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    It’s summer, so that can only mean one thing! We are exploring more cities in Bavaria. Come with us as we take you through the beautiful and historic city of Nürnberg. From the renaissance faire-like city entrance at the Waffenhof to beautiful bridges and pedestrian spaces, we take you on one giant walking tour through this amazing city.
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    Instagram: near.fromhome
    Ben: strawbennyjam
    Camille: freshspringham
    Intro: 0:00-0:28
    Logistics 0:29-1:50
    Moat 1:51-2:33
    Waffenhof 2:34-4:15
    Nürnberg High Street 4:16-5:50
    Weird Fountain 5:51-6:35
    Pedestrian Infrastructure 6:36-8:13
    Kettensteg 8:14-10:20
    Henkersteg 10:21-14:35
    Island 14:36-16:18
    Hauptmarkt- 16:19-18:00
    Weißgebergasse 18:01-19:48
    Albrecht Dürer Haus 19:49-23:50
    Nürnberg’s Dark History 23:51-27:10
    Kaiserburg 27:11-28:29

    welcome to nerenberg the old capital of the Holy Roman Empire the center of the Germanic Renaissance and perhaps the most stored City in all of Germany there is a lot to do and we’ve got one weekend to do it so let’s Dive Right [Music] [Applause] In and so we will start off nberg Adventure in the exact same way that you should too right here at the hhof it is next to a rather busy road but one wonders why anyone would drive when you can take the train considering the location of this amazing City at the center of so many routs there is almost no excuse to get here in any other way and as we cross the road to enter this fabled city there is a choice to make there are two ways to enter through the city walls and I’ll let you guess which one I would prefer the first down this path takes you to the entrance of the High Street the second takes a drawbridge into the Fortified walls themselves there’s no doubt which way is [Music] better and I can barely contain myself from breaching the city walls immediately cuz I am so excited but there’s one more thing I want to call out because I don’t think we’re going to have time to do it today that’s the moat itself underneath our very draw bridge and feet you can go down in this beautiful little green space and I really want to but today is going to be pretty jam-packed with a lot of walking so I think we need to go into the city [Music] first okay so we ended up coming down to the m it was driving me crazy how could we walk over it but not come down into it it’s really awesome though I really love that we’re under the city walls right here what I really love the most though is that we’ve been to so many towns and villages with their fortified walls but this is a city wall at a city scale and being down underneath it you can really appreciate that yeah you just don’t normally see things like that would recommend [Music] [Music] I mean the vafin Hof is just so cool it’s like a permanent Renaissance festival or a micro living history museum to old nbar and this is also where they hide their tourist information building it’s just so thematic and cool so if you’re looking for a town map or any cool hints and guides from the people who work and live here it’s a good place to stop for me I missed them they’re actually already closed so I’m going to have to do this [Music] solo the only problem though is that we’ve walked just 50 m from the train station I’m in the mood to stretch my legs yet the venhoff is arguably begging me to sit down and have a beer but I just can’t do that yet there’s so much more to explore we can’t stop [Music] now so for me the ruffen Hoff is the kind of place that you need to E mark for later especially for when you’re hungry maybe you come back for some franconian sausages maybe that would be the perfect thing to include in your food video that people will need to like And subscribe for because as always you know the drill one video for the SES one video for the [Music] food but for now at least as we exit the vaon Hof and enter nberg proper it’s about time we start this video off the right way with a damn good walk [Music] and what a wonderful City to walk this is they have these incredible Maps stationed all around the place and we’ll talk a little bit later about how truly pedestrian focused nberg is I mean it’s going to become incredibly apparent soon enough but what I want to mention at the map is the unique relationship we have with the river most of the towns and cities we go to one side of the river is kind of favored over the others but not so in nberg North and South are both equally beautiful kept perfectly within the old fortification ring there is so much to walk and see we need to get [Music] moving The Pedestrian streets just seem to go on forever no matter where you turn it’s still perfectly walkable and very friendly it’s just so much of a joy to explore this city this is going to be one of those places kind of like Regensburg if you remember when we were there when I say this is the kind of place that you want to put your map down and just go on a wander there’s so many different places to find so many nooks and crannies don’t just load up Google Maps and find the most efficient way between A and B you need to go on a proper W nurenberg will definitely reward you for it and if you do get lost I mean they’ve got those lovely Maps situated everywhere anyway so you’ll be fine [Music] so what do you think of the fountain uh it’s really weird and I love it I thought you might there’s lots of skulls and bones and weird stuff yeah kind of bizarre it’s perfect and did you notice what is inside the tower behind you no what that’s their ubon station entrance you can see the sign right there I wish we had an uban station in a tower I am jealous as well that’s so cool ours are only next to Towers [Music] not to say that there