Join Kay Burley and the Breakfast team live from 7am-10am, covering news from around the world and Westminster as well as featuring the morning’s biggest interviews.

    Today, we’ll be hearing from the Conservative Party about their policy platform – with tax cuts and offers to pensioners set to be at its heart.

    It is also likely to include the policies that have already been announced during the campaign, such as Rishi Sunak’s plans for a form of national service.

    Labour, meanwhile, have announced plans for an extra 100,000 urgent and emergency dental appointments for children.

    Speaking to us this morning will be:

    7.15am: Work and pensions secretary Mel Stride
    8.15am: Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting

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    [Music] very good morning it’s 7:00 coming up on today’s program it’s Manifesto day for the conservatives is this the last big chance for Rishi sunak to save his campaign well in just a few minutes we’ll ask the work and pension SE M stride first remembering Michael Mosley will speak to a close friend of the TV doctor about how he transformed so many people’s lives it’s Tuesday the 11th of June Rishi sunag is expected to put another cut to National Insurance at the heart of the conservative Manifesto good morning K I’m at the Silverstone racetrack where the conservatives are launching the manifesto later hoping it will help them in their victory in this election race we’re back on the campaign trail with the lib Dems they’re hoping to sell their own Manifesto to voters here in their former heartlands in the southwest also head booze bans travel restrictions and Riot police Germany gets ready for England the Euros the last moments of TV Doctor Michael Mosley a coroner says he died after stopping to lie down in searing heat Apple unveils its plans to put artificial intell intelligence into the iPhone and the pockets of over a billion [Music] [Applause] [Music] people and the loneliness ofish speaks out about the shock of being [Music] ghosted a top story The conservatives are expecting to promise tax cuts and more help for firsttime buyers when they published their Manifesto this morning runak will seek to present himself as the heir to Margaret Thatcher and what could be his last big chance to rescue his party’s campaign our political correspondent Darr mcaffrey is with the conservatives this morning they’ll be launching their Manifesto A little bit later on about 11:30 or thereabouts Darren morning yeah good morning Cas you say 11:30 here at the Silverstone at racetrack I will try and keep keep the pwns to a minimum about racing to Victory and about the F fact that they’re way behind in the polls but frankly the conservative party do need a game Cher to a degree today because this campaign’s not gone terribly well thus far and so they are hoping that today does help them turn a corner does help them in the final three weeks of this campaign what we’re expecting to hear as you say quite significant tax cuts to a degree at the Prime Minister alluding to the fact that he is going to chop another two of the national insurance rate that would effectively have the rate actually over the last year or so and this is part of the conservatives long-term ambition about getting rid of National Insurance all together though when it comes to tax it must be said that the conservative party are still going to commit themselves to the threshold increases when it comes to income tax that still means that millions of people are going to pay ultimately more tax throughout the next Parliament something labor party committed to too as you say some help for We Believe firsttime homeowners that they’re going to get rid of at stamp Duty Al together for properties costing up to £425,000 lots of the other announcements we’ve also heard an awful lot over the last couple of weeks whether it’s on that national service announcement whether it’s on extra police officers whether it’s on help for pensioners when it comes to protecting them against income tax there have been lots of suggestions in the last 24 hours or so though okay that many within the conservative party want Rishi sunak to go further when it comes to taxation or potentially when it comes to the European Court of Human Rights around migration and Rwanda we have to wait and see whether he’s prepared to do that later the fear of course is if he goes too far it could either split the party or it could undermine the Public’s credibility when it comes to the conservative party but as I say be in no dark this is a very significant moment for the conservative party they really do need the narrative to change today they need people to listen and they need people to like the announcements that are going to come as you say just before midday I you say well they be able to stay on track we’ll have to wait and see 11:30 today I know I couldn’t resist our political correspondent Matthew Thompson is in t with lib Dems today um um any more stunts planned today perhaps I’m not sure I’m at Liberty to say k but I am aware that something is uh happening later on and given that we are by the the beautiful Coast um I’m told it may involve water so watch this space I’ve got my swimmers just in case um but we are here the day after the liberal Democrats own Manifesto and they’ll be hoping to sell that to voters particularly parts of the country like this which were Once Upon a Time liberal Democrat heartlands and their Manifesto yesterday it was filled with I suppose what you might call retail friendly policies particularly on uh care for example free personal care for the elderly and the disabled a big package of 9 billion pounds for the NHS policies on sewage and various other things that the libdems think play well for them but broadly speaking K I think it’s fair to say that the liberal Democrats Manifesto is being treated as a cautious document I mean uncharitably you might even say a slightly unambitious document and why do I say that well look our own Ed Conway yesterday showed that it’s about in terms of the spending commitments about half as big as the manifesto in 2019 for example the nuffield trust a big Health Think Tank they looked at the 9 billion pound uh Health and Social care pledge the lib Dems made and they’ve said it’s not even really enough money to Simply freeze the NHS budget as it is until 2829 so it’s not a particularly generous package and there may be a reason for that let me to offer one potential explanation the liberal Democrats particularly places like this are trying to capture a big swing in anti-tory voting you don’t do that if you pepper your Manifesto with ambitious and divisive policies so it’s a slightly Safety First approach in the hope that they can just Hoover up some of that anti-tory sentiment this is sun shining Matthew thank heavens small mercies thank you we’ll bring the conservative Manifesto launch live to you here on Sky News at 11:30 this morning uh from silverston then tomorrow morning I’ll be in CLE thorps for a special program ahead of the Sky News leaders event the battle for number 10 Rishi sunak and Kama will be grilled by our political editor Beth Rigby and face a live studio audience here on Sky News tomorrow from seven now booze ban travel restrictions and riot police it can only mean one thing they just some of the measures being prepared by German police ahead of the European championships with England’s Opening match against soia is it designated as one of the most highrisk fixtures our Europe correspondent schor Robbins [Music] reports in the German city of Galen kirken The Spectators are also the spectacle please carefully watch over the crowd at this potentially volatile Clash at the gates fans are randomly checked for weapons and booze inside officers are on alert for troublemakers honing in on a group of masked Ultras gathering in the stands this is where England will play their first game of the Euros against Serbia is been classed as high risk so police are using this League match as a test run I think it’s a very highrisk game uh because of the history because of uh the The Hooligans both sides uh have uh like Serbia they have many hols uh the English guys uh with many alcohol they are sometimes very aggressive so it’s uh great job to do this uh to prepare that so that uh hopefully nothing will happen this is what they want to avoid more than 1,500 people were arrested during the riots at the 2016 Euros in France for highrisk matches here they’ll serve lower alcohol beer in the stadium and fans can’t drink in the stands young people coming for the first tournament British police is sharing Intel and thousands of hooligans have been banned from traveling over 2,000 troublemakers um away from football has made it a much safer place and and when you play that out over the last 10 years8 10 years um behavior of football fans has been far far better from fan violence to Terror attacks police and Security Services across Germany are training for a range of threats mobilizing extra officers and Security Experts and increasing checks at stations and borders policing the Euros is a complex challenge because it’s not just about keeping the fans safe in the 10 stadiums where the games are being played there are also the 12 million fans in the fan zones to look after in touring him where England has its base camp police have also been doing drills they say the tent Global situation makes security more complex but Germany’s determined it’s ready and can protect the millions of football fans coming here Siobhan Robbins Sky News you’re were just saying you don’t get it I just if you’re a massive fan of the game and then you go or you purport to be a massive fan of the game and then you go and smash places up the two do not compute that math does not work for me no I completely agree with you but I suppose there’s a psychology behind why they do it but let’s not go into it at this time on a Tuesday morning no we’ll say that for another day uh talking about psychology let’s talk about the psychology of politics in the US us because there’s so much about kind of politics and also two very high-profile trials what that might mean and side shows what that might mean for the upcoming general election well this time it’s focus on Hunter Biden’s gun trial and the deliberations there have begun for the jurors following the trial of the president’s son it’s the first of two cases he’s expected to face during his father’s re-election campaign Hunter has pleaded not guilty to all three charges our us correspondent markk Stone has the details well after just over a week of evidence here in Wilmington the jury now has the case against the president’s son with them a verdict could come at any time now the central igation against Hunter Biden is that he lied on a form to obtain a gun claiming that he was not in the midst of a drug addiction when in fact he was the prosecution has revealed pages and pages of text messages from around the time when the gun was bought which detail conversations with drug dealers and with the Widow of his late brother Bo a woman with whom he had a relationship there have been photos too of Hunter surrounded by drug paraphernalia it has been an extraordinary case lifting the lid on the tragedy the struggles the web of relationships within one family the first family it’s a case that is profoundly personal for the Biden for for the president but of course it’s deeply political as well now we’re found guilty in principle of all the three counts hun Biden could face 10 years in prison a three-stage seat far proposal calling for a full and immediate end to fighting between Israel and Hamas has been approved by the UN Security Council the deal includes the release of all hostages withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and the Reconstruction of the strip the US who drafted the resolution says Israel accepts the plans meanwhile Hamas says it welcomed the vote Singapore Airlines is offering compensation to passengers who were on board the flight that suffered extreme turbulence one person was killed several others seriously injured on board the plane traveling from London to Singapore the airline offering $10,000 to passengers with minor injuries and $25,000 to those who sustain serious injuries and require long-term Medical Care watch meanwhile an Austrian Airlines pilot has been called a hero after successfully Landing a plane despite severe damage the flight from newor to Vienna unintentionally flew into a thunderstorm unbeknownst to the crew heavy hailstones shattered the windscream and ripped off the nose of the plane all 173 passengers and six crew on board handed safely what just those pictures are incredible it’s Testament to the engineering of aircraft that that can still fly and fly safely and also the skill of the crew but what I mean flipping egg they there some tough hail stones that much is for sure does that make speechless I yeah I got a bit of hail in my garden yesterday afternoon but it wasn’t on that scale thankfully I’m a nervous flyer so yeah whenever I see stuff like that so we had two stories together yeah you’re welcome yeah thanks very much no see you thanks a lot uh Paul here to talk about um wages yes we’ve had the uh latest labor market data from the office of national statistics so the the the data from The Real World of the economy is flowing in while we’re in this uh virtual world we might call it the election campaign gives a bit of an idea what the economy is doing um wages been rising at 6% they’ve been rebounding uh as we know um that’s flat month on month but the interesting number is the underlying when you adjust that for uh inflation um realterm wage growth is 3.2% that’s the highest for nearly four years why does that matter well it’s that’s good news notion we’re getting more money in real terms in our pockets but it will affect what the bank of England thinks about doing okay with interest rate cuts um you’ll recall when this election was called there was a question about sheu wanting to see interest rates coming down thinking they might not this uh makes it less likely most think that the bank will cut interest rate next time around because if we have more money if wages are rising at 3.2% even though inflation is now close to 2% um that means there’s more money in the colony might make them nervous about resing there some other numbers around as well unemployment has ticked up slightly there’s still nearly a million vacan IES in the economy K jobs not filled but there’s also been an increase in the number of people who aren’t working at all more than 22% of people more than 9 million people big rise since Co and people have just dropped out of the workplace it’s one of the things holding back the economy I’ve been in Middlesboro spent some time looking at the issues and we put a report together which I think we can look at now a bit smoking here I need to stop smoking so much Michael is unemployed and lives alone he’s just enough space for his hob keeps you busy if you know what I mean it’s something to do between that teaching myself a bit of Latin and whatever else it just K KS me out Mischief but after six years out of work he’s stuck in a rut and says he wants a job people must think that it’s all right to be on the door and not have to do anything it’s boring you know your money and when it’s going to run out Michael’s first steps back towards the workplace have brought him to the council Le employment Hub in middlesbor a front line in a Workforce crisis driven by long-term sickness and mental health economically inactive for the last four weeks and there’s no chance of you going back to work in the next two weeks is that right that’s holding the economy back and pushing the welfare Bill up they get used to that pot of money that’s coming in and it’s very difficult with the cost of living crisis at the moment sometimes it is a bit of a vicious circle that they want to work full-time But ultimately they’ll be worse off with the benefits being taken off them makes feel like work doesn’t pay you could say that yeah but it’s that sense of achievement at the end of the week the balance between welfare and work is policed by job centers if you’re unemployed you have to attend a weekly appointment but those signed off sick don’t have to look for work A system that can be open to abuse we hear people talking about mental health and almost as if it’s the new bad back you know it’s an excuse people get signed off and it’s a way of playing the system would you recognize that y y not well I’m saying yes uh definitely we have to be able to you know question you know and and ask because not only is it our job to support the public we’ve also got to protect the public purse the solution to the workforce crisis is often said to be to get tough to make the benefits regime less generous sitck notes harder to come by but the evidence here in midlesboro is it is not as simple as that the impact of poverty and ill health means many people need an enormous amount of support before they can even think about getting a job fantastic Michael says he wants to work but he knows his ambition he’s fragile I feel like I want to get back into work or something and if I maybe don’t do that um especially if like only yourself to talk to some some some sometimes you can like you go backwards you lose the confidence yeah cuz for the next government rebuilding the economy means repairing the workforce Paul Kel Sky News in middlesbor um guess who’s on for the government today M stride work in pensions secretary you’re on more often than I am how are you I’m really well I’m at Silverstone so I’m at the starting grade all revved up ready to go where you’re going to launch your Manifesto later on what are you offering that’s going to change anything so there a very clear choice I think uh K this week you’re going to see two very different manifestos ours that we’re launching today at its heart is going to be cutting people’s tax uh and making sure that they have a secure financial future um with labor later on uh I think you’re going to see uh questions around tax uh Rises particularly because of this 38 and a half billion pound uh spending black hole that they have uh in the the the the office that they’re putting forward now they’ve already told you many times that that is not the case it’s a bareface lie they say well no not at all um I don’t know if you saw the Prime Minister on panorama’s interview last night he set out very clearly where those figures come from uh there are 27 different spending commitments 21 of them have been uh costed uh by the treasury two of them actually are uh Labor’s uh own figures including uh the largest figure of all this so-called uh green Prosperity plan that they have uh which is costed at 23 uh billion there’s no getting away from the fact that there is this 385 billion pound black hole now what that’s going to mean is more tax so already labor have said that they will not follow uh our triple lot plus which will keep pensioners out of income tax you’re