Ми відправляємось з Глазго у шотландські гори. Подивимось на найбільші озера країни, прогуляємось на найвищу точку Британії, подивимось на долину, в якій ріс Джеймс Бонд та залізницю, якою їздив Гаррі Поттер.

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    ==========МЕНЮ (ТАЙМКОДИ ПОТІМ)==============

    00:00 Інтро, в якому я трохи страждаю у горах
    01:40 Збираємось з Глазго на найпопулярніший лох
    03:00 Бен Ломонд – найпопулярніший мунро Шотландії
    08:08 Найстаріший замок Шотландії та як захистити свою фортецю
    10:40 Гольф, курорти та Дорога, яку рекомендував Кларксон
    13:15 Королівська резиденція Бальморал
    15:20 Як роблять віскі і чому він став культовим напоєм
    20:30 Український тризуб у горах Шотландії
    22:30 Лох Несс, чудовисько та маркетинг
    25:55 Віадук Гленфіннан (той, що з Гаррі Поттера)
    28:27 Долина Глен Коу (та, що з Ддеймс Бонда)
    31:07 Форт Уільям та готель-замок
    32:34 Найвища точка Британії та чисто шотландська погода
    39:05 Найбільш швидкозростаюче місто Британії – Інвернес
    40:25 Чому кілти такі дорогі
    45:30 Високогірні корови та приватний замок
    48:28 Суворий острів Скай
    56:25 Особливості шотландської залізниці
    59:14 Острів Арран та як Шотландія втратила свої ліси
    1:02:45 Гора вітру з неймовірним сансетом
    1:06:21 Чисто шотландські пригоди і висновки

    [music] quickly went to the path in moment So with this parody of William Wallace [music] who couldn’t block a sword from the left forest, which in turn left very quickly I announce that this video will be about the incredible on a huge one in it Scottish [music] [music] highlands But it will not only be about roaming landscapes that seem to have the forestry gap is extraordinary descended from movies a powerful industry in Scotland , we will talk about why, for example time even before the era of industrialization Scottish kilts cost that much many territories of the country were covered Caledonian forests but when it started expensive and Scotch whiskey became one of the the need to cut them down for fuel world cults for construction during the Victorian era drinks we will find out how Scotland lost then a lot of it was destroyed Of course its forest will visit there were no witnesses to how it was then this long lost artifact and the real remained, but the landscape is said to have changed to unrecognizability and now works powerfully the royal residence it is not a Mezhygiria, of course, but state program within the framework of which throughout for the average British Scotland is planted with scraps of young people the monarch will do. Long story short, that was forests to investigate how they will take root a real mini-expedition So as always and try to correct the mistake of the past make yourself comfortable and make sure and the fellings continue in strictness that there are some snacks near you designated places with a record of each for example, the British interpretation of cutlets The tree area is made smoking Kyiv-style and Let’s start in Glasgow, where we are remains in place to rot and c with my friend Dmytro who lives here with in the future to become fertilizer for the next one the family is going to my first acquaintance with Scottish [music] [music] [applause] [music] landing nature nickname Scotland in miniature [music] extremely apt because it is real You can literally walk from the beach in an hour through the forest area to the real local literally an hour’s drive from Glasgow [music] is located one of the most prominent for highlands Scots places in which They walk and spend their weekends this loch [music] This is the largest reservoir in terms of area of Scotland acting as such border between the southern lowlandands or nezinami and highlands or high mountains And by the way, it was Lake Lochlomont not much. That’s right, because a fool doesn’t mean anything so quite a steep gradient at these stairs someone tricked him and this is his own lake translations from Gaelic to Scots I can feel the Scottish fitness a natural science dictionary is also worth it their own enter Glen is a Valley and Ben is a mountain and buttocks on Ben Accordingly lomond we with Dmitry and let’s go [music] the name of this mountain does not come from of the English word go, which means goat a from the word that in Gaelic means wind and a famous local happened on the way the hesty box tradition is such a point in this is a very apt naming because even if the weather is supposed to be good below, then above which has neither sellers nor terminals will blow as if not in itself what in general and Nothing, just products, some prices for them can be expected from the highest point that box into which you have to throw Money everything depends solely on your honesty the island which hints at her name gained somewhere the first two hundredths of the drop but it was worth it to stick to this muzzle and the landscape already b in order to wait for when the ridges located on elite, what will happen next I can only do for myself the reverse side [music] [music] the top imagine usually those who climb the gofel [music] return the same way but I decided to go down a longer route through the same ridges And it’s not about that at all regretted the way was not far I really had to walk in some places crunch with stones But what is there? I really like these melancholic autumn eyes [music] the colors of the highlands are so yellowish greenish in places edgeview grayish-blue This is what it looks like [music] and the weather from it’s good that there is no rain, but the sun is shining today Not some packages with earth and stones are not I know why, but it looks mysterious expected very cool sent here the clue is that in these packages such a grid in the area where the land itself is mountain service on helicopters lifts here are the stones so that I can understand that is, when it got wet. And now it’s quite wet volunteers built trails from it wet, so that people do not fail everything for paths to make it more convenient for people to come here to rise and and instead of to development of hiking look at some packages there better here cultures [music] [music] and again according to the hiking guide culture in mountains, particularly Scottish you need to have clothes for almost any occasion the possible weather before setting out above Into the cloud would be a good idea it warm up and throw in some these mountains seem to have decided to play along a little snacks and warm tea me for the content of this video editing a beautiful sunset came out to greet me [music] literally 20 minutes very quickly hid and I set out [music] further My way to the coast passed a long valley in which for kilometers Not even a soul is connected, almost complete silence which was only disturbed by deer that suddenly crossed my path and was kind complained in general It was very busy a day with That’s so meditative but it is something simple the conclusion that probably became mine the most vivid memory of [music] [music] Scotland unreal actually he is Benloomn I didn’t really plan to meet Dawn on this island but yesterday after the haiku it was a purely Scottish adventure 937 meters seems to be overhang and about 900 m I specially took the latest one height gain to return ferry ticket to have a spare in time and enjoy these mountains but [music] when I arrived at the ferry after dark his benlomon is the most popular there was no one at the station and only a couple munro among all the other slopes of Scotland employees who told me But that’s all and while we wait for the cloud a little the last ferry was canceled, you had an email scratched from its top, I will explain what it is send I say cool you made it up but so Monroe is a slope that has a height I’m in the mountains all day, there’s no connection more than 3,000 feet or 914 m of them in X I found out about this and started to get a little nervous, I say And what should I do, they say? Well, no century began to catalog we know no one from the island today the Scottish mountaineer Gue respectively swim, find a place to live. And tomorrow Monroe is considered very serious you will go in the morning, I opened a booking it is an achievement to go to all such 282 there, everything starts from something like 250 pounds, I say the peaks of such people are only in the area of ​​75sya I don’t want to spend so much and for comparison on vereest rose money for what you decided there only 6 cancel something, let’s decide by Well, as is probably always the case with such people question they found some booklet with climbs are the best, it’s not the landscape that you are the nearest airbnb said they would help I need to remove it and then I will write a letter you get at the end and the very process of this company that can give me this amount travel but also the landscape will be frank compensates, so the owner came to pick me up very very of one of the guesthouses on his tesla this a very colorful Scotsman in which already [music] there was definitely more than one scotch instead of dinner in Glasgow, the evening ended with a conversation on different high topics in his car so i checked into this guesthouse, it is a small one a small room with certain nuances with a yak roof cost 80 pounds not 200 pounds of course nothing but I hope that this reliable company is all after all, it will compensate me in the future [music] I think that this is a question at the time of installation will be resolved And here I will write result Well, I’m leaving by Nano ferry and We managed our mountain mation I hope not this time a little faster than planned decided on the way back to Glasgow drop by in the evening to one important will be canceled and I thought that’s enough local will symbolically record conclusions about Dunbarton Castle location all of Scotland leaving Scotland in on the outskirts of Glasgow is generally the oldest I don’t think I will say anything to the miniature in Scotland in the plan officially super original because this country is mine the registered history of its fortification there were more on this volcanic rock I was incredibly impressed and not only by myself times of the Romans, then through their own nature and landscapes and above all strategic location on the River Clyde color and people I met It was a super important fortress during the time were simply extraordinary with theirs endless military conflicts in cool stories with charisma Of course Monarchs hid here in the Middle Ages who were running back and forth between England and with their unique accent, so am I Scotland and also for a while instead I definitely think I will come here sometime Edinburgh Castle were kept royal jewels, and now this couple of years to make myself British again just strong and colorful at the bottom and already this time probably with historical and tourist attraction with a very driver’s license This country except well-kept territory and with a decent others also probably motivated me sensible to return to the issue of their receipt the landscape in general throughout the country is simple take a tent with you or ideally not at all many different fortifications camper and explore these more deeply because they throughout their stories either fought the British or places in particular, for example, in them in the north there is a famous nc500 route that is 500 miles again fought within between different clans and in order to protect to their northern coast which is necessary all this was necessary for his land direct allocation up to a week, but still at the end build well, but in order to now it is not necessary to protect your home once I would like to thank English building a whole castle can be installed tea brand T which you can spotted on several very casual ones for Ajax and now Vlad is on green product placements for supporting the screen will tell you everything in detail this is my British tbocycle and for what Ajax is a smart system that provides continue to support Ukrainian family by opening production in the east video surveillance and protection against robberies we will actually consider fires and floods I talked about this country in the video about an example of the operation of antiflood devices England, somewhere here it appeared if still suppose you forgot to close the faucet or u didn’t see it then definitely look at it you still started leaking for some reason of course, I would like to thank you