Get £200 OFF The Himiway A7 PRO Using Code:LE200
    Urban Electric Commuter Bike

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    yes peeps what up welcome back to another episode tonight I am out on the himiway A7 Pro as you can see in the back there there is another himiway and this belongs to my good power jack how how you been finding the bike I love it yeah haven’t uploaded in about 2 years two years no I’ve been busy I started a new job I wanted to get settled in so but you’re going to start doing deliveries again soon we doing deliveries now but I’ll leave the channel link down below yeah he’s got a nice setup here he’s got the Spartan pack bag on the back hip blck DX and I really like this one orange and both hyways are out tonight on the Streets of London and we’re going to be doing some deliveries the time is currently 20 to 9: so it is a little bit late but we’re going to get cracking we’re just waiting for the first order to come in if if you had your camera today we could have done a challenge but some little old gangster just went past and thought it’d be a great idea to smash this wine bottle he just kicked it so what about if a little kid falls over flipping OT aren’t they yeah oh look at me I’m a hard man I kicked a bot over gbk oh hopefully I get some free burgers again you never know do you want a burger for yourself yeah I wouldn’t say no to a burger two cheeseburgers one American all right let’s head over to gouret Burger Kitchen get this double all right bro I’ll see you soon hopefully you ain’t waiting around for long yeah apparently it’s going to uh it’s going to start raining soon which I’m not looking forward to because I have no waterproofs on yeah I’m starting a little bit later than usual I’m going to do about 2 hour shift have you been waiting long no long no are you showing your number thanks for those Burgers last week they were really good they were really good yeah uh 67 R 658 yeah that one scanned and that one perfect thank you nice quick pickup all right first one is 7 minutes away let’s get straight on the road yeah I hope you’ve been enjoying the last couple of episodes that I’ve uh that I’ve uploaded the one regarding zego insurance now a lot of you were asking about the cover between accepting your first order and when you’re not delivering basically when you’re not working and the way it works is you need to have a separate policy to cover you from when for when you’re not working that separate policy can be with any insurance however you need to make sure that the insurer allows top up insurance which is the zof flex and not every insurer accepts it and that’s why I just uh made the decision to get my my social domestic and pleasure insurance cover policy with zego so then there’s no confusion to if the insurer accepts it because it’s the same company so they they are going to accept it next week heading up to Bath cannot wait for that that’s going to be really really cool and I’m taking up a folding ebike which is the Ado a20 Pro which is their one of their latest models I don’t think it is their most recent one but it is it is quite recent and the reason why I’m taking a folding bike is because I know those trains that go up to Bath I I don’t really want to take a himiway cuz especially my himiway Zebo I think it’s a bit too big to go on those trains yeah the station is quite small so I rather just take up a folding bike and it gives me the opportunity to review the bike as a as a bike meant to be used like with with public transport God I can’t get my words out tonight but you know what I mean I want to show the folding capabilities of the bike all right let’s get some tunes on and get up to this customer 0.7 M 5 [Music] minutes all right then here we are I can lock the bike up over here H can I get your code please thank you I went looking for my moped then I was like where’s it gone all right next customer is 6 minutes away 0.6 miles all right we’re going up a pretty steep hill I don’t think I’ve been up a hill on this bike yet yeah piece of cake [Music] hello Shak in that one thank you take care I was going to joke around and say that I spilled the milkshake and it’s gone everywhere but she’s uh she looked quite intimida dating and I got scared no I just didn’t want to do it if it was a younger person like I’m going to say my age cuz I’m still young yeah even though I’m 30 next month but yeah if she was younger I would have said oh my God I spilled your milkshake it’s gone everywhere I’ll do it hopefully I’ll do it if I get another delivery with a drinking it it can’t be a can drink though because then it just looks weird all right let’s get back down towards the restaurants and I’ll bring you back when the next orders in all right there’s another double order guess where it’s from gbk once again £750 let’s go and get it I’m going to lock the