On this Wednesday’s ‘ASK (or SAY) Anything about Portugal’ session it’s…

    GMP! regular from the world of business Raquel from Lighthouse Consulting – https://www.lighthouseconsulting.pt/

    And Astrid from Expats Portugal with her look at upcoming attractions over at https://expatsportugal.com/?wpam_id=27

    PLUS the very welcome return of our friend Nuno Mendes, who’ll talk with us about the hugely popular Scouting movement in Portugal (-:

    THANKS TO OUR SUPPORTERS, SPONSORS & THE GUMPERS WHO MAKE THIS POSSIBLE! Who doesn’t LOVE them, first thing in the morning?!

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    [Music] in Portugal there’s a YouTube show full of fun facts you need to know Carl rings the bell and the L show to the GMP Morning Show featur guests will come and they will blow your mind the audience will do so in kind the little vanity mix with some Insanity on the morning show with GM good morning Portugal and I’d like to welcome you to another fantastic day hey [Music] gers hello Alla mson here with a good morning Portugal show live stream and podcast how are you today great result last night and um I think the Portuguese call it agones the agony and the Portuguese national team uh made made the country wait until extra time um to clinch a winning goal so great fun last night I watched it with barck um enjoyed watching the game with you online last night barck great fun we can perhaps do more of that have a hang out um what’s it called watch parties of the Portuguese team as they progress through the Euro Championship so well done Portugal 2-1 last night against the Czech Republic great game and it was nice to have a chat and have a dream and watch the football and yes well done main who’s here this morning and Portugal life extras um of course I thought Hollywood was on the phone basically with that and the Portugal life extras um was our call Our Moment and we were going to be chosen as extras for the great a great big movie in Portugal which we kind of are aren’t we in a funny sort of way and it’s Veronica um with a different account there oops wrong account good morning Portugal good morning to you Veronica um great to see lots of conversation yesterday in our Portugal business Group business owners and of course Raquel Batista of Lighthouse Consulting will be with us so quite a few things came up in that group that we’ll be addressing today and if you’ve got any additional questions about running a business in Portugal Raquel here to answer those questions from about 10 9 this morning asid in before that hopefully to tell us what’s going on over at expats Portugal and our old mate from xat Portugal and wi Insurance noooo is joining us on the screen at 9:30 yes n’s back Nunu man she’s going to be talking about well maybe about the scouting movement um which is what I wanted to talk to him about and how he can make a candle out of cheese basically which is a excellent survival skill when you think about it um and he’s also on the streets of brager so um we may get distracted by a bit of a brager backdrop this morning but great to see Nuno back on the screen he’ll be joining us uh in a little while 9:30 or thereabouts uh and nice to be talking to him again uh if you’ve got any questions for him about Braga or The Scouting movement be sure to pop them into the chat this morning and of course let us know how you’re doing whether you watch the football where you watch the football how you watch the football did you make some new Portuguese friends last night but 2-1 great start to Portugal 212 Portugal over the Czech Republic onward and upward let the agony continue we had video sent To Us by zel Dort good morning to you John Michael also in from our two all the guys are in I think have I seen jut ah and Pam is back in the country as well so welcome back Pam hope you enjoyed your trip here are some here’s some lovely video footage that John um gathered for us um that we weren’t able to play Yesterday run out of time let’s have a look at some Northern Portuguese yeah we’re up in Brer in a little while here’s some Northern Portuguese Wildlife that you can see on the streets of Northern yeah it’s wild delicious wild cattle a slightly longer clip with wild horses I think that one there in the middle is pregnant that one’s got a little one hiding behind she’s got six legs oh there is a little one hiding behind this one yeah that’s funny just cross the road behind us yeah there it is hey I see a tail I don’t see oh there it is there I am very nice was it a six-legged horse or was it a mother and fo there it was a f fantastic thank you very much I think we heard Neil’s voice there too so thank you very much Joel elesto um yes good morning I thought nun was saying good morning good morning amazing country but Portugal aren’t you beautiful um absolutely lovely to receive that lovely footage from the north of Portugal there I’m not sure if isau is in yet um so I’ll thank him if I see him on the screen in a little while coach Turner was in at 7:36 this morning Bond Fel I gather Portugal did in the Kickball competition I’m sure there was lots of noise visiting Grand today who has reached the grand old age of six excellent parange send her our best regards from all the old GI at all the go gumpers good morning Portugal If you will Coach God Squad tip of the day from you then this morning I was asked yesterday what would be a good way to build up endurance for someone who was already reasonably fit but mostly did an activity that required short bursts of effort there are of course lots of ways to gain endurance cycling Running Oh I must go and get my bike I locked it up in town a few days ago outside the waves Cafe restaurant where you can get a full English um which I did two days ring actually last week and it’s still down there thank you for that reminder I’m just checking also that I sent Astrid the memo yeah as’s got got the link oh is she I know that’s someone else who’s joining us rael’s joining us and getting ready behind the scenes anyway back to cycling running rowing and swimming however my recommendation particularly as we age would be to walk every day yes and I thank my dogs for giving me that opportunity um every day usually twice a day it’s low impact can be as fast as you side yes you can do you can burst into a fast walk between lamp posts uh a video of which I’ve yet to see love to see that can be as fast as you decide and you can do it pretty much anywhere without needing any equipment apart from your own body of course uh it can get in it can get you into the countryside uh so much the better if you can get into the countryside so much the