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    welcome beyond the coverage I’m Chris horer in today’s edition yonas vgo is starting the 24 Tour to France guys that’s the headline news today if you woke up and flipped open your computer and you’re looking at cycling news or any other cycling web pages out there yonas Vino is starting the 24 Tour to France he crashed on stage four of the bass country hopefully you know that by now or you’ve been in a cave but yonas Veno and viz molissa bike have announced that he will start along with wal van art so viz molisa bike are coming in with last year and the year before tour to France winner two-time backto back yonas Veno starting the tour now what does that mean that means we got all four of the favorites up here on beyond the coverage and the butterfly effect the first page writers Jonas Vino Tad pachar Primos Rog and Rimco evle all battling here at the 24 Tour of France along with W vanan art UAE te Emirates have a team that I believe is the most stacked of climbers but Vis Melisa bike assuming yonas is on fantastic form we don’t know that yet no one can answer that I told you guys a long time ago when he got out of the hospital and he had 74 days before the Tour of France started that he could make the tour to France and now the announcement is that he will be at the tour to France but I can’t tell you what kind of form he could have will it be his absolute best I don’t know will it be that magnificent individual time trial kind of form that we saw in last year’s 23 edition of the torto France that’s too hard to predict nobody has a crystal ball that that good unless of course your yonas vino or the viz molisa bike trainers and coaches over there because they can see his actual power numbers to know what yonas Vino has been doing throughout the last especially the last two weeks to know how he’s been feeling to know what his Sensations are now he’s been at altitude up in teens he’s been training with all his teammates we’ve seen that posted up there where he’s training with the big guy W vanart Kristoff leaport that will start the tourto France too Yan tratnik was up there training with them Jorgenson was up there they had a host of teammates those guys have a better understanding they could tell you that wow he looks fantastic he’s getting better and better or wow he’s already there now the coaches and everything I’ve read says that well he’s not exactly already there but they say he’s going so if he can make it through the first nine stages the first week of the tour to France then he has more time to recover from the crash and more time to find that Fitness but UAE team members have come with a stack climbing team we really don’t get into the big big mountains though until after the first nine stages stage one of course is going to be difficult UA e te EMS as I’ve told you many times they’re going to want to drill it on stage one just to find out where yonas is and if the other teams are smart like borans and Rimco sudo quickstep team if those two Riders have come in with top form they’ll join in with UAE team memores on stage one and just drill it and make it what could possibly be the fastest stage one tour of France we’ve ever witnessed in terms of pure power and effort speed wise the flat stages always are going to be faster average speeds but in terms of pure power if those three teams come into stage one and say we need to get rid of jonis vineo we need to find out exactly what his form’s like maybe all three teams should just team up on stage one drill it like crazy and see if they can drop Jonas Vino on stage one because if he can find that magnificent form he had in 2023 maybe there’s nobody that can beat him at this year’s tour to France even though T Pacha has dominated the whole season winning the jural de Italia winning strata bian by 81 kilomet going into walta Catalonia winning stages left to right taking K jerseys race leaders jersey and then coming into lbl and winning there at Le best on Le a magnificent Monument victory for T Pacha so his season has been almost Flawless minus the Milan and Remo little bit of lack of Team power that they had there when you’re starting the suppressa and the Poo coming up a little bit short there in power but other than that and that wasn’t much of a flaw really this been a magnificent season for T Bacha but if yonis Vino can come in and find that form from last year’s 23 Tor of France individual time trial where he Blitz the whole field and probably pulled seven watts per kilo you know that’s the Magnificent number I already explained that to you in earlier video so go back and watch the last two videos beyond the coverage if you want to know what I’m talking about about but that day that individual time trial was remarkable from Yannis Vino can he bring that form I can’t tell you but what I can do is start to talk about some of the other riders in the Tor France that could possibly give these top four favorites at the torto France some kind of Run for the money because if we go back to 2020s tour of France since 2020 all the way into the 24 Tour of France starting here in just a few days June 29th is stage one so it starts soon but when you go back to 2020 on my L guys there’s only five guys that have