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    #FoodReviewClub #Food #spudman #potato #bakedpotato #tamworth

    hello everyone welcome back to Food review club we are in Tamworth today and you can probably guess where we’ve come to yep it’s F man it’s time it’s time have we completely and utterly lost the plot we’ve I’ve driven 2 hours here and 2 hours home that’s all we’re doing today for a jacket potato this better be a good Jack is the hype going to be real is it about him or the food I can’t pick this one and all the way here as well by the way I’ve been thinking about what uh toppings should I get on my Jack of potato what would you get on your jack potato I think my favorite is probably cheese and beans just cheese and beans yeah yeah maybe Cola wow yeah okay I still haven’t decided what I’m going to get my toppins but this is a very interesting review today he as a man and as a business is quite exceptional what they’ve managed to achieve selling jacket potatoes um whatever the jacket potato stack up or not that’s another question which we will answer today but if you’re new here you’re excited for this content subscribe give us a thumbs up get in the comments and let us know what your jacket potato topping would be you wanted it we’re here spudman let’s go one thing I am happy about time check it’s 12:00 5 12 there’s no kid five or six people I have seen videos the all literally all the way down there yeah what’s your name dorine have you had a have you had a jacket potato her yet yeah AES girl is it any good it was jacket potato that’s what I think how good could it be he’s been saying this all morning that is it just going to be a jacket potato or is it going to be a really good Jack of potato I don’t know I don’t know I have another one just drop one now no no you sure okay one you sure all right look the sun’s out have try and have a nice day hopefully yeah good luck nice to meet you dorine big up dorine yeah big up dorine shout out to Dorian and the family oh this is Tamworth this is you been Tor before yeah it’s not far from me D Mana Parks here is it yeah we going there aren’t we I think so is that Thomas Tank Engine World there I think there is like there is a kitty bit in there but you’ll love man that is where Thomas tank world is maybe yeah I’ve never been to that bit but Dr man is great yet yet so um he does uh, 1500 Che a day from me500 I think maybe the record is around that I’m not sure that’s right just in it where’ you store, 1500 potatoes what the, 1500 potatoes even look like I was just trying to trying to think would you need a barn that’s a lot of potatoes bro that really is when you um wow hello bloody time is it about time he says yeah about an hour later as well so um he on on the Tik Tok lives that he does right there’s literally people and his army from all over the world he really has created a more than just a brick bricks and mortar it’s like a whole Community is it yeah like a this this wild Community like you’re saying this it is really is beyond impressive honestly as um and it’s and that hasn’t come that’s come from years of years of this he’s been doing G life I think it’s just so impressive whether the jacket T get good or not that’s it oh God so I’m not going to get lost in the H if it isn’t very good I will say I’m sorry what are you looking for in a good jackob s fluffy inner I’d like a nice firm outer cook I love a thick skin on the outside bit crisp yeah I mean some people don’t like that some people eat the inside and leave the outside I like I like EA the outside too I think that’s a really delicious P of potato so we’ll see what about yourself I’m literally the same yeah literally the same you know when you cook Jackie potato and an oven for ages you get a really really nice crust on the outside yeah is crust even the right word yeah you know I’m trying to say ter crust here he is look I I’ll say this now as well we are not friends we’ve exchanged messages he’s been very very pleasant and polite said I’ve said I was coming ages ago I haven’t been here but this is not going to be a bar review trust me I’m just looking forward to seeing him it’s all good cheese there you go TI yeah food reviews is it on YouTube yeah Tik Tok yeah look at it then yeah Food review Club yeah yeah big up the tth boys yeah rolling heavy price point plain with butter3 if you’re ordering that though you need your drive checks number one cheese4 barbecue pulled Fork 7 sweet corn chuno COA beans all four quid really reasonable chili con car potato fiber what is that what is that one about less talking less talking he says how many attachments have you got on that by the way who sorry about that headphon how many torches have you got there he’s got stocks and shares in helpers by the way look how much stuff he’s got on top of that he’s got every possible bike attachment oh wow wow that is outrageous H that’s outrageous meet you mate how you doing nice meet how are you this is how you doing nice me you you good I followed you for like long before I’ve even been on social media thank you mate for coming I do appreciate it so we’ve had a 2our drive and you need some substenance yeah but I still don’t know what I want all the way here I was going to ask you what do you think I should have most proud of the curry and the chili are I I like the chili she likes the curry it’s all good we’re proud of it all mate I wouldn’t serve it if I wasn’t do you know what I mean um I didn’t know this is really controversial whether I should have just cheese like a pizza and just no just really get the flavor of the PO like the pizza guy whatever like Lally just has a PE actually get something you really like the chili let me do you a chili let’s do the chili then yeah you there we go chil are you having more than one no we just get one we do you want L you want one um you need the carbs do I need the carbs you don’t mind me filming you no no we’re good we us behind the scenes we’ve got so many questions here by the way yeah you do uh like, 1500 potato a day right sometimes on Saturdays