#vlog #blog #oxford

    So, another day, another dolloar and another outing for the buses as the Summer Showcases take a back seat again for a week and we head off to a location that we have wanted to do for buses for a very long time

    And that location is Oxford because they are in the middle of undergoing the biggest overhaul and regeneration of vehicles for a very long time as they convert over to electric buses and that means we are needed to photo them

    And who knows, there might even be a surprise or two pop up along the day

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    it’s Monday you know what that means good morning hope you’re all uh having a great day let me just go this way yes welcome to Oxford well I’ve been buing ke right now but we’re heading to Oxford that’s the uh that’s the important thing so uh yeah it’s MMC hunting time in Oxford a location I’ve wanted to do for a long long time now in fact I haven’t done it uh for a very long time we go left here don’t we yes Echo yeah they’ve had uh new mmc’s they stting to uh convert over to Electric so we want to uh make sure we’re all good and golden uh actually we know we go straight on do we okay we’re going straight on apparently so uh yeah just going to head over to Milton King’s train station to get the uh the X5 and it’s over to Oxford let the fun begin ah someone tells me I don’t think we’re going this way it’s uh a bit flooded woo MMC could we get through that I don’t know it looks very uh looks very high if I could get on the wall I probably could get over that let’s get on the wall see what uh see what happens YouTube is either going to get everyone now is waiting to see if he falls in yeah turn around turn around that ain’t ever going to work I a’t follow in for YouTube’s benefit ah Milton key train station and not a street light in sight you’ll love to [ __ ] see it now which one are you ah you’re the MK1 so this MMC is on the MK1 which goes over to Bedford but is the slow way to Bedford because this one goes via uh luta and L airport I just now have to find which one goes to Oxford Okie Okie Okie uh I suppose it’s all trial and error really is it notar Olympus down there so look that’s luten that’s Wolverton there is an opar Olympus down here I’ll get that uh tomorrow there it is oh God thank you street light yes [ __ ] off TI an upar Olympus 4101 4101 I believe is I want to say x Yorkshire I want to say ex yoria I could be wrong 99 times out of 100 I usually am didn’t know that I transferred down this way how do we know too in here for a bus rant oh you’re very funny ah nothing the see nothing to see it’s perfectly fine yeah it’s absolutely fine right is this my Chariot to take me over to Oxford it certainly is and this is 10876 X peterb I do believe on this for 85 minutes we talk my [Music] language cheers yeah me get out there go through the Gat right that way here we are then at the first location this is uh Magdalen Street I think that’s how it’s pronounced I’m here arriving uh roughly 10 minutes late the traffic getting in was horrendous and I mean horrendous and it’ll surpris no one there was a street deck at the front of the queue as well so toilets this way I’m just going to pop to the toilet first and then uh we’ll get started from there right everybody thought I’d give you a little guided tour of O I suppose so we are at uh mcdan Street uh basically mcdal street is split into two there is the east side which goes down this way and there is the West that goes where that bus is just coming from over there I am sitting on Mar’s Memorial uh you’re allowed to sit here so absolutely fine as long as you don’t mind the birds which is uh always hilarious just over my shoulder I don’t if you can see it through the trees or not uh the Church of St Mary Magan all so that’s uh something there and also behind me over here this is Trinity College over here Trinity College but uh splitting to so down just where that bus is there that is St John’s College and I believe B Loyal college is just this building right here and then Trinity is the main Trinity is uh up the other side so I think we’ve got another hour here I’m going to need to um double check my uh my timings and then uh we are on our way to uh the second location s right I just had to photo of the City Sites here which was um rather [Music] unfortunate all right let’s start some uh notables here so the gold lied on the 2A 15858 there’s a scaner right behind that E200 36981 and that’s working Route 14 which goes that way so this is going to turn around onto the other side of the mcdal street and go to the start the S5 off to Glory Farm uh that is 10788 gold lied MMC look at how beautiful that looks I’m I’m just going to keep it right there cuz that right there there go so you’ll see plenty of here in Oxford cyclist it just looks beautiful in the gold