been able to climb with Tad Pacha Primos roll glitch and with Jonas Fino I’m going to throw Rim Co the pull in there just because the Belgium kit has been something wonderful so we’ll throw him up there in the top four there too but we know he’s never done the tour to France so he hasn’t climbed at the tour to France with these first three but I’m going to give him benefit of Doubt because he want the B to ESP and he’s a road world champion he’s an individual world champion he’s won Monument races already so let’s just assume Remco evop for Giggles here he can climb with the top three Riders at the Tour of France that we’ve seen since 2020 we won’t argue about him outside of him five guys since 2020 Aon Bernal climbed with Primos Rog glitch in 20120 he’s the only one that that’s really done it going hard against those guys but of course he had a back problem in 2020 and then didn’t finish that Year’s tour to France T pachar went on to win that Year’s tour to France after he lost time on stage seven came back on stage eight where he was given a little bit of time and then came back and won Stage Nine that put him back in a hunt for the general classification and then it took the penultimate day the penultimate stage individual time trial at PL the belf fee where T Pacha won but in that Year’s addition it was really only Aon Bernal and T Pacha that could claim with Primos Rog we fast forward into the 2021 season when we start looking at those guys it’s Richard Carz Richard Carz was the only Rider that can climb with those front guys with Jonas Vino and with TD Pacha we go of course Primos rogl is always in there but he was always getting hurt crashing out of the tourto Frances but we all know that he’s up there because he’s well one of the first three I already said that but when we start looking into the later Seasons when we go into 2022 it’s garant Thomas from Team Enos that was able to climb in the front group with those favorites now we start looking in last season in 2023 the guy up there who’s climbing with him I’ll say it’s Adam Yates Adam Yates is a writer that was climbing with the best writers at the tto France set in Tempo yes all those writers got dropped we know Aon Bernal got dropped eventually we know Garren Thomas got dropped we know caraz got dropped we know Adam yat dropped off but the fifth Rider who’s that the only guy really to climb consistently consistently with those top three GC favorites here at the Tour of France in 2024 his name is sep cus I get comments All all the time they’re like guys Chris why do you have so much faith in sep cus since 2020 all the way into every one of the grand Tours last season in 2023 sep cus was remarkable and one of the only Riders throughout all those years of racing at Grand tours at the tour to France level where sep cus is climbing with those guys there’s nobody else five riders that can climb with those top four Riders and like I said Rim K’s never done it at the Tour of France so officially it’s top three but those five writers are the only ones that did it Aon Bernal hasn’t done it repeatedly we know carass haven’t done it repeatedly we know Adam y just did it last season and we know garant Thomas hasn’t been able to do it repeatedly throughout the seasons but to be fair he did crash one of the seasons early in the first week when it looked like he had some pretty good form so this season I wonder at 2024 if Garen Thomas because I thought he went a little soft at the jro de Italia compared to his normal abilities when we even last season when he was at the Jal daala wearing the pink leaders jersey I think he climbed better in 2023 than he did here this season in 2024 so I think Garen Thomas could be another writer that we see climb deep into the mountains with those four favorites but sep cus certainly will be there for this Melisa bike if he’s 100% healed he is going to be the rider that has to be there for Jonas vineo he has to be there to bring yonas back to the front group if Jonas is missing just a tad bit of form he’s got to be able to pull yonas back up to the front group if their splits on stage one he has to look after yonas and bring him back when we start looking at the teams though Adam rides for UAE team Emirates right so he’s riding for Tad Bacha sep Kus is riding over there carass we haven’t really seen him he’s won a stage at tour of Romy here in 2024 but we haven’t seen him at his best like we have in years past when he won the jro to Italia or he was climbing with those top favorites here at the Tour of France so I don’t expect to see him up there in the mix when we get into the big big mountains but like I said only five guys have done it and carapaz is one of them now aegon Bernal can he return to his Heights can he come back to that form in the 2019 tour to France that he won that year can he come back to the form that he had in 2020 up until his back injury bothered him and gave him some problems because if all five of those Riders can come back to their top form all of a sudden we start looking at this year’s 24 Edition you got nine riders that could be going deep up into the last and final climb of torto France state throwing a magnificent battle for all of all of us Chester fieldi watching from watching from the Chester