going to see millions of pensioners being dragged into income tax under any future labor government there’s a piece on the front page of the Ft uh this morning actually uh speculating about increases in capital gains tax and the Very detrimental impact that will have on investment in our country and the ability for our country to grow which is what labor talk a good story on but the reality is their tax policies I’m afraid are just not going to work uh in that respect so there is a very clear dividing line between us so 2p cut in National Insurance contributions what else so well you’re you’re you’re going to have to wait to to see the full Manifesto ler but we so sorry say again I said I thought I had you then I thought you going to say that it was in the manifesto oh you know if I did that for anybody it would be for you but I’m afraid I’m not going to divulge all the details of the manifesto before it’s officially announced but look this is going to be a really exciting moment we are the party if you think about this election campaign okay so you’ve got labor who don’t want to say anything they want to keep a small profile they want to carry that Ming vas across the uh polished uh floor they want to hold on to that that that lead and drift across the line we are the party that is out there with the Bold clear plan for our country and that’s why we’ve already come forward with measures to protect our pensioners from tax whereas labor are going to uh tax them it’s why we’ve come forward with measures for firsttime uh uh house buyers for example property buyers uh to make sure that we support them getting into the uh property Market is why we’ve announced 100,000 additional uh apprenticeships and there’s going to be a lot more particularly around lower taxes in the manifesto that we’re going to be announcing later this morning okay however uh whatever you’re announcing Bloomberg business has been uh reporting a survey of Traders portfolio managers economists retail investors that says the best election outcome for the pound would be a labor win well I very much uh dispute that um because I think what would would Ely happen if Labor uh win this general election and we’ve still got plenty of time till the general election actually uh occurs if they win I think it’s going to be very very bad uh for the economy it’s going to be very difficult uh for a lot of people in terms of their personal finances because taxes are going to go up and you mentioned the pound well the pound really tracks the confidence that there is in the UK economy uh and as I say on the front page of the financial times this morning uh there’s a lot of disqui being voiced cross business about potential capital gains tax increases now the implication of that is it’s an in it’s a tax on investments it’s a tax uh on gains made on uh shares uh and Investments on property uh and so on and this is going to have a very very negative impact on the UK economy if Labor uh get into power so I I really don’t accept that it’s going to be good uh good for the pound okay so Traders portfolio managers economists retail investors don’t know what they’re talking about well as I say I I disagree entirely with that and uh I I would say you know read the front page of the financial times uh this morning and what a number of leading business people uh and people that know about investment in the UK economy have to say uh about what I’m afraid we strongly suspect with labor they haven’t ruled out uh increases to capital gains tax they haven’t ruled out uh increases to uh tax for millions of pensioners and millions of pensioners paying tax on their State Pension for the first time ever they have not ruled that out and I think we’ve got to brace ourselves for those things if we are going to have uh a labor victory at the polls but look there’s time to go we are putting out a very bold clear plan that is going to uh help people in their daily lives look at what we’ve already done 29 million people benefiting from onethird reduction in National Insurance that’s worth 900 to an average earner these are things that really matter in people’s lives million people not in work and not looking for work what are you going to do about that so we are we are doing all sorts of different uh important welfare reforms to encourage more people into work we have lower levels of economic inactivity at the moment than the average across the EU the G7 and the oec uh D we have a lower level of economic inactivity which is what you’re describing then every single year under the last Labor government so we have a good strong track record of getting people into work look at unemployment at the moment it’s almost half what it was under the last Labor government every single labor government in history has seen unemployment higher at the end of their term of office than it was at the start we are a job creating machine in this country 800 new jobs created under this government every single day of the week the labor party couldn’t be more we talk about young peopley those J up over 40% under this government has come down but they’re not accepting the jobs mrri and there’s a massive ballooning in the number of long-term sick since the pandemic how are you going to get people back into work the jobs might be there but you have to get them to on the long-term sickness and long-term sickness and disability front you right those numbers uh have expanded and we have done a huge amount to start to uh uh uh seriously uh address that one of the things that I’ve done is to make reforms to What’s called the work capability assessment which is the Gateway onto those benefits and the office of budget responsibility not me but the OB has confirmed that that will mean 424,000 fewer people on those benefits as a direct consequence of the reforms that I’m bringing in that’s almost half a million people we are really moving the dial here but I come back to the fundamental point just look at the history labor destroy jobs we create them and all the evidence is there to show that okay let me talk to you about a story that’s on uh you’re talking about the front pages on many of the front pages today how can a 12-year-old boy uh buy a machete and with his 12-year-old mate bludgeon a young man to death in 21st century conservative Leed Britain how can that happen it’s just a terrible terrible tragedy and my heart goes out obviously to uh that uh Young Person’s family and their friends just an awful awful situation the answer to your question is we have to get tougher on knife crime in a couple of ways actually one way uh is in terms of the policing uh of our streets and the powers that the police have to uh intervene where they have a suspicion that somebody may be carrying a knife and we also have to stiffen up and these are exactly the things we’re doing incidentally the penalties around doing that kind of uh thing one of the areas where of course we’ve seen knife crime uh rise the most uh has been in London uh which is sadik Khan who uh is responsible for pleasing that but more generally across the pce and more generally across crime we are seeing substantial reductions and in fact across crime more generally we’ve seen an over 50% reduction in crime if you exclude computer-based crime and fraud uh since 200 and 10 this is another reason why you’ll be hearing something in the manifesto about policing uh and it’s why that we have completed our previous commitment to recruiting 20,000 more officers uh who can be out on the beat and making sure that we drive crime Down Still further than we have already Rishi sunak has finally spoken to the media again saying that he didn’t consider resigning as prime minister after his Gaff let’s call it um on the Normandy beaches should he have considered his position well I think he did exactly what he should do which was he very quickly recognized that he had made a mistake uh he apologized unequivocally uh and very publicly for that uh mistake but look Rishi sunak is somebody I know reasonably well uh he will have felt this very deeply personally because he is a deeply patriotic person and now he did and that’s why obviously he did attend the events in uh Portsmouth uh he met veterans many veterans actually in Normandy at all the British he recognizes that he made them as sorry you mustn’t try and defend what he did I I I’m not saying he didn’t make a mistake I’m accepting that entirely indeed the prime minister is and uh I think what he’s now uh saying is that he hopes that people have it in their heart to forgive him so I don’t think anybody’s saying that uh what happened uh was any other than uh a mistake and that mistake has been accepted and a full apology has been provided but I’m making a broader point you know like our commitment for example to defense where 2 and a half% by 20 30 is very strong our commitment to minister having apologized and you apology yeah um just before I let you go have you had your haircut especially for the manifesto launch have I had my haircut especially for the manifesto is that what you asked yeah I’m I’m sorry I’ve got a bit of noise here uh no I haven’t actually um so I don’t know what that is does it look like I’ve had a haircut that’s why I was asking question does it okay okay all right well emboldened by that I will Sally Forth to my next media engagement thank you elegantly put good to see you thank you and you thank you byebye I’m sure he has still to come on the breakfast show we’ll speak to a friend of Michael Mosley about how the TV Doctor transformed people’s lives and how Tech Giant Apple could soon be bringing AI to your [Applause] [Music] fingertips and even the world’s biggest stars aren’t immune to being ghosted we’ll tell you about what singer Billy eish has been saying [Music] Westminster may seem a long way from Grimsby and CLE thorps but not for long with a general election around the corner we’re bringing you sunak versus starma live from Grimsby putting their cases forward to you and facing questions from a live audience who will convince you to give them the keys to this place the battle for number 10 get the full story fast on Sky News [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] Westminster may seem far from Grimsby and CLE thorps but not for long with a general election around the corner we’re bringing you sunat versus starma live from Grimsby putting their cases forward and facing questions from a live audience who will convince you to give them the keys to this place place the battle for number 10 get the full story first on Sky News [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello again everybody you’re watching the breakfast show here on Sky News the ganger here Mel trying to body me up this morning did at work yeah it was interesting wasn’t it in terms of the fact that you know he was trying his best to say very very little ahead of the conservative party Manifesto launch he wants to kind of build up the tension for that uh and essentially all he said was cutting tax is going to be at the heart of the manifesto now we are expecting a cut to National Insurance in this Manifesto and we’ve also seen other announcements uh this morning the Prime Minister has announced that he wants to cut capital gains tax for landlords who sell their properties to their tenants to try and boost uh a way of tenants being able to get on the housing ladder for instance moving from renting to buying uh but interestingly you know he’s tried to say that actually raising capital gains tax um would damage the economy and he was trying to say that labor haven’t ruled that out and therefore we’ve got to watch that it was really interesting because we’ve had a bit of a flip-flop from the Labour party on this yesterday we had Bridget philipsson on the program and you asked her about these taxes she said no no no no no to all of them she did Jonathan Ashworth and in a press conference later on the same day wouldn’t rule them out so there’s a little bit of ambiguity on what labor is ruling out or what they’re still leaving on the table and I think that’s what the conservatives are hoping to try and almost kind of uh grab a hold of and try and use that and weaponize that which I think is what Mel stri was trying to point to and the fact that there there was an ambiguity around capital and labor Manifesto out on Thursday Thursday yes exactly so not long to wait and what did you make of him defending Rich she again yeah I mean it’s a it’s a really tricky one because every time it’s brought up in an interview you you can see the inside their eyes they die a little inside they he shifted on his feet did you they just don’t want to talk about it anymore more they’re just hoping that it will go away and we can all just kindy of move on which is partly why they want to try and build up all this tension for the manifesto but it’s a really uncomfortable question to ask and I think the question that many many cabinet ministers refuse to answer is would you have done the same because we know they wouldn’t have done the same we know but they don’t want to say that they don’t want to try and show their boss up and he was clearly quite uncomfortable and then you kind of pulled him up on that and said you know I don’t think it’s a good idea to try and start defending him when the Prime Minister said how sorry he is and how much of a mistake it was pen last week saying it was a really big mistake and it was really an utterly wrong so you know and asked Sam yesterday sitting here um and saying that he didn’t think that rishy sunak when he interviewed him was sorry exactly rishy sunak has dare I say come across quite robotic in these apologies and there is an opportunity if I think for people like Mel stride if they want to continue in politics to come across as more human because it’s intrinsically very human story that the Prime Minister has dealt with not very deafly and at the end of the day everything points to the fact that rich Zak won’t be the Prime Minister and also the conservatives won’t be in power if you want to on a personal level continue in politics as a conservative politician why not just say it have to turn the party line don’t you until the very last moment and then run for the tape it was a really good interview last night on Sky News Tom parman did a package uh and it was just somebody in alotment and he was just asking him about the D-Day uh commemorations and the person just said it’s really bad judgment anyone in their dog would have known to stay there and I think that just summed it up was that actually like the Instinct was missing and I think that’s what might going to look at that actually in a few minutes time so you can judge for yourself what you made of that but you know just apologize just say I need your forgiveness you you need to be human if you’re a politician not robotic as you said enough pontificating let’s remind you of the top stories richy sunak of course trying to channel the Tory heavyweights Margaret satcher and Nigel Lawson in pitching the conservatives as the Party by quote sound money when he launches the party’s Manifesto A little later expected to pledge tax cuts and help for first time buyers Germany is ramping up security head of the start of the European championship this week police and security forces across the country training for a range of scenarios from Hooligans to terrorism and cyber attacks meanwhile Foul Play has been ruled out in the death of Michael Mosley as CCTV footage appears to show him falling over close to where his body was found Greek police have told Sky News there were no injuries on the TV doctor’s body that could have caused his death US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin will meet with Israeli officials today before arriving in Jordan for ceasefire talks the United Nations security Council yesterday voted to support a deal aimed at ending the fighting between Israel and Hamas hearing there about Anthony blinkin uh meeting with the Israeli defense minister former after the uh United uned Nations security Council approved a resolution calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas Dalia shinin is an Israel political analyst based in Tel Aviv is is joining us now hi it’s good to see you thanks for taking the time what do you uh expect hope may come as a result of the meetings today whether we expect hope or not is hardly the question the fact is that there’s very little sense that there is a serious chance of reaching this ceasefire deal hostage Rel deal that the US has proposed reportedly in the name of Netanyahu but I have to say that it looks inauspicious know what you can never say never the there’s always a possibility and it could be that in a few days or weeks we’ll be surprised but right now I think the Israeli government is very much trying to downplay the expectations of course the hardliners in Mr netanyahu’s government are viewing the uh hostage release ceasefire plan that Mr blinkin is trying to promote as a complete capit capitulation meanwhile Hamas also looks at it as insufficient because it doesn’t in their perspective include a permanent enough ceasefire or at least it would have to be negotiated over time and so in you know in very ironic and tragic ways it seems like the only people who are really truly committed to reaching this deal would be the US Administration uh the people the families of the hostages and the people regular civilians in Israel and of course gazin and the UN Security Council but the governments and the leadership of both sides does not seem to be very committed to reaching this deal right now I have to qualify it we could always see a breakthrough but right now the hopes are low when I refer to a former War cabinet minister referring to Benny gance of course he’s left his post uh Anthony blinkin will be taking some time uh to meet with him today uh what fruit do you expect or could that potentially um offer well we don’t know what it offers I mean Benny Gans as you point out has left the war cabinet uh his his party has left the Coalition that means also former Chief of Staff G Eisen clock and right now uh you know the it’s unclear what this means in terms of political stability in Israel I will remind uh viewers that the original Israeli pre-war Coalition had a firm majority of 64 seats out of 120 and so Benny gance was an addition After the War Began his departure does not actually mean Israel’s going to elections despite I know a lot of attention to this so I think that you know the US Administration is certainly trying to keep its good relations with all sides of the political map but it’s not clear uh if Israel even if Israel does go into elections soon the soonest they could be is months from now and we you know so many things could happen between now and then we can’t even really tell if Benny gance will be you know the top uh opposition or competitor to Netanyahu even though that’s how he’s been seen this whole time so there is a great deal of uncertainty with regards to in general decision- making in Israel is a very murky concept right now we don’t know if there will