BOSS BABY IN LOVE (New Movie) Sonia Uche, Stephen Odimgbe, Ebube Obi, Victory 2024 Nollywood Movie


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    [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] you’re welcome Ma what kept you so long what kept you so long I’m I’m sorry Ma sorry for yourself sorry man cut me down are you what at you so long what at you so long why didn’t you open the dam days on time I Wasing you’re fired I’m I’m sorry you are fired leave my C right now minutes and why is my C looking this dead why is he looking so messy where are the M Ma sorry ma m sorry sir Ma sorry Ma I don’t want to come back and meet you there m I’m sorry ma’ he stop there where you running to why is my compound dirty why it’s not there to wait what was this house thoroughly cleaned and M very thly so can you explain this dust dust there’s no dust you’re tired I don’t want to see you in my house again you’re so lazy you’re fired and you huh is my food ready almost go check for fire this I’m fired hi is this not B in my food sorry M it’s a mistake m it’s a mistake it’s a mistake I expect my meat the bone how do I emphasize this enough sorry ma it will happen again obviously it don’t happen again because you are fired ah ma please back your things and leave my house please ma don’t let me stress myself house [Music] Toby [Music] Toby [Music] Toby [Music] Toby chubby chubby mom where are the M why did they treat the water eh ah don’t you know I’m likely have skin irritation when I enter this water like this I’m sorry ma but it seems youve forgotten you fired all the mats yesterday so can’t you replace them immediately man it won’t be that easy you know the last time the agency warned that they would not be releasing any other mates to us because you keep firing all the mates on a weekly basis they said all their mates who have worked for us have gotten fired by you so that’s the problem then you contact another agency is it so hard for you to do no not at all please okay M I need this to be treated now all right Mom sorry about that M get my things ready okay [Music] m [Applause] but the water is not that [Music] [Music] dty ordinary coffee ordinary coffee you cannot make what are you even good at nothing all you know is just to eat if my late father had not warned me not to fire you I would have done that long ago very long ago M cooking is not my specialty that’s why you need a chef sense I’m sorry excuse me let me eat my food in peace just keep eating it you will love it eventually Please Mr M don’t spit inside my food I’m sorry I said you should not talk again B I bet it I’m sorry [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] quite irritating just to open and close this little gate ordinary Gates it tooking forever to open and close this this this little gate are you are you not ashamed of yourself you are so lazy you can never do anything right nothing are you know super super irritating no M I’m not irritating so you’re calling me a liar right you’re calling me a liar in my car I’m sorry maam I’m I’m I’m very super irritated one more words from you you’ll be fired I’m sorry man [Music] fo [Music] what in devil’s name is this H oh uh okay if I’m not mistaken Ma I believe that should be jell of fries jell fries yes ma’am really yes ma’am tast it like he wasn’t testing that way while I was cooking it Ma in your entire stupid life in your whole life don’t you ever try cooking again yes cooking is not your calling I know I know I know so what about the M I asked you to contact well I contacted other agencies and they said they’ve heard your stories and they refused to release any mates to us there’s nothing I could do meaning what look I will sue them I will sue them if they don’t give me a me because I can’t cope with this I’m sorry ma it won’t be possible things doesn’t work that way you know here people have the right to decide who they want to do business with and who they wouldn’t do business with and they all heard your story I’m sorry any how you want to do just get me a maid get me a maid sure I will do that get me a maid yes ma’am I’ll get you a maid and a cook cook a maid and a [Music] cook [Music] you be really Village girl never get network Road you don’t see this type of house before you don’t see them my uncle get this kind house your uncle get this this kind now you carry this find do I don’t want work for me who go ask from there house your house give you chair before you that you don’t know welcome have a seat before you SE come in excuse me ma’ the maid and the cook are here okay tell them to keep waiting for me all right mom they should stand okay ma’ key word stand okay ma’ no sitting on my chair all right [Applause] so you guys are welcome again so please I need you to listen to me very very carefully okay please you guys need to be very careful like very very careful cuz my Madame she is very strict like very very strict emphasis on the word strict and trust me you wouldn’t want to get into any problems with her so please behave okay yeah are we good sure beautiful H one more thing uh she strictly instructed me to tell you guys to remain standing till she comes okay so please remain standing we good beautiful we’ll be right back thank you see wait say street street me nosense mad come never employ you don’t you this my leg pay me for FL [Music] top of my my cloth which clothes finish which clothes your [Music] clothes oh wow It’s Kind myam the [Music] woman rich people piing what you [Music] expect where your [Music] mama hello where’s your mommy where your mama go tell your mama wa for face see good way she wear for neck they even put for this small p face you know GRE you see big people you know good evening good evening Uncle you look mama don’t Doby Maybe don’t carry mama from the play all the small small children Toby yes a joke we’re playing tomby say what the hell is going on in my house why did you bring this silly crude fellow H let me be crud see insult me wait first now even this person now shout his name like this you don’t get respect you shut up what’s wrong with you she respect now shut up don’t tell you shut up she didn’t get respect that’s that’s the thing come are you DED or something sorry sorry bro sorry can’t you see that she is the Madame huh like m madame The Madam yes madame The Madam oh [Music] wow same my sister person talk belt you know what both of you are fir hey M please I’m sorry Ma I’m sorry ma don’t say anything get them out of my house this minute can I just have a word with you in private not discussing anything take them out of my house this minute ma please just a few minutes of your time trust me let’s just talk in private please please thank please we don’t have any choice right now it took me a while for me to get this these people you understand please let’s not fire them no Toby this girl is stillo local she’s to local for my life and I can’t even take it I can’t cope with her M I understand you and I’m sorry about that but at this point we don’t have any other choice we don’t have any other M we can employ except you can do without the me no way look Toby you are driving me crazy with this incomp exactly you are driving me because with this your L house management skills I don’t like this this this come speak I cannot do it you understand so so please let’s manage them just give me some time I will gr them into being well behaved you better do please please manam thank you very much you won’t regret it okay thank you thank you so sorry my friend would you apologize sorry sorry sorry a sleep of thought not what we thought that we saw that’s what happened very sorry introduce yourselves my name is Mark H I’m a cook from an State single or married single you you where you from um I am now can you stand straight and talk um my name now for your information we don’t speak bad English in my house as a matter of fact 2,000 nirra will be deducted from your salar any day you speak Pig English in my house Toby pick them up all right thank you m see thank you thank you say thank you thank you thank you bros I warn you guys I want you guys don’t spoil things for me here anyway I’ll go and get to your room keys now so that you guys will settle in okay you resume work in the next 2 hours is that good than of course thank you thank you very much this is going to be a long ride I sense it already so that’s small mad you don’t see him wait but you see small they talk I’m when she come been Pampers English for that you don’t talk finish I need like small children they insult me because if no be to say I need this money to pay school fees for those children vage I will come for here because that to me one day I you get people for school they use the money they give them for school so this is for you okay this is for you so pick up your boag let’s go thank you if my bag now you don’t sit down talk my bag you still want carry my bag make I help you don’t you know the bag came with what’s wrong with you no I I sat on [Music] it [Music] [Music] this is nice really nice thank you Ma wow like this is the best I’ve ever tasted ah thank you man thank you I’m I’m glad you love it I can’t even pretend I keep G it’s nice really nice thank you can you make other food the way you did this of course Ma just mention any food I’ll prepare it cooking is my calling wow is inde your calling tastes so nice thank you you let me go and continue with what I’m doing do I need more sure you get [Music] [Music] more come back here where are you going to um what are they hungry me excuse me how many times have I warned you not to use verac in my house stop speaking ping English in my house now correct yourself um what is hungry [Music] me really I want go hey hey I’m not talking to you please okay I’m trying to on it Madam correct yourself water I want to drink water I want to drink water from [Music] PT [Music] jby you something say I want to drink po po get rid of this thing as soon as you get a replacement this English thing would you stop that do you want to to lose your job I’m asking you a question do you want to lose your job must I speak English okay then I strongly suggest that you work on your English brush it up as soon as possible else you’re going to get fired just like this do you understand me okay brush and walk what was that you said brush and walk brush and brush clean up Mark help me here what’s going on here clean up the English bro just handle the whole situation okay Jesus you you here see make I tell you one small slap slap tell you I want to drink water you drink which drink pot for copy my name John you