better where can you walk is the uh final um question from coach Turner leaving that hanging there um this morning so yeah where could you walk at various speeds and in which environment is coach Turner’s tip today in terms of building up endurance as we age and grow old disgracefully the god Squad tip of the day there thank you Bond gers F K Vos um from the old guy in Europe James with a mindful moment as well in the end just three things matter how well we have lived how well we have loved and how well we have learned to let go very good Jack cornfield there and a mindful dad joke grammar the difference between feeling your nuts and feeling your nuts James honestly I we’ll come back to your visual memes a little bit later on whilst people scratch their heads and wonder what that was all about um good morning gumpers happy hump day from Main and a morning thought from Main this morning a h a healthy attitude Sorry probably a happy one as well a healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others be a barer yes the pandemic of Happiness starting with you and your your viral load of well-being sneeze it over everybody Tom stoppard there that’s the playright Tom stoppard I think isn’t it um today we have Nuna here we do at around 9:30 this morning so Antonio also in let’s do before we have uh Raquel join us this morning let’s have a little chat about the football and your experience of it yes you’re right inter yesterday it’s a happy kickball day with lots of yelling Antonio good morning to you yeah and congrats to all the portugueses because of the soccer game yesterday 2-1 very good excellent stuff Michael Barton also in from Sunny uh the weather report from Miranda de corvo this morning Sunny how are the festivities going on over there oh excellent we’ve got Aviva from Madera with us as well and 20 chances on goal good morning to you Aviva 20 chances on goal for two scores scores how about that and one of those go goals was an own goal on the checks James with his searing soccer analysis there very good um and um I think um everyone just saying hi to each other which is wonderful and a final God score tip of the day thought there I’m just grateful I can walk let alone getting out into the countryside or anywhere else yes a little bit of appreciation for the faculty in the first place well said James just grateful for being able to walk at all excellent stuff let’s give her a nice big round of applause and bring her on to the screen oh he watched with sidonio there that’s where the analysis came from it’s raal from Lighthouse Consulting looking fabulous thank you fabulous blows today oh thank you first of all how was my audio your audio is great and you match with your poster at the back there re oh true true visual Feast purp I know a lot of planning has gone into this yeah a lot of planning right you are with us from lighthous Consulting I would give your website address but I think it’s a little bit of a problem with the website no no no not anymore I panicked so I like I was about to chop some heads yesterday as I found out and almost did but then right at the end of of I was like this um and they they ended up I mean it was something some back coffe is something I I don’t really understand any of it but uh it’s true that I don’t I I mean I don’t go there every day I don’t go to see my website every day it’s there it has the information that I need so thank you to to the one who you know uh told me that that it was off because then it was very easy to to get it back on but if if I don’t have that feedback I I mean I wouldn’t even know so it’s back on it’s fabulous again there you go and your audio so oh thank you is hearing you loud and clear Veronica pleased to see you as well we chatted so much and that is that is the um the the lighthouse Consulting website which has been put back online stood back this morning now it was great yesterday wasn’t it because we um well for a long time the um business owners group on WhatsApp which is Under the Umbrella of all the groups uh that we run as good morning Portugal had been dormant business owners in Portugal it’s called Mutual support advice and opinion and it had been quiet for a little while and suddenly I said how’s everyone doing we’ve got Raquel on the show tomorrow morning oh I’ve got to reply to somebody who said what time now actually if you’re watching I think it was Samantha who asked but uh it was really nice it suddenly burst into activity and a few questions and themes came up didn’t they and I’m going to put the link you were joining the group what what can you take some of the sort of headline themes that came up yesterday and maybe um use those as a as a as a little bit of a a cue this morning for for sharing about what to do in business here in Portugal sure well uh one of the first ones that I’d like to to address uh is sometimes people confuse being a freelancer and having a company it’s a completely different thing uh it’s two the two ways of having a business in Portugal so you can either register as freelancer and you’ll get taxed on your personal income tax so there’s no organization that’s created outside of yourself it’s all on your personal uh income on your personal bank accounts there’s really no distinguish distinguish it’s not distinguishable between uh your assets and the assets of the business let’s say that and you get taxed on it depends on the type of business but usually 75% of your income because the government considers that 25% of your income is expenses uh because you will have expenses and so the government has a simplified regime where you don’t have to have an accountant you don’t have to like save your receipts or uh you know save the the proof of your expenses or whatever it is it’s just a presumption that 25% of whatever income you had went for the business as expenses okay so someone said that they couldn’t deduct expenses no the deduction is Auto a atic when the the IRS or the personal income tax is charged they just impose the IRS tax rates on part of the income that is gained okay the rest of it is considered the expenses so you don’t actually deduct expenses like you don’t even have to um save the receipts or the invoices whatever it is because it’s just a deduction and this is a good it can be a good thing it can be a bad thing it’s a good thing if you don’t have that much expense because at least you know that at least for those 25% you will have that that discount let’s say to your tax uh it’s excuse me it’s not good if you have way more expenses than that so that’s when we start to think about creating a company if you have way more expenses than 25% then it’s probably