After a lifetime on Fleet Street, Kevin O’Sullivan tackles the big stories of the day, champions free speech and leads the war against woke.

    news is at 9:00 for the first time we’ll be running uh my TV show what just happened live from 9:00 until 10 uh p.m. so oh I like it excellent yeah so we’ got quite a show lined up for tonight uh uh we thought it was all ready and nicely settled and then this statement and then something else happened yes so you will have to I went what just happened we shouldn’t make jokes about this all the best to Kate and I’m sure she will win this battle but a harrowing moment I think absolutely for us as a nation as well and we will uh be covering trooping the color tomorrow I’m back between 10 and 1 tomorrow I’ll see you at 10:00 a.m. but stay tuned for Kevin n at here on talk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is talk good evening and welcome to yet another very special edition of the political Asylum with me uh your host Kevin O Sullivan with you all the way to 10:00 stick around the weekend starts here and what a show I’ve got lined up for you tonight first up late breaking news in the last few minutes a statement from Princess Kate confirming that she will attend the king’s trooping of the color birthday parade tomorrow but stressing that as she continues her brave battle to beat cancer she is not out of the woods yet that’s her very phrase she says she has good days and bad days when she feels weak tired and has to give in to her need for arrest full details in just a little while meanwhile God Bless America for producing my first two guests uh dazzling Duo from across the pond Kinsey uh scoffield we’re still waiting for her actually and Greg Swenson who’s in the studio right now uh both of them uh ready uh to talk about the big stories of the Night Live uh after yet another excruciating senior moment at the G7 in Italy uh we need to talk about doel Joe the president that Ed forgot he’s not at the races it’s beyond a joke and surely in the name of God this cannot go on uh what do you think about the prospects of four more years of bumbling Biden in the white house let me know 0344 499 1000 in other news I’ll find out from Kinsey and Greg what their fellow Americans think about Harry and Megan in their midst uh and of course this late story that’s just emerged about Kate uh is there going back to Harry and Megan is their monito Majesty’s Royal allure feading in their California Sun 0344 4991 th000 plus uh King Charles’s heartbreak over his longdistance Zoom relationship with his beloved grandkids Archie and Lily bet meanwhile back in the UK election fever is positively lukewarm I’ll review last night’s not so magnificent sway TV debate as reform UK stormed ahead of the conservatives in the polls I’ll take a look at the green party’s Manifesto which promises all a 4-day week but what if you don’t want a 4-day week 0344 499 1,000 not forgetting my unmissable Euros preview ahead of Scotland’s clash with Germany kicking off in just under an hour and of course England’s opening Salvo against Serbia on Sunday is football finally coming home 03 444 99 1,000 and for the last hour from 9:00 it’s the sparkling new edition of my TV show what just happened 60 sizzling minutes of Madness Mayhem and meaningless debate plus jokes all that and so much more so don’t go anywhere stick with me right here right now at the home of free speech and common sense you’re tuned to talk the nation’s favorite news station it’s an instant sensation let’s spend Friday night together uh we’re still waiting for keny scoffield I think she’s in the building uh but in the meantime hang on here she is uh we’re going to go straight to Michael Cole uh the BBC uh former Royal correspondent on this breaking news Michael thank you for joining us at short notice uh your thoughts on this extraordinary statement from the king queen uh from the Princess of Wales uh a very long full and Frank one uh in which she uh explains that uh she has good days bad days uh her recovery is obviously taking a lot longer than we thought this is worrying uh your thoughts Kevin it’s always a pleasure and particularly a pleasure when there is some good news to impart and it is extremely good news and much better than might have been expected I uh predicted and said in other places than this distinguished Channel that I rather suspected she would go and make a a balcony appearance but it’s not going to be that it’s going to be the full deal she will take part in the 2-hour ceremonial the sovereign’s parade uh she will will drive in a carriage with her three children and then she will appear on on the balcony afterwards and why this is extremely good news well there are three reasons why first of all she is the colonel of the Irish guards and tomorrow it will be the second Battalion of the Irish guards will be trooping that color the second uh good thing is that the all the people who’ve been writing to her at Kensington Palace and elsewhere expressing their concern will have the evidence of how well she is under the circumstances with her undisclosed cancer uh she’s coming uh and showing herself and the third thing is that it will Scotch forever all the ridiculous rumors and horrible vile suggestions that have been swirling around the world which we will not give currency to on on this Splendid Channel by repeating what has been said but without saying a word she will be able able to give the lie to all those nasty rumors so this is positive news uh and as you say she wrote the statement herself she of course she did she talks about being blown away that’s hardly the usual Royal uh usage of the English language person Michael she’s a young person not like us yeah well I applaud it I applaud it I applaud it and she says as you’ve said um that she’s not out of the woods but she makes yet again uh as Frank and full an explanation saying she has good days and bad days and Al the king of course is absolutely died he’s always talking about his his his beloved uh daughter-in-law and he’s issued his own statement saying how pleased she will be there and she will be U viewing the parade not as the colonel of the Irish Gods which she is but from the window of what was once the Duke of Wellington’s office in the old war office and with her three children there so it will be a great day of course it’s the sovereign’s day it’s his parade it’s the Army saying happy birthday your majesty but I think uh and we’ll see on the newspapers in the morning the photograph which will be we’re looking at it now Michael very nice picture of her biot tree I can I can assure I can assure everyone it’s not edited uh but uh the the the uh I think the thing about this statement from from her you’re right uh she has learned the Hardway and William as well the whole royal family have learned the hard way uh that if you don’t fill the vacuum uh conspiracy theories will fill it with their own nonsense and I think that’s what this is all about uh that honesty is the best policy this is full Frank uh and uh yes uh we look forward to seeing her again which has been it’s been a long time since since she’s been in the official Limelight listen Michael uh really good to talk to you thank you uh for stepping in at such short notice that’s Michael Cole former BBC Royal correspondent a man who knows the Royals personally and here she is she’s in the studio it’s Kinsey scoffield how you doing I’m great I’m I was so excited about this news yeah uh by the way uh Kinsey scoffield me Greg a very fellow Americans here in the city I’m feeling a bit outnumbered here uh but uh I tell you what let let me read this statement out and then we’ll we’ll discuss because it’s it’s it’s fairly long but I think it’s worth reading uh I have been blown away by all the kind messages of support and encouragement over the last couple of months it really has made the world of difference to William and me and has helped us both through some of the harder times I making good progress but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know there are good days and bad days on those bad days you feel weak tired and you have to give in to your body resting but on the good days when you feel stronger you want to make the most of feeling well my treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months on the days I feel well enough it is a joy to engage with school life spend personal time on the things that give me energy and positivity as well as starting to do a little work from home I’m looking forward to attending the King’s Birthday parade this weekend with my family and hope to join a few public engagements over the summer but equally knowing I am not out of the wood WS yet I am learning how to be patient especially with uncertainty uh taking each day as it comes listening to my body and allowing myself to take this much needed time to heal thank you so much for your continued understanding and to all of you who have so bravely shared your stories with me that’s uh the princess of w Wales Kate uh a remarkable statement I think Kinsey uh and I bet you I I’m lucky enough never to have suffered from cancer or had chemo therapy but I’m guessing millions of people around the world who have gone through chemotherapy this will really chime with them they’ll understand exactly what she’s talking about it’s a great statement isn’t it absolutely and I received multiple messages from people saying I survived cancer how can I reach out to her I want to talk to her about how I saved my hair or you know all of these different things that they learned throughout the process and we know that Kensington Palace has received thousands upon thousands of people connecting with her that just want to make sure that she knows that that she’s in their prayers so you know that’s her way of acknowledging it and and and how sweet and how kind um and she just does everything with with Grace she does and we I think I’m right in saying that since we learned about her abdominal surgery back in early January this will be the first time we’ve seen her officially in public which is something to look forward to well we have really haven’t seen her live in person not a pre-recorded video since Christmas since all the way since Christmas with the family um so that this is going to be a big deal uh but we you know we have to look at all aspects of this story and there is there’s a downside to all of this and let’s be we got to be honest about this you know when uh we first learned about the abdominal surgery we was told you know she was recovering then later in January she was almost forced to make this statement saying well actually uh you know I’m suffering from cancer and uh we were told by the palace she will be back in action or she hoped to be back in Action by Easter April here we are in June and she’s saying it’s going to be several more months yet so uh obviously fingers crossed she’s progressing towards a full recovery but uh let’s be honest it’s taking a lot longer than we’d hoped well and you have The Daily Beast every week The Daily Beast has been reporting horrible things we won’t see Kate for the rest of the year and I usually like The Daily Beast it’s Tina you know Tina Brown started The Daily Beast um but they have you know headline after headline every week about how the KE I mean it just creates this chatter that’s not helpful towards the family the family doesn’t want that