say you want drink water I help you talk I want to drink make add the water you say want drink you say you want to drink pot okay I want to drink po what for you see that small ping talk to me and like that close your M you want me you I see try the manager you try and pro for your English you I try to teach you now mm H I make you teach make you I want to drink water talk H I want to drink water talk I want to drink water I want to drink water even if you want surprise her you know say you don’t Grand say you don’t if you tell I want to drink water I want to drink H I say I say I want to drink water I want to drink water we you get long place to go from here to leg I want to drink water I want to drink water want to drink a okay this is what they do now it’s called I am slicing tomatoes talk I aming Tomatoes go drink the water when hungry go go go finish I I eat first before we start the journey to teach you cuz be one day job I I want want to oh what is going on here nothing momam I’m teaching her English in your room so talk what is going on in my house at this time of the night you want to bring down my house is is there anything I need to know are you hiding something from me uh it’s English man I was teaching her English let me remind you again my staffs are not allowed to date both of you are not permitted to date each other do you understand M no be dat it teach me cuz I know date today um 28th February you shut your mouth and listen if I find out that there is something going on between both of you you’ll be fired fire trust me m no fire also fire fire go die another thing is time you saided pay for the damages this your bad English has costed my ears am I okay is either you pay or you pack your things and leave my house excuse [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] this small Pi sh that can AMA oh my ma sh my you here you better for that [Music] [Music] the remote change this m the remote this one I problem what’s m now because of this thing tell make I come are you stupid are you out of your mind me get out get [Music] out hello hello yeah brother I’m good though I’m good what’s going on for where I’m working I’m working actually but it’s not it’s not really you know that professional job like that based on what I studied I’m just you know trying to make an meet yeah I know now I know you’re working I you’re working in an O your company you have people now you have people but I’m cool I’m I’m I’m good instead of staying staying U Idol I just I just have to stay p with what I can okay okay no no now number okay very well then very well we’ll keep in touch all right bye all right bro [Music] bye um are you a graduate yes Ma I’m a graduate wow that’s nice nice so what did you study in school food and nutrition wow I think that’s why your food taste so nice thank you thank you m you’re welcome okay so um I’ll review your salary by the end of next month oh wow thank you Ma thank you you’re welcome God bless you thank you Ma you’re welcome thank you Ma please what would you what would you like to eat anything anything anything okay I’ll prepare anything now [Music] I think I need some Co just tell what’s going [Music] on come to my room now Hi H you sent for [Music] me something your eye is there is there a problem somewhere is it that you can’t understand don’t you understand what I’m what I’m showing you okay just look into my eyes my are you sure everything is [Applause] okay oh I don’t we for for room me like this do you like that that’s Madness with that hey if you speak English money don’t from your salary I like him how is am I supposed to tell him that I like him didn’t I do it well M are you okay are you okay again I’m fine I’m fine okay I was just asking you know Toby yes ma’am has any girl asked you out before of course Ma you know I’m a fine boy you know and as a fine boy of course you hey hey it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay just leave my room I was trying to explain just get out okay Mom sorry Mom sorry Mom F boy with an empty pockets all was overhyping themselves [Music] I’ve always loved her Beyond her wealth why can’t Sandra see that I am not here for the job alone this love of a thing is so crazy maybe it’s time for me to give up leave this place go elsewhere no I can’t I’m not known for giving up easily I Won’t Give [Music] Up Spirits C that in Jesus name Madness mading cast and bind cast and bind Spirit demon she meon for children Spirit cast and bind me Spirit you’re talking and bind your boss Jesus Christ do not exist exist holy GH demon me demon hey Holy Ghost Holy Ghost are you noral Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Holy Ghost name what not exist what cannot do does not exist oh what cannot do does not exist what God cannot do does not exist Jesus Jesus what God cannot do does not exist Holy Ghost GH so much of Jesus of Jesus hello where are you guys you’re close by okay hurry up hurry up please I’m waiting for you [Music] okay [Music] come in h come in come on pray for me see I don’t know what has come over me but I’m I’m ready to surrender in fact I’ve surrender surrender you surrender yes to who you surrender your God for my God you know um who my God H okay [Music] Madam um I start to sing the song so that you too I think you [Music] see