHS and that his mother who he clearly adored um was in and out of NHS hospitals throughout her life and they did take amazing care of her and he did say you know if you are critically ill the NHS is absolutely the best place to be and if you’re you know in a private Hospital often they will they might send you to the NHS that’s where you get the best he’s got potentially an easy win if he just says well I would like to think I could but you know for the last 14 years the Tories have brought down the NHS I mean you know you can it reminds me of my Dennis Healey moment in 1987 when um the uh Dennis Healey had made an absolute bean feast of the fact that Margaret Thatcher had had a private hand operation um and he’d absolutely gone for her about that during an election campaign and then the Sun newspaper found out that Edna Healey had had a private operation as well and Dennis hey went completely Bonkers when I put that to him but it is one of those moments where private NHS when do you do it when do you don’t is obviously still sensitive all these years later yes and I think obviously if you are the Prime Minister and K St potentially will be two weeks from now I think a lot of people would think if you need treatment get the treatment because it might stop you from from running the country but I think also just worth saying that the shadow Health secretary we streeting um he’s had cancer himself and he had a scare recently and he he didn’t go private but he has said I did think of it if I had to wait a long time and I think most people would say fair enough something you know if you think it might be cancer and you can go private you know you can you can understand why he might but s St was saying look I don’t have any ideological objection or I don’t judge people who do but um yeah it’s interesting isn’t it oh yeah quick word about Nigel uh because we’ve got we shouldn’t really call him Nigel should we um look a lot of our viewers this morning saying look we we agree with what he was saying last night however it is controversial well yes and he’s saying look I have been consistent and honest I’ve said since the 1990s when NATO began expanding to the east that you know this is this is unwise and this is going to be provoking to Russia um the problem for for him is of course that the the Nuance of this argument is is getting lost because some people will say well look he’s he’s being an apologist for Vladimir Putin there’s no excuse while Nigel farage said of course it is Putin’s fault but you know he’s also saying we provoked it and he also said I think 10 years ago Nick Robinson wielded out some quote that Vladimir Putin was the world leader that he most ad so I think it it is potentially problematic because although this is a long held position of his I think there’ be plenty of people going to vote for reform that maybe haven’t heard this before and of course reform holds itself up as being very fiercely patriotic so I think this possibly could come back to bite him with some you you you’re sort of it’s always the same isn’t it you died in the wool reform supporters at the moment won’t mind but it’s those people that obviously reformer wanting to win over from other parties yeah and and of course what what it’s done is it’s given the conservatives and labor an open goal to have a go at him because clearly the conservatives would dearly love to find something which will stick to to hurt uh reformers poll ratings which are starting to we sort of noticing you can’t help noticing that every leader now has an Achilles heel moment um and a sort of question that you can keep nagging them about um is it the pressure of an election campaign in the end it’s always happens I think it is to be honest and you know they they come out with all the sort of positive things that they think they’re going to do and now we seem to be in the phase of you know like yesterday in Wales it was just so much going on the attack trying to say don’t give labor your vote because they’re going to do this trying to scare people to a negative campaigning and and Richi soona the Prime Minister really hasn’t wanted to go there but I thought it was noticeable yesterday that he really did go on the attack and he was like you know Zaki starma was the man that campaigned make Jeremy Corbin prime minister twice he was the man that tried to get a second referendum Etc and it’s interesting it was Alex I think it was Alexander dower wasn’t it um the couple of days ago who was saying um opposition leader in Australia Liberal Party leader which is like our version of the Tories who said the campaigning has been all wrong for the conservatives here and they should have just been on the attack from the position they were already in well certainly he’s been plenty of calls for for rishy sunak to do that um but you know a lot of people don’t like that and so many people are so dis disengaged disillusioned I see it wherever I go in the country so many people just saying they’re all the same and quite a lot of people just saying we’re not voting they’re all the same whatever they say they make these promises and I think the negative campaigning you know will turn people off but it can be very effective and you know the conservatives putting out messages you know nothing seems to have worked so it be interesting to see um I suspect we might have a quite a few more sort of uh personal attacks yeah we shall see Catherine thanks very much indeed it is a shame isn’t it when the politicians get personally attacked um I you can’t help feeling it gives the wrong feeling to the whole election campaign and it provokes a lot of nasty comments as well on social media and I wish it wasn’t like that wish we could all be more positive tell you what let’s move on at the moment 18 minutes past 7 to the search for missing British teenager Jay Slater because now it’s the sixth day of searching for him in tener well police on the island say the search is going to focus on a rural Village and a valley that’s after the 19-year-old went missing on what was his first holiday ever without his parents earlier we spoke to former police officer Oliver Lawrence the search and rescue operation which enters a lengthy period of time as you say we’re into day six there are obviously greater concerns held for the the Ware of Mr Slater who’s been missing since early Monday morning when he messaged a friend advised that he only had 1% of battery was lost in the mountains which is an incredibly vast area um and needed water um so we know the circumstances under which he went missing uh weren’t brilliant at all in terms of him needing water and was probably getting tired and disorientated and got lost so this is a vast area that local police are searching there has been some early criticism of their communication with the family and the efforts they’re putting into certain areas and obviously we know as of in the last 24 48 Hours Lancashire police have reached out to local authorities to provide some level of assistance that assistance has been turned down at the moment and the search continues but as this goes on obviously the concerns begin to grow as the welfare of Mr Slater I mean is there any implied criticism then of the police on tener or or do they just feel justified in saying no look we we’ve got everybody on it and we’re coping I think every Police Service deserves the right to assess a situation in their own right they believe they’ve got the resources to carry out the search and rescue operation it is an incredibly vast area which needs to ultimately be grid searched very painstakingly uh during daylight hours because after night you’re you’re going to miss things obviously they’re using helicopters and dogs and resources that we’ve seen been used in other search and rescue operations in the last few weeks overseas with other cases but these are very protracted investigations dep obviously what doesn’t help is the size and scale of the era an 11-hour walk Mr Slater was looking at and to get disorientated in such a complex area means the task is even greatly difficult for police to try and identify where he is with so many areas where he could be potentially sitting there waiting for support well let per something happens today because it must be absolute torture for his family absolutely uh 20 minutes past 7 let’s have a look at some of the other stories heading into the news room this morning well two women have been charged with criminal damage after just stop oil AC sprayed orange paint on private jets at stanard airport on Thursday Jennifer Kowalski who’s 28 and Cole McDonald who’s 22 are alleged to have caused over £5,000 worth of damage the pair are due to appear at Chelmsford magistrates Court later today after months of speculation it seems the king and queen are going to confirm an official visit to Australia and Samoa for later this year apparently the original plan had them going to New Zealand as well but the Trip’s been scar fa back because of the king’s cancer treatment tler Swift has kicked off the London leg of her IRAs store with the first of three soldout shows at Wembley Stadium fans descended on the capital in their masses with attendees including everyone from sakir starma to the Prince of Wales and his three young children tonight another 990,000 fans will make the journey to celebrate the princess of Po and D Master Ranson is 8 4 today a day she says she never thought she’d reach she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer last year and has since campaigned to legalize assisted dying in the [Music] UK so happy birthday dayer it’s amazing to think she’s 84 actually been just she’s you know I just can’t believe it really no been around forever though she really has sto war of our television and a total National Treasure yeah right let’s see what the weather’s going to do for you today here’s Alex a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a drab start for some of us today but generally a dry and a fine day and feeling quite warm when the sun comes out later on a fine start course much as Scotland bit of a cool start here we will see the clouds steadily increasing across the far Northwest elsewh the cloud actually breaking up after a damp and drizzly beginning over parts of the East we’ll see some Sunny spells just one or two pretty scattered afternoon showers so as I say for most it is a fine Summer’s Day temperatures creeping up as well 23 24° perhaps with a bit of afternoon sunshine always a bit cooler further west and particularly the far Northwest as the breeze starts to pick up a little bit of rain trickling in here so turning a bit damp by this evening Over The Western Isles and through this evening some of that rain will spread across the highlands but set for much of Scotland it’s a fine evening at temperatures still holding up in the High Teens into this evening as well it will clad over across Northern Ireland but still dry and bright for most of today in Belfast fine conditions for most of England and well this morning Cloud melting away to reveal some evening sunshine further east and generally staying fine across the Southwest just perhaps a bit more Cloud spilling in here come the late afternoon into the evening and the cloud will continue to increase during the night still a bit of drizzly rain pushing through southern Scotland perhaps into North Wales Northwest England but for most it’ll be another dry night and another fairly warm one as well temperatures certainly most towns and cities holding up in the teens what about Sunday well a warm humid feeling day there will be a bit more Cloud around especially for Wales Southwest England Northern England to begin with so a duller day but even here I’m hopeful that it will brighten up small chance of one or two showers some coasts in the west may stay Misty but for Scotland Northern Ireland some good Spells Of Sunshine and across the southeast as well should be fine once more during Sunday and temperatures ticking up going to get hotter still as we head into next week that warm feeling inside from box spoilers sponsors of weather on GB news [Music] time for the Great British giveaway now wake up I was reading the paper do apologize uh it’s Great British giveaway time your chance to win over 16 Grands worth of prizes we caught up with a previous winner John from North Yorkshire who got his 20 grand prize from us this week here’s what he had to say about it hi I I’m John from Sunny North Yorkshire and I’ve just won £20,000 in the GB news Great British giveaway well there I was sitting in the garden with a cup of coffee and then I got this phone call out the blue and I thought what what’s this about uh and then it all became apparent I have to say I kept thinking several times a day wow I’ve got 20,000 coming that’s fantastic and then of course when it arrived but I do have something to spend it on I’ve never actually won anything like this before but of course if you’re not in you can’t win but it didn’t cost much to enter and here I am having won £20,000 and that’s uh tax free so I’m rather pleased I did it bet you are right well you could be our next big giveaway winner with 15 grand in cash and a whole host of goodies here’s how you can win don’t miss out on your chance to win our summer spectacular and have we got a prize for you first there’s a totally tax-free £5,000 in cash to make your summer spectacular spend that extra cash however you like you’ll also win a brand new iPhone Apple airpods and if that wasn’t enough a £500 voucher to spend at your favorite UK attraction so you can enjoy amazing days out this year for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £15,000 cash text win to 63232 text cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message you can also enter online at P box 8690 derby de1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of June please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck right still to come we’re going to talk to the shadow environment secretary about Labor’s plans to hold water companies to account [Music] Britain’s Newsroom weekday mornings from 9:30 I got a Grade Three ASA brain tumor um I once I was diagnosed I tried to do my claim with um my insurance company and was rejected um it was then they then also canceled my life insurance and also canceled my wife’s policies as well and this is Zurich Insurance John and their point was because you you’d had um some dizzy spells which you hadn’t told them about they say disy spells equates to uh brain tumor which there’s no to support that I was with Kings College Hospital they ignor them King College Hospital were the experts and you were expecting £25,000 yeah that was a critical this claim critical you’ve got a critical clearly it couldn’t be more critical Michelle you’ve you’ve got a lovely poly husband and you’re also worrying about play paying the bills and what the future holds yeah what impact is this having on you on a day-to-day basis I try not to think too much about the future because it does upset me um I’m kind of thinking when John does go I’m left with a mortgage to pay and two young children how old are your kids five and three right yeah so it’s incredibly tough and are you working I haven’t worked since having a children right that’s a decision we made when we had children in the grand scheme of things this amount of money is a drop in for a company like Z I think they could they could make all this go away I’ve read some of the statement sir we’re sorry to hear the very difficult circumstances Mr Ren family experiencing you’re terminally ill and they’re calling that difficult circumstance the people’s Channel hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show jub zenco we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best debate sht in town it’s Monday till Friday 600 till 700 on GB news Britain’s News Channel I’m Patrick Christies every week night from 9: I bring you two hours of unmissable explosive debate and headline grabbing interviews what impact has that had we got death threats in the bomb threat and so on as time passes she could have said St you made my argument for me my guest and I tackle the issues that really matter with a sharp take on every story went everywhere something practical could be done or I can become something different Patrick chrisy tonight from 9:00 p.m. only on GB news Britain’s news [Music] channel on Election night we as throwing a party the GB News election night watch party will be live from Essex and you are all invited on air from 10:00 we’ll have familiar faces from across the channel entertainment and lots more stuff as we keep our eye on all the results as they come flying in if you want to join our live election night watch party audience scan the QR code on screen or go to come about 3:00 in the morning I love electional we just got to go over to wherever you know BL and then and the returning officer gets up and makes this enormous speech about thanking everybody before they even get going you think come on we want to know we want to know and you can very often tell by the look on their faces because the candidates already know but what what’s interesting is the the the returning officers always want to extend their part because they know they’re in the Spotless they 50 minutes of fame I tell you who’s like that ayen McGee good morning I went to an election night show in 199 the BBC Center you remember AMCI David Schneider Steve kougan they did this whole election thing and I think it was obviously to wipe out for the Tories I think the conservatives won a seat just as we were leaving at 3:00 in the morning so but it was a good show though and did you see Michael Portilla the other day on dub news talking about the Portillo moment oh no was fascinating yeah it’ll be on the website it’s really really interesting because everybody talks about that Portillo moment but to actually hear him they mispronounced his middle name didn’t they zavier that’s right was the least of his worries it was exactly that his middle name Sav how extra Wonderful Name there isn’t it to go to school with Scotland looking for a Xavier tomorrow night oh very good what segue go then because they’re facing Hungary aren’t they they are indeed well look we discussed it on on Thursday didn’t we after they played against Switzerland they got a very creditable draw and and from being now this day last week we were talking about a terrible 5-1 defeat against Germany but suddenly suddenly things look different I would argue that the mood in the Scotland camp now is actually more upbeat than you’d find in England right now because you know from being almost on well not on the version of elimination because they one lost one game they battered 51 in that first so where did they stand now in the groupings well they’re third in the table but if they win tomorrow against Hungary who are bottom of the group Hungary are no mugs by the way they may have lost two matches but they played two very good teams but as well as each group having the F the top two sides going up there’s also space for the four best best third place teams and now Scotland if they getting if they win tomorrow night no side on four points has ever failed to go through to the next round so if they win it’s fairly clear so let’s let’s see let’s see what happens I mean it’s it’s going to be difficult for Scotland anyway Al I tell you what Aiden we’re going to bot in but we will come back to you a little bit later on um this is just because um the uh Shadow Secretary of State for the environment Steve Reed is standing by poised and ready to go good morning to you Steve nice to see you this morning here’s one for you and I know you’re probably expecting it but if you had a child who is in urgent need of medical attention and there was a very long waiting list on the NHS would you use Private health care I think if I if it’s in that circumstance and they weren’t going to be treated on the NHS and I had the means uh but