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    so I’m going to take you behind the scenes of Another sixf figure resellers Empire so he’s going to give us a little tour of his operation who’s the six figure reseller already what said another six fig oh John Luke yeah who’s you m oh yeah me he’s a six figer reseller I’m the coffee cat I’m he’s like Jack the ri I’m the coffee cat killer me right anyway come on oh sho’s off sho’s off sorry man let me take your shoes off TOS out today right so operation and basically we just want to see what’s what so first off I’m guessing this is your photography area co anger yeah what did you put on there coats yeah yeah what you put hats on there keys coats there we are hard working mate um that’s just a pile of cards mind them this is from Tesco today tesos yeah oh yeah they got that closing down thing closing down thing yeah so these Yu-Gi-Oh cards pound a pack really pound a pack how much don’t know I think the retail’s four or five quid so decent um yeah photograph area is a bit messy because we just had loads of new stuff coming so we got loads of STI bears oh that is nice look at how fluffy he is yeah that is give him a cuddle that’s cute that is so we’ve got um bit new bits coming in so that’s why it’s all a bit manic around here this is like this is like to be photographed that’s like has been photographed it just needs to get wheeled away yeah so we if you don’t know me we predominantly sell on eBay and whatnot and you got someone else in the pipe line your uh oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah can we say that yeah we yeah we launching a clothing BR as well so that’ll be dropping very soon very soon I’ve got little peek over there this is where we do our clothing whatnot shows so these Ikea kak units two of them on top of each other that’s like a big one like a smaller one so you get all the products in there camera goes in here and then this is the big space so you could have women’s clothes on this side men’s clothes on thats side and then you sell it on on the live stream so when you see them on whatnot this is yeah this is kind of the general the general whatnot show over this side is like the beauty bit so this is where we do the beauty shows so that’s where Charlotte sits all behind the scenes here look so you’ve got yeah front and back oh do Gils down there um is that grinder so yeah all the all the beauty products we’ve got a show tonight so this will be Jam full we just had a pette of stuff around today so we can go and have a sneaky sneaky look at that uh and then this is where I run about during the Stream So youve got the alphabet down here so say Stacy bought some on his account called r with riches we put his items here it’ have a bag with recovered riches on and every time he buy some up up and then that’s how we find what are these shelves here this is listed stock listed yeah both sides listed on eBay yeah both sides yeah yeah so that’s listed on eBay some of that clothes that’s all listed over there how many active listings you got about 500 it’s not like crazy it’s never been crazy never really been more than 500 um but when we do shows this floor space gets absolutely full up so you might think this is a big old space but this allows us to get all the orders in alphabetical order so you might have so it be lined up it’s that yeah for each letter so you’ll have like five people s with l n n so that’s like full and then power using that picks and packs the ERS he’ll just pick from Back to Front basically so the last thing you pack is the the a side whose job is it to Hoover up in here I was hoing up in here yesterday actually it takes ages yeah yeah listed clothes here uh and then on this side we have got just more stuff so we’ve got Clos photographing area all close to be photograph there just a bit of a mix Max there so this is posters ready for like a poster show so you’ve got all kinds of film posters like the other 2000s that we’re going to be doing 10 fits Patrick table Yeah the big old table that we inherited with the place we did a Lego show last night I watch some of that so the Lego show we did uh we got most of it from the car boot on Sunday um for 40 quid there was a few pieces that we didn’t get from there but after fees we did £330 which is not bad going is it going we only do a Lego show once every blue moon I try and get some good stuff together and then do it all in one go you collect it as well didn’t you yeah I collect it I collect it it’s in the other room The Collection this is all cycling GE that we recently picked up so that’s just getting started out of the minute we got the foot on the TV massive sofa yeah the sofa is massive it’s quite nice as B it’s like a little front room in here big you can live in here so yeah we can generally chill and list on there if we need to or want to um we just need to start filling these up a bit more now getting it rocking and rolling so this used to be a office didn’t it yeah it used to be a Publishing Company yeah so there was tables everywhere yeah desks not believe that it was an office space in here looks so different and it’s like they’ve never been here yeah they was in there for years as well yeah been there for years like 10 years or something it is just a bit of personal Goods so little bits and pieces I need to get like some units and stuff to display some of this Lego um dart board you want me to give you a throw give you a throw right what we going for then what do you want me to what you want me to get a 14 a one and a 13 141 and 13 all right pressure now not warmed up guys all right 14 first used to be a pro and then he started resell no 14 13 as well was it yeah not that number one didn’t get that I got the 13 there you go yeah but you was aiming for the one yeah no no no yeah no yeah yeah yeah I do enjoy playing DS since working sometimes so every time a wall passes in here that’s not bad going is it not bad going um so yeah in this side we have got the kitchen toilet showery general staff area so there’s only three of us here at the minute going there shower disabled toilets