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    ✅DE CITIT: Piata monedelor virtuale este foarte speculativa, NICIODATA nu investiti mai mult decat puteti pierde. NU-i ascultati pe cei care va spun altceva. Aceasta piata poate scadea si urca intr-un timp foarte scurt. Trebuie sa intelegeti in ce va bagati banii. Este un mit faptul ca poti ajunge bogat peste noapte din monede virtuale. Parerile expuse in acest video sunt personale, inainte sa investiti in orice moneda, trebuie sa intelegeti riscurile care vin cu investitia in monede virtuale.
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    [Music] and I’m almost 23 million someone gives me 25 million tomorrow I’ll give it, I mean I want to take my money out you say [Music] Who should risk a few two 3 million I don’t know try two three take it [Music] 50 [Music] ] you have to I’ve been through many bombs machine gun bullets I’ve been through all of them atomic bombs I’ve been through them and I’m alive [Music] my colleagues and I remain square focused on our dual mandate to promote maximum employment and Stable prices for the american People today the fomc decided to leave our policy interest rate uned and to continue to reduce our securities holdings though at a slower restri ofc hasting pressure ecis [Music] the Again i implore you to remember fuck your puts fuck your calls j has you by the balls God bless my money [Muzică] you [Muzică] know [Muzică] I’m f the show goes up This is my home They gna need a fucking w Ball to take me b [Muzică] Boom baby sunt suntem live seara de crypto episodul 31 din sezonul 7 witch magic back in the crypto trenches at least for altcoins that haven’t had a very good week at all not even a very good month but we’re talking about this week many are between 20 and 30% unlike Bitcoin which of course has been pretty stable somewhere at min 5% I think it’s minus 6 7% off the top now you realize a lot of people own altcoins and there was a little bit of pain from that and the headline that we’re back in the trenches now The question is it’s over and we’ll talk about it right away Is the story with crypto the story with altcoins over and only Bitcoin and ether remain where we are at the moment in the cycle and what are the prospects for the future we will talk here because I don’t think this time is any different and What we observe at the moment of face is just a scare but it is a unit oport especially for those who understand what happened in the past and understand the space overall now of course there are many people who say Ok this time it’s different only Bitcoin just eteo Because they didn’t go down but it happened and in the previous similar cycle where Bitcoin didn’t fall that much and altcoins fell quite a lot especially in a capitulation zone of course Bitcoin held up better in 2019 for example because it’s a bit similar Bitcoin fell quite a lot once with the altcoins just before the covid Crash then came the covid Crash and of course it gave that pretty massive capitulation now a lot of people are wondering what happened I didn’t see you this correction At the moment we don’t have any news maybe the whales know something in advance on the regulatory side something at the moment no news for these massive falls from this point of view for Algin uri But we will analyze right away even bullish news came today for for eth that you saw that and the ccc withdrew that lawsuit against consensus and eth and they stated a commodity what can you see Larry Fing made two phone calls and they declared that commodity is a man who has been quite well now we will talk be Hard to hard like every time we are here together Well some I made better decisions some I made decisions worse some I lost less on the portfolio on this fall some more it is possible but we are here together a community we shouldn’t point the finger at x and y that you didn’t own Bitcoin in your portfolio that you didn’t own that v also discussed these and what are the prospects also for those who do not have Bitcoin in their portfolio and have altcoins and have a high risk profile and for those who have Bitcoin and eum in their portfolio who have a medium risk or quite SC we will discuss the prospects Because they in yet I’m there num maai you realize you have to have a pretty good positioning and understand your risk I mean I don’t see a drama From what happened I saw on crypto Twitter pretty dramatic No but I didn’t see much drama at the moment especially what we older people went through here, it wasn’t a big drama, we’ve seen worse, so much happened here 50 Daniel Niță membership we started this live boom boom two three hours we keep it analyzing from all possible perspectives subs double subs minimum in the climb that for algor where we are on Wall Street and Street shit and what could happen in the next few months we will discuss immediately because I have an opinion and I think what is happening here is just putting fear into the blood of those who are still in the market before possible that quite impressive climb that probably everyone been talking for a while now a lot of people N’t talked about it and they’re not talking about it anymore because they’ve been decimated You understand That’s why you’re in the trenches right now it’s not easy and you don’t want it to be easy and you don’t want it to be easy in the financial markets because if it were easy everyone would make money and in the end no one would make money ok Good leave a comment on the chat how you saw this fall Thank you to Bogdan Ivașcu who gave 50 Daniel Niță m and Bogdan mail I love this incredible community and I told you I stay here with you until the end and We are here in tranches no problem in tranches with those who only had altcoins and dropped in tranches with those who don’t know they had Bitcoin is expected to go up or ethereum is expected to go up Some are in profit Some are are in loss at the moment of I saw it is about 50 50 divided at the moment at this moment The market some want to quit some said they will never leave and they are no longer fooled and they no longer follow the trick as they left in 2018 in 2021 and in 2022 and in all these areas now I also want to see your opinion as you saw it you will sell there are still some people say yes we are selling everything because a calamity is coming and higher and these will decrease even more, there are also people like this and we’ll see in the end, so to speak, it’s positioned well from my point of view, ok I’ve accumulated and I’m going to tell you what I’ve accumulated because I think the cycle is not over From my point of view but of course I can be wrong and I have been wrong so many times on this YouTube channel you decide what What were the good ones What were the bad ones for example I expected the calculations to perform better in June and what it didn’t happen Ok it didn’t happen and I was wrong there’s no problem there It’s not about saying that Who’s wrong And who’s right and of course just about positioning mostly in in these in these markets because the Market does what it wants But I’ve never gone back and said, well, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, maybe I’m wrong, I’ve done this before, and in the past, it’s good to do your own analysis. Ok, my personal impact was not a big one because somewhere around 50% of the portfolio is just Bitcoin and ethereum and then another 20 or so I had 25% cash before Deep now I have about 20% cash the lowest level of cash I have had since 2020 in 2020 before the rise that time, I think I had somewhere in cash, if I’m not mistaken, somewhere around 70-80% and then I put quite a lot into the market and I was left with about 20% liquidity, it seems that I’m back in that moment with Daniel Niță having 20% ​​liquidity, which what hasn’t happened for a long time, I have to tell you that I haven’t put money into the market since 2020 because I played the probabilities, I withdrew from the market, I rebalanced the portfolio and all that So things have gone quite well so far I hope let’s be closer to the Baton than yet to big falls, however my impact, as I said, was not quite big enough because Bitcoin is mostly in the portfolio, my risk is medium to low more medium At least that’s how I see it And that’s how I I like to have the risk, which on this day I avoided, let’s say, too much life, this does not mean that it is bad for those who only own altcoins, you do not take the risk a little higher, but you can’t say what what happened, why did my portfolio drop 50%, well, you only own the altcoin and these are speculative. I mean, you can go up 500% twice and it can go down 50% in a single week, that is, you can try to understand, let’s say, the risk and what you are reporting leave comments here Good someone a trifle they got us good Good good Romania Yes I was in the stadium you saw you saw the hate on Romania you didn’t see ba similar as in cryptocurrencies similar when the hate reaches a big support good things happen when the hype it reaches a very very high climax, nasty things happen But have you seen Romania 3 0 Where are those who care they were also on the chat now they should apologize Mostly not because they said well we don’t beat Liechtenstein you also realize with Bulgaria I did 00 and I told you Well they are only friendly matches I mean friendly matches you can’t look at the friendly matches, I beat you, George, as Stanciu also said, who scored a mega goal and I couldn’t do it anymore D I couldn’t do it anymore OK he also said the same thing I beat in 2000 as well as 2016 I beat Georgia 5 and then they all trampled us now bad they showed bad the boys showed bad and you have to be proud of them and the team whatever happened from now on For me what happened in this match I haven’t seen since I don’t know when I’m there, I’ve never seen a match like this at the Euro, let’s say, or at a final tournament. For Romania, great joy, great joy, and what happened in Munich was incredible, about 30,4000 people in the stadium alone, I think there were 56,000 I think that in the whole city there was the Yellow Wall, as they called it, an incredible international, now of course the match with Belgium is coming, which is a difficult match, I don’t expect much, that is, my expectations are low, although now everyone, after winning against Ukraine, ready we win the European Championship, it’s difficult with Belgium, they come after a failure, let’s say with Slovakia, which is again shocking and they play the last chance, so it will be difficult, but I will be present for that match on Saturday, we’ll see if I’m present for the match as well with Slovakia there are chances there too but that one with Belgium I’ll be, somehow we met a few from the community as well and this time I’m going to post a Tweet Where you can find me let’s say if you want to take a picture or talk about things, there will also be pins at the match, I think at this match he will most likely make it too So we will make a team at the other one you saw with Andrei bratucu and with and with the crypto hour it was phenomenal Ok phenomenal So phenomenal what is happening in Romania be proud of what happened whatever happens from now on is a win whatever you have to be proud of those who represented us there on the football field in front of everyone Ukraine for sure I expect more from in Ukraine I told you Belgium I expect them to play very weak very weak It’s always Belgium the same way it’s up there winning the European they barely get through the groups or they don’t get through the groups Ukraine I expect more from them to be honest what didn’t happen the first 20 minutes they attacked a bit But they didn’t have any kind of cadence which was extraordinarily good it has 155 share Belgium Yes it is Favorite you realize it has 10 times our team but we don’t go and play we have a chance we have to say so the most soulful and the most fighting team I think from I don’t know the last 10 years 100% here Ok but many See That’s how the Romanian is and that’s how it is also in crypto not necessarily the Romanian in general people know when when the hate reaches its maximum peak this helps them and guys you can tell with us and in crypto the same way Well when that maximum hate reached with solana when it was at 10$ 8 you saw that good things happened in crypto as well and here this hate reached a peak Those from the press trampled on their feet before. Shame on you, the media, because you trampled on them before they made it to the final tournament. I mean, a shame, a shame, an incredible shame. Yes, we are Romanians. Yes, until the first failure, no. we are Romanians as well in crypto Yes we are with crypto until the market falls 50% then we point the finger at that and that and that and that and that and that and that and here we never show that we are to blame we stay in front of the TV with the seed and we look not the same and in in things you understand Bá hold me to the end here to the end in crypto here to the end with Romania Ok until the last moment The boys have a good chance to pass from of of of groups we still need a tie with a tie most likely we will go through we will go through the groups and we will reach the eighth I am proud I am proud that I am I am Roma where I go Anyway around the Netherlands outside I always talk to people and tell them yes, Romania is on the upswing, but also from a political point of view, but also from the point of view, let’s say, football and financial and all that, I think that AA we have a very, very big chance. Good Here, let’s have a chat with Daniel Niță now, let’s see how v did you feel this fall We’ll come back to football later see here the shirt I stole it from Gigel Gigel a little undressed By the way we have a big big big contest come to mine on Twitter 1500 I’m with crypto ace crypto time and Gigel Who’s on first place Gigel Gigel is in first place in terms of scores and tips at the moment he gave only good things good how Gigel put them with artificial intelligence Gigel put them I mean I gave him some parameters bam he gave them and now he is in first place to see if you have all the rules on Twitter go to me on Twitter and you have them there you have to retweet with h I don’t know which one and mess with who are you with me with Andrei with the crypto hour or with Gigel Ok through the respective hashtag and then Who wins If you have given say the right hashtag there you can enter that pool to win a part of that 1500 of D ok good in the next day of fed fedul what fedul geron Paul’s last conference was a bit barish because people expected Jon Paul to say Yes inflation is under control and we are cutting which did not happen Ok now there is a lot of pressure from those in the Senate government from that side to cut geromes earlier like in July which is not I think the first one will be in September and we’ll see what happens then the even bigger pain for us in crypto or a part let’s say from crypto is the fact that the American stock market is at an all time high at the moment unlike bitcoin who is struggling in this region 65000 the question is Who is selling I can’t tell you Who is selling the miners are selling quite a lot at the moment and there is pressure plus hch the bottoms that are sorting and selling Spot at the same time that is to say it’s a entanglement of this situation though Bitcoin has been quite good 65000 compared to altcoins that have not been great this is a catalyst and shows us the future for Bitcoin we will discuss immediately and analyze them we have also analyzed altcoins and Wall Street and Bitcoin and eum all all all all all everything everything everything possible to have a clearer idea of ​​where we could be in the cycle and what we could expect and of course risk management which is very very important and yes we were able to do a lot with this risk management time Ok I told you it’s not wrong Only position yourself in altcoins if you have a high or medium to high risk Ok if you don’t have sth in a clear portfolio or Bitcoin I’m not talking about Bitcoin anymore your risk is high and you can expect volatility big on the portfolio, that is, it either increases or decreases very very aggressively, but you have to have the stomach for this thing, now you don’t have to have the stomach for this, this fall that I saw o But if you still have liquidity, and I told you once, liquidity is very important very important, you saw that I wasn’t Olin in the market. I also bought something and I’ll tell you right away what I’ve accumulated. And what else I have on the accumulation list, why? I have a few. My portfolio is not yet finally structured for the Bull Market, but I can I’ll give you an idea What it might look like let’s say like that when I still have liquidation I don’t know 15% 10% about there I wouldn’t want to be 100% 100% in the market ok would like to have liquidity Bitcoin eth 50% Or at least 40% of portfolio another 10% let’s say to have on the usdt side and then to have 50% in altcoins because I think they are doomed and at some point they will also perform but v What happened on solana there could be that hype which is falling quite a lot at the moment and could burst the bubble Yes I think that solana is over hyped at the moment but we are also looking at and at her right away Gigel seems so full of life it’s a bit it’s a pic I don’t know how strange it was because I stole his t-shirt and he also wants another one, we’ll see if he makes it bro and gives him a t-shirt right away, it’s on my collection list but I didn’t get it, well it’s been kept, it’s good, I got it I was watching, I had some Beers on it positioned quite well, it didn’t want to fall below 1 dollar at all like the world ondo I have it I kept it on the Ena radar the same way it didn’t want to keep well 50 de Cen we have under 50 c some Buer on Ena he didn’t want it at all, I think that these two that the market will recover, they will perform well, but also others that we will discuss immediately good Good Good Good David Popovici keeps his magist Tit European in 100 m free very good very cool good you give beer for 10 Tia after another season a lot of beer yes I got another Tia one of mine that I got is Tia I think that she has not yet reached her potential in this cycle of the Bull Market and if there is enough patience we can probably see Tia much much much