obviously what we want to do is improve the NHS so people aren’t confronted with that without terrible choice and for many people of course it’s not a choice if you haven’t got the money you just have to sit there and watch your child suffer and no parent should be put in that position and I guess that is the that’s what te dama should have said isn’t it well you know it’s up to K to K to say what he thinks but what we all want to do in the labor party is improve the NHS it’s got record waiting list at the moment um just shy of 8 million people that’s almost the entire retired population of the UK and what Labour’s proposing to do is we’re going to close the nonou Dom tax loophole which is where foreign billionaires living in our country pay less tax than the guy that cuts my hair and by doing that we can fund 40,000 additional appointments every week in the NHS and start to reduce those waiting lists so that is the approach that we will take we don’t want people to be forced to go private people pay National Insurance to to fund our National Health Service and it should be there for them when they need it when their families need it but under the conservatives unfortunately it isn’t the problem is with that and I know it’s it’s it’s going back on a point but you keep mentioning this non-don business I mean the the more you you close a non-dom tax loophole the fewer non-doms are going to come here and therefore that is a revenue stream that over time is just going to decrease well there there isn’t there isn’t much evidence to back up what you’re saying there actually people are living this country because they enjoy living in this country and it seems to me only fair and I suspect most of your viewers will feel the same that if you’re living in this country and enjoying the benefits of this country then you should pay taxes in your in your country nearly all of us do this is a tiny number of people who are getting away without paying that tax and they happen to be some of the wealthiest people on the planet so all we’re doing is asking them to pay their fair share I don’t think that’s wrong but it can help us to start to reduce the pressure on our NHS so we can get those massive waiting lists down I’ve I’ve got people in my constituency who’ve gone to A&E and been waiting there for 24 hours you know that’s shocking we should be nothing like that situation in our country so we have to start moving to to address that but of course the way that we can really really tackle all of these problems in our Public Services is to get back to growth in our economy so that we get the income coming into the exer that can fund the improvements in our public services that we need generally across the country this weekend it’s going to be pretty good weather um and they’re saying that we’re due a heatwave next week um but you can’t go swimming in the sea very safely or in a river um the state of our waterways is and sea is absolutely appalling and the National Trust is clearly trying to get politicians on board they’re challenging UK leaders to save Britain’s Rivers they want you to sign up to something saying that you will take certain uh steps to improve the environment it’s your it’s your Battleground as it were what are you going to do about it what about the fact that for instance water company bosses have taken home more than a hundred million pounds in salaries and bonuses over the past 10 years despite as we all know so many of them doing a really appalling job what are you really going to do about this well you just made the point absolutely bril brilliantly there and and as you can see I’m in a hotel room at the moment I’m down in Bournemouth um and we’re down here to campaign against about exactly what your viewers are seeing on their screens now pipes pumping raw sewage out into the water here there are beaches in Bournemouth that get closed uh on some days in the summer because the level of sewage raw sewage is so high it’s dangerous it’s dangerous to go in the water over the whole country levels of raw sewage and out water are at record levels the highest ever recorded and yet the conservatives have let the water companies who are responsible for this just get away with it so if there’s a labor government elected on the fourth of July what we will do is put the water companies under tough special measures and that means making the water bosses who are overseeing this face criminal charges if they don’t do anything to clean it up but secondly you referred there to the 100 million pound of bonuses that they’ve been able to award themselves for catastrophic failure we will ban the payment of those bonuses until they clean up this toxic filth because I do be made to pay it back where shouldn’t they be made to pay some of these bonuses back well that’s I it’s very difficult to claw uh money back once it’s been given out under the conservatives what we can do is make sure they don’t get any more with with with a labor government there are 10,000 people since the last general election who have been hospitalized with waterborne diseases they’ve been made so ill by going in the sea or in a river that they’ve ended up in hospital that’s kids uh as well many parents are afraid to put their kids in the water because of what’s going on that is not the state this country should be in and we tackle it by stopping going soft on the water companies like the conservatives had have put them other special measures water bosses who continue to behave like that will end up in the dock that will focus their minds and instead of the millions of pounds go to pay their bonuses that money will go to fix the broken water infrastructure why don’t you just renationalize it well uh because rationalization would take years uh during that time the situation in the water would get worse and worse and worse and I want us to be able to take take action as quickly as possible but nationalization of course would also cost um tens of billions of pounds and that money isn’t available I you know we have to get back to Growing this economy and we have to get back to clean water country is crying out for change we can make change in the water industry by putting the water companies under tough special measures and we could do that quicker than by any alternative route to cleaning up the water okay Steve Reed we’ve got to leave it there but appreciate your time this morning thanks very much indeed very glad he’s in Bournemouth too that’s why I’ve got family in Bournemouth and they go out jogging early in the morning and you can see the raw sewage being pumped into the sea I mean it is disgusting and it is it is a scandal that it is happening but special measures is that enough no don’t think it is I mean that’s that’s the thing all s it’s one of those things that sounds well and good but actually what difference would it make immediately and I I just don’t know sounds good yeah is it an it’s you actually want to hear tough it’s very very difficult but I think certain people should go to jail and they should certainly be made to pay their bonuses back yeah as he says it’s almost as big a scandal as the post office Scandal you to render our water unworthy is an appalling crime I do think he’s got a point in saying claiming money back is a is a different Kettler fish um but stopping it being paid out in the first place but but I don’t know if you’ll ever get to the root of the problem with and I’m not a big fan of rationalizing stuff it’s not sort of my mindset at all however you do Wonder with because you don’t really get a choice with your water supplier do you exactly what sort of rot and decadence is there in the management of certain companies that think it’s okay whilst they know they’re pumping raw sewage into the sea to to award themselves bonuses I don’t know it’s I don’t know but you right anyway look we’re going to take a short break uh and we’re back with more in just a [Music] minute this is GB news Britain’s News Channel the University of Cambridge has told students to stop flirting with staff under a new policy Banning sexual relationships with professors the new rules which come into force uh next month beginning of July include a warning against behavior that could be interpreted as flirtatious University staff have been told they must report any behavior that could constitute a student making advances towards a personal particularly intimate relationship with them if you’re a Tor how do you interpret what is flirting and what is just sort of like having a bit of banter we to very nice trouses by the way than thank you see you didn’t even you didn’t even recognize oh I didn’t very well I think I’m flashing now I’m bling so what’s flirting what’s me complimenting your very well fitting trouses yes well well there is a line because obviously when you’re 18 and you go to university it might be the first time you’re away from home it might be the first time that you’re um uh open to uh maybe a bit of a night life social activity drinking and all the rest of it on the flip side I know a couple uh uh who um you know this pupil ended up dating their professor and they’ve been together for um about sort of 15 years now so I used to go after lectures with my professor and the whole seminar we used to go to the pub afterwards and I became very good friends with um she was a mature student she was on the very very far left of political uh you wondered where that was going for a second didn’t you hug very quick you Jo we’re running out very nice trousers as well we’re running not snug as Char I think you you’ve got to have some rules in place that there’s no abuse of power policing it’s difficult we ought to be in a position where you can say get off back off or you know Ban’s fine actually I hate that word I hate it almost as much as woke go on email in thank you very much I’m flirting with both the people’s Channel this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians and the media but it’s actually about you we won’t forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision in the runup to polling day this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel I’m Camila tomany this is GB news Britain’s election Channel join me Nana aquer for an informative interactive news program with the difference it’s fun it’s true you’re not wrong no one will be cancelled lovely join me from 3 p.m. every weekend only on GB news Britain’s News Channel let’s see what’s in the papers for you this morning political editor of huff post UK Kevin scoffield and the most glamorous show reporter in the country Stephanie tedi good morning to you both Kevin we’ve rather talk tax and lab’s secret tax plan in the sun yes so the the Tories have really been hammering labor on tax they see this as a as as a weakness and labor have insisted they won’t put up vat income tax or national insurance but a lot of people including the Tories are saying well hang on a minute you have to find money from somewhere because your sums don’t add up and the Sun is reporting on a um document which has been discovered by the guardian actually which shows that um labor are concerned putting up capital gains tax to generate 8 billion um and other uh tax measures inheritance tax overhaul um etc etc which we bring in another 10 billion so18 billion so it’s interesting whether or not one this will cut through you know seems to be already priced in that the Tories are going to get hammered um but uh whether or not people actually are worried about paying more tax or not you know because you see polling people say well actually they’d rather more money went into public services than get a tax cut but it’s easy say that to a poster but when it’s actually hitting you in the pocket you know it most but for most people it won’t hit them in the pocket that’s true you know income tax V8 and a shs that’s those are the big ones ta cap tax say they wouldn’t mind paying more tax as long as they could have better service and that is the most important bit isn’t it really if you can actually see an improvement service feel better yeah have penny more here and there on tax no totally but I’m sure the conservatives will leap on this and I told you this is what the plan tax bomb shell ET but I’m not sure it’ll make much of a difference yeah I think it’s a little too late because I think most people have accepted we are going to have a labor government but as well most people are accepting it’s going to be a government of surprises because all through this election campaign it’s like people asking actually what does KISS starma stand for what is his policies what are we actually bringing ourselves into but I think more than anything people are just fed up of the conservatives at this point so we are going to be in for a bit of a shock once the labor party do actually come in and these tax cuts do come in so I think you know what it’s just something we’re going to have to take as a you know as a backup for us not wanting the conservatives anymore yeah well we have to suck it and see aren’t we um a big labor supporter Ian McKellen uh fell on me says someone in the mail Stephanie yes Johanna Dart so we had that awful um occurrence what happened at the beginning of the week where sir Ian McKellen fell off stage during players King at the Noel coward theater but a lot of newspapers of course were focusing on sir I McKellen but not Johanna D who Ian McKennon actually dropped on top of so she’s come out she was actually rushed to hospital and she had soft um tissue injuries and she said actually all the staff at the theater were more concerned about s sir Ian McKellen she had to make her own way to the hospital and she said you know this is not really on like I just got forgotten about and you know what they actually lucky that she’s okay because if not this could have been a you know potentially more damaging situation and by the way she’s giving the interviews to newspapers I won’t be surprised if she is looking to Sue at some point well maybe so the only thing I’d say is she’s 30 he’s 85 yeah so you would always still nasty nasty moment having would look after there’s no doubt the way it was reported we didn’t know land on a person on some hit the ground yeah anyway look we need to leave it there you to just for now but we are back for more papers no don’t go anywhere we’re back for more papers in just a [Music] minute Martin dney weekdays from 300 p.m. Helen worth who of course plays Gail plat in Coronation Street he’s going to leave the soap after an epic 50 years I’m joined there by another Cory Legend Charlie Lawson who’s character of course Jim McDonald lived across the cobbles from gaale plat for many years welome welcome to the show Charlie I can see looking at those images there and has to be said fantastic acent in 50 years many of us just grow up with these characters and basically think they’re part of our family can you shed light on some of your happy memories of the talent of Helen worth we saw each other every day she was a consumate professional and still is um this initially surprised me but then I thought about it um and and and I’m frankly not surprised having spoken to certain senior members of the cast over the last period of time uh you know when Helen joined or even when I joined there was a cast of 25 I would put another 75 on that now perhaps um it’s a different animal now totally you know four five six episodes a week when Helen started it would have been two she lives in London uh she’s not getting any younger and and she’s done 50 years for God God’s sake nobody can ask any more of that and and listen Helen look at that we smile God bless you darl I hope you have a a great retirement the trouble with actors is that we very very rarely hang our boots up unless um the bank balance is full which is very seldom is but but also we live for attention and when you’re when you’re in the most famous program on the planet uh that attention nine times out of 10 is extremely an extremely good experience the people’s Channel this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians in the media but it’s actually about you and we won’t ever forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together now more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision ahead of polling day we’re here for you this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel good afternoon Britain your lunchtime update on the stories that matter across the UK from breaking news an insightful analysis inspiring stories and Lively debates you’re comparing yourself to a former prime minister which is it stay informed stay updated stay entertained I just don’t know how anyone would not want to be there every weekday from midday we are good afternoon Britain only on GB news Britain’s News [Music] Channel Kevin and Stephanie taking us through the papers can we talk um Taylor Swift and the biggest Swifty of them all that would seem Stephanie the Prince of Wales Prince of Wales I was quite shocked actually but actually the prince of wells and Taylor go way back we’re talking back to 2013 they they have Living on a Prayer at a charity concert at Kensington Palace 10 years ago but it seems that they’ve kept in contact because Prince William hired out a private box last night at William Stadium to at Wembley Stadium to celebrate his 42nd birthday and he was there with his three children which I think is quite nice and but beyond that Taylor had 990,000 people for her concert she’s literally taken over the UK with all of her concerts and it just goes to show her PO ity she is a great musician and even massive perable I mean she has literally phenomenal it’s it’s incredible how you’re a huge fan hug we have her in the car cu the kids like her and some really good Tunes i’ got to say um shrink flation Kevin which I know affects his but surely not toilet rolls toilet can you believe it so wait Ros has reduced the length of its toilet Rolls by a quarter a quarter ftic um uh but still charg the same amount so this is shrink flation you’re paying the same for Less so it says here that a 16 roll essential white Ultra Soft bathroom tissue has been reduced the number of sheets from 240 to 190 that’s really bad the sheets themselves are smaller by 5% so they’re not thinner are they H because that would be yeah that would be yeah no not thinner just smaller so one customer said I was shocked when I opened the pack to find that it was totally different absolutely short I didn’t think people would notice that toet a bit smaller hang on there’s something different about this I would know about the texture but not the size that’s attacking the British in a very Sinister way she going how many visits that is to the toilet I just think is of all the things leave alone nothing you said earlier on this the Fell’s opened his Jammy Dodgers and there’s none in them no no Jam in them no Jam how did that happen I don’t know a Dodger it’s a scandal right thanks both we’ll see you a little bit later on it is the weather a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a drab start for some of us today but generally a dry and a fine day and feeling quite warm when the sun comes out later on a fine start across much of Scotland bit of a cool start here we will see the clouds steadily increasing across the far Northwest elsewh the cloud actually breaking up after a damp and drizzly beginning over parts of the East we’ll see some Sunny spells just one or two pretty scattered afternoon showers so as I say for most it is a fine Summer’s Day temperatures creeping up as well 23 24° perhaps with a bit of afternoon sunshine always a bit cooler further west and particularly in the far Northwest as the breeze starts to pick up a little bit of rain trickling in here so turning a bit damp by this evening over the Western hours and through this evening some of that rain will spread across the highlands but set for much of Scotland it’s a fine evening at temperatures still holding up in the High Teens into