traditionally water it gets on the Lex protk sensor to you for continuing to watch mine leave all kinds of video products on YouTube that instantly sends you a message comments likes and everything else that helps on the smartphone they say go home some trouble happened and also gives in the video promotion I hope you have command of the waterstop device so that everything is in order. Do not forget to inform on automatically block the pipes is very ZSU and See you in the next one it’s cool if you are, for example, somewhere without communications are climbing some mountains [music] Scotland and the coolest thing is that all this the script will work even in the absence light, because the new generation has a hub management has a margin of autonomy of 16 [music] hours and the sensors themselves can work up to video those years without the need for replacement batteries are cheaper, everything is very Smart reliable say and will add some mental peace to those who are worried that they don’t have it happened This is the situation Well, as always link to the ajax starter kit together with Lex protect and waterstop devices and a small discount for you, dear ones youba viewers lies in the description of this video Well, we spent the night in Glasgow and on the next day they went in the other direction from city ​​to the so-called Old Military Road is a very good road it enters top roads in topkir or grandtui jeremy clarson also told something about her it is worth talking about her simply drive by and look at her passes through Balmorol And Balmorol – it is the residence of the queen de Unfortunately Queen Elizabeth I died and the Queen knows where to die because there are places there simply incredible [music] incredible this road was built by the British in X centuries to have better logistics for suppression of Scottish rebellions Jacobites, if you skip a bunch of historical ones details of Independence notes Scotland and opponents of unification in Great Britain for the most part were actually based in highlands are the most beautiful parts of this roads pass through the territory Cairnhorns National Park on the way there are many reviewers sites with marked several photo wallpaper angles ski resorts that miss in waiting for the first snows. Of course kilometers of melancholy landscapes around which one pleasure is simple roll as he warned himself [music] Dmytro I think it was unclear what was behind these smeared with spit, but it was two of them porрche which is established on such roads just go out and enjoy the quality of the local asphalt is something else beautiful Jaguar A beautiful life from the elements apart from a beautiful life on the road numerous sports cars are also common golf courses occur This sport To things and you found in Scotland because and if there are more than a lot of green fields on which can be sufficiently waved with a club this business is so loved here that in Scotland has many towns in which the total building area is less than the total area of ​​all golf courses fields, so through all this we are approaching to the headquarters of the handsome But I would even said royal [music] life is what Balmoral Castle is and looking at all this huge the territory of the green meadow is simple giant trees of the golf course and in fact, the castle itself is really aware that in Queen Elizabeth did have a taste for that where to spend your last [music] days as I told in my video about London is almost all royal real estate belongs to the Crown estate fund but balml this is one of the two estates that is private owned by the royal family It’s simple a huge territory on which, in addition to the castle even more than a hundred different royal ones buildings of royal car washes royal fire and security services royal forests with royal squirrels near the royal benches of royal rivers But, of course, it is full royal ban on drones for visitors who have access here unless of course there are royal owners home in short, quite a decent property not Mezhehirya, of course, but for average British monarch will fit and more for Balmoral me in this region was not remembered Korgarf Royal Castle is located half an hour away by the same road road and very colorfully hangs over green its pasture was built in X century as the residence of some local himself, but later he was abandoned in X as well century it was occupied by the English army and used as barracks and command post for suppression Scottish rebellions and the hunt for smugglers whiskey to this topic actually and [music] let’s move on to when I fasted in myself Instagram that I went to film Scotland is one of my followers that He is now serving in the Armed Forces and asked me to withdraw something about one of these institutions and how it is here to refuse because it is really integral part of the local folklore seems to me to be this sign here as relevant as possible so we arrived at one of many wax chickens in Scotland it It’s called Glen Levé, which is the first time I’ve heard of it but this brand looks very respectable [music] lno If that is in any case on some product placement of this office simply This was the only local distillery that worked until 5 p.m. Unfortunately, due to we did not have time for our last walk tour with tasting but the employee this beautiful establishment agreed tell a little about the complex nuances and traditions of the production of this wonderful poi So bically what We are Looking for Here is We take Three ingredients Which is Water Which is We have many many drops of Water in We take barley and The Third ingredient is yeast when you make something like whiskey, that is, the first stage is so-so brewing barley sprouts from it malt is obtained, it is ground hot water is poured into this decoction add yeast, it begins to ferment to ferment is defended in large tubs and a beer-like mixture is obtained at the output but this is only the beginning of this whisky procedures Aha ко Here so After We Do this 8% Alcohol would become 24% Okay 24% Alcohol We take We Do the same Again two Stills in the distillery and It Will Come Out Even Stronger in our Case we’re Looking for it to be between 62 to 74% Alcohol we’ll Fill it into our casks like you said It’s