Come and join us for the first day of the 2024 season at Thorpe Park! In this vlog we get back on some of our favourite rides at the park including Stealth, Nemesis Inferno and Colossus. We also check out all of the latest updates across the park including the new Big Easy Boulevard family area. Along with that we check out the awesome views of Hyperia from different locations around Thorpe Park!

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    good morning from th Park where the sun is shining and it’s the first day of the 2024 season so a few days ago we had a tour around the park with Russ and we checked out all of the sparkle projects that have come in 2024 but today we’re back for the opening day looking forward to getting back on all of our favorite rides today stal the Swarm it’s a lovely day for it as well park hours are 10:00 a.m. through until 6:00 p.m. as much as we saw all them updates a few days ago there’s a few bits that we didn’t get to see things that were still being finished off we’ll have more of a look at the merchandise today as well and just ultimately soak up the atmosphere of opening day we should see Big Easy Boulevard more finished off now which we’re looking forward to and of course get some more views of hyperia set to open later this spring it looks massive when you pull into the car park it looks fantastic I’m just so excited to get on it couple of months to go until we’re going to be riding it I think but you know what hopefully soon we’ll see testing taking place and that’s really going to build up the excitement for the UK’s tallest and fastest roller coaster let’s go make our way inside the park blue skies and sunshine and it’s great to be heading back into the park just here and of course you got the B wide on YouTube you’ve got the new logo just up there as well for the Rebrand for this year nicely painted up all of the entrance Archway which is looking really nice and fresh and there’s the new logo in various different color combinations appearing on the screen UK’s most thrilling theme park I would still like to see some big changes come to the entrance at some point in the future I know they’ve had a lot of Sparkle projects throughout the rest of the part this year which is good to see but for next year I’d love to see this whole entrance Plaza check change feel like it really needs it moving forwards oh and here from the entrance Bridge you get an awesome view looking out at high Pera look how it’s changed the skyline here at thought Park 236 ft tall and you got saw that looks quite small now right next to it there exactly 100 ft it’s really nice at this angle though with the water in the foreground and Hy perior only later this year in the background so we got the new park map for this year and it’s nice to see the Hy perior is on there and there you go you’ve got the rain coming out of the lift Hill there as well fantastic and you open it there’s a little bit of facts about Hy perior as well and then we’ve got the full Park map try and hold it cuz of the wind yeah it’s a little bit Breezy today there you go nice park map just there which is quite clear I think with all the different Pathways around of course hyperia down there in the bottom [Music] left the park also just launched a new soundtrack here at the entrance I know it’s was a bit slower kind of down at the main entrance and then it changed when we got up here onto the bridge a bit more dramatic as a walking over and getting them awesome views of the new Skyline here at TH Park always love coming out of the Dome and seeing this awesome view looking out over the park Hy perior there off to the left hand side Colossus and saw destinator Nemesis Inferno tidway stealth and of course the Swarm just over there and I think that’s going to be our first off of this morning why it’s just gone 10:00 and they’ve opened up the holding areas into the rest of the park was was planning on going to the Swarm first but yeah there’s a couple of staff there saying that it’s not going to be open yet so we’ll go and check out another area first instead so we just come around the corner and made our way over here to stealth and this isn’t open yet either this morning however we did mention it was a bit windy and yeah it certainly feels but that could be why these aren’t open yet so yeah not the park fault with the weather looks really nice with the sunshine and blue skies if them winds are too strong obviously they can’t operate so they’re sending test Cycles here on stealth and we’ll see if it opens or not well looks like n’s Inferno is just open so yeah we’re queueing up of this for our first ride of the day yeah Shame about the wind this morning but hopefully it drops off a little bit this afternoon for the Swarm and stealth I’m not too sure if Saw’s open this morning or not yeah we’ll head over here on to n Inferno and start off with this all the nice buildings painted up here in Big Easy Boulevard and we’ll have more of a detailed look around the area later on yeah you can see it now especially around this corner is a bit windy we’ve been waiting for about 25 minutes so far yeah we’re about 5 minutes away from the station there’s destinator the new audio on there nice and Loud we’re going to check that out a little bit closer later on in the vog always love this even from the que line though for nemes Inferno looking out over the coaster and the Swarm has now opened as well and they did decide to open stealth and we know some fans of the channel have just commented on our Facebook post saying that they had a roll back on there so we had to waited about we might have had a roll back oh hey that was made it cycling trained again and theyve also actually added some new announcements just before you head into the station just give me a bit of information about way to put your bag and put the harness down which will hopefully speed up the fruits here on ne’s Inferno let’s go right 2 [Music] 1 now it was great to get back on Nemesis Inferno our first ride of the day here at TH Park and that was riding really well in my opinion I have such a soft spot for nesus Inferno it’s such a great ride it hasn’t got the intensity like Nemesis reborn Alton Towers but it’s a fantastic coaster you can really feel the speed on there it opened here in 2003 and it’s definitely got better over the years really enjoyed getting back on there some really nice elements that first drops Autumn especially towards the