yeah you got men’s and women’s toilets women’s men’s oh my God I don’t use them in toilet so that’s actually har toilet so just your and then to get oven yeah ovens air frers all that you want to get a big double fuit freezer is that to these guys man These Guys these guys so yeah then you got the bathro guys if you don’t know guy that wall there Stacy’s unit so this is the side this is the the side so we got unlisted stuff in here all that unlisted all this is unlisted then all that cled as well that’s a lot just Big G it’s some highend stuff so we um we just slowly triple through that com at the price of that dress where are we looking oh crazy where’d you get out off the back ofate off the back of the van that’s why we got the gym that’s working progress got show uschs I’ll just put on the heavy side the heaviest and show us how to do a cur there you go that’s cool yeah they got from like 2K to 24 or something so you can just need to change them um bench got a bag with a dip station so we just kind of building that off as it work look at all this this is [Music] crazy this is all new stocking today today yeah off the so we a lot of this off the P today all this stuff so we restocked on all our goodies the beauty goodies cool the world famous hair mask you don’t need it there Stace yeah what’s a hair mask get out on your bed actually Beed mask and then charlott’s way we’re in this Zone this um so this is just the packing area then we’ve got over stuff here as well think wants to be on camera whose job is it to that’s Harry your job at this or what FL what are you laughing at in the backg um we just probably we’re going to use them soon so I don’t think we should FL yeah we just literally it’s work in progress cuz Harry’s been away just a lot of moving parts so it’s getting tidy now we just ignore the mess so what’s your plans for the future um only fans yeah yeah thought you started that last week no we’re just building up getting more stuff in building up the whatnot shows um and the eBay side of things getting fig better really and then the clothing BRS show I’ve not got the is the C here actually so these car that you get on the first drop so that there there’s number one one out of 500 up oh recovered Richard colors check it out so that’s the card you’ll get with the cap it’s if you get a black C I’m if you get a pink cap high quality mate high quality have you got sample the cap sample I’m not sure that’s what I mean I had it somewhere um but they are currently on the way now you know what might over might be l yeah we that’s something so by John Luke’s the brand and then the first drop’s called flipper so like the flip uh what factory makes this so it’s come out of the same Factory as Von dut is that high end brand you like really nice caps so you would have seen me wear them on videos and stuff before but you got your own little label in there and stuff um really pleased how they turned out so there’s a th000 on the way 500 p 500 black or black gray it’s like a washed they wash it so they color it and then they wash it I mean so it washes like a wash so originally that would have been black but then they do a a fabric wash on it yeah it’s proper like high quality stuff really nice so yeah they’ll be dropping in August I think they’re on the way now did you get that flicking R light fixed yeah yeah the electrician slowly but Sur theyve been doing them uh obviously the landlord’s a bit stingy AR they up at all uh St so they slowly get done so what’s your plan what do you want to grow more whatnot or Ebay both both yeah both um do you have a target of active listings you want to reach I’ll be just exponentially more it you can double in you know what I mean better um we will be slowly integrating Harry into doing listings as well so just um evolving me there’s a lot of packing as well so like he’s C on 25 hours and doing over time and that’s like majority of I cuz it’s just like that much yeah what not you do what two or 300 items yeah a week three yeah you talking like 300 Parcels a week and whatnot um and then you got eBay I else you know what’s s on the table at L eBay award yeah so how would you win that so that is the community contribution award so if anyone don’t know I have a YouTube channel as well so that was you have to let me know what that is Stacy used to watch me in his bedroom like a little teenager yeah so you watched my first video years ago and here we are 2021 or 2020 cuz it was just before Co started then Co hit and he was like watch him right there you go that was last year’s award the the award’s currently running now so I think there’s six or seven categories so if you want to apply for it do go for it I’ve applied you get 10 grand posted you get all sorts of stuff um but it’s really good day out we went we went to Westminster and that so that was really cool got close ties with eBay now so got him in his pocket yeah that’s recog I bet you never thought you would uh get here did you back when you was in the Attic you don’t think that far out de no I never thought I’d get here but it’s crazy is it would you ever go back if you could get a job that paid the same would you go back no we we enjoy it too much yeah the freedom yeah it’s it’s like you get the freedom you still work in your socks off you work harder than you would in a normal job but um more rewarding more rewarding yeah yeah definitely just make it your own you know and if you enjoy it it’s not for everyone do you know what I mean there’ll be people watching this thinking I couldn’t do that and that’s fair enough I mean not everyone’s fit for the job they they prefer a 9 to5 and that’s that’s cool it even I get days where I think oh do I really want to do this but that soon passes like the next day back at it yeah well you see you know it was just a year ago when I came to your unit and interview dude you remember yeah yeah so that was if you want to with the M&M machines yeah if you gone now watched that on my that was a year ago I was just in the garage at that time do you what I mean that was just over a year ago I think we moved out of the garage into