aren’t any cars I mean sometimes there are they do need to come through but if you look at the way that they’ve done this road and the way that people are interacting with it there’s quite a lot of people j walking if you will and that’s because the cars have to drive slowly there’s tons of Bike Room there’s plant parts positioned in the way of the cars so they can’t just start booking it down the road and honestly it just makes everywhere feel so much safer to be around I mean look at how slow he’s having go but more fool you for driving in the center of a city this is for the people not for [Music] you I’m still not sure how I feel about these things there it looks like a train kind of I think it looks more like a tractor really drives like a car but at least it’s slow and non-threatening so I feel pretty mid about it maybe I’ll ride one one day I’d probably enjoy it [Music] as medieval and thematic as this city is though there’s still plenty of contemporary architecture especially on the southern side along their very extensive modern High Street adds a lot of contrast and I think that’s really cool because in that way it makes it feel like this is a city still lived in with people today who’ve got their Shores and shopping to do and not just people who lived here 500 years ago and are long [Music] gone once you hit the halfway point of our grand walking tour you’ll be by the river and that’s where our mission changes because now it’s all about exploring as many bridges as we can oh man there are a lot of bridges and you already know how much I love my water-based public infrastructure The Keg being my absolute favorite let me tell you [Music] why so are you going to tell us why you like this bridge so why don’t I love this bridge I mean I love everything about it I would do a 30 minute special on just this bridge if you’d watch it but you probably wouldn’t so the short of it is that for one I love that it’s a modern steel cable suspension bridge I just think that’s really neat and gives such a big contrast to all the wood and stone bridges that well the rest of nberg has but really what I love the most is where it stands because we are on the westly edge of the city’s fortification walls and I love anything that lets me walk along a fortification wall even better than that is this exact route spanning the river with the little island in between is incredibly historical dating back well prior to 1491 when alre Dura who we’ll learn about him later did a very famous wooden print of the wooden Medieval Renaissance Era bridge that used to span here and so unfortunately that really wouldn’t hold up to the flooding that this bridge experiences nowadays so a more modern steel cable is way better steel chain perhaps the layout the length the desire to cross the river at this point the A to B is incredibly historic I love walking on [Music] it what do you think though do you think it’s awesome yes please say yes it’s just it’s absolutely fantastic I love this bridge so much and I love sharing this bridge with you better be for how long it took to film we’ve been here for a while if you want the best photos on your vacation the max Booker has got to be the place to go I mean it’s a nice bridge in its own right but it’s looking at the best ones so make sure you stop over here to really appreciate the river itself the most iconic though has to be this absolutely stunning wooden Covered Bridge it is just something else should we move here I know it’s a cliche and every every body says that when they go on vacation but I feel it so much whenever wear a n Bag I agree I remember when we came here 5 years ago and I saw those apartments and oh my word I’ve wanted to live there ever since yeah be so good for [Music] cats okay now I don’t want to freak you out uhhuh but there is an owl in here wait where it’s just a plastic owl is to scare away all the pigeons from like pooping on people one it’s not working it’s not working at all and two I hate owls they’re so scary God so mean I was are lovely scared me oh did you really yeah my heart I’m so sorry but yeah come over here you can it’s just a little plastic I like that really see I’m not the only one scared of animals on here oh no Camille it’s happened there’s a snake oh no oh oh no oh no is it an owl it kind of looks like I thought it was an owl I mean it’s carrying post right I don’t think that’s an owl it has to be you would never ask a hawk to carry I’m pretty sure that’s a hawk it would be a pigeon or an owl just egg on your face speaking of something less scary longtime fans of the channel will know that we have spent a lot of time traveling and we normally like to show you guys the behind the scenes drama but something that is a continual problem is where to find cellular data and look we pretty much have to use our cell phones when we’re traveling whether it’s booking a hotel reading restaurant reviews or using Google Maps to get around you don’t want to be racking up a huge roaming charge or using your precious vacation hours to go to an eastem store I would know because unfortunately we had to do that when we were traveling in Turkey we ended up stopping three separate times at cell phone stores to buy an eim card but that’s where AO comes in with over 10 million Travelers worldwide AO is a eim store that solves the problem of high roaming bills by allowing travelers to buy digital eim cards with AO you can download digital packs from over 200 countries and regions and be ready to go when you land the whole process is actually really easy even I can do it uh despite having a YouTube channel and being married to a programmer I’m actually really bad at technology uh but I found the whole thing quite simple all I had to do was download AO choose my eim plan install it and then activate it we