back of the train all over the loop the interlocking Court screws which are iconic on there as well but it’s a great ride we didn’t get any missed in the up the start but to be honest I don’t mind today because it’s quite chilly actually yeah like don’t let the sun deceive you like it’s quite yeah it is yeah it’s a chilly one today and that’s the thing with the wind as well it makes it feel cooler I know it was really nice getting back on there uh the eagle live viewers may also have noticed that also they’ve started to replace some of the wheel covers on there as well they kind of not got the fire effect on some of the new ones and they’re like black and red so yeah you might have seen that in the footage just with Nemesis Inferno going around oh he just come around the corner and South has literally just reopened 10 minute wait just here and yeah did roll back this morning of course perfectly safe is designed to do that we’re always W one since 2006 I’ll be w a roll back here so yeah we’ll head in you never know but it good to get back on here we saw it just go around the first train and thought let’s get straight in we’ve done all right here 10 minute wa that’s the thing if you drop on some of these openings sometimes on surpr just finished his testing you know you don’t have to wait that long at all yeah look at this 10 minutes will be on oh hyperia on the screen as well exciting great views of the Swarm from down here in this q line good to see that back in Action doesn’t feel as windy now either which is good just this morning that’s the thing weather can’t be helped the rides were ready to go we saw them cycling it was just that wind preventing them from opening to the public but now at least they’re in action now looks like everything’s up now I don’t think Colossus is though but um s as well not too sure if that home straight away this morning or not um we I’m looking on the app that’s now available and of course we saw this when we had that tour around with rust the other day but sty was looking really fresh with all the repaint I think the station is looking great there painted blue and red you got the new signage on the side here as well model altitude and speed loving that made kind body oh we thought we were going to be in for a nice quick ride there with it reopening we’ve now been waiting for 45 minutes me the ride’s been down now um for about 40 minutes or so and yeah we don’t really know what’s happening communication hasn’t been the best we decided to wait it out here look like many people cuz we thought well we’ve been waiting this amount of time we may as well stay and see what happens we don’t want to leave the queue and then it reopens but I don’t think it’s win related now well about 5 minutes after that previous clip just there they did decide to start evacuating the que line it’s not wind related it’s got some other technical problems but they have G’s prps just here priority ride passes to use on something else or on stealth later on so at least he didn’t give those out in the end there just took so long like there was just no communication from the staff in the station we were sat there for like 40 minutes just waiting to hear something yeah luckily we’re at the steps so we could just sit down on there but yeah it took some time definitely more announcements and yeah just coming down communicating with people in the que line waiting but at least we’ve got those so at least our time hasn’t been wasted we can use them on the Swarm or probably um save them for saw to be honest cuz that Q on saw normally gets pretty busy nice to hear Big Bob Jones on wwtp radio that was good time in the background and so yeah here’s a look out over tidal wave just here not operating yet hopefully we’ll be open again soon uh to be honest though with it been chilly today I wouldn’t have been riding it anyway and Charlotte definitely wouldn’t now we covered this in the sparkle update video that we filmed with thought par the other day um what they’ve done around here is really nice with the exit Bridge all being replaced obviously it come to the end of its life I need to completely replacing I’m so pleased he did that because it’s a big part of the tidal wave experience um standing up there on the and getting them views they could have quite easily not rebuilt it and just had the exit on the other side so I’m really pleased that they did that and also going for the pier 13 branding back on there as well those in general the Tidy ups that have been done in this part of the park uh we had a look in the KFC the other day that’s all being done out in there all kind of cleaned up on the front there with the shark as well and yeah it’s looking really nice I for me just to have this view back without that anger Bird’s entrance portal is great because yeah I really wasn’t a huge fan of that this view is much nicer again now Mr Monkey banana ride oh I love this soundtrack there it is looking nice and fresh some good TLC nice little family ride right in the heart of the park Mr monkeyy banana ride still going strong of course based on the old thought Park Rangers and as we turn the corner just here look at hyperia I am so excited for it to open later this spring here at TH Park Saturday today working on the bottom of the lift Hill there by the looks of of it it looks huge when you turn this corner it really does and this is looking great around here all the Burger King done we saw the finishing touches for this taking place the other day this is looking really nice and fresh and the same with the toilets over here as well signage on there as well looking really nice I mean look at that lift ill Charlotte oh no it looks amazing also they’ve done the game store just over here as well Victorious games it says just uh a nice gold and black branding on there to give us an idea for the overall look and feel of this area looking fantastic and with the sun shining you really get to appreciate hyperia in all of its beauty and all these crazy elements I just cannot wait to be making our way up the lift Hill and heading down that crazy first drop look at it just over there and the size of these elements especially the store here looks phenomenal really excited for that and of course that outward Bank turn over there at the back just to the left of the screen really is going to be an awesome element on this ride and just with the lap bars as well there’s so much hype and excitement down here at thought