kind of CH chitchat they want us to disrespect the fact that she’ll come back when she’s ready to and again that’s what this statement says I’m coming back slowly you know you’re going to see me tomorrow uh you might see me a little bit during the summer but I’m taking it one day at a time and we have to respect that yeah and as Michael Cole and I were just discussing there’s no doubt that uh William Kate the rest of the royal family really during this Saga have learned by experience so you know I totally respect their desire for privacy at the beginning of all this you know not responding not saying anything but they realized that the Firestorm of conspiracy theories and nonsense that was being pedal that the only way to put that fire out was uh to make that very full statement she made uh back then and now uh I think given this uh she’s done it again and I think the reason she’s done it this time is she wants to be at the trooping of the color tomorrow uh but she doesn’t want people to read too much in into it in so far as people would probably have said she’s back she’ll be back she’s back to Frontline duties well I don’t think uh that is well it’s obviously not the case and that’s why I think she’s probably made this statement No I think that that’s a really good point also I don’t in in the way she’s done this announcing it um she won’t blatantly steal the headlines from King I mean she’s going to steal the headlines from King let me tell you what the front page is going be it won’t be the king will be celebrating his birthday parade later today it really won’t right um but I I do think that it it at least looks like she’s trying to play ball yeah uh Greg what what you know America will be gripped by this story this announcement uh so uh tell me what you think back uh in God’s own country they’ll all be thinking about this she’s incredibly popular in the US especially after the failure of the the Duke and duges of Mont monteo so you know T yeah yeah so I mean this is great news it reminds us that you know bad things happen to good people but she is remarkably popular you know I I Mariel and I met her a couple years ago very informal you told me an antique shop right very informal very informal circumstance of course I name the shop but um you know it was just a highlight for us in our nine years here so you know really and just like a fellow Shopper started talking to so kind excuse me aren’t you the Princess of Wales I can’t I can’t tell you how nice she was what do you think give this fabra egg what’s your take right you know we talked about the children it was totally casual really really great time and so but she’s she’s immensely popular in the US she’s as she is here so this is a great moment and I I think it’s you know it’s great news for the trooping I’m having dinner with the the the boys from the household Cavalry tonight and so you know I’m really I think they I thought you were looking unusually smart they’ll be uh I know they’ll be thrilled I know the guys will be thrilled uh yes uh and the Kings made a statement saying how pleased he is and that that’s something else we should talk about that that I mean they were already close uh Kate and the King uh but their Mutual cancer battles have brought them very very close and the King will be thrilled that she’s being able to make it tomorrow right and he always wanted a girl you know he would Princess Diana kept it a secret that Harry was a boy because she knew he was like aching for a girl and I think that that is what Katherine has become his daughter I mean truly his daughter and then to be to know what she’s going through physically that’s got to make you hurt 10 times more because you’re experiencing it too here’s another thing I’ve uh thought about this uh long running Saga of Kate’s Health Battle is you know it’s it’s you know Royal people Royals are distant characters their photographs in the paper their images on television but through this and through her increasing sharing of her own turmoil with us it’s feel we’re feeling like we’re getting to know her more and unlike certain other women who have married into the royal family she is a palpably nice woman isn’t she absolutely absolutely she is so sweet so kind as Greg was just saying yeah yeah I mean Greg has you know no AES and Graces she had no reason to be nice to you she was just nice to you because she’s nice obiously didn’t know him you she liked my wife but um I do think that we’ve seen a lot of who she is through the causes she’s chosen early childhood development is I believe what she hopes her Legacy will be you know she wants to make an impact in in that Universe um and I think that that’s also Al a reflection of how much she loves her babies the way that she’s shielded her children while also sharing them with us I think is really important because that’s you know Harry and Megan are are different in that way too um but she does allow us to have access to her children and but but she also protects them fiercely um and I I do think she’s a wonderful woman and we are getting to know her through more of these statements and and through this process um and you know some of these words they Define her as a leader they Define her as somebody that is stoic and somebody that is um Brave and courageous and we didn’t really get to see that sight of her before uh we we we thought that she was quiet and just did the job and we complimented her on it but I think that this says this she will be a great Queen one day I I know a few people in Royal circles and uh they they’ve always told me don’t run away with that idea that Kate’s a kind of shy quiet Wallflower she really isn’t uh but uh she’s a lovely lady uh and apparently lights up the room and you know is far from what she seems very she always seemed very demure didn’t she the the perfect picture of the uh of the uh wonderful princess but you know as I say this isn’t the way you’d want to see her humanized obviously but it really has humanized her isn’t it I agree I agree and then um yeah no I I of course love the pictures of Kate Middleton Kate Middleton as Kate Middleton coming out of the bars at like two o’clock in the morning because that’s the one that’s the princess I fell in love with yeah but the evolution you’re absolutely right has been incredible and she the word I like to use to describe her before this but I don’t know if I can do it anymore is delicate I always looked at her and felt like she was such a delicate flower and just perfect uh listen we’re going to get a break now we’ll discuss more of this uh when we come back we are going to talk about your alleged president a little bit later we’re going to talk about the remains of your president a little later because oh my God I mean down at the G7 in Italy another excruciating senior moment and I do think this is beginning to reach a kind of Crisis point but that later more Royal talk after these messages I’m Kevin o solivan I’m with uh two Americans Greg Swenson and the great Kinsey scoffield she just flown in from La Greg lives here far less glamorous you know uh uh we’ll be back in a minute this is is my political Asylum you’re tuned to talk stay where you are do you think the other politicians the kir sters who think that apparently 99.9% of women don’t have a penis I don’t believe for a minute that kir starma thinks that there are any women who have a penis [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a woke free zone if you’re woke get out if they expand the Ula Zone any further it’s going to be in the sea no one’s going to work anymore everyone’s at home they’re all sick it’s absolutely ridiculous can anyone get me onto a flight to Rwanda a fancy holiday have you seen the trains lately no neither have I it’s straight talking it’s No Nonsense it’s common sense all the way tune in to Morning Glory with Mike Graham for opinions you won’t hear anywhere else across the UK on dab Plus on your smart speaker on your your smart TV and on your side this is talk uh welcome back uh to the political Asylum with me Kevin o solivan in the studio I have two Americans uh Greg Swenson and Kinsey scoffield just flown in from La she’s our Royal Guru uh over there on the west coast so it’s an honor and a pleasure to have her in the studio and she’s turned up at the right time uh let’s talk more about this as saying earlier that the bonding between Charles and Kate uh I think has become very special uh and he’s clearly thrilled that she’s going to be there tomorrow uh but uh who’s not going to be there oh it’s Harry and Megan uh now how is this all you know here what I know about having lived over there what I know about Americans and the Royal pageant if you like is they love to see K the king and William and uh Kate now at at events like the trooping of the color this is the epitome of Royal pageantry uh And when they see Harry and Megan not being there it’s just another in their armor another sign that the their status stock is going down their dwindling status and their dwindling stock what do you think yeah I mean just to give you an idea and I’m sure you remember this um when there are events like trooping the color or the coronation all of the bars have signs outside in Hollywood in Los Angeles and love it more than we I mean all of the sudden you you can you everybody’s getting up at 3:00 in the morning and you’re all you know talking to each other you show up at somebody’s house we’re just so envious of how you know it’s the choreography it is the wardrobes I mean it’s everything we can’t compete with it in no way shape or form and Harry and Megan made their brand on that Harry and Megan made they were glamorous they were beautiful they were a royal couple and now they’re showing up to red carpets in Jamaica you know no I’ll tell you a little story many years ago it’s about 1980 81 something like that the trooping of the color this is a story about how remarkable the queen was so you know they have to sit there on the horse and so she’s sitting there uh you know like like a statue you know perfect pageantry saluting and all that and uh some guy turns up with a gun uh it’s I remember his name Marcus Sergeant uh and it it turned out to be a fake gun but he fired it like six times all the horses going everywhere couple of the soldiers you know going let’s get out of here the queen sat there like this mhm never moved never flinched unbelievable unbelievable but uh to go back to Harry and Megan uh Kinsey you’re the expert on this uh this is another sign uh that they’re The Outsiders now that’s a nice way of putting it the parias of the royal family and their stock uh is in steep decline isn’t it right and they they will not be missed tomorrow it will all you know it will look gorgeous it will look glamorous we’re all going to cheer on the royal family and nobody’s going to notice that these two aren’t on the balcony they they’re they’re old news and I think that that’s got to crush them and it is hard for them to continue to sell commercially without this access to the Royal family because that’s why Netflix said green light that’s why Spotify said let’s go and that’s why Spotify said we’re going to let you go when they realized the limited access Harry and Megan had to the royal family yeah as a sort of a casual Observer of the royal scene Harry and Megan and all that uh you must have noticed like I have Kinsey and I have discussed it a few times