Escape to the Country Season 18 Episode 67: Hampshire (2017) | FULL EPISODE

    Escape to the Country is a British daytime television property-buying/real estate programme, first airing in 2002 revolving around potential home buyers searching for their dream homes in rural parts of the UK.

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    1. The mystery house was wonderful. Interesting how you can build a new house and give it lots of character, or remodel an authentic old house and strip all the character out of it. Whoever defaced the inside of house #2 should serve time in prison.

    2. The mystery house was probably the best in terms of the house hunters' requirements. Jules certainly tried very hard to meet her requirements and succeeded with the third house — whether she bought it or not !

    3. Sorry,
      2 bedrooms in the mystery house is unacceptable. The gardens are too perfect. Nothing like a challenging garden to raise your horticultural temperature.
      Property 2 would have been ideal. A 90 minute commute is better than a 2 hour commute. She could antique with decorative touches. I doubt she bought it. There's nothing to do with it!!!

    4. I really liked the first property, but a 2 hour commute?!🫣
      The mystery house was very charming, I understand she fell in love with it, but again, an almost 2 hour commute?! Plus, only 2 bedrooms!
      None were truly right for her/them.

      Thanks again very much for sharing though!🙂

    5. I was a bit disappointed frankly that with such a large budget, none of the houses shown were really suitable. It's a pity she didn't do the viewings with the boyfriend as he was quite dishy. However, I have the impression that our Jules was quite taken with the cousin!

    6. i think she'll struggle fitting back in to a smaller town. Glass houses to good for plants… she's somewhat missed the point, hasn;t she? Spoiled by the fruits of her labours.

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