park today and for many people it’s the first time that they’ve seen Hy perior in person it looks great it really does and yeah from further back here actually it looks even bigger than when we were on the construction site just a few days ago um and check out that video if you haven’t already seen it it was on the other side of the fence on the balcony and we got to see some of the lower ground work taking place for the q line the shop and also the station but from here I think the further back you go actually the bigger Hy perial looks and as we come a little bit closer to the fence just here you can see how a lot of landscaping has started to go in all the trees bushes and some rocks as well I’m really hoping we see them do this underneath the rest of the coaster I mean I’m sure they will do um yeah all this Landscaping will soon start to grow and look really nice around Hy perior as well just can’t get enough Hy perior and seeing it from here in the park as well is fantastic look at that drop up the top there it’s going to be insane coming down there with just a LP Bo really is I said it a few times now but I’ll say it again one of the best first drops in the world I think we’re looking out there after spending so long over winter watching the construction down monks W the public foot path next to th Park it’s just great being able to see it up closed and appreciate it from here inside Thor Park oh look at saw the ride just over there we’re probably going to use that priority pass that we got just from the Q Evac over on stal for saw see how saw riding this season how we going to get a sore head that’s the question certainly when we get one of them on Hy perior though MC rise she’ll be really nice and smooth can’t believe that scale of it to have something like this in the UK is really exciting right next to it Samurai is not open yet it’s having its repaints not TLC see I wish it was all done over winter ready for the start of the season but I’m glad they’re doing it especially with hyperia being right behind it you know anything around it really needs painting open looking fresh as it’s really going to stand out you know so I’m really pleased that’s being done and also his original um red and black color scheme as well who remembers riding Samurai at chesington I certainly do back in the day yeah it’s advertised on 65 so I think we’ll use that pass just on here mainly because it seems to move so slow good thing is that we saw it does still have that single ride of que it’s definitely worth it if you don’t mind sitting apart from your friends or if you’re visiting at the park on your own [Laughter] we just an out ride on S the weather took a bit the worst now as you can probably here and see yeah the wind has got pretty bad the rain’s coming down took a bit of shelter just we ran to the umbrella to get under cover how was you rid on saw oh it was rough I just don’t enjoy saw that much anymore but the views of hyperia was amazing oh this weather now crazy yeah that’s the thing it’s changed saw the ride forever when you’re on there like he looking over at hyperia get some awesome views and also with that off-ride footage there fly me you’re really getting to appreciate just the scale of hyperia you look at that drop now and St it looks tiny in comparison this is crazy I think all the rides will be closing now I’m just so glad we had our ride there on saw before this because look at it it’s throwing it down it’s wet it’s windy oh my God yeah I reckon they’re going to be downloading the rides and temporarily closing with this because yeah that wind’s really just picked up and the rain’s coming down oh that view though look at that sa and hyperia all these offride shots completely different this year now with Hy perior in the Park oh look at this oh it’s down now looking at across the water just there yeah looks like rides are being downloaded now of course as expected just to get people off and get people undercover woo this re has came in from nowhere oh that was wild it was under the umbrella for about 10 minutes just there it’s still raining and it’s quite windy but we thought have bit a stroll now cuz it’s not too bad compared to how it was just a couple of minutes ago look at this incredible view of hyperia I love this angle of it here probably my favorite actually in the park cuz you get to see the drop kind of head on and also saw the ride just in front of it there as well yeah it looks amazing I am so so excited to ride it and comment down below if you’re going to be making the trip this year to th Park to ride this new record holder for the UK it looks amazing it really does honestly what a view of it from here oh beautiful absolutely gorgeous well we’ve waited out for about 20 minutes or so inside the Dome and the good news is that the sun seems to be coming out again Rising attractions coming back online to make our way over here to the Swarm opened here back in 2012 as the UK’s only Wing roller coaster that’s still the case today all these years on oh he’s so we’re looking forward to getting back on this love this SW it’s actually my favorite ride here at the park let’s go and join the K see how long we’re going to wait for this one oh yeah it doesn’t look like we’re going to be getting on the Swarm just here they just played an announcement and said that it’s not going to be opening anytime soon because it’s too cold I mean it’s 10° so I don’t think it’s the temperature I think it’s more the wind really why it’s closed but again it is understandable especially with the weather today it’s one of them things isn’t it see it looks like the just starting to either EV at the que line or people are just leaving after that announcements yeah not the best start of the day down here at Thor park today though it’s not really their fault um the weather it is what it is isn’t it it’s just a shame that it’s fell that the weather’s so poor on yeah the opening day of the Season tider Waves open though and it’s loaded if you fancy that I will not be going on toer Wave I will not oh my God that is I never going on toer Wave again we’ve had a few comments was like are you going to be going on tier wave again I will never be going on tier wave why it’s so wet I just don’t like all the water coming over yeah it’s not just that you have got a fear of like the water coming over your head and face having as well like the Panic of all the water just coming from nowhere I just don’t oh