Cycling from Coominya towards Esk and back to Coominya. Snacks at the end provided by the Spa grocery shop in Coominya. Much appreciated!

    hello Maria here from Manchester now living in Australia finally got to kmina don’t if you can see that behind and I am going to go towards esque I’m not going to get to es today I’ve got set set off too late um but this is very pleasant there’s the Old Railway Station bit of a park over here for the kids and the track there the old Crossing um thing there can you see that y very nice let’s get on with it [Music] he oh [Music] [Music] go [Music] okay being British and being on this walk I don’t think is a good idea cuz I keep digging up these things oh my God look at them there’s hundreds of them so I’ve got to stop doing it now and get on with riding me bike [Music]

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