Points of Engagement.
    Profile’s 55th anniversary: A crew mixer.
    (originally featured on www.digbmx.com)

    For Profile’s 55th Anniversary, we wanted to do a mixer with our crew.
    Back in November of 2022, we asked everyone to send in a couple clips that they were stoked on.
    The parameters; filmed on anything as long as it was landscape and 1080P.

    Expecting a ten minute mixer, it proved to be an hour and ten minutes of footage narrowed down to this final, half hour piece titled “Points of Engagement”: An homage to our decades of hub production, as well as the connection we have with each of our riders.
    (Thanks to Cory Foust for the name).

    We wanted to thank everyone who was able to contribute, and thank them for their continued support of what we do here in this machine shop in St. Pete, Florida.
    We’re so thankful and honored to have them on board.

    A huge thank you to our distros worldwide who help us support our extended family; Profile Europe (UK), Country Bikes (Germany), Timeless (Canada), Republica (Colombia), Elite (Australia), SNAP (UK), ABP (France)…

    And thank you for watching…We hope this brings as much stoke to you as it did for us when putting it together.


    This project is dedicated to Craig Stevens.
    We love and miss you, Craig…may your infectious energy live on forever.

    -Matt Coplon / Profile Racing
    Section Five:

    Eric Holladay – Filmed by M.C. and Tim Hankins.
    The Leepers – Filmed by The Leepers and Donavan Allen.
    Cory Foust – Filmed by Nate Halahan and M.C.
    Casson Downing – Filmed by M.C.
    Luis Pinzon – Filmed by M.C.
    Alex Tate – Filmed by Logan Jeffcote.
    Mark Mulville – Filmed by Marina Mulville and M.C.
    Gervais Rousseau – Tripod.

    Mickey Gaidos – Filmed by Terry Adams.

    Music: Bad Liquor Pond; “The Crescent Ship.”

    Section Six:

    Dan Dellorso – Filmed by M.C.
    Paul Radosevich – Filmed by Johnny DelBalso, Nina Buitrago, Ben Forrest, Blaise Russotti, and Jack Hartje.
    Erwan Perelman – Filmed by Paul Bons.
    Carlos Gomez and Isaac Venn – Filmed by Steve Bartholomew / @CVM.BMX.
    Eduarda Penso Bordignon (Duda) – Filmed by @mariolealbmx .
    AJ Anaya – Filmed by Rafael Quintero.
    Alessandro Barbero – Filmed by @palagabrielebmx .
    Robin Meza – Filmed by @Cwilsonbmx .
    Tom Russell – Filmed by Ellis Loyd, edited by Tom Russell.

    Music: Bad Liquor Pond; “Hallways.”
    Profile Racing is the single largest, most capable and most sophisticated manufacturer of high-end BMX bicycle components in the United States.



    INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/profile_racing

    TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/profileracing

    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/profile.racing

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