this evening as well it will Cloud over across Northern Ireland but still dry and bright for most of today in Belfast fine conditions for most of England and Welles this morning Cloud melting away to reveal some evening sunshine further east and generally staying fine across the Southwest just perhaps a bit more Cloud spilling in here come the late afternoon into the evening and the cloud will continue to increase during the night still a bit of drizzly rain pushing through southern Scotland perhaps into North Wales Northwest England but for most it’ll be another dry night and another fairly warm one as well temperatures certainly most towns and cities holding up in the teens what what about Sunday well a warm humid feeling day there will be a bit more Cloud around especially for Wales Southwest England Northern England to begin with so a duller day but even here I’m hopeful that it will brighten up small chance of one or two showers some coasts in the west may stay Misty but for Scotland Northern Ireland some good Spells Of Sunshine and across the southeast as well should be fine once more during Sunday and temperatures ticking up going to get hotter still as we head into next week that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB [Music] news It’s the final week to see how you could win big this summer first there’s a fabulous £15,000 in tax-free cash to ensure this summer is special what would you spend that on next you’ll also receive the latest iPhone 15 and a set of apple airpods and finally 500 00 to spend at your favorite UK attraction you have to hurry as lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £15,000 cash text prize to 63232 text cost 22 plus one standard Network rate message you can also enter online at gvnews docomo quick or post your name and number to GB 06 PO Box 8690 Derby d19 T UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck Nana aquer weekends from 300 p.m. what about the elections cuz it seems that the king and everything is moving because of it and’ve got a lot of Royal engagements and things that happen at this time yes well you know it means that he has to take more time and be at home he can’t go to all the things he wants to do he been doing five a day which is probably made Camila a bit cross um but what they still hope is that they can get the Japanese emperor and Empress over that’s in July that they can he go to France for the 80th anniversary of the um fighting and um he he will be able to do one or two things and ascort he’s very keen to do now those aren’t things that are political in any way just want to talk about Harry and um Charles’s argument where Harry said he didn’t want to stay he wanted to go to a hotel and it’s come out now that actually um King Charles is is believed that he was um put into offered St James is and Princess an stays there and be stays there this was from when Harry came over and the policemen are wandering around with guns and there’s no chance of actually there being any problem there there so the fact that he said that it wasn’t safe for him was not actually um a very sensible thing to say I don’t think well he went to Nigeria and that is in in the world ranking it’s ranked as quite a dangerous place yes one of the dangerous places in the world but now they’ve been Harry and Megan have been invited to go to Ghana god well it’s interesting cuz my parents are from Ghana I have ghanian Heritage and I’m thinking she’ll probably then claim there’s a percentage that she’s garan as well be like hang on a minute you were malse you you’re also Nigerian now you’re say you’re G and German come on thank you very much squeeze it in yeah let’s get them all in Angela 11 thank you very much thank you the people’s Channel good morning to you we’re hurtling towards 8:00 on Saturday the 22nd of June today politi of the people Zaki starma tells GB news he wouldn’t use Private health care even if his children were ill I am you know elected in to serve as prime minister my job is to bring those waiting lists down and I’m not going to at the same time say but for me I’m going to jump the queue it’s a problem that just won’t go away prime minister Rishi sunak refuses to say whether a cabinet minister is actually involved in the Tory gambling Scandal as four figures now face investigation and meanwhile the conservatives pledging to re-energize the nighttime economy uh we’re going to talk to a Tory representative very shortly and a step too far that’s what some are saying after reform UK leader Nigel farage suggested the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine we’ve provoked this war it’s you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what we but we provoked the invasion of the search for missing teenager J Slater enters its sixth day in tener Reef as British police say Spanish officers have refused their help it’s a bit of a dull start for some of us this morning but generally a fine summer’s day today and many of us will have some sunshine on Sunday as well and it’s warming up join me later for a full forecast morning to you I’m Steven Dixon and I’m and diamond and this is breakfast on GB news [Music] well we have a lot to get through this hour there’s a lot to get through it’s just rolling and rolling now isn’t it uh it’s only going to get busier in the next week and a half uh so let’s crack on should we with the politics because yesterday our political editor Christopher hope sat down with a man who is hoping to be prime minister in a couple of weeks sakir stama now he was answering the questions that you sent in so please do keep them coming because this is this the first of many interviews to come with other party leaders so in this exclusive interview Kama refused four times to say that he would pay for Private health care for his children even if they badly needed treatment but were stuck on an NHS waiting list uh meanwhile after missing out on that question time leader special Nigel farage has taken part in an interview with the BBC the reform leader suggested the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by expanding NATO and it’s produced some headlines today as well joining us now for conservative environment food and Rural Affairs secretary George eustus and GB news’s political correspondent Katherine Forster welcome to you both don’t know where to start actually do you know where to start so many things just keep going wrong for the Tories at the moment well it’s been a difficult campaign for us there’s no doubt about that um and the Prime Minister really could have done without um these arguments and Revelations about you know potential bets being placed and it’s a very hard thing for a prime minister and a party leader to deal with because on the you know on the one hand there’s an investigation going on so there’s a limit to what you can say there’s a limit to what you can do while that investigation is ongoing because these are very very serious uh allegations but on the other hand obviously he had to to Signal very clearly that um you know he’s very angry about this and it’s and it’s it’s very wrong so it’s it’s it’s a very hard one for for rishy sunak to handle to be honest yeah but it’s I mean that it just seems like the nail in the coffin doesn’t it because it might not be the prime minister’s fault directly it might not be the the fold of anyone actually in government as it were but nevertheless it’s just a barrage of headlines it’s an open goal for all the opposition parties and there’s very little defense you can make against it well there’s no defense you can make against it but it’s also quite difficult because these are under investigation there’s a gambling commission investigation going on and you also can’t really you know prejudge that you have to give people the benefit of some doubt until that has has happened so it’s a very tricky one for the prime minister to handle I think he’s handled it as well as he can it’s it’s something that’s very very unwelcome obviously he’s had quite a few uh you know setbacks and blows during this campaign but you know campaigns are like that I’ve done five of them in my time um they’re always difficult you get things that go wrong uh on your uh campaign oh come on this is something different bad yeah it’s been difficult there’s been a lot of things that have gone wrong that for sure but you know all elections like that even ones where people win they have things that uh go wrong for them during the campaign Trail and we’re here now with two weeks to go it’s very tough going you just got a sort of soldier on and and keep going to the finish line and that’s what the part somebody who who knows what it’s like on the in the atmosphere of the battle bus for instance is Katherine because you’ve been on it just recently was it yesterday I can’t keep up with where you’ve been I know I know it is like that um yes I was in North Wales uh with the Prime Minister um the conservatives were launching their Manifesto for Wales I asked in the Q&A after that about this specifically why um he hasn’t suspended people for this and of course he says there’s an ongoing investigation but you know s stor has said if they were my candidates they’d be out and their feet wouldn’t have touched the ground um and it’s very very difficult what I really noticed yesterday was so much of uh the speech not just from the Prime Minister but um from the Welsh conservative uh leader of the seni in in Wales and the Welsh secretary so much of it was basically bashing labor their record in Wales and trying to basically say look what’s going to happen if you give them a blank check in England rather than focusing on their record but yeah the the atmosphere on the bus um the prime minister is still trying his absolute best to be positive un upbeat and that’s always something that struck me but the last time I was on the bus was 3 weeks earlier and and then there was a real feeling that even though they were 20 points behind you know they had a long campaign ahead of them things might turn around they were coming out with lots and lots of announcements it was also the same time that um Z had a bit of bother with uh you know Diane Abbott but that didn’t really cut through the thing is of course that since then they’ve had a couple of disasters for them really the D-Day which yes Rishi sunak was there for a long time did speak to a lot of veterans has done a lot of work for veterans but that was all basically lost by the Optics of him not being there in the afternoon and that picture which went round the world of David Cameron with world leaders other than him and then this betting Scandal and you know it does feel now much as they’re not admitting it that the focus has changed to just trying to minimize the damage and it’s interesting isn’t it George in that um labor coming forward with ideas while the conservatives are just on the on the attack and perhaps that is the best strategy I I don’t know but one of the thing Labor’s coming out with today U we spoke to Steve Reed in the last hour is is all about the water companies and sewage and our rivers and waterways I mean that all fall under your remit when you were Secretary of State and so they’ve got a point haven’t they when they say well we’ll do something about it because the tourist didn’t they haven’t got a point at all because actually the real problems with water came when the labor government on Tony Blair gave them indefinite licenses to operate conservatives had privatized them with 20 5 year licenses Tony Blair changer and that was a mistake and also under that time they allowed private Equity companies to take these companies off the stock exchange in a way that probably was done badly so what I did when I came in was first of all increase the monitoring there’s 15,000 of these storm overflows under labor only 600 were monitored we made it all 15,000 we therefore discovered the scale of the problem now some people are blaming us for discovering the problem but that’s all we’ve done we’ve discovered it and then we put in place a 56 billion pound plan to put it right so everything that can be done to solve the problems of water quality has been done and actually was done two years ago before it even became a story so what are these special measures going to do that Labour’s talking about which is which is you could mean sort of prison criminal charges against bosses rest of it nothing the labor have to find something to say but everything that they’re talking about the powers already exist with offal they have powers to um to to make provisions on bonuses they have powers to to cap you know dividends the powers are there that offat have they have been using them the environment agency’s actually brought thousands of prosecutions in the the last few years and that happened under my watch so everything that could be done has already been done we still see sewage pouring into the sea yes because it takes time to to to do a 56 billion pound investment to put right you know Victorian uh architecture is what we’ve got the the sort of sewage infrastructures from the Victorian era to put that right will take you know 5 years to make uh decent progress but you were in of 14 years yes and what we did during that was for instance the temps tideway tunnel uh we commissioned that that’s been built throughout the time and is about to open and that will solve you know all of the problems in the temps that people have heard about so it’s actually completely false to say that this government hasn’t done it we’ve identified the problem and addressed it and what labor are talking about is just dancing around the fringes pretending they’re going to do something because they know it’s a political Hot Potato but there’s nothing more that they can do because everything that could have been done and should have been done has already been done by I’m sorry these fat cats at the top of the water companies are paying themselves enormous bonuses and running up to 100 million pound over the last 10 years or so I mean it’s not good enough is it and if you’re saying everything that can be done has been done then you know what what for the future for us never mind what in charge most of those water company Chief Executives have forgone all of their bonuses in in recent years um you can look for instance at South westwater where they’ve um forgone those bonuses and all the executive team have for several years they don’t always get credit for it because people are still angry and they understand that but that is happening and are also addressing this but there’s another problem here if we want to turn this problem around and make this big investment you do need you know the water companies to work with us on this and to get it right and they do need to be well managed need to be nationalized um I don’t think they should be nationalized no we have invested and it’s always it’s always very difficult when there are still problems with water uh quality but there has actually been a lot of investment and a lot of improvements over the last 20 or 30 years we have actually got the best drinking water in Europe we do yes still have some incident occasionally but it it’s it’s the best quality um in Europe and it our water quality is better than most other European countries okay uh look thank you both catch up with you both a little bit later on you got right old Grill in there George uh quite right too um as you know we have um and it happens across all channels of course what we call the rounds and that’s when the government and the opposition parties and things it happens whether there’s election or not and they put up people to talk to uh today uh for the conservatives we have David Simmons who joins us now very good to see you this morning can I ask and and I mean absolutely no disrespect for this but you’re not a nay most people will know um and I don’t think you’ve you’ve held a government position have you if correct me if I’m wrong so I’m just wondering why the party has put someone like you up to do the media rounds this morning good morning we’re a team and clearly one of the things we want to show is that backbench conservative MPS like me are working very hard in our constituencies and that full of campaigning Spirit we’ve got a positive agenda that is absolutely the case I talked to colleagues around the country and despite some of the the Doom and Gloom that gets reported that positive agenda is cutting through and as George just described on issues like sewage where labor are trying to fight a negative campaign we can point to our excellent track record I voted for the toughest ever measures we’ve had in this country to address that issue where labor are in power in Wales where the labor government owns the water company the levels of pollution going to the rivers are double what they are under the conservatives in England and as we’re see those kind of messages cut through I think we feel positive and optimistic and we all want to get out and talk about it don’t you think ordinary people that is voters are fed up hearing politicians saying we’ve spent x amount of money on it more money than any other government has ever done and things are be things are improving when clearly they’re not particularly if you’re in for instance Bournemouth at the moment and you want to go swimming in the sea today there’s raw sewage being pumped out there I know my family live in Bournemouth and we see it when we go jogging out or walking the dog in the morning um you we we’re just fed up with politicians telling us one thing when plainly something else is happening spending money isn’t always the solution to a problem and those of us who’ve been in politics for a while know that it’s the way you do things that’s often as important and that’s where the conservatives do have a good track record as George described by introducing monitoring which didn’t exist at all except I think 7% of of sewage outfalls under the last Labor government we now know the scale of the problem by mandating the water companies that they have to deal with this with unlimited fines new legislation that’s only come in under the conservatives that I voted for there are now effective remedies in place and we can see that over the years that we’ve been working on this issue that water quality is improving and it’s one of many things and we look at things like the economy youth unemployment is half what it was under the last Labor government there 4 million more people in work that we inherited from labor that’s transformed people’s standards of living their health their well-being their mental health and well-being and it’s the agenda that says look this is what we can show that we’ve done this is the positive difference that it’s made and this is how we’re going to take those positive differences based on that track record to deliver in the next Parliament but I mean but I mean forgive me this is the problem I mean you’ve outline perfectly the problem that that the conservatives are facing in this election because yeah all right there may have been a lot of investment there may have been a lot of improvements to things what we know is a lot of these things take a long time to kick in and the reality is is that for for most people up and down the country what you’re finding now is well you know you your bills have gone up your health quality of Health Service has gone down you can’t get to see an NHS dentist and so you know whatever has been done whatever your track record is it’s not reached a point where people are seeing a positive difference in their lives we can point to those positive differences and if you look at things like NHS waiting lists there are more people languishing on long-term waiting lists and one of my relatives is one of them under labor in Wales a nation of three million people than there are in the whole of England where the conservative are in power if we look at places where labor are in power like in London in Birmingham in Wales