your smaller unit in August and we went on holiday in September so that’s less than a year Les less than a year yeah less than a year ago was in the garage which is my that is crazy to think if you watch his old videos you’ll see how fast he is what’s the word progress yeah just progression yeah but if you turn the camera around you see how big of a space this is this is bigger than my layous I would say because you also got the um that bit there say this is would expensive but it’s worth it obv yeah it’s like luxury you got heating hot water kitchen the people get a bit like Al a bit big that but you know we cover our rent in like one what not sure you know what I mean so you got to you back yourself as well and you it’s part of business you need to be paying for a space otherwise you’re a going to be able to grow and we got a lot of room to go in the garage but there’s only so much you can turn over yeah and some people people they like that just turning it over just like you know I mean people don’t want to scale it and that’s fine as well there’s no right a wrong way of doing it but and even at some point this massive space might become too small yeah yeah might get there been times where my unit is too small and I was worried that I’d have to leave but then I took on another unit filled that and then back in the same position but scaled it back a bit now and uh it’s just about organizing it really yeah yeah that’s cuz there’s only three of us there Harry’s been away that’s why we’ve just not got to GP of all this stuff but this this week’s all about kind of getting everything together and S do you reckon you ever get more stuff yeah I reckon so yeah yeah not not in like the immediate future but yeah definitely something to think about along the lines even if it was if Harry progressed onto doing this side of things more often and someone took his role or you I mean he can take someone under his his wing oh that’s probably a good way of doing it you know what I mean and just keep packing is easier to teach someone then yeah so Harry could train them doing that and then he could take on this and it just keeps going around and round and round and you know one day you’ve got 20 slaps I mean um but recruiting is hard as well you got to find the right person how did you do it we did it on indeed um we got lucky really do you mean and you had to have interviews didn’t you we got lucky but we’ll take that look do you what I mean land on your feet sometimes didn’t he know you yeah we met him at the car boot a few weeks before and he you know he not even moved to Plymouth yet he was only living weekend at his girlfriend now and again he took the plunge from London came down job here when he was still living in London never looked back yeah just some things happen for a reason you know um but we couldn’t do it without you as well cuz you got the foot in the door at the the other place as well so we like forever grateful for that and we always help each other out don’t we yeah I’m just glad I could have been a part of it it was just nice to see see the growth yeah and you get a neighbor good little neighbor you I mean we scratch each other’s back you know literally only Act only joking he’s a suppose he’s not bad he’s not bad but yeah now you’re here I’ve got my unit back yeah it’s it’s good to just be around like minded people though and doing the same stuff yeah do you know what I mean like if there was another reseller next door I mean it’s just like just be more people to bounce off in it do you know I mean you don’t we don’t see each of as competition or anything like no totally um sell completely different stuff as well different business plans yeah it’s totally different but we both do even at car you buy stuff we’ll have a b you’ll have a bful it’ll be like completely car yeah at the same time yeah and yeah it’s just completely different stuff to what we pick up really it’s nice area that we have the unit in as well yeah it’s all Tu nice tucked away it’s like the dead end in it so yeah mine’s even better is right at the end right in the corner you get the sun trop as well so I often sit out and list speak of the devil charlott’s hiding out here doing some list um but it is nice is it yeah I like it so should we end it there yeah anything any last questions any final thoughts think you got whatnot show yeah yeah so I’m on whatnot as well and I’ve scheduled the show for tomorrow at 12:30 so tomorrow will be Friday the 20 1st of June June yeah yeah are you going to just preview the the goods as well do I go and show you Goods um yeah I’ll give you a little teaser of what’s going to be on the sh so um thank you for showing us around the scen of a six figure reseller soon to be seven figures give me a decade and uh yeah so I’ll give you a little preview and then we’ll end it there I’ll plug his channel down below um it’ll have to tell me what it is first and uh just John L mate yeah yeah JL I’ll have to I’ll check it out make sure it’s up to scratch before I plug it yeah but big love appreciate you guys and clean that toilet and that in the sink you seen your toilet these days clean some out of World War II mate so here’s a little sneak peek of what’s going to be on tomorrow’s whatnot shove so we got all sorts going on here loads of brand new stuff like twitch pillows um snuggle like oversized hoodies work trousers Barby rework bucket hats these here are vintage from the ‘ 70s rockabilly single stitch ma in Hong Kong te’s for women and I’ve got loads of them there different colors different sizes we got shoes trainers brand new old stocks jeans we got cashmere bar scarf so don’t forget tomorrow Friday the 21st at 12:30 come and see me at whatnot so I hope you enjoyed the little sneak peek behind the scenes of John’s sixf figure reselling business and um I’ll see you on the next one


    1. Number one reason I've started eBay, is I'm 50 next year & I've hated every job for the last 33 years, wife getting cancer in 2019 (Now Clear) also a huge reason to spend more time with her & have freedom

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