be um if some of the Hardline ministers in netanyahu’s original government will now go into the war cabinet instead of Benny Gans maybe yes maybe no they have demanded it a very very far nationalist extremist Abalos mric and itamar benir we don’t know if Netanyahu will give into that we don’t know if his decision- making will be influenced more by the far right now so certainly the US Administration wants to keep all the lines of communication open but I think that you know the Israeli public is also highly aware uh of the problems with the management of this war the majority no longer think uh no longer believe in the total Victory concept and you know that’s that’s why I think uh you know the government is under some pressure but Netanyahu being a master of non-decision seems to be continuing in that direction even with relation to the composition of his War cabinet Mr gance has been calling on uh prime minister Netanyahu to put forward a clear day after plan for the conflict in Gaza are the people of Israel uh any clear as to what that might be no the people of Israel are certainly not clear on it and in fact it’s not their responsibility it’s the responsibility of the leadership uh to present that plan to offer a vision of course Israel should never have the say over what happens to the fate of Palestinians Palestinians need their own National self-determination but that’s part of the problem the Israeli government does not want to talk about a day after plan because that would lead to the bigger question of the days after the day after however there is a self-fulfilling uh cycle here that Netanyahu uh you know won’t end the war until Hamas is destroyed but Hamas can only be destroyed if there is something to replace it and so it is certainly a self-fulfilling uh you know um a self-perpetuating approach to this war which is why so many of the hardliners in the Israeli government insist on saying the war can’t end right now and Netanyahu has steadfastly refused to talk about who that uh you know alternate power would be although I think that interestingly from many sides not only from the Israeli government but from International actors from researchers academics and even Palestinian intellectuals there is a convergence around the idea of some sort of multilateral international Force hopefully transitioning to Palestinian self-determination but the Israeli public really is I think so is just reeling from both trauma of course happiness from uh the hostage release and uh the pain of even Four soldiers who were killed just in the last you know few hours I think the Israeli public should not be expected to make policy plans uh absent any you know a functional leadership that can provide a vision at least for Israel um and hopefully in Partnership eventually reaching Palestinian self-determination this government will never do it uh but Israel the Israeli leadership will have to get there eventually it’s just a matter of how many more people die okay thank you back home politics here Rishi sunak K stama facing questions from our political editor Beth rby when they join Sky News in grimby tomorrow the leaders will also have a chance to answer questions directly from from members of the public our national correspondent has been speaking to people at the pfield allotments in Grimsby to find out what they want to hear we all need to escape sometimes to find the space to think the Peaks field allotments offer just that it’s an antidote to the circus of an election with the Prime Minister trying to regain ground round after that apology for leaving the D-Day commemorations early if you had to guess who comes out on top I don’t know I think starm will because of the D think because that’s still raw he’s asked for forgiveness about well of course he would of course he would yeah but it doesn’t matter every man in his dog could have made that decision and got it right his opponent sec starma do you find a credible alternative there no no nothing is said at the moment I found to be oh that’s that’s good radical that’s good that that should do it across the allotments in a poly tunnel we found a women’s Institute coffee morning they told us what they’re looking for in the next prime minister I like honesty which is not always I like um honorable people that to put the hands up when they’ve done wrong it’s not just what they say is it it’s what happens after whether they keep they promise sunak and starma can say what they want on the stage they can argue and bicker but these women want action they talk about leveling up and you look at grimby and think I don’t think so there hasn’t been a lot of leveling up for Grimsby what do you really look out for particular around those debates between the leaders uh how they support the National Health Service because it’s one of the best really in the world also I need to know about you know the lowincome people how they get supported they liken it to running a successful plot here the planning the collaborating and the determination to get results Tom paler Sky News Grimsby debate tomorrow with Beth don’t forget it’s going to be a corker meantime what’s happening with Apple morning good morning well apple is introducing artificial intelligence into their iPhones which they say will make it an easier and more personable experience for people using their phones and it will essentially uh improve Siri I don’t know if you use Siri the voice assistant and it will also be able to generate text uh and images and it’s after Rivals like Google and Microsoft started doing the same thing I don’t know how Tech saber you are C I’m not let’s start with I’m not nor am I so we’ll go from go from the beginning so essentially AI is machine learning it basically allows the phone to learn as if it was a human and solve problems like a human um you may have heard of chat GPT that’s going to be incorporated I used it to plan a holiday you can put in inputs like your flight times or what you want to go and see and it will come out with an itinerary so that’s an example of what it will do but not everyone is happy Elon Musk the uh owner of Tesla and X has said uh that he has concerns about uh privacy and data use uh but Apple has very much stressed that uh data will be secured so this is very much uh the future of where our phones are going to be going K goodness I better put it over there do my job before I know it thank you very much thanks a lot still to come on the breakfast show for you here on Sky News Remember The Life and Legacy of Michael Mosley joined by his friend and fellow author Tim SP [Music] a particularly like the story about you having to convince uh David Bowie to take part in the glastenbury festival you’d sort of set that up yeah that was funny um David wasn’t that Keen on doing big festivals at that time and he was doing his own sort of quiet shows enjoying life just got married to him on and everything was fine um and glassy weren’t super keen on him they worried he was going to do something very obscure left field like tin machine or whatever um and the promoter John Gidding said to me look let’s get him to do it and so I gave leak to story to the Sunday Times and my idea was it’ been one of the columns there wouldn’t it be a great idea if Boe played glastenbury unbeknown to me it ended up in the front page Bowie headlines glastenbury newspapers went you know the phones went crazy they sold out all the tickets in a couple of hours glenury were completely had a complete meltdown um and it went then the phone went quiet for three days and I never heard a word from David and I thought oh my God he must be furious you know he didn’t want to play a festival he’s booked in the biggest Festival in the world and after about three days I got this message Julian and I Julian who worked with me it said you naughty boys don’t ever do that again but it was great David and of course it turned out to be the biggest one ever I think the walls came down they had 120,000 people and it went down in Legend and it changed the sort of trajectory of David’s career I loved working with the Spice Girls they were so much fun and hilarious and great individuals all of them when I first got hired by them um my feet didn’t touch the ground for a few days I was flown out to Rome um and in fact this is thing I had to go down um they were doing a little show there and I got a call from my lawyer at the time guy called Alexis he said I’ve just seen you why are you going down there via gab Baldi in Rome I said well how do you know I’m there he said I’m watching Sky News and they’re actually PL plotting your course on the way from the airport to the hotel and at that point I realized how big the news was the next day we flew to Paris in a private jet to go shopping as you do then we went to a disco in Madrid or something and I remember then I finally sat down with the girls and I remember talking to Victoria and she was so funny and I remember thinking you’ve been Mis misnamed forget POS spice you’re witty spice um and at that point in all seriousness I thought they’re such smart individuals let’s bring out the media and the newspapers and every one can handle this individually you don’t need to be protected as a group and um and so it came to be [Music] [Applause] hello again everyone we’re remembering Michael Mosley this morning following his death at the age of just 57 joining us is Michael’s friend him Spectre um and fellow author of course um hi Tim good to see you terrible terrible news at the weekend um how will you remember him uh well fondly of of course um I think uh as a friend he was very generous um with you know with his time and and help and um he was one of those people that was just always curious and his brain was always woring in the background he was always thinking of you know the next project the next thing and he was always quizzing me about science and medicine uh you know he had a insatiable appetite to to learn more but um I think what I liked most about him and I think really what you know perhaps his legacy is the fact that he always uh thought positively he wasn’t one to complain or winge about U you know events that had happened bad luck or the state of the Health Service his message you know which he took personally but also he he gave to the public was a very positive one it was you know you can do stuff yourself uh you can do whether it’s just one thing or it you know there’s always some little thing you can do to improve your life or or that of your family and you should never stop trying to improve and don’t wait for others to do it this is something that is in your power to do and I think that positivity really sha through pretty much everything he did with this incredible enthusiasm and also you know the way he managed to um convey that to others but um yeah and you know uh of course he was a a team with his wife uh CLA they complemented each other extremely well and that’s probably why you know they were and he was so so successful in doing everything he he did which you know has gone a long way from medical school to journalism to being a TV producer presenter author columnist um you know you name it he he’d sort of done it he a bit of a polymath as well so he was a super interesting guy to to chat to he he just knew about everything and so um you know it was never boring being with him and uh yeah he and uh you know he he would always take risks on everything as well so he was never worried um about uh himself he just wanted to experience the world at its fullest what motivated him do you think was it I I read about his father’s um ill health was that what motivated him um hard to know really I mean his uh I just think he had he was sort of born with a curiosity and he he would get bored of things quite easily as well so that’s probably why he changed careers so much um you know why stopped medon early and then you know went he went to the BBC then he also went to the city as as well uh briefly uh tried that didn’t find it so I think he had a fairly short attention span and uh an endless curiosity to do things and I don’t think you know he had rather his childhood was rather distant um was brought up um in in boarding schools really uh rather than a very close family um that might have might might have driven him um I don’t think he really knew himself um if he was asked that question it just just sort of happened but um uh yeah so um you know it was a complex guy and also people don’t realize he was actually quite shy and it took a while to get to know him he was very extrovert on screen and did all kinds of wild things but actually uh you know in a crowd he was actually quite a shy private man yeah very modest as well is what I’ve been uh reading thanks very much indeed for taking the time to share uh your memories and Recollections uh of um a man that touched so many of our Lives what a shock it was uh to uh here that he had lost his life in such tragic circumstances thanks for taking the time Tim we really appreciate it pleasure okay thank you um all today’s top stories coming up for you in just a few moments here on Sky News including we’re taking you to silverston for a spin R the track why stay tuned and find out [Music] [Music] good morning it’s 8:00 coming up on today’s program it’s Manifesto day for the conservatives is this the last big chance for Rishi to save his campaign despite K’s best efforts work and pension secretary Mel stride was tight lipped this morning but we’ll be speaking to labor shortly better luck this hour plus Royal pep talk Prince Louise advis Louise it says Louise there completely right scroll it back again okay Prince Lou Plus Royal pep talk Prince Louie gives his advice ahead of the UN there we go it’s Tuesday the 11 better luck next hour 11th of June Richi sunak expected to put another cut to National Insurance at the heart of the conservative Manifesto the work and pensions Minister was KY this morning I thought I had you then I thought you were going to say that it was in the manifesto oh you know if I did that for anybody it would be for you but I’m afraid I’m not going to divulge all the details good morning K will this Manifesto launch here at Silverstone help the conservative party to Victory or see them Crash and Burn we’re back on the campaign trail with the liberal Democrats they’ll be hoping to sell their own Manifesto to voters here in their former heartlands in the southwest also ahead booze bans travel restrictions and Riot police Germany gets ready for England and the Euros the last moments of TV Dr Michael Mosley a coroner says he died after stopping to lie down in searing Heat here in Greece a single white flower has been laid in tribute in the spot where he died Apple unveils its plans to put artificial intelligence into the iPhone and the pockets of over a billion [Applause] [Music] people inside uh the loneliness of Fame Billy is speaks out about the shock of being [Music] ghosted good morning our top story The conservatives are expected to promise tax cuts and more help for firsttime buyers when they published their Manifesto this morning Rishi sunak will seek to present himself as the heir to Margaret Thatcher in what could be his last big chance to rescue his party’s campaign in the last hour we spoke to work and pension secretary Mel stride who didn’t give much away about what’s in the manifesto but insisted cutting people’s tax will be at its heart you’re going to see two very different manifestos ours that we’re launching today at its heart is going to be cutting people’s tax uh and making sure that they have a secure financial future um with labor later on uh think you’re going to see uh questions around tax uh Rises particularly because of this 38 a half billion pound uh spending black hole that they have uh in their the the the offer that they’re putting forward so TWP cut in National Insurance contributions what else so well you’re you’re you’re going to have to wait to to see the full Manifesto but we so sorry say again I said I thought I had you then I thought you were going to say it was in the manifesto uh you know if I did that for anybody it would be for you but I’m afraid I’m not going to divulge all the details of the manifesto before it’s officially announced Rishi sunak has finally spoken to the media again saying that he didn’t consider resigning as prime minister after his Gaff let’s call it um on the Normandy beaches should he have considered his position well I think he did exactly what he should do which was he very quickly recognized that he had made a mistake uh he apologized unequivocally uh and very publicly for that uh mistake but look Rishi sunak is somebody I know reasonably well uh he will have felt this very deeply personally because he is a deeply patriotic person and now he did and that’s why obviously he did attend the events in uh Portsmouth uh he met veterans many veterans actually in Normandy at all the British he recognizes that he made them as sorry you mustn’t try and defend what he did I I I’m not saying he didn’t make a mistake I’m accepting that entirely indeed the prime minister is and uh I think what he’s now uh saying is that he hopes that people have it in their heart to forgive him so I don’t think anybody’s saying that uh what happened uh was anything other than uh a mistake and that mistake has been accepted and a full apology has been provided but I’m making a broader point you know like how commitment for example to defense where 2 and a half% by 20 30 is very strong our commitment to having apologized and youology Darren standing by for us he’s going to have to keep dealing with this until he has a more fome apology I think probably Darren what do you think yeah indeed and you know yesterday I was with the Prime Minister and he did go a bit further he did on Friday but clearly a lot of people are very angry about of this K I was in ham which is normally a very safe conservative seat and frankly I can only vot find one person who was going to back the conservative party a lot of people saying they don’t know or they’re going to stay at home and that really is a big concern for the Prime Minister and that is why today frankly is so important at K I’m going to keep the F1 pwns to uh a low here but he does need to kind of rev up his campaign if you like turn at the corner he’s not exactly in pull position what are we going to hear though we’re going to hear as you’ve rightly pointed out with Mel’s drive there this announcement on a further TWP cut to National Insurance now that would effectively half the rate if the conservatives get reelected in the last year or so it is a significant tax cut but also don’t forget both parties are committed to that threshold rise when it comes to income tax so effectively dragging lots more people Millions more people into paying tax irrespective of this National Insurance change but also lots of the announcements we’ve kind of heard over the last couple of weeks whether it’s on 8,000 police officers from yesterday that national service announcement the greater protections for pensioners in terms of their income tax