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    I’ve never stripped off so quickly I’m not saying something welcome to the Montenegro [Music] Vlog so this is day one of my time in cout Bay in Montenegro it’s a bit loud that isn’t it and I’m going to be here for three 3 days 4 days three nights I just wanted 3 days to swim have some local wine expensive fish and I’m going to take you along with me so whether this uh Vlog gets split into three videos or two videos or just one long video that’s fine by me hopefully fine by you I need to get changed because I’ve worn this since since the since this morning when I left Liverpool Navy Polo standard top really Universal okay the sun’s about to come out let me just flip this camera around so you can see what I can see I mean isn’t that just wow it’s a beautiful view look at that that water I’m getting straight in now air conditioning absolutely K so yeah the plan I think immediately is by the way this is the sort of place pretty basic but that view is just fantastic you can’t beat that my hair’s like melting because of because of the heat um So the plan is go to the local market get some water for the room I haven’t eaten I’ve had a pan Shaka in Manchester Airport yeah I can’t live on that for another few hours so maybe get something small when I get the water like from the the mini market and then save myself for uh for a nice dinner maybe have a swim I might need it because it’s it’s hot like 27 and it’s going to be 28 29 30 so let’s go just look at this view I’ve literally just come down the stairs and this is the gate that leads on to where I am see this is the most amazing thing all along this Bay you can see them sort of in the background 1 two 3 4 these are just sort of areas where people can go on in some ways and um yeah it’s you can just look at the water I mean it’s it’s a bit cloudy now so you can’t see how how clear it actually is when the sun comes out but um this is this street where I’m on is just all the way up there equally beautiful it’s a chance to sit down and some bath so let’s um let’s explore a bit further on it’s the montenegrian [Music] Roses clear um there’s a cocktail bar then as well that’s quite fancy and uh they said it’s 77 sorry for the cheapest cocktail an M15 for the the most expensive um I can see this mini Market here which is exactly what I needed for water Aqua just bought this as an Impulse by because I feel like I need something and this is going to hit the spot I mean to some extent oh that’s good this is what life’s all about I’m I’m amazed that for the the middle of June it a pretty very nice place it’s just not packed so I might have spoiled build this Hidden Gem by telling everyone how great it is okay now the sun is starting to come out and it is pretty hot uh the only thing I’m not sure about is if it’s the type of place where people take the t-shirts off I mean obviously if you’re going in the water but you know just walking around I’m not sure if that’s something I want to do I’ve decided that while I’m sort of mid swim short is um it’s 20 to3 now so I’m thinking that I phone’s on 31% so go for the quick swim 20 minutes lie there come back and then charge me phone for a little bit until like 50% by that time it should be 5:00 and then head out all night and then not all night but you know uh for the evening um so that was a second time in the water I don’t know whether it’s me getting old or or what but I do not feel physically PR anymore um I didn’t did a little bit of a breast stroke and it looked did look very masculine I’ll be honest but uh you know it’s good to be in the water you can just hear that lapping in the background you the sun came out I just uh sit here for about 7 or 8 minutes more but going on holiday is definitely better than being at work en tell after fre okay we’ve suddenly cussed to the the late evening that’s because I had a amazing dinner which I didn’t really want to spoil by getting out the camera and so on but um I walked along the bay had a few drinks so I’m a bit dishevel and now walking back uh it’s sort of started to spit you can see the flashes of light in the background maybe as mini manyi thunderstorm is on the way and there was a strike of lightning just then bolt of lightning rather where the whole place was illuminated um I went sort of to towards the Oldtown but not sort of close enough the plan is I’m thinking this is a good idea to sort of explore the Old Town properly tomorrow while I’ve got like a fresh night sleep full day ahead um and for now just sort of take me time enjoy myself have a few drinks go back to the hotel apartment rather which is what I’m doing now look at this beautiful dog hello look going a bite there we go yes yes yes nice and clean look at you day two in Montenegro the plan today is we have blue sky all over few clouds every uh here and there but the plan is to have a little tan little little bit of a swim um lunch of coffee coffees a plenty and then hopefully uh go