Livery does it not the old gold Livery suits the mmc’s perfectly and I mean perfectly unlike that street deck crap there’s the recyclist so next to come down here this is one of three brand new um Hydro kites that the Oxford bus company part of the uh goahead group have uh had here uh predominantly for Route Six replacing the sataro this is 493 uh 492 and 494 are uh all out today I don’t know if there’s um another one or not there may be a 491 there may be a 495 but I’d have to check uh batches now coming mind that now uh coming down next ladies and gentlemen is one of I said M that is one of the new mark 2 rights electro electric street decks for uh goahead Oxford well the Oxford bus company that’s 741 and I think we can all agree you can never polish a turd ugly oh my what is this oh my God somebody’s got some explaining to do here I mean Jesus Christ we’ve got now we got we had a now we got a street light behind it oh my God I have no idea who that’s for I have no idea who that’s from but my God it’s ugly get it out of my sight please now earlier we saw the Gen 2 Electric Street deck well this is the Gen one electric street deck also for the Oxford bus company this is 192 and uh I think we can all quite agree it’s still ugly you may be part of go ahead but can I make a suggestion and go away go away very quickly even you’re not impressed with that street deck are you Mr pigeon yeah I I can see your movements there you want to throw up any second don’t you and no one would absolutely blame you don’t worry Superior bus are on their way and we’re not just going to get one Superior bus we’re going to get three in a row so first up on the S5 this is 15761 I think that’s the S5 done now that’s a scaner e400 uh next up on the two we have 10681 that’s off to Oxford Parkway it’ll terminate here and then right behind that on the X5 T 800 x uh camebridge the stage Co and I’ll be on one of them later on unless of course the standards uh come back around and speaking of Standards uh ladies and gentlemen here comes a standard e400 on the deuce this will uh terminate here before going back to kid kidlington and it’s 1071 that’s going to park itself uh right there for me who is this MMC Morton hey Al [ __ ] take that okay so next up we have one of the next uh generations of uh mmc’s that’s 11248 FedEx right behind him but you can see the arrow well you can see the arrow let me know it’ll tell you which way the buses are going tells you which where the buses are going there’s a 10700 and there’s another one of the hydro kites 492 this time are they called Hydro kites or just GB kites I like to think they’re called Hydro kites Electro kites funded by the government in partnership with Oxford County Council I just got absolutely caught out by this this is on trainer this is the one of the new buses that stage coach Oxford are going to have this is going to be the new e400 EV the next Evolution from uh Alexander Dennis uh this is 8,4 I will gladly take some of that I thought when that was coming around that was uh something else but it’s not we’ll be seeing you later oh so next up here comes one of the new mmc’s that uh Oxford had last year this is 11749 which is very nicely going to park up just there for me and right behind that we got the S4 which the E300 for you all yes there it is look at look at this beautiful beautiful figure that it cuts it’s a beautiful bus all right so up next Oxford bus company they do have uh E200 mmc’s here’s 51 this is uh come from the hospital on uh route st2 it’s called the connector and in my eyes it doesn’t do much connecting hello we got a gold MMC coming around here not in service who is that is that 10 uh is that 10781 no 10780 I do apologize H wonder what that’s uh been up to see the crowds know what the superior bus is here in Oxford not that street uh Heap as well look they’re they’re disapp they’re disappointed to be they’re disappointed to be leaving look they’re disappointed to be leaving it Superior bus in every single way to to back up what someone was saying right in a bus run you may have heard these have charging points these have stop start technology which means they’re environmentally friendly for the environment they have Wi-Fi there is no difference between an MMC and a street deck in those terms Street decks are right bu products which are God awful this is ADL Superior okay so we’re now done with magdalin Street we’re now going to cut through here cuz we’re going to go to our next location and our next location has well I’m hoping has plenty more mmc’s in the sea Finger Licking Good let’s get on with it then so I’ve moved I was going to [Music] do oh no that that that that was the the bad news we doing this area that was always going to be the bad news every getting in the way [ __ ] sake always going to be the bad news I got this is not good they always