The Adventure motorcycle for learners! MGB ATX 125. A used bike bargain? Let’s have a look at this bike. Hear some specs and then let’s go for a ride. Big thanks to @in2moto480 for letting me take this bike out for the day. If you’re interested in this bike then follow the link

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    I want to start this video off by saying a big thank you to Ronnie and J gleni who have all supported the channel this week by either buy me a coffee or put a super like on YouTube so you guys are awesome thanks a lot today I’m taking the MGB etx out now this is one of those bikes that is sat in the showroom I’ve seen it quite a few times and I’ve not had chance today the day so as far as specs go this bike’s been out for ages I’ll drop a couple of the important facts and figures out for you namely the seat height on this it’s quite tall 850 mm the seat height so this is 25 mm taller than Royal enfield’s new 450 Himalayan so that’s the kind of size that we’re looking at and it is quite a big bike especially when you add the luggage that’s included with a bike as well I’ll show you what somebody a 5’8 with a 29 in inam looks like on this bike that’s not too bad and as you can see already because it’s a 125 and it’s relatively light I can do this little walking game quite easily it feels really light underneath you not top heavy yeah feels like a a nice comfortable riding position I know it’s as tall as something like the Himalayan but it doesn’t feel as as big if you know what I mean but it’s comfortable it’s very comfortable the seats nice and wide quite plush yeah and it’s it’s not too tall for us short people what I will say it is tall but it’s not particularly long so it doesn’t feel big when you’re onun it and what I found already when I’m getting on and off the bike these bags although very practical you do have to kind of mind your feet when you’re getting on cuz mine got a bit kick happy on this but yeah so far I like what I see let’s have a look around it the usual way so there we have it in close up in this glorious red I think it does come in blue as well I’ve definitely seen some blue ones knocking about the bags are huge so very practical definitely setup for a little bit of a tall this the seat I’ve already said nice and comfortable there are some rear foot pegs as well for pan Rider if you want to take them on but we’ll see when we go for a test ride shortly just how much power it’s got and whether or not I’d want to take somebody on the back this one’s just got the side stand there’s no Center stand included with this it has got a chain drive a bit of protection for the engine down the bottom classic adventure bike you do have your knuckle guards and your lever protection on there the headlight on this is very much like the the previous generation GS where you’ve got the big light small light just like a baby version nice boat Wheels got CBS old school does also come with a kickart now I know that sometimes people look at that think ah it’s it’s an old engine but for me if you do want to let your battery run flat it’s not a bad backup that so you’ve got your horn your indicators high low beam and then you’ve got your flash right hand side adjust your standard you’ve got your engine stop start as far as the screen goes yeah we’ve just got old school dials on this quite a basic bik this but it’s a very very basic price it’s really cheap this bike I know there’s one in the showroom for a little over £2,000 for a used one which is very good value I think for a 125 anyway there’s certainly some Bargains to be had with these only one more thing for me to do and that is to take this for a little ride so we’ll see how it Furs against other 125s initial impressions are I like the looks it feels comfortable so we’ll see how it performs out there according to the spec sheet it’s got 12 horsepower so it’s about right for a 125 the big thing for me is how it rides so yeah let’s see what it’s like I am now sat on the ATX let’s see if it’s any good shall we it’s the important bit right so I don’t know if the the noise comes across that well on the camera but it sounds like a a typical kind of off-road type 125 that’s what it sounds like it’s got a nice little pop to it these mirrors are very small they are like miniature however quite practical I can see everything that I need behind me there is a gear indicator hidden in the middle of that very useful now what I’m going to do while we’re on this Cobble Road I’m going to give it the stand up test do you know what that’s actually quite a nice position for the standup test and these bikes they are made to do a bit of a bit of the dirty stuff aren they oo does give you a bit of a rumble to it when you wind it on a little bit there’s quite a lot of drama with it I I actually don’t mind that when you’ve got a 125 that has a little bit of drama a little bit of noise you know they’re not going to be particularly quick but it’s got it’s all right you know let me find a road to open it up a little bit more and that’s not bad you know performance on this it’s certainly equal to similar type bikes that I’ve been on I would say possibly better than a couple of the bikes that I’ve been on have been what you would call the the budget type bikes and I would say that this bike fits in that category they are very very cheap they’re very well priced bikes now because with this one in particular you’re getting the luggage and stuff thrown in that for me makes this bike an