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    welcome back it’s 548 this year’s World happiness report has been released and Finland took the top spot and now Finland is sharing their secrets the country is launching a program to spread happiness hacks all over the world ABC’s James Longman has the details what’s the secret to happiness Finland might have the answer the world happiness report yeah it’s a thing has named the country the happiest on earth now it’s spreading the love launching a program called Helsinki happiness hacks people from all over the world are invited to visit to engage in their way of life and it’s completely free I’m a complete and total nerd that um hasn’t been able to travel much in his life for New Jersey teacher Joplin James the program was all about seeing the world and improving himself I kind of fell off of taking care of me I gained a lot of weight I developed type 2 diabetes New Yorker jinny bartalone applied on a whim hoping to meet new faces after disconnecting from people during the pandemic this experience I hoped and it very much has succeeded would fulfill my belief again in people connecting the 5-day itinerary in the capital city of hinki all alongside so-called happiness hackers one of those Shiny Happy People Lena salmi the 70-year-old is known around the city for her skateboard skills and says she focused on her own happiness 10 years years ago what makes me happy skateboard uh swim just look around another hacker welcoming newcomers to his home country DJ tapio hackin sharing his hacks cycling a Finnish sauna and balance one thing that people are positively surprised when they come here and experience Finnish culture is our uh work life balance we work very efficiently our eight hour working days but with the we want to make sure that there’s um time and room for other things in life the best lessons from those hackers all surprisingly simple like enjoy what you eat as a teacher I’m always like oh it’s my lunch I got to hurry up and eat I’m really going to be conscious of what I’m putting in my body and I’m really going to be conscious of enjoying it embrace your inner child have a childlike enthusiasm for everything you’re given the opportunity to try and nurture the relationships in your life need to invest in your loved ones and tell them that you love them I think I’m going to come back a different person with the tools that we’ve learned this week James Longman ABC News in London I feel like Finland has won this before that’s what I was thinking when I saw this feel like I’ve always heard Finland is just the happiest country in the world yeah they know something that we don’t clearly I know must be something in the water but get this and not such happy news the United States has moved from 17th to to 23rd in the rankings yikes I feel like my happiness has gone down so I might contri be contributing to that all right

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