better to create a company because when you create a company there’s no limit on the expenses that you can that you can put in the company so you can even have more expenses than income and that that year you’ll have a loss if you have a loss there’s some you know minor um details but in principle you won’t pay corporate income tax if you have a loss yes so these are some distinctions that I think people don’t uh are probably not aware uh another thing that I think that work when I first started and I and I sent my first invoices I was in an amazing situation I was in an accountants office in a little village called Korea in um in central Portugal this is in the birada district and the way it had been organized the accountant my Portuguese was pretty much non-existent the accountant didn’t speak English but his son did so we were in a room together where the teenage son was translating how I could do an invoice on the screen so you can imagine that was that there’s a quite a big margin of error possible there and I but I still do my receipts or my invoices the way he taught me through his teenage son five years ago I think is something like that and I know and I still notice now to this day that when you go to select which kind of invoice you want to raise there’s all kinds of abbreviations and percentages and Weir things which are very they’re not obvious what they are but is at that point that you can raise an invoice which deducts the income tax at that point is is that is that it’s when you’re about or you talking about something entirely different uh I’m talking about something entirely different that’s a good also a good point there’s two points here remind me of the second one because I’m going to forget which is about the language barrier yes but that first one is there’s vat which is the the value added tax okay and then there’s IRS and then there’s Social Security okay these are the three vectors of Social Security is not a tax but those are the three charges let’s say that you will have to consider um the IRS when you are employed you’ll notice that your receipt at least in Portugal I know in other jurisdictions is this as well you go it’s like a pay per month sort of thing so uh the company deducts a bit of your IRS that you’d have to pay and they deliver that to the government so that you don’t have to pay your uh personal income tax in a lump sum once a year because then maybe you’d be stressed about it so it’s pretty much the same if you if if you’re a freelancer you can do that there’s a threshold to be considered but you can uh I won’t say deduction so that it doesn’t get mixed with the other uh Concepts but you can retain yes yes you can retain a little bit of your IRS with each invoice in order to pay the IRS uh the yearly IRS so what what that will be payment it’s like a payment on account isn’t it exactly it’s exactly that so what we’ll do is that you’ll you’ll sum up IRS uh throughout the year while you’re issuing invoices uh and your client in uh in reality is going to pay you and is going to pay the government for the part of IRS okay so by the end of the year that you have to submit your taxes you have a bunch of tax already paid which all of your clients delivered to the government whenever you issued an an invoice okay but this is IRS so another thing completely different is deducting expenses from income on a business it doesn’t have anything to do with IRS and it doesn’t even have anything to do with taxes yeah it’s just that the government will only tax will only burden the income with tax if there is an income so you won’t get tax on a loss you only get tax taxed if you if you earn money if there’s income to get taxed so the deduction of expenses is the consideration of okay you earn money but you also spend money to run the business and it’s not fair to tax you uh without considering that you’ve made expenses to raise the income of your business so the deductions that a lot of people keep talking about has nothing to do with IRS and has everything to do with those 25% of presumption of of expenses that the government has and the this percentage is dependent on the type of activity okay but usually let’s say Service uh types of of activities it’s always those 25% okay uh and another thing that you have to consider is vat now okay another different topic which is is a an a tax that people usually think oh I have to pay vat no it’s your client that’s going to play to pay vat so what you’re doing in the invoice is let’s say your service is 500 or a 100 to make it easier you invoice for your 100 and that’s your income but then you have to charge vat you have to charge them an added value tax that you when you receive are going to pay the government that vat is not yours that’s one of the main issues with business owners is that they consider that the vat is theirs it’s not it’s only yours a lot it if you spent it you’ve charged it and gathered it and then you spent it you you can’t don’t have to pay the government then that’s your number one so one advice is to possibly have two bank accounts I know that bank accounts have expenses and sometimes there’s you know it’s you have to do the math but it’s a good thing to or have an Excel sheet of some sort uh divide your income put away the vat like forget about the vat money forget about let’s say that you don’t have that okay and so then when you do have expenses that you can deduct the vat from then you can uh set off against each other but the vat is not your uh tax to pay it’s your client money that you’re taking there yes absolutely what you’ve got to bear that in mind maybe stick it in a savings account which idea wouldn’t it until the time comes just separate it just separate thank you for your help here Antonio and Veronica for your commentary as well so either in Portugal is what other people in English would call vat value added tax right um IRC the company’s income tax corporate income tax yes income tax r s is the income tax which Americans would be very individual income tax letters yeah and um some other comments coming in uh oh good morning to you Joan good to have you here and yep it is listed as an activity in the finances portal there are so many I don’t know how many I heard that the um the Hong Kong tax code is 500 pages long the because there’s an election in the UK soon they were talking about how that’s 20,000 Pages or something of tax code goodness only knows how long the Portuguese tax code is that you know when you go to a finances office and you see all those binders is that all the is that all all the tax code behind you there no no the the no it’s actually not it’s probably you know