Today we visit daresbury park illegal immigrant hotel which is part of the Britannia hotel chain.

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    hello guys welcome back to the channel today we are in darbury park and Warrington at the migrant Hotel darbury Park um just here uh a legal migrant hotel and we’re just coming up to it now so very very big place by the way guys I’m absolutely huge Place we’ve got some worker guys here uh they’ve had a Delivery Express linen uh and that’s where I assume them guys are from is Express lining linen so we’re just going to walk on and just do a little bit of filming around here this is one part of the hotel there’s a massive big front part to it as well yeah so it’s absolutely full of migrants here there’s it’s not open to the public uh so yeah it’s a bit rund down this place is um I’m with the crazy boggy today crazy boggy media um so I’m going to have a wander up there see what’s going on uh chaps on his phone there so this is Express linting it is you right mate you right bud so we’re just going to have a w drop here see what we can see them guys aren’t I don’t want to say anything to us they probably know why we’re here yeah this place is huge there’s a lot of them here uh take a quick look at this this is obviously where just the express leting guys going there this is obviously where they’re having like little smoke session here obviously as we see all takeaways takeway cups things like that um plenty of eggs and stuff ‘re having plenty of deliveries at this one aren’t they um wonder what’s down here I’m going to have a w day through and we come out sort of we got the gardeners the are you can see that there the entrance is blocked uh yeah we can just see I’ll have a quick look through the window here that’s obviously the dining all of some kind that’s so they’ve got there’re having the grass cut so this hotel is part of the britania chain it is it’s a bit of a all really they’ve got steak bacon Grill um looks close to be fair that’s part of the bretania hotel there I’m going to have a quick W down here well I’m going to have a w down here now there is a leder club attached to this I’m not 100% sure whether the Leisure Club is actually open I’m not 100% sure yeah but look at the size of this bastard sorry for me language here guys going to keep wandering now what I’ve noticed at this one is there’s a lot of shipping containers a lot a lot of shipping containers so yeah there you are there’s a sign there’s part brania Rotel um look at all this here in the window here all um dues for them all them dues there oh that’s crazy some people can’t even afford one duv yeah look look at them all here so it looks to me like the leure the Leisure place has closed and using it as sort of a a storage place now for all the dues and pillars and stuff like that and chairs and stuff for the legal migrants I’m going to keep wandering around here there we are they got a nice little football set up to keep them active this place is huge I’m kner just walking and be around it so just going to take you over here we got a shed load of bikes just there going to take you up and show you all these shipping containers now this is very suspicious all these shipping containers what the hell’s going on here this is the car park which would be normally open to the pain gusts what the hell is going on here look at this and then we have obviously matx throwing out mattresses oh look at the state of that mattress look at the state of that mattress oh sweaty migrants all over that mattress yeah look at all these shipping containers oh would I love to know what’s inside them oh my God yeah see I told you it’s a big place I don’t even think I’ve got around half of it yet there’s more shipping containers there crazy as that you don’t normally see that at an Hotel do you yeah there we go here’s all the bikes let’s take a look at them I can see security already it’s all these bikes here pretty standard uh standard bikes really nothing really majorly expensive there no electric bikes anyway so yeah this is the entrance to it uh keeping the the ground’s nice and tidy for the [Applause] migrants yeah there’s the entrance we’ll go back down there in a minute but yeah look at the we have a wand down here here’s the entrance to Danbury Park oh oh the door’s open oh know it’s not look at all this guys bags of clothes donated clothes oh laundry says laundry rooms two floor two oh my God like that security there look at that crazy that is it’s all that in there absolutely nuts oh my God you can see just there is the boooking in desk for them there is uh looks like we’ve got security just hiding behind there don’t want to come out I can see some counters obviously where they have the breakfast and stuff um yeah that’s crazy that is yeah they’ve got nice little place for them to sit and have a drink here just there fill up have a drink uh but yeah that’s crazy that isn’t it um what security haven’t come out to which I’m pretty surprised cuz normally do they tell you piss off nuts as that ain’t it so we’re getting like sort of a an above view now with the car park you can know by the size of the car park how many PE how many rooms this place has got it’s absolutely huge this is but I haven’t seen any migrants yet and when I was looking around the place I scoped it out before we started filming I did see a few and but as we know that in a lot of these migrant hotels soon as they know you’re on site that’s it they go into lockdown so it’s probably what’s happened they’ve probably seen us coming and then they’ve gone on to lock down they have it’s what we’ll probably say has happened and I’m going to wander down here with the crazy boggy and see what we can sort of what’s on here you have a bike here and this is the rooms that they got that one doesn’t look like it’s full um so we’ll have a w around here I think see what’s going on around here around the back another bike see what’s going on around here let’s get around here follow this around here see what’s going on yeah it looks like the bottom floor is quite empty to be fair see if we can see in a little bit here there you go so we’re just following this around here all kits are closed now I haven’t got a clue where I’m [Music] going I think we’re making it back around to sort of where we were filming before um yeah there you go looks quite quiet really don’t it guys so I’m wondering cuz sometimes right so what happens is they send the migrants out on sort of day trips to local Town centers and things like all they’ve gone out on the bikes or whatever uh yeah so we’re back around to where we sort of started the video so that’s almost like a full circle so gives you a good indication on how big this place is bloody huge still can’t get over all them shipping containers but maybe they are full of stuff that they need to turn it into obviously a migrant Hotel so this is where they had the delivery of the linen in so we’ll go down here we’ll take a look surprised we haven’t been approached by anybody yet don’t know what’s in there what’s in there we’ll have a look after it well this is obviously the linen that they’ve had delivered towels bad sheets stuff like that what’s that say on there look there you are there sort of tags on [Music] them yeah the staff don’t want to be on video but we’ll uh we’ll have a look in anyway that looks like it’s the staff M all it is so while we going to be approached by somebody here I’m not too sure he might just be turning [Applause] around yeah anyway I think he’s poly noal wanting to chat to me but I’m not going to chat to him oh yeah this looks like it’s like a staff entrance sort of thing um where they do store all the stuff that they use for working maintenance office that’s I can see a sign for maintenance office so that’s the maintenance office um I think we’ve pretty much covered everything that we need to do on this one uh so um to be fair um yeah I mean it’s a massive place a lot going on but can’t sort of see anybody around so sort of thing so they’re obviously all locked in the rooms and stuff like that so you right mate I’ll so guys uh yeah I think we’ve covered all this one now just speaking to a a guy who’s just doing a bit of work up and down this linee um I didn’t catch your name but if you watch this video big shout out to you and it was nice chatting to you um but yeah I think we’re almost done on this video now um there’s a lot of information on this one guys I wonder how much this one is costing the taxpayer per day ground maintenance living deliveries food you know and that’s just with things like that you know what I mean that doesn’t account for the actual price of the rooms and stuff thousands and thousands and thousands of pounds per day is spent on this hotel alone so uh we’re on the sort of the public path now anyway um I think I’m about done here guys but find anything out else out in the meantime I will give you I will include it in this video should I say uh if you have liked this video uh do give it the thumbs up and I will see you on the next one