yes [Music] [Applause] MH Jesus name amen power be the Sher I be the Sher shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it hello okay [Music] okay you’re welcome welcome good day good day you called us right yes I did okay where is the patient me okay Shake It Out in Jesus name I Shake It Out Shake It Out in Jesus name sh m I shake her Shake It Out Shake It Out take take her take her she’s m yes no Jesus she’s mad Madam hold second no no no no I’m not mad I’m not mad now out out mad see sir Madame Madame is mad yes I’m M me I’m I’m I’m mad Madame made I’m not no I’m not mad mad it’s Madam mad stick out she must she must mad mad me oh God oh God M me oh God oh God serious just get out get out oh my God this is so funny I be the Shaker oh my God this is the height of Madness oh God wait wait wait me me oh God I know me go no no no no no bro wait please what happened I don’t know I don’t know my they m wait can you hold on first what happened now Madam you’re taking her out why what what’s your business will let them do their job let’s go let’s go wait now Madame Madame Mad Mad God what happen now M what is your problem what is wrong with you cuz I don’t understand why they took her away that that’s what I want to know you don’t understand what is it your business HH since when have you become a security Personnel bro don’t be fighting I just want to know what happened go upstairs Madam they call you go upstairs Madam is calling you Madame M go upstairs H Madam they call me for is this your job I just want to know is it your business go upstairs you be want understand you want to understand everything no now you get the house Madam please you know she’s not mad really you think she’s not mad but you think I’m mad man your own case is different cuz the way you are just behaving me I I said to myself this is unusual this is not you maybe something is wrong somewhere well I was giving you green light green light yes if is a green light that I know I [Music] I I’m not your me to you know so me I but I like [Music] you see this I don’t suffer I don’t suffer this fear me this fear me she with all my iers now for put in powder they change Pampers because she did this house now she call me they CH me get L CER teach entrance and she get hey bro broo I I I they shouldn’t have taken her away like that now she did nothing I say they shouldn’t have taken her away like that the way they took her out of this house I heard what you said the first time okay cuz I’m wondering if you’re there for something cuz she she did nothing to to take her away from here so you care about this much everybody cares about her I see oh relax relax is going to come back going to come back yes H bro you’re sounding as if she’s she’s staying there for days Mark I said you should calm down I know how to get to Madame I know how to talk to her about it but it’s going to require patience not all this panicking that you’re doing right now this patience you’re talking of she can’t be she can’t stay there with mad people now she can’t sleep there she’s not mad Mark I have told you I I’m going to handle this situation I’m going to talk to Madame about it don’t you understand what I’m saying I would talk to Madame about it and Omar will come back but he needs time I don’t need you doing all of this that you’re doing right now relax will come back please please just just help me talk to her please I’ve heard you I will talk to her but just Cal down calm down do your do your job okay go back to your work I’ll talk to Madam thank you you’re welcome W I will talk to her use two finger I they say they talk to [Music] her [Music] [Music] oh ma oh ma I Need A M I need a [Music] m [Music] Toby oh wa well I’ve got good news your beloved Omar is coming back tomorrow oh really yep oh thank you thank you very much you’re welcome you’re welcome thank you you’re welcome I just like the fact that you care about her this much of course I I do care about her it’s cool it’s cool so it’s so good it’s so good enjoy it come [Music] good love is a gift every heart deserves comes in strange ways it makes us do Strange Days [Music] love strong love gets power you do strange things [Music] when are you pick that R and clean up everywhere what this nonsense welome I see Mark Mark Mark Mark H why you call my name like that now they help you do your I Mark I beg no help me Mark no help me the one where you put me inside now you know where from they come no you know where from they come they car me go because you tell me say mad they get but I tell you I don’t say make you go make you go tell you tell me make I no go I said go there now you know what do me no you know what do me carry me go give me husband give me one big aune say B my mama me say my I begin B bite my head that much so like this you don’t get husband I’m piing for no based on the story where you talk no no you follow you laugh if you T they laugh make I bite your own head now make you see the kind thing I go through for that place you give me R sorry wait I I don’t been clean here I I beg I okay Mar I don’t I don’t clean I don’t clean that no I never clean that place but help you clean them [Music] get makes [Music] strong welome how you doing darling darling darling is just here to walk face is walk not El I know I know but you’re