yesterday someone um reminded well pay their attention to something that for me it’s a given because it’s always been like that but it’s very funny that someone else living abroad consider this considers this like very strange so any law to be official in Portugal has to be published in the DI the republ the Republic’s diary if it’s not published it’s not in effect okay and someone I don’t know if they’re Americans or whatever the they were they were like it’s like a newspaper from the government and you have to wait until that’s published there because it’s true so any law any regulatory no matter you know if it’s a the Town Hall laww Local Town Law whatever it is it has to be published in the Republic diary and it is very interesting to see you can imagine the collection of the the Republica that exist and so I remember I was in college and I I love those old books like ancient books and even the writing is different right because the language and or um the way that we um write some words has changed and it’s so interesting to look at all of that and see how much is it has changed but then again something hasn’t changed because we’re still waiting for the publication of a law in that diar the republ for it to be in effect so it’s amazing isn’t it and even little notices you see around town they put a little reference don’t they to the law that it relates to exactly yeah very interes okay so those books are the laws and and I imagine the Portuguese tax code does run to quite a few thousand Pages as well no it’s not uh it’s not it’s really not uh the the thing that is annoying about the tax codes and as a law student that and even then after that because I I worked in in tax compliance compliance for years is that it gets changed so much that uh at the time I don’t want to say how old I am but okay when I started working let’s say that we actually had codes in books like the commercial code like the IRC code it was in books to look it up but then it got changed so fast that all of our books were like double in size because then we would print the change and then risk and then have like a note no this is not in effect anymore now it’s there so our book started really beautiful and then like by the end of two years three years they were a mess because like a Harry Potter Spellbook I’m sure yeah exactly so they’re not large if you have the updated version because there’s only so many articles uh the changes along the way is you know you have to buy one every year in nearly if you want to have the updated version but you will grant me that the financers portal is quite complicated okay I will grant that but also it is a great uh compendium of information doing it’s great isn’t it but when you go in there as a wide-eyed Foreigner you and and you wanted to make a point before we go to back to the comments because there’s loads of great comments this morning you were going to say something about the language barrier and I think yes you resonated with that situation where I was teenage son of the accountant very much so I actually posted I have a Tik Tok account I have no idea what I’m doing there but actually I posted a Tik Tok no and it exploded let me say like it’s h it has like TW uh 20K views or something it’s gone crazy I have no idea why yes but it’s the only one but uh it’s because Portugal is one uh is on like the top 10 uh countries that speak English that are more um fluent than English and you can see that Carl you can see that when in fact one of the good things we say about Portugal is that no matter where you go people tend to know how to speak English and so the communication is is fairly easy but having said that it is true that the most Portuguese do speak English and there’s a couple of reasons for that but when it comes to technical things such as stxs and you by your own experience you can see how difficult it is to not have a clear communication without any barrier when it comes to Tech techical things such as tax such as how to issue an invoice such as real estate such as you know so all the leg of stuff all of my world it is very very important that the message gets across 100% truthfully so there’s no you don’t get lost in translation there’s no barriers in the communication and that to me is it’s kind of funny because I’ve always been like bilingual I don’t know how but but I always have been and in all my 20 years work you know I worked at a Spanish bank and I didn’t use English that much and when I did use everybody was like Wow use and I’ve always thought in the back of my mind look I should do something with this you know this is a tool that it’s getting wasted because I’m not doing anything with it and not a lot of people have this like fluency yeah right and then the univers you know it is a blessing yeah not not just your technical skill but obviously that you’re able to communicate so brilliantly is a bonus early days in those in that office it was it was a breakthrough that I managed to raise an invoice at all nuno’s waiting to join us and I’m sure you’ve got a busy day ahead of you but before you go uh Rael let’s just have a look at a few of these because it’s been great it’s been lovely to uh have a bit of activity over on our business owners group and to cover a few of these this morning it’s been like a a business Clinic um so yes Veronica with more more comments that’s amazing if you don’t make too much money you get 25% that’s that particular regime but you still have to pay social security and you still be taxed at the tax bracket which includes any pension or Global income thank you for that and yes it is on the green receipt when you and that goes back to the past as well it originally was literally a green receipt book and now it’s an electronic thing as well it still has green lines it does doesn’t it just a little reference back to the old days so many businesses and so much cash in hand yeah and whilst there is an incredibly elaborate taxation system and software there is quite a lot of gray economy I think that’s what it’s called as well bond big Tony James Carl where is the Portuguese summer yes the Portuguese has made me a video called 300 days of sunshine I think he’s a bit angry with me I haven’t watched it yet this feels a lot more like a London summer yep least said soon as mended we’ll find out what the weather’s like in Brer in just a minute that is always crazy they pass through V8 and hold back part of your tax and I simply could not effectively raise my rates by 23% in order for my clients to pay the Eva it would have been restrictive and likely lost me clients yeah and you have to take that hit yourself so in practice I took a 