Saturday you weekdays ain’t too bad what does that even look like like how what’s this we’ve got two of these we’ve got that and we’ve got another one of these in the van these can cook 150 hour each we pre for about a thousand on a week day we were a man down today he’s on holiday he’s on to bloody turkey am he oh nice yeah holiday or for hair or teeth no a holiday oh okay I reckon he probably is going to come back he’s going a little thin on top and we reckon he might be oh you’re not right let me chop so at the beginning quid together please Dan asked me what what do I think makes the perfect potato some people the softer skin some people crispier skin know it’s I prefer I prefer mine almost black I will literally leave mine in there for an extra 20 minut the skin they just have the insid I like eating the skin I think it’s the best part we get people come up and get can you take it out the skin oh no and I’m that’s basically mashed potato can have some mashed potato the mash man yeah I’m come on too busy yapping and not actually making your potato ser this is normally a lot quicker than this don’t worry we’re here for the conversation all right let’s get into specifics using salted butter regular butter what’s the plan local Dairy salted butter it comes from Burt on TR it’s like literally down the road I I drive past the cows that make potatoes 10 miles in that direction again local Farm I come from farming background I come from my dad was potato merch my dad supplied this pitch for 20 years before I wow and I’ve been here 20 years we have some um I live near East England we’ve got some great potato Merchants giving away where you are where in cambri I’m originally from place called bigles way very close hunting but the the ear out the back that way is really good Prime potato land a lot of great potatoes come out of um Lincoln Che and those thosea fields right cheese chili salt pepper please crispy fried onions on Top This Is It ladies gent that is the potato I’m not going to throw my man under the bus here but I don’t I’m not sure if Dan’s a Believer oh no look I I say literally we just sell the humble jacket potato yeah you saying you’re noty you’re not saying you’re rein the wheel we we do not come at us with the eyes of it’s Gourmet you know it’s A5 Jackie potato you know what we do we do very well and I’m very proud of it but I don’t think it’s anything pretentious or you know ground breaking or you know I love that but we just do what we do very well one thing I did no put loads of Sal PE on loads of seasoning did I put any butter on that completely Yap into you put bloody but on it I’m going to put more on just in case I’m going to put can you have too much butter no go on let’s get you know what I think I’ve been yapping away to you and you thrown me off my game Sorry mate Spiderman’s got nervous I know’s nervous I am you know what you you are OG in the game you really are like how long have you been on Facebook 5 years six but I’m new to Tik Tok so everyone thinks I’m just a newbie I remember when you first came on there and I was like I think we did a couple of little lives together I I used to watch your watch your Tik Tok find it interesting I’m obsessed with um the have open that’s it looks beautiful let me wrap it up now this is the rulle so you have to wrap it up and leave oh okay oh is that the rules there we go been educated you know the rules now I know I didn’t know the rules now I know the rules know the rules on yours mate um you all this time I know I know uh you having plenty of butter on it I might have forgot it on the last one all right which is going to like literally shoot me cheese and beans got cheese and beans beans CL of coore on there perfect yes perfect is that not what I just said when we got out the car that’s my life chees cheese and beans is the classic and then our homemade Co on top I’m a big Co fan make it fresh every morning we do have a Ru that we charge if it’s a review if I’m making content F but like if it’s a review there you go cool there you go wi God bless thank you very much so 5 minute uh timer Starts Now genuinely a fan yeah me too I used to watch your Tik Tok all time you know I did I was just pop up and say hello I know man app I’m so sorry of course you can love absolutely great what’s your name nice to meet you nice to meet you how are you I’m good thank you lovely there you go nice to meet you byebye so he was lovely cool gu really Co we invent the wheel yeah oh I’m going to go and sit on the wall leave you back on so let’s find a little where’s the prime eating spot over here oh the wall the wall the wall is prime spot is it yeah well um he was lovely great talk about um I think I know where I’m going with it’s already it is a jacket potato right yep I didn’t even it didn’t even look like a sort of a cheese blend or nothing like sort too fancy like that we’re really summarized in he it’s A5 Jack potato mhm but um what do you think come on let’s give your uh opinion I really liked him I thought he was a very normal very humble kind of guy and he like he said this ain’t anything pretentious it’s hyped because of Tik Tok but it’s him mhm Family Man entrepreneur literally CAU he said well said can we do some vertical stuff with you and he’s like yeah can we do it from the side a cuz he’s grafted he hasn’t got time to come and stand outside cuz he’s got thousand potatoes to sell Tamworth oh God I’m here which is which that’s mine I’m sure the 5 minutes is up yeah so let’s get into the nitty-gritty details of the spub man you get three halfs so technically speaking you’re actually sharing a spud with a stranger that’s it who who do you think’s got your other [Laughter] off right that’s it here we go a jacket potato with tons of cheese aming has Butter chili crispy onions on top of a bit of texture served up let’s try I’ve got just I feel like I want to get some potato to start with so these are proper jacket potato ovens roasted up this is my first mouthful of the spub man mouthful of the spudman that sound wrong I was thinking that but I didn’t