Today members of @RecoveryLabTV and myself were lucky enough to be able to cycle the @ironmantriathlon #Ironman703Swansea bike course. This allowed me to show my athlete’s what the course is like ahead of race day. This video focus’ on the 8 hills that are picked up on the GPX file on my @GarminInt when you download it off the #ironmantriathlon website. This will be the 3rd Ironman 70.3 Swansea and each time they have slightly changed and adapted the course to help reduce the races impact on the locals / tourists so that they are able to travel around the race course, without driving onto the course itself.

    I hope you find this video useful and helps reduce a little race anxiety. One of my athletes mentioned that they had seen another @YouTube video about the course and it really freaked her out so I’m hoping this one does the opposite. Let me know in the comment section if you have any tips or advice that could help other athletes, and also let me know if you have any questions so that I can help you!

    I’ll be racing this year, supporting one of my clients. Let me know if you’re racing too! Would be great to see you around the course.

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    #RecoveryLabTV | #RecoveryLabUK

    [Music] hello everybody so welcome to recovery lab tv my name is Chris I’m your coach of sports therapist and today I am in Swansea to ride the IR man Swansea route with a number of recovery lab athletes and um yeah we’ve had an array of um weathers already so far and um literally um it’s going to be an interesting it’s been um absolutely H down so far and uh it’s now currently sunny it’s super windy so uh anything is going to happen so uh hope you enjoy the video if you can hit that subscribe button if you’re doing IR man Swansea let me know in the comments section let me know how your training is going and let me know if need any help uh be more than happy to help you okay but uh enjoy the [Music] video So currently going up the first climb it is 6% gradient Hill okay it’s currently five works its way up it’s about a 3 33 M Ascent plans out a bit and then goes back up total of about 600 M so telling the guys literally just to remember it’s the first of the big eight around the course and uh you don’t want to burn yourself out too much too quickly so utilizing those gears keeping it easy but consistent and yeah keep your legs moving [Music] so straight into climb two out of eight literally it’s about 840 M sets off bit of a crime then sets off gradual eases out and then go straight back up and again just getting the guys to focus on silky SPO remembering slow smooth and smooth is fast and getting them to remember that you’ve got more than two gears cuz a lot of people go from the biggest to the smallest Without Really utilizing the stuff in the middle so it’s remembering that all right but yeah currently at a 5% gradient and uh yeah keeping the guys going and then whips into about 8 to 10 as it comes through so this one’s more about longevity than the previous one but yeah most race days this one tends to catch a few people out cuz they go too hard to start and uh forget how wrong this one is even because they haven’t done it before or because just lack of experience yeah beautiful [Music] [Music] scenery how we doing so clim number 3 of8 it’s just over a kilm long it’s about 74 M A Cent and it’s currently 10° of elevation going up on a gradient so yeah what’s great about it is naturally you got the trees first protection from conern on the hot day so gives you a bit of shade also from the rain and wind on a wet and visual day but it is a long time in regards to it so as I told everybody else find your Rhythm sit into it and just spin the legs [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] so we are on P four um 10% gradient this on the second Loop of the course so we’re going back around the hill with trees above us once again and uh we’re back around doing that again so 5 K long 10% grading climbing up I just finding our smooth Cadence again getting into our R only difference now is lot more cars on the road but onious day naturally we don’t have to worry about that type of thing but yeah getting it done hope you enjoying the video so far and if you haven’t already hit the Subscribe button really really helps and I really appreciate it always yeah keep enjoying the [Music] video so technically we’re on climb 5 out of 8 although it’s so gradual currently on a 3% incline as we’re coming up towards the Farmland so yes it’s a it’s a climb but it’s much more uh gradual if you will so yeah it’s not too bad bre is about 3 km and uh it’s about 101 is a cent but like I said it’s over the 3K so it’s not too bad and uh there flat bits climbs that bits climbs just like so [Music] [Music] so still currently on clim five it’s a big long one as I said and probably on the the red section of the climb so if you got a garment you know what I’m talking about so the steepest part and uh yeah it’s just long zigzaggy climbs you know nothing too crazy currently on a 7% gradient legs are actually feeling a little bit more because it’s the second Loop but that comes down to fewel Li right and uh getting the hydration in so the legs still feel fresh and obviously you’re training but look at these views so plenty to take your mind off things as you’re riding up there yeah it’s [Music] stunning So currently on uh Prime 6 out of 8 it’s about 700 M elevation got 472 to go 2 5% it’s just a uh shortish Stumpy climb if you will but right at the bottom of the climb is a catle grid and today is a giant cow so just being careful of wildlife on this course because last two rides I’ve had i’ had cows out on the road sheep on the road and uh that might be the same on race day so just be aware of that but comes