A lovely Wednesday night ride after work, exploring the villages in North Northamptonshire.

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    #cycling #cyclingvlog #roadcycling #roadbike #bike

    [Music] good afternoon sports fans welcome to the channel my name is Tommy if you’re new here and if you’re not welcome back it is a Wednesday evening and we have done 5 miles on this ride and actually this ride is planned we’ve got 28 mile ride to do out into the countryside of uh Northampton share and then back heading heading back into Peterborough by some of the roads you’ve seen in the videos before but it is lovely evening for once it is full-on shorts short sleeve jersey weather and we’re out getting it done it going to take off yeah car behind hopefully you just saw that plane taken off we saw it last second at sibson Aerodrome but we’re on the onword road now between Elton and wford if you look over in the distance there you’ll see yarwell and about that way somewhere ning but we are 6.4 miles into the ride and it’s good it’s good to be out the legs are moving the last ride I did on Saturday with Jake that was in the last video I posted on the channel I felt terrible now I know I’d had a few days off before that but I just achd I felt slow I felt groggy and the legs take took 3 Days To to repair I’ve not ridden since not R anything since but uh we’re out now they’re moving and so far so good [Music] we’re now into wford lovely little village nice perb on the left here called the paper mills there’s a hok hotel as well there’s some pods in the garden there and just here 13 used to be a coffee shop maybe it’s not anymore I don’t know but we’ve got a uh oneway bridge to go over so this will be fun cuz it’s nice view off the side but uh if there’s a car coming you’re going to have to go on the bars I’ll try and Wing this so you can see backwards across the bridge here look at that view beautiful we are nearly 11 miles into the ride so far so good um we are on the road between uh wford and King’s Cliff the locals Called It cliff up the cliff as they say and uh we’re going to cut through King’s Cliff which I’ll film in a moment or two and turn left into a place called apthorp which we haven’t been through for a while but nice Countryside villages to go through nice scenery unfortunately where we are now the bushes out the side of the road are grown up so I can’t really show you too much but you’ll see more as we get further into the ride [Music] [Music] down in the Kings cliff under the old tunnel in the winter that floods and they have to have the local farmer come and pull it out but yeah we’re into Kings Cliff now again one of uh Northampton shire’s lovely little Villages the stone Limestone buildings and the Slate roofs beautiful absolutely beautiful I think somewhere around there’s a bakery actually I know if I ever lived in a village with a bakery I’d be even fatter I would Jake I’d I’d eat so much is this where the bakery is no green grosser to the right a bit further up maybe but yeah but yeah if I had a local bakery I’d be a really fat boy F yep and that’s us leaving Kings Cliff we are 13 miles into the ride and I was a little bit worried I wasn’t going to make today’s ride cuz this morning I had little accident and I uh was doing some washing or picked up the washing basket big piled up full of clothes couldn’t really see anything walked across the living room and stepped on a child’s toy right on the bottom of my bare foot it’s one of those times where you think that shouldn’t have really happened but it did and within a matter of seconds bottom of my foot had a bruise on it but it turns out everything’s all right I’m pushing on these pedals I can’t even feel it so we’re good we’re out in the countryside enjoying the views burning some calories and getting fitter hopefully now into Apes up next Village on the route tonight H water tower there on the pub that’s I thought that was open it’s night some kids doing dukee of Edinburgh Wards or whatever walking but yeah we’re now into eight to again very small little village Limestone buildings slate roofs a church a pub that’s closed and not a lot else really like a lot of places up and down in the UK there’s the church with the sun shining on it looking very Majestic over this little bridge and then we’re at at 8 12 already another Village ticked off the list now we come into wood Newton [Music] into ping H now next Village along the Route and we are 17.3 mil into the ride can we see the church there we go look at that foren hay church you’ve seen it before in the videos where I’ve come from that route there and seen up the driveway to it there but some different views of it today hopefully we’ll get another one in a minute as well we’ve just stopped on a little bridge going out at fathering hay just to admire the view and normally when the sun’s out and the church back there in the background it looks really really P picturesque but yeah tonight we’re just taking it easy 17.8 miles into the ride and taking it all in it is lovely out here absolutely gorgeous we’ve just left foring hay and we’re on a road now heading out towards um always get this place wrong warmington warmington GS W warmington yeah Jake knows that cuz that’s where he’s from um but this bit of Road we’re on now those that are screamish skip into the video another 30 seconds but years ago me and my friend Rick were cycling along here and this long grass very similar evening to tonight was like the he it is now it grown up and uh we cycled around this corner I’m just going around now and all of a sudden somebody stood up out of the uh the long grass didn’t really know what was going on and it was motorcyclist with his helmet off and uh we cycled past and Shout do you’re right mate and as he turned around his face was in half and his eyeballs hanging out down his face it had an accident and a crash so we stopped closed the road the air ambulance came I stood stood out the way and made sure the traffic couldn’t come through for the police and the ambulance and uh luckily my mate Rick who’s less screamish than me who’s also a fireman dealt with that situation and uh luckily we cycled home before it got dark but um yeah as far as I know the chap survived but um yeah another story to tell the grandkids eh anyway we are 19.3 mi into the ride we’re coming up to the a605 the andle road and uh we’re going to cross over this in a second and head into a place called warmington [Music] we are 22 mi into the ride we are heading back to bulock road you can see more born Tower in the distance for anyone that’s local and recognizes the area and we’re going to head along bul Road for a bit which is a road you’ve seen plenty of times in the video it’s just a a local road that kind of gets us out the countryside from where we live we’ll head along there for a bit and then we’re going to take a right turn and go up a hill called the Haden Huffer into the village of Haden and uh that brings us back into the industria state which you’ve also seen the videos before but it should be after all the roads and Villages we’ve been through tonight it should be about 28 29 miles so good for a Wednesday night right sports fans we’re at the bottom of the Haden Huffer and the challenge for me is to stay in the Big Ring the whole way up it and although right now it doesn’t look like much it’s going to get a little bit steeper and it doesn’t help the fact this is probably the worst Tac Road in the country there we go you can see it in front now we’re already climbing upwards all right we’re out of Gears it’s now the big wing a there there ah hit down into Haden the last Village before we get back to civilization and the concrete jungle this is very small there’s probably only about 20 houses here not a lot going on here no Pub No Village shop but nice and quiet and peaceful and that’s us leaving Haden we are 25 mil into the ride about three or four left till we get home and we are heading out of Haden towards the A1 Motorway which will’ll go under in a moment and then head into the industrial estate on our way back home the sun’s back out see it shining across the fields it’s been an absolute gorgeous evening and it’s just nice to have some sunshine for once in the UK [Music] see it’s in the mirror just there right then sports fans we are 27 1/2 miles into the ride we’re probably about a mile away from home so I’m going to call it there and say thank you for watching I’ll stick the route on screen now for you I would say thanks for watching and as always if you like the videos and the content I’m putting out hit that little like button for me and if you uh watch these videos do me a favor and help me out and hit that subscribe button anyway enjoy the rest of your week guys and thanks for watching see you later bye [Music]


    1. Another great video Tommy. We were in that part of the world a month ago, and on your recommendation, we cycled through quite a few of the villages, that you mentioned. Lovely part of the world. We will be back this summer, campervaning just outside Bulwick. Don't want to make you envious, but we are currently spending a fortnight in Mallorca on our bikes. Keep that sunny weather ticking over for us.😉

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