into the old town and see what’s there see all the architecture cuz that’s what that’s what I quite like um and again a day of complete spontaneity no plans just uh just go with the flow um I’m going to turn this camera around so you can see how insane this view is you one of the amazing things about this place so far is that it’s Friday it’s nearly 10:00 a.m. it’s a immensely beautiful day and yet it’s so quiet um you know half of the restaurants are not even open I don’t think any some of them do open for for breakfast actually and also like there’s just not many people on the roads there a few people jogging uh you know the odd tourists but otherwise it’s pretty uh pretty quiet which is perfect really I mean you don’t want I mean I like an atmosphere but um maybe that’s why my plane into Montenegro was full of pensioners because they they like how quiet it is and I am 63 at heart so you’ll hear no complaints from me I’m literally on a beach on my own with the w to gently lap in the small atomized stones on the beach I mean what’s not to love suppose this is the problem with these sorts of holidays is that I’m really enjoying relaxing here doing F all but there’s always a sense in me to to get get a move on and make the most of the day but this is why I’m here this right now me lying on a beach is me making the most of the day I think it’s because I’m used to City bricks that I always feel like this the next the next location the next cultural Excursion uh but there isn’t much of that here um there’s the old town which has got all the cultural side of things but it’s basically a big Whistle Stop tour around the island which you need a car moped a boat although today for tomorrow I might inquire about a boat prices like a group tour you know where there’s like six or eight people on a boat all I need is the views I don’t care the views of the the place by the way not not the social media views um although that’s important uh the I just want the views from the boat you know I’d love to be in the middle of that looking around to see what else to see what it looks like I think that’s the height of luxury no matter how budget friendly the boes so let’s let’s see if we can get that done God I just want to sit here for I literally fall asleep but then I’ll come out like a [ __ ] Lobster so it’s probably not wise but catch up in a bit instead of come out to get breakfast breakfast AC quiet really this is just a snack on the way cuz it’s a good 20 minutes uh 20 minutes walk I would say from here to the uh the old town so when I get there going to have the chance to actually have something uh [Music] proper this is a bit more like it in terms of activity this is sort of a central in the Couture area um and I’m heading towards the old town with the old wall so I’m hoping to see some interesting architecture there uh but this is where it’s all going on for now anyway uh hair doing I literally cannot win with my hair this trip just completely letting me down should have been shorter but anyway it’s a bit loud so have you ever seen so many bikes it’s like been in [Music] Vietnam so that’s lunch done I managed to find somewhere you spoil for Choice really as in spoil for Choice with where you can get ripped off but um no it was generally successful now I’ve got about 20 minutes to get to the harbor so I can get on this boat tour which I’ve booked 1 and 1 half hours around the bay really excited let’s goet and even though it’s a very small town or because at one point um basically every other family in foras had their own church because at that time it was like a a sign of like Prestige having money you know and basically same as like now it’s owning like a sports car then it was owning a church you see that right there that’s what you call money so I’m in Paras now I’m on a 3-hour boat tour this is the second stop we’ve stopped on two of the islands which I can’t remember know it’s terrible of me but nevertheless um we’re on this like beautiful part of the Bay to the same bar again because I thought the my ties were actually good that’s why I bed the my taii without grenadine cuz grenadine doesn’t go in a my tai but I thought tonight I’m going to have a chilled one uh I had dinner at the same place I did last night but I think um tonight I’m just going to take it easy four drinks I think is my maximum not generally but tonight uh like four drinks I feel fine and then probably save myself for tomorrow start early you know have dinner early like 4: 5:00 and then uh go out and sort of go out with the bank as it were um and do do things that way so I’m probably going to end today’s episode here um and I’ll catch up with you tomorrow morning which will be Saturday the last day in Montenegro okay day three in Montenegro final day Saturday the weekend um and I’ve come back to the same place as I had a coffee yesterday but they gave me a latte in this look like a woman’s cocktail glass um so instead I’m not going to make that mistake again going to have