say be aware the indecisive person well indecisive person has gone and uh [ __ ] himself uh it’s fine it’s fine I’m going to go to the location I was going to go to originally not if it’s not buses getting in the way of buses it’s people getting in the way of people so I’m going to do is go down to this location reset chill relax reset and get back to it I am determined to beat Oxford determined Mighty ho so we’ve now moved locations video about an hour and a bit now and we have moved from Trinity College which is the other side of that building down to Queen’s College which is that structure just there that’s Queen’s College just there and it’s proven to be a lot more tougher than uh than I actually thought it wasn’t like this uh busy last time I think the main problem here is people just keep walking and walking at their own pace right in front of your shots it’s almost like this is now impossible to do it’s certainly impossible with this bloody lens I’ve had to slap it one time because it didn’t focus on one of the Oxford um tube coaches now I had a bit of good news there is a pride bus unfortunately this Pride bus is not here it’s uh elsewhere it’s V which is good everyone’s saying well why is that good well it’s good because it’s uh on a street deck so uh we don’t need to uh we don’t need to see that anymore there a poy appeal bus going down there now although to be fair I don’t know what it looks like on the uh O Street De I’ll have to uh have a look anyway I think we’re here to about 4:00 and then we’re disappearing back uh over to the bus station we saw this I saw this on Facebook earlier this is not and Derby I don’t know what’s uh what’s this doing here this is a long way from home me I’ll take it cuz uh I got to take it but what what is he doing over here 271 I don’t think I know what’s it’s doing over here and I’m normally uh clued in with stuff like that there J the Hindenburg has arrived I don’t no I don’t think I need that one 3021 and there go scaner e400 uh 15835 former S3 vehicle but that Merk now I have seen some Novelties today but this has to take the biscuit it’s a city Sprinter look at it look at it get out the way 83o look at it it’s a Mercedes minivan in the middle of Oxford on a service run whatever were they think of next uh gen one electrol liner uh coming up number 716 I say gen one because uh Gen 2 is right there 728 gold MMC coming up on the Uno 10782 I know for a fact I’m not going to clear all these out today because there’s some that are stuck on the other side of the um other side of the river yes it’s a gold bus congratulations what do you want for that mdal get out of the way you Heath MMC coming through it’s one of the uh old uni buses that they had up here for Brooks bus 610 it’s currently on the 15 next to come up we got 656 absolute Heap and I mean heat but that’s not a heat that’s a beast 936 that is a beast of a thing there’s another Beast of a thing coming down here on the X7 over to Alsbury 5465 e400 and then here comes uh another Gen 2 uh electr liner [Music] 748 with a 655 right behind it look at it it looks horrible my God I thought the street de behind it was done with the exra sketch that’s not been done with the exra sketch that’s been done with that just gets with the lights off Jesus Christ that’s got looks mind that see look at that that that looks gasly and that looks worse see 10684 is coming the other way and that looks beautiful oh there’s 190 I was looking for that earlier big old mer coach on the airline that’s number 27 for the Oxford bus company they’re new they they’re only a year old they’re new oh that’s not of Darby bus is still down there should go investigate here comes that trailer Boy again that’s not byd as I said it’s just a standard Alexander Dennis and it’s an envir 400 EV so ADL have gone with their own electric vehicle oh great here’s a heap here’s a heap here I am concentrating on that uh on that thing and there goes Tri 6 sign of the bleeding devil there’s a street deck number trip 6 Tico you’re banned from Oxford don’t come here one of The Last of a Dying Breed here oh that’s new 12010 has not been out all day that has go away hello 10671 hello gorgeous yeah 12010 is The Last of a Dying Breed here in Oxford the hybrids are all disappearing just moving a little further up here we saw it uh sisters earlier on the uh st2 514 on the 7 uh 275 of the chid MMC there’s bike look city s side here here again how wonderful oh here comes a heap yeah oh there another one oh God [ __ ] off go on [ __ ] you [ __ ] you anyone else down there [ __ ] you I’m going to pledge this to be a street deck free track Channel no more Street decks that’s it someone was very impatient Oxford bus uh e400 scaner version on the two number 219 it’s got 725 right behind him I’m just looking for 739 then I’m going uh back over the other side cuz I