higher in this cycle but we see where the lipstick is and I’ll show you right away what the lipstick might look like and what b you need to watch for these altcoins for bom There are two types of altcoins such as Celestia which already had a rise aost it was from this new cycle so to speak and now it has a rather big dip has it happened before Yes it has happened with solana and others from the previous cycle fixed before of a monster move we had a few months apart After about three four months apart later I’m not necessarily saying it will be the same this time but the odds are pretty much on our side still Why did Tia move up very much Imagine from a psychological point of view all the hype there many mother Tia 15 no 20 no later when Tia started to decrease cri cri heavy lady no one wants to buy c I mean now A I didn’t buy and now it dropped 5 % we don’t want to buy again the same and arbitrage the same thing I also took arbitrum also in the area where I bought the first time 75 76 cents then I bought the first time ok the arbitrage I added to the position also in the Base portfolio at the moment so is Tia the basic portfolio but immediately we discuss about it the same arbiter the arbiter I got 77 csa led to 2$ 2$ and something I don’t know how the hell it was in that top 2 3 $4 well the train returns to the station if you have enough patience But when it comes back In the station it’s very complicated again to position yourself like every time because there are things mom pika market What are you doing Bad you don’t have liquidity anymore You don’t have that anymore you don’t have that anymore and you can’t accumulate those areas again arbitrage for me I enjoy accumulating arbitrage in the area of ​​76 de C again without any stress in that area for arbitrage of course I don’t put all my money in arbitrage I have somewhere around 2% in the portfolio at the moment and I go with that one more away Ok Same with Tia also somewhere around 2% and others that I still have in my portfolio My Bitcoin portfolio has held up well My ith portfolio has held up well My bnb portfolio has held up well and solana these four they held my portfolio extremely well the rest a bit more volatile if you look at the atom that was pretty much Stable Coin if you look at a theta that has performed now it had a fall we see maintain must maintain 1 15.5 has definitely defended the area that but I don’t feel so sorry I mean Analyzing the situation Analyzing the Market I don’t feel so sorry especially as long as Bitcoin and eth still stable and that larger cap stable now it’s p ul everyone says mother smp ul perform have you seen Nvidia took first place and I was telling you to wait some time ago that Nvidia will most likely be the first company in the world, I have to find that title Twin that I gave I think a year ago when I also bought Nvidia somewhere at 200 and something easy easy I want you to scale out of Nvidia because we think we are moving towards a top on Nvidia But have you seen the s&p everyone says mother smp the performance I don’t know what there are about 70 companies that perform this the rest not so much if you look at where the risk is going, the risk is not in speculative assets at the moment, only in big big big caps, that is, in capitalization. That is, we have not yet reached that area of ​​venture capital to exit from these big ones and enter the smaller ones Not yet but that’s good because there are still chances of accumulation good All with the Cosmos system fallen fallen badly Yes it’s happening it’s happening there are altcoins oscillating quite quite quickly Up Down good cica It will drop more Andrei dramba no one knows if it’s going to drop more I’m sorry if you weren’t here in 2022 How many said you’re going to drop more and what to see they didn’t drop they didn’t drop and I put lipstick on your Bitcoin ancol I made them 10 15 x of from bottom good some five some three it depends a lot on what you were positioned in For example solan made from 8 acut 200 It depends on what you were positioned but again It’s very hard to say it’s going to go down yet don’t rely on it based on a daily weekly monthly investment strategy with a very very good plan with an understanding let’s say that macro no you say Mom it’s going down I’m selling now that it’s coming in, I don’t know what the people on the chat are saying, what happened, let’s say, in the past when they made these moves, but we’re immediately analyzing to see what could happen and if the alcons really have the possibility to go further down good partition Yes I accumulated again the partition I took it held very well on this fall it is another coin that I accumulated a safe a risk portfolio this time I accumulated the partition because I have the base portfolio risk portfolio that every time I can’t to not be able to say so to have the Base portfolio to put portfolios to put coins because I don’t know that the partition like the mantle is very difficult to put them in the base portfolio so I made a clear risk portfolio that the risk portfolio is very very volatile but that is not more than 5% of the total a good how are you Daniel with your stomach during this period good good good if you know my division on the portfolio the impact was not that big because I don’t have that much impact on altcoins let’s say do others have an impact on bitcoin dum bnb and others with higher capitalization that kept my portfolio intact of course when the market performs well the impact in the upper area is not as big for me as for example it is for some of you ok the impact, let’s say, is medium, because my risk is medium, that is, I assume these moments. When the market goes up aggressively, it’s clear that I’m making some profit, but I’m not acting like someone who, for example, only has altcoins and turns altcoin season and they perform OK, but on moments like this save me for not blaring on the keyboard That’s what it’s all about but do you like this live everyone is watching the Championship most likely the European Championship we are 888 here from what I saw you have the like button here very very nice and immediately we enter the analysis, I say we stay here for another 30 minutes at the tackles and I immediately talk more things But here you have the Like button if you like it, of course we also have a sponsor on the XF channel that you see here is a good Romanian crypto exchange yes c latin means 100 K No I wouldn’t say to think in dollars that’s what I think and that’s what Vil sa SC you Get out of your head that if you think like that you realize how your portfolio oscillates maybe a bigger portfolio when they oscillated 200 K down what did you do or 70 or 50 you can’t think like that you think long term on the base portfolio that risk portfolio you can play with it in a way to see what stage could be the Market and how could you position yourself maximum boredom it doesn’t seem boring to me it seems like the Market at the moment Finally I moved something but I moved down for for altcoins something insiders on the list Yes I didn’t forget I think tomorrow it is listed inj beam fet akt Looks good fet v I told you that area of ​​$1 1 d and something is important n I took I had a buy under $1 8 55 cents for fet the basic portfolio and I would like to add to the portfolio basic if fet goes below 1 Ed that this is manipulation and that’s what we were talking about on patreon yesterday in the update p that this is manipulation before going I think they want to take the whales because they made an enormous set pressure especially on binance I saw there some incredible maneuvers for fetch I was looking in the Order Book incredible I think they are trying to take the price very very low like the moment when Asi comes you will see a 50% increase at a given moment from nowhere on Asi that is to say the whale comes back to put his liquidity back the a bit, I think this is the move we will most likely see for Asi to give the feeling that Mother is looking at how this currency is growing and to put as much capital into it as possible . above expectations from f and although we expected it to reach that area of ​​1$ 1d and a little bit for FCH the mantle fell too bad yes we warned you we were here I mean you can confirm the one we were looking at dim and I told you, no one shows you what could happen if we got into a mini Bear Yes, that Pump that I had on the dime on the mantle on all this ok and I told you these are not from the basic portfolio at most from the risk portfolio because they are risky and if you assume the risk of buying let’s say in that area of the reaction that could be possible in a Bull Market you need to have four or five areas in the lower area so that you can stay sane in case that thing happens that I showed you on the water Ok what it’s happening now on dim on all of these but I’ll tell you something more pay attention to them pay attention to dim on the mantle on the Pixel on all of these that were listed on good and fell quite a lot pay attention to them because these When will they make bom they will have incredible climbs Ok but at the moment most of them have not confirmed a battle you have to see from the side two or three months the world is looking at them including the portal including all those all those listed I think that the moment they form a bottom they will very very nice reversal from that lower area and we watch them carefully and we immediately look at them which could be the respective areas in the mantle I don’t know what else was there pixel all all those beams held much better and on the beam we had a entry that in Saga, for example, is clean bankruptcy and says Well, Saga has already done the Bull Market, all this, dim Saga, they made the Bull market in the first candle, we talked about this before, we talked about it now, the market is rebalancing, the market is rebalancing at the moment sim dim maga all of that, the market is rebalancing on them and it could not be an opportunity. I explained to you that it is easier to take the supply when the price is low than when the price is high. Plus, there were many airdrops on them and at the moment when the market it fell, I told you that most likely they will sell these airdrops quite quickly because most of them are from the res portfolio not from the basic portfolio because there is a very very high risk associated with them the mantle that the only one that I have let’s say I entered the risk portfolio a little bit in it I still have a buy under 1 I have a plan That’s a lot n you have a plan I mean take dim at 3:00 at 5:00 at 9:00 at whatever Well and n do you also have a plan b in case she doesn’t grow, what do you do, that is, you know that we were also talking to the needles, he is also here in the Netherlands, there is no other room, he looks at the MCI most likely and said that in the fall, in the fall, we will probably have climbs and I most likely agree, but I don’t agree with the part where he said that people come back in the fall, no. Well, until the fall, you can have an accumulation part for the whole summer, you can hit it in July, you can hit it in August for your Queens and those until the fall they will make you another 2x from the bottom Ok And then what did you do about it It is good to be balanced and to put in constantly not at the same time like a maniac saying mom now put now I do now dear now I don’t know what’s wrong and I was saying There are two types of coins the Tia and sei and sui and all those that have already experienced a Bull Market and now small at the beginning let’s say of the cycle and now they are in correction of 60 70% like it was, let’s say, the same as the solana in the previous cycle, and I was telling you about those areas of interest now, Tia, you’re touching area two, and there’s no problem, I accumulated there too. I mean, I was waiting, I mean, I wasn’t shocked, I mean, no shocked that he reached that area because what else happened like this is this and there are the old ones Ok the old ones for example was the gimbal Cică percent Now you have pole cadot ae atom ae Gold ae all this we are looking at a potential minimum in climb that ‘s still possible I know It sounds weird Well it’s still possible for many of them we’ll look at it right away Or a double basement or a fake out under at least a precedent where he would throw up disgustingly on the keyboard but that’s where you want to be you want to be in pain you want to be like no the world doesn’t believe anymore do you want to be like no one talks about you anymore about crypto do you want to be there The market is not there it’s not just straight up and that’s all And we’re getting rich to the sky I mean you know this very very well because if if it were like that everyone would make money and then nobody Because you realize that’s not how things work I’m glad it happened like this and it’s painful and I’d cut myself again especially some Alco not all because again it’s opportunity for those who have done their homework and have, so to speak, an idea About what is happening in the market good where CH will we move from btc to another I moved first is eth If you don’t remember eth is first in the portfolio at the moment and I still maintain the thesis that eth will probably start to perform especially since now it no longer has from the point of view of regulation, it does not have any kind of problem so I think that this eth will start to perform on any Deep let’s say that’s how it seems to me an opportunity for eth I still had a b for eth 3100 I think N came in Unfortunately then I still had 2800 2500 But they came in that one was the first one then the one from the last one was the Ena that came in of course I have accumulated arbitrum and a few more that I will tell you right away yol GL of 100 100% of the portfolio is a yolo there but I say that even this can be in the formation of de bom easy easy Let’s look at them who would be certain scenarios here we can look at Bitcoin the first time if you want we can look like this here I don’t think we are doing much Germany let’s look here let’s see most likely No Let’s look at Germany on Germany 1 0 1 Germany Good Good Good zk Sing you will buy no at the moment you know very well that I don’t buy these, you asked me about the portal of the mantle of all that at the beginning well N I said I don’t buy them I’m waiting for big falls to be able to say so not necessarily just falls mar But a potential bat I would enter in the middle of nothing Do you want to see a structure Do you want to see a button Do you want to see something and I was saying Look here to enter the bread like the world Tia yes There are two types of coins ha let’s say three three but I was referring to altcoins to altcoins, there are two types, these are these. Look for example, you are from zone two. Well, I kept to the plan, the plan is holy, zone 1, zone two reached zone two, dip dip dip, in zone two, I put more if it take a little to area 2 in 5 4 I put in there too I mean I have liquidity no problem but that seems good to me because here everyone was quite hype hype the box is expensive I don’t know what now We are also talking about the fact that many I asked what is happening with inflation, Tia, let’s talk about it right away because Solana had the same case, you say that I see Solana again. Ok, Solana in the same case had inflation at first, coins in circulation, and it went rocket, that’s not the only thing that matters, especially if the Market they recover quite quickly but inf the situation for Tia to keep in mind that it starts in October this year she would still have some time until then at least to return to this area of ​​all time High but here again Let’s see In what fall This is the first type of coin min 71% shocking no I mean I said it is very very possible here Especially when it fell below this region to return to these lower Ranges that’s why it’s not good to say Mom I have 1000 I put it here in Tia Well na now you sit and look at the screen because you have nothing left to do You have 55% and you wait for it to come back here and when it comes back here you reach the break when you could put in here 30% 20% more and here when it came back here you were in profit I mean This is very very important ok Well now this is a type of currency that could make you a bom like that here below it depends we also look at the solana how much it took in the past There is no problem and we are talking for those who say Well yes but now I’ve already seen the rise it doesn’t happen anymore because now Bitcoin has already risen to an all time High it was a fake all time High and if you remember a few months ago we were talking about this theory of what’s coming if Bitcoin doesn’t maintain all the time High or if it doesn’t go up, let’s say above the all time High like the world because it was a fake all time High and it upset you mentally because you were waiting for the Coin season and the all time High on Bitcoin about 165 days after the halving that is, the end of the year, you were waiting for the all-time High, the altcoin season, you were waiting right after the all-time High, December, January, February next year. Not now, it upset you, it upset us mentally, because it did an all -time High, a lot of people said it’s done, the cycle is going on earlier, it did fake all time High could not maintain it and now we are below the all time High and now bitcoin let’s just say so it is sitting on the side to reach that for year Cycle that is that four year cycle that was supposed to be later OK But what A was a fake fake all time High came on this news that I saw with the etf the real expectation was for the end of the year Bitcoin somewhere 80 100000 and the altcoins to perform immediately after because if Bitcoin maintains the all time High there is no confidence because those who with Bitcoin didn’t make enough money to be able to move it to altcoins the same with Microsoft and all that ok To move to the other actions a little more speculative I still haven’t entered the area of ​​speculation and maybe That’s ok so we are not yet late in the cycle mer mom we are late in the cycle Bah we are not late in the cycle yet Ok we are not yet late in the cycle there is still hope for bitcoin at 100000 and for the altcoin to perform at some point but it is not easy as always good Yes panic panic