there seems to have been Harry and Megan seem to have sort of sunk into an abyss of nothingness they don’t seem to be doing anything at all they’re not fading they it’s a complete car crash I I think they’re you know Dead on Arrival now they there’s no interest anymore and maybe there is from you know the the women on The View or some other leftwing Progressive you know Nutters but you know this this is it’s done like there there’s I don’t know how they’re going to make a living I’m sure they’re fine you don’t have to bring a tuna casserole over to their house but but it’s so um Megan could make it in her American Riviera Orchard kitchen yeah which you know I I just I I look forward to meeting someone that act might even buy one of her products or or listen to their podcast I just want to I just want to look at them and ask them why well kiny and I have a a long running joke like every time I interview her or she interviews me it cuts both ways with us these days we’re a sort of a mutual service to each other uh keny’s better for me than I am for her but there you go uh but I always say to her so Kenzie what is it now 3 months four months since she announced America Riviera Orchard her sort of Lifestyle website I said can I buy anything from it yet no you can’t Mar’s birthday is coming up and then there’s Christmas of course what are you going to get her if you can’t if you can’t shop American Rivier Orchard we’re going to have to go to Walmart back up the truck I hope they’re out by September I mean I suppose we we’re being a little bit light and trite here but what no no signs of being able to buy anything from it yet well there is a story today in the Daily Mail about all of the companies or all the people that have individually hijacked American well I did I bought American Riviera orchard. something like all of these people have bought American Riviera Orchard like Shopify accounts and they’re selling their own things with American Riviera Orchard on them because Megan’s not doing it and other people are kind of having a go at her by selling kind of anti Sussex uh things but um you know the Optics weren’t great on this and she should have known better we knew at the time of launch that King Charles had cancer we found out weeks later that Kate also had cancer in the middle of this Megan launches a brand a you know a retail shop it just look it makes her look like such a a horrible person really cheesy yeah and uh I wouldn’t want to necessarily accuse a direct of this uh but people will be speculating I don’t know this but people will be speculating that Megan won’t like this tomorrow because uh the sh Kate is going to be the center of the world Limelight uh all eyes will be on well tomorrow’s when you get your pan on American Rivier or that’s when the p drop put out special offers w’t you tomorrow one day only you know uh listen when we come back we’ll talk about Joe Biden and then uh we we’ll return to another aspect of the royal uh situation uh you and me Kenzie so that next stay where you are this is my political Asylum you’re tuned to talk stay tuned [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] acoss the UK on dab Plus on your smart speaker on your smart TV and on your side this is talk welcome back up still with Greg senson and Kinsey scoffield uh we’ll return to the Royal story in a little while but uh I think with respect to Greg who came in to discuss the president let’s talk about Joe Biden it is a very important story I think this and we’re not sure shoehorning it in trust me we would have led on this story uh uh but uh Joe Biden’s mental decline as physical physical decline is bad enough he’s got this arthritis of the back which has reduced him to a sort of excruciatingly slow sort of Shuffle uh I mean it takes a hell of a long time to get anywhere uh but the mental decline is what we’re worried about so uh first of all just to remind ourselves I mean you know we all know this is all very funny and all that but actually it’s getting Beyond a joke but uh here’s a little compilation to remind you of some of uh Joe’s Pratt falling moments there they go so this is that famous one there he goes there uh you remember that sorry you’re not able to see uh Air Force Academy yeah that’s the Air Force Academy this is the bicycle one remember yeah there he goes oh God uh uh here here we go this this is the shaking hands with no one sh and this is the only guy in the world who ever fell up the stairs three times oh God dear dear dear dear you know oh come on I mean it is funny but it’s not funny you can’t help laughing uh now uh last week at the Normandy Beach memorials uh in France obviously uh he did deliver quite a good speech fair play and and you know I want to pay uh respect to him for making the effort to be there uh which is a bit more than our prime minister did for half the day anyway uh uh so good for Joe for being there but after he made this speech he sort of turned around and tried to sit on an imaginary chair he would have fallen but luckily doctor Joe Biden managed to get in there and stop him from falling uh anyway he has now proceeded to Italy of course for the G7 uh where this happened look so look at this so so this parachute guys look look he’s just what is going on here these are the world leaders you know rallying to save to save this old boy there go there goes um um Georgia Maloney the Italian leader they’re just saving him from his own confusion uh and not forgetting earlier this week wasn’t it the juneth uh celebrations where uh while all around him danced he uh uh sort of basically stood there like you know unable to move like a statue uh so uh we’re looking a bit of that now uh and again wasn’t at the races Kam Camala Harris next to him dancing where everyone I think it was uh George Floyd’s brother who stepped in at this point and sort of put his arm around him uh so I mean this is getting serious isn’t it yeah it’s it’s beyond serious and this has been happening for so long but I think it it’s happening with more frequency now and you know maybe it was a blessing that he didn’t try to dance with with the people on on the the video earlier this week but um because that would have been even more embarrassing but yeah he he’s Vapor locked and and I think this is a problem for him it’s it shows how selfish he is to you know to decide to run again show just watching the the dancing look look at this this is so strange look it just freezes yeah yeah freeze uh and I’m just talking to my my producer here have we got uh Donald Trump’s new campaign video please soon as you can uh uh because look this is this we hold these troes to be self EV all men and women created by go you know the you know the thing America is a nation that can be defined in a single word I was in the footo foot excuse me foothills of the with xiin ping she know long she knows so long as Deni or Freedom can never be secured we’ll never forget lying around and how and US him him lying around actually it is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so end of quote repeat the line I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize true internation de [Music] pressure vote Trump vote Trump uh now uh I was fondly imagining I said I guess there’s an outside chance that Donald Trump might sort of Rise Above This and not sort of not sort of play dirty and say don’t vote for this gagar old boy uh but it’s Donald Trump this has come out today uh so he’s going for the jugular but Americans will watch the Americans already know about this grade but they will watch this that and that is going to hit home isn’t it it will definitely hit home but you know they’ll also the Democrats will be out with Jan 6 videos they’ll be out with convicted F felon videos so maybe the Trump campaign’s just getting ahead of it which convicted felon Donald Trump or Hunter Biden well in this case president Trump but but look it’s it’s um and I thought Trump handled the the hunter conviction rather well he did yeah I thought that was great statement you know with a little little parody in there but that’s okay says Hunter Biden’s a terrible person yeah but I’m going to pardon the whole Biden family cartel don’t worry Joe yeah which I think is the right thing to do and also maybe can may you know he he can say to the the haters that no this is not the revenge tour I’m not out for Retribution I think it’s important that he does that there there will have to be some fight back but you know look I I think you know to everybody knows that Joe is incapable of of delivering a coherent sentence unless he’s jacked up like he was for the State of the Union Address I’m sure they jacked him up for the um for the Normandy address they used a lot of Ronald Reagan’s boys of pandaw speech from 1984 which I wouldn’t say it was plagiarism but they sort of co-opted and you know he delivered it well but I don’t think calling out comparisons to Reagan is a good idea if you’re Joe Biden you’ve got an economy with you know he caused 9% inflation he’s cut defense spending three years in a row 3% each time this is the unrean to say to least yeah and uh Kinsey uh we have or if you’re a Democrat you’ve got the Grim Prospect of the TV debate something like 20th 22nd of June in uh Atlanta at CNN headquarters now uh I I’m feeling that uh Joe Biden May well get covid fairly soon before that because surely surely these Democrats are not going to put him on a stage with Donald Trump Trum Trump uh because it will be a massacre he will annihilate that old boy won’t he well I mean I I can’t even imagine I can’t I can’t predict but it will be mustat television it will be the first time anybody’s interested in these two in a long time I mean I I do think there’s a little to no enthusiasm about either candidate and so the people are going to tune in people are going to Care there there’s this is going to motivate people to be engaged a little bit more than they have been before well I filmed my show earlier what just happened my TV show available on YouTube tomorrow morning as of 9:30 don’t forget but for the first time tonight we’re going to be playing it live here on uh what the political Asylum from 9: until 10: and uh Simon London our resident Lefty we call him The Village Idiot Simon Simple Simon no he’s a good guy but doesn’t think the way that we do put it that way uh so I said come on so we did the same story I said come on so you know this this is not a joke this is beyond a joke this is a crisis and I mean what about Donald Trump he’s gagar too so if the democrat’s tactic is just is whaty right uh and they’re going to say Donald Trump’s not all there as well that’s not true he is all there and that will be a pathetic response how do you think the hell they’re going to hand this going forward if as seems to be the case Joe Biden is locked in as their candidate yeah there there’s a couple of theories on this why would they not orchestrate some some kind of switch maybe this uh debate is a Hail Mary you know maybe he there’s by some miracle he does okay they’ve lowered the bar enough I think that’s a mistake of the Trump campaign by the way lowering the bar so much that if if Biden’s able to stand up not try to sit in an imaginary chair deliver some coherent sentences then they’ll say you know Biden did okay he crushed it but what what I worry about is there there doesn’t seem to be a panic in the Biden campaign and that could be