the conservative party have spent this campaign launching lots of ideas and we’ll hear them all again today from the Prime Minister another one we all like to hear though is when it comes to stamp duty at the Prime Minister suggesting that he’s going to get rid of that for first time buyers up to £425,000 he did admit yesterday that trying to get on the housing lad or under the conservative party has become more difficult but I think the big thing is can he really change this campaign with this announcement today he is trying to make tax the key dividing line between him and the labor party he is hoping that that will be a star choice for voters but this is one of the last opportunities to try and change that 20 point deficit the conservatives find themselves in in the polls and if today doesn’t go well things are going to get pretty desperate I would suggest for Rishi sunak I do though suspect we may well see a surprise k at today day lots of people suggesting over the last 24 hours the Prime Minister needs to go even further on taxation maybe on the European Court of Human Rights too let’s wait and see we’re going to have the manifesto launch at 11:30 okay it’ll be live of course here on Sky News for night thanks Darren uh Matthew Thompson is in talk with the Liv demms for us this morning they launched their Manifesto yesterday any more stunts planned today yes they launched their Manifesto yesterday and I I don’t believe I’m revealing too much to say they might also be launching something else today by which I mean a craft of some description onto this beautiful water you can see behind me uh but I can’t tell much more than that because I don’t know much more than that but we will be braced to uh join them in the water if if needs be and we’ve got our trunks with us just in case look they’re here in the southwest as they so often have been this election campaign because it’s former liberal Democrat heartlands like this that they’ve really got to win back if they want to have a successful election campaign they now have their own Manifesto that they launched yesterday it’s full of retail friendly policies like free personal care for the elderly and the disabled policies on sewage for example which they think play well in places like this but broadly speaking K I have to say the liberal Democrat Manifesto has been greeted as a a cautious document perhaps uncharitably you might say an unambitious document and why do I say that well look Ed Conway Sky new’s own very own Ed Conway said yesterday that it was about half as ambitious to of it spending ples as their 2019 Manifesto but I don’t think that’s accidental they’re very much playing it safe this time around okay for now thank you uh just a reminder we’ll bring you the conservative Manifesto launch live to you here on Sky News it’s expected at about oh 11:30 thereabouts uh don’t be surprised if it’s a little bit late but 11:30 is when it’s slated then tomorrow morning I’m going to be in CLE thoughts for a special program ahead of the Sky News leaders event the battle for number 10 Rishi sunag and K St will be grilled by our political editor Beth rby and face a live studio audience here on Sky News tomorrow from 700 p.m. in other news authorities in Greece have said that the TV Doctor Michael Mosley died of natural causes on the day he went missing on the Greek island of simei let’s get more should we with Sadia who’s standing by on the island of roads which is where his body was taken I believe for a postmortem good morning good morning okay yeah there are lots of questions still remaining the first of them is why did it take so long for his body to be found when he was so close to a resort and a helicopter hovered over that area the night before and a CCTV picked up his last movements why wasn’t that footage looked at earlier the other question I guess is what happened to him so we unlike in the UK here in Greece they don’t release publicly a Coroner’s report so although we know that the autopsy has been complete the toxicology results haven’t come back but uh the whole picture hasn’t been released what a police Source has told us is that there was no third party involvement there was no foul play and there were no injuries on his body to uh indicate that he he had died from any injuries so that would all indicate that it was a death of natural causes um but on the island of Simi there are uh flat floral tributes being laid we saw a single white flower being laid in tributing the spot who died and here in roads where Dr Mosley’s body is we expect that to be repatriated the next few days and that his family are likely to travel with him home okay for now thank you such a tragedy isn’t it hugely so I mean if there’s any comfort for the family it’s that he he died um on the day that um that he went missing and you know he wasn’t um trapped anywhere for a long periods of time but nevertheless the tragedy hugely especially when you see the distances involved yeah absolutely uh and remarkable to hear from his old friend as well yeah talking about him earlier in the last hour yeah such a modest man very much so surprising to hear how shy was considering how outgoing how much he’s kind of transformed Society on such a grand scale huge Thoughts with everyone invol with that uh meanwhile turn our attention to Israel because a three-stage Ceasar proposal calling for a full and immediate end to fighting between Israel and Hamas has been approved by the UN Security Council let’s bring in our Middle East correspondent asab unle who joins us from Jerusalem Alistar how much do you think this agreement at the UN will change the tanks on the ground well I mean so often we’re critical of the United Nations for failing to come to an agreement because one country or another has uh its own sort of personal interests at play so we mustn’t be too sniffy when the UN Security Council does manage to come to almost unanimous uh agreement it was just the Russians who decided to abstain having said that I I’m not convinced that it’s going to make much difference certainly in the immediate term Israel have been told has approved the proposal that was put forward by Joe Biden about 2 weeks ago although would still need to get through the Israeli uh cabinet and that’s not guaranteed because of the far-right members of it it’s really Hamas that have yet to give a formal proposal and so that’s why there’s been very little progress made now Hamas after the UN agreed on resolution said that they welcomed it but it’s unclear whether or not that was some sort of formal uh recognition or whether that was coming from political leaders in Kata and not the Hamas leaders in uh Gaza and so really uh we still wait to see what hamas’s formal position is and that is why the Secretary of State Anthony blinkin is here yet again to try and push the players to come to some sort of agreement aliser appreciate as ever thank you jurors in Hunter Biden’s gun trial have begun deliberations following the trial of the president’s son it’s the first of two cases he’s expected to face during his father’s re-election campaign Mr Biden has pleaded not guilty to all three charges the main shipping Canal into Baltimore’s Port has fully reopened following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge back in March the channel was blocked by the wreckage of the Fallen Bridge which collapsed after a container ship lost power and crashed into one of its supporting columns killing six Road workers it comes after a massive cleanup effort as Crews removed an estimated 50,000 tons of steel and concrete which had fallen into the river an Austrian Airlines Pilot’s been called a hero after successfully Landing a plane that was despite severe damage the flight from mayorca to Vienna unintentionally flew into a thunderstorm unbeknownst to the crew heavy hailstones shattered the windscreen and ripped the nose off the plane all 173 passengers and six crew on board landed safely uh West streeting Shadow Health secretary joining us at now good to see you thanks for taking the time before we go on to anything else how can a 12-year-old buy a machete and with his 12-year-old mate Massacre a young man on the streets of Britain in the 21st century I’ve can barely find the words of this absolutely heinous crime one of the things that I’ve really I mean frustrated is not the wild world it’s not a strong enough word one of the things I’ve been infuriated by is I think about some of the tragedies that have occurred in my own constituency in the last nine years um sword attacks pregnant woman killed with a crossbow it is far too easy to buy these weapons we need to clamp down on sales we do also need to make sure that we take a tough line when it comes to policing and then enforcement with um with with really tough penalties for offenders we’ve put forward those proposals in opposition we will take them forward if we win the next general election um but you just look at the the horror of this crime and the age of the perpetrators something’s gone really badly wrong with our society and I think we need to return to the approach of tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime and that’s the approach that labor setting out in our Manifesto later this week that IET Cooper our shadow Home Secretary has been talking about in recent days because you know when when something like this happens and I think what’s changed actually in our in our country in recent years there’s a danger that these sorts of things become normalized that we become desensitized and you know you pick up the newspaper or turn on the TV and there’s yet another horrific crime involving young people we must never allow this to become normalized we we must never lessen our outrage but we do need that tough on crime and tough on the cause of crime approach to reducing violent crime and keeping young people safe how can we trust labor on this though when uh knife crime in London has risen year on year under a labor May well there have been challenges in violent crime right across the country we know that there are challenges in big cities but we also know that when it comes to policing and the criminal justice system that we will have a responsibility if we are in government to make sure that we provide May’s right across the country and communities across the country with the levels of policing they need um our commitment to rebuild neighborhood policing with 13,000 more police officers that’s crucial for intelligence-led policing for building relationships with communities to know where the drug dealers are where the drug dealings happening to know with and from young people who’s carrying knives on on our high streets and in our communities how young people are feeling going to and from school or to and from the places they like to socialize that intelligence-led approach is crucial you also need a criminal justice system that works and to make sure that you’ve got the prison places so that we’re not releasing violent uh offenders early as we’ve seen happening um in recent months that we’re not telling courts to hold off on processing and sending criminals to prison as we’ve seen in recent months under the conservatives so I don’t pretend that these are easy challenges to solve uh and this is one of a whole number of really difficult serious challenges we will face if we win the general election uh but you know we’ve got a strong program to implement on this if we are given the chance and that’s about policing it’s about strong and tough Justice and it’s also about the deterrence the diverting Young people from crime and one of the policies I’m actually most excited about um are our young Futures hubs which is a sort of you know program for teenagers which will bring together a range of services okay I’ll come to that but I I go back to my point which is that uh knife crime has increased 20% year on year under a labor mayor so how can we trust labor um to tackle knife crime if you become the next government well because we have to give our Mays the tools to do the job and this is a challenge right across the country in in big cities in in urban areas cut and well cut cuts to policing haven’t helped the state of our justice system hasn’t helped the cuts to Youth Services haven’t helped and that’s why I think Labor’s approach will be far more effective than we’ve seen under the conservatives and I urge people to give change a chance when they go to vote on July the 4th um look we’ve got to take we’ve got to take a tougher approach but that means giving also giving the police the tools to do the job whether that’s more police officers and rebuilding neighborhood policing as we’ve committed to making sure that the penalties the criminal justice is there and also to make sure the prevention work is there too I think all of those ingredients are absolutely essential as is stop and search which is a crucial tool in the fight against Crime and I know it’s not uncontroversial but believe me I’d much rather have an uncomfortable conversation with someone that was stopped um unfortunately than have a conversation with a grieving family about why their sons been stabbed to death on the street we could continue on with that point but we’ve got much to get through uh including uh the current crisis in Children’s Dentistry yes that’s right and NHS Dentistry is in a real State um right across the country we we’ve got to rebuild NHS dentistry and while we do that Labor’s First Step will be to deliver 700,000 extra emergency density appointments 100,000 of which will be allocated specifically for children so they get that access to the emergency Dent dental care that they need that’s um that’s a 1 billion pound commitment that will be funded by um uh by closing the tax loopholes on tax avoidance non non-dom tax status too um and that will make a real difference to um to to to tackling our density crisis and Kate sorry I think I just said um uh I think I just said a billion actually it’s it’s it’s 100 million sorry about that yeah depends whether you’re going with American numbers or not as to whether it’s a billion isn’t it I get that um how are you actually going to pay for it though just just remind me where that money is actually going to come from so there two two components to the 1.6 billion pound package on NHS waiting overall um that’s partly by clamping down on tax avoidance so there is a significant tax Gap in this country of the taxes that are owed to hmrc but aren’t paid uh we’re going to clamp down on that giving hmrc some additional resources to do that job uh and that will generate the income that we need to fund our NHS pledge as well as as well as others and also closing down the remaining loopholes for non-dom tax data because despite all of the toing and throwing we’ve had with the conservatives on that front it is still the case that there are loopholes there so we will close them off we think those are fairer choices and when people see lab Manifesto on Thursday you will see where the money’s come from and where the money is being spent and I think that will be a combination of fairer choices on how we raise the money and wiser choices on where we spend the money and and at the heart of that is a commitment not to increase taxes on working people so we’ve ruled out increases in income tax National Insurance and vat because we know that working people are really feeling the pinch at the moment they’ve been really clobbered by the conservatives and we don’t think that that’s right Fair capital gains tax uh nothing in Labor’s Manifesto requires changes to capital gains tax increases in capital gains tax uh nothing in Labor’s Manifesto I think on on this k r Rachel Reeves has made very clear we’ve got the highest tax burden in 70 years what we are trying to do and what we will what we will do if we win the win the general election is try and lower the burden of Taxation on people so we’re not looking to clobber people with higher tax Rises because we just know people can’t afford it right now that does mean tough choices and honest choices So today we’re going to have a big Splurge of spending and tax cuts from rishy sunak when the money isn’t there what you’ll get on Thursday from labor what we’ll get on Thursday from labor is a Manifesto where the promises we make a promises we can keep and promises that you and your viewers can afford and I think that’s a much more responsible and fairer approach council tax well on council tax that has risen year after year under the conservatives because they keep on passing on and devolving cuts and blame to local councils forcing council tax up leaving people saying well why am I paying more and getting less talking about you what are you guys going to do well the the central challenge K and the reason why we’ve got the highest burden of Taxation in 70 years and and the approach labor will take to get that burden down we’ve got to get growth back into the economy why do we have a high tax economy because we have a low growth economy and if the economy had grown Ming if we had grown un if we the economy had grown under this government at the rate it had grown under the last Labor government there’d be over 30 billion pounds um available to either invest in our public services or to return to people through tax cuts you know without having to hike up taxes for someone somewhere else and and that’s the consequence of 14 years of low growth do it sounds to me as though we’re going to get clobbered on our council tax no we we don’t want to see people clobbered on council tax what I will say on that and every other promise we make the promises we make are promises we can keep and the country can afford it will be a fully costed fully funded Manifesto with promises we can keep and you can afford that is why well house um and there’s a serious Point here though K which is that we have for for weeks and months now in fact years and you know including when I’ve been on your program and people have said well will you um spend money in X area or will you cut taxes in y area and often we’ve had to say no to things that we’ probably quite like to do but at this stage unless we can say that the promise can be kept and the country can afford that promise we’re not going to make those promises and that’s why I’ll be able to come you know on your program and others in the coming weeks after Labor’s Manifesto and look your viewers in the eye and say the promises we make are promises we can keep and promises that you can afford richy sunak cannot say that he won’t be able to say that after today and if he does he’s lying to you okay well they said they’re about you guys as well so let’s wait and see should we we’re sort of in a um an election runup so lots of strong words either side but let’s see what happens come the 5th of July it’s good to see you as always have a great day thank you thank you K take care you too morning good morning K interesting uh was it not um you’re here to talk about wages sir yes uh it’s Paul by the way not that you didn’t know he’s clearly played Bingo yeah um economic date this morning from the