isn’t good for those who understand it let’s say panic for those who don’t understand it’s nasty that’s why it’s not good Let’s point the finger Mom you panicked well you can panic you can made a wrong decision, maybe you put more than you should into a coin, maybe that’s why We’re here to help each other, please help each other on the chats on discord on these, stop bullying each other or ba Try to you help me because I’m a community and when you give back it feels even better I mean some mom maybe they lost maybe they put everything into that maybe they put everything into that maybe that that that I mean they made wrong decisions Ok it can happen it doesn’t have to let’s point the finger at them even if they’ve been in the market for so long We all make mistakes in one way or another at some point in time we have to see how we rise and how we rise others too ok that’s why we do these live shows because you Have a pretty good idea let ‘s say about the market about the psychology of the market and what it can do to you and How you can get through moments like that Good so we’re looking at solana Da Tia here if we look at the previous cycle like they are the same Market maker we are also looking at Wall Street chit at the moment and you can have a bini I tell you my opinion about was chit you say your opinion Ok it does not mean that I am the one who holds the absolute truth I just see a personal analysis here ok good If we look here in this similar cycle solana was listed bam went here to see how much solana did here from this region it did somewhere at 2170 from the region of 0.21 it went up to the region of 521 and then it had a correction pretty big from here ok Good somewhere at 78% 78% here for three months duration let’s see how long it lasted here how many weeks did this correction last somewhere around 17 weeks ha let’s see Tia How long did it last here let’s see if it’s somehow on the chart or somehow it surpasses it’s possible to surpass Tia here if we look from the top 17 weeks 17 weeks That would be the 18th week if we’re doing a realistic comparison so to speak We could be in the area where she could try we beat her here Sooner or later, Tia, I would be shocked, I wouldn’t be shocked at all, there is still Bayer here, we are also talking about binance, of course they will remove the Stable Coins, not necessarily from the Spot, because they said that they do not remove them from the Spot futures baga I don’t know something chalk or something maybe we’ll talk later Good so if we look here it could be towards that area there’s nothing and it’s common at the moment I mean at the moment everyone is different this time neither the dominance is different nor how they perform it’s not different I don’t see a big big difference apart from the fact that Bitcoin became a fake all time High for the first time in history that it’s a fake all time High he couldn’t hold it I mean he couldn’t hold 700 not even 69400 that one couldn’t to hold it and the Meme Coins that these stars no longer had, let’s say, patience and they entered those Meme Coins on the solana And they took the hype very very high only on them and drew the liquidity that was supposed to between maybe in certain areas they pulled a there these are, let’s say, the things are a little different because in each cycle there is a little something, let’s say so Not similar at all but the structure still seems the same to me, clearly now they are more many altcoins it’s harder to attract liquidity all and all But the important ones should the important ones should inj I didn’t accumulate because I already accumulated inj I took the first time I don’t know 6 at 38 I took 21 again and now I’m parked No more I don’t want to accumulate anymore at the moment I have enough it also came in the basic portfolio it’s ok SS positioned well at the moment there are a few more there are a few more and they want about them right away ok Good so so this this is this let’s say so ee a type of currency a currency that has already had a rise and this now you where you want to be positioned in this or in the next one that I show you Well, maybe that would have more traction in case the Market recovers from the second type of currency and I always give the Polka doot but what I was telling you, remember what I was telling you about these coins that people were asking me what what ar what would I accumulate now and I said well than you accumulate Tia here in this region at this moment Well I would sooner accumulate Polka 2 Yes if we look here because polka doot What does it have what’s called here to learn here together it’s called structure of the market what Celestia doesn’t have doesn’t have a market structure look at the market structure ok and then we enter the second theory of altcoins what are these that this can show you let’s say the reality Ok now and immediately draw the parallel with ors Cici, if you like the information here that I’ve spent a long time analyzing and digesting it, let’s say press the Like button, very very nice, we have 1037 people here live, especially when it’s the European Championship and all the world is watching the European Championship a goal was scored No goal was scored a tot tot 1 z0 but coming back here Ok where was the expectation for this to perform Well here we talked before December 2024 if we are to take the past this is still in the reaction section com after what he did he dropped here in the Bear Market Ok if we look he dropped here in the Bear Market nice finally and he found a potential lipstick between 362 and this region of 43 you made your first rally Ok And now he finds you a correction here what could it be what could this be could it be a low going up could it be We still don’t have any kind of confirmation but as the structure shows that’s what we’re interested in Tia no structure Polka still has a structure depends a lot What Look I called it baby 2 gundogan called it you are crazy immediately I felt that I felt that the Germans put it good a Good Good Good Good yes if we see here So pol cadot you structure first climb now try has a climb minimum happened before Let’s see if it has happened before I don’t know Let’s see Ada cardano we always give Ada cardano here as usual here Ada cardano if we look at the past she tried a climb minimum and probably did it probably did it if we look here and the pandemic didn’t come, it probably didn’t, the first rally came, bam, the correction, and look what a correction it had from here, bam, it went somewhere to minus 70, something from this top came here, and probably, if it wasn’t for the pandemic, it wouldn’t come anymore, maybe a double basement was being made in this region this mania can continue from here as well and here it went up once again from the pandemic here somewhere in 18 bam the correction Ok in that lipstick structure in which here Everyone no longer believed Bah no one believed anymore what’s that called on Wall Street shit she well I’ll let you guys say what’s that called What happened here This was textbook that was textbook What happened here on on on on gimbal especially on Rally this and that But definitely this because here here Everyone here was here it was the maximum depression here it was the missed Rally so to speak and then it was take off if we look here the structure still good Paul cadot did not drop so much because it has an ok structure Does it have a no structure it’s the same as Tia it’s not the same as those Doerece has the structure here and people have seen this structure compared to the others that have big inequalities the size of the mantle all those have big inequalities they don’t have structure if they don’t have structure no one defends them from the point of view of Market maker their respective areas ok good Tia Tia Tia the scam is over I don’t think the scam is over but we’ll see Ok So this is the second type of altcoin that what what what what can this do to you here minimal minimal uphill here in this region it can be it the case that we are talking about cases now the most likely scenario big is Yes let it be minimum and the minimum climb here for polkadot and until December make you I don’t know about these bam bam bam and let’s try this upper region in that it’s there nothing happened You had the first rally and the first correction after The first rally in the Bear Market Ok so nothing else here for for him Ok yes that would be the scenario now there is a possibility that this will come to make a double bottom here Who was anyone saying that they are going lower maybe I mean it is financial markets but we are talking about the probabilities as the graph shows the highest probability at the moment proportion of 60% it’s like this to make a minimum on the rise here I’m talking about probabilities not about Baba Vanga because baba Vanga you have 1000 out of 1000 Guess two two ok I don’t care bab vague I’m interested in probabilities Ok more likely to double bottom here in this region where Bitcoin returns to the area of ​​I don’t know 45000 That would that would represent or Bitcoin returns to 400 or who knows to that area and this make a decreasing minimum like your gimbal did on a Black Swan But for that you need a Black SW that is for a decreasing minimum below this region because it is quite clear that there is here let’s say the whales really tend to accumulate the regions these you need a Black SW like this similar how did you see after covid for this to become the gimbal Ok I’ll blame the gimbal you see this ok good how did you see the gimbal here How the structure was good everyone was looking at the structure here she damn boom a came here on the structure very very minimal climb Everyone got excited that’s bam it hit them in the head here no one believed Ok in that region Ok So pole cadot now there’s another altcoin formation to take so it’s close to the pole cadot is e Gold So sure many of you are probably wondering about e Gold here but What we notice similar beers came immediately in this region of 28 it’s a bit worse than pol cadot Yes it looks a bit worse than pol cadot i mean we call things by name plus if you notice here This has let’s say a higher percentage to make a decreasing minimum than the cadot pole because it has unclosed inequalities from these regions here because it had too much of a climb from the cadot pole So I’d be three types let’s say This has a probability I don’t know equal or maybe who knows you have a probability maybe higher let’s say to make a minimum although I don’t think the probability is still in favor of the bulls here to have a minimum minimum on the rise even if he looks like this it’s not easy these are not easy like this one from here was not easy in this region ok to position Some b here also this is not easy because you think it’s over now the pickaxe I mean vomit keyboard it would be clear if it’s Gold it would break 21 and but I would still buy I haven’t bought it before, but if he did that, you can imagine what it would be like. Can you imagine what level of 1000% the hate would reach here? in the case of solana but here for IG Gold up to this region of seven yep seven I said it if you lose this region nothing more I mean Look to the left nothing more There is a little more here in the region of 22 where you found this bottom from this Range, this region falls, you have nothing left until here, it is possible to have a fake out and not reach this Range, you can reach a 14, you can reach a 13 fake out, resumption of this area and again it would be very bullish for above, I think that at some point he will also make a rally, whether he makes an upward minimum, or a double bottom, or an upward minimum, a downward minimum, here he also makes an ascent over these upper regions and maintains it I mean, I maintain it I can I can be wrong if I’m wrong similar to what I said on Bitcoin in the trenches that it’s a good time From my point of view to buy after the guys come the same and eum the same and for sonam and all that and I was right so I say and now but if I’m not right I’m going to come and say in front of you I wasn’t right Ok I have the spine And I keep it as always ok and I always put the money in everything Where is his mouth I mean you can’t say that I say something and don’t I put the money Where is his mouth? Yes, I have always put it, I will put it, and I have always announced where I go out, where I go in, all, all, all, all, I don’t know if there is anyone else who can say exactly what they bought in the entire Ber Bull area or sold that’s me I’m How transparent can I the community and I’ll always stay like that I can be wrong Yes that’s what I said don’t make me a king an oracle a What do you want ba No that’s not about that This is beginner stuff Try to Analyze and you through the vast perspective to understand your portfolio to understand your degree of risk in the market all that and then you realize that the analysis could be a more qualitative one for you good there are still three side beds from here it could but as we can see here nothing serious happened if you look because you have this minimum it is possible to be a minimum in the ascent as well as on the cadot pole Ok The only thing was they were like this Tia if we look here we say everything and we talk imat and at they entered I entered planetary force already 47 minutes and a lot of qualitative information here like every time what legends you met in the stands at the match Yes yes yes I was there next to dad he kissed some icons I said kiss them fine if he doesn’t come Alco persistent after this fall we all shave from this market only there is no market anymore if he doesn’t come Alco persistent after these falls massively started started kissing and then I gave them 3 0 la la la Ukrainians So go I don’t know what the rudescu family is doing it, but it’s going, what is he doing next, maybe he’s moving to do it on crypto, it would be excellent or for investments, have you seen a picture of Sânmartean and I’ll show you if you want on Twitter, we can go to my Twitter here real Daniel Niță Instagram I also posted there on Instagram and on Twitter just as real Daniel Niță I received messages from me there are bots with my name trying to take your money it is not me So look very very carefully who you are receiving messages from Come on we are looking here, look what the boys from bobber did to Daniel Niță, is it similar or not? Look, it is similar, especially they put a gold tooth on me, I have to get a gold tooth too. I went to the dentist today to the table hurt when I got there, but it didn’t hurt anymore, he made me bite something, he said it doesn’t hurt anymore, he gave me a prescription, I don’t know something, if it hurts, take this, I’d say Well, yes, but I want to solve it so that I can to eat you know and I can’t really eat That’s the problem but they charged me 50€ for 10 minutes So no Holland dad Holland Well you’re crazy no So bober look It shows how much I say this boborel could be improved like this Daniel Niță from here Good let’s go down Vibe check we see here a lot of people are already starting to leave I saw this one with Niță N don’t you hear the ball see here Yes it also goes on crypto here I think And I have the theory that who stayed here in bmarket in 2022 I don’t like it anymore I mean I haven’t left since 2018 I’ve been to bmarket since 2018 I’ve been here since 2016 ok and I didn’t leave I didn’t leave I think that those who visited Market in 2022 are no longer leaving and many were I saw this. This time they don’t cheat us anymore. This time they don’t cheat us anymore. How did they cheat us, let’s say that between the gyms, they didn’t cheat us with the solana with those minimums with all those areas. They don’t cheat us anymore this time right right or incorrect Good let’s see here Well they have €50 €50 €50 good next Yes I think I put the wrong inn on the site we see them here I’m going to put one with a discount with Baby R baby Angeli of about 90% so we’ll see here M baby m with here to the end you can find this one on the site you have the site below good Bitcoin l obis We’ll be back to this right We’ll be back We’ll be back Mr Deep you know this most likely many arch get to good areas see here after last night in crypto you have accumulated something we see on mbappe it has arrived Like this Look here I know when the coin you bought finally increases Three years ago and no and it hasn’t moved at all until now this is cool do you realize why it was painted Rățiu Knows someone, why did he dye himself like that? It’s not necessarily like the golden generation. How about painting myself blue? Well, if we pass, we’ll beat Belgium, me and crypto s. Maybe we’ll paint ourselves blue, like, like, dad I tell him too ora de crypto but I don’t know if he would put it in let’s see Andrei bratucu let’s see Sonic Yes father look King R knows King R gaming that’s right father sonic sonic sonic many would say that it was taken after the generation daur no no no no no sonic sonic sonic aa fus Sem three in the picture I gave them 3 here you realize that I said we are breaking Ukraine well we broke what is right what is right here Nicolai Stanciu Idol you can see all the videos here from from the incredible match n I have felt something like this for a long time, look at Daniel here three I dated three of them here come on Romania here until the end like every time you stop the match you can see here from many many videos and here just as beautiful beautiful beautiful here at halftime we said we’d give them 2 0 Mihăilă Dan Yes Mihăilă Good Here with the captions we forget to see the tsar recognizes them do you know this boy or not very good very good Do you realize that I didn’t want to I keep them, I didn’t want to keep them too long, but they both said yes, no problem, we are doing a great job, we are both beating Belgium, see This is the same as Coin season, the market increases, we destroy them 10x and then minus 50 % So I wouldn’t put my hand in the fire that we beat Belgium. I hope we beat Belgium, but we have to be very realistic that Belgium is above us. And if they beat us one goal away, I’m happy . he like me like that a little bit chubbier like here at the first goal there were all of them the chump they were on the right there look they were and up at in the area they were all there all all all