actually used AO long before back in February when we went to Georgia if you’ve watched those videos and this was long before they contacted us so you know we love these guys the app just saved us so much time and money cuz we could walk right off the plane and straight into filming plus heow is completely digital which means no plastic or packaging waste so if you have a vacation coming up download a today and use our discount code it’s amazing once you finally cross this iconic beautiful scary Bridge you could be fooled into thinking you’ve made it to the other side of the river but you have not in the middle of the pnets sits an Island an island well worth exploring starting off with the henka house or the what executioner house bit of a dark turn for this bridge unfortunately it’s closed at the moment when we’re here but I’d highly recommend checking it out once you’re over here I mean the views continue to be stunning there’s so much more to see and there’s the nurger brat Museum which again unfortunately closed it looks like a lot of fun but frankly after the food video that we’re about to shoot I think the brv museum is going to be my stomach so I don’t know if I need any more fortunately and unfortunately I can only travel well when I’m not doing my day job that actually pays the bills so I suppose this is a good time to remind you to like comment and subscribe share the videos with your friends I would love to do this as a day job I’d love for this to pay for itself God that’d be cool but uh no I have to have a real job so I just travel when I can would be lovely to do this full time though then I could travel on Wednesday days and I’d do everything oh and actually while I’m thinking of it if you do want to support the channel and you’ve already done all of those other things don’t forget that we offer itinerary consultations on our website where we can hop on a zoom call with you to go over your itinerary and make sure you make the most of your time over in our neck of the [Music] woods just want to say real quick just want to pop in for an unscheduled dialogue uh you just got recogn by an absolutely lovely gentleman who is a fan of the channel and I want to remind you that uh you can always say hi why not especially if I look busy or if I’m with friends especially friends or family and you just uh want to make me look really cool that is the creepiest knockoff Mickey and Minnie Mouse I’ve ever seen wait where right over there oh my God isn’t that horrifying I’m just so creeped out though we’re supposed to film here there supposed to be a whole segment here and we will do it we’ll do it we’ll uh put our game faces on and we’ll act but just know in the background it’s just like the most off-putting mice they’re leaving they’re leaving scene all right now that we’re no longer being visually accosted by those mice I can calm down I can relax I can tell you about the Market Square because it’s quite famous in fact in a different season you might even recogniz this church because this is the Market Square that holds Germany’s largest and most famous Christmas Market and that is also exactly why we’re here in summer because I think so many tourists come here in winter it’s incredibly famous you don’t need near from home to tell you about the nberg Christmas Market so I thought it would be a lot more fun to do a summer video and show you around the city itself and I hope you agree I mean we did actually come to nerenberg during the Christmas Market season we just chose to not bring our cameras for obvious reasons I think this channel is at its best when we’re doing something a bit off-kilter a bit unique a bit different showing you a different angle so for Christmas markets that’s why I really love say the Rena Gorge Market under that Viaduct and of course Christmas Market Island that’s what I love making I think making City Guides during the summer is really fun as well and again I think it adds a little bit of a different perspective to what you used to but yeah if you’re ever wondering why didn’t we do nerber Christmas Market while you here in summer that’s [Music] why but if you ask me in all of nunberg there is only one street that I find to be the most beautiful if you’re looking for that Charming medieval half Timber fave Ambiance and that is vice basa and it is just incredible what more do you need me to say about this street if you want a really beautiful picture with that half Timber they go so tall they’re so beautifully painted so well preserved is gorgeous on this street and if it was a little hotter it would be the perfect place to get an ice cream there are so many cafes dotted around here they’re just yeah closed at the moment but they won’t be when you’re here [Music] and it might seem a little bit silly to just call out one Street in particular and say oh you have to walk on that one cuz I haven’t been giving you that many street names today but I actually think that this place in particular is really easy to miss it’s off closer towards one of the walls right on the outskirts if you will it’s not along that Center kind of tourist trodden drag that you’ll be going down so you could miss out on this and I hope you don’t [Music] and it Bears worth repeating because well I want to repeat it but we are in the second largest city in Bavaria yet we are walking by these absolutely magnificent walls you could be fooled into thinking that we’re on the romantic road right now we’re not we’re in one of the biggest cities and this right here has to be one of my absolute favorite spots in the entire city on the exact opposite side from the train station itself it does take a little bit of a walk to get here but I think it’s completely worth it I mean just look around the castle looming above us all of the fantastic faka and of