we’ve seen service cats we’ve seen a strong antim motorist agenda we’ve seen massive increases in taxes and we’re asking the question given the choice that we’re going to have at this election it’s either richy sunak in Downing Street for its key armor in Downing Street do you want to let labor do to the whole of the United Kingdom what they’ve done to Birmingham what they’ve done to motorists in London what they’ve done to the NHS in Wales and you can compare that with a conservative track record and it’s absolutely clear not everything is perfect we’ had a covid pandemic we’ve had the effects of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine the appalling things that Putin has been up to in that country that’s one of our stoutest allies and we need to make sure that as we move away from the impact that’s had on our economy that the benefits it brings to our people are spread widely when you’re out campusing what’s the mood like on the doorstep does anyone in fact ever open the door to you anymore or engage you well people are incredibly friendly I’m about in my constien all the time and I’ve been there as a local C for nearly 24 years so I’ve I’ve always managed to find that voters are really positive and friendly and generally speaking I think there’s a sense of frustration with politics there’s been a lot of negativity about the state of the country and it reflects the fact that pretty much the whole of the western world is facing a lot of economic challenges the rising interest rates driven driving up household costs because of Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and the impact that that’s had the rising Energy prices again has an impact of that and of course the borrowing cost from the covid pandemic but as we look to the future we can see the fact four million more people in work earning their own living this is a nation that’s beginning to earn its living in the world again we’re the number one destination for investment in Europe second only to the United States for Tech investment in the world all this means good quality jobs opportunities the fact that youth unemployment’s half what it was means many more of our young people see a bright long-term future ahead of them we want to make sure that that is our positive message at this election and then when voters come to make that choice they know what they’re getting with the conservatives they also know that the labor party has set out millions and millions of pounds of extra spending no real Clarity it amounts to £2,000 extra per household if they don’t get that through direct taxes on households it’s going to come from things like fuel Duty capital gains tax inheritance tax all of which are going to hit ordinary working people alongside things like paper mile and a national ules type of scheme based on what they’re already doing in places like London and Birmingham so we’ve got a really positive Choice with the conservatives and clearly a lot of questions people are asking about whether labor who’ve tried to be quiet about what they’re doing just try and become the default choice in this election whether they really could deliver for the British people I tell you what if anyone does open the door to you they’d be lucky to get a word in edgeways thank you very much indeed for joining us David Simmons there um we mentioned um we mentioned his his constituency so um he’s standing in rice liip Northwood and Pinner and so these are the candidates for you Tony Gil for the labor party David Simmons as you saw for the conservative party Jonathan Michael banks for the lib Dems Ian price for reform UK and Jess Lee for the green party right what time is it 8:17 shall we go to the weather now it’s going to be a good one a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a drab start for some of us today but generally a dry and a fine day and feeling quite warm when the sun comes out later on a fine start of course much as Scotland bit of a cool start here we will see the cloud steadily increasing across the far Northwest elsewh the cloud actually breaking up after a damp and drizzly beginning over parts of the East we’ll see some Sunny spells just one or two pretty scattered afternoon showers so as I say for most it is a fine summers’s day temperatures creeping up as well 23 24 deges perhaps with a bit of afternoon sunshine always a bit cooler further west and particularly in the far Northwest as the breeze starts to pick up a little bit of rain trickling in here so turning a bit damp by this evening Over The Western Isles and through this evening some of that rain will spread across the highlands but so for much of Scotland it’s a fine evening uh temperatures still holding up in the High Teens into this evening as well it will Cloud over across Northern Ireland but still dry and bright for most of today in Bast fine conditions for most of England and Welles this morning Cloud melting away to reveal some evening Sunshine further east and generally staying fine across the Southwest just perhaps a bit more Cloud spilling in here come the late afternoon into the evening and the cloud will continue to increase during the night still a bit of drizzly rain pushing through southern Scotland perhaps into North Wales Northwest England but for most it’ll be another dry night and another fairly warm one as well temperatures certainly most towns and cities holding up in the teens what about Sunday well a warm humid feeling day there will be a bit more Cloud around especially for wal Southwest England Northern England to begin with so a duller day but even here I’m hopeful that it will brighten up small chance of one or two showers some coasts in the west may stay Misty but for Scotland Northern Ireland some good Spells Of Sunshine and across the southeast as well should be fine once more during Sunday and temperatures ticking up going to get hotter still as we head into next week that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB news [Music] yeah we’re having a barbecue tonight oh nice well this evening um so hopefully the weather does stay nice for that I think it’s going to yeah unless you want to swim in the sea of course yes I tell I could I could have done with that pizza oven that we gave away in our Great British giveaway a couple of months ago you hinted enough about that that would have been very nice anyway we have a new giveaway as you know and it’s your chance to win more than 16,000 worth of prizes it’s 15 grand in cash whole load of summer treats but of course you’ve got to be in it to win it so here are the details don’t miss out on your chance to win our summer spectacular and have we got a prize for you first there’s a totally tax-free £15,000 in cash to make your summer spectacular spend that extra cash however you like you’ll also win a brand new iPhone Apple airpods and if that wasn’t enough A500 voucher to spend at your favorite UK attraction so you can enjoy amazing days out this year for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £15,000 cash text win to 63232 text cost2 plus one standard Network rate message you can also enter online at gvnews win entries cost 2 quit or post your name and number to GB 06 PO Box 8690 Derby D1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of June please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck yeah best of luck to you now still to come the hunt for the missing teenager Jay Slater enters its sixth day and we’re going to talk to someone on tener very [Music] shortly hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show jubes and C we start off with the issues of the day with then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best debate show in town Monday to Friday 6: to 700 on GB news Britain’s News Channel this is GB news Britain’s news channel three years years ago the small town of everston proudly became the first local government in the it’s just outside Chicago by the way that they the first local government in the US to start paying slavery reparations to its black citizens but now the council is being sued in a federal court for exhibiting exactly the sort of prejudice it decries by say well B basically you know the Hispanics the white people they are being discriminated against because they’re not getting anything the people that were compensated were adults that people that were adults between 1919 and 1969 now they lived under a time in terms of Education in terms of the job market they were literally barred from having certain jobs going to certain healthcare clinics and going to certain schools so that is a set of very distinct challenges that a white people Hispanic people Asian people did not face so that is precisely why they’ve been compensated in this way and I think it’s about 20,000 it works out to I would have given him a lot more well you see the thing is history we we learn from history and move on and people evolve and in order to reach a certain goal and a certain level of parity which is what we all want to do and through no way of leveling up and this is a form of leveling up by the way it’s nothing else and it’s divisive and it’s patronizing um I think it’s absolutely disgusting there were people in modern history who were discriminated against constantly and I think it’s so divisive to keep going back to keep reiterating to keep keep saying oh po you between 1919 and 1969 you couldn’t get a mortgage well that was wrong no one’s saying it was right but do we need to be compensated for that the the the legal challenge is saying that this is creating more division yes the past is affecting the present but not in a good way the people’s channel on Election night we are throwing a party the GB News election night watch party will be live from ESS and you are all invited on air from 10:00 we’ll have familiar faces from across the channel entertainment and lots more stuff as we keep our eye on all the results as they come flying in if you want to join our live election night watch party audience scan the QR code on screen or go to GB elction party the GB News election night watch party will be live from Essex and you are all invited on air from 10:00 we’ll have familiar faces from across the channel entertainment and lots more stuff as we keep our eye on all the results as they come flying in if you want to join our live election night watch party audience scan the QR code on screen or go to GB SL elction [Music] party hi there it’s 25 minutes past eight now the search for the missing British teenager Jay Slater has entered its sixth day now in tenie well police on the island say the search is going to focus on a rural Village and a valley after the 19-year-old W missing on what was his first holiday ever without his parents joining us now travel writer and owner of my guide Joe Coy uh a very good morning to you Joe well I mean it’s incredible isn’t it suddenly the world’s media is focused on your Island um and what sort of effect is it having on local people because it must be so frustrating bewildering that we still haven’t found this young man yeah unfortunately after I think six days now there’s still no um still no finding still no sighting of Jay all the locals here they’re very kind of invested and um they’re trying to help as much as possible um there’s bars that are offering free food there’s um people that are offering to join the search um Car Hire companies that are offering cars for people that want to go and help with the search it’s it has affected the local population quite a lot what do we know about this this rural village now that the search is focused on yeah masra is is one of the prettiest villages in tenie but it’s very remote it’s only accessible via uh an extreme Switchback Road um it’s kind of Li clings to the side of the Tino mountains uh which is a vast area scarred by lots of um Ravines and cliffs um I think Masa itself is about th000 MERS above sea level um difficult to access you need a car to to to get there there are trails that that do crisscross the area but again it’s it’s very Barren it’s full of um cacti rocks Fallen rocks um it’s difficult for even the you know the most adap Adept um hikers but um for somebody like Jay who’s not used to the area it’s got to be a a nightmare complete Wilderness and of course yeah we think that um we’re looking now at uh pictures of um the sort of people out um actually looking through the undergrowth uh we’ve seen helicopters and drones Looking for Jay but the problem is I guess if he had he did at any point succumb to the heat he would have looked for shade which would make him even more ult to find that’s exactly what he would have done yeah and there is a lot of shade in that area because of the tall Cliffs um there are also natural caves um huge Boulders so the shade is everywhere I mean there’s so many pockets to to yet be searched um it’s not like they’ve scoured the area couldn’t find and going back looking again they have to do this in a in a very slow methodical way because because of like you said there’s so many places that you’d you take shelter basically and I mean this is the problem though because obviously the clock is ticking yeah it’s been a while now and um yeah when that phone call the last phone call that anybody had that I think it was um Lucy’s friend that that received he said he was thirsty then he’d also Jay had also been to a party T night before so he’d be probably dehydrated from that already he said that he needed uh water um yeah difficult there’s no fresh water there are no streams um I don’t know 19-year-old maybe he would head to the ocean not that you could drink the water there but just drawn to water I guess U there’s there’s a lot of speculation going on um some of it is crazy some of it is you know it’s just people wanting to help in some way what is the feeling or is there any feeling to uh towards the police on this because we we have heard that British police have offered their help and have been rejected really but I mean clearly the police on the island think that they can manage is is that the way ordinary people feel I think it’s I think in all these kind of cases and especially from the family nothing is going to be enough until Jay is found um even if the the British police came over and still Jay was not found it still not be enough it’s just a natural feeling especially from you know from the mother um the Spanish police are perfectly capable they’re using expert Mountain rescue teams that know this area inside out um these are the best people to to Beyond this case I would imagine okay uh Joe uh good to talk to you we’ll talk again no doubt thanks very much indeed it’s so thoroughly upsetting actually all when you see the terrain you realize how difficult it would be to find anyone yeah I mean that’s the thing you look at that and that is not it’s not easy to rign and ultimately there’s still the mystery isn’t there why he went off the way he did did he really think he could trudge 11 miles back to base but what did you do when 11 hours sorry wasn’t it back to base I mean it’s it’s crazy but you’re talking about a teenager who was probably you know a bit drunk and party possibly dehydrated cuz he had very little water and uh and no energy on his phone anyway you never give up hope do you his par his mother certainly won’t be giving up hope I don’t say his parent I’ve not heard anything about his father but his mother’s been quite vocal understandably quite rightly so so they’re not going to give hope um and neither will we so keep your fingers crossed okay at 8:30 we’re going to take a quick break still to come we’ve got all the latest Sport with Aden [Music] McGee join me Neil Oliver every Sunday night at 600 p.m. on GB news and if an hour is not nearly enough for you go to GB for special extended episodes online every Friday at 9:00 p.m. where we can truly get into the nitty-gritty of what’s going on GB news Britain’s News Channel every Saturday 10 till 12 we’ll bring you all of the news that you need to know we’ll also remind you there is so much to smile about it’s my favorite time of the week I get to relax enjoy some lighthearted stories and let Ellie teach me about fashion too that’s Saturday morning live every Saturday 10 to 12 only on GB news Britain’s news Channel this is GB news Britain’s News Channel today we’ve got two fantastic individuals who have invented a teddy bear to help children who are suffering with mental health yes so Lynn and Samantha KY came up with the idea for the trouble muncher toy following Samantha’s own battle with an eating disorder and OCD yes the teddy comes with a notepad and encourages its owners to write down what’s troubling them and then they can pop the note into the ruck sack on on the Bear’s back I struggled with mental health most of my life actually and oh no it’s fine um I’ve got Mom I feel quite sorry for you but um and one one thing I always did was message my mom and it was a thought dis disassociation kind of technique I would message you even now I message you thoughts that come into my mind but massively when I was younger and I thought what happens if you’re younger and you don’t have this um yeah and I think in today’s technology fi world yeah I think we go back to basics and it just helps them to process by writing it down everything’s so instant these days so so it’s like an indirect way of telling your parents how you’re feeling what you’re going through such a great idea what’s the feedback been from parents who have uh got a trouble muncher for their kids what you got stor it’s been really good um in one household he sits on the kitchen side and um I think during the day the parents the the children put their worries in or at night and then they know that their parents will look at it during the day and it’s gone into some schools as well you’d imagine you’d want one of these trouble munches in every classroom and at every school up and down the country because children who are being bullied for example you feel like they can’t tell their parents they’re too embarrassed to talk about it this is such an important tool isn’t it for children to communicate that yeah well you were saying mom’s a mental health counselor and you had a young young child who was had Snapchat AI so you talk to an AI and Snapchat and that’s what they talk to now the people’s Channel join me Nana aquer for an informative interactive news program with the difference it’s fun it’s true you’re not wrong no one will be cancelled lovely join me from 300 p.m. every weekend only on GB news Britain’s News [Music] Channel Aiden McGee is here at 8:34 morning Aiden good morning to you both good right let’s talk V cuz it’s been working quite well at the EUR we haven’t seen that much of it which has been quite nice there always suggested that it was working better around Europe but I just thought maybe we just don’t see as much of a spotlight over those leagues it’s not as news newsworthy over here so maybe that’s why we don’t we don’t hear about as much about it but I have to say there haven’t been much I mean it’s only a week old I would say but when we do see a v intervention it’s controversial Le behold has to evolve involve two premier league officials and that’s what we saw last night so while we weren’t playing we were in charge of the V we were indeed yeah we were indeed and so look we were really looking forward to the match last night France against Holland at 8:00 the big Friday night match that we were really anticipating eagerly and then it didn’t live up to much and so I suppose that that’s a disappointment for the V officials they thought well if there’s much more going if there are other things going on in the game maybe we would have avoided the the spotlight on ourselves but quite late on in the game Holland scored a goal it looked like a quite a decent uh goal um it was heading towards the the n the goalkeeper was claiming that he wasn’t able to dive because Denzel Dum free the Holland player should be playing for