all all all the mahars Look here Look here on Look here on the stern did you see bam and ma ginit at the end be careful be careful ma ginit Oops you saw Say b Oops he stuck his head out his head stuck his head out here bam that’s how we’re going with Belgium If you come with Belgium we’ll see where we’re going to be very difficult because mother was Pure madness very hard but clearly in the market there we give a Tweet a son I ace 100% la la at this match I don’t know if others are coming on crypto influencing with Slovakia I don’t know for sure if I will make it remains to be seen Good Good Good Good Here I also wrote something crypto Twitter is dead Yes it’s dead But it seems it’s finally back and all we see here is that we have a ranking Who’s in first place Who thinks he’s in first place at the moment I think Let me see it was Gigel for a while So Gigel was in first place he spoiled us dad let’s see what I did in Germany because I don’t know anymore I’ll show you the competition immediately and immediately we enter other areas as well Gigele in first place mother at distanță a pus la Germania 2 0 Jesus fucking Christ ga pus 2 0 la Germania o să fac Andrei bră tu cu eu sun pe ultimul loc am dat 3 1 sun pe ultimul loc cu 21 de puncte ace a dat și el tot 2 0 ora de crypto also gave 2 0 Mom, let’s go with 3 0 here because the boys are killing me Come with 3 0 here, I think they didn’t give 2 0 many in this match I think there are still chances but gel crypto is seconded in first place detached gel in the first place but we have this one here Let’s find where the contest is if you haven’t done this already you can still enter because it’s close it’s not known who wins Look at it here Euro contest Ok Read it carefully I ‘ll show it to you Look at it here bam, nice, go to my profile and find it, I’ll put it here too Wait, I’ll put you the link already 38,000 views, I think it’s caught quite well, I’ll put it here for you to see Yes, somehow you haven’t seen it yet, you can participate says that Gigel is the most in the best shape at the moment to win but we see Gigel you have Meme Coin we have boun on Fest good we move on immediately and to work we move on to work immediately But you understand yes these stories Possible lipstick possible in this Range ba no we know exactly where it is we don’t know that’s why it needs more zones zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 we also perform that one if needed no problem now if we cheat on our box That’s who and I take the risk and l Assume what not and l Assume not and l Assume and not and Assume no risk and n may not get anywhere let’s say above if not and Assume the respective risk or maybe get there only through work is possible and that without investments is possible and that depends on what risk you want to asumi but again it seems to me a decently calculated risk here for for for Celestia you got it the idea and with and with pol cadot and with e gold as both there now let’s discuss it where we are in these cycles especially on wal stre and cheat for Bitcoin ethereum and altcoin what Bitcoin and ethereum we have to detach from altcoins in the current moment because both have an etf reminder the etf starts trading until July 2nd reminder and that The market has already forgotten about this thing we see the volumes I’m very curious to see the volumes m expect weak volumes for etom but we’ll see We’ll see We’ll see We’ll see but let’s see on the side of Wall Street shiit Immediately immediately you Where do you think we are is very very important and this here Where do you think we are averaged we’re looking to get to o5 Look here ok Good Bitcoin I think it’s optimistic and I can tell you Why Ok optimism I mean here I mean here here in this region you see the mouse Yes I think Bitcoin is here in this region this Rally Is real I mean this rally is real did you say that or not Well yes let’s see to the Bitcoin chart and you tell me if you didn’t say that this rally is real until now ok I say you said I say you said especially that it was done all time High I say you were there mother this rally it’s real finally where did you say it’s not real let’s look at ws shit where did you say it’s not real a Here you said it’s not real Ok here I was this rally is not real or here this rally is not real here enough of course From my point of view this rally is real and we can watch it on weekly here Ok here it is clear this rally is not real I was here in 25000 this rally is not real here until this area From 42000 it will fall like all the others that is I was here on w disbelief in this region ok Good And now I entered the second area which From my point of view is here optimism belief time to get fully Invest between these two ok between these two here what more optimistic than belief in this region this Bitcoin So from my point of view this Bitcoin here ok good eum and Let’s also put the graph so that things are known and we can see them And so ET where I think we are Well quite simple And I said And here hope hope a recovery is Possible you said that or not I mean a recovery It is possible I said here ba I say yes once I went up here in this region of 4000 once I broke 2700 3000 ba a recovery is possible here for ethereum isn’t it sir Yes Yes Yes know that a recovery is possible for Bitcoin clear clear it seems clear to me right now here could follow We could be here in this dip this side this dip in this region for eth could follow this At least this is how I see it in terms of probabilities you can say Well we are not here we are actually in complacency or Euphoria or anxiety or Dinel in this region well it is possible and that is not what I am saying I am telling you my opinion in terms of probabilities and percentages now where are the altcoins Well where Let’s put the Polka dot chart again dot Where are the altcoins barrage question 1000 points Who knows right away Where are they where Where are some p Let’s look here polkadot you tel tat Take let’s Want to ask you put so if you want one more time one more time we do this and we do that bam Ok a here optimistic Bel trill in these regions here I indulge Andy in the Range this panic dinel here the head up to this region the side the side the side and we could be in two areas We could be not correct in the first move out of anger from here This was the rally out of anger in this region and we could experience a new low that we talked about this possibility here Ok no low here in this region depression the easy resumption towards zone four is not excluded at all ok so we could be here in this region still angry towards depression it could not be shocking at all it could not be shocking at all let’s say so it is a probability but it is not the highest 40% maybe let anger come from anger to still follow the real depression zone with this minimum below this region here and then barely the Rally of disbelief as I also saw Cardano in this region here from 15 Well, even the devil won’t believe you you realize it goes here minimum decreasing below this region again Rally back in nine no longer wants nobody you realize And then we could enter into a disbelief could or We could be directly in disbelief I mean we could be and it makes sense for this moment in the market why so many people I looked at the feeling you say that’s not the feeling What say at the moment or what do I say What did you help me at the moment disbelief This is a suckers Rally this rally will be missed it is one of the losers we will go lower right or wrong leave that one Ok it could be I say that probability goes somewhere to 55% spree disbelief right here But it could still be the region of anger and it could follow depression in this region here of only then disbelief could and that means between the two You Where do you think we could Look Look at the graphics, that is, it seems Almost one to one even with this Rally if we take it, if we were to say in the De anger zone, it should have done more than the minimum, more than the maximum of 9.73, that ‘s my problem and that’s why I think that we could be in disbelief not necessarily between anger and depression in this region But faster disbelief just what if you look here You climbed above this level that would be here I mean this one should not have traded here Ok in this region you can you say that this would be the rally in anger, this would be the area of ​​depression again and this would be, let’s say, the disbelief to see this At least that’s how many people see it now Where do you think we are still between anger and depression we are towards disbelief eeo question well I can’t tell you 100% either but let’s have percentage probabilities but it seems that here we are still in the trenches for Polka doot for igold for matic for we’ll see aptos and others still here look this one looks faster this one if l we put One to one it shows the case more quickly on the probabilities of not being in depression still in this region between anger and depression and this was actually anger if you look here So this if we are to analyze Gold you would say anger here a lot Angry world, that means big upset here, the rally in Angry should have been this one from anger here and now the depression could follow the bam slow bleed in this region here And only then the recovery could this would be, so to speak, greater confidence to be able to see together anger and depression maybe not all the ones are the same the same at the cemetery Vlad says someone here I don’t know what you are talking about theta immediately but theta if we look at the theta graph and overlay it on the was c theta looks much more good as igol and as pol cadot Why do you have this ok this one if it holds this level here extremely well You had this level of Pump here Much better if we are to look at your that’s why there is a little difference between them if we let’s look a little ok if we look a little here at the market Immediately immediately we give it like this Zoom in here nice we can look that here there is a difference here clearly it could be disbelief you could even enter in hope a recovery is possible here next to next eth I mean you could enter that area for coins like theta here but it must hold this level definitely Ok this level definitely for much better structurally that is structurally much better Especially if it closes the weekly above the level of 1.53 it’s ok and over 1.4 I would like over 13 here for theta I said I don’t rule out at all that this comes to retest this region for you to see that they are Bayer here would be extremely bullish for this to keep your Range this climb back over a 25 wow I mean it would be extremely extremely good there are good things here for example the volume has entered some strong beers here that didn’t come out if you notice here what else we want to see one more I’ll show you a similar case it’s called icx icx now na hopi um we hopi um Well it doesn’t seem hopi um based on history but we see that’s why you don’t have to have too much risk on these al Coins so big if we look here let’s put the volume back on icx isn’t this A isn’t icx USD on crypto No On binance On binance Ok the icx as similar to theta here Look at it Ok if you observe the same Pump the same dam without Observe without volume without volume you say that it was shot one by one without volume this state is even lower close to of double footer here for icx and then this happened this volume came once more Do you want to see And here on this fall and the rest was poetry the rest was poetry Ok but again very similar On volume on volume very similar i sex with the tit in this region here Welcome to crypto someone says here I don’t understand anything anymore I got into Bull Market when we enter now and I think it was when we enter now and I think it was also on the plus Well that’s what I was telling you here too that you are early in the cycle if you notice here it took quite a while until you had the first rally the second the third Come on that we were early in the cycle People had expectations much too early in this in this market cycle What happened I mean on the fall there was nothing ow I mean maybe you are new 2023 maybe 2022 final or 2023 there is nothing wow no I’m sorry let me tell you but it’s nothing wow it happened before and it’s good that it happens I’m still shocked that God this market still gives opportunity shocked I mean simply I’m shocked that it still gives opportunity if overvalued soil arbitrum is the next value arbitrum I accumulated arbitrator arbitrum here arbitrator no one wants him anymore no one wants him like he didn’t want Solenza Bă anymore they didn’t want him at all but Daniel Niți wanted him then and he also wants arbitrator here because I think there is value in arbitrator whatever a zice de ler 2 referee b has total value local me Yes let’s look at the referee here we see what happened on ARB something extremely good happened from my point of view because he returned where he should after a rally in 24 he returned in the Lower area for a potential double bottom Mega good what I want from the referee is to do nothing for three months, this I would like it not to rise above 166 not to fall below 70 cents at the weekly level, meaning below this level if it falls let’s see what happens in 50 but again this I would like to see from the referee three months on the side and rump in this region here because no one wants referee anymore but again it returns to the region of value especially under 1 d here I have resumed once again the position I took o Here I said o and this I will also tell you this but here for for the referee Ok in this range now the volume is a little and sell here v should give more volume of bu here for the arbitrator it seems that the sellers are stopping a bit for for the ARB here at least a double top if it does great because I increased my position from here in in in the arbitrator which would be quite good and fet did 8x Exactly Exactly Exactly Exactly we have a football competition, but I already think you should enter your prizes in that one, it’s from me alone, I think it’s somewhere around 15 Gold, I don’t know, I don’t remember exactly, but that’s very good to be on discord, you have it in the description again I remind you if you receive the message on discord it is not me there are hundreds of bots with my name I have no way to stop them they are an army Chinese Indians I have no idea what they are but I have nothing to do to them receive a message from me directly that it’s not me ok I’m participating in the socks launchpad I’m not thinking of seeing Maybe I’ll take something otc because again the same as I have the case tada I can’t participate because I don’t have kyc I can’t do kyc from the Netherlands because they don’t accept me it doesn’t accept me that it only writes the initials and the last surname it doesn’t write the whole surname Yes I don’t really have anything to do No PR I have something to do but I think that sox will at least half of the tada if they perform it would be quite good Tell me a little bit about the course of the thousand that I told about the blocks only coming in October similar is very very similar to solana very similar probably will have the same attempt to climb back to the all time High before the blocks Or maybe even a little after does not mean that they come definitely because of those blockages it doesn’t happen anymore in the Bull Market it depends jel won it’s over 2 0 Wow in last place gentlemen I call in last place me 21 points ace 22 hour of cpt 22 Andrei bra with 23 and Gigel on 27 detached to five points Gigel beats us n breaks us beats us breaks us gentlemen Gigel a good you look and at the vine we look at all What you bought now on this drop I bought referee here back in the area in this area Let’s go on discord to I see exactly that I immediately announce on patreon for c patron announce exactly in real time what I buy and what and what I sell how I pressed the button it happened partition partition and Some are and sir, Mom, what’s going on, I don’t know what’s going on with Daniel Niță, Daniel Niță always announces what he buys, what he sells, show me who announces when he buys where, because that’s what we say too, mom, the price goes up, the price goes down Well, nut, where do I buy, where do I sell, tell me I’m done I had a very good Trade V I’ll show you this one on Patreon I had a very good Trade the other day even when the Market thought I think yesterday I have to watch to see exactly Let’s see Wait like that wait let’s see we see Yes has B at 076 Tia at 6.10 I have 2% of the arbitrage portfolio at the moment at 0.76 and mpc at 023 but I have a few more I have a few more that I have on the list But these three I have them have them taken Speaking of mpc Let’s talk about it right away but let me show you the Trade here This Trade ok three by ton ton ton ton with position and these I announce when I enter when I exit when I enter when I exit again these are not for you to Repeat them to do financial or Why Bah I’m just showing you what I’m trading in real time real with all the here Yes good tone this was the position this was entered very very good Yes I find it here Wait so I have to open the other setup and I’ll show you right away I’ll show you right away I need to recover a little because I think I have four Trades all this year I need to recover a little on Trading I didn’t do so much Trading this year because the portfolio went well now when the portfolio a bit creaky not so bad Maybe I focus more on the Trading part remains to be seen zek goes bought now I’m not a fan of shopping let’s also look at zek and see where he has in those balances he sure has quite a lot in those balances have a little patience we’ll get there right away Good let me show you tone here Good let’s see good concrete Good Good Good here This was this was the entry Close the let’s see it So this was the entry here Close the if we we’re looking at Close Close was closed position on tone la la la la la la 737 38 that was the close wasn’t perfect here it could be much much much much better on on on this bounce Than than it was gen was somewhere on here through this region it could be the bounce it could be the Trade much Much better let’s say from this point of view if I had closed the 75 here but I said it could go a little higher I was a little