got no Color it’s just Looks Like A Clear Alcohol at this Point That’s Why They Called whiskey the Water of Life It Will Look for 100% of Its Color to Come from the cask and It Will Look for 70% of Its Flavor to Come from the cask so That’s essentially What We Do We make a Beer We boil it into Clear Alcohol is more interesting than technology the history of long times is all about whiskey making was illegal and as is known if anything is forbidden, it becomes more and more more desirable and for the manufacture of this drink, all these distilleries were built in devil on horns somewhere in the highlands and of course, there were no asphalt roads around them roads or neat settlements But in In 1823, all this was regulated and became officially sell and export a to acquire cult status and frenzy popularity in the world helped net вдача it and What happened is the americans sent over Cargo container something over to bordeaux in france UH and it unfortunately contained an insect Called felixera Which is an insect that Likes eating vines and grape vines so When it arrived in france it decimated a Huge percentage of their crops now cognac is made from distilled Wine the same Way We Make whiskey from distilled essentially Beer so When this spread across Europe UM so particularly thanks to this incident or a very cunningly planned sabotage story it silences the whiskey acquired a frenzy popularity and they come to distilleries travelers from all over the world and buy themselves their 15-year samples of products to to taste even if it is not at all in it they know I don’t know, but that’s for me all strong alcohol is plus minus the same can be experts who are there distinguish some notes of citrus or some caramelized apples for It’s all bullshit to me, but it doesn’t seem like it Shmurdyak and yours was already good with you Scotch whiskey expert And we we are moving further so and so he planned today like this in such a way as to complete it near one of a very interesting artifact What is Here found literally a couple of years therefore, it is necessary to explain this place make a tiny excursion into history after the Second World War among prisoners of war allied forces of the United States and there were a lot of British soldiers division of SS Halychyna about this division very much detailed without heroization and vice versa some kind of excessive demonization told on channels history without myths If you are interested you can then look at the results they should have been of the Yalta agreement extradited to the Soviet Union but they conducted some super complex even the Pope was involved in the negotiations of Rome so that this does not happen to them refuge was granted by Great Britain because they did not want to return to the Soviet Union dangerous and provided them with housing in this a remote region in the north of Scotland and in memory of their homeland they this big stone trident was created here over the years, it was forgotten, overgrown, but already in 21-year-old Ukrainian married couple emigrants who live here, their name is Bohdan and Nataliya Nastyuk seems to have asked us the goal is to find and restore it and how you see They succeeded And I honestly I don’t know for what reason they are then wrote here The Ukraine But now it is writing is considered wrong after all the article makes Ukraine, so to speak an inferior geographical name, too If one of your English-speaking acquaintances so feel free to correct them and explain this moment let’s move on from the little-known Ukrainian to the world famous Scottish Today we spent the night in a town with a hard-to-pronounce name called is located near one of the of the most famous lakes in the world What are the my view is an example of just perfect travel marketing company rumors about what is happening here super mysterious monster yaks got all the way to of Ukraine began somewhere in the Middle Ages and Scots with their love for different legends and myths picked it up and it survived to our time and turned into the local brand of the biggest push this brand gave Here is a photo of the 34th year, which later turned out to be a hoax but the locomotive could no longer stop the lake it became known to the whole world that they stepped here tourists began to discover thematic institutions And in general, take it easy here called the monster became one of symbols even though the scientists did not find the country, even if they did no objective signs of what is here something so mysterious can happen are in a hurry to officially deny it because who will kill the monster that carries golden tourist eggs and even I heard that recently there were tourist tours here boats with echo sounder to try something there find something Of course they don’t found but received this charge adventurous [music] atmosphere, but what can be found here without no sounders This is supposed to be a lock nothing too original about him I will tell you that Arkard is one of the most famous of Scottish fortresses in the Middle Ages played an important military role and was destroyed in the 10th century. And now it is the destruction simply complements it beautifully the landscape of it lakes Well, from a natural point of view just a huge body of water I’ll be honest I didn’t think she was so big 45 km long and really with such in terms of size, you can still think that somewhere there was something lurking at the bottom A from the point sight of the picturesqueness around me honestly speaking, I liked Lochlomont ago more let’s not linger here too much let’s go to another place What is connected with another mythical character So we have a few more hours waiting for us the road and I, meanwhile, very quickly I will remind you that for going abroad you need to issue tour insurance a a green card for your car And what it is very convenient and fast to purchase all this it is possible on Hotline finіance as before service that collects the most profitable offers algorithm from different insurance companies usage is still very simple We go to the site, it kills the search parameters choose the most appropriate option fill in your data pay by card also don’t forget my promo code at a discount and we get a policy