Scotland with a name like that actually but he was next to the goalkeeper the goalkeeper claimed he couldn’t dive to his left he was in an offside position the player and so the goal wasn’t given because the goalkeeper was judged to be impeded now the problem is they took six minutes to arrive at this conclusion yeah that’s ridiculous I it doesn’t even seem to be the right decision well I just I just think I don’t know what you think but I think if you’re looking at a situation it takes you six minutes to decide whether it’s not not a goal or a goal it looks like it looks like they’re finding reasons to disallow a goal and what do they do while they’re waiting the six minutes do they just stroll around the pitch yeah yeah and it’s actually been that that’s a good point there actually because it’s been studied in the last year or so that the increas in soft tissue injuries is a result is is as a result of players standing around waiting don’t forget they’re going from they’re going from whatever they’re traveling out 100 m you know 100 miles hour not quite that quick but you know metaphorically to to stop and players are having to warm up and it’s causing an increase in hamstring injuries we that has been been proven over half what about the crowd it must drive them mad well yeah I was sitting in the game last last season and we had about four or five V interventions everyone at home thought it was a premier league classic I’m sitting there in the stand at Tottenham someone else is next to me asking me where I’m going on my holiday because we’re bored we’re sitting there for minutes on end yeah and then when the result comes back like it did yeah well we can’t see the difference is that we can’t see in the stadium you can’t see what the V officials are looking at you can’t whereas if you’re watching on TV you you can at least see the studio will at least provide replays of what you can see or where the point of contention is in the stadium you’ve got nothing you’ve got nothing of the sort and don’t forget in that Stadium last night there would have been probably about 50,000 people I would have thought so it doesn’t make for a good spectacle for a start and it just seems that the the Premier League officials can’t seem to cover themselves in glory when it comes to this situation depressing it is and I and actually I think they got the decision wrong after all after all that they got it wrong it doesn’t look good yeah falling off mature mind you can we talk about Scotland cuz if they if they’re going to make history they’re going to have to beat Hungary aren’t they they are indeed tomorrow 8:00 in stutgart probably the biggest game for a generation for Scotland I would imagine and what a difference a few days makes we touched on it on Thursday didn’t we Steven after they got the draw against Switzerland and having lost 51 against Germany they’re in a really bad place I would argue now that they’re in a better place in terms of their mood and how how upbeat they are than England are right now and so they’ve given themselves a fighting chance if they go if they win tomorrow it’s a tough ask even though Hungary have lost both their games they have played Switzerland and Germany so very very difficult uh fixtures but if they win tomorrow I think they will go through as one of the four best third place teams and no team on four points has ever failed to advance you’d be very unlucky if you finished on four points and didn’t go through to the next round no side no Scotland side in the history of the national team has ever done it and that includes sides with Archie gaml with K Al GLE Alan Hansen Graham sunis Etc they’ve never got past the group stage it’s almost a bit of a National Lampoon but they managed to do it and they could do it tomorrow night and having with all the Down Beat and all the all the D you know down beat feelings coming out of the camp last week after that defeat it would be hell of turn around in just one week yeah it be great it would yeah can we very briefly mention the Rob buroughs tribute yes that’s right well he was I mean he died early this month from mot neuron disease yesterday was Mo Global motor neuron disease awareness uh day and leads rhinos Mark the occasion they were playing against Lee leopards at heading Lee 18,000 I me it was their first game since he died was it that’s right yeah and so they did a few different things they had a minute silence beforehand they had a minute silence in the seventh minute because that was the uh that was the uh number on the back of shirt the fans formed an rb7 Mosaic in the crowd which looked very fetching and there was there were video tributes before and afters there was a guard of Honor which featured his wife and and children teammates from all over the world ones he’d played with in previously uh came over from Asar as Australia to pay tribute to him Le Rhino’s won the game 1810 uh but a fitting A fitting way to say goodbye to an absolute Legend it has to be said yeah and I think the great thing is because of the warmth towards him he knew he was loved before he died abely it wasn’t just the case of the tribute after he died no that’s nice actually right Aiden thank you we’ll see you later on still to come we’ll take through the papers with Stephanie TTI in Kevin scoffield Nana aquer weekends from 300 p.m. I cried crack out before we even start I mean to see King Charles to be so brave so strong and you can sometimes I think get his stomach or he just moved himself he didn’t seem very comfortable but he was there and he was going to go through it all and I just thought you know he’s the most wonderful man he cares more about us and the people who there serving him an extra extra bonus is Princess Katherine who looked absolutely stunning she did look very very slim though but she looked beautiful in that outfit little Charlotte is extraordinary child when they were coming back she was wiping the windows so that everyone could see with her hand getting rid of the rain she’s fantastic and the other thing that actually got my heart was that Prince William and Princess Anne and Prince Prince Edward were getting completely drenched they were on their horses they had to go back after the um festivities were over and I thought we’re Jo Lucky in this country to have a royal family who will put them elves out like that and really do their very best for the nation no nobody ever does and that’s why our um Roy family is the one that’s most popular and I do have to say and just a couple of words that Megan introduced some raspberry jam and some dogs biscuits just an hour before don’t laugh an hour before I mean can you imagine that the desire to be of notic it’s always just before a big event U because she wants the attention I don’t think she works it out that other people would do it I think she works it out that they all look at me the people’s Channel this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians in the media but actually it’s about you and we won’t forget that join us up and down the country Tre as we follow every moment together more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision ahead of polling day we’re here for you this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel I’m Christopher hope this is GB news Britain’s election Channel I’m Christopher Hope from pop stars of politicians I’ll interview anybody in a pub who’s got political opinion join me every Friday on Spotify Apple podcast YouTube or GB wherever you get your podcast GB news Britain’s election Channel 8:42 morning to you let’s have a look at some of the front pages for you today well the guardian leads with news that Russian hackers managed to access and steal an eyering 300 million NHS patient records the business secretary K badok is on the front of the telegraph this morning with her prediction that kiss Sarma will reverse brexit Nigel farage’s BBC interview leads the mail after he sensationally claimed that the West provoked Russia to invade Ukraine um in the times JK Rowling has accused the labor party of turning its back back on women and the I newspaper leads with the National Trust calling on UK political parties to sign a pledge to protect rivers from illegal sewage dumping all right with the Keeny selection political Ed of huff post UK Kevin scoffield as show reporter Stephanie tet are here good morning to you Kevin let’s start with the eight uh with with the eight with the times should we on page eight and what James cleverly Home Secretary is saying yeah it’s got a good interview with h with James cleverly and and the main takeaway is him saying that the conservatives cannot let Nigel farage into the party now there’s a split in the party here and the bra and Liz truss have both said absolutely you know get them on board um Rak has been asked about it we just won’t go there sktch around it doesn’t say what he really thinks but James clever absolutely nailing his colors to the MK saying look this guy wants to destroy the conservative party and he said it before and he uses a football analogy he says it’s like someone saying I want to take over AR I want to destroy Arsenal RI down the Emirates Stadium and by the way will you let me play for Arsenal he goes why would why would you let anyone in who who stated D is to destroy he’s not said he wants to well he’s talked about I think that the aim is that reform including rigel farage get a few MPS elected uh the Tes are wiped out virtually um obviously still have more MPS than reform and then once he’s in Parliament he can then work his way to take over the conservative party um a sort of reverse takeover uh um and then become the leader and then he said himself the next it wouldn’t be the conservative party would it it would probably still be the conservative party brand you would think um but to all intent purposes it would be a very different party s if Nigel farz was leaving it been an incredibly different party um so he James cleverly setting he stall out now assuming James cleverly gets re-elected got 25,000 majority you got to think he probably will be it sets up a very interesting um post elction we don’t know how they’re going to feel after the election do we I mean they may be decimated um and also the ones that are left may feel very differently after a defeat not that we’re prejudging just G just G by the opinion they could be wrong so I think Nigel has a good thing with reform I think it’ll be more hassle for him to try and save the conservatives where they’re literally on their kn at the moment because of all the damage they’ve caused to their reputation with the public so you know it’s it must be flattering to that they’re looking at him as a Saving Grace but um I think he’s launched this new Avenue with reform and the public as it’s shown in the polls they are starting to turn more to reform rather than the conservatives yeah place it would be absolutely astonishing I’d be surprised still but you just don’t know suggest Never Say Never not with British Poli anyway no not the minute uh right what should we have next that’s what I was thinking oh what’s this about tror McDonald yeah caught my eye Trevor McDonald um it was the career that never happened for him at the BBC he’s done an interview with Saga magazine and he said the reason why he picked um ITN rather than um BBC because he felt like the BBC approached him as a tick um tick boxing exercise because actually he said a producer approached him at the time where they said we’ve come under so much pressure for race relations and we need to hire a black reporter and he said that made him turn down a potential career with the BBC and said go to itm where he felt like he was being employed on Merit and I just thought it was quite interesting thing because I know a lot of black creatives and a lot of black employers employees in different Industries at the moment where they’re such a big thing for diversity you always do question yourself am I being hired just because I’m black or because of the Merit of my work so I just found it quite an interesting story that it was happening then and it’s still happening now because it’s great that there’s such a big push for diversity in all Fields but I guess when you’re uh an ethnic minority you don’t want to feel like oh I’m just there to fill a space you know I want to be there because of my skills and the hard work I’ve done so it’s it’s quite an issue that a lot of ethnic minori still face I mean it’s happened all over in my day it was you were the token girl reporter I mean for many years I was the only girl reporter in a newsroom uh including television and so uh it happens but it is it’s it’s moved on clearly it has definitely there’s so many females in in television news at the moment aren there well tell sport yes yes in sport sport that’s the thing now I remember the first time match of the day had a female commentator and you were thought the world was ended it was such a controversy and now you don’t even give it a second thought you female pundits alongside men and female competitors you just don’t even think about no that’s that’s the way it all there’s there’s a lot of things in life we get our nickers and a Twist over but when push comes to show it just for who now yes we do haven’t seen it for is going to be do coverage no I haven’t watched any of the new the whole thing is overing I don’t know how you’re going to feel about it actually I I like it but I do feel like they’ve pushed the story lines a bit too far I think it’s moving away from what traditional Doctor Who fans like it to be where now it has become a bit of a tick boxing exercise and then we did have the first gay kiss on it two weeks ago and again you don’t know if it’s you know if there’s any scenes of sexuality on Doctor Who you do think oh is it taking a way where this doctor’s supposed to be aexual so oh well yeah but there has been a bit of that before Billy Piper and David tenant and all that sort of thing so okay I haven’t watched it since Tom B no he wasn’t sexualized I don’t think couldn’t get his scarf off that’s why time was you couldn’t you couldn’t be on a a television news program with green fingernails like Glam time moved on we talking about sport Kevin what’s the time got about um about three Lions yeah so the Wags um you remember in 2006 World Cup there was huge controversy because of H what’s her name um Wayne Rooney’s wife Kleen ABBYY Victoria and they sort of took over was it Gilson kirkin I think it was and they were there all the time and they were too much of a distraction and were blamed because England got knocked out anyway it’s much different now um so the they got a very short 6 hours they were allowed with their partners and husbands after the Denmark game the other day there so um a good tell enough yeah quite yeah exactly so they were able some quality time but it’s quite interesting it talks about um Kyle Walker yeah well he’s had his wife yes he’s Washed by both his wife and his ex-lover um who were know they’ obviously they don’t get on as you can quite imagine but yeah slightly awkward well as say wouldn’t that put you off your game well I well hasn’t put off his game but I feel sorry for the child because he’s refusing even though he’s paying um child benefit each month for him plus more he refused to acknowledge his L child so he’s got two with this lady he’s got two so she’s born son to the game wearing the T-shirt saying Daddy but Daddy refuses to acknowledge you so I think it’s really actually is more traumatizing for this little boy one day when he does realize actually his father’s family and Son were right in front row where she had them shoved in the back you know I think it’ll be quite traumatizing but then why she that’s traumatizing why she taking it yeah well get oh I tell you what I want that sort of Lifestyle more drama of not be bad enough oh too much drama too much drama for me too much drama I what you were saying to be ear on you you you saw a clip the other day of us two doing a together in 2017 and we both had dark hair I know that’s how long AG go it was can imagine that can you yeah yeah it was wasn’t even that long eight years ago I was a much younger man too much stress it does doesn’t it what what have we got next that we’ got the Wags we got God oh what about Godzilla oh yes tell us about Godzilla yeah so this is this uh fell who um caught a cord which was 5’2 inches long how can you how what’s going on Ian that’s nearly as tall as me and that’s actually it really wasn’t C I thought it was just a good headline but really that is AB actually that is gigantic you need a lot of chips for that hungry for that for supper definitely you could feed a few families with that can I mean it doesn’t look like he put it back it does look quite he put it back no I’m saying that it doesn’t look like he did cuz quite often now they they do don’t they um Ang I’m not he’ll be wanting well to be fair to him he’s going to want the stuff yeah I mean yeah that one lighter than uh the biggest ever so he just missed out on the record but it took no idea 20 minutes to haul in which I thought was quite quick actually dolphin something like that Weir did he put it by himself did he Rel think he had help it had it had help but yeah stop it so so there we go no I’m not I’m not um all right before just before we let you very very briefly Steph um Anita Rani yes she’s she’s hit the papers wearing the wrong thing I know so they not wearing enough o and your team J D Dame Jenny Murray who basically in her Daily Mail column um hit out at Anita Rani saying that if you are going to be a woman’s hour presenter you must be known for your feminist views and not trying to attract the attention of men so Anita Rani at the BST she w a really revealing dress which is there she is to be fair she looks fabulous I think she looks fabulous as well but she’s now come out and said look you know what you can be a feminist and wear revealing outfits and still be smart yeah so it’s this issue that a lot of women have where it’s like you’re going to be judged by what you wear but people think you’re not intelligent and isn’t that going against the whole feminist rhetoric where actually women can express themselves and still be intelligent what do you think H well we can’t anyway it’s been good to see you both this well thank you very much indeed let’s get a check on the weather for you A Brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a drab start for some of us today but generally a dry and a fine day feeling quite warm when the sun comes out later on a fine start AC much of Scotland bit of a cool start here we will see the clouds steadily increasing across the far Northwest elsewh the cloud actually breaking up after a damp and drizzly beginning over parts of the East we’ll see some Sunny spells just one or two pretty scattered afternoon showers so as I say for most it is a fine Summer’s Day temperatures creeping up as well 23 24 degrees perhaps with a bit of afternoon sunshine always a bit cooler further west and particularly the far Northwest the breeze starts to pick up a little bit of rain trickling in here so turning a bit damp by this evening over the Western ises and through this evening some of that rain will spread across the highlands but set for much of Scotland it’s a fine evening at temperatures still holding up in the High Teens into this evening as well it will Cloud over across Northern Ireland but still dry and bright for most of today in Belfast fine conditions for most of England and Wales this morning Cloud melting away to reveal some evening sunshine further east and generally staying fine across the Southwest just perhaps a bit more Cloud spilling in here come the late afternoon into the evening and the cloud will continue to increase during the night still a bit of drizzly rain pushing through southern Scotland perhaps into North Wales Northwest England but for most it’ll be another dry night and another fairly warm one as well