want to say anything sorry Dad sorry to everyone watching yeah and if you are new here one more time Please Subscribe give us a thumbs up say hello this is what we do we travel around for hours on end for Jack and potatoes and other food cheers let’s go um look at this that is swimming in glorious salted butter that little see that little Elite spin there just said wrap the cheese up i s it this is not my first barbecue people on The Taste front just like I saw I’m getting loads of salt and pepper seasoned perfectly let’s go for some skin now you can see from the outside there look nice color on the skin really really good I’m getting hints of the chili as well skin delicious let’s go for some chili the crispy onions this is exactly what you want when you get a jacket potato it uh what more do you want I don’t think I wanted it fancy cheese blend interesting Dam I think the three halfes is a genius move one’s Never Enough two two would be too much yep yep if you’re still hungry just get another one it’s a FIV is very true let’s whisk this up a little bit and get a a real last mouthful bit of everything on the way here we’ve both had this discussion yesterday even D didn’t we M how good could it really be how good could it be it’s potato yeah I uh I’m the first front was I delter half and it’s everything I hoped it would be and more it’s brilliant really nicely cooked loads of butter salt and pepper loads of cheese greate cheese too it’s like got good flavor this chili is brilliant I got crispy onions on top they give me a bit of texture the skin exactly how I like it not not uh 100% hard but got a bit of purchase to it bit bite you smash it have I ever had a better jacket potato don’t think I have though it’s really good it’s really really nice and he’s really really nice and an inspiration in fact is literally you loaded up got two yeah you know hours for something you know I mean up people coming from everywhere did he what that we said 3 hours yeah DW 3 hours for this the top Trum D yeah um I think before I get into the score give us a thumbs up please let’s try and pump this video up because a lot of the food reviewers have been here when it was a hype real hype job still here still still grafting we’ve done the business to day let’s pump this video up I think more impressive than the jacket potato is him he’s a family man doing his thing year after year day after day relentlessly consistent serving knees in rain wind or shine not only is he mastered the potato he’s also mastered the social media game which is an inspiration to so many other food Traders out there who can’t be asked to Market themselves put in the graft outside of this which is he’s done perfectly and I think that’s beautiful to see and amazing a grown man he’s not 15 like little kid doing his social media he’s a grown man who’s a taken to this social game like a king taken over so score for the Jack of potato is that an elite Jack of potato which for me will get into the nines going to go 92 really really good seasoned tasty I just don’t want anything more from this humble Jack of potato and for a fiber you’re never ever going to go wrong with this what a spot right we’ve both just absolutely destroyed them yeah annihilated I can say I was wrong this is it anything crazy it’s not anything crazy but it’s not trying to be he’s just got and what he’s trying to achieve he’s pulled off I I licked my uh Pol starine which I hate by the way uh tub clean L clean I can confirm every every last skin cheese let’s go let’s go and see say I actually think for a fiver it’s impossible to uh get a better portion of food prove me wrong what you what getse you [Music] get you right yeah F you check PO not yet no no no you uh getting them out the out the side hatch no this our A Member of Parliament oh wow oh great who knows you they often say this is a Tamworth Member of Parliament who are you uh my name is Matt right hi Matt I’m Simon nice to meet you Simon nice to meet you this is Daniel hi Daniel nice to meet you call him Daniel son yep uh he’s black belt oh right yeah so you’re advertising sorry in origami oh oh co cool when does his comedy career start it never it never never started I’m going to be honest never yeah so what are you filming today uh we do food reviews ah right so we come to see sadman today have a jack potato yeah great it was delicious yeah oh you had yours already Yes we both had ours but I actually think for5 you can’t get a better portion of food it’s great good value tasty yeah feeling great maybe nutritional absolutely really nice anyway people can choose can’t they absolutely I was just saying this is our Member of Parliament nice to meet you hi nice to meet you how are you yeah have you had one are you in the queue delicious delicious doing I was unsure okay I was unsure how good a jacket T it could be it was great yeah fantastic it’s been good for the community right amazing for the who you filming this for you do finally made it we’re late to the party okay well I’m glad I’m glad well enjoy your day absolutely thank you very much good stuff thanks going what should we look for you on under uh just look we we shine a light into the sky at night time bit like Batman yes no it’s a burger ohw it’s a PO Sor thought you’re talking about the after is there giant potatoes it is now right rebranding yes Rebrand yeah we’re rebranding it’s called food Rev yeah thanks for coming God bless nice to meet you good luck with good luck with your politics parliamentarian work yeah what what what are they doing I don’t know not a expens not a lot you’re checking off our own PE well we tried she’s lovely to be fair that was delicious I just wanted to say thanks no thank you cap off the video it’s really really we both lick for the tubs clean good that’s what we like to see yeah literally I appreciate that man thank you all right everyone thanks for watching today hope you enjoyed this we’ve finally made the pilgrimage and was it worth it you know the answer to that yes not giving anything away from of me wait for the video here we go