office of national statistics have you got your mic should I keep talking until it interesting actually to hear from him on T’s side we’re going to be talking about Dentistry we’ve got we’ve got your VT we’re going to look at that our videotape from Paul and we’ll back in just a second to hear more from him a bit smoking here I need to stop smoking so much in here I Michael is unemployed and lives alone he’s just enough space for his Hobbies keeps you busy you know what I mean it’s something to do between that teaching myself a bit of Latin and whatever else it just k k kicks me out on Mischief but after six years out of work he’s stuck in a rut and says he wants a job people must think that all right to be on the door and not have to do anything it’s barring you know your money and when it’s going to run out Michael’s first steps back towards the workplace have brought him to the council Le employment Hub in middlesbor a front line in a Workforce crisis driven by long-term sickness and mental health economically inactive for the last four weeks and there’s no chance of you going back to work in the next two weeks is that right that’s holding the economy back and pushing the welfare Bill up they get used to that pot of money that’s coming in and it’s very difficult with the cost of living crisis at the moment sometimes it is a bit of a vicious circle that they want to work full-time But ultimately they’ll be worse off with the benefits being taken off them it makes it feel like work doesn’t pay you could say that yeah but it’s that sense of achievement at the end of the week the balance between welfare and work is policed by job centers if you’re unemployed you have to attend a weekly appointment but those signed off sick don’t have to look for work A system that can be open to abuse we hear people talking about mental health and almost as if it’s the new bad back you know it’s an excuse people get signed off and it’s a way of play in the system would you recognize that y yeah not well I’m saying yes uh definitely we have to be able to you know question you know and and ask because not only is it our job to support the public we’ve also got to protect the public Pur the solution to the work force crisis is often said to be to get tough to make the benefits regime less generous sick notes harder to come by but the evidence here in midlesboro is it is not as simple as that the impact of poverty and ill health means many people need an enormous amount of support before they can even think about getting a job fantastic Michael says he wants to work but he knows his ambition he’s fragile I feel like I want to get back into work or something and if I maybe don’t do that um especially like only yourself to talk to some some some sometimes you can like you go backwards you lose the confidence for the next government rebuilding the economy means repairing the workforce Paul Kelo Sky News in middlesbor you’re telling me about the figures Paul uh yes it was the wrong kind of mic drop apologies um this is data from the on this morning the labor market uh statistics tells us all sorts of things it tells us things about wages wages are rising about 6% in real terms that’s 3.2% in money in your pocket compared to inflation that’s the highest level in 4 years that’s good news for workers Bank of England might give them pause to think about uh raising interest rates less likely now the market thinks really interesting the economic inactivity data which was what we were talking to people there in middlesbor about this is people who aren’t looking to work or can’t work cuz they’re ill and it’s up at its highest level since 201 9.4 million people that’s more than 22% of the population of those 2.8 million a long-term sick and that’s up 650,000 since covid so we have nearly a million vacancies in the economy jobs that need filling and we’ got this huge rise in people who aren’t working or can’t work and it’s a massive challenge he’s holding back growth he’s pushing up the benefits Bill and whoever gets in on July the 5th it’s a very tough nut to crack as we can see from there it is not straightforward there’s no quick fix okay for now thanks still to come on the breakfast show for you here on Sky News we’re going to be talking about knife crime on Britain’s streets as two 12-year-old boys found guilty of murdering this teenager Shan cahi with a machete well so Tech Giant Apple could soon be bringing AI to your fingertips and another busy week for the king as he prepares for his birthday parade [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Westminster Mak seem far from Grimsby and CLE thorps but not for long with a general election around the corner we’re bringing you sunac versus starma live from Grimsby putting their cases forward Ward and facing questions from a live audience who will convince you to give them the keys to this place the battle for number 10 get the full story first on Sky News [Music] [Applause] [Music] what did you think of West streeting this morning so West streeting really Keen to talk about Dentistry NHS dentistry and the state of that and you can understand why you know NH Dentistry is actually really quite difficult to access but what I found most interesting were two topics so first of all you grilled him on knife crme and specifically in the capital of London we know that 20% here on you exactly so you put that to him and sadik Khan is a labor mayor in charge of crime in London now sadik Khan’s team would argue that yes they are in charge of crime but there are certain things that are still coming from central government in terms of funding and things like that but nonetheless the fact that it’s gone up rather than down now exactly huge amount now west treating was trying to say well there’s been cuts to policing there’s been cuts to Youth Services cuts to the justice system and he said we need to give give Mays the tools to do their job properly that’s all fine but that’s essentially suggesting that the Deon has not been given the right tools to be able to tackle knife crime some would argue that’s a little bit of a stretch considering as you say the massive increase second of all if lab win the election and knife crime does not come down in London that excuse becomes utterly redundant and is quite a dangerous position for them to be in so they will need to deliver in places like London otherwise they have no excuse left for why it’s going up second thing tax so we’ve had this back and forth about capital gains tax haven’t we with the labor party and again this morning we’re streeting saying no nothing in the manifesto requires us to increase capital gains tax but nonetheless then it doesn’t seem like they’re ruling it out completely and utterly if they again then get a hold of the public finances and find out oh gosh it’s worse than we thought so I think they’re trying to tread really really carefully about exactly what they can and can’t say with capital gains tax but he was trying to shut shut that you know kind of speculation down this morning on that which is exactly what Bridget philipson did yesterday but then Jonathan Ashworth yesterday afternoon slightly undid some of that so there a little bit of a gray area around capital gains tax um for the labor party but they’re trying to say no plans to do so doesn’t mean they won’t do it it means for now there are no plans okay thanks very much um top stories yes let’s remind you of our headlines this hour it’s 8:36 the conservative Manifesto will be launched later this morning at silverston racetrack rishy sunak expected to promise a two pence cut in National Insurance if he is reelected Foul Play has been ruled out in the death of Michael Mosley as CCTV footage appears to show him falling over close to where his body was found Greek police have told Sky newes there were no injuries on the TV doctor’s body that could have caused his death US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin will meet with Israeli officials today before arriving in Jordan for ceire talks the United Nations security Council yesterday voted to support a deal aimed at ending the fighting between Israel and Hamas and Germany is ramping up security ahead of the start of the European championship this week police and security forces across the country have been training for a range of scenarios from Hooligans to terrorism and cyber attacks two 12y olds are thought to have become the UK’s youngest convicted Killers after being found guilty of murdering 19-year-old sha sahi with a machete in wolver Hampton last November Allison cop is an antiviolence C uh campaigner actually and uh she’s with us now hi Allison uh thanks for taking the time to join us absolutely staggering yeah it is it’s just so so sad for you know Sean his family and everyone involved in this and sadly you know we’ve had these headlines many times of young people being stabbed using weapons and it’s just got out of control and it’s very frustrating for someone like me to hear the um the approaches to knife crime and we’re failing how do we get to the point where a 12-year-old can buy a machete for £40 exactly how have we got to that point how we got to the point where the mindset of a 12-year-old is to purchase a murder weapon take photographs of it present it on social media and believe that is genuinely an acceptable way to present themsel online how did nobody pick up that those photographs were being posted to give an indication we have a huge problem that needs addressing and I think we’re just letting so many young people fall through the cracks and the consequence is stabbings and murders across the UK someone sent me an email um this morning when we’ve been talking um about this Allison showing me how you can actually buy um a knife on Amazon um and um have it delivered to your home this kid you know spent £40 on a machete and managed to purchase it what do we need to start to do to try to make sure that that just doesn’t happen I know there are laws in place that mean that it shouldn’t happen but it quite clearly is yeah um and then it just opens up a can of worms doesn’t it who’s going to actually make sure that this isn’t happen we don’t have enough people we don’t have enough resources you know many debates of the cuts are having a big impact they obviously are who’s going to man social media and Man online sales we don’t have the resources um the number one murder weapon within the West Midlands is a kitchen knife so that for me highlights the need to changed the mindset of many many young people in this country West Midlands has higher knife crime figures than London now we’ve allowed it to get out of control to that point and I just hope that those that have the powers really take a step back sit around the table and make sure that the same mistakes are not repeated um we talk about the mayor’s you know Manchester mayor for example is doing an exceptionally good job and he’s been given the same funding as other Mayors it’s just what we do with that funding how we allocate it how we make sure it is effective and follow that through to reach as many young people as we possibly can and it’s very inconsistent some areas are doing a great job other areas need Improvement what would you like the next Home Secretary whether it’s it vet Cooper or James cleverly to do um to try to make sure that something like this never happens again to make it compul compulsory education is a very good starting point because you’re never going to have so many young people listening in front of you we’ve got to start somewhere um so I think first and foremost compulsory in education and then we need to have a consistent approach around the UK so a young person knows that this behavior is not acceptable and there will be consequences um whereas at the moment it’s very inconsistent if you’re caught with a weapon you might get a verbal warning you might get probation you might go to prison that’s a very you know watered down consequence it needs to be strong it needs to be consistent and it needs to be across the UK we don’t want young people thinking that they can get away with this and and when they face the consequences somebody has been killed and that’s you know we don’t want it to get that far anymore we we just want it to be you know stopped and prevented and you know we’ve got too many young people that are dead too many young people in prison it’s got out of control um I I have a met I have met with you know AET Cooper and had some great conversations but I think the focus is going to be on gangs is going to be on drugs which is very important but we need to address social media mindset and a consistent approach until we see that we’re going to have this conversation many more times good to talk to you thanks for taking time thank you branches of Barclay’s Bank in England and Scotland have been targeted by Pro Palestinian protest groups 15 sites were covered with red paint and had Windows broken the group Palestinian action has accused Barclays of having a financial interest in selling weapons to Israel a claim the bank has denied let’s get more with our business presenter Ian King um hi Ian um is there any truth in this hello okay yes well we’ve talked about this before we had a similar outbreak of these kind of Acts of vandalism back in early March uh all of this seems to stem from uh research that’s been published by an organization called the Palestinian solidarity campaign uh they claim that Barkley’s owned some1 billion pounds worth of shares in defense companies and provides financial support totaling three3 billion pounds to other defense companies some of which Supply the Israeli Defense Force now what this organization has put out is actually inaccurate to an extent because Barkley has been very very clear it doesn’t own shares in any of these defense companies the error arises from the fact that back in 2000 well Barky used to own a business called bgi Barkley’s Global Investors it sold that back in 2009 so it isn’t a direct investor in any defense companies it is true to say that it provides Financial Services to some defense contractors and this is what Barkley has to say we provide vital Financial Services to us UK and European public companies that Supply defense products to Nato and its allies barles does not directly invest in these companies the defense sector is fundamental to our national security and the UK government has been clear that supporting defense companies is compatible with environmental social and governance considerations decisions on the implementation of arms embargos to other nations are the job of elected governments while we support the right to protest we ask that campaigners do so in a way which respects our customers colleagues and property now it’s interesting Kay to point out that on this occasion these these latest attacks on Barkley’s branches have also been joined by not only uh this organization Palestinian action but by another organization called shut the system which is some sort of climate Group which kind of suggests that uh you know you do have these kind of protest groups that that act on the sort of fringes of politics that often seize on um on on a particular issue but quite often uh they they’re going for U one particular Target for a number of reasons I should also stress K that barles is not the only organization that’s been targeted by some of these protesters the likes of McDonald’s Starbucks and cocacola have also been singled out okay for now thank you Apple AI what’s all that about tell me more good morning well theoretically your phone is going to get easier to use so Apple has added or is is going to add um artificial intelligence into our iPhones to make it a more personal experience a more tailored experience to the user it’s called Apple intelligence and it will do things like generate text or generate images and also it will make the Hy Siri function easier to use so it’s going to spy on me actually it’s just come up my Hy Siri fun funly enough saying that um so it’s after many of Apple’s Rivals like Microsoft and Google started to introduce AI into their software um and essentially artificial intelligence because it is a bit of a confusing concept is is like machine learning the phone will learn based on what we type in or text to our friends or family um but not everyone is really happy with this coming out um Elon Musk the owner of X and Tesla has cited concerns uh about security and about data but Apple has very strenuously said that people’s data uh will be secure but we might be able to see things like chat GPT being used in our phones um this is that well-known chat I I have used it to plan what was a very wet holiday in Budapest um so sadly didn’t predict the weather though sadly it didn’t go that far um but it had lots of uses I could put in when I wanted to put my flights in how long I was there for what I wanted to see and then it came up with options and I said oh you could uh I’d like x amount of time more at this place and it would amend the timetable so uh it’s set to make it more uh yeah set to make it easier for people to use uh phones but uh Elon Musk a little bit unhappy about this oh well there we are um it’s good to see you thank you still to come on the breakfast show for you here on Sky News King Charles prepares to attend trooping the color to mark his official birthday we’ll talk more with Jack in just a [Music] second I particularly like the story about you having to convince uh David Bowie to take part in the glastenbury festival You’ sort of set that up yeah that was funny um David wasn’t that Keen on doing big festivals at that time and he was doing his own sort of quiet shows enjoying life just got married to him on everything was fine um and glassy weren’t super keen on him they worried he was going to do something very obscure left field like tin machine or whatever um and the promoter John Gidding said to me look let’s get him to do it and so I gave leak to story to the Sunday Times and my idea was it’ been one of the columns there wouldn’t it be a great idea if Bowie played Glastonbury unbeknown to me it ended up in the front page Bowie headlines glastenbury newspapers went you know the phones went crazy they sold out all the tickets in a couple of hours glastenbury were completely had a complete meltdown um and it went then the phone went quiet for three days and I never heard a word from David and I thought oh my God he must be furious you know he didn’t want to play a festival he’s booked in the biggest Festival in the world and after about three days I got this message Julian and I Julian who worked with me it said you naughty boys don’t ever do that again but it was great David and of course it turned out to be the biggest one ever I think the walls came down they had 120,000 people and it went down in Legend and it changed the sort of trajectory of David’s career I loved working with the Spice Girls they were so much fun and hilarious and great individuals all of them when I first got hired by them um my feet didn’t touch the ground for a few days I was flown out to Rome