Lewis Hamilton takes Kendall Jenner for a hot lap around the track in Miami.

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    how do you doing I hate you L I swear to God you nothing to me I know you’re a good driver I can’t believe we haven’t done this never ready yeah I guess can’t do [Music] that oh my God I’m sweating holy oh my dead crazy oh did he didn’t make it I can’t believe this you to all the time 12 1 15 have so stop oh [Music] my go again no I can’t going again come all this way and get one left oh my God I L I don’t think that spinning [Music] oh my God I’m going to cry I’m literally this is insane did we ruin the car yes still working actually I hate [Music] you we can chill bre I don’t want to be fful holy get you get sick I’m getting scared please please holy I still seriously oh shoot okay I got it I got it you’re really good you’re really good I promise I believe you okay you good yeah I’m good I’m just care remember this this we have come back on my oh my God feel so much better now let’s go again you have to go around again to get a donut he made me do donuts Scream the whole time that was so fun and sorry for screaming


    1. The best part was when Lewis said “hey hey hey! it’s time to make some CRAZY money!” and he cranked the Offspring on the stereo

    2. she was so scared and screaming meanwhile I was wishing that I was in her place that will be so much fun and I will just enjoy it and if I scream that will be from happiness not fear

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