temperatures certainly most towns and cities holding up in the teens what about Sunday well a warm humid feeling day there will be a bit more Cloud around especially for Wales Southwest England Northern England to begin with so a duller day but even here I’m hopeful that it will brighten up small chance of one or two showers some coasts in the west may stay Misty but for Scotland Northern Ireland some good Spells Of Sunshine and across the southeast as well should be fine once more during Sunday and temperatures ticking up going to get hotter still as we head into next week that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB news [Music] It’s the final week to see how you can win big this summer first there’s a fabulous £15,000 in tax-free cash to ensure this summer is special what would you spend that on next you’ll also receive the latest iPhone 15 and a set of apple airpods and finally £500 to spend at your favorite UK traction you have to hurry as lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £15,000 cash text prize to 63232 text cost £2 plus 1 standard Network rate message you can also enter online at gvnews docomo Quin or post your name and number to GB 06 P box 8690 derby D1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck this is GB news Britain’s News Channel almost half of those seeking to have an affair are happier with their job than with their primary relationship but what exactly does a cheater do for a living well medical assistants and nurses surprisingly top the lists of professions for female cheaters and it’s jobs in it or tech for male cheaters which I think is less of a surprise no this is all according to a survey by the dating site Ashley Madison okay so why do people cheat to answer this we’re joined Now by broadcaster and psychotherapist Lucy barisford good morning Lucy morning Luc is it okay of me to say naughty nurses in this day age am I going to get canceled for that you’re out the door yes you’re talking about the caring professions and I think it’s very appropriate surprised by that women well because they’re very nurturing very loving very giving whereas the males who are in Tech and it very strategic is there a link between High Press jobs maybe nurses infamously you know they’re working long hours underpaid stressed out is there a link between jobs of that nature and cheating maybe as a relief absolutely is it just about sex or is it about emotional connection is it about emotional validation and increasingly people are discovering that their primary relationship is just not a place where they feel safe this survey found that personality didn’t actually come into it that much it was about half and half if you’re an introvert or an extrovert that you’d be likely to have an affair I think that’s right and I think that just speaks to the fact that all people want to have a good emotional connection so it doesn’t matter whether you’re really social or whether you’re someone who has to recharge your batteries in private time that actually we only ever want three things in life we want to feel safe we want to feel loved but we also want to feel heard and in increasingly number of marriages and long-term relationships we get into grooves we get into ruts and we stop hearing our partner we stop listening to them and they stop listening to the people’s [Music] channel uh very good morning to you it is nearly 9:00 on Saturday the 22nd of June today a very loyal starmer the labor leader tells GB news he would never use private Health Care over the NHS even if his children were ill I am you know elected in to serve as Prime Minister my job is to bring those waiting lists down and I’m not going to at the same time say but for me I’m going to jump the queue well earlier we spoke to the shadow environment secretary Steve Reid who had this to say about NHS waiting lists I’m help us to start to reduce the pressure on our NHS so we can get those massive waiting lists down I’ve I’ve got people in my constituency who’ve gone to a ande and been waiting there for 24 hours you know that’s shocking another PR disaster for the Prime Minister as he refuses to say whether a cabinet minister is involved in the Tory gambling Scandal earlier we spoke to uh the conservative David Simmons at things like the economy youth unemployment is half what it was under the last Labor government there 4 million more people in work who inherited from labor that’s transformed people’s standards of living their health their wellbeing their mental health and well-being and was his comment steep too far that’s what some are saying after reform UK leader Nigel farage suggested that the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine we’ve provoked this war it’s you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what but we provoke the invasion of UK also today the search for the missing teenager Jay Slater enters its sixth day in tenar British police say the Spanish police have refused their help good morning England boss Gareth Southgate believes fatigue is playing its part in England’s sluggish start to the Euros The Three Lions were enjoying a yoga session yesterday more on that later and Andy Murray will undergo back surgery today as he enters a Race Against Time to be fits for Wimbledon it’s a bit of a dull start for some of us this morning but generally a fine summer’s day today and many of us will have some sunshine on Sunday as well and it’s warming up join me later for a full forecast morning to you I’m Steven Dixon and I’m an diamond and this is breakfast on GB [Music] news right we better crack on with politics because there’s just so much to get through today we haven’t got time for huge amounts of chitchat we today is a shame it’s the election is rolling on certainly is anyway look yesterday our political editor Christopher hope sat down with a man who is hop to be prime minister in a couple of weeks sicki as dama now he was answering the questions that you sent in so please do keep them coming because this is the first of many interviews to come with other party leaders so in this exclusive interview starma refused four times to say he would pay for Private health care for his children if they badly needed treatment but were stuck on an NHS waiting list uh meanwhile after missing out on the question time leaders special Nigel farage took part in an interview with the BBC there the reform leader suggested that the West provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by expanding NATO we’re joining us now is GB news Deputy political editor Tom Harwood and a very good morning to you Tom do you think oh well which battle bus are you on then you’re on the lib Dems battle bus jolly good um I just wonder what you think of Nigel farage’s statement uh about Putin and Russia and the way it’s being reported today do you think he will come to regret saying that at all yes it does seem like it was perhaps the first misstep from Nigel farage in this general election campaign of course we know how much the country as a whole thinks that Putin is uh to blame for the war in Ukraine and we know how much support there has been for the Ukrainian cause and to some extent Nigel farage there uh setting himself apart at odds with that mainstream of opinion here in the United Kingdom uh it’ll be interesting to see if he does start to rad back from that position but he did seem pretty steadfast in what he believes the idea defensive Union is an aggressive uh oh the idea that Vladimir Putin is oh apologies bues it’s a real nuisance isn’t it but it’s fun to see them actually doing the rounds but um sometimes the signal just falls out we’ll see if we can get back to him at some point I tell you what is interesting about that and loads of you who who are supporting reform and all of this saying well you said the right thing it’s it’s because it’s quite nuanced um and it’s and to be fair to Nigel farage he did say it was provoked but did say it was Putin’s fault he wasn’t trying to sort of remove the blame from Putin was wasn’t in from hispec apologist but um the point is if you’re supporting Nigel farage and reform UK now he doesn’t he doesn’t need to convince you does he the problem he’s got is trying to convince those people who are perhaps wavering uh conservatives who may be really put off by those comments so that’s the problem it’s always the people on the edges and not the people who are already sort of very strongly supporting you well we’ve got with us in the studio we’ve got George who’s the former Secretary of State for environment food and Rural Affairs do you think these campaigns are too long and that inevitably um somebody under a lot of pressure any of the leaders for instance under a lot of pressure will say something that they do come to regret just because they’re human beings and they’re under pressure um yes I mean look the campaign is not much longer than normal they’re always sort of five weeks often six weeks this one’s slightly longer what it’s six weeks obviously but you know campaigns are grueling I’ve run some of them I’ve been an adviser to opposition I leaders in them uh they’re exhausting for everyone and yeah people make mistakes but this was I have to say quite a terrible blunder uh by Nigel Farish it’s the kind of thing you’d expect George Galloway to say frankly and and last week he was saying he aspires to be kind of leader of the opposition but you know with that role of leader of the opposition if that’s what he wanted to be there there would come certain uh you know responsibilities and you know we have a a long convention in this country that the leader of the opposition is given access to certain things like intelligence briefings but show a degree of solidarity with the country on on matters of defense and Foreign Affairs and this was a a terrible I think thing to say and and also wrong to to be fair to him there there are a lot of um sort of analysts Russian analysts who say yeah you you you can’t look at what is going on without without seeing the actions of the West as being said whether right or wrong whether NATO should have been expanded or not but saying well that was clearly going to poke the bear it was going to upset Putin and therefore there will be consequences not wrong it’s not wrong I think it well well he’s not wrong that that’s the Russian excuse for what they’ve done yes but I don’t think he needed to give air time to that that the reality here is that after you know the breakout the fall of the U the Berlin wall and the the end of um the Cold War there was a an agreement called the The Budapest uh memorandum and Britain America and Russia all signed to that and what we said to the Ukraine is we want you to get rid of your nuclear weapons we don’t think Ukraine should have nuclear weapons but we’ll all give you a guarantee that that that your sovereignty is going to be respected now Russia violated that a decade ago when it invaded Crimea Andia and we didn’t do enough and to be fair even then the West because they didn’t want an escalation and because they were trying to accommodate Russia even though it was behaving terribly uh France and Germany brokered another agreement the Minsk agreement that basically said we would um you know seek some kind of uh independent self-determination for those uh those those Southeastern territories now you know there was an attempt to try to to get Russia to be part of the International Community and I’m afraid you know they he then just did a full scale invasion of Ukraine so it’s absolutely wrong uh to say that the the West was insensitive to uh you know the Russian perspective on these things quite the opposite we actually persuaded Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons and and and we all of us including Russia gave them a guarantee that their sovereignty would be respected and Russia and Putin has now absolutely violated that do you worry actually that attitudes are going to change particularly maybe if we get another American president in Donald Trump that there will be this aspect that not only do you have to try and understand your enemy but go and make friends with him yeah but we’ve always done that and you know the truth is after the end of the Cold War to be fair there was quite an attempt uh by the West you know even under Tony Blair’s government quite an attempt despite reservations about Putin and what he would be like to try to engage Russia to make them part of the International Community to say look we can all work together on global challenges as friends we haven’t got to be Rivals and you know bit by bit year by year you know Putin has returned to his you know his KGB roots and and taken Russia further away from that you know that that hope and that dream that there was at the end of the Cold War and it’s it’s incredibly sad incredibly disappointing but we cannot ignore that we can’t be blind to that and we we can’t have you know Nigel farage effectively pretending that you know Russia didn’t invade Crimea a decade ago um and and basically just giving airtime to the excuses they give for for having done so all right let’s have a look at the Tories then in all of this uh I mean what a what a campaign it has been for the Tories I mean even people I know within the party have said this is just been a disaster from start from the very first announcement on the steps of Downing Street right through to to last night and you know not talking about whether or not there’s a cabinet minister involved in this betting Scandal I mean the whole thing has been from in iders have said it’s a disaster it’s not worked there’s no enthusiasm there’s no no no thought at all that we can actually win in all of this we’re just pretending for the British public well I think it’s incredibly difficult for the conservative party because we’ve tried lots of things over the last 18 months to try to reconnect with people to win people’s trust back Rishi Sak’s tried a lot of things since he’s become Prime Minister to try to do that and and it’s been tough going you know those polls have remained stubbornly where they are with labor with a stubborn 20-point lead and it’s very hard going into a general election campaign when you’re the underdog when you’re that far behind yes things do go wrong but you know I’ve fought lots of campaigns and things will go wrong out on the The Campaign Trail there’ll be people saying things they shouldn’t have said Revelations as we’ve had you know this week that kind of thing does happen in an election and you’ve just got to you know get back in the saddle and keep fighting all the way to the line so it’s a tough one uh for Richi sunak tough one for the conservatives in eneral but they’ve just got to keep um themselves together and keep fighting all the way to the line because you know there it’s one thing to lose and the poll suggests that we will but there’s another thing to to lose badly and it you know every seat will matter to make sure uh that we can uh hold uh you know a potentially a future labor government to account if they have a big majority they’ll be able to do whatever they like and that won’t be pretty oh I was just going to say because you said that and the way you phrased it and now that you’re you’re out the game you know you’re out of government you’re out of politics you’re not randing or anything else Labor’s going to win aren’t they I mean be be straight with us now you’re not a politician well I I’ve been saying all along we Ron into this campaign as the underdog we’re 20 points behind in the polls the polls tend not to be uh that far a drift so yes look the the the projections are obviously um that that we might lose this but nothing’s inevitable and my view on campaigns is that you’ve got to fight for every vote all the way to the line and that’s what I want my party to do because do you think that Rings true with the the average voter or particularly voters who are undecided that now the Tores seem to have changed their message to vote for us we’ll be the next government to don’t let K starm have a blank check is that really going to resonate I’ve got a a particular view on the polls that we I don’t and I don’t know what the answer is we’ve always had polls during elections and they’ve always been a big uh feature of the coverage but you know if you think on Election night you have the exit poll and there’s a very strict uh rule that you do not publish the results of an exit poll until after polls close because you don’t want to influence the vote but you know here we are throughout the campaign every day those polls and they’re using these seat specific polls you know it’s not long ago that the the times got into a bit of trouble for publishing polls based on individual seat predictions because that was seen to be influencing the election but that seemed to have gone out the window and I think there is something not quite right about having um quite so many polls quite so much Obsession about it because you do the voters ultimately to weigh up who they would like to be governing the country and not to be thinking oh well this person’s going to win anyway or they’re not going to win you do hear people saying that don’t you you do and the polls it’s not right that polls should influence how they vote people should vote for who they want to be um the governing party and I think we’ve got a bit of a problem that the polls have got a bit too much excessive coverage but I don’t know what the answer is they’ve always been there um I’m not saying you’d get rid of polls that would be ridiculous but but but I don’t understand why we have this um this division between an exit pole that tell you why that’s very simple because you can only you can only carry out an exit pole once people have started voting and of course when when the voting starts in this country from 7:00 a.m. in the morning till 10:00 at night we do not talk about yeah we’re not allowed to talk about it but just to these other polls are giving projections on individual seats which could be equally influential on people’s intention to vote so I I’m not quite sure there’s a bit of an inconsistency there is all I’m saying but I’m not pretending pretending I’ve got an answer and also people coming out being asked for the exit pole don’t always tell the truth about how they voted no I wouldn’t I I would I just refuse a lot of people won’t do it although they tend to be reasonably accurate yeah they have been so far the latest ones within about seven and a half seats so it’s very very accurate anyway we shall we shall wait and see um really good to see you this morning thank you very much indeed uh let’s have a look at some of the other stories heading into the Newsroom this morning at uh 9:14 well two women have been charged with criminal damage after just stop oil activists sprayed orange paint on private jets at stanstead airport on Thursday Jennifer Kowalski who is 28 and Cole McDonald who’s 22 are alleged to have caused over £5,000 worth of damage the pair are due to appear at Chelmsford magistrates Court later today uh the wife of Dr Michael Mosley CLA Bailey has paid tribute to her husband husband in her first Instagram post since his death a couple of weeks ago at 67 he went missing on the Greek island of Sime on June the 5th he was found dead several days later he’d been out walking in 40° heat uh Dr Bailey has promised to carry on her husband’s Legacy and continue his work and Taylor Swift has kicked off the London leg of her IR US tour with the first of three soldout shows at Wembley Stadium fans descended on the capital in their masses with attendees including everyone from Sir kst armor to the Prince of Wales and his three young children tonight another 990,000 fans will make the same Journey it might be because I’m older now that I just cannot get my head round Taylor Swift and the eras tour and just how how passionate people are about she’s this sensation this everyone’s talking about see like Michael Jackson was back in the day I guess