Field as we watch a magnificent 24 Tour to France now the difference is if I start comparing the two teams between UAE team memers and from Vis M Lisa but where u e te members have more pure Climbers on their team it goes a stack roster at least six deep of pure climbers then there’s Tim wellin there that’s a little bit of a hybrid will he’ll climbs deep into the climbs the mountain stages but he probably won’t get over the penultimate climb if they’re going real fast cuz he’ll be on the front for two or three climbs before that so he’ll probably be dropped but the only other rider that’s not a pure climber on UA ET memores well that’s Neil’s pette when we start looking over a viz molisa bike if you want to go down to the bottom you start looking at Kristoff leaport but he can win some Sprint stages or some Breakaway stages like we saw way back in the day when he won a stage there at the tour to France as he caught the break and then rode through the break and won the stage that was like their fourth stage or fifth stage win in that Year’s tour to France because Kristoff Lort was magnificent but they won with yonis Vino they won with w vanard and they won with Kristoff Port so he’s not a climber but he can still be magnificent and get Jonas Vino out of trouble situations but the big wild card of course has to be W van art for viz Malisa bike because we know the big guy he can save Tor of France stages we saw it of course when we go back to stage five of the Cobblestone stage where Primos rogish two years back crashed and he had to save that Cobblestone stage and keep yonas Vino into the race Leaders with a Chance of holding close to T pagota where they only lost about 13 seconds and W vanard actually kept the race leaders yellow Jersey off that Cobblestone stage after he crashed after Jonas did the marago round of bike switching with his teammates after Primos Rog had the crash where the motorcycle hit the hay Bell and he crashed and went down and dislocated his shoulder it was the writer like w van art that saved the day for yonas vineo on that stage that’s why when we look at the list and the add W van art to it it starts changing the chemistry of the team because I believe and I’ll say up here with a I’ll put my neck out on line 100% W van art will be something magnificent this year’s tour to France like we’ve seen in the past from the big Belgium Rider because I think he’ll be well rested he’s already raced in Norway he’s going to be coming in this tort of France 100% fired up after he missed the classic season and he saw Matthew Vanderpool his cycle cross Nemesis win all the big big races here in 2024 in the spring season while van Art’s looking for Redemption he’s going to come in here mean and lean and ready to go and battle and do something magnificent that’s going to be the big Ace Car difference UAE te members have a better climbing Squad but this Melisa bike have sep cus Jorgenson that can go deep into the climbs so Jonas vineo won’t be alone if he can find that top top form and they have van art that can save anything on the flat stages the crosswind stages the middle Mountain stages and W van art might even save something on the big big mountain stages too because that guy can do stuff I’ve never seen done before should possibly be the number one ranked rider in the world but we know right now that’s T Pacha so it’s hard to beat but when we start looking at these two teams if Yambo visma come in completely healthy with sepkus 100% back up to his normal and when you talk about a season so far remember guys he went top 10 at highend the beginning of the Season races he went solid as we start seeing him go a little bit deeper into the season into the bass country where he got the K Jersey was in the break on the last stage but still getting dropped so not his best form him but still still semi solid solid at the beginning semi solid in the middle went to dolphan a had a bit of a cold there or some kind of sickness dropped out on the last stage but I think that was just a safety precaution to get him ready for the tour to France because they didn’t know Jorgenson was going to go so good on the last stage eight of dolphin a and they certainly didn’t expect viz molissa bike that is expect pimos rogus to drop on the last day dolphan a otherwise I’m sure they could have kept Sepp in the race but instead a safety precaution sent him home so I expect American kid sep cus the winner of the walta espa in 2023 I expect him again to be a super domotique at this year’s Tor of France and guys let me remind you there’s only five guys that have climbed with the four best riders in the world those five guys out of those five there’s only sep cus that has done it repeatedly year after year Grand Tour after Grand Tour and he’s done it for Vi malissa bikes Jonas Figo and he did it for Primos rogish back in the day when he was part of Yambo BisMan too so when we get into the 24 toura France today when you woke up I hope you got as excited as I did when you saw the news that yonis Vino and W vanart from b m Lisa bike are starting the 24 Tour to France get ready we’re almost there Tor France starts June 29th so make sure you hit the like and subscribe button I’ll see you guys for every stage of the Tor of France real soon