um and in fact this is thing I had to go down um they were doing a little show there there and I got a call from my lawyer at the time guy called Alexis he said I’ve just seen you why are you going down to Via garabaldi in Rome I said well how do you know I’m there he said I’m watching Sky News and they’re actually PL plotting your course on the way from the airport to the hotel and at that point I realized how big the news was the next day we flew to Paris in a private jet to go shopping as you do then we went to a disco in Madrid or something and I remember then I finally sat down with the girls and I remember talking to Victoria and she was so funny and I never think you’ve been Mis misnamed forget po spice you’re witty spice um and at that point in all seriousness I thought they’re such smart individuals let’s bring out the media and the newspapers and everyone can handle this individually you don’t need to be protected as a group and um and so it came to be [Music] [Applause] that time of the week when we want to talk about the Royals Jack is here with this they’ve been busy this week they have been busy can we talk about the Princess of Wales to start with though what’s what’s the the latest well I think it’s starting to all cheer up a little bit so Prince William met a D-Day veteran last week who asked him you know how’s Kate doing is she doing any better and he certainly appeared not great audio on the video but he seemed to say that she was doing better and then Saturday came around Kate missed the kernels review which is the rehearsal for trooping the color the King’s Birthday parade she sent the Irish guards a letter apologizing and saying how proud she was of them but she also said she hoped to be back representing them very soon oh very soon very soon now we shouldn’t read too much into it but it is an optimistic use of language it might be tempting to think very soon me and she’ll appear at dripping the color this Saturday that would certainly be very soon I think that would probably also be a little bit presumptuous um some people have also mentioned that in the actual text of the letter they’ve noticed a couple of spelling mistakes which maybe suggests it hasn’t been quite as thoroughly proof R by AIDS as we might ordinarily expect from a document of this kind but it’s the last time we saw her really in in public apart from the on the bench yes indeed so yeah so this looks like Christmas day um so it’s a long time it’s been more than 6 months and um people would love to see her again and if she did make it tring the color couple of minutes on the balcony a little wave you know look after the kids for a little bit up there I think people would would absolutely love that as a very dramatic return to the Royal fold we’ve seen much of her boys um her two sons and indeed um a husband yeah well William has also had a bit of a busy time busier than we were expecting with the election going on in the background but he had a real Statesman moment at D-Day uh last week he was at the international D-Day Ceremony unlike the Prime Minister shook Min yes indeed shook hands with Biden um and really presented himself as being this kind of big International figure which is a role that he loves to play at the moment and I think he plays it well there he is with macron um it’s also you got to think it’s going to have a good knock on effect for him for his Earth shop prize ceremony because that’s very International and he’d love I’m sure to have lots of support from all these political figures that he’s shaking hands with here and took um Louie to see the England team before they set off well he he he went by himself but he he passed on a message from I thought was with unfortunately L will have to wait he would have loved it being reasonable with equal with both boys because of course George gets all the fun gets fun yeah yeah he does maybe when he’s a bit older but yeah he he passed on a very important message which I have to say I stand by as well which Prince Lou says if you want to set yourself up for a successful day or indeed a successful UF for championship championships then have a double portion for breakfast which I something to live that boy is going to be quite the character is it you can see where he gets his energy from absolutely and George as you said playing the role still in his suit and tie but still in his suit and tie yeah I mean he loves he loves these trips to the football you can really see it on his face how much it means to him I think Louie I arguably maybe a little young for a full 90minut game he’s similar kind of age to my son my son definitely solid 45 minutes definitely loves it I think the full 90 minutes the attention can start to go a little bit fair enough especially if your team’s losing especially if it’s what about the king uh again I think the king is doing well at least you know Camila has said as we know with the King that he’s not doing what he’s told and he’s pushing himself perhaps a little too hard um this was at the Queen’s reading room Festival on Saturday she was asked by the novelist Lee Child um author of the Jack Reacher novels you know how’s he getting on and this is what she said but she did say he’s doing fine and that’s great to hear after such a busy week for him last week he had back toback um D-Day events two days running first day Wednesday in Portsmouth and then Thursday he went over to Normandy which is what we’re seeing right here um and this is at the Royal British Legion uh D-Day commemoration he’s meeting veterans um so that is obviously going to take a huge amount out of a 75 year-old who’s still receiving treatment for cancer not sure why we’re saying troop in the color there because he’s not um but he will be doing that that’s that’s official birthday isn’t it trooping the color is the yes is the official birthday his actual birthday is November um yeah trooping is Saturday which he he’s going to take the salute from a carriage rather than the Bucking Palace balcony oh is he yes um but so that is an accommodation but he will be able to be there which um is going to be a fantastic moment what about his youngest son about Harry well Harry has had some kind of positive court news this week although with a sting in the tail yeah so his appe he’s appealing the decision to uh well he’s appealing the loss of the lawsuit that was attemp in to overturn the removal of his P’s protection it’s all getting very complicated easy for you to say easy for me to say what makes it more complicated is the judge has said well okay we’ll let we’ll hear your appeal that’s fine um but you know don’t get your no jumping no Q jumping first of all because they wanted the case over by the end of July um and also you know he’s kind of said well actually I might well find that the judge got it right in the first place anyway um it all comes down to this distinction of you know Harry lost his police protection when he lost his role and most of the people who get it have it because of a role they perform but there’s this other category of other VIPs who get it for other reasons think salmon rushy getting it because of the Iran fats war against him that kind of thing so Harry’s saying well I should have been in that category so that is the grounds on which the appeal will be heard okay and we’ll see what happens good to see you that as always see you next week thanks so much indeed now if you’ve ever been ghosted don’t worry you’re not the only one there’s a in my house I can’t hide [Music] Superstar Billy eish has revealed she was speaking to someone last year who then completely cut off all contact without warning she said she couldn’t believe it when the person she was texting stopped replying one day apparently they had plans to meet up then she never heard from him again never happened to us as it happens to everyone this of course it does of course even to Billy ish um we what goost she will see you into [Music] [Music] [Music] morning 9:00 coming up on today’s program it’s Manifesto day for the conserv atives is this the last big chance for rishy sunak to save his campaign well Des despite K’s best efforts work in pension secretary Mel stride was very tight L this morning and avoiding questions was the theme of the morning too for labor it’s exactly right also ahead we’re joined by Olympic Legends say Steve Redgrave and Dy Thompson to hear about their new health initiative it’s Tuesday the 11th of June Richie sunak expected to put another cut to National Insurance at the heart of the conservative Manifesto the and pensions Minister was Coy this morning I thought I had you then I thought you were going to say that it was in the manifesto H you know if I did that for anybody it would be for you but I’m afraid I’m not going to divulge all the details good morning K I am in Silverstone where the Prime Minister will be hoping this Manifesto launch will too charge his campaign or will he remain in the pits and I’m here in tside where labor promised to tackle the crisis in NHS dentist appointments also had booze banss travel restrictions and Riot police can only mean one thing Germany gets ready for England at the Euros Apple unveils its plans to put artificial intelligence into the iPhone and the pockets of over a billion people there’s a ghost in my house I can’t hide in my from the ghost and the loneliness of Fame Billy eish speaks out about the shock of being [Music] ghosted the conservatives are expected to promise tax cuts and more help for firsttime buyers when they published their Manifesto this morning Rishi sunak will seek to present himself as the heir to Margaret Thatcher in what could be his last big chance to rescue his party’s campaign this morning we spoke to work and pension secretary male stride who didn’t give much away about what’s in the manifesto but insisted cutting people’s tax will be at its heart you’re going to see two very different manifestos ours that we’re launching today at its heart is going to be cutting people’s tax uh and making sure that they have a secure financial future um with labor later on uh I think you’re going to see uh questions around tax uh Rises particularly because of this 38 and a half billion pound uh spending black hole that they have uh in their the the offer that they’re putting forward so TWP cut in National Insurance contributions what else so well you’re you’re you’re going to have to wait to to see the full Manifesto little bit later but we so sorry say again I said I thought I had you then I thought you were going to say that it was in the manifesto uh you know if I did that for anybody it would be for you but I’m afraid I’m not going to divulge all the details of the manifesto before it’s officially announced Rishi sunak has finally spoken to the media again saying that he didn’t consider resigning as prime minister after his Gaff let’s call it um on the Normandy beaches should he have considered his position well I think he did exactly what he should do which was he very quickly recognized that he had made a mistake uh he apologized unequivocally uh and very publicly for that uh mistake but look Rishi sunak is somebody I know reasonably well uh he will have felt this very deeply personally because he is a deeply patriotic person and now he did and that’s why obviously he did attend the events in uh Portsmouth uh he met veterans many veterans actually in Normandy at all the British he recognizes that he made him as sorry you mustn’t try and defend what he did I I I’m not saying he didn’t make a mistake I’m accepting that entirely indeed the prime minister is and uh I think what he’s now uh saying is that he hopes that people have it in their heart to forgive him so I don’t think anybody’s saying that uh what happened uh was anything other than uh a mistake and that mistake has been accepted and a full apology has been provided but I’m making a broader point you know like our commitment for example to defense where 2 and a half% by 20 uh 30 is very strong our commitment to him having apologized and youology it’s going to haunt him isn’t it Darren to tomorrow in just a second but Darren do you want to pick up on that yeah I think this is something that the prime minister is just simply unable to get away from largely I mean I was with him yesterday in which he did offer a bit more of a fullsome apology compared to last Friday but for a lot of people frankly it is not enough and I was in hor a very safe conservative seat in West Sussex and I was trying to find some conservative supporters a lot of people tiany said they weren’t going to turn out to vote and in part it was because of what happened with D-Day last week now the prime minister is hoping that will change today here at Silverstone I’m going to try and keep the pwns if you like to a minimum K he is hoping to kind of rev up his campaign to turn the corner quickly maybe get back into pole position but very easily as I say he could be stuck in the pit so he could crash and burn to because this is and needs to be an absolute game Cher for the conservative party they are still 20 points behind in the polls they need today to change the narrative now what we likely hear from the Prime Minister later as you have rightly found out from Mel stride it’s going to be tax cuts at the center of the conservative offering a l later on 2% of the National Insurance again effectively having the rate over at the past year and in addition to that we’re also likely to hear extra help for first time buyers the Prime Minister admitting yesterday that under conservatives trying to buy a house has become more difficult we believe they’re going to get rid effectively of stamp Duty up until £425,000 for those firsttime buyers but a lot of the stuff we’ve also heard before K whether it’s on extra police officers whether it’s on that national service announcement whether it’s on further help for pensioners the conservative party have anounced quite a lot of this over the last couple of weeks and that’s why I think we may well get a surprise whether it’s going a bit further on tax or whether a bit further on the European Court of human rights when it comes to the Rwanda policy I suspect the prime minister is going to have to try and pull a rabbit out of the okay let’s find out what’s going to happen as far as labor is uh concerned we’ve been chatting to west streeting in the last hour tomorrow he’s got lots to say about all sort of things as you would expect that’s right we’re at a school here in tside because labor have a health policy today which is they’re going to create a 100,000 more dentist appointments just for children we know that they’ve been highlighting this for a while and we know that there’s been lots of stories in in the media about people unable to get an NHS dentist appointment even ending up pulling out their own teeth because they can’t get access to a dentist and labor have this statistic they keep using which is that among children aged between 5 and 9 the most common cause of admission to hospital is tooth decay it costs the H S65 million a year and they say it’s time to tackle that because there are hundreds of thousands fewer dentist appointments for children than there were for example back in 2018 how are they going to tackle it well money they say it will cost 100 million pounds and that will be funded from the non-dom loophole they’re going to close although the government have already closed it but they believe that they can still use some of that money to pay for this they’re also announcing that they would ban the sale of highly caffeinated energy drinks to children under 16 that’s something we first reported on Sky earlier this year with fines of2 and a half thousand for shops that sell them to children so some people will say this is the nanny state but labor clearly feel that when it comes to Children’s Health they want to take this more interventionist approach okay tomorrow for now thank you can bring you the conservative Manifesto launch live to you here on Sky News around about 11:30 this morning don’t be surprised if it slips a little bit but we will be here hopefully you will be too then tomorrow morning I’m going to be in CLE thorps for a special program ahead of the Sky News leaders event the battle for number 10 Rishi sunak and Kia starma will be grilled by our political editor and Beth Ry of course and face a live studio audience here on Sky News tomorrow from 700 p.m. now booze bans travel restrictions and Riot police the are just some of the measures being prepared by German police ahead of the European championships with England’s Opening match against Serbia regarded as one of the most highrisk fixtures our Europe correspondent Shor Robbins [Music] reports in the German city of gzen kirken the spectators are also the spectacle please carefully watch over the crowd at this potentially volatile Clash at the gates fans are randomly checked for weapons and boot inside officers are on alert for troublemakers honing in on a group of masked Ultras gathering in the stands this is where England will play their first game of the Euros against Serbia it’s been classed as high risk so police are using this League match as a test run I think it’s a very highrisk game uh because of the history because of uh the The Hooligans both sides uh have uh like Serbia they have many huls uh the English guys uh with many alcohol they are sometimes very aggressive so it’s uh a great job to do this uh to prepare that so that uh hopefully nothing will happen this is what they want to avoid more than 1,500 people were arrested during the riots the 2016 Euros in France for high-risk matches here they’ll serve lower alcohol beer in the state and fans can’t drink in the stands young people coming for the first tournament British police is sharing Intel and thousands of hooligans have been banned from traveling over 2,000 troublemakers um away from football has made it a much safer place and when you play that out over the last 10 years eight8 10 years um behavior of football fans has been far far better from fan violence to terror attack police and Security Services across Germany are training for a range of threats mobilizing extra officers and Security Experts and increasing checks at stations and borders policing the Euros is a complex challenge because it’s not just about keeping the fans safe in the 10 stadiums where the games are being played there are also the 12 million fans in the fan zones to look after in touring ham where England has its base camp police have also been doing drills they say the tense Global situation makes security more complex but Germany’s determined it’s ready and can protect the millions of football fans coming here sioban Robbins Sky News you don’t get it do you no you’re a fan of the game there you go and trash the place that’s hosting the game for you makes no sense no I concur with your perspective and as fan I can’t help but draw parallels to the fact you don’t see that at rugby matches but you do see that match when you say you’re a rugby fan you’re a rugby union fan so it doesn’t really count let’s bring you some