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    episode 13 I’ve just spent a whole night listening to the Rain battering down on top of my tent was even sending emails and writing on some of the comments on YouTube because I was so wide awake and now the Sun comes out but now the Sun comes out that I’ve packed everything wet oh dear there was no tent talk yesterday evening one because of the rain and two because I did my longest day yesterday and I was tired I got to my campsite which is just over there it’s only about 100 meters away got to my campsite having done I don’t know how many kilometers it was in the end probably nearly 65 maybe 70 got to the campsite to find that they didn’t have any food at all um which is not unusual they don’t have to have a restaurant or anything like that but there was no snacks not even packets of crisps or chocolate bar so I then had to get back on the trike and do another I think by the time I got back here it was another 10 km on top of that having had some food and uh then I went to the tent and crashed out so no tent talk for that one and I’ve got another long one today I’ll explain why in a little while meanwhile I’m going to make most of this sun can hear a CUO in the distance right I’ve got to make my way to a ferry which is not far away so about 5 6 km away over the other side and then we continue like yesterday so I will catch up with you in a bit so why am I doing some higher mileage at the moment well on checking the weather forecast Saturday and Sunday this weekend is supposed to be absolutely the atrocious weather again so I booked myself into a hotel uh just down near car’s R and I have to get to that hotel by Friday evening tomorrow evening and that’s still 80 miles away 84 miles away I think so kot tells me now I know you speed is on your road bikes 80 Mi you could do that in a morning yeah like I said the other day I’m over 300 I’m stopping and filming to make these videos and I like to enjoy the view and not to mention of course it’s more miles than I’m used to so now we wait for the ferry I think there’s only about one every half hour at this time in the day [Music] for right all right so for breakfast this morning we have some freshly baked goods from verner’s Family Bakery since 1954 they look very nice m and of course fresh [Music] coffee the sun’s in and out of the clouds not a bad thing it’s quite warm when it’s out I shall have to take this off after breakfast so we’re back on this similar sort of path again today which suits me fine very easy riding thought I’d just stop and point this out don’t know how well it’ll come out on the camera but these are popular trees and they are absolutely full if I can get it to focus of mistletoe yeah you can see those two aren lined against the sky quite well but in the lower branches there’s loads mistletoe everywhere in all the trees even even the ones over the back there absolutely full so it’s well over 20 km now since I joined this path and like I said earlier it’s easy riding but does get a bit Samy this goes on and on and on so at least it hasn’t rained on me yet I thought that one was going to but it passed me by with no more than a couple of spots and that’s the way the weather’s coming from so it looks as though we’re good for a while now my apologies if there’s wind noise I’m having to ride into the wind for a minute wish the path was the other side of the bank at least I’d have the river to look at then but there’s no sign of this ending yet it still just goes on and on every time I turn a corner there’s another few hundred meters or few hundred yards to go through so I shall catch up with you in a bit [Music] [Music] so at worms we got worms at worms we got back to the river but uh once again it’s a bit industrialized lots of hgvs and pipes with goodness knows what coming out the top of them but at least we have the river [Music] oh this block paven is so Judy I don’t know whether it’s holiday season or what in Germany at the moment but it’s like it’s a Sunday it’s not it’s a Thursday but there’s just nobody here all shops are closed there’s no traffic which is good thing and certainly not complaining about that what is today the 30th I think 30th of May I don’t know somebody let me know in the comments if it’s a bank holiday or some German holiday that I don’t know about e that’s nice to look at is it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after all this way I finally spotted the Euro sign they do exist amazing so I’m just getting into Manheim and as always it only takes a couple of road closures or cycle pathway closures and Kut is all over the place oh we’ll get there it’s just you don’t need it when you’re get towards the end of a ride it’s warm now as [Applause] well oh so I finally made it to the bridge in [Applause] Manheim problem is as like all major cities they have Road works and lane closures and things like that but when they close the cycle Lane unless you’re a local you got no chance I mean Kimo doesn’t know that the Lane’s closed so it doesn’t know where I’m going when I go off Route and you have to find your own way it’s not good not good at all but we’re here now any hopefully it’s clean sailing on the other side down to the campsite which isn’t far away now another 2 or 3 miles I think I should be glad to lay down in my tent Dr here we are camping so after what happened yesterday I thought I’d use today’s tent talk talk about diet and food what am I eating as I go along this tour um you’re probably aware by now that I’m not cooking at all I have no cooking equipment equipment at all I’ve got a spark that’s the only thing I’ve got on me as a spark to use to eat things got it here somewhere actually yeah one spark there we go that’s the only eating utensil I I bought that’s the only eating utensil I brought along with me on this tour um so what am I doing for food each day well as I Ride Along through the day I’m on my lookout for restaurants or a calf I can stop for my lunch um I don’t generally going at the restaurants in the evenings I get in my tent and I crash out so what do I do for breakfasts and evening meals I find a supermarket during the daytime and I make sure that I buy enough stuff for the evening and for the following morning why that didn’t happen yesterday I don’t know I haven’t a clue I just blanked I rode into the campsite and didn’t think about food the whole afternoon uh guess my stomach wasn’t grumbling enough but yeah that that’s basically what my diet consists of at the moment is uh pastries for breakfast um whatever I can find for lunch on the way and then diving into a supermarket and uh picking up one of their pre-made salads or tins of tuna fish and sweet corn and things like that things that I can eat cold in the tent later on and again pastries for the following morning so I think that’s about it for today I think that must have been 2 minutes I’ll see you again in the next one cheers there guys tada [Music] n [Music]


    1. 16 degrees here Tim. Not that you'd know it. Done something to my knee, it locked and then huge pain so i limped home on one foot/pedal pretty much, doesn't look good. I put a compress on, see how it goes – May call help if i need to. Not worried.
      Only coming back. Didn't have much time as in the office today in Lancaster, so took bike on train and cycled back. Injuries will be expected on longer rides so need to deal with them.

    2. Also if still in Germany, the Wine Vineyards I thought were wild, they had them on the side of hills were it looked one would have to repell down the cliffs to harvest the grapes 🍇. They have some good wine.
      In 1989 I bought a 6 pack of 6.9 beer, the label is so funny I brought them back from Germany and gave them to my family, I haven't opened mine yet.

    3. Hey Tim,
      Don't worry about skipping the tent talk last time.
      It's your YT-channel so you do whatever you want to do.
      Although I missed it, we are just here for the free ride along with you.
      So no loud trains this time? 👍
      I too have troubles riding on blocked pavement. The trike starts shaking violently every time.
      Not to mention cobblestones.
      Thanks again for the nice video today.

    4. Im like you I prefer the greenery over the buildings & factories. Interesting menu, having pastry in worms beats having worms in the pastry 😅 Safe travels my friend .

    5. Pastry in Worms… 🤔 Always love the river videos along the Rhine. Thanks for the views!
      My wife is from a small town here in Pennsylvania (USA) called Manheim… Spelled with only one "N" and not two.
      Keep on Triking!

    6. We're watching out for you as always. Ride safe, write home when you can. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. …… And miles to go before I sleep…" 😴

    7. Just wondering where you are now if 13 was 30th May? The bird song seems to follow you. You must have some lovely tranquil moments. What was the bird singing when you were having breakfast?

    8. That's the beauty of cycling isn't it? No need to worry about what to eat. Anything counts as fuel 🤪 Not sure if it's me but I have the idea you already slimmed a bit since the first days. Keep it up!

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