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    hey CER cerer today’s battle will determine who is the best KN welcome good sir to King Perfect’s night school the best one of you will be fit for me to be my new hand I’m out first stop is the joust sir purple hoer do us the honors please let’s get to it baby you take your lens and hook as many rings as you can each ring is designated set a number of points and the will award additional points based on the damage to the Knight are you ready set purple hoer I think I’m not meant to be a medieval guy I’m going to bow out no you’re not here we go purple hoer and Jo a little quicker Gary there go keep going there’s no commanded the speed keep going bud you’re fine no this way I think your horse wears the pants in the relationship this way go yes yes he’s having trouble like he never been the horse before but he’s got the RS no I can’t that’s it hilly hilly hilly hly Fair points I wouldn’t say that’s all on the rider not the horse TT from the rage lands it’s time to joust feel good about it I’ve been on a horse much more than these nimrods the to you your Lance H come on oh yeah got [Applause] it what a run sir what he did get to race so two points and I’ll give you a bonus for hitting him in the head three points at least he knows how to ride a horse I am s sparklan from the burrow my long lost princess princess Lauren of the South Appalachians I hope to be the hand of the king and spoil her with riches beyond belief that’s this way Spar Sparky the other way bud down this way pal do it backwards have you ridden a horse before for my king and Princess Lauren show me what’s your go yeah yeah sparklean W bonus points for Speed we’ll give you one point for your speed but you missed all the r at least got one points he had no idea he did it blind too he had no idea where he goinging like a well done sparklan well done I believe the term horsepower may catch on in the future due to my extravagant and Wild horseback riding toly here I’m excited about the J scene I turned Irish look at there the toes are from Ireland England all over Z toly are we ready it’s a bit small of a horse grab your Lads a little Pace wouldn’t be bad little faster please no let R let’s go get him heads up he’s coming to bump you oh and he took him off the horse I’m still going to give him three points not for his fighing skills you got the best ring and he managed to knock up clean off the horse that man doesn’t know how to control a horse well I just want to start out and say that somebody here has to be grounded in reality and not have a crazy Accent on the other hand I think I may be a knight King he cannot control his horse are you sure this man is fit I do see that you grow hair on your chest oh is he oh a little speed wouldn’t hurt oh my goodness strling this is embarrassing oh oh oh he couldn’t even hold on to his Lance even the no fell over in laughter son the Lance is heavier than you are you’re not fit for the king I’m sorry you’re not fit for the king throw tomato sh guys I’m really discouraged I played it safe and you never win a championship playing it safe I was afraid I was going to hit the horse in the head with the big Lance one great thing about night school is meals are included so let’s head to the cafeteria for your next station I like it doesn’t know how to [Laughter] stop somebody get that man off the [Music] [Applause] horse all right gentlemen this next station is called the Chucky scoffing you know what scoffing is no it’s to eat with haste you’re going to eat this Chucky leg the loaf of bread and share the inless Goblet of Ale the person who eats a least tells me you don’t like my cooking so you’ll be out of night school I never thought I’d say this I actually miss brother nature but the late night get to hang with me does anybody else like this guy know your place get that fake sword anyway gentlemen ready I’m not hungry King okay let’s get it going in 3 2 1 [Music] scoff how do you like the king’s legs it’s good but I feel like I’m not even making a dance delicious eh I’m full how much time left hey what if I do this oh no I’m not a turkey guy I think I’m going to go bread so Dam D these turkey legs are a pound and a half each maybe two will you stop talking you going to eat my bread no I don’t want to eat your bread why not who’s in last say the purple Hoyer down there throwing food behind his shoulders I saw that you’re going to cheat in my competition I’ll kick you out to the dog is this the first tricky sandwich ever made we should write that down that’s a good idea mate go drink all the L let get some more H oh my w it’s your turkey King Pur HOA Stop Don’t Talk To are you going to eat at this point I’m trying not to puke if I throw up on G’s plate does he have to eat it this is awful guys J’s eating grapes they don’t even count yes they do no no one else has grapes there a good why are you eating the gra you don’t have eat the gra keep eating my mouth is so full King people who are new to Dude Perfect there’s a little flashback moment Kobe pooed his pants last eating competition with we had why don’t you show that clip Co one tiny little Patty leav I’m trying not to do that right now keep eating oh K I can’t eat anymore delicious isn’t it I like all of your cookings king how about you s I love the rage lands your cooking stinketh King all right time is almost in 3 2 1 stop eating step back from the table move from your plates let me in we’ll save comments for later it’s welman great job thank you my king so I love the Rands it’s a bit of a mess it was a bit undercooked not bad and you purple hoer there’s a lot of meat on that bone son you’re