for ourselves electronic mail And, as always, a link to the service and my discount promo codes are in the description of this video Well, apparently, while we moved to the opposite coast of ours there was a limit without rainy weather exhausted, of course, not the humidity according to which I would like to come here, but with British weather must be observed mantras that could be [music] Worse. So our destination is vaduk but not quite simple purely with From an architectural point of view, he is not to much more impressive than the same Vaduk in Vorokhta, but here the whole matter is in the same magical film universe it is be the most vivid example of phenomenal popularity of the Harry Potter franchise the location appeared for a few seconds in three films of the franchise, but this is quite became to make it one of the most visited in Scotland and they are going here simply crowds of tourists and photographers to look at how this bridge the legendary famous steam locomotive is passing by that resumed its activity only recently He works from real steam engine and tickets for it Wow sold out on the moon forward This locomotive is called as a dinner in honor of the same Scottish rebels and was the first time launched at the beginning of the 10th century to connect two cities in the highlands of Fort William Ta maleik vyaduk is, of course, the main one the pearl of this route and beyond the entire Railway journey is considered one of the most picturesque in the world we add to it also has a visual resemblance to Hogwarts by express and we will probably receive it the most recognizable train in the world yes Well according to all schedules and if I had would already go but the British railway in his own repertoire I see white smoke they chose new dad Well, it sounds simple incredible Well, what about the whole movie not so dry But clear as I am to myself I imagined such weather in Scotland sometimes I think of Harry Potter as mine ranks are not always Izdilv in his sleep you know, it must have been very competent decision to go to Old first Military Road and then only to this one of the fantastic valley Because the road through Glyankov, although it lasted and not very long, but I was extremely impressed with her landscapes incredible people pass through these places trail routes But in our arrival here ours was not quite pedestrian format we turned from the main road U looking for an interesting one automotive and cinema locations [music] [music] unlike almost anything else related to Harry Potter movies here there are no pointers but if i don’t I’m wrong, that’s exactly where I was one of the most famous scenes from the film was filmed skyfol where James Bond and m something stand But they are having a very sad conversation about something there I don’t remember anymore what [music] we drove a little along this road and the area around made an impression really not ideal for young people years of James Bond is strict enough to temper the character of an intelligence agent and with sufficiently high-quality roads to a little ride on your Aston [music] Martini [music] [music] so Dmytro went home to Glasgow A I continued my journey in the city of Fort William it was once an important military the settlement is located at the intersection several important ways And now from this one for the same reason, it is the main tourist logistics chny center of the western the highlands have a permanent population here 10,500 and the city mostly consists from guesthouses and various I don’t have such a habit of hotels don’t book anything in advance because mine plans often change depending on weather and logistics And on the day of arrival there were not too many options in the city a lot and they were not that much cheap and I grabbed the last place in a hotel that resembles a real castle [music] the number here cost me 110 pounds about UAH 5,000 and it’s just a tiny cell with a view of the wall at the back yard and came here I do not hang in hotels and not even walking around the city only the weather will clear up a bit go to one of the more famous tracks [music] Britain [music] [applause] therefore, I am with this fabulous Ta for the time being a very convenient path went to the highest point [music] Britain and the fairy tale was quickly covered up the wind blowing all the way decided switch to a more powerful gear and attracted more clouds than counted minutes the real Scottish started horizontal shower And such [ __ ] I do not predict Mr. Kolomiets was waiting at the film club underground stand-up artist told how he is happy when sitting on the couch. And I to be honest, I suffer climbing mountains When I look at your posts and you are there somewhere you climb a very high mountain and you are like that I am exactly like that yes, it’s good that now it’s difficult for him and not I’ll take a look at the footage from the drone too Like, yes, to Yuri This is the same moment tin is the same the moment is generally better in such situations turn around and go dry down but First, the path was quite obvious secondly, I have met many others vidshayduh that were heading up And thirdly I had a supply of warm clothes and provisions to strengthen and another hour endure this one route so Here it is the highest point in Britain Ben Nevis 1345 m here is a ruined fortress of I here on the mountain there is also such a small one shelter in the old fortress of Vardin some kind of sleeping bag, a pile of garbage and though some protection against such guess Not bad, but overall very good bad. By the way, a few words about the Scottish mountain storages they are called bofi and it is a kind of religion here, even Ot see your Bible, they are all different comfort levels scattered throughout highlands and supported by volunteers someone can come and fix the roof a someone just leave some candles And of course, this whole story is not about A’s commerce about the support of the mountain community and the same hiking one culture well on the way back from be on the overhanging clouds parted a little, and so did I forgetting about wet feet and hunger a little under pasting on photo wallpapers What to Me [music] opened up [music] [music] So, what is our situation with dinner