there you go that was full on that one expected that that was like w God I will never r that again oh yeah we’ll see what happens with a swarm I don’t think there’s any point in waiting around to be honest we may as well go and have a look around other things maybe we’ll go and have a look in the uh the Dome shop actually see what new merch there is up there and on our way up to the shop just wanted to show you another view there looking over at hyperia and just how it’s changed the skyline forever here at TH Park let’s have a look then inside of the Island Shop just here oh and straight away notice the old branding there the infinity branding For Thought Park I do miss this I really do and as much as you know some of the new branding looks fine I just miss the old logo it was thought park for me that Infinity logo look at that oh 28 and you no it’s a lot of the merchandise of this year still got the old logo for the park I like the bear just here you know it’s nice and way because you’ve got a chance to still pick up items with this classic thought part on there which I do miss you know a lot I really do I think the new brand is nice and colorful and everything but uh he could have had a refresh but I think you know would have loved to have seen what Alton Towers did where you know they upgraded the logo a few years ago but gave it like a modern twist as well I just down there £50 established 1979 just there and of course th Park big birthday going to be coming up this may 45 years then you got all your ride specific merchandise just here n Inferno 28 there feel the heat of Nemesis Inferno and I do love this new hoodie that they’ve got just here that’s priced at £50 all embroided yeah the quality of the merchandise certainly a lot better than it used to be many years ago £0 just there for the zip-up jacket and again that’s embroidered on the front just there love this mug I think this is really nice it’s priced at12 but I just love the detailing to it all the way around there’s just something there volcano on well you got more of the classic style with the coaster on just there the snow globe just at the top there as well power of 10 Colossus 28 that’s quite nice subtle as well that one with Colossus in the middle oh look at the mug cool all the Twirls in it water bottles just there another mug £45 for that and you got the shirts I really like this again it’s subtle because if you wore that like on a night out or something people wouldn’t think oh you know it’s directly thought Park but it’s subtle you know which is nice 28 pound there for the shirt saw one I really like this mug it’s just so detailed it’s good isn’t it it is I’m so glad we still got the resins as well like we can see just down there t-shirt £8 again youve got a new saw hoodie just there and the classic one they’ve done one like this for for many years but you know it’s really nice got the zips on there as well which is good for going on a ride you know for zipping your loose article up before you go on Amity racing hydraulic launch Born to Ride that’s a nice sign isn’t it for stealth just there nice quality they feel very soft to touch which is nice yeah that’s good 45 stealth just down there love the brand new Vel 2006 classic got some facts just over here then or the Swarm nice gray footages there looking pretty good £50 like how you got the fact on the back just there as well 127 ft tall and you got the gay just over here embroidered zip on the FR that’s nice and a nice hoodie as well what we got like a 3D poster it’s only6 nice little momento but that’s really nice that’s good take a flight into Paradise the billboard from down there in the area yeah I like that a lot yeah some good merchandise in here obviously a lot of the rice specific merchandise and there’s loads of new things in terms of items with the new logo on there’s not loads yet you know there’s only a couple of bits really what you got there nice water bottle but it expands out look so when you fill it up and then when you’re done with it you make it smaller there you go doesn’t take up as much room in your B love this stealth cushion just over here £16 that’s fantastic I love how we’re starting to get more cushions from the Merlin Parks yeah some great merch all they’ve got with the new part logo on in this shop is the bucket hat just here and you can reverse it so it’s got two different prints oh there you go there you go quite like that actually with the small logos on yeah it’s nice that is yeah that’s all we’ve got at the moment with the new merch I reckon throughout the season we’ll see it start to trickle into the shops oh and you’ve also got these new mugs we did get these in with our little tour the other day I thought I’d get those in again to show you here these are great fantastic they are so much detailing has gone into them as well with each individual piece on there it’s nice how you know really complements like the different areas around the ride like not just the actual ride train for example but the signage around the que line the props and in throughout them different areas the Amy bugle just down there Amy Cove yeah the lovely they are and this is quite nice and you get also first look just there at the trains for hyperia set to be arriving very soon here at TH park there goes death charge he still going after all these years looks like the Swarm might be back in operation there as well now but you know what we’re going to have a look first around big easyy Boulevard and yeah we did have a lot the other day when Russ was kind enough to take us round a lot of work was still going on to finish it so we’re going to have a look at the finished product now and yeah Tyler wave is open now just over there and in fact there goes the boats weird seeing it operating without any water coming down the drop There She Goes storm Ser just over there and I’ve always loved this sign here you’re now entering Army Cove brilliant for opportunity let’s have a little stroll through it’s not just Mr Monkey banana ride that we showed you earlier on that they’ve got for the little ones also got high Striker just off to the left hand side there as well hey there look over at storge really good to see Pier 13 there then on the brand new bridge looking fantastic that’s looking really good and like I said earlier on I’m really pleased that they actually rebuilt that cuz they could have easily roted to the exit hopefully they’ll get this Oasis branding