    1. CHESTER Grovner park (City Centre) in the last 24hrs has put up cabbins with electric capabilitys, shipping containers & a fenced off area in the middle of the park.
      – "Cctv in operation" signs
      – Red "Prohibited Place" signs saying – " This is a prohibited place under the national security act 2023." "Persons engaiging in unauthorised activity, as set out under section 4 & 5 of the national security act 2023, which includes the taking of photographs, videos or other recordings, may be arrested or prosecuted. "

    2. It's big but do you think it could take over 800 people ,when it starts at these kind of numbers on a daily basis do the British people get forced by the government to house these people ,?if you have a spare room your having one .

    3. All through this Illegal I'm, situation , people should be reporting the storage facilities that are connected to these new populations ,America has the same situation , of containers and ware houses containing Heaven knows what , ARMS? Future use weaponry? SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING.

    4. What sort of help the indigenous peoples of Britain's struggling are getting ⁉️
      Is this humanitarian towards peop who have lived and worked and died for Britain…
      To the Government.please look after your own first…
      That old saying Charity at home then dish out your help!
      To the unfortunate
      Those countries should try to sort their own problems out not enlarge problems of other countries who have their own struggles…
      What is happening?
      Who is paying for the migrants,and do they find work to help the country.thats opened their arms to them or do they protest and cause trouble in the streets?..
      Bamboozled ⁉️🙏🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🌟

    5. Those shipping containers are showing up in the United States as well. Word has it that these are MILITARY "@RMS" for the CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS. I know, I know, so politically "incorrect", right? Yeah, I don't care anymore, that IS what they are. They ARE OUR "replacements". Too bad they are ALL CRIMINAL, IGNORANT, child TRAFFICKING, DRUG RUNNERS… Oh, wait, that's the way they WANT THEM.

    6. maybe someone should start a petition to get the conatainers opened whilst a group of british people are alowed to watch and record in the interest of public safety… if nothing un towards inside then nothing to hide and can apologies and leave them alone
      are there any women there?

    7. Remember the stacks of bricks at every corner in leftist run cities in America before the riots???? You better pray that there is not something worse in those containers. You better be sure you understand that what is in them is not FOR your help, but for your harm, I will wager on that one. You know they keep repeating the same same but different and they do not have any imagination other than to destroy what is around them. Please be careful.

    8. Can somebody tell me how much does it cost the british taxpayer for all the illegals in the country and why it is not mentioned in parliament.

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