but yeah I don’t know it’s just I mean I think she’s all right a nice tune yeah I mean I wouldn’t know if I bumped into her um unless she was wearing one of her amazing outfits and then you might think who’s that but the the nice thing though is when they go out interviewing all the fans everything seems to be positive and happy yeah but she does a lot she does a lot of these songs about her exes and things doesn’t she oh I don’t know oh yeah you want to be but she is a phenomenon because wherever she goes she changes the economic climate 300 million quid to the London economy theying over this couple of days which is why we welcome people like her suppose why not that’s just people buying pink outfits and cowboy boots and pink cowboy hats what they’re all wearing but it’s the restaurants and it’s everything that surrounds an enormous venue like that cuz you know who’s going tonight uh no Ellie Costello she’s going and I’ve seen she’ll be on at 10:00 this morning I to see what she wears she’s I’ve seen the outfit the outfit’s been prepped ready are you allowed to say what it is or is she like a a bride before the wedding it’s very pink and very sparkly oh my goodness I she’s out I can hear her laughing in the background now um it’s quite something to behold ladies and gentlemen you better L on to her Instagram there she is you tell us about it later Ellie it’s quite something off later yeah absolutely okay well it’s the right weather for wearing nothing but a pink dress with cowboy boots isn’t it it’s going to be warm and I’ll bet you if you’re in a crowd of 90,000 it’s going to be very warm here’s the weather a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a drab start for some of us today but generally a dry and a fine day and feeling quite warm when the sun comes out later on a fine start of course as much as Scotland bit of a cool start here we will see the cloud steadily increasing across the far Northwest elsewhere the cloud actually breaking up after a damp and drizzly beginning over parts of the East we’ll see some Sunny spells just one or two pretty scattered afternoon showers so as I say for most it is a fine Summer’s Day temperatures scraping up as well 23 24 degrees perhaps with a bit of afternoon sunshine always a bit cooler further west and particularly in the far Northwest as the breeze starts to pick up a little bit of rain trickling in here so t a bit damp by this evening over the Western aisles and through this evening some of that rain will spread across the highlands but so for much of Scotland it’s a a fine evening uh temperatures still holding up in the High Teens into this evening as well it will Cloud over across Northern Ireland but still dry and bright for most of today in Belfast fine conditions for most of England and Welles this morning’s Cloud melting away to reveal some evening sunshine further east and generally staying fine across the Southwest just perhaps a bit more clouds spilling in here come the latest afternoon into the evening and the cloud will continue to increase during the night still a bit of drizzly rain pushing through southern Scotland perhaps into North Wales Northwest England but for most it’ll be another dry night and another fairly warm one as well temperatures certainly most towns and cities holding up in the teens what about Sunday well a warm humid feeling day there will be a bit more Cloud around especially for whal Southwest England Northern England to begin with so a duller day but even here I’m hopeful that it will bright Brien up small chance of one or two showers some coasts in the west may stay Misty but for Scotland Northern Ireland some good Spells Of Sunshine and across the southeast as well should be fine once more during Sunday and temperatures ticking up going to get hotter still as we head into next week that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB [Music] news time for the giveaway now which is a super Whopper of a prize um you can win more than 16,000 quids worth of stuff yes that’s £15,000 in taxfree cash and a whole host of summer treats so that could be yours but you’ve got to be in it to win it so here’s how don’t miss out on your chance to win our summer spectacular and have we got a prize for you first there’s a totally tax-free £15,000 in cash to make your summer spectacular spend that extra cash however you like you’ll also win a brand new iPhone Apple airpods and if that wasn’t enough a £500 voucher to spend at your favorite UK attraction so you can enjoy amazing days out this year for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £15,000 cash text win to 63232 text cost2 plus one standard Network rate message you can also enter online at gvnews win entries cost 2 quid or post your name and number to GB 06 P box 8690 dde1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of June please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck right still to come as the search for the missing teenager J Slaters enter it sixth day police are expanding their search we’ll tell you more in a moment [Music] GB news is Britain’s election Channel and when the big stories break we’re tackling them on Britain’s news room when we disagree and we disagree a lot it’s even live yeah we’re normal we don’t disagree that much we do his comedy though is revolting I knew her and unlike you that explains Beverly turn his temperament it’s a bit Frosty in here isn’t it he’ll have one of me one day um for D ball practice Britain’s Newsroom on GB news weekdays 9:30 a.m. GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel this is GB news Britain’s News Channel History lecturers at the University of Liverpool have been advised to problematize whiteness and heterosexuality in their seminars um they are saying that you should be guilty if you’re white and heterosexual not using the long words they use but that’s kind of what they’re yeah but you know what history in this country is more is concerned with more and has lived been has been lived by more white people and more heterosexuals right and that’s the history I’ll tell you something else Don this is Russell group University material here this is Liverpool it’s a really good University the thing that really got me going apart from this I thought it was an AI generation of h words things you know words input into a system to come up with from something it’s ridiculous the the main issue I have is the verb problematize I’ve never heard of that before so there should be prioritizing grammar let’s get first principles back in there firstly it’s it’s just promoting anti-racism it’s not BR it is wait wait wait it’s just bringing the the marginalized voices into the discussion so no what they’re saying is look at British history through the optic of all perspectives so let’s look at it from uh the perspective of career person growing up let’s look at it from the perspective of a uh somebody from that’s not the majority actually looked at the evidence it’s all about unpacking bias and you have to admit there has been a white bias in history no there hasn’t because the fact from a white perspective the facts are in history most people in this country are white and heterosexual of course but then there’s still voices that deserve to be brought into the discussion as much as the dominant like that’s all decolonizing the curriculum is is hearing all sides of the surely we at GB news love we celebrate that that’s what we do we do but we’re not telling anybody it’s bad to be white or bad exactly that is not what Amy it is it is the people’s channel on Election night we are throwing a party the GB News election night watch party will be live from Essex and you are all invited on air from 10:00 we’ll have familiar faces from across the channel entertainment and lots more stuff as we keep our eye on all the results as they come flying in if you want to join our live election night watch party audience scan the QR code on screen or go to GB elction party hello again 24 minutes just nearly 25 minutes past N9 now the search for the missing British teenager Jay Slater has entered its sixth day in tenar well police on the island say the search will now focus on a rural Village and Valley that’s after the 19-year-old went missing on what was actually his first holiday ever without his parents earlier we spoke to the travel writer Joe KY unfortunately after I think it’s six days now there’s still no um still no finding still no sighting of Jay all the locals here they’re very kind of invested and um they’re trying to help as much as possible um there’s bars that are offering free food there’s um people that are offering to join the search um car High companies that are offering car for people that want to go and help with the search it’s it has affected the local population quite a lot what do we know about this this rural village now that the search is focused on yeah I masra is is one of the prettiest villages in tenie but it’s very remote it’s only accessible via uh an extreme Switchback Road um it’s kind of Li clings to the side of the Tino mountains uh which is a vast area scarred by lots of um Ravines and cliffs um I think masker itself is about 1,000 m above sea level um difficult to access you need a car to to to get there there are trails that that do Cris across the area but again it’s it’s very Barren it’s full of um cacti rocks Fallen rocks um it’s difficult for even the you know the most adapt adapt um hikers but um for somebody like Jay who’s not used to the area it’s got to be a a nightmare complete Wilderness and of course yeah we you think that um you we’re looking now at uh at pictures of um the sort of people out um actually looking through the undergrowth uh we’ve seen helicopters and drones Looking for Jay but the problem is I guess if he had he did at any point succumb to the heat he would have looked for shade which would make him even more difficult to find that’s exactly what he would have done yeah and there is a lot of shade in that area because of the tall Cliffs um there are also natural caves um huge Boulders so the shade is everywhere I mean there’s so many pockets to to yet be searched well let’s hope we get some good news from there today fingers crossed uh right don’t go anywhere we’ve got Aiden McGee with all your support in just a moment [Music] Nana aquer weekends from 300 p.m. theaters and drama schools are being offered plus siiz inclusivity training come on seriously is this really a thing in order to tackle fat phobia to apparently make the theater more inclusive for bigger bodies A lady called Ruth and Phillips who is a plus-size theer director she’s behind the drive now apparently her own research so it’s not exactly independent showed that nine out of 10 respondents should should have training on size inclusion Ruth is also the co-founder of inclusion Collective which is an organization that provides training in Creative well-being body positivity and inclusive movement her website contains resources on fat activism advocacy for the rights and dignity of fat people combating discrimination and the body conscious scale this is actually about health Ruth is conflating the two Professor K sakur consultant oncologist said normaliz in obesity has become fashionable in advertising and the media simply to sell stuff but it’s got nothing to do with celebrating diversity nobody needs to be fat it’s like encouraging risky behaviors such as smoking driving after a boo up or lying like a lobster on the beach in the Sun a balanced startart and lots of exercise are the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle he went on to say how could anybody POS possibly justify these projects plus size inclusivity training please bring back common sense well exactly I’m for equal opportunity and for giving people credit based on Merit and what they bring to the table even if it is food only joking that’s where the way to my heart is through my gut I’m looking for a man that can cook but in truth being a beast can be dangerous and whil I absolutely agree you should love what God gave you obesity is the biggest killer and costs the Health Service of Fortune people come in all shapes and sizes and it’s a wonderful thing but to complate body positivity with obesity is very dangerous the people’s Channel this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians in the media but it’s actually about you and we won’t ever forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together now more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision ahead of polling day we’re here for you this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show jubes and C we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best debate sh in town Monday to Friday 6:00 to 7:00 on GB news Britain’s News Channel [Music] should we have at the sport this morning adah McGee’s here morning I mean what should you do if you if you got very bad performance in the Euros so far I mean look it’s still top of the table you’ve had a win in a draw and everyone’s saying you’re really not playing as a team how do you handle that what do you do on a day like this uh go go and have some yoga a yoga session I would say if you can’t if you can’t show show ta tactical flexibility then at least show some some physical flexibility no all joking aside um but that’s what they’re doing it is it is yes it is but it’s part of they do it quite regular you know that that’s it Ryan gigs said he put that was the reason he he played until he was 40 because of the uh the the extra flexibility I’m sure it’s very good for them and so England as things stand look they got four points they’re not in a bad situation points Wise It’s just that the the F the performances so far been very laxed very Le lethargic uh there hasn’t been the tempo is it a problem with with Personnel is it a problem with tactics is it a problem with the manager are we seeing a Ferrari being driven by a VW driver you know that’s what’s been oh ouch that I know I know and so that’s it just shows that what you’ve done in previous tournaments doesn’t really matter and because he’s built reputation over that period of time I’m seeing very much Echoes of 2006 here the golden generation David Beckham Wayne Rooney Frank Lampard Steven Gerard uh we didn’t win the Euros then no we didn’t that’s what I mean but they were overhyped and I wonder if they see Sam Alise told me that when he took over England as England man said the problem is in between their ears is is the pressure there is no pressure like playing for England there really isn’t you can play for Man United and that’s huge pressure involved in playing for them or any other top six Club when you are carrying the expectation of a nation that hasn’t won the World Cup or Euros since 1966 then it’s a different ball game because people who aren’t ordinarily into football would pay would would start watching it would would pay would and suddenly develop an opinion they Tak an opinion from from anywhere Steven’s done it three times this morning you know well no this is it I do what you you know I don’t watch League football but watch but watch when England’s play exactly my my parents would have been EXA would have been exactly the same and so this is why the players have that’s why they have psych psychologist on site all the time to deal with that pressure of playing gam to game I personally don’t believe that England will play that badly going through the tournament but then I think back to 2006 I said that then they even got they got worse you could argue there was no there was no Synergy between the players and one thing gett Southgate worked on with this group was eliminating the cleaks so so you know we think back to Beckham’s time you know he had his own table with his man united mates you had Alan sheir had his mates on one table good no it’s not so he eliminated all that and he was in a position back then on the periphery of the squad gal Southgate to view this scenario and think this isn’t good going forward and so he’s eliminated that so you wonder I don’t think it’s a problem with togetherness I think the squad are together I think the players generally when they speak to me they say they enjoy playing England much more than say their predecessors would have done because of the pressure but for some reason it’s not clicking on the pitch right now as I say Four Points they’ve got in group C they should be enough to get through and they should win their last game but they need a performance they really do that first game that they did win yes um I mean did they play very much better in that not really I mean we step and I touched on it last week I mean they played well for the first half an hour they seem to withdraw I think this is about conserving energy G Southgate is a genuine worry about fatigue among the players so you thinks like get ahead let’s get ahead and our defense is good enough to be able to hold back and resist anything that comes way it’s not that simple once you give an opponent the ball at any level if they got the ball it they they they get confid they get confident they get they exactly what but this but this is where what I worry about Gareth South goate in that he said after the first match he said yeah we won but we didn’t play very well we must play better in the next game play played worse yes exactly so look Kyle Walker did make a decent EXC well not an excuse some people viewed it as an excuse I didn’t he said look it’s not as simple as just turning up and swatting away these players players Denmark got to the euro semi-final against England actually in 2021 most of those players are still around you’re you’re playing against players who they’re playing for their country it matters they’re Premier League players and so it kind of blows that blows the argument out the window doesn’t it about how all the England players playing in the Premier League and therefore they’re playing upwards of 50 60 games because you got Premier League players playing in every Squad in this tournament pretty much so it’s the same for everybody and if they’re not playing England they’re playing in Germany and they’re playing in Spain where they also guess what play football matches so that excuse doesn’t was but I I generally think he’s got he has he been looking at his stats obviously he’s been looking at the te all the technology behind all this he have seen the numbers players enter the Red Zone and so if they enter the Red Zone it means they risk of injury there’s there’s tiredness involved I think it’s a genuine belief in the group stage why not conserve energy go take the lead and hang back at the moment though it’s not working although he might look at he privately he might be saying to his say to his back staff we got four points yeah that’s right or it’s only you’re only as good as the next is is it part of a master plan next game we’ll see they need to improve to get them get to get the nation back on side I just I was just say what I thought was interesting was obviously William was there Prince William was there with the king of Denmark and they posted a picture beforehand and all very nice and P and said made the best team win yes and in fact the best team didn’t win Noe because that was that would have been Denmark yes exactly exactly but you know listen it’s gone now they got a point out of it someone say they were quite fortunate I think they’ll get through if they can conserve energy going forward maybe maybe the plan might come good but they need to was all in Williams face the pictures in the papers the next morning I mean he looked so disappointed Andy Murray qu very briefly what are the stats on him being fit enough to play it with well it’s looking unlikely I would say I mean nine days he has left July July the 1st is when Wimbledon is underway he would like to say a goodbye because he had his most famous days there uh but he’s having surgery today I me on his back on his back he had a scan uh two days ago he made the decision