think uh we’re all but done but Lord I need a drink uh red liner here brought an E200 that’s a YX 63 uh LG e and it’s on the X20 over the way elbury uhoh ah now is that my missing uh is that my missing let me have a look is that my missing no it’s not I thought for a second that was my missing uh electr liner poppy appeal uh scaners here 15989 it’s always nice to see a good poppy bus isn’t it although in Ox it’s probably about as welcome as uh a buic plague or maybe not or maybe so look this thing on the x40 speaking of things that are welcome [Music] Jesus scan on the Decker oh hello big old plaxton 5042 oh look at this red line have aoras yeah yes through you go Street De [ __ ] yourself didn’t know red line out [Music] ofas look at this folks Redline of aoras once these Heats get out of the way look at this folks Red Line have a voras how are you able to uh afford theor is that my that’s my uh 739 right there I can move over now at least that’s something don’t know what you’re staring at but uh kindly stare the other way mate get the rock with tube hey now this is X Stage Coach um up north xstage coach up North this one there’s a big old Gemini there 922 so it’s telling me that’s X London and I could very well be right right I’m going over the other side all right folks me bus is here 19 Triple 8 I got a standard I want me MMC mind I had MMC this morning it was absolutely legendary let’s see what standards like let’s hope there some ventilation in this thing [Music] you [Music] you cheers cheers my feet are so right time for dings well that wasn’t yeah we were uh just watching the England game uh behind us uh yeah that wasn’t uh too bad of a session at uh Oxford we did leave some mmc’s behind mainly because a two of them were on a route that was the other side of the Railway Station couldn’t exactly get down there one was V and two were on rout outside of ox completely there was also one that had to come in from chelam and there wasn’t waying around just for that one that one can go and do one but uh yeah I think we managed to walk off with all of the Oxford ones maybe not all of the Whitney ones but I still think we didn’t uh we didn’t do too badly especially here is how we got the uh the new electric uh e400 EV now I should point out it I was pointed out to me I put it on the Facebook it was pointed out to me afterwards so I’m aware in the comments we it is not a byd it is a straight up electric Alexander D 400 EV it’s not a city it’s not anything to do with a city thing it’s not anything to do with byd it’s simply ADL all the way which is fine absolutely fine looking forward to when they uh come into service but uh yeah thank you all hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like don’t forget to subscribe if you know done so thank you to the channel members you continued support of the channel means the absolute world to me if you want to become a member it’s 399 okay there’s only two Vlogs this week but um back next week when the summer showcases are back three Vlogs a week so that going to do it for Oxford tomorrow I’m going to keep it real I’m going to do Milton Kings because when we were there this morning I sought up our Olympus is I want them and I want them now so hopefully we can walk off with the up Olympus is there’s going to be street lights tomorrow [ __ ] them thankfully there’s no Street decks so that’s good but there’s going to be plenty of mmc’s as well and maybe some of aoras hopefully we get some aoras as well but yeah thank you all hope you enjoyed I’ll see you on Thursday for Milton G [Music] [Music] [Music]


      Lol where to begin with this one apart from pointing out that
      1) Nearly fell into the flooded path
      2) That trolley is still there
      3) Streetlites and Streetdecks for our fellow Ian!
      5) Yes Ian they are that impressed by the Golden MMC that they are WALKING AWAY FROM IT!
      6) Oh look.. An MMC that's broken down!

    2. A fantastic video Ian, I remember going to Oxford on the train when the Turbo stars were practically brand new,I always wanted a HST but I never got that lucky. Hoping all,s well your end. 😊😊

    3. If I had to get passed that really big puddle, I would of just walked along the wall lol. I can't believe anyone would choose a street deck for an open to sightseeing bus lol.

    4. brilliant bus spotting in Oxford & i regually do Oxford twice a year usally for buses & its great for bus spotting & def agree that it can be tricky as people always get in the way i certain locations & the new stagecoach EVs are amazing & i was lucky to have a short ride on one recently as there was only 1 in service when i went & plan to visit again when more enter service which should be later this year & im hoping to try out Witneys new 73 plate MMCs soon when i do Witney

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