Sitting at a corner watching the bikes go by in Grenoble.

    #expatinfrance #expatlife #vélos

    [Music] koville has the uh great benefit of having a combination of being in the mountains yet being very flat and bicycle friendly in the city itself so I wanted to give a little bit of a flavor of what bicycling is like here in the city and the wide variety of uh bike types and bike uses that you see here this is a closeup of the bike you’ll commonly see in grob and it’s uh often used for kids sometimes for cargo here you can see the little seat belts for kids probably a strap used for other things as well even a seat in the back little cushy on the rack for uh extra passenger back there it’s kind of the whole view bike parking uh is fully utilized in grovy the racks are uh typically uh filled up and so people got to lock their bikes to whatever they can here you have a bike rack and you here you have bikes um locked to the fence there’s a couple of spaces there another type of vehicle bicycle vehicle it’s not Copenhagen but it’s a long shot over uh most places in the US so I wanted to just kind of take a gander at or show some of the different kind of Two Wheel vehicles three-wheel Vehicles as well or pedicle pedal vehicles that you see in groby love these things one thing you didn’t see a lot of in San Diego was parents with little kids on bikes [Music] [Applause] [Music] and of course this is some very intense film work I’m [Music] doing and of course there is the be beautiful [Music] buildings that’s a cool looking bike [Music] another one like that and these blue ones one going off in the distance they’re the electric bike station [Music] ones I think those plant plants are growing out of a flower pot outside the window or are they growing in the rain gutter bikes your only semi respect traffic lights it’s really the traffic not the lights that they respect there’s no real enforcement of uh bikes running intersections and so forth and I’m so okay with that here go a little bit of traffic light [Music] respect guys are cheating up on the traffic light looking for their opening here we go as a nice flow all right almost looking like Copenhagen it’s a nice sitting here nice sunny day it’s not too hot June 13th agree here’s another one of the Bike Share electrics quite popular they also do the scooters in that caror [Music]


    1. Loving the knit beret. I may need to get one now. Like all the cargo bikes. Only seen a couple here in the wild. Lots of kids whizzing around on ebikes in PB, something one rarely sees elsewhere around town where folks are too economically squeezed to spend a couple grand on an ebike for their kid. Plenty of old beater bikes and WalMart specials, though.
      Weather there looks lke perfect bicycle weather. Perfect for having a glass at a sidewalk cafe, too. Not that I'm green with envy or anything like that. Did you ride your bike there?

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