gdy on on him Good so that’s what we’ve accumulated Let’s go a little bit on bubbles now let’s look at a little overview here two seconds Good Good Good Good Good what do you think let’s enter the Evo Saga mantle now fix that’s what I said if you were here at the beginning I was saying that From my point of view they haven’t touched a button yet and immediately if you stay here and press the Like button I’ll show you what it could look like Has it happened before Yes Sir it has also happened in previous cycles similar to some that were listed on binance ST Let’s look here on Daily agx the plus 23 fixed I said fixed I said yesterday on patreon fixed by fetch that most likely the price is lowered artificially that at the moment when it is done you will have a plus 50% on fetch we already see a plus 24% here 1.46 for fetch but we analyze separately drink 1.9 bim I had a Bay 1.5 n I went in again I didn’t go in again I apologize to Daniel and the community that I was rude and said things that are annoying ciris for everyone CJ Man I have nothing against you I told you I have nothing against you but again you have to understand that you have to be on a certain level and you personally Ok I know you’re going through hard things difficult and all that But I think if it was someone who tried to help you from several points of view several times I think that person was me but no you can’t if you don’t want to help yourself no one can help you but again I don’t I have nothing welcome back on welcome back on good channel Continue further So if we look here at sui the same sui I had a buy below it didn’t enter but I’m showing you that it’s still there I mean I still want to take something sui clearly aunty I don’t have more accumulated is enough zc we see it here that it was listed Finally 022 would be nice I think the Fair value would be somewhere in the 10 cents I still think this could perform but f would be 12 12 10 cents for for zq but maybe we’ll look on a chart here on it R Wave I sold you I publicly said 38 when I didn’t buy back render the same way I sold the area of ​​11 I didn’t sell anymore I bought again we see it here If render returns below c I probably regain the position If rwi returns below 20 Maybe between 15 and 20 m would be interesting I think not and it still reached the final potential f what I said I would be interested under one didn’t want very close very close ns Jesus 269 clear risk portfolio but it seems to be in first place now a risk portfolio considering that it has grown so much for a long time this was very good very good like this ns plus ondo he didn’t want it at all 122 Well he didn’t want it do you realize that when the market recovers it will shoot in 2 3 times on ondo very well aptos again in the case of pol I’m falling in the same area under $10 of massive accumulation if you’re patient, so is Gold here, because it’s returning to lows below 20, it would be a great opportunity, I say for him ldo s he also held well here 235 a nice bounce though Na we had massive drops it’s a bit of a lie if we go weekly here If we go weekly here we have Tia 26% Same 26% fil 217 stx ul 30 sandul 22 apt ul 18 algo 17 bong 28 you know what’s interesting the fall This came out of nowhere on The European Championship simply seems I don’t know everyone now realizes that they are watching the European Championship is it’s burning for someone to analyze the markets that they have fallen alcon that all this not really Not really including me I mean I was at the match and all that So it’s quite clear that this moment was a strange one from many points of view on the European Championship, it seems that things happen that people are with ideas in other areas than at the market and it seems that the Market gives opportunities The market gives opportunities but people don’t I don’t look at them that way Let’s look at what went well because that’s important but the one went very well ldo It went very well both eth clearly eth I think it’s coming on overhaul but seriously we immediately look at eth eth btc we analyze everything everything everything on the charts We only have 15 minutes Wow Well what’s this for us good now You can’t tell conspiracy theory not conspiracy theory but it looks like they’re really kissing really really well the world is looking the other way no way what’s going on in crypto a good stx is 30% here we can also talk about cases of why this happened that regulation for stable coins although you have nothing There is nothing there I mean I have not seen anything apart from the fact that binance takes out futures and puts in credits now I mean, you have to go, ie credit, and trade on futures like the USD was trading, let’s say this, I saw that I received an email on Spot, there are still parities, I didn’t see much coming from the direction, I even saw that teeter wants to and make a currency based on Oil on oil like gold oil I think it was something like that which again very very bullish very very bullish for for crypto plus other countries like Australia that Adopts easily easily Bitcoin So Okay Okay okay next ondo 11.6 held up well but no no not as well as de and ns But good I want much lower I want much lower sayi da render here it didn’t hold well Stark net Wow is there any opportunity here on Stark net that’s what I want let me see zek stc let’s see Is there an opportunity here for Stark net it could but see if someone asks me if there is an opportunity well it could be but they still have Im balances like this so far Ok not yet what would you like to see on Stark net would you like to see if we hit here as well as dim and Manta and all that would you like to see this would you like to see this and then we can talk the positions here here in this region the risk here in this region I mean if it falls Goodbye that’s ok and then you have targets up to here until 188 up to 1 2 25 as well as on dim Well I keep them very carefully on the rat but I didn’t enter them then I told you why the only one on which I took a It was the coat that I thought was ok and anyway it held a little better on the first fall yes let’s look here n ai here n ai n ai I mean look where you are I mean Look where you are at the moment of face Towards this area of ​​Pump away you lost this region no What do you want to see the same We want to see This bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam two three months that is not a Pam and R baby Angeli Do you want to see a sar structure with Paul cadot’s Here you can think ok that something else is happening here and then you can have the target in this upper region I don’t see them at the moment when I see them I will come here and say ba I see I see them at the moment it’s risk ha risk if you enter here I explained before when they were a here if you enter here in dim mai zine if you enter here in dim this region you have two options here I was with you yes And I was telling you we were showing you waters we were showing you the case ape you have two options so what loses this region of five for for dim be your position you say Papa Goodbye you accumulated you said he said well the Bull Market continues we go and those were the probabilities we go higher But if it doesn’t work and falls up bed goodbye no, that was one, the second was to have five or six DCA zones, that is, there was another zone here in the 2nd zone, it was in the 24th zone, the 3rd zone, the 15th zone, and you still have this zone of 0.97 and more of this area here like you average in 1.7 in 1.6 in this region here so that when you re-accumulate and the Pump you can make a decision either stay or exit or all the But let’s say you take the capital here 1000 of u 10000 or all your capital wait with him until he goes here and then wait for him to come back here You don’t have a chance you have a chance and we can forget about example at One to show you if you played your cards right on One you could get something out even if you bought towards the top well you could for example buy here let’s say you didn’t buy the top buy the 11 cent zone buy the 5 zone buy the 1 zone buy the 09 you were doing an average around here somewhere around here somewhere that it is in this region well you were close to getting something out of it but if you bought here Well well what to get out that this is still a long way off if you still look at One well it seems it seems batam there is hope on One even on One there is hope here of batom And at least ulaj in these higher regions at some point in time but that’s harder but you understand that’s why it’s important when you enter the dim in the mantle in all these you have a plan and the plan would be that Yes if you were here in this region you say ba lose 49 bye bye bye Don’t marry me with dim Ok or Ok well let’s put 10% here if it still falls it goes here clearly that if you react mula here let’s say this Range you didn’t have that much potential let’s say you didn’t put in the whole amount you put in 10 20% 30% Maybe if it went sideways here for a period you didn’t put in 100% but still you didn’t suffer you didn’t suffer with the whole amount caught here Ok And you still had money, now you realize it is increasing The number of coins and I showed you exactly ape ape ape ape ape Where is ape ape I showed you ape the warning was for ape I said that I would buy ape faster that it was here in this region than dim or Manta Who were here Ok look the same thing reached you in this area even he made a fake under this Range here for for and now it seems like you are trying something this would be very interesting for example, AP would be very interesting if they resumed the region of 104 and gave you a fake out under this Range and then the roll back to the Upper region, which we would keep clear on the analyzes and on the live and on the patron and all on I’m going to separate these I’m going to make a separate tab for them because I think yes they will hit some nice BTs and then they’ll have nice reversals from here avevo avevo one more one more candidate account here for AO it also dropped below 50 actually az of 50 cents has dropped below 50 cents a bit here we still have this region that is much more interesting for me I tell you from now much more interesting than dim than the mantle than All these AO because I consider that in this area it could formed a bottom and I would like to see it like this boun continuation bam bam bam bam bam bam touch this region of 20 25 cents this Range here continuation here the reaction um in this Range two three months and roll back in the top area maybe not exactly in three But at least a run between 1 and 188 could make a potential bottom but not there if you look here you have only a small bathroom here in this region this seems more Juicy because it closed you all this inequality here seems more Juicy since what I’ve seen so far this is ok for this region here for example the mantle is not Juicy so Juicy here at the moment But I knew the plan Well I have two opportunities but I’m buying the mantle I bought here primed at two am said I have two opportunities drop below the region of 2 cut the position or do DC I chose to do DC 78 06 May because in the risk portfolio and the impact is not greater 0.78 0.65 and 0.35 here and then if you do a bounce from here you reassess the situation at that moment Ok this is not like the much weaker Evo considering it has a big massive disparity down to this bottom region but I say it could make a nice bounce from here ok good Good Good Good let’s let’s see if we missed something, the super chat I don’t even have a voice anymore, gentlemen, I don’t have a voice anymore, I think I missed something good Gigel seems so lively, he’s lively, it’s all bad Greetings comatose like like like beats us everyone to football predictions So we have nothing to do Hello community now no predictions These are fun I mean don’t take them like that I mean it’s fun Well don’t take them because mother bets to put these do not exist very very rarely do let’s say so profit I’m not saying it doesn’t exist from betting but very rarely and if you do the betting houses minimize your Bets and all that and it’s very hard if you don’t have piles things relationships to let you bet complicated a bit hurts what is minimized if it’s you you’re a winner So this is Fun fun Fun we don’t even bet I mean we only have this competition so it’s clear we don’t promote betting so much came from casinos from betting from all that refuse refuse refuse refuse refuse Dorece know what human psychology does Well, if it’s for fun, dad, take it for fun, in no case don’t take it, because you can make money from something like this in the long term, ok, from betting, from, from, from, from, gambling, like that, I’ve said before, blackjack and poker are the only ones where you have could have a real Edge I chose with my soul why here until the end Cătălin Good let’s see good Hello community here until the end Daniel if you have more btc and sol for profit in What else have you changed from these new gentia sui gen ok btc and sol prit What else have you changed from these new gender Tia sufet has b etc what else would it look like radar well I would look at the solana Let me show you a sol th graph tell me how it looks like are you ready let’s see let’s see we see this graphic and are you ready for it what should we do here If we find a wallet on the street what should we do here I gave you Blackberry in the Mouth by mistake but but no what should we do if we find a wallet on street here and it would look like this What should we do here look how it looks look how it looks sol versus eth here looks good or N looks good dam question Looks good N looks Bin and a shows here If N looks good a Ia tell me Well, so if I had too much solana I would look at this graph and say Well it’s a bit thick like this for solana versus zth here as it looks At the moment I don’t know do you have a Trend like I don’t know I did something wrong No no no it’s too good but again the first nasty area was broken 004 only the second one here 003 if you still trust solana versus zth you can trust him until here until 0033 even though the trend is already a bit creaky here with a potential triple top or what you want to call it here because for this he can make you another fake out here. Only then did it happen again but at the moment it shows Ber and as long as it stays below 0041 So again if that’s how the first solana would be eth haired but because it looks like this I mean look how it looks Ok It looks good eth versus solana It looks good it did this so far I mean look what solana did here versus eth If you only kept eth and you didn’t have solana at all for example I had solana and eth at both ends were played at both ends I didn’t necessarily know which was going up so the solana went up but it went up versus dth and you see equity here So if you held from here From June 2023 you only held eth and not solana at all you lost equity of 61% thick no thick thick thick but still now it seems that this equity is coming p turning back ok most likely and I’ve seen things like this before, ok it’s bullish and all day it doesn’t look bullish it doesn’t look bullish we can also look at the weekly it doesn’t look bullish at the moment Look at the weekly I think it’s visible It’s noticeable a little better It doesn’t look bullish but n you have a barish confirmation so let’s leave it like that the barish confirmation Sure if you want to wait for it it comes under 003 3 2 4 here where the cursor is So here in this region N looks too good the quite high volumes of sell in this region so n looks extra ordinary if They also laugh at you, look what it looks like. So, the stochastic is the only one that can give you hope here, hope for something, something, something, but again, this now, if I had Bitcoin, if I had Bitcoin, you said here, let’s let’s forget a bit Tia sufet ARB Let’s look at btc Tia btc good question and in r21 it went down Palc market if you remember Yes Then we were in Bull then it was supposed to be euro in 2020 if you remember Tia btc Finally I’m coming to an area interesting the one between 009 76 and the one here 0063 Yes I would be interested Maybe if like this btc and I would like to give the btc here this region would be interesting and you see that oops oops oops I mean there is someone who Yes seems to give btc for for Tia here in these regions I mean there’s a little accumulation There here in the Range this would be interesting Maybe this one in first place but we see sui btc maybe it shows the structure better or worse we see immediately Yes and this same thing touched this region and did boun could be this prime similar to the case of Evo and all that Look here you still have this massive inequality from the start for for sui if we look at sui btc Here you have a big big gap that is, it seems that Tia could be so to speak interesting but again it looks like this is also hitting a potential double bottom here in in this Range versus versus btc ok and could see something like that And only then could they see this because we know very well that very few perform versus btc in the long term of this No btc must not necessarily be missing from the portfolio a and there was something else No Take what else was here fat fat fat btc Let’s also go to fed btc here Ok fed btc has already run but it is coming to an area of support what’s right this from here well it came about here It came to this area of ​​support it could also be this But this has already run quite a lot the structure so so But good as long as it Keeps on 0027 but it seems like the first time you would have Tia you would actually have eth the first time you could have eth from solana to eth from Bitcoin you could think first about Tia you could think about la sui and then la la FCH Possibly some p in there somewhere Let ‘s come egld btc right we have been looking at egld btc for a long time Yes and this seems to be reaching an area Finally in this region many thought I was crazy when I was here th btc in this Range But it seems that it is finally reaching to quite an interesting area and this can show you that altcoins Yes can enter capitulation zones if they haven’t already Let’s see what xrp is doing Remember the radar for All Coin season xrp I don’t know if this was the chart but we immediately look to see if this This was But