Together with Ruben Zepuntke I have been up in the mountains in Andorra for 3 weeks of altitude training camp.

    During the camp I did an awesome long bike ride together with Jan Frodeno!

    Just a couple more days for my racing season to start, upcoming Sunday at the half Challenge in Salou!

    [Music] [Music] all right training camp in dora so a lot of people have questioned me about why i chose to go to andorra instead of a nice and warm sunny place like mallorca or girona or something like that but yeah for this year we chose to go on the elderly training camp in the previous video the first couple of days in honduras reuben my roommates already explained yeah the benefits of going to altitude so that’s why we did it different this year and chose to go to andorra for training camp so already in the first week we saw a lot of professional cyclists training over here of course they are living here for financial reasons but also because they want to live in altitude and yeah we saw the likes of john pierrecock and a lot of other idiots guys but also a lot of other pros and yeah one day i bumped into the uh greatest strategy of all time john frodeno and yeah we actually have been training a little bit with him we have been swimming his a little bit and on one day i had a big and long easy ride on the on the program and he had it as well so we yeah we decided to meet up for this ride and john came up with a very cool uh route that he created and it was about 130k and four and a half thousand meters of altitude and it was a great ride we had a lot of uh good talks during this uh yeah total of six hours and 40 minutes of cycling and along the way we had a few hiccups where it was not possible to go any further because there was too much snow on the road yeah bro pushing the limits of spring unfortunately that’s a wrap for us it was a great day had a lot of fun had some nice tips of jan and it was just very cool to be training with him very shortly so the plan was to go for three weeks to the altitude in andorra and yeah the first one one and a half weeks were very easy training it was just time to let your body adjust to the 2000 meters of altitude and yes necessary to take it really easy back then and after a while i think after one and a half or two weeks we started to do a little more intensity stuff i’m very happy with how the training camp went i think we could have done all the training which has been on the program so i think that’s that was pretty good reuben and i turned really well over here and it was a nice block of training done in altitude and i’m very curious to see how the body will react after we’re going down again so i have done two full weeks of 31 hours of training and the first couple of days were a little bit easier and the last couple of days were a little bit easier as well to start the taper for the raisins allow so yeah there was a nice block of training anyways enough talking from me over here now it’s time to watch some more action of the camp it has been two weeks since i’m here in andorra and as you can see i’m at the athletic track so i took the bike this morning all the way down to andorra la veya where this track is and this is at 1 000 meters of altitude so it’s a little bit better than let’s stop the mountain yeah finally we’ve been running flat again after two weeks of only up and down and yeah good to have some uh some tempo stuff again and actually quite a good training so happy and one more week to go so great track session done main program was three times twelve minutes zone three high end of entry and it was about three and a half kilometers and in the end i also did a one time six minute slightly faster was around 1800 meters so great training the only shitty thing is if you take the bike back down to the track you have to bike all the way back up again so almost second job had a great day so guys it’s finally race week again this sunday i’ll be racing the half challenge in seoul and yes the first race of my 2022 season and it’s also time to get my wetsuit out of the bag again a little bit of swimming into the wetsuit over here just to get the feeling a little bit as well as you can see it’s quite busy you know just kidding it’s great but swimming over here and uh yeah looking forward to the race and let’s get the feeling [Music] [Applause] [Music] do so [Music] all right nice little swim done partly in the wetsuit as well yeah it’s always nice and funny to see how easily it goes when you’re swimming in a wetsuit especially in a pool i guess i mean i started off with 1k just a nice space and already swim like 12 40 or something like that and it’s not something i do very often without a wetsuit so that’s you’re always good to see and yeah facilities over here the pool is very very nice if you take a look over here again oh man these views are amazing it’s crazy a lot of snow and nice mountains and you have been using this pool over here quite a lot in the last couple of weeks i’ve been yeah swimming around six times a week also a few streams done together with jon ferdino and of course a lot with ruben and yeah those streams were quite soft very cool of course yeah awesome facilities and very nice opportunities [Music] what are you doing reuben it’s race week so putting on the race shoes and some speed lasers as well speed laces for the triathlon yeah because we are at the track we’re gonna do a last final track session last part of speed work before the race in salau [Music] [Music] so almost three weeks in andorra are done ruben how was it uh snowy snowy yeah yeah first first week we had a lot of snow but luckily the second and the third week were a little bit better right so how did you feel how long the three weeks our first two weeks were quite hard and um yeah after the other two weeks uh i could feel that the body is adjusting to the altitude so uh yeah i was with swimming yeah swimming is tough at altitude but uh yeah it’s good how are you yeah it was quite good i think a little bit of the same of course i think the first week one half weeks were quite soft especially in the swim if you flip through you’re already out of breath but uh i think after two weeks it was going to be better and better and i think we did some good training over here yes now almost going down and on to salaw next car next sunday what do you think yeah hopefully wherever we will have good weather so it will be a triathlon duet atlan yeah we’ll see so thank you milan for joining me yeah thank you as well for the structure you gave me seven o’clock in the morning the alarm was ringing and we had to go to the bus to take or to get to the swimming pool yeah thank you for that was three nice weeks over here and now it’s time to race last evening together in andorra some pizza and netherlands here’s germany football [Music]

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