bike here this time a bit of a peace of mind there we go let’s see how big these orders are oh they’re small five items between them thank you no drinks it’s just a food okay thank you the thank you all right got those orders see it’s literally in and out man it’s so fast got a drink with this uh order but I think it’s a bottle drink yeah it’s can of Coke so I can’t pretend that I’ve spilled the kind of coat I could say I forgot it though but then I think that that might just annoy them start lashing out what do you mean you’re useless I had it actually with a a customer around here the restaurant actually forgot to give me the drink and uh I said to the guy look this is all that the restaurant’s given me they haven’t given me no other bags but I’ll happily go back to the restaurant for you you know when they started getting all like ay with me like no it’s all right don’t worry about it I’m used to it now this and that all right mate I don’t mind going back can get in the drink for you you know Takes Me 2 seconds literally the restaurant’s just up here called Chi Chinese and the customer was like 2 minutes away all right this customer is 9 Minutes 1.5 mil away I’m not going to put any tunes on so it’s going to be a nice peaceful ride to the customer oh he was angry for for for [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay oh [Music] [Music] [Music] for for [Music] [Music] you’re right good good thanks for coming down lucky enough I know this is this a state come on 278 your one has got a drink coconut yeah perfect thank you have a good one all right straight over to the next one it isn’t far .8 miles it’s nice and close High delivery there you a call please 21 thank you all right that’s 72 done all right so just heading back down towards the restaurants time now is uh 20 to 10 I’ve been online for an hour done four delivery so far not bad but it is a lot quieter than it normally is especially for a Saturday and I was expecting get a lot more jobs like in between waiting for those other ones all right so just met back up with Jack and we keep getting really really far orders like right look at this one yeah £8 64 that is Miles Away where is this pekham Hong Kong city that’s that’s EMP Road from here to EMP Road for 864 is just not worth it you’re getting orders you’re getting orders like if you’re driving a a super bike yeah I should be in a super yeah just waiting around for some more it is slow but the only orders that are coming in are absolutely miles away so we’re going to see how it goes um yeah this might be a short this might be a short night mate it’s the only downside to to starting late it could either be really good or really bad all right so the time’s just hit 1 p.m. I’ve made a grand total of £368 and that was just for two double orders from gbk um um normally episodes like this don’t even make it to YouTube and I don’t know if this one is but if it does then I hope you’ve enjoyed watching this short episode four orders it’s okay um yeah what did you finish on free orders fre orders 1326 so very very close very close um yeah I think this video I don’t know I don’t know if it’s going to make it to YouTube if it does I hope you’ve enjoy watching also if you want to be getting a discount on this bike and you want to find out more information then you can find the links down below um yeah thank you for watching and I’ll see you on the next one peace


    1. Yeah, the quiet unedited parts are always interesting to watch, I think maybe alternate between short more tightly edited segments and the unedited ones. Perhaps need a name for the unedited ones such as 'rough cut' or 'no music'

    2. Music is OK sometimes but I actually really like when you can just hear the ambient sounds when you are riding, makes for a more immersive experience for the viewer 🥰
      PS is it legal to park facing traffic in London, would get a ticket here in Oz!?

    3. im recently going to live in the street, a church can have me some days. watching your videos help me a lot. i earn 0.75U$S per delivery in argentina.
      thanks a lot.

    4. I enjoyed this short vlog, it puts time in before you do things like go into Town, just a quick 15 minuter, just the ticket, this is Choppy in Whitehaven, Cumbria, England

    5. your a legend a must watch blog got all the lads in work to subscribe just wish you could say what part of london you are driving through keep up the outstanding work you do thanks again steve east london

    6. I genuinely love your videos 🙂 Do you think you can stick a camera near your wheel like in those action movies? Might make for an interesting shot

    7. Been watching for a while and wondering about your bike gear, i see you have some in the description, but i cant see your bike gloves or bike lock and phone holder mount

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