I don’t think NP is not this xrp USD on binance it was on kraken I don’t remember what it was made on No here xrp btc That v bit stamp I had made it kraken no way yes yes no I still know as far as I can remember on xrp btc it was on beat stum here I made the chart but I don’t know what happened I don’t know what happened but It remains the same concept let’s say from 2017 xrp btc Yes It finally comes to the region this has touched you This range 065 this chart so yes it seems to be coming there xrp btc well yes we are on xrp Bitcoin but I don’t remember where it was it was not on binance no no no no Neo the same thing yes it seems the capitulation zone is coming as it looks on binance was xrp btc was not on binance I don’t think I deleted it by mistake A ba yes b right ba you are right mother incredible Bravo Bravo Bravo Bravo altcoin chapter 2024 very close very close but did not reach this target very close but did not reach the region it’s 0062 it would have been around here very close very close Ok it looks like the capitulation indicator for altcoins is close is close to this area Neo USD good Neo if we look at Neo Let’s see this one I don’t remember where I structured it on binance or in other areas it’s not clear here Neo well you know very well what was the area for Neo 23 25 this region here seems not it seems that we are in this phenomenon here or in this phenomenon here Ok it seems at the moment it seems that this is also making you a trajectory like this at the moment how did you try here before covid came The crash from this Range will we see And here a Black Swan once again before we see this we see there must be a Black Swan for this If not probably from here re accumulation and 25 plus So we are not there yet and now if we still talked about altcoin season ha we see what he does dominance btc btc d If you like it, I remind you Sir, you have the Like button here Give me a ref so we can see how many have collected it helps the stream to grow a lot plus share with friends if I talk to you about crypto again or call you again pay attention 676 677 maybe we can take it to 1000 I remind you that you have here the patreon also here What I buy what I sell what you trade everything you can find them here live Trading I think we have Thursday from this time it remains to be seen do you also have the Daniel Nița shop here If you want you can also buy via crypto you can check they have via via crypto here you have Moon baby we have to put in R baby here you also have c 10% Find the Shop here plus here Find also a lot of news if we look at see here sec all investigations cease permanently over et beautiful The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has officially decided to close all investigations into etr the second largest Crypt in the world Well why did they open and close them Well that’s the question did Gary call or didn’t Gary call you can’t let’s find here Many articles cool cool cool keep in mind that Melissa also posted if we look at me on the channel she also posted video thank you all for the support and she thank you very very much In my view it grows from video to video and this is very very cool and we need people who are passionate and want to bring content to the space if we look here Find it Find the video here Ok the last video on the small regulation you will find it here in the crypto section here you can find it here in the clip here ok good if you haven’t watched it really short like that, that is, not long like mine many would say Well it’s perfect like that you know, let’s stay at Daniel Niță’s for three hours very good I don’t mind at all you have them all here plus they are all translated in French in Spanish in all the same and my live in English are translated now all all all here Good I appreciate it very much I think very very good times will come but again without difficulties you realize what a pleasure it would be without a weight would be I don’t know so very strange and very very fleeting like that from things like that a little heavier and the pleasure will be greater in the end How was it and until a few months ago Good Good Good Good so dominance Come on let’s see Let’s see s zs MS HS I don’t know what your title is but we’re looking right away we have bounce on fetch right away we’re also doing fetch Good let’s look at btc btc D can’t go above this level and that’s good that gives you hope here above level 556 the match is over you have finished the match You have gone live nice nice nice The other match starts here too I think we finish in about 40 minutes In about 2 hours or so Until the other match starts if here 55% good good so long as long as this doesn’t close above 55 it could still be a top formation although you have no confirmation here very good confirmation and it will quickly come below the region of 539 first confirmation and AP these regions here but at the moment you are not yet there, however, it’s not that bad What shows you very well like that that zone of distrust on the rally is all the third all the third if we look here Let’s put it look l all your third It shows you totally beri my third well no miie looks like a first area of ​​this rally is going to be missed with all the others and then maybe a pullback that could still come up to this region is possible I mean it maybe it looks a lot like solana after the first rally and pullback looks a lot like the solana chart this this total 3 which of course Excludes your btc and and th but it’s still not a win I mean if you look here at the total 3 it seems that trea is preparing the first the first ascent the first correction a little bigger and then at least the ha uri here don’t necessarily have to do it over they don’t necessarily have to totally the third looks like Binișor Let’s see something else ust put d this is an interesting case here very interesting but what slaughtered alcins however this I didn’t come to the opportunity zone didn’t come here So the moose butchered outright and this one didn’t reach 52 again a pretty decent signal here Especially if you drop back below 47 3 at the moment it seems like you’re trying you’re trying try but a little below 473 again again turn this low level N shows a bullish further here until it resumes a 52 n shows shows here again a redistribution a bit in this Range until we see below similar to maybe what you saw here in this region here it was a bit faster maybe similar to what you saw here in this region I mean I’m not panicking I’m not panicking at the moment an ST I put D would be if it would help me minimum climb maximum maximum climb take weekly over this region then we can talk about other scenarios with a 63 with a Bitcoin in 45000 and other things and we also get to Bitcoin immediately gentlemen immediately we analyze and solana immediately solana it seems that eth will resume the reins of the market at this moment and Let’s look at eth we take it in reverse this time we look more at altcoins Let’s stay at ether on coinbase let’s look here at eth 3570 something happened on eth npe that’s why we kept talking and stressed the fact that Bitcoin and th Keep your portfolio intact or higher capitalization I keep the portfolio intact What he did here is from the top he did 16% less 15% from the top compared to 50 60 70 from this region If you put from here let’s say that from this top from 4000 Let’s we put from here taken 17 compared to 65 70 major difference on this dip, you didn’t even feel it, that is, it held 35, which is a very very important region, clearly this N looks bad if we also look at the weekly at Ema, it’s much better than Bitcoin clearly clearly better than Bitcoin Here It just closed above the area of ​​Ema Wick here Wick Here there is nothing on this barish chart at the moment until it closes 3234 here then we can reevaluate but the weekly if it closes so well Just liquidity here taken from this region of Jos, some liquidations on the long positions and then the resumption of the Trend, what have I not told you, and if you stayed here, I will tell you now what we have to look at on altcoins and on eth to get our hopes up let’s start with eth we are on it and then if I take it by the side you guys remind me what we need to look at on altcoin ur gentia ok Good so on eth we need to look at the level of 3654 Daily close of Daily here very good very good 3654 put a bed but important region 21 em closing here And above this level Where was the support in the past Good I don’t say anymore 3700 Le weekly still good weekly closing over 3659 again very good so that the next weeks will be good good eth good I mean na 3570 N did nothing these had a big life eth nothing went with a wiek in the region 3358 I had a b a little lower unfortunately nna entered But well this chart still phenomenal still phenomenal well here it seems re accumulate this region and later it will try the upper ranges again probably until July 2nd when it will trade maybe like in the case of Bitcoin similar it will make a fake all time High to null 4800 when the etf trading starts it is possible and that the chances still I’m there, the trend looks like this, that is, you are still in that area of ​​Wars that we talked about, of course, that is, nothing has changed. Ok, but a little better than Bitcoin, quite clearly, and we also move to Bitcoin immediately, almost Cross here on stochastic and mcdu who looks like mcdu is the only one I don’t like here but I would be very ok if they closed the weekly over 3650 And this would sit on the side here here I would be ok we continue here then it would be a different story but at the moment we give it hope here It is not not bad at all Not bad not at all Not bad at all eth look at eth btc and No and eth D to watch look how eth D dominance eth clearly eth too free markets at the moment at least this probably back in 20% plus p at the moment this and my positioning is first maybe it might be a good idea maybe in the end or maybe it’s a bad idea but looking at things and charts it looks like eth will outperform many altcoins in the coming period n that and the first place in the portfolio even better than Bitcoin if we look here at eth btc 054 Finally good Finally good Finally good Finally good and look here Oops look here I saw the whale take you look the whale I saw the whale I saw the whale saw the whale Smart money I saw on the chart in the liquidity area Plus What you want to see is this your 52 held very well here very very well now Just one more thing for this to take off Look how good it looks structurally here very very nice you have the level of 06 over 06 no see the chart most likely in 78 directly very very fast versus Bitcoin here for for eth at the moment still there however it seems he is trying a lipstick here finally realistic same and etd I mean which i the dominance of eth seems to be waking up, the legend is waking up, it seems that the legend remains, let’s not say it’s bad . let’s see though let’s leave it at that but it’s looking better and better it’s looking better and better here eth looks like this was just a liquidity zone taken by those who had long potions too soon I have none stress here neither on Bitcoin nor on ET And speaking of Bitcoin Let’s also go to the king let’s also make the king Let’s see a little weaker than tth clear clear clear Where do we see this from Ema uri on the weekly closing na closed still weaker at the moment closing below 66 2 66 4 closes you below 9 m which th much but doesn’t do much better th here structurally on on Wi this barish No way until it drops below 600 and I see below 21 e closing I can’t be be the volume it’s clearly not what you want to see on Bitcoin, but still you had quite nice rallies on btc and we don’t put a cross under this region right now Yes we can talk about those darker scenarios and I said if you see them reevaluate then for the moment I’ve withdrawn from Bitcoin I haven’t withdrawn yet I’m still profiting Pretty good I could rebalance my portfolio there are Two things I can always do you have options and you must have options like I do be you Bitcoin here and rebalance me the portfolio or be it bitcoin altcoin and rebal anez the portfolio if I want to increase let’s say the part of usdt that I told you because I said this with a month a month and a half two plus with those who do One on one every time I tell them that’s it, what risk do you have a median ok well I have no way to give financial advice I would have between 20 and 30% usdt on a median risk this was about a month and a half ago what I had and I have a median risk for a risk great, you will have 10% USD, I don’t agree with zero, and I also said this because on this fall, you stayed and looked at what is not. It’s extraordinary, ok, that’s why it’s very good to sometimes balance the usdt part for a low risk Yes, shocking between 30 and 35% liquidity, you should have this on this area of ​​the market which I think is still in a bullish trend Ok a Good Good Good Good difficult with this period from a financial point of view it will come and better times What would I say and the things that helped me when I had no more liquidity Put as little as you have if you want financial growth This is what I did when I had no money and I had 5€ 10€ 3 € or 10 RON 20 RON 50 RON so that we can also give to Romanians, let’s put it in, it doesn’t matter, I had 20 RON left, yes 20 yes 20 RON, we put 20 RON in that na na I mean, even small amounts, maybe it’s time to resume that car Invest from binance on XF on any platform let’s say the way you trade five only in either every day 10 Lear every day b knows father knows especially at times like this on the good side Look here we run some myths I run a few hundred which is the relevance vicon bar barbarosa which which which which is the relevance what the relevance and with little money This is a big stupidity to be on bc to make money not totally wrong you have to have a plan to be constant what 90% don’t believe me I’m not, they’re dating others, they’re not interested in even 5 RON, they don’t put in even 10 RON, see You can see the portfolio 90%, they don’t burn anymore, they don’t buy them anymore, and they didn’t leave it ready S went, autumn is coming H Ho let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s go and in the fall there’s a boom and then bi Angeli once again give constancy money and with little money and with a good plan There’s no problem, I mean I know people who have succeeded including me I started from zero zero zero arat uh to the first videos on my channel so you can understand the biggest misconception you have to have money sir there is no The market gives you opportunities like it gave you here Look here how much money you didn’t need to buy Bitcoin here How much days Let’s see in this region he stayed here under the area of ​​25000 until here He stayed for how many weeks 75 weeks 75 weeks me so 75 weeks he stayed here you understand 75 weeks you needed a lot of money No father you didn’t a lot of money here If it accumulates every day for 75 weeks it’s good Look good people accumulate only etc and eth and btc and when it reaches dominance btc appears to put it in which warehouses do you want and if it doesn’t reach Á day We come to you You give us a refund if it doesn’t arrive and then the AC season starts at 55%, what do we do then I buy Bitcoin t and keep the whole portfolio with it and then I look at How do I do all the coins, it seems to me a bad strategy, what you said there From my point of view from the point of view of buying along the way up to 60% or 65 Yes that is, no certain areas to buy once there You can be lucky but luck is for the lucky but we are not lucky when I tell you these in six months friends come in seven months from now, how lucky you are, that one made you money, how unlucky you were, and with a bloody nose you get up and give him one What What luck, father, there’s no luck in this kind of thing There’s no such thing as luck mm I’m tired of telling my friends that they can invest a little money Yes, they don’t care, they don’t care, they’ve all been burned by gender and now I only recommend btc Yes, it’s like that in every cycle Yes, clearly time for alts D yep, it’s always like that, it’s always Good so Bitcoin is a bit under pressure if you want to do it in the smaller timeframes if you like it almost two hours here hit hard you have here you have here strong strong strong Press here forget the patreon here XF Who is the sponsor here Nord VPN I have ordinary nordvpn, I use it almost daily, especially since I live in the Netherlands and I entered certain websites from Romania, you can find it here and this one with a re of 64%, of course you can also find it byb you can see that they have a promotion with Bach please here enter from this link Ok, if you sign up, sign up from this link and if you want to pay attention to futures, it’s not for everyone, gentlemen, ok, I’m telling you, put money in, Dr Bă, no, futures are not for everyone, father, that is, don’t put in 1000 now and you become a billionaire, it takes you a long time to understand How it works, put in a lot of money and then it disappears from your account. Do you understand the position ? on live uri in 2021 2020 the world was asking me Daniel What happened that I placed a position and I can’t find it anymore I placed a position 10 minutes ago and I can’t find it anymore I think something happened at bybit Yes what happened it happened that you were liquidated and it’s no longer the position if it’s no longer esa dus bye bye goodbye It doesn’t exist anymore so yes, be careful, be careful that I lose more money there than, let’s say, on gambling, be careful, and you have binance here, and also on it, treasure link all all all this the discord you have here Instagram force on Instagram there give maybe we reach a 15 in fact 20000 on Instagram it would be planetary force a good I put in a large part in January I think I also put in the first falls that AMC now for the last few months I deposit 300 RON per month to get my price down, it’s 3% on the minus Says Elena Mădălina if you have a plan Are you ok in the long term good but when I entered 2024 I proposed to invest in the 3rd pillar of Pensions How 3 ron monthly btc and 700 RON A leger for storage I have not missed a month I already have six months much love Man Look someone who someone who invest