this is the so-called skotchg, which means cooked an egg baked in minced meat and breadcrumbs a sort of British interpretation Kyiv-style cutlets, despite their name stch eg in no way directly applies to Scotland you found this dish in London and named it in honor of the cook who invented it in general, they like eggs in supermarkets here you can find peeled boiled eggs in packages and in pubs such a thing as eggs marinated, well, this thing is strange, but to me I really like such a small one a protein bomb that will fly like Snack and as an addition to, for example borschchik Well, now go to bed and we move on tomorrow day tomorrow I entered from that that made a checkout from his castle and on bus went to [music] Inverness About 60,000 people live here and this is by a huge margin the most the city of the highlands and so that you understand here This is how the distribution of everything looks like of the five million population of Scotland more than 80 percent of it lives in yes the so-called central belt between Glasgow and Edinburgh but at the same time Inverness is one from the most comfortable and of Britain’s fastest growing cities through the trend is that people want to be closer to nature and all kinds of outdoors but at without leaving the city advantages too find a golden mean here through the city passes through the main loop of Loch Ness the river from, respectively, carried which is also a powerful source of hydropower By the way Scotland In this regard, one of the flagships of the world thanks to the high mountains rivers and winds in the 22nd year renewable sources would be enough to covered 97% of energy needs countries and let’s talk a little about modern Scottish achievements A about tradition still won’t let me go anyway the theme of these cool men’s skirts that is one of the main symbols of the country many people wrote to me on Instagram that they say that I am already in Scotland I definitely have to buy myself a kilt, but I do not plan to do this because they are expensive they just start with space money somewhere from 400 pounds and can reach up to much higher values ​​and to buy some synthetic tourist fake for 60-100 pounds there is none at all It makes sense and I. It’s better to just go somewhere with this money Zadoneich and I visited one of nicer kilts in Scottish highlands to talk a little about the production process this wonderful [music] clothes learned about this institution not for with the help of the Internet and the real thing old-school method by asking the locals who have this traditional in their wardrobe clothes from where he actually ended up there and He found himself there from this family atelier of the Chris Holmes family that orders from local workshops, no canvas and on the order feels everything here This is, accordingly, the current head of this the institution to which I addressed what they say Honestly, I’m not going to buy anything just want to know more from the first word of mouth about this one of yours is incredible a Scottish style, and he is quite spiteful a busy day showed me everything and answered some obvious questions Why exactly are Kills so Expensive It’s The Work that Goes into them and also to the Quality of the T Because usually We always recommend going for the Finest Quality Because It’s Durable and it Last many years and we’ve got kilts in the workshop that We made Back 2030 Even 60 years ago and Backing for reshaping and remaking for as I told in the previous video color tartan checkered pattern on kilts are not for nothing, they have their own meaning and first of all it is some region or clan and this is not empty chatter for there are whole catalogs of tourists here correspondence of colors to families and direct the American came here with me tourists who were helped to deal with his Scottish roots and pick up the most correct [music] стиль T K not really not so much now is Because generally speaking especially younger Generation They go for the Colors alik rather than Maybe a specific Clan tarttin as many of the tartans were Made The For an Area Because The colorations that were that were used was the Natural dyes from the vegetation to dye the the the Material before It was woven into Material and then used for kilts and garments yes And despite the color apparently no one wears a kilt under any maikualkoholichku This is mostly nowadays part formal and very classy set called Highland dress where in addition to the kilt itself are also included the right shoes are a thing of beauty leather type oxfords or brogues or so such a strange Scottish thing with thick high woolen ones with high laces socks to compensate for the length skirts and warm in the cool highlands are also a mandatory attribute there is a bag because there are no pockets in the kilt and the phone, keys, cash and a bottle of Scotch tape it is necessary to hide all the heraldry somewhere bags, belts or hanging badges they also traditionally have a jacket on top to correspond to belonging to a certain clan or according to the region and it is clear that all proper Scottish a high mountain pretense flies into an even bigger one копієчку Because accessories Range and Price so greatly but for a outf i wouldly to00s Oh That’s quite a b It’s a lot of Money and It’s It’s quite a big investment but considering the prices is a popular topic orenda Highland is something like a rental tuxedo for the wedding but still willing to make such a kiltish investment in the dosta both in the country and abroad Ot for example an order from Australia itself this is like another confirmation of how Scots are proud of their identity even on other continents By the way let’s finish our acquaintance with Inverness precisely on the note of national identity a detail that I remembered here The biggest thing is that the central bridge every evening as a sign of solidarity is confirmed by familiar to all of us it’s very, very colorful powerfully [music] the next day i decided a little delegate your logistics and morning set off from Inverness by one of the locals one-day tours for around 100 pounds he was led by a very cool worthy name murdoh who actually was in his kilt clan and advised me to drop by for a visit to those