course City wall you know how much I love a city’s fortified wall this is just an amazing place to relax look around and soak it all in however perhaps the most famous place within this square at least arguably so is the albre D house a museum to Germany’s most famous real artist and as many times as I’ve been to this Square I’ve never been into the museum so it’s about time we changed that Alber dur is an extremely prominent German artist who is largely credited as the most significant figure and most successful artist in the German Renaissance it wouldn’t be wrong to think of him as a sort of Leonardo da Vinci figure in fact they were even pen pals and even if you still don’t really know who doter is you’ve definitely seen him before unlike most structures in nbig alur’s house is one of the few true surviving buildings from its time and we are so lucky to be able to experience his paintings and Engravings in this historical [Music] home I mean this is absolutely incredible I mean never mind the history the art the artist the building alone is probably the best medieval house we’ve ever been in in any country that’s saying a lot who it’s you’re inside essentially I mean obviously this is the kitchen but you’ve got the whole Flume as well wa that’s very cool this room is fascinating not just the pots and pans but also the privy I don’t know if I would recommend cooking and relieving oneself in the same building you thought it was the bucket you really thought the privy was the bucket I did no it’s behind the door which is locked lest anyone use it apparently it is a secret toilet as he aged his health deteriorated as do we all and so we had this installed to get away from everyone else in the kitchen [Music] and I mean with this view I mean this has probably been the best house in nberg for 600 years and I don’t see it [Music] changing what shocked me upon arrival was their very cool very edgy temporary exhibition a walk-in tattoo parlor specializing in Doo’s work by a traveling artist famous for mixing modern tattoos with Renaissance art I was so down for this I mean how cool would it have been to have dur art tattooed on your body in the dur house but alas they are essentially booked out for the remainder of the exhibition they are doing some walk-ins based on cancellations for people with really flexible schedules so if you want to try your luck you have until September 1st 2024 that was absolutely incredible and you know I went in blind so I didn’t have any expectations to be exceeded yet still I am just in awe of how much fun that was and like the house itself it had so many layers to it from the architecture the location the art the artist and it all being recontextualized with modern tattoos that was [Music] awesome it is however now that we finally get to the rather unfortunate segment of the video where we encounter the elephant in the room because of course no discussion no visit to nberg could be complete without talking about its history and unfortunately that can’t just be talking about fun Medieval Nights Lords in castles and Renaissance paintings because well we’re not the only people who thought that was cool of course in the 1900s when the Nazi party was coming to power in an attempt to legitimize their fascist rhetoric and draw a connection to the seat of the Holy Roman Empire and their legitimacy as Noble rulers who always have been here and always should be they used nberg as their cultural capital of course this is where they held their largest rallies this is where those rallies were filmed for propaganda this is where in 1935 a special session of the Y tag implemented the law which would strip every single Jew and non orian minority minority of their German citizenship it’s for that reason that during the subsequent War 90% of this city was bombed to the ground and why less than half of it was rebuilt it’s therefore why in 1945 the nberg trials were held here the subsequent hangings but most importantly this is why in 1945 there were zero remaining Jews left within this city they had been expelled hel from their home in numerous ways and it’s important to remember how that happened it’s important to remember the rise of fascism and in many ways it’s important to remember that the buildings here have seen that happen more than once this sort of thing is not a one-off in human history in 1349 nberg experienced a plague and blaming it on the Jews they were subsequently burnt at the stake and tortured this is the kind of thing that humans do they create an other they use fascist rhetoric to create a powerful ingroup and they use it to destroy what isn’t part of their in group and it happens again and again if you don’t watch for it if you’re not Vigilant of it it will happen again this city knows that and you need to pay attention to it [Music] it’s really difficult to know how to handle that topic in videos and video production because on the one hand I do want to just make a fun guide for you for your vacation to show you around but on the other hand Who Am I who are we to ignore something so important so I hope you don’t mind the inclusion of that in this video there’s a lot to learn from it but I don’t want to end it on that note that would be really awkward and a little bit unfair because there is hope because we can can do better and we can enjoy things without being fascist about it so let’s go to the top of the castle for a beautiful sunset and end this video off right [Music] this is a beautiful castle by the way well worth the walk well worth looking at and I would highly recommend being here at Sunset The View over the city fantastic [Music] what more could you ask for thank you so much for watching I really appreciate your time and I will see you in the next video wherever that might be [Music] [Music]