remove from on the floor here soon because yeah that’s what’s taken away now and just yeah just going back to the normal floor really I’m going to have a little look inside the magga store here in am Cove just in case there anything different in here yeah they’ve opened up these display cabinets on the outside again now and of course M gr is going to be kicking off very soon here at Thor Park so here’s a look at the merchandise for the Mig celebration quite a nice print yeah it is yeah the Trumpets on there very colorful and that’s the thing with Big Easy Boulevard it’s the perfect place for all the Mig celebrations to take place at the good times [Music] R if you like collecting ride socks while you’ll be sorted this year at TH Park look at all these sty th Inferno Colossus oh s the Swarm really nice I like them Colossus ones actually and the Caps are pretty nice there as well with all the different R logos on and the stealth one there’s probably my favorite like the race flag kind of effect and there’s them new bucket hats down the bottom as well so yeah hopefully we’ll see more new merch come online throughout the year with the new Lego on it’s all the little details of the theming around here that I really like like look at the vehicle just here the classic neon sign and welcome to Big Easy Boulevard oh New Orleans there’s the little sign just over to the left there this is a really nice kind of transition now from Amity Cove into this and then up into the am Speedway with stealth be nice if that rope wasn’t there they’re going across maybe that’s just temporary for the Mig gr stage over there yeah look even better without that cable going across just there but I tell you what this is looking really nice around here in the perfect place for the Mig celebrations just going to have a look at all the details oh we got the sweet shot we was in here the other today when they were still finishing it off so we’ll just have a little look how that’s been done easy Boulevard candy Pips sweet easy nice sign I don’t remember seeing that the other day maybe it’s gone in since do you Charlotte no I don’t remember that looks really nice yeah just little thr opportunities aren’t they my favorite thing about a theme park has got to be the picky mix they’re only £7.95 here which is really good Al Tower is like £10 yeah they are like so they’re a couple of pound cheaper and of course you get your annual pass discount as well so yeah all the selection just in here it’s looking nice inside the shop right all the finishing details that they’ve gone for in here destinator is looking awesome with this new theme I really like it and I can’t believe how much More’s been done since we had our walk around with Russ just a few days ago it looks fantastic all the signes up there fireworks testing process red white and boom our biggest Fourth of July fireworks event I just love all these little signs and the fact they integrated the keyboards into the boxes for the fireworks there as well all down here the actual Rockets themselves Inferno behind it yeah this looks great really impress with all this the freedom firework C all the banners across the top there when we were here the other day they were actually painting this on manufacturer the red white and boom yeah I think that looks brilliant just nice and colorful around here you know as long as they upkeep it they’ll stay looking really nice this well Mur on the wallers there as well founded in New Orleans it’s lovely this it’s made detonate look a little bit less temporary now because obviously all the fencing around here before it’s like that silver fence it look really temperary so it’s nice how they’ve done all this all the way around a few more boxes of fireworks some windows on the side as well really impressed with it I mean how nice is this sh look yeah this looks really nice it’s nice to think that they haven’t just gone for vinyls and they have actually gone for nice painted on cuz that looks excellent yeah that’s the thing it makes a big difference doesn’t it no really impressed with that loving the fact there’s new audio on destinator as well love that hold at the top build up the anticipation for the drop what a great drop tower 20 minute wait at the moment now shows in the Sunset Cinema are running on the hour every hour about 30 minutes till the next one so I think we’ll come over and check it out with it been the new Ready Player One film we’ll see what that’s like not normally a massive 4D Cinema fan but we’ll give it a go I didn’t do Angry Birds for many years remember was the last time you did Angry Birds did it once in it years ago yeah a long time a long time all this is looking so much better than now they’ve owned it up let’s have a little look at Big Easy bumpers all the flooring down here they’ve done an excellent job with this by far my favorite entrance just here they’ve done are these new additions Big Easy bumpers with a big sign the keyboard just there as well oh the camera doesn’t like that screen yeah it’s not looking like that in person and then you’ve also got all the branding around the side as well which he’s done really good of course you the old King Pig dodg see this was actually brought in with Angry Bird’s L when it opened I’m glad that he stuck around and it’s now being re themed cars are looking good as well just a nice refresh it’s always a happy day for me when an IP goes replac with something original really nice to see 3 2 1 and here’s a look over at Double tea party yeah they’re actually redone all the sides just here nice little flat ride love the music for this wo got of mov in Charlotte so b double tea party there your pinkies are yeah all these faar looking very fresh just over here some nice thr opportunities down a Big Easy Boulevard I think they’ve done a nice job um with this I transformation from the old angry birs land is looking so much better and we’ll go and watch that movie at 3:00 and see what that’s like hey love this song Ring of Fire look at st’s entrance looking nice and [Music] freshh ring down down down oh come make it up now this weather it’s lovely do you there looking at Burger King that’s what we’ve always like down here at TH Park keeping the popular brands like Burger King and KFC always really good to see have a little look down over here at Rumble Rapids which is closed today it is advertised on the website has been closed at the moment so at least they are advertising that again