because that’s the way politics works you have to keep your your head up and or look confident even if you not you remember they the Democrats control and have controlled for Generations the voting apparatus in Philadelphia Milwaukee and Detroit the three swing states that are tied right now now if Trump’s not up five points I would be really worried about the confidence that they have you know whatever whatever Biden does how what however pathetic he is however much his failure his policies and more importantly his outcomes have been absolute failures for the American people and for the minority Community who vote in those three cities they seem overconfident and that worries me yeah uh so Kinsey I mean we need to reflect on this this is extraordinary isn’t it that that that that video we just W watched that uh Donald Trump made his campaign video I mean that that we would ever see this as a tactic that that there would ever be a presidential candidate uh you know who’s basically Gaga who can’t speak the English language anymore who goes off into transes Who falls over all the time I mean what what just happened if I could put it that way I can plug my my show again yeah just that just came out no seriously I mean what happened what the hell is going on I mean I think that there are two camps I mean and Greg’s far more knowledgeable on this than I am but there are people that don’t believe that Joe Biden was rightfully elected as our president and then there are then then there’s another camp that thinks it was a hate vote people hated Donald Trump so much I think that’s true I think that is true he was the antitrump yeah but Biden’s candidacy was B on I’m not Donald Trump and also it’s all right I won’t be out there being Gaga because they’ve locked me in a basement and nobody voted for Biden or not nobody but most people didn’t vote for Biden they voted against Trump that’s flipped so Trump’s numbers are staying basically the same as as they always have been you know between 43 and 47 he’s he’s kind of maxed at 47 that might change because Biden’s negatives are so bad but Biden has gone from well 60 before August of 21 but you know he’s he’s stuck in the high 30s it’s Biden going down that’s really helping Trump and and that’s and people so this it’s really flipped I think people are going to vote for Trump whether they like him or not because Biden is so pathetic and just before we move on the the irony of what happened in uh Delaware wilington Delaware this week where Hunter Biden Joe’s 54 year old Problem Child uh was convicted of uh three gun offenses in other words that he lied about being addicted to crack cocaine while trying to buy it always makes me laugh that as if you’re going to fill in this form are you are you addicted to any I want to buy this gun are you addicted to any Dr yes I am I’m addicted to crack cocaine you can’t have the gun you say that but what we don’t know what Prince Harry put on his immigration papers well you see that’s another issue uh very interesting but uh ironically that played well for uh Biden because while the Republicans were crying you laware lawfare you undermined the Republican candidate uh the Democrats are now able to say well uh you can’t complain about that because the the son of the Democrat candidate just got convicted as well that means American Justice is fair I’m not sure that’s true but the problem for Biden far more uh acutely will be I think is it September he appear Hunter Biden appears in court in California for allegedly evading $1.4 Million worth of tax and the prosecutions line will be uh you uh should have spent uh the money you should have spent paying your taxes you spent on a veritable Army of sex workers and huge quantities of drugs just before the election that isn’t going to play well no and not only did he spend that money recklessly and not rep not report the income okay so that’s a crime and he’ll probably do jail time for that one um I don’t think he’ll do jail time for the gun charges nor should he nor should he that’s a minor minor issue and so and they so they picked that one it was almost like they we’re going to hit you on a couple of gun charges and try to distract the voters and and the viewers away from the bigger crimes now some of them expired statutes limitation but but what’s crazy about the the the tax evasion not only didn’t he report the income but on the on the income that he did report he he was using the prostitution fees and the hotels that he was putting the prostitutes in as expenses he wrote those off yeah so I mean that’s not going to showed that’s not going to show well as as as uh Donald Trump said he’s a terrible person terrible person I mean it’s one thing to write off a taxi cab receipt that maybe is social maybe it waset drugs and uh prostitutes drug I can’t even write off my hair well there goes my claim uh right uh we better go to break I’m still with Greg Swenson and Kinley scoffield stick where you are the home of Common Sense is going digital make sure you’re ready listen to talk on radio via daav Plus or your smart speaker or watch it live on YouTube on your connected TV [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] very good morning to you thanks for joining us the home of big opinions oh don’t stop me on that straight talking there’s a sort of feeling they ought to look as if they’re doing something and No Nonsense so don’t use anyone else to stoky culture wars is going digital such as the smoking mirrors of of politics make sure you’re ready but the government has got to be more flexible listen to talk on radio via d or your smart speaker or watch live on YouTube on your connected TV on dab Plus on your smart speaker on your smart TV and on your side this is talk welcome back I’m still with Kinsey Scofield uh for another brilliant seven minutes or so uh so Kinsey let’s return to the Royal Frey as it were and uh on my uh show what just happened it starts at 9:00 here and you can get it on YouTube tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. that’s enough plug in Kevin uh seriously um we are we discuss uh a story emerged uh or has emerged it’s been reported that the king is uh very upset about the longdistance nature of his relationship with Archie and lilibet Harry’s kids Harry and Megan’s kids uh you know he feels he’s a zoom Grandpa uh and he wants to be more up close and personal with them but there’s no chance of this happening uh because Harry continues to obsessively pursue this armed cop thing here in Britain you know when he comes back he demands armed police guards and uh has been decided by the courts and everything that he’s not allowed to have that because he’s no longer a Frontline Royal he spent a million quid million pounds already pursuing that case he’s failed twice the last time the judge said you’ve got to give this up you’re never going to get uh the armed police protection that you crave uh he’s appealed again he’s been allowed to do it that’ll probably cost him another half a million pounds but the point about it is unless he ever gets this armed police protection which he never will by the way uh poor King Charles is never going to see his grandkids because King Charles being the he can’t just oh I just quickly nip on the British Airways nip out to California see the kids he can’t do that he’s the king he’s the king and he has cancer yeah yeah that that as well good point and Harry would have to bring and Megan would have to bring the kids to him and they’re not going to do it so the king’s really upset about this I think that this is why you’re saying people because when Harry and Megan initially came to the states everyone was so excited to have them they were in instantly in love with them um I think you see people turning on the Sussex is because they are very much Hypocrites I I mean Megan is going to produce a show on Netflix about you know entertaining and family and and friendship Megan Burns every bridge that she crosses can tell me one friend that I mean aside from Serena Williams and and there I would say that there are mutual benefits for both of them none of the people that Megan hung out with before associate with her today Jessica morrone the cast of Suits will tell you they don’t have her celf phone number um and so Harry and Megan not not forgetting her dad though most of that’s that’s my point is Harry and Megan will talk try to preach to us about how they’re raising their children and how we we should take note of how they’re raising their children when in the real the reality is Harry if you are such a good dad it’s probably because you had a good dad and if you had a good dad then why are why have you cut the man off yeah uh I mean it’s I think I refer to this in one of my monologues tonight that you’re here 9:00 uh St plugging obsessive desperate oh seriously uh behind the Gilded Gates of the montoo Mansion it’s like if you’re not with us in it’s them against the world isn’t it if you’re not with us in spirit you can’t see us in person it’s as simple they’re punishing they’re punishing everyone yeah she and she’s a great ghaster isn’t she I mean I don’t know whether she enjoys casting people out into Siberia but whether or not she enjoys it she d well does it a lot oh absolutely and um I I think that there are a lot of people that have been immensely hurt by it there’s that picture that started circulating shortly after it was announced that Megan was going to marry Harry and she said she had knew nothing about the royal family and they weren’t really of interest to her and one of her friends was like well here’s us in front of Buckingham Palace when we were 15 years old and she you know she cut that girlfriend off they were friends for over 30 years um Trevor her ex-husband she informed him they were getting a divorce by just putting the Rings in the mail you know um so she you’ll be wanting this so she does have a weird way of being able to just disconnect with people and I don’t necessarily think that Prince Harry had that lifestyle before because he was surrounded by very specific people he was safe um and they his family in the palace tried to keep him you know you are who you associate with they tried to make sure that he um had a small circle that were good influences on him and um you know that small circle is no longer communicating with him because they don’t feel welcome by Megan Markle yeah and we were talking earlier about Kate uh you know how sort of human and great story that Greg snon told about he told me before they pumped into it he in Chelsea in a famous Antique Market kind of thing and uh just got chatting you know she was like normal whereas Megan uh from much more lowly uh circumstances is very sort of imperious and Regal isn’t she yeah and I think that’s an affectation she is um not uh she’s not attainable she’s not approachable um she’s not very friendly she doesn’t seem very friendly I mean unless there’s a camera around and then all of a sudden she lights up because we we saw that in Nigeria yeah she she loves privacy unless his cameras around uh seriously uh Kinsey great to see you uh I’m going to be filming something with you on Tuesday and hopefully we’ll get together for some lunch or something uh enjoy your time in London I’m really glad you came in you’re probably suffering from terrible jet lag I remember all that uh thank you so much kiny scoffield ladies and gentlemen I’m Kevin