    1. There is a heatwave presently sweeping across several continents, including many countries in Europe. France for now doesn't appear to be affected too much, but it could happen at the Tour, which could have a huge influence on the outcome.

    2. The 2x 'Champ' is back, with 0.5x the fans. As an avid cycling viewer, why would I watch a tour with someone who clearly dopes as the protagonist?? We've seen this show before. The lack of sweat and fatigue on the face. Going too hard by accident on a stage where the numbers make no statistical sense. I'll tune in if he crashes out.

    3. GOOD GOD CHRIS!!! You talk so much and so fast. This would be a 45min video if you spoke at a normal rate of speech
      Honestly I talk shit on you but you know your shit. For that you get my respect BUT SLOW DOWN BROSKI!! (that will NEVER happen)😂
      I'm starting to see some wrinkles broski😂

    4. Visma playing the poker game. They want a hard race to crack Pogi and now they can expect UAE to make it bloody hard from K one. Visma can lean back while UAE and maybe Bora does all the hard work. Then in the third week the hope to see Pogi collapse from a very hard Tour where Team Visma didn't have to do much pulling.

    5. I certainly hope Chesterfield have reached out to give you a freebie from their catalogue, I don't know anyone who gives them such great publicity!

    6. UAE are too meek. They got pushed around by Visma way too easily in 2023 and fragmented everywhere. Visma will probably use their teamwork to smack them around again, so hopefully UAE can sack-up and give us a good race. I don’t care who wins, I just want a contest.

    7. Even for a top 5 or a top 10 this year tour de france will be one of the most difficult to achieve either a podium or a top 5 or top 10 ,there's no doubt about it, but it's a race that we all know that isn't enough only if you're the strongest, and you have the better squad, with 21 races on 23 days a lot of stuff could happen, sometimes only a bad day is enough to throw all your chances to win the race ,a small crash could compromise your strategy, all those passed editions had shown that a multitude of things could happen and is the end of your goal!!!

    8. I'm sitting at the Chesterfield waiting for the butterfly effect I have no time to read some news written with bias in one way or the other. but what I know is this is real news. thank you Chris i can't wait for the 29th so we can see all this with our own eyeballs.
      As a Visma fan, I hope that even if we might not have a stronger climbing team to much UAE, they'll have to win the tour after some serious fight. and from what we have experienced this season, even The Almighty God knows we're going to fight for every second in every stage.

    9. WVA #1 ranked rider is a stretch for me. He is an elite rider but the results don't equate to a #1 ranking so far this season. Don't get me wrong, his cyclocross battles with MVDP are some of the best racing I've ever seen, but he came out second best in almost every encounter this year.

    10. Kust BS. You know that currently there are only two extraterrestrials able to win TDF. If they crashes again in the first stsge, then we could have the best TDF ever.

    11. confirmation of Jonas attending TdF is super good news, but I can't help but thinking that he won't be bringing the version he could bring with normal preparation. If he ends up winning Pogacar performance wise (and not because some other incidents on the road) , it will be truly remarkable.

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