On Capital Breakfast, Austin Butler and Jodie Comer popped by for an interview about their new movie ‘The Bikeriders’! Jodie and Austin chat about their challenging accents for the film. Plus, the soaps that didn’t call Jodie Comer back, Austin Butler’s first acting role in ‘Hannah Montana’ alongside Miley Cyrus, and Zendaya.

    Austin Butler and Jodie Comer are both already well known for their incredible accent work, with Jodie nailing multiple accents in ‘Killing Eve’, and Austin’s famous voice changing in ‘Elvis’. In this interview, they reveal how they worked closely with a dialect coach for ‘The Bikeriders’.

    00:00-01:07 – The quotes that surround Austin Butler
    01:07-02:20 – Austin puts Jodie on the spot about ‘The Bikeriders’
    02:20-03:00 – Jodie was always in detention
    03:00-04:21 – Austin’s ‘Hannah Montana’ role
    04:21-05:53 – Jodie got turned down from UK soap
    05:53-06:40 – Austin loved ‘Challengers’
    06:40-08:19 – Austin didn’t know what ‘scouse’ meant
    08:19-09:45 – Jodie and Austin must go to Wigan
    09:45-11:07 – What acting tips have they learnt from each other?
    11:07-12: 38 – Austin teaches the perfect smoulder
    12:38-14:50 – Hair helmets got cut from the film
    14:50-15:11 – Jodie’s smoulder