it’s a shame it’s not ready for the start of the season but at least there is some clear communication advertising that this is closed at the moment so yeah hopefully we’ll be a to get on the rumble Rapids again very soon it’s not the most exciting Rapids out there but still it’s nice little ride and you get some good views of stale iconic there comes D’s Inferno again just here advertis on 40 minutes now stal said 50 when we was down there just definitely want to get on stal in the Swarm iide Colossus as well but we’ll see we’re approaching 3:00 we’ve been on two rids hopefully we’ll get on some more this afternoon not the parks fall though with the weather oh there’s a lot of people outside waiting to go in yeah looking forward to this the sunset cinema and of course now showing Ready Player one so we’ll going inside just opened up and we’ll share our review afterwards so we just come out of the Sunset Cinema I took a little bit of footage there inside just before the show started riding with the 4D glasses and yeah it was a 15minute film there based on Ready Player one which is a sci-fi film they came out back in 2018 I thought the show was quite good there was a lot going on and the effect with the moving chairs it always gets everyone when the chairs are moving so much forward back and forth it’s great it took a little bit of time for the chairs to get the moving I’d say you we were about six or seven minutes into it before they started moving oh but they were good you had the leg ticklers on there there was some smoke and lighting effects overall I enjoyed it I’m not a huge fan of 4D Cinemas anyway so I won’t really rush back to see it uh again anytime soon you know it’s something else that adds into the park a nice family offering and yeah the story line of it was okay the good thing about the Sunset Cinema is it’s not all branded up just one thing so maybe they can change it every year or every couple of years bring new things in there which would be good to see right then we’re going to go for it we’re going to join the que again for stal just over here it’s advertised at 45 minutes obviously the game was the priority pass earlier on we used that on store so we thought let’s uh yeah use it on there because that was a bigger queue and then we’ll get here on stealth hopefully now after a 45 minute wait let’s go seems to have picked up now oh you’re never going to believe it the R’s just been downloaded because it started hailing again oh no we’ll see how we get on yeah was weather today is not great just wanted to show you though the new q line boards that they’ve got and also as well Wi-Fi routers yeah they’ve completely updated the Wi-Fi package throughout the park and we’re back in action well we finally got on stealth today here at TH Park 0 to 80 mph in 1.8 seconds the acceleration on there is incredible isn’t it it was amazing to get back on stealth I love that Cod so much it’s my favorite out the bar it’s even more forceful down at the back as well so I definitely recommend a back row ride saying that the front row as well for the views is great we’re looking across the hyperia and seeing how much to from that is and stal is incredible what a year it’s going to be for Thought par when that opens later this spring and how long we waited for stealth it was about 45 minutes and that included about 15 minutes of downtime due to the weather and then the technical issue that there was after that uh so yeah actually it was overestimated when we joined it so we didn’t do too bad 45 minutes for a ride on stealth is definitely worth it a brilliant launch coaster well we just had a stroll over to the Swarm and it is closed again so yeah we might get on it this afternoon but there is only 90 minutes left to go was hoping to get the Swarm Colossus and lots of the flats in today but yeah because of the weather it’s not being our day unfortunately look at high period over there behind storm surge great view of the LIF Hill and also some of the other elements including that outward Bank in there looks perfect in between Colossus and storm surge from this angle something that I’ve always loved about Thor Park is the fact they’ve got quite a few flat rides here including Quantum just over there nice Magic Carpet attraction ho looks like he’s ruin the longer cycle as well Quantum is great all the trees around it as well and this is like the flat ride corner here in the lost city at Thor Park a look over at Vortex just there which is closed at the moment it did have some TLC though as part of the sparkle project like we got told a few days ago so yeah hopefully that’ll be in action again soon looking nice and fresh painted up and it’s generally cleaned up just down there as well oh it’s really cold my hands are freezing and there’s rush and zodiac in action just over there as well two of the flat rides down here in the lost city off to the left hand side another view of Hy peria there with some blue skies just behind it there as well probably not for long probably hailing again in a minute based on today’s weather yeah look at that she’s a beauty just the one arm swinging today over there on Rush not too sure why 30 minute wait at the moment just over an hour to go until ride Clos nice to see the pained up rush though looking really fresh Quantum there just behind it as well had a good look around most the part today apart from one area and that is Colossus which has had a lot of Sparkle money spent on it over Wednesday so we’re going to have a good look around here now get some off ride chops of it hopefully if it’s operating it has been down for a lot today looks like quite a lot of the rid mainly because of the weather but here it is testing Colossus the power of [Music] 10 oh it’s really slow that is now in terms of the tracking support it’s all been painted up down here and they’ve done more than half of the layout now which is really good to see and here’s the Cobra rust over here looking nice and fresh everybody always walks up to the left but there is a path around there you know nobody ever really comes around this way but yeah look at this all nice and fresh we see some more of the detailing down at the bottom love this soundtrack for [Music] Colossus muusa all been painted up down there as well all around the Sid it’s looking really good I don’t think it looks quite as fresh as when it first opened 2002 U you know with all the water features and everything as well but still it