cute and you’re human so just leave the one aside I got you something thank thank you Ma come on take it it’s yours is it food stuff come on take it first take I I I’m sorry I I can’t take it now no don’t say that as your boss I insist to take it so don’t worry you’ll love it um what are you up to uh I’m trying to makea f right right so just finish up I’ll come down soon see you soon thank [Music] [Music] you H me I don’t want to I don’t don’t want to look like I collected a gift don’t want [Music] man I’m clearing the road at least my gifts will fall for me by the time I’ll ask him out again I’m very sure you [Music] accept it’s get to be [Music] ly can’t wait this girl you want car kill yourself everybody don’t sleep you still there the clean you never do I never finish do if I finish I go sleep wow see what with this now you get now touch now bite me get now TCH something now you I I got now you get them get from now ask I come I bring I bring walk you don’t give you this plent plenty this [Applause] that’s B Supermarket MH mhm a good spot this is you something I don’t get come your wash my wash what have my mou why they give me this by for see this the color like they M this are born color like you what is going on here at this time of the night you are disturbing the making noise you what are you do there m i still they walk are you not supposed to be in your room my friend gets inside Mr Mom m is that not the gift I got for you oh oh oh yes yes and I believe you gave it to her my expensive gift well done I’m so disappointed love is a GI every heart Des it comes in strange ways it makes us do [Music] strange this love gets you do strange things when love you love is a gift every heart deserv comes in strange ways makes us do strange things love strle love gets how you do strange things when love captures you I gave him a love gift and he gave it to [Music] her that’s not so bad that’s the bad [Music] character well I don’t think I should B about it cuz they’re just friends and I’m The Giver so I think they always like givers not the tier but at least [Music] no [Applause] [Music] what is a gift every heart deserves comes in strange ways makes us strange days I see ask something why every every mad they buy something for you they buy for us that’s I see you know that people carry you from here MH she say she mad green light she give me she like say I complete her me speak nowood she [Music] really like I like my mad nothing else this gets Mass my Fe here make it make it make it smooth I want I say any I you like this that’s all the small small people they do all the small ask she wait sorry sorry sorry [Music] sorry this you don’t don’t thank sry don’t don’t thank you sorry thank you easier W [Music] again [Music] easy [Music] sorry sorry sorry m i are you okay are you okay let me let me me me sorry let me check now leave me alone you need you need to massage it it needs to be massaged massaged needs to be massaged get the B the B the B [Music] Mass sorry I’m very sorry Ma I’m very sorry ma it needs to be massaged I never asked you Ma you don’t have to but you need it okay please just just hold still okay very sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I think this place out sorry sorry sorry it’s okay than sure thank you you’re very much welcome man Toby yes ma’am can I go find in you of of course you can confide in me sure okay so I think I I’m loving somebody and this is my first time this is the first time I’m having this kind of feeling for somebody I don’t know you’re in love with someone the cook how teaching know about it well I think I’m an open book right it’s not about you being an open book it’s just that I always notice everything about you okay so so what do you think I should do because he doesn’t love me he doesn’t even notice my presence he doesn’t look my way he just behaves as see he he doesn’t know me if you ask me I would say I mean why don’t you go for someone who loves you it’s much [Music] better they lose God I used to think that it’s because I don’t have money look at a fine boy like me with six packs check me out with all these qualities yet she still doesn’t love me [Music] why lose [Music] God B got it the best way the best and quickest way to get any man to love you hm make him jealous make him jealous jealous yes with what make him jealous with another guy I promise you he will go nuts he won’t stop thinking about you like he will go crazy about you telling you I don’t even know any guy what do you mean by you don’t know any guy do I do I look like a woman do do do I have breast and bom bomb or do you see any Bone St here are they St here I do not understand why are you asking because I’m a guy am I not don’t I look like a guy do I have to strip naked before you see the man in [Music] me [Music] my friend go back to your M are you okay sorry let me help you okay sorry s sorry sorry sorry sorry okay sorry sorry sorry M sorry sorry [Music] Ma sorry it’s okay just get your hands off me I’m sorry I’m sorry stop me I’m sorry man why you me S like that Ma is so that you won’t fall that’s why please don’t try it again please don’t try it again I’m sorry ma it won’t happen again man I’m sorry well we tried we did a good job yeah we did a very good job at least I saw him it was frowning frowning