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    okay I’m going to look at Austin Butler as if he’s a massive Kinder Berner right oh oh the lips are moving the person of the lips Jodie colmer and Austin Butler wow jod you did say recently that everyone who meets Austin falls in love with him as soon as he enters the room did you say that yeah yeah I did when our good old EPK into when they were asking yeah they do you know he’s got a lovely quality about him atin he’s very personable and friendly and lovely and yeah we shook hands before and I’ve never had eye contact like it fall in love see yes you did um yeah so should we all be worried today then for who should we yeah I I love some of the quotes that surround you Austin uh like this one the director of your new film Jeff Nichols he says the temperature changes when Austin is on set Jody what do you reckon Jeff means by that I just mess with the thermostat yeah that’s exactly what he means mhm Joker need to talk about your brand new film though B which is how can I best sum it up so it’s based in America Jody has a great don’t put me on the SP first interview of the day no no no you carry on you were doing so you’re doing a great come tell us about it it’s that eye contact don’t look at me so it’s um uh it’s in the 60s yeah and it’s all I’m giggling like a school girl it’s all about a motorcycle gang and the guys in the gang are like they’re clever and witty and they’re tough like the thick as thieves if you will yeah and the club like brings a sense of belonging don’t they they all they can all relate to each other yes yeah would you say that’s fair enough I would say that’s fair set in Chicago in the 1960s like everything you said above um yeah and it follows these this motorcycle group called the vandals which very at the beginning starts off very innocently the love for a similar thing and then the film spans over a decade and over that over a 10 year span things shift quite considerably in regards to like crime and um yeah how kind of corrupt the the gang becomes I’m Benny five weeks later in Maryland were you in any clubs at school cuz obviously like British to American clubs at school can I can imagine being quite different were you in like is like detention a club detention kind of is did like probably just chatting too much just not knowing when to be quiet um or netball were you in netball yeah I don’t think I was any good though our producer here Jimmy is the captain of Jimmy English netball team really I know that’s amazing well you won’t you won’t be recruiting me anytime soon you won’t want me on your team is n ball like basketball without the backboard yeah okay exactly that okay what clubs were you in Austin that’s I was shy as a kid so I wasn’t in clubs no it was acting that that started to break me out of my show when I was about 12 did you do drama club no no drama cuz I I so where would you act on TV shows and well just such a young age yeah well I I became an extra on a TV show just by random occurrence when I was 12 and uh so then I was around these other actor kids and from being an extra for about a year then I got you the first line on a TV show and and that’s what started to break me out you know so I I I went to acting classes but the kind that it wasn’t at school you know so what was the very first Austin Butler role what were you an extra for I was an extra for a Nickelodeon show called Neds Declassified School Survival Guide wow I I don’t know if I don’t know if that made it over here did it okay that was huge and then my first first speaking part was in Hannah Montana I think no way can you remember the line uh well I I went on a blind date with with Hannah or with Miley in a in a scene I don’t remember what I said but I got very scared at a movie as as we were watching it it was like a blind date and she was very excited to see me and then and then I was terrified at the movie that’s incredible that’s crazy throw back Jody what was your first do you remember what it was your very first I guess experience in this world um I think my like my first professional job was a radio player in Manchester when I was like 12 and that was like I was working with a lot of actors off like emale and Coronation Street and like soaps from the UK and that was a that was a big deal yeah I remember that and they were like you know you could do this as a profession if you wanted to you’ve got to get your head shots and and get an agent and um that was when I was like oh okay you know it I was like okay that sounds like something I would like to and how old were you 12 wow speaking of soaps have you heard of Gail plat you heard she’s leaving did you know sorry a you going to say she’s dying no no no no so Helen worth who plays Gail pla who plays Gail she announced last week or the week before she’s leaving after 50 years you reckon she’ll come back though it’s like you know when like take that split up and then next year they’ve doing like her World Tour maybe she’ll come back to run the Rovers or something w’t she just for you yeah so yeah I don’t know if you know on tour and stuff no yeah did you audition for any soaps I definitely did did you po Ops yeah didn’t get it really yeah got KB what’s KB knockback oh yeah that’s imagine that you’re the person that said no looking at this situ listen everyone happens for the reason yeah ites they’ll be kicking themselves I mean back to films you Mike face is in this film and of course he was in that Mega film of Thea challenges did you guys see the film I saw it I haven’t seen it yet oh what do you think I loved it yeah what do you think I loved it it is Saucy and active what character did you resonate the most with well I would love to say Zena only because I did um tennis club in school did you so that’s your well we’ll say that I was about 9 years old and I recently took up tennis again I was like listen I used to do this I got a few lessons in my time I cannot get it over the net let me tell you I need a few was it after challenges that you joined again yeah that’s good everyone needs a bit of inspiration yeah get the tennis skirt and I was like I can be like yeah I’m not like H all Jody this is another film as well where you nail a different accent was it like a Chicago accent i’ say it was right yeah yeah she’s I mean she’s from Chicago but I had 30 minutes of audio of Kathy actually being interviewed by Danny lion and when I started working with my with my dialect coach she was like she’s from Chicago but like every vowel is a contradiction like none of this makes sense what what do you want to do do you want to do a general Chicago or do you want to try and get as close to this as possible and I was like oh I want to do that cuz she was so um so interesting to listen to so so this is someone’s job a dialect coach so in the film industry you’ll work with one person who who can nail the accent yeah well I cling on to Vic cuz like me and Vic work very well together so I’ve also been kind of reluctant to say a full name impress cuz I’m like everybody stay away from Victoria Her She’s Mine but she’s incredible so we’re credits you no okay no no there’ll be people listening right now that won’t realize you’re you’re a scouser from Liverpool you get that lot I think everyone knows now I think oh oh actually I tell lie Austin figured out this I didn’t know what the word scouser meant until just the other day really and now I keep calling her scouser every day really yeah so it’s it’s someone from Liverpool obviously but I only realized when you got the baa there’s a few years ago now he won the B I think it was killing