23% pay cut uh interesting the secret is increase at the start as soon as you start your activity start with those 23% more Pete did that your clients won’t notice absolutely it’s why you must use a tax specialist generally speaking says ver I’m sure you’d agree with that and this is what you you just said I raised my fees by 235% I think that’s a typo just to make sure but if you did congratulations I feel sorry for your custom I do find it odd James but whenever I raised my fees to get more clients it was actually 25% so that’s a good strategy when you come to Portugal If you raise your fees by 25% you you’ll build in that hit won’t you exactly I’m still amazed that people tried to do their taxes themselves in their home country but then come here and do your own taxes bog was my brain use an expert use an expert and guess what you an expert um Pete when you wrote 235% I thought you were Elon Musk all my clients were pre-existing clients of the US so I have needed to raise my rates to them in order to recover my e expenses true so very good that we’ve um Unearthed this and um k l is here good good morning to you good to see you um very helpful and you’re in our business group aren’t you k um and I hope I pronounced your name correctly forgive me if I haven’t uh but uh nice but intact scre my keyboard is sticky why is that have you spilled mushkatel on it again um I used to know someone who was called Tim nicest in tax very lucrative but equally dull um legal I’m not sure what he’s saying there maybe he’s just got a very good accountant right we’re gonna go to Brer in just a minute but thank you Rael always good to see you I’m sure we’ll have more to talk about again next month because this these things are ongoing yeah it kind of starts to sink in for people and Dawn on them what needs to be done and you it’s hard to get it in one go isn’t it so you’ll be back again to talk to us and of course you coach people one to one that’s your preference is rather than as we talked about last time not the big groups anymore but working oneto one with people if you want to do that much better go to Lighthouse Consulting book an appointment and have a chat with REO and she get you sorted out with all these worrisome things that we’ve been talking about this morning have a great day take care bye job see you see you there she goes and we’ll keep the Applause going because seor man is here and he is in brager look at you in the historic town of brager you managed to find yourself a nice place to be there no no look at that the one of brager’s iconic buildings oh and we can’t hear you we’ve got a lovely visuals but no s oh dear oh dear he’s pressed the button and he’s disappeared from the screen that’s awkward that’s awkward everybody um so we’ll wait for him to come back and join us um yeah thank you for your comments that are coming in I don’t if you’ve got the number for Tim Tim but uh Tim nice but but incredibly good with taxation matters maybe that’s the kind of guy you’re talking about and let’s see let’s give another round of applause and have we got sound this time with you no we haven’t not not yet anyway but we can still look at the beautiful historic buildings um behind you in give you give your headphones a little wiggle because I don’t think we can hear you yet I’m not hearing any any atmosphere at all in the background no how about unplugging your headphones would that would that help if you take your headphones out completely from your phone oh okay this is It’s like a oh okay he’s going to go he’s going to go to his phone he’s going to come back and join us on his phone in just a minute um we we have a new friend uh with us this morning uh good morning to you step McAn is this a poem in several parts Portugal Lobster we’ll call it with a little performance poetry for you this morning called Portugal Lobster left little finger Lobster Claw Earth’s crystals it’s like a haiku and I think that’s all there is to it so far but if you’ve got more to add Stephen good morning to you um good to see you this morning and um I don’t think I’m not sure if we’ve met before but thank you for your contribution so far right we’ve got some lovely video um to share with you do you remember we had the pigs on the um on the beach yesterday um in a a rabida area of Portugal um and also a video I didn’t get to play which I’ll give it a spin now we’ll see if we’ve got noooo on the other side of this talking Veronica earlier um this morning and and thank you for your comments this morning Veronica what was this all [Music] about she get she’s dances and gets Applause from the stage from the MC that’s amazing I don’t know what it was about but I thought it was worth playing and lovely to hear was that bit of Steve Winwood um with a Valerie there so let’s try him again we try the Applause Third Time Lucky yes there he is we’ve got you you can hear you now yeah hi morning hi n no no at all yes we can hear you we can hear you this time it was such a lovely idea to broadcast live from the streets yeah it’s perfect it’s perfect two thumbs yes we can’t it was perfect anyway maybe it’s not anymore are you there mate hello let’s do it let’s do it let’s do this let’s do this this do you know what this is almost as stressful as watching Portugal in the Euros last night did you enjoy that match nun oh yes yes it was it was stressful a lot a lot and uh when the this guy’s approach to the Portuguese Portugal uh goal I’m waiting for for this for for the the score that they did I it will happen it will happen it it happen I say no way how it’s possible the first the first try they score but it’s part ofb it’s part of the game so and am I right is is the word that Portuguese people use the agones the agony of watching the national team and they they do tend to do this to people right yes yes and also me being um of course a a portug Portuguese fan of Portugal and Sporting oh we feel a lot of pain during I don’t know how many years almost 20 years that we try we try we try and we never we never celebrate a championship so I know what is the pain of trying a year for you yes sweet relief with sporting of course this year and now the Euros how do you think Portugal are going to do how are you feeling about it it’s going to be Cristiano’s last one isn’t it I believe so yes yes I believe I believe actually the his influence on the team is lower and low and lower but uh on the I don’t know which is a term in English the balar so not on the field but behind the scene he a a strong word on motivation the all team so he’s he’s important no doubt about that yes yeah yeah okay so it’s gonna be yeah sometimes it’s not only what what