o solivan when we come back uh the political scene back here in Britain stay where you are this is talk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is talk uh welcome back uh an unusual first hour there I’m sure you all agree uh but breaking news on Kate uh and our American guests so uh uh a great 60 Minutes there though I thought uh but uh perhaps more uh routine stuff although not much routine about this election campaign in the studio is uh political strategist Peter Barnes Pete Barnes thanks for coming in Pete thanks for having me Kev uh now uh well I don’t know what should we talk about let’s just talk about uh the bombshell news that actually broke last night while I was on on air and that was that of course this UGA Poll for the telegraph revealed uh the news that sunak had been dreading that reform UK overtook them uh reform on 19% them on 18% labor of course still unsalable on 37 uh but uh this was the moment now you know it won won’t translate into hundreds of seats uh but uh my God Nigel farage is using it as a hang grenade material isn’t he yeah oh 100% he has been out today uh more than I’ve no more than we’ve ever seen him he is using this and I don’t blame him actually from a strategy point of view this is exactly what he should be doing let’s just remember this is just one poll this is you know it’s just one stap shot and like you say won’t translate into hundreds of seats but the psychological impact this will have on the conservative campaign and on conservative voters will be enormous I mean to have the Prime Minister come third in a poll is just staggering but one thing that has annoyed me from day one every single mistake the conservatives have made has been self-inflicted none of it has been pressure the what what they call um you know unforced errors I think is what they call Un I’m learning football from you Kev and everything I learned is you know not by my own choice but we talking about the Euros in a little while let’s hope England don’t make any unfall erors but no but this is this is the point whether it be the D-Day thing whether it be the images of him you know over at the Titanic exhibition or exit over his head every single bit of Imaging every single speech every single moment has been a catastrophe and I think it become comes from a campaign that simply doesn’t know what it wants to do you know the conservative Manifesto is just it’s just a hodg pod of literally that sounds like a good idea and that sounds like a good idea and it simply doesn’t work when you’re putting that to the general public who view the conservatives as nothing but chaotic the competency kind of brand that the conservatives had has gone out of the window now it is finished yeah well I I was talking to a labor source the other day and uh you know quite obviously their tactic right from the start they’re so far ahead has been you know when you’re and he said well the tactic was when your enemies making mistakes uh don’t interrupt he said but we didn’t think they’d make this many mistakes I mean it has been a shambles how have they managed to be so undisciplined I thought the the sort of rancid uh cherry on the rancid cake unfolded up in Grimsby for the uh the well it was the leaders interviews didn’t like that format much by the way uh that notwithstanding uh uh when it emerged just before the debate that Craig Williams uh the prime minister’s bag carrier his personal parliamentary secretary uh had put a bet on three days before uh richy sunak announced the shock surprise election on July the 4th uh Craig Williams his bag carrier went to The Bookies and put a 100 quid on July the 4th and and banked 500 and then had to announce I’m being investigated by the gambling commission I mean it’s like what I know what next I that that was my exact reaction when I read that story of what next because you couldn’t make this up every just it’s just been catastrophe as after catastrophe I mean you know if you’re going to try and do that don’t put it on yourself I mean I just the entire story of that was just ridiculous but you know again I think the the all comes from that they pulled this election call far too early and they pulled it and they called it without any plan in place it was just we just need to announce the general election and we’ll get it all together after they made the mistake of calling the election before they had a plan and that was I mean that’s just schoolyard stuff it’s Basics and uh there’s no doubt that Rie sunet was uh terrified at the very least extremely unsettled by the prospect of a reform UK party led by Nigel farage and Nigel farage standing as a candidate now when rishy uh sort of played his Joker his Ace card and said ha it’s a sudden election you didn’t expect that did you and farage didn’t yeah and he said that’s too short for me I’m not standing and then the worst day ever Tim Montgomery tweet tweeted that this uh was the worst possible outcome for uh sunat when farage said you know what I’ve changed my mind I am going going to uh stand and ever since then it’s been farage all the way uh let’s talk about last night’s uh not so magnificent seven-way debate on ITV uh we got lots of stuff to play well again it’s always the farage show because that guy whatever you think about farage he can think on his feet he’s extremely articulate the last seven way he announced on air he said I’m the only one here without an auto C uh and that would have been true anyway here is farage uh basically flooring Penny M than the Tor candidate uh you know just with uh his own uh particular flourish so take it away Nigel farage my question is to Penny Moren given that your 2010 Manifesto your 2015 Manifesto your 2017 Manifesto said you reduced net migration to tens of thousands your 2019 Manifesto said immigration would massively reduce and that net 4.3 million people have come into the country since that time why on Earth should anybody believe the fifth Manifesto that promises cuts to net migration because of the record of this prime minister so we’ve hadig we’ve had that’s fine figures out today that show that Visa applications have fallen by 30% it’s not supposed to be a comedy show it’s I mean I’ve got to say this I’ve got to say this you know all due respect to uh Penny M great at carrying swords and coronations and things like that but as a politician she makes a damn good race horse I mean God she was useless I have to admit but somehow I felt like she’s always been given the poison chalice like no matter who they put up there you know they were going to they were going to have the floor wiped with the wiped with themselves I mean like you said it it did turn into a little bit of a pantomim at some point like I said with the audience laughing at at Penny and and others as well you know we saw them laughing at K stama with the my dad a toolmaker line I thought yeah then he said he said he goes my dad was a tool maker and my mother worked for the NHS and they all burst out laugh he said we struggled we no laughing matter K they just laughed therefore it is a laughing matter and if you’re going to say my dad’s a c tool maker almost more than you say change uh it does become a running joke same for richy I go back to the brexit campaign when it means brexit means brexit and you know you had Take Back Control and you had all these things so people just saying them on auto Loop you know and yeah they do become hilarious but I I I the thing you have to give Nigel and like I said I I’m not is I’m not a reformed voter but I will say that you know he is able to take the spotlight away from anybody he asks really poignant questions he knows exactly what he’s doing he’s incredibly well briefed and he know and he knows how to play the game better than anybody up there you know and the he is probably the closest we get to a celebrity I think in Politics as well much and you know he’s able to play on that you know I saw some polling the other day he loves it as well oh God UD definitely does I saw this polling the but at between 18 to 24 year olds you know a group of people that normally aren’t engag in politics over 70% had face and name recognition with Nigel FR that is staggering by the way up in Grimsby uh the TV reporters were going around I think it was someone it might have been Peter Carwell our man up there talks presenter political Guru uh he was talking to people on the streets and he said that he spoke to two people who had had never heard the words Kia and starma they didn’t know who he was only a vague recognition of who the prime minister is so people like you and I we obsess this uh but don’t think that all around the country people are really gripped by this election campaign and what I always say about this even even the most entertaining of these TV debates which was now what was that last week or a couple of weeks ago when they actually went head-to-head starma and sunak one of Sun’s better Moments by the way uh he won that debate uh so they said oh amazing you know nearly 5 million people tuned in now given that there are 70 million people in this that means 65 million didn’t yes ex uh so never uh make the mistake of thinking that people are all politically motivated because they’re not let’s have another little look at uh this is Angela Raina and Penny MN clashing over immig again got unemployment going up in the latest figur so we’ve got to make sure years to come up with and we have we’ve got we’ve got a Workforce plan for the NHS we’ve got a Workforce plan for social care have Ace for it will inform a v on the flooor of the House of Commons from your democratically elected representatives will be able to cap the Visas AB the issues the question Mig have no idea you have no Workforce strategy you have no industrial strategy you have no talking to me or are you talking to me or because that is exact an election campaign what’s your uh somebody said it wasn’t me I didn’t say this somebody say like two drunk old bags arguing in the PO my Lord why is that so accurate but but no this that right there is why I always say nobody wins the debates is who loses the least because I because I tell you now that looks terrible I think it look if it cheapens our politics and it looks appalling I mean people switch off it just looks ter warm you to either of them it not at all but the one thing I will say I get to Angela Rena she I always thought she was going to be their like weakest link in this campaign I thought she’s got to go off on one she’s got to say something or she’s got to do something she has behaved near perfect she had that little wobble over Dian Abbot where she was saying TOA that you know I think she should stand and I thought oh here we go you know she won that didn’t she won that she won that rather convincingly but you know I I will admit that I Angela Rea has quietly impressed me actually in this campaign I think she I think the campaign has been aware of how she could come come across and I think in these in those debates I thought she did rather well you know don’t get me wrong these little spats that she’s said with Penny don’t look great but there we are yeah uh I should say uh you know that all the other candidates were there as well the lib Dems the greens uh we’ll talk about the greens Manifesto A little later as I said earlier these people these left Wingers okay we’re going to give you a four day week going give you a four day week I don’t