Tailors in the winter He studies in university for some technical specialty and in the autumn-summer season drives Here are such small semi-private ones group except me that day in the car there were only two tourists, that’s a lot it’s convenient for me to start a small stop at a farm where they breed famous Scottish cocker spaniels Highlander or as they are affectionately called local eiri ku hairy cow and with what he told us is in comparison with our cows it’s really super cattle first They live up to 25 years very dry and can run with speed up to 50 km/h also eat their fur completely enough to keep warm in winter because they do not gain too much fat and therefore accordingly, their meat is considered one of elite varieties but at the same time in quality food, they are not very popular here, that is they could well be national Scottish animal but not the national Scottish animal is the unicorn such a local historian fact we move further to the East and somewhere beyond an hour of picturesque landscapes and we find ourselves near Mrdekha’s stories [music] Lohdyukh is another incredible high mountain the main highlight of which is the reservoir Surprise Surprise the castle is another colorful medieval one a castle that is also very beautiful it is interesting that this castle has been preserved has been his private property since 16 century owned by the same clan they gave him to the mountaineers now management of a Scottish trust that they take care of everything here and sell it tickets But in the event that the clan Some financial problems will begin they will theoretically be a good house for sale this castle is also often rented for weddings of local nobility and a number of scenes of various types were filmed here films from what was most interesting personally, this is how they hung it up for me satellite antennas here and passed it off mi6 scottish headquarters in the movie and everything the world is not enough about James again [music] Bond But still the main direction of this tour there were not chicken coops with locks, but a fantastic one the island of Skye, which is already visible from us on horizon with the main part of Scotland he connected only by one single bridge This is a rather large island, about 50×40 km in size the widest and longest part and for it is also the second largest in Sweden in terms of its area it is considered the most epic in plan because most of his landscapes relief was formed due to volcanic activity and therefore it is sometimes more reminds some kind of Iceland and not Scottish highlands, of course, for a day tour it is impossible to go around And go around and parts of his photogenicity but something we we watched a little, but first the first one stop in the town called Portree This is the largest populated place the first rotating island around tourism and various ports of affairs its permanent population in district 2 000 people and from time to time she can just instantly double when to Havana a cruise ship arrives from tourists and the entire population of the island in area of ​​10,000 and this is the population for the most part distributed along the roads in small houses located at a distance from each other so that there was an opportunity engage in agriculture on its land, but at the same time it is enough close to in case of any an emergency could be filed the signal to the neighbor is extraordinary the situations here are rarely very harsh in terms of the climate of the place, especially in winter and with the population because of this situation here quite sad because it is constant is declining and the Scottish Government is trying in different ways to involve people in that that they move here to the point that give a 50% discount on a mortgage for housing on this island and especially after all, there is an acute problem with medicine there was no hospital on the island for a long time Therefore, people had to travel all the way to ivernesu And this is more than two hours from here it was built in the 90s, but it fell into disrepair the problem is where to get doctors here after all, not everyone agreed here to move, so the conditions for the doctors What’s on it was agreed that such things were provided their salary here was like in London and in 10-15 years of work, they are already are ready to retire and now it is coming a new cycle of searching for specialists to them to replace a better place, to put it mildly, very much it is not easy for life, so to speak Let’s return to a moment of social interaction of geology a couple of kilometers from Portree is one of the most famous sights the so-called rocks of the old side of the island According to local legend, the page is an ancient one the giant who fell asleep here and turned to stone and these formation is his fingers to which it leads uncomplicated trail route, but unfortunately a walk there mrdah in plantura not instead we went to another [music] place this location is called fpuulls or v translations of magic pools This is a long series cascading waterfalls flowing from under a huge dark basalt rock What makes them unique is that this cascade does not go alone stormy and foamy stream a flows from one small swimming pool to the other from here actually here like that name According to local legend, there is water in this to the river which, by the way, is called brittle which in translation, it means shrill on mine the look is very appropriate and very beautiful the name is so, but this water seems to have some magical properties and if she has submerge any part of the body for 7 seconds and then don’t wipe it but give it to the wind dry, then this part of the body will remain forever young I couldn’t not [music] to try Well, I’ll say Yes, it’s not like these the waterfalls are somehow too much for me were impressed, for example, by the Icelandic ones by standards These are just some microcurrents unobtrusive flex, but here is this stout one The Black Mountain in the background is truly incredible because I didn’t think that there could be one in Scotland that’s what this whole area is like in general – This it’s just its huge caldera tens or hundreds of thousands of years as extinguished but its geothermal energy still