    1. The same thing is happening now to Palestinians and I don’t understand why the Germans out of all people support that. Here in the USA we have the lobbyists paying the politicians and the evangelicals who think that’s going to help them go to heaven. It’s hard to understand how people can be this rotten. I’ve been to the Dachau Concentration Camp and it’s very clear that we are seeing the same thing happening and we are not going anything to end it yet again.

    2. Thank you so much for doing this video, and thank you all the more for addressing the dark history of Nuremberg that addresses the continual process of othering in an open and honest way. As a Jewish medieval historian (who also grew up in Munich and all that entails) I appreciate this a great deal.

    3. Hello again! I visited Nurnberg last August and the Duerer Haus was my primary focus of the trip, but I was somewhat limited in my walking by a slowly healing ankle surgery. The castle had been on my "to do" bucket list but was unable to do that much walking and stairs.
      I'm sure that Camille knows that Albrecht Duerer was the Leonardo da Vinci of Germany, and his works are wonderful. Some of his original paintings are in the Alte Pinakothek in Munich.
      I stayed at a Paulanerbraeu Gasthaus near the Hauptbahnhof, which was very pleasant but with steep stairs to my room. I'm considering another day trip to Nurnberg in about 2 months on my way to Lutherstadt Wittenberg and then Dresden.

    4. Another wonderful video! The tough topic was gracefully articulated. Nuremberg is 100% added to the German road trip! Cheers and keep up the awesome work!

    5. Not to sidetrack the conversation, but… we just did Eibsee and took your advice to go anti-clockwise, seeing the best views first and powering past the crowds at the end.
      AND… a couple of weeks ago, we went to San Romedio on public transport (just to prove it could be done) and based on your visit.
      Thanks for the show.

    6. btw, i have a question about the trains. Im in germany austria and switzerland for 5 weeks. I'm doing 3 or 4 long train rides, the rest should be shorter. I was thinking of buying a eurail pass with like 5 or 10 full travel days, and then maybe the 49 euro a month ticket? Sound reasonable?

    7. Very well done to both of you! Thank you, Ben, for the inclusion of the importance of recognizing not all has been quaint and charming and being respectful of what happened. On the other hand, this is definitely a city which would be on our German itinerary.

    8. I had the privilege of growing up in Nuremburg. I loved every minute of it. A cool (but morbid fact) is they used to hang people off of the bridges. Well said at the end, Ben.

    9. I appreciate that you included the darker history of the city. Of course it's not a fun topic but would be inappropriate to ignore and you handled it very well. If anyone is interested to learn more while visiting Nuremberg, check out the Documentation Center museum which is an excellent resource about the N4zi regime and its relationship with the city.

    10. Thank you for not only the video but your words. I appreciate your taking the time to address the ‘elephant in the room’ and the issues that still exist. Well said.

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