I was like Mery s yeah what everywhere yeah but do people not still say it to you all the time when you like um not so much anymore no I don’t I don’t not that I’m aware of it’s funny now more when I get home I get why you speaking like that your accents Chang I get the reverse Yeah Austin youve not been out in Liverpool before no no we were talking about it yesterday we had a whole day plan you need to go to what’s it called J Matthew Street what’s Matthew Street oh yeah great night where like where the cabern is it’s it’s my third best night out after Wigan and Sunderland wow W what’s going on in Wigan Wigan Wigan yeah is that where you’re from near that i’ never been out in Wigan on boxing day what Happ you haven’t lived I mean Austin have you never been out in Wigan on boxing day no no no I I I don’t know what I’m doing with my life you have a long list to hear me out seriously King Street in Wigan it’s like it’s the best night out it’s just one strip of bars and on boxing day everybody has to dress up you’re not allowed in any pubs or clubs unless you dress up okay I’ve always said Wiggins were best night out then Sunland then Liverpool well name it better night out what by dress up do you mean suit and tie no sorry fancy dress fancy dress yeah it’s like a thing on boxing day okay what did you oh like costume like Halloween costume what did you dress us I went as Nemo one year Finding Nemo did your friends find you yeah they did they did quite impractical toilet purposes and drinking purposes I also went as who else did I go ask I went as the 118 men as well oh that’s a good one know remember Chris please res got your back to the film first time that you’ve starred alongside each other was there one thing that you learned from each other’s acting style or just being around each other or something you noticed question something you noticed I just was so impressed by Jody’s work ethic um and uh how much you care and um it’s it’s really hard to be incredibly specific and then to also be free uh and to to be free to play and what jod was doing was very hard cuz because she was being very specific with this dialect and with mannerisms and things and and then felt completely free that by free do you mean to be able to kind of of improvise a bit and not necessarily improvised lines but like I’ve never done a movie no no no no you’re Fair only because I’m terrified of improv so like the inside of me was like no um no I would say the same I think we work in very similar ways so like when we met it was it was just really easy and fun and and playful and I think I was say Austin has a very calm Zen energy about him and he’s an incredible listener which is something that I really obset you brought that Zen energy into the studio actually Austin I feel very relaxed that Mom up on the chair for the first question didn’t I hey so um we’ve got to talk about your character Benny let me put my arm down for that you have a good smolder in the film and I think our boys Jord and Chris need a bit of help with their smolders can you give them a bit of tutorial guys nobody needs to smolder in real life you don’t need a smolder do you not how do you smolder come on show us is it you going to try it try it what you what do you think of right well I think you’ve got to think you’re someone else do you know what I mean yeah yeah or I think you just have to think of like a really like like a snack that you really like like you kind of got a secret in your in your eyes you know oh you’re a girl after my own art how did you know they oh that’s clever so it’s like you’re looking at a lasagna yeah in the distance try that I don’t know guys that’s great that’s great oh that was really good again chis that’s amazing cheers mate you really you did something to me there it’s the effect wow right what am I that’s amazing right I’ll I’ll I’ll I can’t okay I’m going to look at Austin Butler as if he’s a massive Kinder bner right oh the lips are mov the personing of the lips slight T some Zoolander in there amazing zo a bit of blue steel oh that’s great can you do yours you look I’m doing it oh oh sorry I’m always doing it that is great right um back to the film just before we go I need to ask you uh motorbikes how hard was it to actually learn to ride a motorbike do you do because I know Tom Hardy said it was quite difficult didn’t he yeah what what was difficult was the the types of motorcycles we were on cuz they’re they’re all very old so the brakes don’t want to work the clutch doesn’t want to work but they I don’t know there’s so much fun once once you spend a few months doing it it feels like it’s a part of you and and there were moments where I’d look over at Tom and he’s my hero as well I mean Tom Hardy is such a legend and I’m looking over at him where we’re racing these Harley down the road and you just don’t feel why I’ve never felt cooler in a way you know I bet I bet we not scared though being on them well we’re not wearing helmets so that you got to be careful you know uh I I probably should have been scared but I I I was enjoying it so much that the fear kind of left my mind do you remember they had the idea initially to like give everyone a hair helmets this was hair helmet put a helmet on everyone’s head actually thought about that a wig on top of the helmet oh wow right [Music] bze it would have been like that what’s that film is it Frank with oh yeah with with uh fast Bender yeah J I don’t know what I’m imagining here so you’re saying it’s a like a normal bike helmet yeah they went yeah hair on the top hair on the top yeah just a massive hair you guys should be happy to get what like what’s that Brian May Cone Heads what the have C what the have CJ I don’t know I think it was a very early they just were trying to figure out any way to ensure the film and they thought if we put a helmet on and put a wig on top of it possi that be it seen that guys a different version we could speak to you forever and we’ve got to say first of all thanks for popping in cuz I know we are the only station that you’re speaking to this morning so thank you very much we really do appreciate it uh Jody atin thank you so much for coming in see us we have had a lovely morning chat in to B Riders is out in cinemas tomorrow so definitely give it a watch over the weekend it’s really good and in the meantime guys come on give it up to Jody com and atin Butler thank you just give us your best uh smoldering love you know more than oh that’s good oh that’s good oh yeah smaller St


    1. Another great interview with these two, and again their chemistry is really great, the way they look at each other, Austin is great, Jodie is amazing

    2. "Jodie falls in love with Austin the first time she looked at him" oh, well…everyone would fall for him and plus they played lately characters that are pretty similar to each , Villanelle and Feyd-Rautha, and for me they are perfect for each other already, and i think he is totally Villanelle/ Jodie's type 😂

    3. Austin Butler realizing that just because they're speaking English doesn't mean they're not also speaking a language that's completely foreign to him.

    4. We don’t usually get full flirt Austin these days but he really took no prisoners in this interview 😂 that interviewer really was like “STOP ITS TOO MUCH FOR ME” and Austin said oh really how about I bite my lip and hold your eye contact for another 15 minutes

    5. If they ever make Biker Mice from Mars live action one day, they should totally cast Austin Butler as Throttle/ Norman Reedus as Vinnie/ Tom Hardy as Modo

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