We left the farmhouse in Chantonnay to head south, ultimately to the Med, via Millau. Today we broke up the journey by stopping in Aurillac for the night before heading on to Millau. After recovering from a minor mistake, we settle in for a long day enjoying the French countryside, towns and villages.

    Catch us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Weston-Riders-104061875049725
    🎵 Track Info:

    Title: Target Practice by Riot
    Genre and Mood: Rock + Dark

    Intro credits:
    Tech Freakz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hfEnQHklDe_6vf6bY7V_A

    foreign [Music] [Music] morning good morning two lights will you catch us on day five five and we are now off down south it rained last night and it’s so much cooler now yeah you can breathe and everything we’ve got a bit of a ride today 400 and some kilometers but we’re not doing this in one hit today we’re heading down to the Middle Island and the South Coast but we’re not doing I mean now in one hit there’s one we thought it was going to be 35 40 degrees it’s not and two why stress never really got to be anywhere we’ve got a slight problem with the editor’s uh helmet at the minute oh yeah that will be on the ocaso one we uh a few days ago I think I I almost lost my with a castle falling down and I’ve had the visor off check the ratchet and it’s mechanically it looks right it just seems to be falling down all the time yeah yesterday I was literally riding along here just holding it up so I could breathe and yesterday would have been the day when you needed yeah my eyes are up oh God’s we were really pumped didn’t I oh well pants really yeah how many pants do you have pumped for ump oh well that’s different you’re going towards mute North North strange because if I think we’ve got to get over there sorry oh hello are we on the wrong side possibly oh dear this is it’s all out there because now we’re on the right side a little bit cut that out I thought it was a off-ramp it looked like an off-ramp where are you yeah because I’m making sure I’m not getting for my nose because I’m going the wrong way oh we made it it’s fine foreign [Music] sunflowers that awesome flowers many sunflowers so many why should I sell these Supply bag I haven’t seen they beat them perhaps the same sometimes yeah that’s a common Saturn Asia really common yeah so how much nutrition do you get I’ll be in four million in sunflower seeds I think it’s four million you might get a bit but otherwise I don’t know ah why would you start in first gear it’s so annoying it only does that when it’s been running hot I’m just waiting for my um it’s starting to have to start okay here we go we have got 320 52 kilometers to go so we haven’t got to start looking for fuel for probably 250 kilometers 200 kilometers I don’t know how much yours gets out of it but about the same as mine on it yeah it hasn’t started counting up yet oh my God are we ready yeah ready yes yes sure yes should we go then do you want to suck out of fuel a bit more shut up 352 kilometers to go 328 kilometers of fuel to go I I’m not listening to be honest we need fuel to get there is what I’m saying it’s generally how how it works oh my God are we just making a conversation do what about something interesting put it away that’s not interested either you just hanging out the window watching the traffic there’s a lock there yeah yeah cool I like that church we’re gonna run down the side of the canal what was it oh that’s cool I’m waiting for a man to cross I don’t think that man wanted to cross but he realized he had to because they stopped definitely some kind of Attraction huh yeah I think it might be that thing up there yeah me too I wonder what a means I don’t know why because I saw them being sold in garages the a sticker oh um I wonder if it’s like hard pee oh maybe she went across or not of step one across it just stood at the head of his head was not in can you put the bits off Lobby because we go past please yeah oh New York I need to spend some money on its roads well the center in New York New York New York the center of that place it looks really pretty yeah with the castle and everything else everywhere yeah [Music] foreign [Music] darkest France now yeah a little bit little of nowhere like it to remove holy mug snug the Box oh it’s getting warm at 27 degrees now oh yeah 27.5 yeah I have no idea what this hotel is tonight so we can be gentle does it have breakfast or not uh yeah you got to play outside I think ah I love a word tonight it is very pretty yeah and vast what fast go back fast fast fast fast tomorrow is the only day I’m gonna put in there where I don’t want it to avoid tolls oh yeah because I want to go over the bridge obviously by the way back with avoids holes you think people get as excited as you do about me our Bridge about like 15 suspension bricks about what no no it’s just the fact I’ve been there and I’ve never seen the bloody thing yeah and it’s quite a spectacle thing spectacle yeah no I wear them only for reading they won’t help you you feel lost now well what’s that there so I think that’ll do you want pizza yeah [Music] my phone is not connecting oh no why is it just forgetting everything it’s literally forgotten everything maybe it’s been changed your headlight we’ve still got three hours to go maybe four oh that’s all right but at least we’ve had some lunch now and I sit down off the bike for half hour oh thank God I was starving I couldn’t tell the way you demolished that pudding and the burgers will be honest you were as quick as me we need fuel in about 100 kilometers I could just make it but just I’m getting fuel in the morning might be impropshire yeah 246 kilometers to go all right all right so I was just tell you I’ve got 263 kilometers in the tank yeah and I feel thought oh my God I’m a man’s conversation what’s the matter with you it’s not my conversation it’s a boring old man conversation see this there you go and you can have it [Music] [Applause] [Music] I do like the way they all have these big signs Outside The Villages say the name of the village and what it was for what it does you know what I mean does it say what it did well it had a picture of Mills and I mean Western could you have somebody jacking up or maybe taking the Tron of crack pipe I’m not quite sure this could be pretty oh it is look at that ah who wants it Allah I know this is a very lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely courage yeah a bit too early for us yet though the closer we get the less time we’ve got to get fuel in the morning now you see this take care you stayed down I’ve got because I’m using my right hand well use the other one no because then the camera won’t pick it up oh my God it’s a little bit about the cinematography you can barely say the word I don’t do it I need a drink you’re gonna get bitten by a dog look at that oh oh God that’s a bit High that’s cool though that’s not buying that it’s very very pretty nice view I’d love to be a stunning in it that house very lucky yeah it could not be nice we were that far up and they’ll start to try to work out I want the motorway must have took us up like gradually so we didn’t really notice very good yeah it’s a lovely rose yeah and you’ve got to be aware what you’re doing I tell you because they go round on you and then some of them keep going round wow that’s amazing a bit more mountainous than where we came from huh just a tad oh this is a good mix of fruits it’s a really good Mexican oh pretty very nice isn’t it yeah this is such a nice Road I’ll take it easy I don’t feel I’m getting tired now my knees are ridiculous they’re just like eating disease in the same position I think I’m just knackered yeah no I know stunning little place yeah you say French enough oh yeah this is amazing down here it’s stunning isn’t it yeah it is a bit landlocked I think right in the middle of the country yeah you are a four hour drive I think maybe four foot more than that oh pretty pretty house it’s lovely in it yeah it could be all right maybe it was we have been blessed today haven’t we yeah well this is the d1120 that’s the road on the way to Oracle for relax or whatever you say it and it’s a good road basically from the remote we’re two kilometers away from something but I’m not quite sure what it is oh it was down there wow yeah there’s a perfect roundabout here that might that’s it on the left it’s a proper Motel well here we are at in oh yak and there’s the bikes there’s a yeah and we’ve almost outside the room but um somebody’s parked there when we came in foreign so you get we’ve just eaten dinner on the on-site restaurant which is good value actually double bed loads of places to charge Kettle coffee wardrobe and the most important thing that after a long day so uh we’ll see in the morning for breakfast [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]

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