want a four day week loads of people don’t want four day weeks these left Wings they assume that everybody hates their work they don’t want to go there we’ll give you more money for Less work you got three day a week go work from home why do they all assume that everybody hates their job I I don’t know but I don’t know about you but I don’t have I I’m busy enough over five days let alone trying to then fit it in over four and I that’s the reality that that’s that is what will happen on a 4- day week but yeah I do not understand this obsession with a 4-day week wherever it has been trial most people say yeah it’s all right but it’s nothing to shout home about but yeah there we are well later in the show we’ll have a look at the lib Dems uh Manifesto and uh you know whatever you hear from me and Pete and other presenters you must all make up your own minds you must watch these debates listen to what we say but it’s up to you who you vote for all the candidates are there as I say uh so uh talking about farage relishing his position in the Limelight enjoying the stardom of it all uh this uh as he put it guess who’s back have a have a look at [Music] this and that was put that that was uh the caption on that was uh good morning richy that uh but uh you know he has uh I mean to say he’s energized reform UK’s campaign is the understatement of the century I mean I think you tell me what you think I think he will win claron uh it’ll be closer than people think but I think he’ll win it uh and if they carry on like this there may be a couple of other seats they might get uh I mean but but you know he’s talking in terms of getting six million votes maybe more and and there you know I don’t you know I’m always a bit slightly circumspect about these people we need electoral reform we need a better system but when you can have a party ahead of another party in the polls and that one party I.E the Tories I mean they they may end up with fewer than 100 seats but they’re going to end up with you know 100 12 150 whatever uh and they haven’t actually fared as well in the polls as reform UK and reform UK might might get one seat if they’re lucky three there’s something wrong there isn’t there oh definitely so I on clacton I think it’s going to be very close I don’t want to say he’s got to win just yet but I think it is it is heading in that direction overall I I did say at the beginning of this this I said a reform won’t got any seats I saw one poll out today that said they’ll get a maximum of three which I don’t think is out of the round a possibility now but on electoral reform you are bang on you cannot have a party in the polls come second and get fewer MPS we have to have a serious conversation about electoral reform what I will say though and I’ve been very consistent on this point is you need to come out if people who want electoral reform have to come at me with a with well which one do you want what kind of electoral reform do you want because there’s not just one type of proportional representation there’s lots of different ways we could do it Scotland have a different way Wales have a different way Northern Ireland you know Germany they’ve all got different ways of doing things we can’t just keep having this rather broad argument say we need electoral reform I think everybody kind of agrees with that we now need to get specific and get serious and we until people do that I’m not really going to take the conversation that seriously unless you come at me with which one you want uh before we go to a break can we play one more excert from last night’s not so Magnificent Seven way debate uh this is when uh Penny Morant was challenging uh Angela Raina on capital gains tax and pro basically the theme was you know uh labor in their Manifesto launched yesterday oh we won’t put your income tax we won’t put uh your National Insurance up but everybody suspects and fears that once they get going uh tax Rises will come at its left right and Center certainly it’s hard to see how they can cost all of their proposals without uh hiking taxes a little bit but this is where Penny was challenging uh Angela on the veracity of their tax claims are we ready with that I’m going to also ask my question to Angela and you’re going to be Rachel Reeves Your Shadow Chancellor hasn’t ruled out increasing capital gains tax this would mean higher costs for families when they’re selling their homes will you commit to ruling that out now Rachel has set out yes we have set out that we will not raise income tax National Insurance and vat and we do not need to raise taxes on working people because our Manifesto is fully costed unlike the conservatives so you are not going to raise capital gains tax there is nothing in our Manifesto that means we have to raise capital gains tax no but so you can say that you’re not going to raise capital gains tax she’s answered she’s answered Penny Moran thank you very much she has okay I don’t think she has yeah Julia e she had not answered the question she absolutely had not uh and that was one of Penny’s better moments I I completely agree and it’s it’s been a major bit of the conservatives attacks on the labal party is these kind of um hidden tax hikes and I think you’re right Kev that once they do get into power and I think it is an inevitability now that the tax hikes will come thick and they will come very fast when Angela R says that the lab Manifesto was costed that isn’t quite true it has been costed throughout for a year year not within the full parliamentary time and you know it is very one of these where they’re trying to get around it a very kind of political way and I I I does concern me greatly that the labor party aren’t being entirely honest with how much they do want to raise taxes because I really hate the phrase working people because what exactly do they mean by work I think you got that wrong P hard hardworking people my apolog hard yeah sorry because apparently we all don’t work hard yeah I I always say that you know when all these politics go well we we’re the party for hardworking people I said well what about me I’m lazy yeah I’m just kind of a what are you going to do for me I don’t work hard at all yeah but no and you know these broad phrases that they use to kind of get out of and answering things specifically and I do think and I wish that in these debates they be they would be pushed more on well what do you actually mean by that and unfortunately that’s yet to happen it is amazing they think they can get away with this trap so just we’ve got to move on now but the other night the grimsy be debate is this is what I would do so these these political journalists whatever they say they’re quite cozy with the politicians so Beth Rigby she she goes in first off I you said Jeremy Corbin would make a a good prime minister and you know now you seem to have changed your mind you know why did you say that did you believe it then what I I am the party of change we’re going to change this labor what lab she said that’s not what I asked you yeah she kept she did it like and then change you my dad was a tool maker uh she goes yeah but what about what you said about Jeremy cor change dad’s a tool maker you know so three times he failed to answer the question if I was Beth rby I’d just keep asking him yeah uh because what the way the way they get away with this crap which is what it is it’s evasive crap and everybody can see right through it they get away with it because the they know the political journalists unlike that famous time with Jeremy Co Paxman and and uh Michael Howard they will drop the ball after three attempts uh and look back at that time when Jeremy Paxman asked Michael Howard the then a was Minister for um were prisons yeah something like that uh he 14 times 14 and it made the most compelling television ever I mean I think I I think he’s been doing the rounds on social media because he really still does but do you know what I’d have done if I was better than ring B I’d have just yeah well we’re going to end this interview if you’re not going to answer the question take take the platform away from them so they so they have to answer the question this is the point is they just allow them to Waffle on and Waffle on and Waffle on in the hopes that like you say that they’ll either move on or they’ll just kind of muddle an answer out it it’s it’s just so annoying if that’s what you’re going to do if you’re going to say you know it’s like they get asked a question and then they’ll go what I have said is and they’ll answer a different question and their stupid spats will have told them that’s the way to do it it’s not one of those people that’s advised people that is exactly what we tell them to do and and those two sorry those stupid spads who advise rishy sunak go and get another job you’re absolutely useless at what you do uh and that is a fact when we come back we’re going to uh check in on the Euros find out how Scotland are doing against Germany and obviously look forward to England’s Clash against Serbia on Sunday so that next still with Pete Barnes I’m Kevin O Sullivan this is my political Asylum and you’re with talk stay tuned do you think other politicians the K starers who think that apparently 99.9% of women don’t have a penis I don’t believe for a minute that K sta thinks that there are any women who have a penis [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] very good morning to you thanks for joining us the of big opinions oh don’t stop me on that straight talking there a sort of feeling they ought to look as if they’re doing something and No Nonsense so don’t use anyone else to stoky culture wars is going digital such as the smok mirrors of of politics make sure you’re ready but the government has got to be more flexible listen to talk on radio via d or your smart speaker or watch live on YouTube on your connected TV on dab Plus on your smart speaker on your smart TV and on your side this is talk uh welcome back now we need to talk about the Euros I’m still with political strategist uh Pete barns he’s absolutely thrilled by the prospect of this Euros discussion uh but I am anyway uh uh so uh a warm welcome he’s been waiting a little while sorry to keep you Tom clayon the remarkable sports reporter from talk sport hi Tom good evening uh uh first of all uh sport as you know Tom you’re a leads fan is all about high here we go here we go go on then what you got for me today it’s all about highs and lows so if you will recall uh this is Scotland against Norway in one of those High moments qualifying take it away so there’s Scotland qualifying good luck to them they’ve been a fantastic spectacle the fans that whatever you think about Scotland the football team their fans are the best in the world uh they 150,000 of them in Munich most of them without tickets having the time of their lives unfortunately as I say Tom highs and lows uh that was a high moment they’re already two-nil down to Germany they are and would you believe they’ve actually just conceded a penalty as well um oh actually no it’s a free kick they’ve given it as a free kick because it was outside the area so good news they might there might still only be three n down but they didn’t give away a penalty at least um you talk about the remarkable number of fans that have made their way over to Germany as well we’ve been looking at the numbers and we worked out that 4% of Scotland’s entire population