► EN: Martijn and Mike challenge themselves to go on a 320 km Gravel long-distance Gravel bike race. Check out their experience while enjoying some beautiful scenery along the way.

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    ► The Gravel- specific wheels from DT Swiss used by Martijn can be found here: https://www.dtswiss.com/en/gravel

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    ► About DT Swiss:
    DT Swiss meticulously develops high-performance cycling wheels and components, that provide a competitive edge to every ambitious cyclist: If you have a goal you are ambitious.
    The products of DT Swiss are known for their precision and reliability, engineered with the aim to provide wheels and components that are specifically optimized for their intended usage.

    ► DE: Die 320 km Gravel Challenge
    Martijn und Mike teilen ihre Erfahrungen aus ihrem 320 km Gravel -Langstreckenrennen quer durch die Niederlande. Wie wurden die DT Swiss Gravel -spezifischen Laufräder entwickelt die Martijn im Videos fährt?; was sind deren Merkmale und Vorteile? Mehr erfahren unter:

    ► FR: Le défi des 320 km de vélo de gravier.
    Martijn et Mike se mettent au défi de participer seuls à une course longue distance de 320 km en vélo de Gravel. Découvrez leur expérience tout en profitant de magnifiques paysages en cours de route. Comment ont été développées les roues DT Swiss Gravel spécifiques que Martijn utilise dans la vidéo; quelles sont leurs caractéristiques et leurs avantages ? Pour en savoir plus:

    ► ES: El desafío de 320 km de Gravel.
    Martijn y Mike se desafían a sí mismos a ir a una carrera de larga distancia en bicicleta de Gravel de 320 km por su cuenta. Comprueben su experiencia mientras disfrutan de un hermoso paisaje a lo largo del camino. Descubre las ideas de ingeniería que se utilizaron en el desarrollo de las ruedas específicas para el ciclismo del Gravel de DT Swiss (en ingles):

    Video credit to Martijn from FERNWEE:


    [Music] so good morning welcome to this video today is friday and i am preparing for a really really big challenge i’m doing with mike tomorrow maybe you’ve heard of the dirty kansa gravel race that takes place every year in the united states this year obviously with the corona it’s not happening and laurence and dom the x-pro came up with the idea to host a dirty cancelled gravel event here in the netherlands super cool idea instead of hosting a big event where everyone comes together they said everyone should make their own either 100 or 200 mile route put as much gravel in as possible everyone starts tomorrow at six o’clock sharp and that means we still have one big dirty cancelled party except we don’t have to come together so nobody gets each other sick which is brilliant today i’m doing my final preparation i’ve made a few small adjustments to the bike i’ve installed a 35 millimeter vitoria tereno zero tire in the back with not a lot of rolling resistance on tarmac and on gravel hopefully in front i’m running the vitoria tareno dry tire a little bit more rolling resistance maybe but a lot of traction and comfort in front i’ve added a third bottle holder because it’s going to be warm tomorrow and i want to stay on top of my hydration i’m gonna run a frame back with all our snacks so we don’t have to stop during the route because maybe that’s an important thing to note we are of course riding the 200 mile route which is 320 kilometers mike built the route there’s a hundred kilometer of asphalt so 230 kilometers of unpaved which is pretty sick we’re starting in utrecht so i’m going to sleep on mike’s couch tonight so we can leave early in the morning at six o’clock but i’ve also got another update that i think will come in handy tomorrow a brand new pair of bond vapor g gravel mountain bike shoes i really love the road shoes that we have from bond with the fixed gear team they are crazy stiff and i think for a long fast gravel ride these are going to be brilliant so i’ve worn them a couple days ago for the first time and i got some hot spots on my foot there sorry for that but one of the great things about these shoes is that they are heat moldable so i did this as well with the road shoes but with these i’m going to try to do it in a little bit of a different way i want to put them in the oven at 70 degrees for 20 minutes and then they become a little bit soft you can mold them easily and because the fit is actually pretty good except for this hot spot here on the inside of my foot it’s on both sides by the way i’m going to put some extra material i’m not sure i think some tissue or something and some tape on my foot on that exact spot and then i’m going to go out and ride on the shoes right after they come out of the oven for an hour hopefully that will mold the shoe to fit my foot perfectly and then tomorrow i won’t get any issues during the 320 kilometer ride it’s a little bit of a risk to wear my shoes tomorrow for the third time maybe but it should be okay so i will see you tomorrow morning at mike’s place bright and early at six o’clock when we’re ready to start so that’s that see you tomorrow bye [Music] it’s pretty light already right 327 kilometers to go let’s go warm up [Music] [Applause] time for breakfast breakfast because gravel’s about to start ah this is a good start i think this beautiful road uh this part it’s a beautiful day oh yeah a little bit cold still but it will be perfect we’re up [Music] almost 7 30 hour and a half in only 300 kilometers to go and we’re on the high my favorite place for riding looks like we’ve got a nice man filled out guns out [Music] [Music] seventy kilometers in mike’s having second breakfast listening to man man man the podcast dreaming about mango beers and it is still a beautiful route nice and quiet because it’s still early later we’ll definitely get more busy [Music] so far of course because we’re in the netherlands had mainly really small narrow gravel pass but this is the first time that i think yes we’re doing dirty ganza 100 kilometers in this is our first place where we’re gonna make a pit stop to get some new food some drink my bottles are empty and then we only have one stop left allowed because we can only do two so far the legs feel terrible but the roots beautiful so we’re having fun mike’s legs feel bad as well maybe going really hard last wednesday wasn’t a good plan not sure lunch time at 10 o’clock no sandwiches i created this for you sandwich beverage thanks mike’s doing good legs feel i’m happy with the setup yeah always a little bit nervous about that the first kilometer you have something in the back or making noise all the time seems to be okay [Music] look at all the goats leon a billion goats fighting hope thing now we go to apple also beautiful we’re in the veil right now where i was with leon as well in our bike pack video we’ve done 115k so far really almost everything that we’ve ridden is these really hardback raffle roads which is perfect for our setup right now had a few bits that are really sandy and then a little bit of tarmac but mike did well in creating this route [Music] another perfect girl pop yeah another one high trees hardback [Applause] a little bit hilly here yeah we’ve done a lot of uh elevation in the last 10k for the netherlands it’s a lot [Music] 160 kilometers in which means we are halfway i can really really feel my legs though so i think it’s going to be tough second half i think it would be good to uh get a coffee or some coke at the next stop get some caffeine get some of that motivation mike is doing a bit better than i am bit stronger how are you feeling mike how’s that absolutely better than the beginning and 16 on the clock [Music] my [Music] beautiful segment yeah [Music] all right 200 kilometers done riding into a town so we are going for our second and final lunch break got some cows here yeah legs feel smashed my knees are starting to hurt my ass hurts yeah it’s pretty rough see if i can win the sprint for mike so i’m desperate for a coke or a coffee what are you craving yeah go get also some bread sandwich something like that something wholesome first coffee of the day is a little bit disappointing completely refueled a little bit nauseous from the borough notice a little bit ready to go for the final 120 kilometers feels good to be more than halfway [Music] [Applause] quick shout out to the elevation screen on the guru really really really good so much better than the wahoo you can actually see how much elevation is coming up brilliant i think my glasses suggest that i’ve just had a leak in my front tire but i think the tuples has sealed it so i hope it’s sealed because that’s why i got tubeless anyway like 93 to go less than 100k very good better than the beginning of the one kilometer before yeah you see it in three parts right exactly the second part was the hardest yeah counting down warm eating enough drinking enough time another flat front probably the same spot with this one a lot more air came out but looks like sealed it was a very loud noise yeah with enough co2 with this but pro tip inside don’t hear anything anymore didn’t bring a hand pump did we no but we have a small big two with us we had some good pace uh in the last hour i think right 30 average back to a bar small one yeah there it is i’m tired yeah but when we’re riding it’s okay yeah when you stand still but now i’m leaning and we tried like this that’s right for a couple k flat and then we plug it [Music] 25 kilometers to go what do you think flat the tubers come is sealing it it’s a pretty rough day i’ve already burned 7022 calories today definitely didn’t eat 7 02 calories so it’s good for my weight loss plans i’m ready for the beer [Music] time for a beer definitely we made it made it three three 24.4 that’s enough i think that mine is coming every second okay yeah texas that the beers are built in the fridge and yes ships are there after all the pancakes exactly pizza time [Music] cheers [Music] you


    1. Nice ride. Cool that you had so gravel roads around. What kind navi you have got? Looks pretty clear and provides in nice way important parameters better then Garmin

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