an espresso or three and some actual breakfast I probably just not not rush the day I think time goes slower when you take it slow So the plan is um to have a little swim um walk to the old town again because I didn’t have much time there yesterday to explore the fort the old the the old wall um I was there for like 40 minutes having lunch before the boat tour which took up most of the afternoon so So the plan is to to explore that a bit more take my time try and take in some of the history and yeah just enjoyed the last day you know this is what I came for to do you know to to do nothing special as such uh but to just enjoy the Sun the sea the sand and everything else I don’t think that Shimmer ever gets boring not to me anyway to be H one thing I’ve been been impressed by is that although the prices are European the portion sizes are pretty generous I would say you get you get your money’s worth even though it’s not as cheap as as you’d expect but I mean I think this in total is like €1 12 can’t go wrong honestly I could stay here all day don’t want to B [Music] though okay so situation report now I’m in the old toown two places which I’m not sure I’d recommend uh first of which was a kind of hip hipster kind of craft beer place which was an absolute ripoff they were charging like €1 for a pint sorry not a pint a can which is about 3.3 liters uh and then cocktails are about 16 to 20 that’s like Central London prices or more like I’ve paid £22 for for a cocktail in in central London in a in a festar hotel right I don’t expect to pay that in a early you know parts of central eastern Europe you know so that’s that was a shock and and I literally saw two tables sit down and then leave because they looked at the menu and saw the prices um so you know I don’t blame them being British and too polite I just sat there and decided to you know thought I’ll I’ll spend the €1 on on the first drink but then I left the service was nice you know the guy was really nice but doesn’t justify those sorts of prices and then I went literally 2 minutes around the corner there was a bar that was € for an actual paint local paint on draft uh you know that’s the sort of competition you up again so that was nice so now the plan is it’s about 2:00 plan is to go back to near to where the apartment is have a quick swim because it’s quite hot at the moment and then go out for an early dinner so everything is going according to the plan that I didn’t have originally um as you can see lots of stuff going on behind me should probably go to the gift shop are 4K walking tour um so I’m going to show you this Cruise liner which is in the docks of the Oldtown right now and that would explain why there are so many people here right now so many Americans rather and you know lots of Americans is exactly what you need in a very beautiful Hidden Gem of Europe there they all are so time for me to make a move it’s so horse right now it says uh on the C on the after says on the app that it’s 25° I think it’s much hotter than that or it feels much hotter it feels like 30 and you know I need to get in the water Pronto so that’s the plan quick point about the language the language is interesting it’s montenegrin which is apparently very very similar to Serbian and Serbian is very similar to Russian so after English Russian is probably the most uh widely spoken language here so if you speak Russian they will probably understand what you say even if they don’t really speak Russian in in return um so I’m quite lucky in that sense because I can I can get Buy in two languages uh English English is enough actually um most people most bars restaurants staff they speak English uh taxi drivers not so much but that’s typical really uh it’s so hot like again it says is 25 I don’t believe it I need to get into the water ASAP and I’m about 10 minutes away from from that you see construction workers I don’t know how they work in this Heath I think some of them wait until you know when the sun’s set and it’s cooler but you probably haven’t got a choice in most cases like the work needs to be done uh but still I highly respect those people who can do physical work like that when it’s so hot like I just can’t imagine it like if that was me in this heat I’d be you know sort of doing the job jump in the river and then straight back on the Digger cuz I can’t imagine how else you would you would uh cool down just too hot to work honestly I needed that I’ve never stripped off so quickly I’m not saying something I’m probably going to go in one more time because I’m not going to go in tonight my flight is quite early in the morning so the chances of going in the morning are quite Slim So I think make the most of the of the water now and um yeah enjoy it while it lasts until the next trip which isn’t uh isn’t long way in fact so yeah let’s swim last dip and then dinner really have a change and charge in the room and then back out for the festivities so dinner has been had and the only goal left the final