has made the trip out to Germany which is you know you don’t get that many people voting in Hollywood elections for goodness Sak so you know they’ve done very very well indeed to get get out there they’ basically taken over the city of Munich which I’m sure the Germans have been thrilled about um fortunately for the Germans they have been very much on top during this game Florian vers after 11 minutes Jamal moala who by the way chose Germany over England um for his national team uh they scored within 20 minutes fre K just coming up so yeah it’s it’s it’s not looking particularly Pleasant for the uh for our neighbors above the Border shall we say yeah but uh you know congratulations to Scotland for making it and as I say they are the best fans they are the best fans in the world and I said to Ali Ross you know the Suns TV critic regular on this show he of course is out there probably wearing his Kilt or something and uh I said that you you lot are the best fans in the world your optimism never dented by experience you are fueled uh by Blind Faith and alcohol that pretty much sums them up doesn’t it to be fair it also sums up Englander the rest in any other so I think to be honest um they they they probably Trump Us in that sense um it’s incredible because there there was been some talk over the last couple of days for demands for the beer Levy to be um sort of eased in England and Scotland because they’re suggesting that something like over the next four weeks or so uh England and Scotland across the two countries there’ll be something like 18 million pints per day consumed which is just it kind of shows what kind of fans we are I don’t know if it’s good or bad um but you know certainly uh certainly is that anyway but no I think Scotland are always great value in these tournaments there were great value when we went to the last Euros of course that was held on home soil as well um unfortunately for them they’re not making the best of start this is not a great start it’s not a great start but you never know the the comeback could still be on although don’t bet the farm on it uh let’s go let’s well best of luck to Scotland hope you manage to uh scrape something out of this game but it doesn’t look likely uh let’s uh move on to England and uh let’s have a play a little uh excerpt from Gareth southgate’s recent round of uh press conferences and this was uh in the grip stream that rather unfortunate one- nil defeat to Iceland uh I think England I’m sure you would agree I’m going off on a tangent here Tom but they should get out of this habit of losing one nil to Iceland uh but uh first of all let’s listen to Gareth uh you’d like uh a good performance uh a crowd that’s been entertained and um to be leaving uh on a High um and clearly the performance wasn’t at the level it needed to be well he went on to say that he was hoping uh very much that uh we would perform better against Serbia on Sunday uh well let’s preview that game Tom uh well hopefully we will perform better than we did against Iceland uh but uh tell us about is this the walk in the park that England uh might have hoped for or might Serbia be able to serve as upper shock I don’t know about walk in the park but it certainly should be arguably one of the two more favorable games in the group stage it’s interesting you mention that Iceland game that they had of course England actually in warm-up matches for major tournaments they don’t have a particularly good record of course they had that win against Bosnia um earlier last week but you know typically they G Southgate has a record messing with the a little bit and giving people minutes where it’s needed so I I wouldn’t read too much into that Iceland game I think a lot of players were trying to avoid being injured as well they all want to be available for this first game on Sunday against Serbia I think Serbia are an interesting prospects they’re a team that can cause a lot of damage they’ve got some very good Strikers in Duan vovi who is a Juventus Striker Alexander mitovich who you will know very well from his days in the championship well I used to think he was a brilliant player I hate him now because he I don’t he was fantastic for full I said I I said you would be familiar I didn’t say you would be rapturous about him so Le covering my back there he’s responsible for some of my greatest memories so I still have a place in my heart for him but he did I don’t blame him he was in his 30s uh he quit for Saudi Arabia in the big bucks yeah as the as the kids would say he took the bag yeah exactly right uh so what about England uh you know we keep being told this is the year uh we’ve got the strongest Squad in the tournament allegedly we’ve got some fantastic players uh we’ve got a rather conservative manager uh but what do you genuinely think Tom I mean we can do it there’s no doubt we can do it because as I say I think we have the best collection of players in the tournament but will we do it I think that’s the question a lot people have been asking I think a lot of people are seeing England combined with France as the favorites for the tournament really France have been incredible for the last few years they have the best player in the world on their team they probably have the best Midfield they probably have the best defense uh England just have the best collection of attacking players uh you would say going into this with Alex harck Kane with B Saka Cole Palmer of course Jud Bellingham who’s been a revelation since going to Real Madrid and also Phil foden who’s one of the best players in the Premier League so England have the talent there it’s just a case of whether they can string it together but I kind of trust what Gare Southgate does when it comes to T okay yes he hasn’t won one but under GIS Southgate we’ve done better across three tournaments than we did in any previous sort of managerial era you know we’ve made a semi-final of the World Cup we made the final of the Euros okay we made the quarterfinals of a World Cup as well but that was against France who are eventual finalists and probably should have won that final as well so I I kind of back what Gare Southgate says and he does and at this kind of stage of International Football you need a conservative manager who is sort of saying right let’s make sure we don’t concede goals because England don’t concede goals really at major tournaments but they have the ATT attacking Talent on the pitch to be able to say well we can turn this around we can go and score a goal if england do concede a goal which as I say is very rare they have the ability to go forward and score we didn’t see it in the game against Iceland but as I say don’t read too much into that I think England are on a very good path unfortunately for them they could have a path in The Knockout stages where they could meet Italy again who they faced in qualifying and the last final of the euras which we won’t talk about thank you very much but then also in the semi-finals they could come up against France so and and then to add to that they might be Germany in the finals so a real path to you know if they if England win this tournament they have absolutely earned it they deserve it and I think actually over the last few years England had been good enough they have been as you say one of the best squads in World football I think absolutely if they G to win this this this might be one I I don’t want to say it’s better than 1966 because first of all I wasn’t there you could shed some more light on that I’m sure but then at the same time I think at this point where World football is so was only in my 30s then actually only in your 30s I won’t go into that um but no I I honestly think at this stage I think here what I think Tom about Gareth Southgate and’s he’s a man of you know he’s done well with England but I always feel like he sends England out as if they’re trying to avoid Rel ation you know from from the league something he uh uh failed to do when he was a league manager with middlesbor uh I just think his problem is uh he’s too conservative you know he’s too worried about conceding goals and it’s important not to of course where he should be much more attacking I think uh but but you know who knows this is the thing you could say that about any manager on the world stage but truth be told that’s the way International Football is it’s not the fast free flowing football you see in the Premier League or or any other sort of Top Flight European League uh domestically across the course of the Season International Football is about not losing it’s not about there and going on and putting a performance to your fans and saying oh well next week we’ll do a better job or on Tuesday we’ll do a better job playing for the international for playing for your national team is all about going and making sure you know England shouldn’t be losing games so that’s the initial pressure you know if you’re a I don’t know say a Crystal Palace fan or if you’re a brenford fan or if you’re a fan of another one of these teams in the Premier League if you’re going to lose a game okay fine we we lose this game but next week we go again G Southgate has pressure on him to win every single game that England play in England the players have that same thing so I I don’t blame them for being conservative to be completely honest maybe but it might not be might not be the style of play that reaps rewards but players to look out for England wise a play to look up for of course Jud Bellingham he is 20 years old in a Champions League winner which is just incredible he has the brightest future ahead of him um that I think we’ve seen of any player Harry Kane of course we haven’t seen much of him because he’s been in Germany for the last season um the one that I really want to see and yes I know Phil foden is a big factor in this but I really would I’m Keen to see what Cole Palmer can do he’s had great incred incredible season at Chelsea he’s been out and out their best player he took them to you know sick which okay some people say isn’t great but for Chelsea and its current guys is brilliant I think he’s an ABS technici on the ball and I think he’s really one that they can pin the hopes on going forward just another brief one as well Anthony Gordon a young lad who moved from Everton to Newcastle uh could be a threat on that left hand side especially the fact that the G southgate’s left out Jack breish so I think I think that’s a a real opportunity for him to prove his worth and uh very quickly uh the the teams to watch out for Germany looked like they’re pretty strong and France anybody else Germany and France of course that only for the Home Advantage France because I think actually they’re the best team in the tournament I don’t want to say it too loudly because I’ll upset are many English list it’s England no it’s England not Scotland that’s for sure yeah it’s yeah two n down after what 35 minutes anyway um yeah I would say keep an eye out for Portugal they’ve got a very very good team on paper including the likes of 39y old Cristiano Ronaldo who’s still going which is incredible and then also the other one that I kind of wanted to keep an eye on was Spain Spain is someone that not many people have talks about in recent weeks and months but I think actually could spring a surprise and they’re on a favorable side of the draw so keep an eye out for Spain I think they’ll win the group I think they’ll