    1. I think the most impressive thing for me is the prices, he could be rinsing people because he blew up on social media but he hasn't and kept it affordable

    2. I just don't get it… this bloke was serving up tinned produce before going viral and now talks about driving past the cows that make his butter like he's really bothered 😮‍💨 this guy is a fraud he's literally changed his whole menu since going viral

    3. I love this video – Yes its a spud and its amazing but its about him. Covid hit he joined social media gave it a go and look where it has gotten him. He inspires so many – just give it a go – make content you never know where it can go.

    4. It was nice of you to offer to buy that lady a jacket potato at the beginning xx I'm not saying she is…but so many people are struggling right now financially…and they struggle in silence particularly the older generation…because of your act of kindness…i subscribed x

    5. Jacket potato is a favourite meal of mine x my fave is the classic beans and cheese …with loads of butter…and yes …you gotta eat the skin ..but i always put hot pepper sauce (Encona) in my beans to spice them up…hint for Spudman lol…x

    6. Matt . Good honest review of a simplistic kept simple street food . The fact that he uses local farms around his area gives him good sustainable produce plus supporting others lively hoods is a win win .

    7. As someone from Tamworth, I can assure you that these are like every other jacket potato you’ve ever had. Get one if you’re passing and hungry. But don’t drive miles for this. You’ll be disappointed.

    8. If he is indeed selling the amount he says it would mean this van is turning over more than 1.5 million pounds per year. Anyone else sceptical? Do they have companies house?

    9. From what I've seen online, the fillings aren't made by the spud man they're just cash and carry canned produce. I guess anything covered in cheese tastes okay.

    10. Whatever people want to say , spudman and spudbros revived the humble jacket potato its something I've not had since high school 15 years ago but me and my mates more regularly go to eat a jacket potato its simple , tasty and hearty and doesn't break the bank

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