at the top today is not so bad but right here cuz it’s so open you can get a lot of cross winds and stuff so just be aware of that as you can see very open space and uh but nice on the way back to Swansea and uh yeah man feeling good typically you got cars there just want to ride right next to you but what you do Brit for you but what a difference since this morning in the video to now is absolutely glorious [Applause] [Music] as I was saying about wild animals the exchang just come across Wild Horses crossing the road and putting the H of things but yeah CL 7 it’s much more gradual um C on 3% and then here it looks like it’s all downhill for a bit kind of whips you into the last time and then it’s a big one time me is and then uh kind of takes it out of you a little as then you kind of head down into the mumbles back along the flat then into there but yeah it’s turned out to be an absolutely amazing day [Music] so so officially on the last climb of the day it’s 10% gradient it’s just over 400 m and uh got a beautiful descent into it pedal like crazy get yourself halfway up and then find a gear stick in dig deep but yeah loving it guys are working hard and uh just coming a load of cars around us but getting the 11% gradient now climbing climbing about 250 left but yeah getting it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we are officially done here in Swansea um and uh yeah what a incredible ride if you get chance to ride uh IM man swans course uh whether you’re racing it or just training for it or you’re training for IR man Wales it’s a perfect training course and it’s in all fness to IR man it’s a perfect race and buildup to Iron Man Wales um the map and elevation looks like this hard to see so I I’ll Chuck it up on screen and um yeah literally uh 90k in the bag um I was aiming to Pace everybody for 22 km per hour um just because that’s uh in my opinion the the bare minimum to do it it’s actually 21.7 if you want to ride it in 4 hours uh and 10 uh I always say um to hit 22 for those uh new people um 22 or higher is the bare minimum standard that you kind of need to be hitting uh to be able to do this course within the cut off times um so pce as as was it was an easy ride for us guys um lots of teaching lots of coaching in regards to how they uh how my athletes are riding their bikes as well as um things to look out on the course uh and so on so forth so hopefully that came through as well onto the video uh if you do have any personal questions um in regards to your own cycling or tips and tricks on the course by all means get in touch in the comment section and uh I can answer those questions or if you want a more personalized uh approach by all means head over to my Instagram and um give me a follow on there and just ch check me a message um or photos and videos of of of you riding your bike and by all means I can uh critique away all right but um yeah actually um elevation gain was uh just over 1,000 M it was 1,088 uh average pace like I said was 22 km um on the dot moving time was 4 hours and just under 2 minutes uh 159 and uh ended up burning almost uh 2 and 1 half th000 calories uh for me personally I did the first Loop of the ride um completely fasted and then the second loop I did with uh hydration and nutrition uh I did this because obviously my training uh events are coming up soon and uh just to make it a little bit more harder a little bit more challenging uh for myself to feel a little bit more fatigued so then those hill climbs uh I’m having less power in there so it can help me with my training one thing I said to uh my athletes and I’ll say to you guys is by all means practice the course uh or whatever course you’re riding right whatever training Loop you do um but practice them uh with race nutrition and practice that you’re eating like you would in uh your race that way it can climatize your stomach and get you kind of really um good at eating and performing at the same time there is an art to it um but also um kind of go out and have your food have your nutrition with you but choose kind of almost like um it’s behind the glass so you got the glass hammer and you have to smash it if you need it um and then that way you’ll induce that fatigue so when you are later in your races you’re going to be a little bit more tired you’re going to be a little bit more fatigued and it will help prepare you for those moments uh especially the long you race um and the more nutrition comes into play so uh by all means try and test those you know kind of have your uh week by week where you going out eating and drinking getting a good habit it’s good B handling skills uh a lot of people struggle with getting bottles out of bottle cages uh which is why so many lost on Race courses um and it really does make a difference you know so practice those little things have a little uh gentle ride and just have a no pressure ride you know forget driver exists and um just kind of go out ride your bike uh practice eating and drinking and and enjoy yourself you know and then have those rides where um you are testing nutrition whether you’re eating a lot and testing the different types of foods that you’re looking at or not eating at all or drinking at all and um but just be careful with that okay don’t take it to the extreme where um you’re super ill you know um but yeah tip for today uh hope you’ve enjoyed this video hope um you enjoy the Channel Please Subscribe it’s really helping uh we’re currently from this morning 950 subscribers uh which I know isn’t a huge number compared to some channels that have millions but for me that’s 950 people so um welcome to the community thank you for being a part of it I appreciate you greatly and uh I shall see you again soon okay

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