we see on the field is also what is happening on the back scen so yeah backstage yes yeah yeah yeah for sure I mean I’m I’m I’m sure it’s like an 8020 situation isn’t it where we get to see the theater of the game but um so much more is going into it behind the scenes what what do you think realistically what and honestly what do you think of their chances this year no doubt honestly no no idea no idea about that no idea well yeah and I guess that’s the nature of a championship isn’t it you don’t obviously you want them to win and we will go through the agony we’ve talked about yes and and I believe that we saw yesterday day that Portugal did a strong a strong game but we never know we never know what could happen during a game yeah yeah well there are many strong teams it’s not going to be a pushover by any means is it so we will uh we’ll be watching again do you know when the next match is because we were we were advising people to uh make friends here in Portugal by going to their local cafe does any you you’re not sure where the when the next game is I’m sure somebody will tell us um in the chat if you don’t I don’t no but yesterday Derek Derek and Linda Lind oh yeah dere sent me a photo of yes of him uh preparing to see the game and dress with a Portuguese shirt so this is Derek yeah it is the spirit isn’t it and talking of a spirit I’m not sure if I can find it now but I um I took a picture of the screen with the Portuguese players on and in the foreground was my new Portuguese gin so it’s Portuguese football and Portuguese Gin from um Campa portuguesa I think a gin flavored with Duru grapes as well so I was I think I prepared quite well for the game uh yesterday as well right so um a couple of things to talk about with you this morning great to have you back on the screen you’re in brager um how is it there it’s not raining Pete has noticed how is it to be in the lovely historic city of brager the former capital of Portugal back in the day of course so he’s not he’s not raining in this moment uh the so it’s shining it’s a a beautiful day but during the night it rained the all night so let’s see how how it’s going the rest of the day yeah well that’s a really good way of managing your rain do it at night and then have a lovely beautiful day is it quite warm there this morning uh well it’s the start the day started chili actually but now I’m pretty comfortable only with this dressed with this so yeah it’s going it’s okay it’s okay it’s not it’s not a cold a cold day at all it is no okay very good excellent so have a beautiful day up there in brager when um us tourist foreigners are are coming to brager what should we make sure that we see and experience up there in Braga so there are plenty of historic buildings uh BR um it still is is the the heart of the christianism in Portugal the probably of course that Lisbon is Lisbon okay but brag keeps the the all the history uh of being the heart of the christianism in Portugal so you will see plenty of churches uh Made of Stone like this this one behind me this is the the Cal said ra I believe that in some minutes we could hear the the bells oh excellent yes we’ll wait for that we’ll wait there’ll probably be a quarter two Bell and maybe we’ll have bell at 10 o’clock as well fantastic so in this more in this moment I’m in the core in the center of brager but of course that brager has a a new area surround so it’s it’s a a new city uh model City around the the center of the city yeah and with an amazing football stadium have you ever seen a game there no I never seen the game I had meetings with the with the bra managers a couple of years ago yeah oh wow yeah regarding insurance they weren’t asking you to play no no no no no not for that not for that to insure players and the team that’s amazing I didn’t know you did that as well fantastic yeah with my father maybe five years ago six years ago incredible incredible okay Showbiz the Showbiz aspect um to to to what you do oh if you want to um find out more about what Nunu does with insurance there’s a link for you and find Nuno in the xat Portugal uh business directory there um and he’s here to talk to us this morning not about insurance but about brager because he happens to be there but also the scouting movement um as well now here’s a man who’s pretty handy in AOC in an apocalypse as it turns out he can turn a piece of cheese into a candle which I’m going to show you now so who knew you could do that with a baby Bell and and in many ways even how much how beautiful the cheese is here you’re better off doing that with a baby Bell than you are eating it so this was a project that I did with with the youngers two months ago during a a camping so we give them the cheese for the lunch uh after lunch and then uh a couple of hours later we did the the candles yes with the chees so it’s uh I just love to do this kind I know you do and you talking about the youngest there youngsters who you’re working with in The Scouting movement um I think it’s absolutely wonderful so tell more about let’s let’s rewind a little bit and then we’ll we’ll show some pictures of some of your activities um as a scout leader um it’s a big thing here in Portugal isn’t it if you go out at the weekend often you will see um the scouts ready for action basically with their scouting Uniforms on maybe you know a group of adults leading them and a big group of kids you know off going to camp and they do put them through some pretty arduous experiences I would say um am I right in thinking that is a popular movement in in Portugal this is this is a strong a strong social movement for the country it is it is but first let me say to you that I never I never was a scout on my younger ages seriously you w Scout yourself no no no I have no idea what what they do uh but when my oldest yeah when my oldest daughter uh has had like uh seven years old I believe I thought that oh it could be interesting because I see the scouts chanting on the church and she like she likes chanting um and uh I enrolled her I and and my wife enrolled her on the Scout movement oh and uh I stay overwhelmed with all of this and two years or three years later I also I enrolled to the Scout movement as an Albert of course and that’s that’s possible you don’t have to have have had experience as a kid doing it you can you can join as an adult and take part and and begin to lead the activities which is what you do yes is not only a question of enrolling uh we have uh a lot of train to know about how to handle with kids uh about SEC Security in activities the problem of um that we must be aware regarding bullying with the kids with which we don’t feel much on