in retirement in the pension pillar Bitcoin called Bitcoin good normal Man that you do DCA but not from this level of binde the DCA for example I have on Bitcoin I started and it was public from the area of ​​300 31000 and it was a dis Quite good up to the area of ​​16 I didn’t buy 15 le That’s it I hope I don’t disappoint you but I didn’t buy the absolute boom like most of the market good Did you sell something coinbase no Sir I didn’t sell I started selling some I saw a Meta that I entered very well I was with you in the CND tranche I also bought Meta I sold some Nvidia from that day which is now the first company and we can also look at Nvidia a little later Good so Bitcoin is a little under pressure here pressure we see 200 moving and that it’s called It’s called It’s called It’s called It’s called now many would say mother if Bitcoin goes here altcoins disaster disaster not like that The altcoins market is going can make minus 15% Bitcoin min 2 Bitcoin can make min 10% Alco 2 or 5 it depends on the situation most of the time when Bitcoin goes down altcoins go down less when Bitcoin goes up then that’s the big problem for them now it seems like we had an attempt where Bitcoin sat on the sidelines and took a bit of Deep Shock it didn’t done on them why no one knows at the moment bnb ul bnb ul bnb ul Very good Very good Very good Very good very good I didn’t have anything very good I mean what can you say What can you say and day to day the biggest Holder has who to sell n has n has who to sell This is bnw btc still good still good showing planetary force here bn wtc that we looked a bit yes it looks good it seems he wants the region of 1 012 where we sold 50% of bnb in the area that’s what we’ll see if we missed something, maybe we missed something here on the analysis What is the approximate percentage, it should be low, let’s go straight away Well, it’s complicated looking at Bitcoin, you from etru So for ether, the percentage is high, let’s say 65% ​​if you look at the ethereum to say that the lipstick here in formation if you look at ethereum and if extrapolated that ethereum will perform well and then alc will PR us and well you could say that eh well but the springs don’t look so so Wow ha we are a bit at fci to get an idea say for eth a 60% for others 40 a 40 directly from here without a remount But what did fetch do know that it did nothing extreme if D to f here nothing extreme a came to retest your last real support area here in the one or so area and from that we had some bulls here in the 80 95 cent area that didn’t go into that region nothing else did Ok but retest that region like I can’t wait for the moment, it’s over here, I didn’t say to remind me what you want to look at, it’s simple Ok So we have 921 Tia, we know very well that once it fell under the reguna, this, however, went lower, so the probability still for that it’s below This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to wait for these regions in any case it depends on where and positioned I positioned myself here in 50 cents I have a good entry you maybe na N you had such good positioning and maybe you want the region this I have no idea about risk, it’s about risk risk here I’ve talked before in these regions risk High risk median I’ve talked about the region of 1 1 and a little bit 1 2 this region from here and low risk below 1$ up to this region of 80 region of 60 but maybe you won’t catch that one, you know that’s because if you wait for it Maybe it comes maybe it doesn’t come if you look here it didn’t do anything other than R test these areas of the previous all time High that it’s been here for many years It seems that you retest if you say that below 50 cents is over Yes And then it will probably return to below 10 cents but until then nothing berici with this chart that can make people react up to these Ranges here 921 to pike to resume 921 and then the comeback also at Tia. You want to see. And if we looked at Tia last time, remember that I told you that the probability is that it will fall in zone two because that’s not how it’s formed, let’s say so the bottoms the bottoms are formed like this as you see here with capitulations in this region something for a few weeks where 9 and 21 em hit these lower levels and then you do a reaction molding here 921 comes to the area of ​​78 reiei the region of 78 And here is your Trigger that yes it’s time baby it’s time to go ok until then no this is called the accumulation region especially here once drop 921 or exit region it depends how you look at it here once It fell below 921 as well and the fetch depends a lot on What What plan do you have and what risk do you have? You say, the risk is too high when it is below 921, maybe I will sell a part here if I entered these ranges for f because it held you 921 9 It depends on which part of the trend you are and which part of the market you are on buy or sell Ok So that’s what you want to look at mostly you want to resume 921 M for something but at the moment it’s not that bad because of it just came to you and retested this area here I think this will trade higher and I will maintain it With time a good reaction from here very very good reaction for the fetch from here but in the short term at least you have to climb above 117 188 to hope for anything here for fetch good Ah Good Good Good Good Good this live went extremely well 1 hour and 55 minutes you should cut that part of the live with the small money investments and make a video short I’ve done it before I’ve done it before One car for those who think you have to have a lot of money to invest I’ve done it in the past no no no they don’t really get hold of the experiences I have Who wants to get hold of them and stays on them who No they will never catch them again I mean very hard a Good Good Good Good Good Good what are we seeing here here here Thanks Daniel most of my wallet aat more on eth ecosystem Yes and it seems to be the play is the horse is winning at the moment from what it shows here we are also looking at immediate actions FCH Hart Hart good Hart touched this rune again I didn’t have any more liquidity but here was this region again I said that if the region of 18.8 falls I was here I said the region falls of 188 returns where is my average price 1.3 on Hart the average price is 13 at the moment it is coming back to support if we look here we touched the trend line with boun here now for Hart very very important see 13 and then we can talk about other things But no if he took what he took you realize that grace he couldn’t resist in this whole thing avl still in re accumulation a still in re accumulation here in that down area in the Down area on Wall Street Shit Shit tada a found a small bid here from the bottom region but nothing extraordinary the 05 region I took my profit Initially I announced the 30 cents area or yes this area here 22 30 I don’t remember exactly in this area I have to look on discord the rest N I have added to that much Yes I want to see Market making what they don’t have here they only have sellers at the moment and op unlocks 1.92 still too high From my point of view for op here however rising lows at macro rising lows to hold account here 116 would be relevant I don’t necessarily know bim Yes it’s there zone two reached but I was greedy I said maybe 155 is coming and I put it in the bathroom here n it entered for zone two a for for beam but it was normal what happened to you a had a fake out here like Gold we see below this region you still have a 009 but I hope that is not the case Yes we see injectives we resumed the position in 21 No here and here you are trying a double bottom let’s see if it succeeds just like the previous ones See that a climbed above 921 na closed it can be seen here why it is important 9 and 21 em na closed this happened you want to resume at least a 28 at least ondo phenomenal phenomenal this chart phenomenal bullish f I think the next move up from here is being prepared although I would like one below, very close to 094, we have a Bie, it was not to be, but if we put a Fibonacci, it would be 1177 2 2 and 27 good chances, good chances of re-accumulation here and above, we still hope that this region will come, but we see theta we talked earlier about the aunt I said she should hold the weekly she would have held the weekly 1 4 1 5 here to see above the btc aunt Let’s have a look bit here at tet btc again in this area still back from this region it was nice m in cal and on teta It was nice here to sell part of teta in this region I was very close calic now hold calic if you are calic Stay with calic dad or what the hell does he call sei 035 sei Yes you are free way to zone two if he did a Tia He will probably do it and se 026 021 ad that there would be an opportunity here I don’t necessarily know Here you are in the middle of the trend I don’t think I would do a reversal even if you see this it is possible to see from here something like that for him atom we talked No but again in the bottom area I no longer add atom Stable Coin on the Bull Market ne ne I don’t like it I don’t like it disappointment disappointment but again in the area of 6e where I bought the last time I don’t want it anymore I don’t want it at the moment atom until I sold it I would have had the idea in that area of ​​40 or so entry area I took out most of my investment with warm hul I would still be interested Yes I would be interested in under 20 cents for peace even though it had a pretty big unlock Neo here we don’t do much eth mpc Yeah I’ve accumulated mpc looks like I’m trying small bat formation held up really well on this dump better than the rest as far as there the pixel comes in interesting areas I fell under the region that would be under 20 it would be really interesting pixel but I don’t know I’m waiting for it maybe there Q&A Like an overview in that area of ​​Be Market re its accumulation under this level Who has the stomach Who has the stomach Probably will be rewarded ma or later for him pnb it is holding well the litecoin is good How much how well here on the side Yes no bullish over 200 moving average many naur like over 200 moving average and to hold account 200 moving average for macro for many especially from the previous cycle, it’s something else, it’s something else, the Gold at the micro, maybe you’re interested Uni Gold here at the micro is the Gold 23 at the micro, I have to take a 38 at least I have to take a 32 at least so that be this fake up the volume n enough here no it does not denote capitulation this region at the moment but we see a little bit still under great pressure to give cardano again in the accumulation mud for who stomach for her sag I will talk yet no attempt formation to beat here nothing nothing nothing nothing I don’t care about Saga at the moment I just farmed so much no way no way here u37 I said that um would be interested only if he comes here to reduce the average price with the first entry in the risk portfolio in 062 for for u it would be interesting this region here of 0 002 and there I will probably try another buy in case it reaches very very Bull and it would be above a 53 going forward but it seems that at the moment it has no volume it seems that AV a bit here we have more volume for u speculative risky good further the dxy is not so bullish we also go to the stock market immediately take the stock market what do you say on the chat gentlemen water and push-ups Diana G a super chat maximum of 50 RON Thank you Diana G good do you think the link can to surpass his former all time High yes yes link E on the list E on the list in 12 10 12 over there somewhere what do you have About seasonality dx what do you mean That they perform poorly towards the end of the year or what exactly or well [Music ] What about the Bubble formed in 1918 in the USA not everyone can find scenarios upon scenarios it is very complicated to figure out if you are in that Bubble of 1980 it started in 1971 it started not if you take it like this with the removal of the dollar from under the Gold Standard, not necessarily in 1980. That’s just my theory now. I said before that the bubble will burst and it won’t burst because money is being printed as long as money is being printed, the trend is up in the long term. Because that money goes into assets like every time in stocks in Bitcoin in crypto in everything everything everything everything everything everything everything you have to position yourself like mother the biggest crisis is coming because we know very well if you can feel the biggest crisis is coming maybe it won’t come and stay in cash you have to have a clear probability that the probability is increasing more and more that 2025 2026 will be a historical bearish year especially 2026 Ok the probabilities are increasing because of this you could Then think let’s say that the risk in the market decreases but in no case say I theorize anyone can do it theory I heard so many PR theories well on the internet you realize that every time but very few get to la la at the end only theories the most important thing is to do your analysis put your money Where is your mouth if you are going to say a theory that do you think she will perform and when she doesn’t don’t blame xy because the decision is yours in the end or if she comes out Don’t say Mom that person was right or something This is for beginners for people who don’t experience in the markets, those who are old here know that it is very difficult, let’s say so, to be more successful in what you say because that is not what the market is about The market always does what it wants You can have certain theories based on certain certain indices but the Market can do the complete opposite That’s good the positioning should be a balanced one if we have an economic crisis at the beginning of 2025 this may be the Black One and only after faem the real movement of the Bull yes n I don’t know considering Where the prices are on the American stock market at the moment if a recession comes from here it will be serious because the market is already very very over hyped and look here What’s happening on Nvidia today Wow the stock market is open not today but the stock market should be open today that is plus 3 Yes, the stock market is not open today, I don’t think it’s closed. Wait, I’ll look right away to see if anything moves here. It’s closed. The stock market isn’t closed. Today the stock market is closed. It’s public. Holiday something seems to be public. Holiday doesn’t seem to be public. Holiday but look what happened yesterday on the stock market we can look here on the stock market Nvidia the first company in the world passed the first place yes it’s independence day what is today it’s 4 It’s not me Independence Day is not a day on the 4th of July yes it’s a day in 4th of July I think it’s good Yes closed It’s a holiday Ok it’s some holiday I got it good Yes so Nvidia the first company in the world yesterday passed plus 351 put If eso we take it like that it put almost all capitalization to eth in a week If you can imagine so is all the capitalization of eth And he put a in a week almost or 80% of the capitalization So no madness eo Bubble Of course I told you that it is bursting now I did not tell you that the Split is being analyzed What happened to Tesla in the past in which Tesla made the Split the same the same the same move that is beneficial for the company for the shareholder for whatever the share is smaller people look at 13 then it was 1000 I buy that is retail and it goes up a few months away we are watching towards the end of the year From my point of view the theory is that by the end of the year Nvidia will probably put the top similar to what Tesla put in 2021 and then it will enter into a redistribution in fact distribution of that easy easy I have already left 15% of Nvidia very good position taken in the area of 215, i.e. in 25 ol if we take it like this And it’s easy, I’ll execute another 15% probably at the opening and then another 15 to sell about 50% in the next two three months on Nvidia which has done me quite well see crypto performance but at least I still have something and the part of shares that some of them have performed quite quite well Good we give Here Apple is falling Google is falling Meta is falling AVG is falling the stock market is a bit problematic Tesla is falling here mazon apart from Nvidia which hold here 3.3 trillion or whatever the hell amd financials pretty good jp morgan bank of america yesterday there’s no point in having it just the market isn’t open dx here at 105 that’s open tesla 184 looks like a small potential beat formation here it seems that the 223 position on Tesla announced on discord for the patrons, but here too 150 150 is profit Yes, at the moment I have not come out of it 22% through this region here we see I still have a few areas of DC in case up to 90 60 90 60 90 there somewhere Neo dust Yes we are also looking at Neo immediately but let’s see the s&p the s&p the all time High Bitcoin on the side which again It looks good for Bitcoin and for eth because the stock market is at an all time High and it could be Bitcoin here and it could follow this and I think this is the probability still for btc here Sooner or later OK but this target almost reached 5500 here would be the area and then more a 5624 has a little more the median Bull Market target for s&p that I’ve had for some time Nvidia looks like this Looks like this Of course my entry was here Now it’s done the spit made us miserable all all the graphics if you look it looks like this I mean it’s clear Bubble don’t make confusion whatever it is it doesn’t solve cancer I mean you understand what I’m saying It doesn’t solve cancer look how it looks look how it looks Look no one has to buy Nvidia at the top I’m not saying it’s not like that I mean who the hell would want to buy something like that only retail probably Neo Ok Neo Juicy here it seems that they are trying to form as much as we are beating. It is not confirmed here, confirmation came over 6 through that area nasdaq 19000 good and the nasdaq here by Discovery nice still has until the area of ​​Bull Market median 20000 I think it reaches 20000 and the most problems probably over there somewhere Coin na Binișor a little weaker than what we saw on the stock market in tune with Bitcoin here we come If this