other stories this morning shall we moving on because developing you is actually out of China for American teachers in the country reportedly being stabbed in the northeast of China let’s bring in our correspondent in the region that’s Nicole Johnston Nicole what more do we know about this well this is a highly unusual attack to have taken place place as you said it was in Northeast China in the city of gilin it happened on Monday in broad daylight four American teachers who were on an exchange program attacked while they were walking in a park they had another member of their faculty with them they’d been on an exchange at the city’s University they were from Iowa’s Cornell College so the pictures that have come out on social media really dramatic you see them on the ground uh surrounded by Blood some of them are trying to make telephone calls onlookers standing by trying to help them and then they’re put into the back of ambulances now all of this video has come out on social media outside of China because inside China this story had been censored to an extent none of this video was available on Chinese social media we have however heard from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in China they are calling it a random attack we don’t have any information about who carried it out or what the motive was behind it and the college in the United States has said that it is serious it doesn’t appear to be life-threatening but now there are efforts underway of course to try and get those four teachers back to the United States Nicole for the moment thank you so much jurors in Hunter Biden’s gun trial have begun deliberations following the trial of the president’s son it’s the first of two cases he’s expected to face during his father’s reelection campaign Mr Biden has pleaded not guilty to all three charges the main shipping channel into Baltimore’s Port has fully reopened following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge in March the channel was blocked by wreckage from the Fallen Bridge which collapsed after a container ship lost power and crashed into one of its supporting columns killing six Road workers it comes after a massive cleanup effort removed an estimated 50,000 tons of steel and concrete that had fallen into the river below an Austrian Airlines pilot has been called a hero after successfully Landing a plane despite severe damage the flight from mior to Vienna unintentionally flew into a thunderstorm unbeknownst to the crew heavy hilston shattered the windscreen and ripped off the nose of the plane all 173 passengers and six crew on board did land safely ripped off the nose of the plane it’s a phrase you don’t want have to say isn’t it really is and look at it it’s there’s no under statement either is it and then how can they see the wrong way through those windows remarkable I know all all of those things all of these points G I’m making to you repeatedly but Testament to everybody absolutely you wouldn’t want to have been on that plane well I suppose to matter doesn’t matter if you can see it if you’ve got your eyes closed I would had if i’ been the pilot I think you responded in the last hour oh I had some Hailstone in my garden unseasonal they were but they weren’t like that yes indeed so you want to talk just about wages yeah we’ve got labor market data from the office of national statistics uh today which what I I struggle the ex um which tells us about people working not working and it’s particularly interesting about this uh concept we talked a lot about in the last couple years economic inactivity that’s people who aren’t looking to work or aren’t able to work that might be early retirees you might be a carer but it’s also the long-term sick and that number has risen again to the highest in uh since 2011 as far as I can see 9.43 million people more than 22% of the working age population not working it’s been driven up by long-term sickness 2.83 million people not working because they’re signed off sick that’s the highest figure since 92 since the numbers began up more than 650,000 since the pandemic and that’s despite there being nearly a million vacancies in the economy so we got a Workforce crisis but this isn’t like the ‘ 80s when it was unemployment crisis a jobs crisis there are jobs but there is a huge challenge in getting people into work and I spent a few days in Middlesboro uh with some colleagues of ours looking at this issue talking to job centers talking to people trying to get back into work and I think we can take a look at the report a bit smoking here I need to stop smoking so much I Michael is unemployed and lives alone he’s just enough space for his Hobbies keeps you busy I mean it’s something to do between that teaching myself a bit of Latin and whatever else it just k k kicks me out Mischief but after six years out of work he’s stuck in a rut and says he wants a job people must think that all right to be on the door and not have to do anything it’s baring you know your money and when it’s going to run out Michael’s first steps back towards the workplace have brought him to the council Le employment Hub in Middlesboro a front line in a Workforce crisis driven by long-term sickness and mental health economically inactive for the last four weeks and there’s no chance of you going back to work in the next two weeks is that right that’s holding the economy back and pushing the welfare Bill up they get used to that pot of money that’s coming in and it’s very difficult with the cost of living crisis at the moment sometimes it is a bit of a vicious circle that they want to work full-time But ultimately they’ll be worse off with the benefits being taken off them it makes it feel like work doesn’t pay you could say that yeah but it’s that sense of achievement at the end of the week the balance between welfare and work is policed by job centers if you’re unemployed you have to attend a weekly appointment but those signed off sick don’t have to look for work A system that can be open to abuse we hear people talking about mental health and almost as if it’s the new bad back you know it’s an excuse people get signed off and it’s a way of playing the system would you recognize that y yep not well I’m saying yes uh definitely we have to be able to you know question you know and and ask because not only is it our job to support the public we’ve also got to protect the public purse the solution to the workforce crisis is often said to be to get tough to make the benefits regime less generous sick notes harder to come by but the evidence here in Middlesboro is it is not as simple as that the impact of poverty Y and ill health means many people need an enormous amount of support before they can even think about getting a job fantastic Michael says he wants to work but he knows his ambition he’s fragile I feel like I want to get back into work or something and if maybe don’t do that um especially if like only yourself to talk to some some some sometimes you can like you go backwards you lose the confidence for the next government rebuilding the economy means repairing the workforce Paul Kel Sky News in Middlesboro so there are the jobs there just that people don’t want them or there’s a there’s a mixture of things there are jobs there that can’t be filled and that’s the combination of brexit and the pandemic um we’re left with these vacancies I mean in the last 24 hours I’ve I’ve heard been talking to people can’t hire traffic wardens can’t hire Barbers and it goes right the way up to Advanced manufacturing where there aren’t the skills there so there’s a problem right across the economy the specific thing here particularly in midlesboro where we were we on every metric of um worklessness you might call it whether it’s How likely you are to be in a family that hasn’t worked for three generations no one has worked where benefit is entrenched um that’s a legacy of IND de-industrialization um or uh sickness is high of course sickness and poverty go together poor health and poverty go together um and we know that NHS absolutely mental mental health now the greater reporting treating it with parity with that has that’s been driving this rise in long-term sickness and we’re in this world where now you’ve got politicians saying they want to reform how you hand out the sick notes and that’s a whole generation that now is perhaps going to be confronted with being told what they’ve been encouraged to report as an illness shouldn’t stop them going to work it’s a really naughty problem for whoever is in charge on suggesting free movement of people across Europe indeed and uh since that ended fin this hole has got bigger it’s very interesting conundrum who would have thought it eh a real-time experiment still playing out not yet thanks very much indeed Paul still to come on the breakfast show for you here on Sky News with the Olympics just over a month away joined in the studio by two legends of the game say Steve Redgrave and Dy Thompson Rishi sunak says ta tax cuts are on the horizon as the conservatives launch their election Manifesto will discuss what to expect with Katie and [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ian and have you ever been ghosted apparently pop star Billy eish has we’ll tell you more next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Westminster may seem far from Grimsby and CLE thorps but not for long with a general election around the corner we’re bringing you sunat versus starma live from Grimsby putting their cases forward and facing questions from a live audience who will convince you to give them the keys to this place the battle for number 10 get the full story first on Sky News [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’m thrilled to say look who is with us it makes me look really short doesn’t it I know all right Steve Redgrave is here and Dy Thompson so Steve Redgrave and you wanted to get involved I did of course Legends Absol yeah Olympics just ran the corner what you most looking forward to uh success from for GB I think that I think we’ve got a very good team across the board uh we did well in uh uh in most sports in in Tokyo three years on I think we’ve got another good games coming up what do you think oh yes you know the the guys and girls they never let us down they always perform really well and I’m just looking forward to the fact that Paris is only 50 or 60 miles away or or whatever and we can get to see it in the right time zone and he’s a good athlete he’s not very good at judging distances though but the margins now are so raised a thin AR they think of things like rowing things like cycling like is it even harder than it was to be an Olympic champion do you think I think it’s always hard to to get to the top because obviously each games especially in our sports that focus on on the Olympics is getting to that element each time you’ve got to be faster and better than you were four years before and whether new athletes have comeing out they’ve got to be faster and quicker so it makes it harder so the marginal gains become even more important but the reality is you got to be best in the world to uh to take one of those those medals um when it comes around but you’re here to tell us about how to try and stay as fit as you can going into a more mature life more experienced life I’ve just been learning this from Steve because obviously he’s a lot older than I oh and and know and and we we’re doing when did you retire yeah okay thanks yeah so so yeah we’re we’re talking about healthy aging because we’re working with the GSK and uh we’re talking about shingles and Steve knows a little bit about it I know absolutely nothing I didn’t realize that one in four people in the country get it and as you get older your immune system gets lower and you’re susceptible to so many more injuries and illnesses what what are your CHP tips that well the whole aging process in in some ways is that uh sort of been been with daily today and with very similar sort of a routine of exercise good healthy eating is all all the sort of good processes is that uh of of of working with jsk obviously that there’s a is a great website of of get shingles ready which is really important there’s a lot of information there there’s lots of different vaccines for all sorts of things is to get yourself checked out and and uh see what’s available and and uh make some decisions on that when it comes to the exercise though what is good exercise people don’t need to go as far as you guys but he’s a gym bunny you need to beware going to the gym every day five days a week smashing it out of the gym or is it just going for a simple walk for me for me it it’s that whole range it’s you can either go for a walk every day you can do a few situps you can go to the gym or you can go absolutely crazy like clearly you don’t I knew that was coming it’s fine I can leave this way can I yeah I I I think for for most people particularly as you get a bit older it’s little and often yeah um the sadly Michael Mosley who’s left us he always says don’t fall that’s the that’s the thing as you get older just don’t fall um and he always talked about after said to you didn’t I about standing on one foot when you’re brushing your teeth and it helps you balance I don’t know if I could do that done the whole inter with your eyes closed yeah I can’t you do brush your teeth I do brush me teeth but and I was involved in a balancing sport so putting those two together coordin is not always our Forte yeah but is it just going for a walk or you know it can be I I I don’t think it needs to be more than that I I I really do think that if you get out for 20 30 40 minutes every day and get the fresh air because it’s not only the physical thing it’s the mental thing and I think people uh do struggles particularly as you get older we were talking earlier and we were just saying that even though we were really fit and stuff these days we we struggle getting up from the ground or sometimes if it’s a a really low seat and stuff so if we experien in that ordinary people must be you know really struggling sometimes get getting keeping moving is the important thing as soon as you stop of doing something regular you stiffen up and it’s harder to uh to keep that movement to keep those joints moving so walking is is always pretty good I do I play quite a lot of golf uh quite badly um but uh that’s the social side of that so the mental health side of it is important and I also do arason out cycling don’t get out on the roads quite so much um so during the winter is that a friend of mine that we we get on online we’ve got saty bikes in in the back of our gyms and so we we sort of social media chatting to each other for the first half until we start getting out out of breath um but it’s that element of of of of doing something with D’s obviously got his own own gym when he goes there that uh there’s the process that of mates that come around and the social side of it is really important mental out you’re on the track St oh never never but there’s a vicious rumor that you used to be a bit of a track I was yeah I was a sprinter when I was a kid a long time ago so I I could be encouraged to go out if you if you want to have a j on day all right you V I’ll I’ll be timee keeper what will you be I’ll I’ll wave the flag between the two of us we’ll we’ll we’ll mediate exactly um so you’re really looking forward to the Olympics though I think it’s going to be fantastic of of relatively so close to us um 60 miles here yeah where you live from even closer I think it might be 220 from London I’m going to go with that over your SE it really is yeah you thinking about swimming the Channel first yes absolutely who’s who are the ones to watch uh within raring we’ve got a lot of opportunities there’s potentially six gold medals could come our way if all of them come off that would be pretty impressive but the lightweight women’s double are rainning world champions uh haven’t been beaten this season so far so as much as you can put on a a a nail gold medal there at the top of the pile but there are a lot of others chances as well what about on the track uh key hog kinson in the in the 800 we’ve got molly cry in the pole VT who’s fantastic and hopefully Katrina Johnson Thompson will get back into sh so yeah and we’re always really good at relays aren’t we yeah we always win a few things we don’t win as many as these guys but uh just remind us how many you won uh I’ve won five five in five it’s all right days work isn’t it or but following in his footsteps of watching him and getting his success that motivated me as well going back to point that you would make sorry how many world records four for me only four only four but going back to the point that you wanted to make as you get older look after your health really important definitely it’s so so important keep mobile um that uh I’ve seek medical advice doctors of of nurse at the GP practice get as much information as you can and let’s all have a healthy of Lifestyle well into our late St I was going to say particularly bles because and I’m and I’m definitely one I I never want to go to the doctor no matter what’s going on I think if you if you feel that you ever need to go go and see them and at least take those fears away okay can you read this next link I can okay I’ll race you to the gate go stay race in that direction still to come on the breakfast show this morning we’re going to be looking at what we can expect from the conservatives election Manifesto we’ll be discussing that with ktie anyo [Music] [Music] I’m back he won what did you make of what we’ve heard from the politicians today well so far this morning it’s been a mixed bag the conservative party really really Keen to drum up anticipation for their Manifesto that they’re launching very very soon be live on Sky News and we know we’ve heard some kind of you know hints and leaks and the prime minister’s even been writing in the telegraph this morning about capital gains tax and benefits for things like landlords and getting people on the housing ladder so we’ve got lots of different policies that you know both parties are flying out here labor really want to talk about health they want to talk about Children’s Health specifically they know realistically that the NHS when voters are pulled the NHS comes up again and again and again as one of the top three things they care about whereas interestingly tax cuts is not in the top three so the conservatives really not appealing to the masses they are appealing to a particular core voter base even though they say they are trying to implement you know policies for young people and firsttime buyers overall the ticket is still very much old fashion of conservatism low tax cutting tax whereas actually labor are looking at the polls and thinking well actually people care most about cost of living and the NHS and public services so we’re not going to promise tax C Cuts in the way the Tories are they’re trying to say that’s irresponsible fiscally irresponsible and they’re trying to say we’re going to make the country work again okay let’s see 11:30 this