the Scout movement but we need to be aware of this so it’s a hard train all and quite rightly too right because you’ve got you’ve got those lives that you’re responsible for for the weekend or whatever so quite right yes yes and regarding the Scout movement in Portugal is the largest Youth Association of Portugal yeah uh we have uh almost 7,000 Scouts in Portugal uh also maau so yeah there there there are a group in maau that belongs to the Portuguese Association it’s true because I I don’t know if you know but in in China it’s forbidden these kind of associations okay is it really what because of the Christian basis not because of Christian bases is just forbidden point they don’t like uh associations out of the box out of their what they they think that it should be uh rizing radicalizing children in the in the ways of nature yeah you know you know I ideas could be a problem so if we keep the youngest and the oldest uh without ideas oh it’s amazing to lead people some people some people think this yes I’m sure why it’s forbidden in China no no I I can understand it in a way but yeah I don’t think the scouts are their worst enemies are they and Antonio who was a boy scout from 12 to 19 is talking to us here about the three types of organizations so what are these n if you could explain okay so AI AIP it’s the the oldest one by one year yeah um Association in Portugal uh CN it’s the one Associated to the church and AGP is the gear so it’s only to women okay okay it’s the it’s the one that has um less people the AGP the second one is AIP is by far the largest and I say by far it’s probably more than 90% of the SC are part of the CNA CN but they work together I mean if they have a big jambur in a camp they all come together for that they yes and we have a activities together yeah okay very interesting um and sorry go mate this is a voluntary Association so and we say we say that if you want to be uh a volunteer on the Scout movement movement besides be a volunteer you also need to pay to be a volunteer so this is the Mind Set yeah yeah no I’m I’m sure that’s understandable um so uh we’ve got James’s experience oh and he was asking you how your shoulder is doing as well we all want to know how you doing nice recovery much better thank you thank you James um his his experience um of the scouts is Scout leaders purchasing 20 tickets at the estoo with 20 ID cards for 20 Scouts getting on the train yeah um the train staff can be a little bit bureaucratic if you want to buy a child’s ticket you have to prove that it’s for a child uh he was in a bit of a hurry behind those 20 ID cards um American in Portugal Veronica I was a girl scout so fun it was girl she was girl scout in America and also a girl scout leader and Cub Scout leader it was so fun to hike and bike and climbing camp and also share those skills so how lovely I didn’t know that the Scouts in the USA were created to prep the kids for the military over there in the American culture um byandy both my kids went to the Portuguese Scouts and loved it and on the matter of China when you consider China is not wanting the organizations consider the military component yeah I guess so um and I love The Scouting movement encourages so many Collective organizations like the feters and walks well done Nuno for giving so much back as well and the Boy Scouts originally created by British Army General Robert Stevenson SMI bayen Powell of course simply known as benen pal first Baron benen pal uh to train military Scouts and intelligence agents during the b a war and I I worked not far from bayen pow house in Kensington in London of course on Cromwell Road then in the Natural History Museum never forget our scout leader peeing on an electric fence uh was that as a training session or as an accident but a lesson nobody forgot especially the scout leader and the first aid skills and we found out always friends were I suspect on that particular session um let’s have a look at some of your pictures then and you sent me pictures and I think we should put these up in the Portugal club for people to peruse at their Ledger because there’s a lot here and of course the connection with church services we’re seeing there um and yes the nature skills right you particularly love this don’t you n the survival skills the outdoor stuff oh yes uh so this is something that uh only a few made on the Scout movement because it’s it is much easy uh to to use gas um yeah right wovens yeah yeah stoves stoves yeah so and stoves yes yes stoves thank you and uh I I love this part of using wood and do everything on the wood you have a photo of cooking h shisu on a a plastic bag is something that I’ll try and find that I can’t squeeze all into my picture but there there you are cooking some bread some hand bread with the this bread has the the the cheese that we did the cand the candles inside we did and when you’ve been walking bre yeah when you’ve been walking all day and set up camp and it’s a bit soggy that is the greatest meal you’ve ever eating isn’t it uh no no we we eat well I I assure you I’m sure you do I’m sure you do there you are one of the vistas there that you you’ll experience is that you over in um one of the islands training there no no this is in Portugal is it see yeah this is this this is in Portugal near um a village uh that uh the cars cannot cannot reach the village and the Scout uh movements um are recovering The Village building houses of the building that’s right Andy Klein made a film about this lost Village in Portugal and it is the scouts keeping the connection going isn’t it yes absolutely this is this is in Portugal City Center this is in this was in uh aour yeah so there you were over in the there wow happy memories there right and you I mean you certain it certainly gets you out doesn’t it at the weekend and where’s this yes s it’s you cannot miss travel to a s believe me yeah yeah and only know this the V the iseland of Sorge but what I heard it all the icelands are different and all amazing so you should travel to there absolutely incredible uh the places you get to see as a scout leader that’s another a view of that same place there uh yeah parachute create a base for the weekend as well look at that um you could pick a bit of tea aoran tea I think we’re back in the aor there I’m sure aren’t we definitely this is not to do with the youngers Okay no Okay this is adult training special survival skill weekend look at these fabulous pictures what a country what a country absolutely yes it reminds me the so cooking on leaves wow so that’s fish fish wrapped up in leaves right there is it yes yes correct a bamboo a bamboo cooking utensil as well