frowning that sh was jealous I told you I told you he’ll be jealous he tried thank you Ma told you we tried so tomorrow we get ready for Plan B okay no problem no problem all right so you can go to your room for the next one I can I can go now yeah okay do do you need me to do any other thing for you just something like what I don’t know just just get out okay I will I will get out go go and plan for tomorrow so one [Music] good [Music] Mark Mark M this wrist watch is no longer working I don’t know if you can help me fix it please okay I think to my beautiful lady this is for you to the most beautiful lady in the whole world thank you handsome you’re welcome my love H congratulations to you both because love is a beautiful thing I’m so happy I’m so happy for you both cuz he that finded her wife find good obtained favor from God thank you very much congrat what do you mean by that I mean congrats to bunch of flowers to the love is is a perfect match it’s a perfect mat well perfect man heav I don’t even like it like it’s not my type and um I just collected it because we’re friends nothing else I like collecting flowers from somebody I love somebody I like somebody I like to be with not somebody like you so just take your flowers and go I don’t need it I think I should be the one to go let me go F this Treet to watch I’ll bring it back thank you very much I keep trying s just this small thing I say you should act you are over acting over sa who do that now who asked you to KN down I used to be an get out I used to be an actor back in the day it’s time to give up Toby it’s time no I can’t give up perhaps this is an opportunity to help her change this attitude if she has the right attitude then she can think right and feel [Music] right he was even so happy for us congratulating us you can imagine it’s not working again I think I know what it is so what is it m you see the are so that love women who are humble quiet and well behaved and Mark strikes me as one of those men I think that’s why he’s attracted to for because she’s humble and you know well behaved as well so for you to get his attention and win him over I think I I think you have to change your attitude then what is wrong with my attitude nothing nothing is wrong with your attitude I’m just saying if you really want Mark to fall for you I feel you should be more humble just bring yourself down little sorry I was just making can you just get out sorry get out sorry [Music] sorry [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] I’m ready to do anything just to win his heart you love him this much mhm well if that’s the case then I feel he will also love for you to change your attitude towards everyone else the maid the gatesman the Beggars on the street I mean we are all equal in the eyes of God the fact that someone got more lucky doesn’t mean that they are better than everyone else that’s what I feel I will want for you to do so think about about it [Music] okay hi than so I’m done cleaning the stairs you can go outside and clean them Corridor um no there’s no problem just look henceforth I want to assist in some of the house CHS Madame I see the wash pleas there’s no problem I can help you that now you can go G um sorry M I have one question how how come the the uniform leave that one aside and um I would like you to teach me how to cook teach you how to cook no there’s no problem at all I won’t fire you I just want to learn nothing else so you don’t want to teach me no man I didn’t say that that the the whole thing is confusing to me so what are you cooking okay um I’m cooking soup soup but I’m boiling meat first first and after the me um Omar was helping you wash the plat yes ma’ so I want to help you my she will wash you to no don’t worry I can assist her there’s no problem my P can’t be here no no no no no no you don’t have to worry let me just do it okay there’s no problem it’s not just to wash plate I can do it just wash just watch me watch me do [Music] [Music] it I’m so tired sorry sorry sorry you’ve actually done well [Music] today I’m proud of you well done now all you need is a litu massage okay okay let’s uh get this make sure everything is in place just relax all right see D okay all right for the good part there you go there you go thank you so much you’re welcome hope you’re feeling better now I’m so tired it’s expected you know I’m glad I’m glad she has changed at least now I can sleep in your room and leave any time the change she changed now because of you that’s aun like you because of because of you now leave that she don’t change because of anybody wait that I you I love Happ [Music] sleep see do that m I sleep now I bet they go your room say won sleep sleep M sleep they go your room I go call you say make you sleep I they go I want sleep here before sleep drink something so this is what all this made go through every day yet I keep criticizing their effort keep being ungrateful so bad well I wouldn’t blame you you it’s not your fault to me you didn’t know better but now you do you see the house CHS is actually quite difficult it’s not as easy as people think it is yeah it’s not easy mhm but I enjoy talking and relating with Mark like I was saying a house CH is not very easy but you can get used to it you know you just need to keep doing it and keep