In this episode, I ride from Bordeaux, France to A Coruña, Spain. Stopping in Toulouse, France to meet and photograph the wonderful Vincent Prat who was one of the original founders (although no longer involved) of the “Wheels & Waves” festival in Biarritz, France.
    From Toulouse, I make my way over the incredible Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain. The roads were so wonderful and I would continue to remind myself how both lucky and fortunate I was to be doing this ride.

    Huge thank you to Paul D’Orleans for introducing me to Vincent (and many others) and of course my partners who without their help I would not be able to continue #Themotorcycleportraits

    Don’t forget to follow along via my Instagram page:
    and check out the dedicated website for the series:


    Learn more about the project by subscribing to my substack:
    As always, big thanks to my partners for helping me out:

    Home 2020
    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):… code: YR2D39G8OMHXLDWC&Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):… code: XPJQM0PORLP9LGOU
    #myfujifilmlegacy #advrider #motovlog #motorcycles #onassignment #portraitphotography #westjetcargo #onlocation #adventuremotorcycle #motorcycletravel #photography #photographer #travel #spain #pyrenees #themotorcycleportraits

    [Music] n [Music] [Music] hello hello how are you you nice to meet you yes so you’re you’re right from Canada you’re Canadian yeah okay yeah from uh Toronto oh so next tap you should go to my friend Mike yeah he lives in Missi and he was born in Toronto oh yeah yeah as a bike rider oh cool I uh I’m going to go through uh I I’ve lived in New York and California La and uh I’m from Toronto but I Live Now in Nova Scotia okay so like on the East Coast uh thank you for being available on such short notice you know I’m retired and nice I just come back from a Offroad trip Crossing Spain Portugal oh wow with uh solitario family have you heard about them uhuh okay I want to tell you yeah yeah tell me should I because because uh for for how long did you stay in Europe uh for it’s okay for uh two months two months two more months okay I’ve been one month in UK okay and I have uh uh so I fly home from Paris on September 4th I think yeah have time I’m going to I uh you want to yeah can I it’s okay yeah yeah it’s okay what a great garage you have it’s probably probably the best garage in uh in tulo in in town yes in town how have you heard about me from Paul from Paul okay yeah yeah um Paul has been a a really good um um resource yeah for uh for connecting me to people um I mean he knows everybody this guy he literally knows everybody if if he doesn’t know them they’re probably not alive they don’t exist they not been born yet you you you have what is it this is a airbag like which I hope I never need I no be careful be careful with tourists yes tourist everybody looking for the their way oh yeah I know is the time of the year here in Europe I know everybody everybody’s here now with with RVs and and you should have see the RVs in uh maybe I’m just going to put on my pants and my shoes be comfortable okay take your time okay we we we have lunch time to be all green okay yeah that’s great uh for [Music] [Music] hot ehy I can go through most but when it’s super narrow I can’t do it you take take the this where to go are you getting on though yeah yeah thank you he it’s lovely to meet you do [Music] [Music] recording okay so we are at the first day of the Pyrenees and I just had my coffee and my P [Music] chakola and uh [Music] yeah so there you go I’m actually feeling what I’m feeling pretty good because I think it’s going to be a beautiful ride today cold the bay rod and uh going towards a tunnel then I’ll pop out in Spain which is crazy I’m going to Spain it was crazy that I was in France in England in Scotland in Ireland so we’ll live stayed at a really cool little campsite last night I don’t remember the name was getting late uh I photographed Vincent Pratt yesterday who was the founder of wheels and waves super nice guy spent the better part of a day with me uh oh I think we’re in Spain is that possible anyway um he’s turned me on to a few more people to photograph which is great and it’s always the goal I was feeling a bit bummed the last couple of days maybe the roads were boring I was a little lonely not to say that won’t happen again but it definitely looks like the next next little bit looks fun and I think I’m going to try to make an effort to go to the beach go in the water why not 64° and 20 after 9 I think it’s Friday could be Thursday imagine it’s going to get kind of cold as I climb the cold cold or whatever ooh it’s getting cold it’s cold Eddie it’s cold I think this is going to be cold as I go over D mang I could see having to pull over zip up my jacket zip up my vents put on the neck Gator oh my God look at the mountains look at all these cyclists this is so cool this part’s going to suck behind trucks oh of course we’re all driving behind a [Music] tractor one tractor slows down the whole Road super curvy road so you can’t see what’s around the [Music] corner can’t see what’s around the corner not going to go in the oncoming Lane that would seem not so smart pretty holy is it pretty here [Music] [Music] tur it on the hand warmers this guy what’s up buddy keep forgetting clean my visor [Music] well I don’t know if you can hear me but look at this [Music] out [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] the [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music]

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