heats the water in this river and therefore the water in it is not as cold as I myself [music] imagined during the visit here the weather started break down sharply and demonstrate why the Isle of Skye in the Scottish people and the same they call it the island of fog, that’s why they say it decided to pull the group to one of the roadside taverns to taste peat local waxes distillery Well, I had it at that time there was an hour to walk one of famous local [music] valleys, a feature of the island of Ske is because, for example, he literally left minutes from the road and ended up in real Scottish game where scarce there are no trodden paths of people From the word I really want even without it music without podcasts to walk and listen this mbins around [applause] this Valley is called sligken or simply slig and a long line passes through it trail route between harsh basalt mountains, which eventually turns out to be to the sea itself the coast and all this wet gloom around adds his route to this route special color in general in my ambitious plans now it was necessary to weed out somewhere here of our group Go back to Portree and to go on the trail To the same old man Storra, but judging by the forecast with a hat storm-shaped covers the entire island a couple of days ago, I’ll probably leave it on some next time and to be honest I elbowed myself a bit as I left Skye that broke out here only for this one a one-day sample will touch the essence islands But this also had its charm roll in a warm car, don’t sweat it logistics and listen to Fables from Mordekh who visited all these places on foot along and across Well, running a little ahead spoiler that another Scottish island he accepted me noticeably more joyfully the next day started with the railway traffic to the south straight through the whole high mountain landscape as I understood here national railway and bus carriers are not a single system as in many European countries or, for example, in of England and in fact there is Between themselves That is, they do not constitute a competitor the schedule so that it is possible to be efficient transfer from one transport to another but simply put flights plus or minus in same time and so to speak different lure their clientele with factors trains are faster, more comfortable, but noticeably so more expensive And here I am, for example, now returning from Inverness to Glasgow and Cey the train ticket cost me 50 z something like a tin of pounds is about 25 hryvnias nifig price for a four-hour trip by train And another important difference in because the railway often passes places where there are no automobiles roads and here and there meet well very atmospheric stations in hell one of which, for example, was important location in a Scottish film typong Well, when I’m the next day sat down on the train and became a witness again one feature of the local railway a that’s exactly what the train might just be like that canceled because there are not enough workers went to work today and they are straight they write about it on the scoreboard Remember this next time for example, you want to bury the conductor in Ukrzaliznytsia and eventually the following I still got there by train in half an hour southwest coast and not even was late for his by steam [music] So, on this four-pound ferry, I in an hour I will reach the famous shawl Aran Island and it is also called Scotland is a miniature because here it is relatively everything is collected in a small area natural diversity of this wonderful country and I certainly don’t want to guess anything but weather looks a lot better so far favorable than on sky [music] we docked in the main hava this island called Brodik is like that cottage town with one of the highest values ​​of life because first of all it is an island and secondly, there is a fairly mature community here In which travelers look and Glaswegians are here for their weekend the atmosphere of such a semi-resort house aged by the sea with beaches numerous golf courses Of course with his castle, he probably couldn’t do it at all to remind the landscape of mine 0:59:57.400,0:00:08.860 today’s walking object 0:59:59.900,0:00:08.860 [music]


    1. поставив на фон маленьким віконечком спочатку під час малювання – тепер не можу відплипнути і постійно під час роботи ставлю великий екран😅
      дякую за якісний контент

    2. Гори і нема лісів і ніхто не каже,шо ліс вирубали ,а в нас зрозу стогнуть ,шо ліс рубають .

    3. Дякую за вашу витримку, мужність та неймовірно цікаву подачу матеріалу. Ваші відео дуже затишні))

    4. Бляха ,живу на острові Лісморе,навпроти Обана ,недалеко від Форт Вілям ,ніяк блін не зберуся на Бен Нейвіс піднятися…..може того що кожен день його бачу,здається,що "ааа ,потім" доречі" скотч ег"не доречно порінювати з котлетою по київськи ,тому що в Британських супермаркетах продається така річ як "chicken Kiev")))саме і те є котлета по киевськи(майже)реально смачна.

    5. Цікавий прикол про "кілт"колись шефу описував нашого одного знайомого словами "про такого як він у нас кажуть-не риба не мясо"мол не мужик,то шеф мені відповів "у нас про таких кажуть -"він носить штани"-мол справжні мужики Шотландії носять кілт(спідниця)а якщо мужик "ніякий"то носить штани.

    6. На островах з медициною опа,у на на острові населення 200 чол площа десь 30 км квадратних….при штормі в містечко в Шотландії не потрапиш,сусід під час зятажних штормів від корони чуть не "гегнув"то його навіть гелікоптером (не швидкої допомоги)а берегової охорони ,ледь з другої спроби евакуювали….але я люблю це місце і свою "чортову"))роботу..

    7. Ліса сирубали не для палива чи обігріву а для побудови Британського Флоту,зараз доречі діє программа дотацій для малих фермерів для відновлення посадки дерев на малих ділянках не більше 3 га……воно так прикольно у нас навпроти нашого острова гора,лиса повністю білч підніжжя одна хата і клапоть лісу 2-3га…чітка рівна ділянка,як (плеш)на горі))

    8. УВАГА…..всім хто хоче допомогти автору ….якщо ви робите щось вдома вмикайте його відео у фоновому режимі і най собі еруте ролик за роликом велючно з рекламами,я думаю людина за ці відео заслуговує на монетизацію

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