morning is when we hear uh what is in the conservative Manifesto before that before that our top story this morning which is the fact the conservatives will be launching as we’ve just been saying their Manifesto later at the silverston racetrack Rich tunak expected to promise a two pence cut in National Insurance if he’s reelected the work and pension secretary tight lip though about about the manifesto this morning telling this program that cutting people’s tax will be at its heart US Secretary of State anony blinkin will meet with Israeli officials today before arriving in Jordan for ceasefire talks the United Nations security Council yesterday voted to support a deal aimed at ending the fighting between Israel and Hamas Foul Play has been ruled out in the death of Michael Mosley as CCTV footage appears to show him falling over close to where his body was found Greek police have told Sky News there were no injuries on the TV doctor’s body that could have caused his death Germany is ramping up security ahead of the start of the European championship this week police and security forces across the country have been training for a range of scenarios from Hooligans to terrorism and also cyber [Music] attacks Manifesto launch uh this week uh Ian and Katie are here we’ll talk about that before we do though last Friday my goodness me suggestions that the only reason that the prime minister is still imp post is because we’re so close to an election what do you think yeah I think you know your campaign’s going pretty badly when you have ministers being sent out on the weekend through the media and they’re being asked whether their leader in this case riak is going to step down or not I mean obviously his team dismisses is something they’re not even thinking about but it shows you uh you know I think lots of people thought the Tores were at such a low point when this election was called that you would see things narrow I think now the combination of the D-Day blunder but I think probably actually as concerning if not more to Tor MPS is Nigel farage’s return you put all these things together add some more gaps and there is a sense that actually the people uh in the party and now worried that the Gap is going to be wider than when the campaign started I mean the Gap is wide you know it’s not just that the polls haven’t moved it’s that actually they’re getting worse for the conservatives and we did have some indication of this before the election started putting aside and you know policy and you know 14 years in power but just looking at how rushi sunak comes across his presentational abilities when he’s out there when he does TV debates when he goes on visits to schools he’s not exactly it’s not so much about Charisma as about human empathy with the people that he’s talking about it doesn’t come across particularly well so there was always that sense that he could be a liability on the campaign Trail itself and that is exactly what has proven to be the case yeah I mean I think that we’ve seen you know various gaps throughout I think that you now have the point where it does feel as though um you know the usual figures to be quite supportive or optimistic perhaps to the point that you think we’re spinning them slightly do seem a bit deflated where things are um I don’t think we’re seriously going to see you know a change of lead between now and polling day but I think the risk is if you don’t see things such as the manifesto today land in the way they want are you going to have more disunity in the Tory party and more Tory candidates speaking out with their own views there’s reports today that you could have you know a a rival Manifesto which again would just be completely confusing to voters as if uh Mor in fighting is going to help the situation but it obviously points to the unhappiness which all goes a bit back to the fact that Richi opted for the summer election in the first place which the majority of his party did not want Count I just can’t get past the Gaff on dday I just I just don’t get it I I mean just how damaging was it for him I mean it’s a disaster because it has cut through it’s easily um comprehensible it’s colorful it speaks to the heart rather than the mind and it seems to sum up just this kind of intellectual and even moral befuddlement that he suffers under so that’s spectacle at the end you know it’s it’s there’s a lot of stuff coming home to roost here I mean one part of that is this this stuff that’s briefed it’s just like well they just thought that was just the French bit so that doesn’t really matter and you sort of think what an extraordinary thing to think you know it’s almost like it I I sometimes think that they’ve just misunderstood some of the emotional sentiment behind the brexit vote it was sort of interpreted as this like quite England okay it’s just an international stuff it’s of no consequence to anyone we’ll just come back here and do our Stu what the actual fact when people then see an image of the American president and the French President standing and the Canadian presid exactly the countries that are involved in that measure with with just David Cameron chucked in there and even David ceron being better than the original plan which just put grant chaps there you know you just think like you just have no comprehension no intuitive comprehension of people’s sense of history and national pride you’ve massively mangled in your mind the emotional inputs that led to brexit and that swirl around that area so no I mean it does feel like the sort of almost the moral Justice for a series of misjudgments that have been playing out over the last few years it was certainly let’s let’s say let’s be kind it was certainly an own goal uh but as far as labor is concerned latest polls are suggesting that people don’t care particularly for K starma yeah and I think that’s been the one thing probably for the past year as the polls you know not moved that Tor MPS have clung to the sense there’s not huge enthusiasm for K starma I think that the issue for the Tories there is people do not care particularly for the Tory government to the point they’re actually quite angry at the Tory government and that means you could have this scenario which right now looks like a reasonable you know scenario quite likely whereby you have a labor super majority but not much enthusiasm for the labor government which is obviously going to raise lots of questions in terms of governing how long they can keep support and so forth um but I think right now you know with a more effective Tory message with more Tory discipline perhaps you know with different things than for your guess things would look a bit tighter I just think right now it doesn’t feel as though it’s too much of a problem that K Dharma does not have that enthusiasm behind him but it doesn’t make for a buyant ship going forward if we don’t like who the prime minister is I don’t know about you’re going to say it’s not about Pol uh not about personalities aren’t you no not quite it it’s more about where you find yourself in the cycle like he his job K’s job is to not scare the horses that is the job you know you got a really unpopular government you’re 14 years in all you got to do is present yourself as unthreatening unthreatening and and not just to people who might consider voting labor but also to imagine that you’re a libdem voter in the home counties you know one of those Tory libdem marginals they feel authorized to vote lib Dem those wavering voters because they think that the labor proposition is not a particularly scary one it’s not very corbon you know so on that basis when when your main job is just don’t scare them yeah fine the cery of that is you’re not particularly inspiring because you’re not putting out this great big positive message you’re basically trying to make sure that no one is particularly anxious about you so that is the job here I suspect by the way and I could easily be prove wrong on this I suspect that the Office of Prime Minister will suit starma quite a bit that that look the things that he Prides himself on competency being on top of the details being able to make the case and pursue the plan all of that stuff that looks quite uninspiring in opposition will actually suit him and offer him a little bit of Gravitas you know in Downing Street itself and this this Dynamic might change slightly do you agree yeah I think potentially I mean I do think it’s going to potentially store up problems for a labor government that it is seems less about enthusiasm for them and more the sense of a time a time for change because people want the Tories out as opposed to necessarily linking that to to what comes after there’s obviously some people who really want a labor government but I think you look back to the ITV debate last week and obviously there were different polls but that initial snap Yuga poll had rushy sunak two points in front um I think when you look at any polling on terms of where the Tories are compared to labor you would expect K Arma to be a bit further ahead in terms of you know as a leader so I think that does point to some of these problems okay fascinating stuff that was 8 minutes gone amazing thank thank you we we see you same time next week I sincerely hope so thank you team thanks very much still to come on the breakfast show for you here on Sky News we catch up with Matt Smith and the other stars of Sky Atlantic’s House of the dragon at the premere for the second [Music] series I particularly like the story about you having to convince uh David Bowie to take part in the glastenbury festival you’d sort of set that up yeah that was funny um David wasn’t that Keen on doing big festivals at that time and he was doing his own sort of quiet shows enjoying life just got married to him on and everything was fine um and glery weren’t super keen on him they worried he was going to do something very obscure left field like tin machine or whatever um and the promoter John Giddings said to me look let’s get him to do it and so I gave leak to story to the Sunday Times and my idea was it’ been one of the columns there wouldn’t it be a great idea if Boe played glastenbury unbeknown to me at any up on the front page Bowie headlines glastenbury newspapers went you know the phones went crazy they sold out all the tickets in a couple of hours glenbury were completely had a complete meltdown um and it went then the phone went quiet for three days and I never heard a word from David and I thought oh my God he must be furious you know he didn’t want to play a festival he’s booked in the biggest Festival in the world and after about three days I got this message Julian and I Julian who worked with me it said you naughty boys don’t ever do that again but it was great David and of course it turned out to be the biggest one ever I think the walls came down they had 120,000 people and it went down in Legend and it changed the sort of trajectory of David’s career I loved working with the Spice Girls they were so much fun and hilarious and great individuals all of them when I first got hired by them um my feet didn’t touch the ground for a few days I was flown out to Rome um and in fact this is thing I had to go down um they were doing a little show there and I got a call from my lawyer at the time guy called Alexis he said I’ve just seen you why are you going down to Via gab Baldi and Rome I said well how do you know I’m there he said I’m watching Sky News and they’re actually PL plotting your course on the way from the airport to the hotel and at that point I realized how big the news was the next day we flew to Paris in a private jet to go shopping as you do then we went to a disco in Madrid or something and I remember then I finally sat down with the girls and I remember talking to Victoria and she was so funny and I remember thinking you’ve been Mis misnamed forget POS spice you’re witty spice um and at that point in all seriousness I thought they’re such smart individuals let’s bring out the media and the newspapers and everyone can handle this individually you don’t need to be protected as a group and um and so it came to be [Music] let’s talk about Ai and as it relates to Apple well good morning K that’s right so AI is now going to be integrated into our iPhone so theoretically uh it’s going to be easier to use uh with a more personal uh feel and what will happen is that uh the phones will basically learn from what we put in so for those who aren’t really familiar with what uh AI is it’s basically machine learning so what we put into the phone uh the phone will learn from and it will start to prompt uh and generate its own responses as well so uh platforms like chat GPT uh might be incorporated into the phone I actually used it to plan a holiday uh so you can put in flight times you can put in how long you’re staying and it will come up uh with a whole itinerary so it can do lots of things like that but some people are not very happy uh including um uh excuse me uh Elon Musk the CEO and owner of Tesla and X he’s said he’s very concerned about uh security and data for people that are using uh phones within his company um and he has said that actually visitors to uh his company will have to store uh their their devices in Faraday cages he said on on X this morning um but Apple has been very keen to stress that the security will be very high and no data will be uh will be put at risk but it’s really that this seems to be the future um you know we’ve had companies like Microsoft um integrating this into their system so apple is really following suit to try to to keep up with that when we don’t know yet um it’s set to come in get a new phone uh no it should just be on your phone as normal um it’s not quite clear when it will come in or how it will come in um maybe it’s already here oh who knows spooky for first thing in the morning thanks very much thanks a lot uh stars of Sky Atlantic’s House of the Dragon are you a fan um I’ve never seen it K but I’m going to say yes okay well you’ve missed season one but season two Green carpet here we go the T Arian who sits the Iron Throne is not just a king or a queen they are a protector of the realm now I find myself in an impossible position all hail King Aon the enemy user uped my Throne we’re going to King’s Landing casy went how was it are we going to do about it you what you know uh these shows are some of the biggest on TV high high drama big big uh stunts action and what have you the premiere equally matching in terms of the drama that we got there there were hailstones in leester square that broke our camera and took out our live signal for doing that anywhere else in the country got hailstones yesterday evening it was actually completely i i near didn’t take a coat anyway this isn’t to do with the house of the dragons it um two years since it’s last been on our screen it returns um and it’s even bigger and better and if the first season was all about sort of scene setting and perhaps a bit slower in Pace boy does this season return bigger and better how can it be even bigger wow cuz the last season was huge well it ended huge didn’t it but it was a little bit slow building up to the the Epic end but this season is all about the dance of the Dragons which is the big it sounds so nerdy I feel like you’re looking at me thinking I’m a right nerd K it’s about the dance of the Dragons which is this sort of Civil War within the Seven Kingdoms but the difference between Game of Thrones and this is It’s all about dragons so you’ve got air battles with Dragons so it’s so impressive you’re not smact Smith character when he commanded the dragon was super cool Civil War within the Seven Kingdoms yes so K you’re getting up at two in the morning this Sunday are you Sunday into Monday so that you can see the episodes as fans do I’m I’m big fan but I did I did find the first season a bit boring so I am hoping there’s a bit more energy in the next one but it got toward I liked it it really picked up yeah but it it took a while didn’t it did the opposite At Last of Us which just got quieter and quieter and quieter more boring controversial that one got better better um should we uh look at some of the stars that we spoke to last night Matt Smith of course his a a very uh complex character that he plays one of the the Kings Damon targaryan blond wig and and looking fine with his blonde looks um but it is a real sort of schemer in this and I spoke to him at the premere last night I think yeah I think that’s where he really thrives and sort of I want to say enjoys himself but that’s where he’s most awakened you know it’s where you know and and it isn’t really about the pursuit of power I think it is genuinely about the pursuit of chaos for Damon tarian that’s Doctor Who I know and he’s joined an equally Big Show Now this he’s a person an actor that clearly likes commitment from his TV shows are there others that I know well Freddy Fox who wasn’t in the last season who we don’t know what his character is until we get into season two I’m just looking at you now because you know what I’m talking about um but Freddy Fox of course peroxide blonde in real life so you would assume he’s going to be a Targaryen no no no no a targaryan okay um all the people with the white hair arear involved in the Civil War yeah it’s a bloodline of the Six Nations withag Seven Kingdoms Seven Kingdoms yeah the dragons yes okay but Freddy Fox is blond hair blonde hair Freddy Fox who has blonde hair in real life doesn’t in the character he’s playing we spoke to him and got some Clues as to who he’s going to be playing okay I can tell you that I’m the son of of Otto ha played by the brilliant re fans and the brother of Allison played by the incredible Olivia Cook so I’m I’m he comes into the story in a moment of high tension as the battle lines begin to be drawn and is finding his feet in very difficult circumstances we were talking about this yesterday actually um and I like Judge Judy if you ever seen Judge Judy what yes yeah you know horses for hes dragons for wagons oh did that come don’t know is it is it time for in the show tell me about the weather again we got some pictures oh yes the the weather it was just ridiculous we got hailstones in the middle of Leicester Square this is me filming talking about a flood everyone had to go the the red the Green carpet became just Soden with these hailstones and everyone in their lovely glamorous dresses just getting absolutely wet Billy let’s talk quickly about Billy eish should we she’s been ghosted did you know that oh I did I read oh no it was on a podcast wasn’t it she revealed this I mean who maybe people just intimidated by how brilliant she is I wouldn’t ghost Billy ish


    1. Farage isn't liked much ' he moans about the police all the time ' but they were quick to act for him today ' just shows what a liar he is ' somone threw a tiny bit of grit at him ' in yorkshire today 😫

    2. Europe needs to ban British football and fans. Their Hooligans, indeed. And WTF are Brexiteers doing in Europe in the first place.😡

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