is looking a lot better than it has done for many years there’s another angle of Hy perior there I think it’s just showing it isn’t it in every shot basically you can just see it around the park like insane really nice seeing all of these features down here again looking great and the track itself looks fantastic it’s a shame they couldn’t have done the whole track for this winter but like Russ told us a few days ago when we had the walk around it would have meant the attraction would have been down for a few months into the season and they decided to do it over the course of 2 years instead um two close Seasons which I think was probably the best decision to keep it operational and this is where old meets new you’ve got the airtime Hill there where the paint changes and then also on the cor screen it looks like they might have just open the que lines let’s get around there and try and get [Music] in well there was someone down the key line just but they haven’t opened it yet so it looks like they might do in just a moment look at all this track and from three different manufacturers as well of course here in the foreground into in with Colossus G there we saw the ride and MC rides behind it with iperia that is a view and a half and you can see why I thought Park and now branding themselves as the UK’s most thr theme park well it keeps cycling and we got nothing to lose so might well stand here now and see if it opens Colossus love how loud it is when he comes off the LIF there the entr is looking very fresh here as well a little bit too yellow I think but the park looking at that moving forwards let’s see if it opens up was definitely worth waiting we just out the front of the entrance we just under 10 10 minutes and just announced that it is now back in operation so we should get on this quite quickly 50 minutes left until ride close see never know if the Swarm does open we should get that in and it means at least we’ll have done the big five Coter love this soundtrack one of my favorites nice moov from Charlotte there great music this say you excited I’m not M I didn’t know you were going to say that I love Colossus it’s a roller coaster let’s go do love the Colossus station it is only running on one train though half capacity well at least we’re getting on it we waited about 15 minutes let’s going to jump on Colossus see when we come off while Colossus has been operating here at thought Park since 2002 it was the original Thrill Ride for them back then and of course since then they’ve built so many other awesome rides and that’s about to get even more spectacular with hyperia how is your ride charlot it’s a head banger but Sean said to me I’m riding it wrong cuz I put my head right back you have to stick your head forward a bit and I did that and I didn’t get the head shake oh there you go you see I’m always giving you these tips like non wheel seats and all that on Woodies and that’s do with Colossus I know a lot of people don’t like it and they say it’s too rough just try it like put your head forward like that and like this and yeah that’s the way to ride it you might look a bit silly doing it but if you have a more comfortable ride just STI your head forward like that and for much more comfortable experience I know I’m in the minority saying it but I really like that coaster I hope it stays here and of course I would love to see them um you know have some trains on there with some more comfortable with trins like sick at flamingoland that’s got the lap bars but you know what I still think it’s a great ride fantastic layouts love the drops all the tunnels and the theming and it’s nice to see it getting sprued up a bit as well just around the corner of course Black Mirror Labyrinth has now left the park as well it’ll be interesting to see what happens with that space it was formerly used for Friday nights mazes uh so possibly it will return to that or maybe they’ got somethingone else planned but yeah Black Mirror Labyrinth is no more and then of course hiding behind the bushes there Slammer Still Remains in place here at TH Park um the park haven’t removed it this winter but I believe they have said that they’re looking at it for next year so hopefully that’ll be gone and this frees up a massive space just here I’d love to see a brand new flat ride here at thought Park in this location possibly something like an ining gyro swing I think that would be really nice here one of the large models especially looking out over hyperia Parks really filtered out today the good thing is because of ride availability they have gave people a free return visit later in the year um obviously when you’re an annual passholder you know you don’t really get anything which is a shame I would like to see them look at doing something for passholders because at the end of the day still drive down here and travel a long way even if it was just like a voucher for the food or shops or something like that you know um because yeah they do give a free return ticket when the ride availability is poor due to the weather but yeah look at that what a beast and hopefully next time we’re down here we’ll be seeing this beauty testing and another view here onto the construction s looking at the station for hyperia you’re going to come out of the station just there Bank out to the left and then make your way around to head up the lift Hill on this record-breaking UK coaster it’s going to be insane and you can just make out there on the side of the maintenance shed where it says Fearless just there as well I’m hoping there’s a little bit more decoration to go on there though and of course ghost drains in an action here at thought Park just over there as well with a 20 minute wait yeah I think 15 20 minutes is about the maximum that I really want to wait for that yeah it’s not too bad but Thorp Junction anyway we’re going to make our way for one final time to try and get on the Swarm this is like the fourth time we’ve been over today to try and get it 10 minutes to go till ride close and we’ll see what happens but it could be closed again from looking on the app but you never know we dropped on quite lucky with Colossus it is near the end of the day though so we’ll go and see we have had no time to do any Flats we haven’t done the Walking Dead The Ride the indoor coaster that’s just down there we just not really had a chance today I think we’ll just see from here if the Swarm is operating if not we can maybe end on