yesterday to go under the knife Steven said earlier on he said I’m not I’m not sure if it’ be that invasive we don’t know I mean you would think not if you were thinking they turning it around in N days but may maybe privately he’s he doesn’t think he can do he wants to just maybe keep keep up he could still play in the Olympics possibly yeah I mean I I mean the Olympics would be great as well because he’s you know he he he played he won a gold medal at long but that’s a Ros isn’t it which isn’t it’s not the same strength clay clay where he got his injuries earlier in the season he’s such a hard such a hard an unforgiving Sur surface but look he keeps going but he’s got four kids he’s got a lot of money he’s got he’s got he’s got Knighthood he’s got yeah but I think what matters to him is the next match it what what it tells me St is that maybe he hasn’t got enough lined up and that’s what normally Sports people who who hang on to their career is because they don’t really see something coming up on the horizon but he’s not going to be a commentator is he I mean no he’s not a natural commentator is he I think so I you know what I liked about him I’ve known him I’ve interviewed him since he was probably 16 17 he never changed he never changed he never bumped into a PR guy and say he said come on be a happy go lucky joke CRA he’s not going to do Strictly Come Dance no no he stayed the same and he he always always felt he was who he said he was and eventually it yielded success for him took while but he did get over the line in the grand slams and obviously with with the Olympics as well oh someone’s just saiding may you could have your job oh yeah oh no no no no no certainly not no you you need me we did we did honestly I don’t think he’d be he he couldn’t talk it could he he would fancy the St would he’s not a grand talker anyway you kick you kick off anyway you have to go rid of me right look um it’s been a pleasure Aiden as always thank you see you tomorrow still come for you after some very gener generous donations from you the shot at door Memorial has reopened at the National Memorial arum in Staffordshire we’ll tell you more in a [Music] minute this is GB news Britain’s News Channel recent polling suggests Dentistry has become the hardest NHS service for patients to access within NH NHS treatment still 15% lower than pre pandemic levels so ugab survey reveals that more than 70% of Brits describ seeing the dentist as difficult compared with uh 64% for GPS and 42% for A&E Services one British man get this he even took to Flying 10,000 M for dental care saying the extra time and money spent was far less hassle than trying to get an appointment on the NHS I mean it’s a sad State of Affairs and a shocking 1th of UK adults have also admitted to trying DIY Dentistry including the old trick of tying string around a wobbly tooth and slamming it in the door so it comes out so should people be more careful when taking their teeth into their own hands that is one of the problems obviously population growth makes it much more difficult for people to access NHS services but they need to then catch up on the other side with dental services and increase the amount of dentists and access to dentistry and especially NHS Dentistry obviously what’s the cut off age for free dentistry on NHS so it is 18 years old but there are exemptions um around maternity pregnancy there’s some free care around pregnancy we saw some data a few weeks back about that the number one cause for child admission into A&E is tooth decay and that was shocking when I when I read it it’s really bad and um what happens is people um kids with multiple decayed teeth they basically have to be put under general anesthetic and then all those um rotted teeth have to be extracted under general anesthetic like if those um baby teeth start going crooked then the adult teeth start going crooked as well so it is important to look after the baby teeth it’s really important I think they should make it more Central to their policies definitely the people’s Channel every Saturday 10 till 12 will bring you all of the news that you need to know we’ll also remind you that there is so much to smile about it’s my favorite time of the week I get to relax enjoy some lightharted story and let Ellie teach me about fashion too that’s Saturday morning live every Saturday 10 to 12 only on GB news Britain this news channel join me Nana aquer for an informative interactive news program with the difference it’s fun it’s true you’re not wrong no one will be cancelled lovely join me from 3 p.m. every weekend only on GB news Britain’s News Channel we’re proud to be GB news the people’s Channel and as you know we always love to hear your views now there’s a new way of getting in touch with us at GB your Say by commenting you can be part of a live conversation and join our GB news Community you can even talk to me Beth Turner or any of the members of the GB news family news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians and the media but it’s actually about you we won’t forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision in the runup to polling day this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel 9:42 good morning to you now a few months ago we reported on the fundraising campaign for the shot at DOR Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire two months on now and thanks to many donations from you the GB news viewers it’s now been reopened to the public well our West Midlands reporter Jack Carson went to see for himself in World War I 309 men from Britain and the Commonwealth never came home because they’d been shot at dawn the majority were killed for deser ion cowardice and sleeping at post appearing at their Court Marshals and told they’ brought shame on their country these men had no opportunity to defend themselves and were executed by a firing squad back in April the National Memorial Arboretum launched a fundraising campaign to restore the memorial which has stood for more than 20 years with work taking place over the past few months yesterday marked the official reopening with a service at the site attended by members of the public Philipa rollinson is director of the National Memorial arborium thank you to your viewers for their support for the um the fundraising campaign and thanks to the generosity of so many people over 900 individuals have donated we’ve been able to not only replace all 309 of the of the posts that represent those young men that were shot at in the first world war but also look at drainage um and Landscaping and access and interpretation for the site so we’ve been able to do a fullscale restoration of this really precious Memorial the centerpiece of the memorial is the young Soldier blindfolded and facing his execution it was designed and sculpted by Andy dcom he describes the restoration so the sculpture itself I mean you see it’s looking a lot brighter than the last time you saw it um so first of all a really good clean um and then this coating is uh it’s just a mixture of lime uh and polymers um also there’s a waterproof coating over top of that so it first of all it brightens it up but then also it’s um it’s going to keep keep it looking nice uh for a long time keep the keep the rain out and this will be like a periodic thing that you will do from time to time in September 1916 private Harry far was ordered to the front already suffering from Shell Shock he was overwhelmed and refused his orders he was caught marshalled and in a trial lasting only 20 minutes he was sentenced to death on the day of his execution he faced the firing squad without a blindfold Janet boo is private far’s granddaughter and was part of the public campaign to have those who were shot at dawn officially pardoned when I asked my grand um you know as where do you know where I could find Harry’s grave and she sort of she looked at my mother and there was this sort of look between them and then she said well he hasn’t got a grave because they didn’t warrant he deserved one because he was shot as a a coward and had let his his country down we can come here as a family and pay our respects to him and remember him and and also for all the other families it’s somewhere to come and and and remember their loved ones the restoration of this Memorial is now complete and its future secured so that the sacrifice of these men will never be forgotten Jack Carson GB news Staffordshire quite right too and I think what also should never be forgotten is not so much their sacrifice but the inhumane way we used to treat people yeah absolutely terrible young lads who had taken away from their families to fight for their country and and then for some reason were uh you know bit reluctant or Shell shock Shell Shocked often or just plain terrified and uh you know thankfully things have changed on that front yeah uh right um the protest group all under one Banner you may not have hold of them but they’re holding a Scottish independence March in banck bur today the March is due to start at the old Sterling bridge at 11:00 this morning well our Scotland reporter Tony Maguire is in banck Bur at for us now good to see you how many people are going to be turning up for this Tony and get in there with the hard questions and it hasn’t even started yet we’re still about 90 minutes away from seeing that but typically for all under one Banner marches you know we usually do see upwards of 4 to to 7,000 um and it would be fair to say that if the weather remains as glorious as it is today then we’re going to see um you know quite quite a a decent turnout however this is in the center of Scotland um whereas Glasgow of course and the in the the city seems to get quite a bit more foot traffic but nevertheless Independence has been something kind of missing from this campaign uh for the election and yet you know in the last week we’ve seen it explode into the news cycle first John swiny unveiling the SNP election Manifesto which of course had page one line one to vote SNP for Scotland to become an independent country someone who might have something to say about that though is Kier starmer he was up in Scotland yesterday and he flat out said that um the SNP um is saying that they want to go to Westminster to send a message and that is the extent of their ambition but it’s never going to be a priority and the SNP have got the wrong priorities sounding very much like he would turn down John swiny if the SNP leader comes to him for a section 30 in order to have a new referendum someone else on the campaign trail yesterday though was Kate Forbes the deputy first minister of Scotland and I asked her after the last few years there have been several fractures from within the pro-independence movement the YES Movement um and what would she do after John swinny came in and after two weeks said that he had healed the rfts in the SNP could he do the same for the YES Movement here’s what she said I joined John s’s government because I was inspired by his vision to heal Rifts to reach out and to unite not just the party or the movement but indeed the country at a time of polarizing toxic discourse we were then plunged within a matter of weeks within into an election and so I I accept that an election is not the ideal time to try and work together and to create that sense of unity but in the Scottish Parliament and outside the S&P is a minority government we will only be able to work together and deliver change if we reach out across the yes movement and then across H the Constitutional divide itself but my hope is that after the 4th of July with a strong group of SNP MPS in Westminster we can restart that work to reach out across the movement and across the the country now now banck burn and Sterling bridge at the start and end of this H march today two key H locations in the Scottish Wars for Independence fought by William Wallace and behind me is Robert the Bruce um and interestingly is there’s a new battle getting fought on the campaign Trail SNP well yeah they are down in the polls from 2019 but support for Independence remains steady which means that there’s likely to be quite a lot of jubilant voices up here in sterlingshire today okay thank you I’m glad you told us who that was cuz I was wondering it’s a particularly brilliant statue isn’t it it is fantastic great of course we we know one of his ancestors Alistair Bruce of course Major General alist Bruce he is indeed he’s one of the knows everything about everything he does you’re very clever man right look Saturday morning live coming up at 10:00 for you this morning Ellie and Ben are here standing by morning you to morning welcome to Westminster how are you liking the studio inate it’s intimate it’s co isn’t it it is cozy we’re all very close what have you got for us today um all the Fallout of course from saki st’s interview with chopper last night n farage as well however in more positive news our gra is Britain this week an incredible young woman 24y old uh ult endurance athlete IM my body she scaled The Three Peaks challenge have you heard of that yes indeed so Snowden Mount Snowden scarel Pike and neice of course she did it in six days five hours but she ran in between each Mountain so she’s a great athlete uh really inspirational young woman and she’s very good cuz you said you did this and you almost died I did and you you like the be well yes we we can’t we tried to scale scarl Pike me and my friend and uh we ended up being yeah evacuating what you didn’t get rescue uh not on the on the perimeter we we encountered a storm we were camping our tent blew away maybe we’re just being amatees but so imemo is very good is what we’re saying lot lots of admiration for well I’ve done scarf Al Pike many times well yeah cuz it’s my neck of the woods I grw up but it’s scarel Pike is one of those ones where you do have to be really careful it is a dangerous mountain we did it in November and the ground was completely boy Sil how silly are you I know very stupid we were young he’s very silly silly I’m young anyway and we’re also going to be talking to JB Gil who you may know from the boy band JLS he is now a a farmer and he’s going to be talking to us about the changing food trolley because it is changing young people apparently are willing to pay more for food that is sustainable and good for the Earth and good for the environment organic stuff exactly I always all that why yeah well not because I think there’s anything wrong with it I think it’s probably a very good idea just not like paying the pre oh I see well well that might be something to their age whereas if you’re older if you’re an older Britain apparently you want to buy British and support local that’s where the priority Lies when you’re so would you like to buy British yes well there you go costell this is what JLS boy band member JB Gill is saying talking to us we live quite near Jeremy Clarkson’s Farm do you and we yeah me and one of my sons particularly we want to go on a day out to go and go to his farm shop I’ll come with you I really want to go have you been before no he’s got a great milk vending machine so you can get uhk fresh pure milk Steven is that called a cow milk vending machine apparently so some animal called anyway you pop a quid in and milk comes out and it’s it’s and it’s all the fresh stuff that you like the um what’s it called that milk that has pasturized that’s the one yeah raw milk ra milk raw milk howting controversial there you are you see it’s the idea of a day out it’s very different nowadays isn’t it yes I’ll come with you you get all of that there’s only one story in town there’s only one story in town and that’s you off to see I can barely contain myself I’m I’m you’re very lucky I’m here there’s people already heading there on the tube this morning there were girls in glitter heading to W shouldn’t you be already on your way I wish I was but I have I have work to do I have a shift to do I thought that was you then yeah that’s you got your outfit that you what are you going to wear well so Stephen has seen outfit one which is uh sequins and velore pink Vore but I have actually ordered this is an exclusive now a teered pink mini dress with embellished is that was that the Vivid Pink one I see a vivid pink one I saw that one no no no I’ve got I’ve got a standby now so potentially I could have an outfit change who know who know who knows the night will take us she changes outfits about 20 times you can’t do it in the crowd I know I need out I’ve got a cowgirl hat cowgirl boots and it’s sunglasses yeah should have bought the Hat on a today I should have done are you two swifties no I don’t get it Ellie keeps saying I’ve go see Ellie before but I wouldn’t know Taylor Swift if I fell over it were very similar people yeah you take lots of pictures I will yes I’ll post lots of pictures I promise excellent all right you have a lovely time tonight and have a good show in the meantime yeah well there is a program to do see you in a minute see you in a bit that’s it from us is you we a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news [Music] good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a drab start for some of us today but generally a dry and a fine day and feeling quite warm when the sun comes out later on a fine start of course much as Scotland bit of a cool start here we will see the cloud steadily increasing across the far Northwest elsewhere the cloud actually breaking up after a damp and drizzly beginning over parts of the East we’ll see some Sunny spells just one or two pretty scattered afternoon showers so as I say for most it is a fine Summer’s Day temperatures creeping up as well 23 24° perhaps with a bit of afternoon sunshine always a bit cooler further west and particularly in the far Northwest as the breeze starts to pick up a little bit of rain trickling in here so turning a bit damp by this evening over the Western aisles and through this evening some of that rain will spread across the highlands but so for much of Scotland it’s a fine evening uh temperatures still holding up in the High Teens into this evening as well it will Cloud over across North norn Ireland but still dry and bright for most of today in Belfast fine conditions for most of England and Welles this morning Cloud melting away to reveal some evening sunshine further east and generally staying fine across the Southwest just perhaps a bit more Cloud spilling in here come the late afternoon into the evening and the cloud will continue to increase during the night still a bit of drizzly rain pushing through southern Scotland perhaps into North Wales Northwest England but for most it’ll be another dry night and another fairly warm one as well temperature is certainly most towns and cities holding up in the teens what about Sunday well a warm


    1. Ann diamond spoke brilliant about the state of the water and rivers in this country the filth being pumped in them and the bonuses of millions should be paid back well said Ann your the most passionate person to talk about this 👏

    2. Farage is right. Why is it so hard for people to accept? Look. It. Up.

      The fact people attack farage makes my faith in people crumble. Yet nobody has the hate or comments on the corruption in government! Why isn't that all reported on??

    3. You would be surprised how many people don't support Ukraine; Ukrain that has swastikas on uniforms and took a nazzi to the Canadian parliament for them to stand and applaud him!!!!

    4. I don't understand how the young man could be lost; he told the person on the phone that he had missed the last bus, so he must have been on a bus route and that must have been a proper road, so surely he could have walked along that road, and if there was a turn off leading onto another proper road, whichever way he went, it would have led to somewhere, and after so many days vehicles (search vehicles or normal vehicles) must have gone along it….

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