region holds a little more barish a little more barish Yes vladone exactly vladone someone must buy Nvidia and in the top vladone No I say it’s not like that if we have ocean protocol in Leder the conversion should be done I don’t know Honestly Why don’t you enter Peci from Ledger that you have support I mean if you have it there and the same with Revolut some say yes it works some say it doesn’t speak with them at the support you know give a good message no dust Yes Neo do you still believe us yes yes the company was not at least they didn’t go bankrupt at least at least they didn’t go bankrupt why is there a chance a link Let’s dm the link until I can breathe again we have here until the match starts because then everyone on the live stream is watching the match who is playing now Let’s see who is playing Scotland Switzerland What do you say gentlemen x Scotland makes a surprise I can feel it and see 31 Switzerland the Scots are not playing that bad Anyway the last chance is good good good link link Yes link a 128 I didn’t have I had a b below unfortunately But that was an area I think relevant under 128 for Chain link but it wasn’t to be it wasn’t to be Daniel You are a belea in the Romanian crypto space for information I try to do everything I can I call we are a community From my point of view here and we should help each other especially in these moments that are a little more difficult for some in Viță it doesn’t necessarily have to be for for you or for me Well, some are maybe in difficult times, maybe they are newer to the market, maybe they don’t understand the market, maybe other things, and that’s why we’re here to understand maybe Better, especially those who have had more experience in these markets that a you say Gigel Yes What did Gigel say here Let’s see I don’t know what he said the match didn’t start I remember what he said about this 1 1 or 2 1 because I don’t know what he said Thanks Diana thanks for the super chat V about the mining of btc mining btc miners are selling a lot at the moment if you are wondering Who is selling the miners are kind of the first to sell plus ogs those who had old coins trying to bring the price down at the moment these are selling at the moment you can see on it’s still pretty fast but there’s no point in going in, I’m telling you now iron and Grid seems like it’s stuck it was at 70 yesterday no chance no chance gentlemen to be iron and Grid no such thing exists it’s broken I don’t know why it’s broken for that very high weighting in iron and GD is Bitcoin SH th n how good is the great suffering It’s not for those who hold Bitcoin eth but this is here for alcin uri don’t get confused it’s here Ok it’s in this region but again it’s broken this is broken n has How do you mean I looked at my timeline there is no way it could be 64 it was 7 there is no way no way hosea should be in 64 at the moment you say this 64 here at Grid no way no way dad no way broke in the crypto market the wine of those who keep their trust and continue to learn and from every experience correctly and those who invest constantly and are constant not just once not just once n you have nothing to do when you only once want and to end up making money from crypto it doesn’t work like that it doesn’t work like that There are two types of people the people who do this try once put all the money in once and then sit back and leave and there are those who learn and stay and then change their strategy That Daniel is strip for btc If you had been ace in the relevant ptc 64 Yes na na na this is broken The exact attack is broken the cue z Chain how about the super chat I missed something in the super chat Wait I don’t think A ba yes you’re right Răzvan I missed sn Pad sn Pad Now good that you reminded me w this I don’t assume yet good still good but without liquidity you realize that a whale controls here the supply can be observed but still good it seems great attention at this level of 005 5506 I think we could close from this region higher before anything but immediately we see good Something else not so good Pad looks good still looks good still looks bullish still so much Tim keep that line or if you want to give it Tim 00 52 5 How long is here 5 2 8 52 good link I made more early but how much is the index Well it has to be here it has to be this level Ok this level here has to be z yes I’m trying to Z Mega Market the update I think it’s coming Thursday evening Dorece Friday I’m leaving for Germany on Germany of Germany or how damn it was that I don’t listen to manela but I know that one it’s loading zz doesn’t want to sasa sa bolit zsa bolit z gentlemen, the internet went down or z USD What happened You don’t want it anymore you saw What happened and he sang what’s his name babaşa I had never heard of him, he sang Cold Play and the Romanians jumped up typical typical typical Well if they were dancing they should at least have danced and on the second night they didn’t dance anymore because it’s fixed that I had made a parallel on which I think I have forgotten now but this is the reason why 90% of people do not succeed even in investments because on the first night they booed about 80% of them not all of them not to talk nonsense 80% of them booed the old man and that moment the second evening they no longer booed but applauded Why Well a big thing happened on tiktok And from here it can show you the thing where In fact where the information comes from and how It is controlled in different areas I don’t say that it it was good to be whistled, you didn’t like it better, but I’m saying this, on the second night, no one whistled, you know, I mean, there was no whistle, nothing, because it was a big campaign on social media for him, and that’s why a large part of 90% of people don’t even make investments because they buy Bitcoin, I give an example, they buy Bitcoin, then they look on social media, the price drops, they look on social media at zero, a scheme, they sell bye bye, or other investments that they make lesson there let’s say there’s a lesson there that you liked the moment when you liked it no it’s not relevant the whistle no you shouldn’t have whistled if you didn’t like it shut up that’s if the third time someone whistled the organizers were to blame Well no the man pays CPL and you give him bab baş na a e I understood with this inclusion but no the man wanted something else If you blew the whistle the organizers or those from CPL that they called that boy what could he do to say no I mean if he calls me I have no idea no I know someone is calling me to say crypto, I don’t know and it has nothing to do with a podcast, I’m not going, how can I not go, I’m going if that world whistles at me, what’s my fault, it’s the urgan’s fault, I whistle on that one But you see, foreigners don’t have a bad idea about the handles they put in made in Romanians before we left At the stadium made in Romanians in Germany it was of Germany they put in made in Romanians they don’t have problems with the handles we have problems with the handles and no coded rightly coded crazy right, it depends on how you take it, the new maneles, no, they’re not who knows what the old maneles, yes, at least that’s a big comparison between them of many classes, but here, especially, they’re likened, so to speak, to this thing of why I don’t know why I don’t want to I say that word I don’t know why he didn’t have money to actually He didn’t have money opulence me opulence stuff you cane that these guys with these hands make cars women stuff like that you know I mean let’s leave it like that You’re with crypto I’m with crypto all with goplay or without goplay, the handles are shit, someone says here, everyone has their own opinion, that doesn’t mean that if you have this opinion and someone likes the handles, that person is not a person, ok, let everyone discuss what will happen to the futures positions opened parity with st good question it will probably be closed a good further z Chain here z and I think we are ending the live here I am starting the match has already started I think AV region 0.64 here for z could be How relevant is this region For reaction it could could be here on a somewhat calculated risk in this range compared to this region, you also have this area of ​​entry which was not as big as the rest, however, wait, wait, z us z, it’s not on binance, it’s not on banks ze on tet on futures I find on binance simple I want to see on binance if it has gone somehow at the moment it seems here but I don’t know if this is the final chart for z if it was Yes maybe it would be here in 0.64 between 0.64 0.91 looks like you’re trying a lipstick here Sooner or later weekly ma weekly seems to still have to say that yes this is a macro Range here 0.64 088 which I think would be an average price with low risk on tiaa for Bull has an average price Well, say between 5 and 8 average price I wouldn’t be sorry I wouldn’t be sorry good good 2 hours and 21 minutes here on live Romanian project potential 100x I don’t know Răzvan I haven’t heard much many numa crypto asked and learned makes you smarter and more prepared for success correct correct correct good what else did I miss here there was something like that Major to analyze something super Major What I missed solana solana a 137 yes still Berry solan here still Berry compared to others that bounced, solan didn’t bounce here, you’re still drinking, it bounced at 200 moving, this one could test towards 100, I want to look at the weekly so that we can have an opinion here on the weekly, I don’t like it, I don’t like it vladone what I see Here someone has to buy the top on solana once again I don’t like what I see Especially if it closes below 142 I don’t really like solana here even berisha says she still has solana barish solana Ber rb I did it I don’t like it solana R Ber on solana someone asked me if we see 200 it seems not render the same this is also great a little more than soil still 8 47 is important for render 200 moving aage bounce and a little more beri for this R similar to solana it seems stochastic still has a way to go here, it seems to be coming towards the low region, but it still has a little bit more . defended it will be listed on futures on Spot it will still be on binance this will most likely happen U yes ul I am still hold and on ul I was callous I admit I admit but the risk portfolio of this I was callous because it’s the risk portfolio and I can be calic on the ris em portfolio here again I would probably add and I’ll add on uld and we’ll see in July I would add with the thought of 243 c the moment it gets back to these regions to escape of him but at the moment it seems that easy easy you will come spr these Ranges from here somewhere in 2 07 244 and we will see what happens from here for him but beri it seems that he is coming to a support have you seen what happened to 69 or something trapper with the solana on the forehead Yes, it’s Lil Pump in which he comes to Beach please and he has the solana tattooed on his forehead ae the solana That’s why I say I don’t know if I’m performing anymore because these things are happening, a new sale was made for the portfolio No but come come come come I’m starting I’m sorry again that it took so long, but at least the portfolio percentages are coming for those on Patreon, but I’m telling you this in general, somewhere around 20% liquidity ter on the first place Bitcoin on 2 but things have changed in the portfolio and I’m going to I’m redoing it Axel would yes it’s there on the radar I don’t have Bridges I don’t have anything on Bridges nothing nothing nothing small good Axel would yes It’s finally coming to the zones but I don’t think that was the graphic Yes Finally it’s coming to the zones Finally the fact that I waited on him was a good decision between 61 and 48 I will probably position a first buy for Axel somewhere here this level I think he has a chance of a bounce good good good a orn link Daniel was made new Excel I answered this what I missed more of these orn ul na I don’t know if it’s something from him and if it’s something from him yes still good some kind of aunt as long as Tim maintains 1 37 he could still make that retrace that I was waiting for to come to the levels these below and it seems to hold it’s not bad it’s not bad it seems that in the short term the cousin to two something I did I like it here as much as eth I did it earlier we looked bounce beat bounce beat maybe something relevant here in 032 but he ran enough he missed quite aggressively here Maybe 032 was good Something else was tta Yes he has to maintain 1 p at least on weekly keep at least 1 p on weekly so we’ll see something Man I said Berry still probably will adce 0.58 0.79 Something here I don’t believe I don’t believe dix I talked about him The markets didn’t open today I talked What What I missed se sui sui I pretended we didn’t look at sui as far as I know A we didn’t look at sui Ba yes here in zone two, I would be interested in sui 0.76, although it reached this area, we had a bu below on sui, we have somewhere in 073 3 072 07 here and 1056 for for sui but it is there on the radar it is there on the radar it is accumulated here in the second zone, very very good, it would seem to me again an opportunity here for sui the current average price for sui is 11 12 the basic portfolio we see ARB done optimism done we looked earlier ape I said bad ape somewhere at 13 at least 105 Hello What budget do you propose for the first deposit I couldn’t give you financial advice I don’t know your risk I don’t know your finances I don’t know all these things but I’d say take it easy You don’t have to invest all your money try to invest in things that you understand understand your risk profile before you hit the buy button and start with some daily amounts of buy let’s say but not your whole portfolio at once DCA In two three things which you understand a good ondo Yes we forgot ondo And Ena was also Ena and I think we end with Ena because Ena interests me I am interested 055 AV b 049 it wasn’t to be at the moment but there are still chances, that is, it seems that she found again reject from here but we’ll see there are still chances on en But I’d be interested if he has the test at least 05 here a little more Berry under pressure ondo we looked earlier it looked pretty good it seems that that one doesn’t come any lower at the moment injectables we looked at we looked at it inju USD immediately good inju Yes 18 when it was touched it touched this region of support once again but barish still I don’t touch it anymore I have nice bags I think the average price is currently falling somewhere towards the C zone somewhere this area here 495 i have to do it because the first time i came in here i sold this region a part i restarted 21 and now i have much better price average price of Good S talked about the release of sox notes we talked earlier probably will be as far as how ok to list it depends on when it is listed everyone is avoiding listings now because Look at the market how it is The market is pathetic at the moment but I think it will perform at least half as well as yes I don’t think it will perform as well as tada From my point of view it is difficult difficult difficult to perform as well as tada tada left at a different time of the market and different than sox No but I think that soc No will do somewhat decently at the listing Yes I don’t get into the idiot I more explained I can’t do KC a Thank you Daniel maav here until the end that’s it for today I’ll leave you with the football champagne proseco What do you want and we’ll hear from you maybe on Sunday on p we’ll hear from you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and see you every day see you in Belgium in Belgium with Belgium in Germany there If you come to the game it will be pure madness again I have no hopes n no expectations I will feel the boys until the end that i 2 0 3 0 5 I don’t care I say we have a real chance but don’t us [Music] injury a lot we see We see Belgium now We must support the boys until the end because it is not easy value we are the last value If you take if you take the sums of money of the players we are the last Ok the last as and as and value So these countries must let’s be realistic, we have to support them, we are Romanians there together, we haven’t had a national team like this for a long time, so we’ll see each other, we’ll see you there if you arrive, if not Twitter, of course, I’m there non-stop discord there I’m non-stop patreon there I’m non-stop update to portfolio soon Ok you can find me there too Instagram all all Find them in the description forget that we have a sponsor what like to be here you have the link in the description plus all the relevant links You can find them in the description if you like it press the Like button and we will meet again in the next Stay safu and Mach I leave you with some music and we hear each other East [Music ] the money Don’t you haven’t invested it yet No it hasn’t been spent I don’t have any [Music] RON I don’t have any room left m what we are building as Master Manole said what he built yesterday fell another one falls and after that he ends it two three vore Good evening and Bravo V ba two three words and Bravo V [Music] [Applause] [Music] manis [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don’t have the money to invest in such of coins, I insert the card, I take out the million, I buy what I need, and that’s all I’m good at with cryptocurrencies and with that, for a milk shake and a sandwich, I get what I want [ Laughter ] [Music] [Music] Man [Music ] m [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] [Applause] mom


    1. Mai ai incredere in Dym unde apar monede peste noapte?! Aveau max 1 mld si vad ca tot creste supplyul, azi vad ca nici nu mai apare max supply au bagat infinit. E normal asa ceva?! Chiar si Saga au bagat monede asa peste noapte…..e ceva putred la mijloc.

    2. Exista sanse pentru EOS sa iasa din zona asta si sa mearga mai sus? Tot fac DCA de ceva timp si tot scade de fiecare data cand zic ca mai jos nu are unde:)).

    3. Avec les conditions de marché instables, je préfère me lancer dans des projets ICO, je suis tombé sur trivnex et quelques autres. Mais ce trivnex en particulier est celui qui semble prometteur.

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