The Walking Dead St Sunset just over there we took a nice stealthy earlier on as well make sure you give us a follow over on our social media pages we love to see you over there bringing the latest updates from the parks and also previews of what’s going on in the Vlogs and of course links to all of our videos as well look at St well I’ve been watching the Swarm for a few minutes here and there’s been no action I can’t think of the last time I came to th Park and didn’t get on the Swarm but yeah I’m looking forward to getting on it again at some point in the near future we’ll be back when hyperia starts testing yeah I don’t think there’s any point walking over it looks like it’s done for the day I think we’ll end on The Walking Dead the ride whil we’re walking around for our last ride of the day just notice through the open gate over there the other arm the samurai the mundal top scan so yeah that’s just having some work done to it bit Wilding by the looks of it some TLC going it be going back into place right let’s go and do The Walking Dead apparently there’s been actors in here today so they should be interesting to see the still in at the end 5 minute wait for The Walking Dead this is another one that I’d like to see re themed again now something original yeah I think most people have given up today with the four availability due to the weather but it’s left it nice and quiet for us at the end as we go into the thought part safety zone we’ll see you when we come off well we just had our last ride of the day there The Walking Dead The Ride not the ride that I wanted to do at the end but you know what we had a few minutes just to squeeze one more in and we thought we may as I do something that we hadn’t done today and that’s the parks in indoor roller coaster F no inversions or anything like that if you’ve never been on there before really it’s a family coaster it’s quite a good ride actually isn’t it I love an indor coas it’s got some great elements in there so I really enjoy it yeah there’s a really nice drop with some smoke effects very similar to The Mummy at Universal how it kind of drops down into the vertical smoke machines but it was good to get on there and there was actually three actors at the end as well which does add to the experience when they do have actors in there especially with it being based on The Walking Dead uh well there we go that brings to the end of opening day 2024 here at TH Park it’s not been a perfect day but it’s not been the Park’s fault it’s been the weather hasn’t it today yeah the weather has just been so off and on like we’ve had Sun then we had hail we had wind then it was sunny again so we can’t blow in the park for that yeah it’s been a mix I think between the hail and the wind that’s caused some of the ride operations not to be great we had a bit of bad luck today we walk up to ride then they being closed and evacuated but the good thing is they do give out the priority ride passes so we didn’t waste our time earlier on with stealth this morning uh at least we saved our time getting on sore earlier on as well and gave me a bit of a sore head not going to lie but it was still good getting on there I need to stopped using that joke it’s getting a bit old is it but you know what we had a good day other than that seeing the updates around the park busy Big Easy Boulevard we saw the new 4D film in there so that was good to see um the are is looking really fresh as well and in general the park looking great for this year isn’t it yeah they’ve done some really good improvements which is really nice to see and Payton bit off what I want to see with sparkle though is in the future this just happen every WI freshen up the park and that’s the thing it happens at theme parks all around the world every winter so I really want it to become the normal at thought Park and the Merin parks in general moving forwards and then of course what has been my highlight of today seeing Hy perior there’s the beauty just behind us from various different angles in the park it’s really changed the skyline forever here at TH Park and you know what I’m really excited to get on it next time we’re down here hopefully it’ll be testing we’ll capture that and see it we keep hearing the trains are going to be arriving probably in the next week or so is so exciting isn’t it oh I just cannot wait till the train start going around it’s so exciting just to see how it’s going to ride the different elements the speed it’s going to take them through as well is going to be awesome but no it’s been a good day not perfect not how the park I’m sure winded to be either um but you know what we’ll be back again soon and we’re looking forward to getting back on some rides and yeah we didn’t take out on the Swarm today that’s really sad cuz I love the Swarm it’s my favorite ride here but it just wasn’t meant to be today unfortunately but as always thanks for joining us here on theme park worldwide we done all the big opening days and it’s been really good get into the allall and we got another one tomorrow which is Dron Mana another local one to us we’ll bring you the latest updates you got the wave that’s opening this year the rear imagin shock wave and also the new coaster which is opening soon as well so we’ll bring you all those updates here on the channel thank you so much for all your support we really do appreciate it and thanks for joining us here for another video from thought Park that leads us with one final thing to say get out there and keep on riding goodbye [Music] n


    1. Im so happy hyperia finaly came tö thrope park they desperatly needed a New "star" attraction
      And what better ride to make that title than the uk's tallest and likely most intense roller coaster
      Also great vlog ❤

    2. Hi Shawn and Charlotte, would be interested to hear your take on what the future is for Thorpe Park. Specifically around the fact that pretty much all their coasters AND flat rides are about the same age. Given a whole replacement of Nemesis was needed at Alton Towers after 28 years, a lot of Thorpe Park's rides are not far off this point, and they won't just have 1 ride to replace! Went yesterday and couldnt believe how badly Colossus and Saw rode! Might've been bad enough for me to stop riding them permanently which is very sad 😢 And such a shame when Hyperia and the whole park overall looks to be on such an upward trend

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