absolute steel it doesn’t feel expensive don’t get me wrong you haven’t got the shiny TFT screen you haven’t got Parts on this bike that make you think ooh it’s a you know it’s an expensive machine but it isn’t an expensive machine that’s the whole point of this bike these bikes are an entrylevel adventure bike for somebody can throw some L plates on and go and do a little bit of a tour and so far for the around the town driving these 30 mph roads yeah it’s very very capable as learner bikes go you are getting quite a lot for your money here you’re getting a big motorcycle it’s a mini adventure bike and I’ve seen quite a few videos of the Sinister rain and I do think that this bike is got to be kind of comparable to that there aren’t many Adventure 125s out there this does seem comparable to bikes that are maybe ,000 more expensive maybe even more than that because of the sheer size and because of the luggage let’s not forget on the bigger bikes if you were to get luggage anywhere near what’s on this bike you’re talking something like £1,200 just for the luggage aren’t you £1,200 just for luggage generally that that’s what it tends to be sometimes it’s more there’s a big thing on girl math I’m trying to do some boy math because Boy maath comes into play when it comes to motorbikes and you’ve got to be able to justify it to yourself where you’re buying something especially if you’re buying it as a toy if it’s your only mode of Transport then yeah it’s already Justified isn’t it you’re doing it because it’s your mode of transport to get from A to B get to work whatever but if you’re looking at getting a bike as a play thing some to throw around on the weekend or something like this to go out and do a bit of camping or whatever you’ve got to justify the figures does it make sense and from a financial point of view this makes perfect sense because it’s so cheap it is it’s an absolute steal and it’s comfortable the more I ride it the more I actually like the sea position of it and if you’ve watched the channel before I like an adventure bike it does make me want to take it on a bit of dirty stuff though when you look at this bike you you can see it is set up you know for a little bit of light green laning you’ve got the crash protection or you’ve got the engine protection at the bottom it is set up to get dirty as a beginner bike yeah I I genuinely quite like it they haven’t got many so it is a case of get them and get them quickly if you’re interested go down and check them out yourself go and jump on one see how it fits you kept it basic to keep the price down because I’m sure they could throw in a TFT screen they could throw a few extra bits on it and then charge you 1,000 lound more we don’t want that do we none of us want that not if you want something that you’re going to take Offroad or you’re going to take down dirty trucks why on Earth would you want to pay £1,000 more just so you you’ve got a digital screen instead of this perfectly working screen cheap and cheerful is the best way to describe this bike it is a really really well it’s a good bike for the money so let me just let me summarize it all for you I’ll do a quick fire summary just get the basics out so it’s an 850 mm seat height so it may or may not suit you depending on your height if spinn out get down to a dealers get down to into Moto Jump on the bike see how it fits you it’s got 12 horsepower so it’s about standard for your average 125 and performance I would say is about average as well it’s not particularly fast but it’s not particularly slow either a comfortable bike to ride the seats lovely it’s a nice position to be setting back up straight no issues with that at all and importantly the price there is one I’ve seen already in in Moto that is up for sale for £ 2,299 in Moto have a few bikes available so if it’s a bike that interests you then you should get down there quickly they are in limited numbers so if this is a bike that interests you then definitely get down to into Moto because once these are gone I don’t know if they getting any more ring so you may miss out and a little over £2,000 they’re an absolute steal as well they really really are it’s a lot of bike for the money I’m going to go in and get myself a brew if you’re interested hit the description and I’ll put a link in there and also if you like this video or videos of this type don’t forget to hit that like And subscribe button drop me a comment if you want to ask a question about this bike if I don’t know I’ll contact the guys into Moto and ask the questions for you if you want to help the channel even more uh feel free to buy me a coffee because y I like coffee thanks very much guys and I’ll catch you on the next one later [Applause] [Music] oh


    1. Not bad for a cheap low budget runabout , but those grotesque panniers are totally out of scale & not doing it any favours . The engine should be reliable looks like a cloned Suzuki lump , which the Chinese have got down to a fine art . 👍

    2. I bought one last year, in the 6 days I had it, i loved it, comfy seat, though for me i had the sit right back 😂 but i had a minor issue with the Speedo, i lost it due to theft 😢 id happily have another, but id welcome a TFT screen in the future.

    3. Looking to do my CBT in the next couple of months. Would you consider doing a Top 5 Learner-Friendly bike, video? Or something along those lines? 😀 Love the content and the fact you're pretty local!

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