doing it before you know it you’re going to be used to it just like me when I started I wasn’t used to it but eventually I got used to it so you’ll be fine okay um I think it’s it’s time for you to go to your room sleep yeah I guess so um if you need me for anything anything I so you can just call me I’ll be right back okay sure [Music] [Music] [Music] okay see your see your your own this black black it’s called fos fos it’s called [Music] f blue blue blue blue you blue my mouth now my eyes not sense what’s going on there ant It’s s for my eye ant or sand which one both of them ENT are eyes so me I’m blowing to to come out how how are you feeling now don’t remain small blue blue blue blue now blue blue my sorry sorry you want anything now you want anything you looking for trouble sorry are you looking for anything this kind environmental sanitation I be inspection I don’t understand where they go H it’s hard time I wait this job I can’t be doing this hide and seek now with the love of my life I pass this kind for person again but the woman I hide see the best for me to quit this job I just quit this job I just get rest of Mind small love on the play I don’t come here what come find here find dust just to find trouble I need to stop foring love it’s obvious Mark doesn’t love me he loves and loves him too if doesn’t love him I would have said I see I have hope but as it is there is no more hope it’s better I go for someone who love me hi hi um have you delivered the product yes I have the manager said the deal has been sealed Toby you know a lot about computer and you do online course why don’t you want to look for a better job you still want to work for me well if I tell you my reason I feel like you might get upset I promise I won’t are you sure it’s because I love you Sandra well I’ve come to realize that I’m also in love with you I father used to say that love is a decision and I’ve decided to love you love love gets if it make strong man they lose God love [Music] love welome welome [Music] mind try do you so that he P you thank you for the jealous see jealous where they do that kind guy spark but two of them excuse me leave time to just please understand instead of playing this Hide Love why don’t you make it official okay do you love her enough to marry her call me Madame again call me by my name Sandra you are older than me nothing they dis life for broken they speak broken see I want to know something do you love her enough to marry her if yes we can make plans for the engagement and and all bills on me [Music] H I don’t know it’s your own talk good to be true well that’s not the end I want to offer you a job and my father’s company in Abuja since I graduate because the manager there is not trustworthy and you you are trustworthy I’ve lived to here for long and you know other guys will accept my proposal for the love of money just to stay from me but you told me let’s just get that one hi are they hot are they Hur are they Hur my Madam yeah Toby and I will manage the one here because the manager willome hey wake me this dream no it’s not it’s not so you go for training abroad for 3 months before you re the work abroad yes hi we are one F We Are One fit Madam now madam want use good news choke me no no no do your thing God bless you amen God will protect you anything you put your hand so so bless you get God will protect you no happen to you mad Mad God bless you you God bless you you too hey so now don’t up all this hide and seek G we know not again all right no problem hi what’s wrong he will be your husband what up you figure it out waiting be my own now your own now thank you eat up your phood stop playing games M thank you God will bless your union you’re welcome God will bless your unioning Shing why you did like this what my your own now now they they hide they see your Pap wife find it a good you go marry me first before you go for the abroad no you first go make sure say you go your village people don’t use you play I go marry you before I go abroad treatment don’t get free Li treatment sit down I know now [Music] hi so once again congratulations Mr Mark thank you yeah congratulations on your new found job and I pray that as you go on this training I wish you all the best life has to offer thank you Ma thank you and I pray that your union with will be for thank you and I wish you guys all the best as well thank you cheers of course to Greatness greatness one hand one hand just like me one hand every yeah no you break the glass just [Music] love is a gift every heart deserves it comes in strange ways it makes us do Strange Days love strle love gets P you do strange things when love captures you love is a gift every heart deserves comes in strange ways and makes us do strange things love strong love gets power you do strange things when love captures you love [Music] get if it Mak strong lose God strong it makes strong B Lose [Music] God love gets power if it makes strong lose God love not that strong it makes strong [Music] Bab [Music]


    1. Pastor dat went to deliver somebody from evil spirit,is afraid of her 😂😂now she’s even the one who mad😂Ebube and food best of friends even though she’s acting the part of a rich girl in the case of the food she act local 😮😊😊😅

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