you’re fra but back here this is Despicable you’re the tall man I I was counting on you to eat the whole legegg and you barely touched it look one bite iin rolling musing you Dro from night school get out oh my big arm that big arm if you looked at the redheaded tricky leg clearly there was more meat I should have advanced but at the end of the day I didn’t even want to be the Mad King’s hand anyway that’s weirdo we’re moving on to the next round it’s going to be the weapons Gauntlet I do not know if I want to be the hand of the king all the [Music] sudden all right Jets welcome to the weapons Gauntlet in order to advance to the finale you must show your skills with a sword a dagger a Warhammer a spear and the flare the time stops when you bring me the Chalice from ins the watermelon PE take your gra SW Let’s Get It Started [Music] W perfect [Music] slice oh nice hit cut cut you missed it first celery celery celery celery celery nice Cut [Music] there is there multiple slices hey that’s hey hey hey hey sa it jokes on you s Tai I like what I’m seeing oh that is heavier than I thought it was going to be Sparkle in there you go move on to the warx this is for you sparklan look at the smash smash give it all you got oh oh the re my shoulder hit in his bones just R the bone Ratt smash it you have to smash it you’re throwing food at the king I’m out of time here and he knows when it stop it’s going to fit now this guy’s crazy TI with all due respect therapy may be an option almost there you go for you my I can’t see am I hitting it don’t be in touch a perrywinkle and smash the helmet right now move on throw the spear R higher oh he removes his chain now oh nice PA nice put it in the Box USPS he pass grab the spear lad oh oh did he just spear himself in the back great throw hit him the seven ow Master melon oh he missed oh I forgot my shield knock him out with tomato make sure you got the tip in the right direction we might be here a while hey let’s go mate perfect smash I hate FR oh a tomato oh there you go lad bring me the Chalice in in of time chalice with watermelon oh he’s dancing on him thank you yeah mate bring it to me the chall my Lord oh what a great time my king all right the time stops I hope I make you proud my king if you want a place to be the jester in the king’s court you could come any time that was hysterical well done gentlemen that was a great show Tyler a little bit of sand fabulous work but the Sparkman you had a lot of sand which means you dropped from night school you ain’t fit for the king I rented my horse anyhow it’s probably good that I get back to the bat congratulations thank you King make your way into my finale get some rest I’ll see you there the finality of it all punishing some would say I go home to an unhappy princess I had a dream of royalty and now I’m in loads of trouble I’m no Knight I’m just a peasant I failed my [Music] people welcome gentlemen to the king’s final round of night school the winner here in the arri challenge we become the king’s hand and the loser will lose his life W kind of a harsh punishment Place AB going to be that’s the way it’s going to be how about the guy who got last rid I think it should be sparklan who loses his life in order to become my hand The Archers must hit the top Target then the ground Target before taking out their Knight the wounded Knight will drop the drawbridge and reveal the final boss to slay with flaming arrows B and what are you still doing here admittedly my king I did not know my journey home I’m here for a good time and now I’m here for a long time well you’re blessed that I like you you can be my jester let’s watch the show let’s get it on all right arer knock your arrows three two one and begin oh hit my thing oh almost hit his Target in the first shot nope little low he’s close good shot Tyler Rand the purple one’s kind of clumsy hit this purple man there we go that’s what we like to see bring it to of R LS there we go with the B look at the Precision on that shot Jester come on now so tired Rand inspires me there it goes a big reveal Dragon take out the dragon with the flaming arrows you must send the arrow down his throat to slay the Beast you got it Bosa bring it in son come on proposa my chained brother you’re not done go break it kill the Beast punch that Dragon punch that Dragon punch that dragon out oh no come on bring it up the chin the Sweet Chin Music oh right in the knee switch to your flame flamy Arrow oh hit it hit it lad oh mate oh far right put it in his mouth oh right in the nose come on SO Ty of RA lands finish this fire and fury that’s a dragon Ste oh right the eyeball eyeball him King I got this for you what are you doing oh no Head Shoulders Knees and Toes somebody put it in his M yes I SL the Dron again yeah SL the Beast done thank you hey where you going my great sword it’s time for the be good King he’s running away I don’t think he wants to go to the guillotine his Steed is that way bye I made a resolution that 2024 I would not lose a single battle so far we’re on track bamman bring me my great sword a blade worthy of the king in his new hand said Silo of Rage lens I Knight you and of the king thank you my Lord congratulations my good boy ah it’s a nice sword yes it is and I am Titi from the rage lands and this Township’s only big enough for the one of us you know what I mean [Music] look dude perfect TT the rage lands testing out his new sword yeah it works pretty good


    1. All the purple hoser does these days is complain… Really bringing down the vibes that made you guys great. Maybe work in an attitude adjustment for that man.

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