though is that a c in in um preparation no broccoli I remember that broccoli and I don’t remember despite the egg broccoli and bro and the Egg I don’t remember what I put inside Japanese maybe Jam yes like a Japanese sort of dish in in preparation this is amazing and so can foreigners get involved for people coming over oh look Virginia happy to see you seeing you always brightens my day good to see you as well Virginia thank you for your support of the show nice to see you here can the foreigners and people starting a new life here in Portugal can they get involved just in the way that they might go to the cafe to watch the football how about getting involved in the scouts as well as a as a way of connecting with Society yes yes you can do you can do and it’s pretty easy to see the scouts the scouts around uh we you can see during the weekends of course only the weekends and also on the weekends or that uh the bun Li the food bank yeah that um twice a year Portugal has this activity and the scouts always help you can approach and uh and ask uh nevertheless let me say to you that not all the the groups work the same way I consider that the Scout movement it’s um it it’s kind of colorized uh in instead of going to the bushes and do these kind of activities different activities that leaves the kids overwhelmed uh overwhelmed no um pretty Enthusiast um sometimes activities are not so fun um also the nowadays culture of over security uh that we need to cap the children inside four walls uh don’t help also so you realize different different um ways of doing scouting across Portugal just try to to see what fits with your values and your interests the best and yeah because we are always running out of adult resources so like can voluntary organization I guest yeah we appreciate your help yeah incredible well your knowledge also thank you for being back here with us n great to see you on the screen again um if it is Insurance you’re looking for check him out in the xat Portugal business directory tomorrow night we’ll see you on the Dream Team session I think because you’re you’re a a stalwarts as well as of The Scouting movement of the dream team as well you’re a leader at on the Dream Team sessions and you’re being called Aila AA is that AA from from um Square the sh good morning to you and barck who I watched the football with last night great to chat with you and to watch the football last night pop in real quick before I get my haircut that’s Lord tranka over and out uh this morning um have we got hearing yes no they just stop now okay well believe us I had a little bit of a bell there and hopefully there were 10 of them because it’s bringing us up to 10:00 we’ve got a couple of um memes to share with you but let’s say goodbye uh and have a look at some of your other comments that are still coming in this morning um and thank you P Leal maybe you could answer this before you go um we were talking about I think your microphone’s too good it’s zooming in on you and not and not the ambient noise um so we have we have had gim mentioned and Braga and Lisbon of course as capitals and even um I think Brazil was the capital of port Portugal for a little while but never the the capital of Portugal has been you’re not yet anyway Ronaldo is not the capital um says Pason of Portugal but very important to um Portugal’s onward chances of of scooping in his last year probably of of taking part in the tournament um the Euros so we’ll watch that with interest and thanks Pete yeah next match is this coming Saturday evening thank you and hugs uh from Veronica this morning cheers Nuno take care my friend and we’ll see you tomorrow night on have a lovely day and Brer and thanks for being here cheers mate Che there he goes right and the last couple of memes of the morning from James thank you for these one of them made me laugh out loud oh now hold on a minute hold the front page because uh there was an amazing meal that Michael and Karen enjoyed where was this exactly I know you’ve just sent me the pictures in here um you went to a mishan restaurant um in coimbra so a Japanese restaurant in coimbra with a bit of a a michelan um Accolade uh there there is one of the chefs busy at work there it does look very nice doesn’t it and one of your dishes oh a little bit of a foam going on there um and oh some beautiful looking food so I think you’ve had some Exquisite Sushi there an amazing Japanese restaurant in Kimbra Jo dut I haven’t seen you this morning but I want to make sure that to Pam is feels welcomed back into the bosom of the good morning Portugal community thank you very much everybody for being here this morning and welcome back Pam to Portugal and uh let’s go shall we quickly to um these lovely couple of images from James he’s found the perfect doormat don’t you feel like this sometimes when people knock on the door there is no reason for you to be here that’s quite the welcome that’s not very Portuguese we have to say and um the big advice I guess from the show today is never to pee on an electric fence I guess you don’t really need a scout master to tell you that but um it’s a lesson that byandy will never forget and this one um if you’re thinking of drinking holy water um with your laxative or as a la as a laxative um bear in mind that it might start a religious movement thank you very much if I forgotten anything this morning I will of course include it tomorrow uh so we’ll see you have a great day today and we’ll see you at the um San Martino deporto Meetup if you’re headed did there uh at 1:00 today I’ll see you there um last couple of comments then I think uh beautiful photos yes aren’t they fantastic and that’s referring to nuno’s photos of theor there and the others of course and yes Portugal Pam is back yay just got home so welcome back Pam and you’re right Carl uh Rio de janeo in Brazil was the capital of Portugal for a few years because of the Napoleonic invasions that was quite the um um corporate relocation was it not I think it’s getting a bit it’s getting a bit difficult and a bit warry over here let’s go to Brazil shall we thank you and see you tomorrow I couldn’t have said it better myself take care bye for now have a good world see you [Music] then in Portugal there’s a YouTube show full of fun facts you need to know Carl rings the bell and the M show to the GMP morning and show fature guests will come and they will blow your mind the audience will do so in kind the little vanity mix with some Insanity on the morning show with GMP good morning Portugal and I’d like to welcome you to another fantastic [Music] day hey gers [Music]

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