mission for this trip is to actually smoke this cigar because I brought it all the way from England didn’t buy it here and it’s a Dominican cigar and I just want to sit down and slowly smoke it and then if I can do that peacefully then the trip has being a success or the final day has been a success whole trip has been a resounding success so cut to me in a place cutting this thing open tell you what this bench one of these benches has got my name on it I’m just going to sit here in peace there’s almost no way I can balance this camera correctly so yeah never mind but have a Dominican cigar a big lighter because you can’t take your own lighter with you through the airpod um I think you can take yellow flames in your on your person but um you can’t actually take proper blue flame jet flame to go so this is being hand rolled the [Music] Dominican fantastic got my cigar cutter with me this has been everywhere with me I think this cost like £3 they’re not sponsoring me £3 uh in the UK and it’s because it’s because cigar blades are smaller than 6 cm you can pretty much take them through the airport and it’s cheap so if they throw it away it’s fine by me so this is a you can see this has Like a Torpedo uh ending so where to cut you’ll be able to see that there is like a fine uh a fine line that goes around the outside it depends how much how much smoke you want so if you want lots and lots of smoke then you want to cut it higher up cuz then you’re going to have more air to draw in if you want to really pull on the on the cigar then Cur only a little bit off but that’s going to mean you you have to work to get more smoke so personally I’m going to cut it somewhere uh with that will give me a decent draw and one false move so nice and clean so we don’t have any sort of excess skin or layers coming around so that’s all very good put the curer away and I’m going to start to light this now it’s going to take a while uh because it’s not the best lighter but you know let’s go I’ll do important thing is not to smoke this too quick especially if you’ve had a drink or you drink as well for many people cigar cigars can make them feel sick which is perfectly normal sometimes I feel sick from uh from a cigar um so the best cure for that is prevention you know it’s not to smoke too fast make sure you’ve had a good meal and try not to drink at the same time if you can avoid doing those three things you will probably not feel sick also depends on the strength of the cigar you know if it’s too strong then you will struggle I don’t think this is too strong I think this is about a medium [Music] strength but we’ll see what it’s not the best B but mind this this exact cigar has traveled a long way I actually took this cigar all the way to to Moscow didn’t smoke it whatsoever and took it back home and then put it in the human door which is not ideal you know it’s it hasn’t been kept in perfect conditions so I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t smoke well I feel like I’m in such a decent little spot here you know I’m no one around me there are people at least 20 M away from me um so I’m undisturbed and this is exactly the kind of Serenity that I wanted to finish the holiday on so this could be a nice way to end the Vlog I hope you’ve enjoyed it I know I have it’s been very random it might be a bit [ __ ] but um if you’ve enjoyed the Run and Gun unscripted unfiltered um sorry the lights just went on on the on the canal if you’ve enjoyed this type of Vlog then do let me know if you know me personally do not comment because I know that you’ll be supportive which I’m very grateful for but if you’re a subscriber or not a subscriber and you happen to be watching this video let me know what you think you know I have more trips upcoming especially in the summer and so if you want me to film those in the Vlog style then I will or if you’d like me to interject the Vlogs with some uh with some helpful information about any topic etica men’s were traveling even I don’t know you tell me then again also let me know but on that note I’m going to say farewell thank you for watching even if you watched on times two speed that’s also absolutely fine by me and if you made it this far again thank you very much and I hope you also have a very very lovely summer the summer that you deserve so on that note goodbye see you next time


    1. John-Paul, this travel vlog to Montenegro 🇲🇪 was wonderful. You make it easy to live vicariously through you. You dressed stylish 😎 for your destination, loved ❤ your linen shirts. The boat 🛥 tour was excellent, and the old town ⛪️ was spectacular, even with us pesky American. I wonder if you made any achantance? It would have been fantastic if you could have used your old money 💰 aestheic. To have been invited on one of the money yachts ⛴️ to party, where you belong, buddy. Pleas take me along wherever you go, I am your vicarious travel 🧭 companion where ever you go bro.

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