get through quite comfortably uh in The Knockouts there a team that can win games that’s crucial for me uh and one last Point uh moving on to another sport Rory maroy after two rounds in the US Open over there at Pin house Pinehurst in Carolina he’s looking in good shape uh you know we say this every time but could he do it this time win a major for the first time in 10 years well yeah I was going to say it’s only been a decade hasn’t it what another couple of days um yeah I think he’s looking good in good FAL I think the course that I’ve been watching some of the coverage the course has not been favorable to the um to some of the players and uh there was this incredible moment where they were on the fifth uh fifth green or or the fifth hole I should say because maroy is playing this week with Scotty cheffer Scot and Cha yeah yeah and there was this incredible moment where between three of them they all missed the green and it rolled off and between three of them they scored 19 on a par for three of them it would have been 15 so two of them got double Bogies Roy maroy was the only one who Sav face with a with a par on that one so incredible but the course has not being particularly Pleasant to some of the players out there Patrick kl’s leader on six on the par tied With ludic Ur who barely has been a press professional golfer for a year by the way um it’s incredible and Rory’s on minus three where is he sitting then what what that so he sits uh three shots behind he’s currently in sixth he’s got Benjamin pavm of France Bryson D Shambo and Thomas detri of Belgium everything to play everything to play for because that course even if you go round in par that’s been a good round what they’re trying to do is avoid uh the 12 overp pars that happens to the best of them yeah it says an awful lot that Roy maroy is currently Sixth and he shot one overpar today yeah and uh of course Scotty Sheffer he’s not having a great time and he’s the best play by the way by way just I want to finish on this Scotty Sheffer the greatest player in the world with a terrible technique but it works it sure as hell Works uh why it work for me that’s the question yeah of course it’ll work for you Tom every day of the week Tom Clayton great to talk to you thank you so much mate Tom Clayton from talk sport there uh I’m still with Pete Barnes when we come back we’ll return to the political freay uh I’m Kevin o solivan and this is my political Asylum you’re with talk stay tuned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] across the UK on daab Plus on your smart speaker on your smart TV and on your side this is talk uh welcome back I’m still with political strategist Pete barn and we’re going to return to politics it is all the rage at the moment you may have noticed as uh I said earlier the uh election fever is reaching lukewarm proportions uh now uh going back to the seven-way debate last night we need to give the green party the oxygen of publicity because today they launched their Manifesto we’ll talk about that in a little while but here’s their leader Carla Dena uh outl lining her policy on the new minimum wage this is last night on ITV so take it away Carla you think it’s time to bring fairness back into our economy by asking the billionaires and the multi-millionaires to pay a bit more and introducing a 15 pound minimum wage an immediate 40 pound uplift weekly uplift to Universal Credit and lifting the cruel two child benefit cap which both the conservatives and the labor party support even though it unnecessarily holds 250,000 children down into poverty it’s not even that expensive to lift but both the conservatives and labor have ruled it out what do they call the green party pet the uh the watermelon party don’t they green on the outside red in the inside uh I mean that’s the thing is they’re a very leftwing party radically left wing I mean looking at their Manifesto I think this is more ambitious than Jeremy Corbin had over his two manifestos is absolutely staggering the one thing I will give the greens at least they’re honest about what they wanted here you know a lot of these Manifesto shows are kind of like well we’ll do a little bit here do bit there this has been straight out and out this is what we’re going to do and it is radical Beyond tell you what I’ll tell you what Pete we need to go to break you outline them I sort of forgot to be honest I’m so engrossed in our watermelon conversation so we’re going to go to break now and then we’ll come back to the green Pary policies and their Manifesto afterwards so uh stay where you are James well unleash does not interview people who’ve just got a new book out we talk about the issues of the day the things that are really winding people up most of all I want you on the phone Saturday night 7:00 be warmed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we will have a general election on the 4th of July the time has come and the wait is over on July the 4th Independence Day put Scotland first everyone across the country will have the chance to vote green something has gone very very wrong so I’m coming back as leader of Reform UK and it’s time to get this conservative government out of office okay on dab Plus on your smart speaker on your smart TV and on your side this is talk it certainly is talk welcome back I’m still with political Strat IST Pete Barnes uh and we’re going to go through uh the green party’s Manifesto which they issued today Pete was uh halfway through I forgot we had to go see advert so uh where were we P where were we yes as I was saying like the thing with the green party manifest rudely inter yeah with the news of all things you know um but no honestly this it is probably one of the most radical manifestos I think we’ve seen from any major political party in quite some time I mean it’s all about raising over11 billion pounds a year in taxes that would be about 4.5% of GDP that’s astronomical figures is that means that anyone who ears more than 40 quid a week they will tax to the hillt by the way folks uh you know we’re equal opportunity uh disparages of all these Manifesto so we’ve given them all a hard time we’ve got to be tough on this so carry on yeah definitely and you know like they want to scrap University fees say that that would apparently been some fully funded um kind of polic scheme that has been pulled apart by every major Economist in the country but the more interesting one is their kind of focus on obviously on Net Zero because they are the green party they want to bring everything uh down by TW by 2040 I mean most political parties are looking at 2050 if not later in line even the even the reform have said 2040 is Extreme um but so yeah it it is quite an interesting one it’s a but what I like about it and I’d say like in a very loose sense of the word is it’s honest you know the manifestos for most voters are just booklets full of lies but this one it’s not they genuinely mean this you know they want to ban short hle flights and put levies on people taking holidays you know they want to have rent controls my God that’s terrifying and no fault evictions there is actually something in here for every person and every sector of society obviously the the nationalization of the rail and the waters and you know the big five energy companies that’s pretty standard we we we’re all kind of expecting that but you all right on this kind of green on the outside red in the middle but this isn’t red this is this is crimson red this is red red this really is by I’ve got a text here I’ve got a this is from uh Darren in Felix though he says uh Sunny suffer I bet it’s sunny yeah uh stop saying trooping of the color Uh Kevin it’s trooping the color quite right Dar sorry about that uh right I’ll just bring out a quick text this is from Pete it’s not you is it uh if this is if Nigel the greater moved over or merged or even let any Tories into reform UK it would undo all the good work they’ve done I for one would not vote for them ever again we won’t uh we won’t do nothing anything to do with the old boys network that’s why we won’t reform which brings us nicely on to we haven’t quite had reform UK’s Manifesto but they did sort of uh release a kind of snap sneak preview so they called it the contract with the people um because apparently the word manifesto equates to lies with voters which was Nigel’s line and I thought it was quite a Nifty little line but for what is quite a snapshot it’s quite um I have to admit there there’s quite a lot in there it covers every major area um you know from tax I think if I remember rightly the bank of England have yet to find a problem with anything that reformers said economically most of the think tanks have said it all seems to check out which is rare I people in our world is that’s that’s never really Happ I tell you what I’ll tell you what I’ll pay them some credit though I mean labor have been very slick but there are shall we say uh worrying gaps in their economics uh the Tories are all over the place I think uh but if if you’re saying that the bankers are saying reform UK as far as good for them they realize people people take notice of this they do and you know the having these kind of big economic black holes in your plans you you lack you lose all credibility with the general public and I will say the reform knew exactly what they were doing here again they want to cut NHS wag list down to zero within two years the amount of money they want to pump into this is significant but they’re going to raise it in the right ways they want to uh take uh some of the taxes off off the banks of quantitative easing they want to scrap VAT on energy bills reduce government spending they’re the only ones that from the manifesto that have made a specific and conscious effort to reduce spending not just raise taxes you know and actually they have a set- byep plan they want to abolish ir3 five RS reduced corporation tax excuse me I vote for that yeah trust me I I sit on the right and this is kind of about ir35 that is one of the disgraces of the I I have to admit I completely agree with you but if you look at the education and kind of child care plan that they’ve got they want to introduce a kind of a political bias and cancel culture finds for universities so they’re really going after this kind of woke stuff they want to ban the gender ideology and critical race Theory and more importantly this is one that will affect people say my kind of age and the third is is scrap student loan interest payments because I’ve often said that most people do not pay back the student loan they just pay the interest on their student loans this is a real stop and then they just stop paying it a stupid yeah it’s such a stupid system but this is the only the only time I’ve ever seen this is a policy and and this should be a major vote winner but you know with it being in reform will my generation listen to it probably not but it should be in that what you’re saying Pete I know you’re not a massive fan of Reform Tory through and through uh Al though you must be uh uh uh on in there what’s they say LGBT questioning questioning uh uh uh your what you seem to be saying is you’re quite impressed by reform I am very impressed I was always very critical of Reform that they would just the stop the boats party this man this has proven me wrong and that takes a lot these days and I I have to admit I am very impressed with this it is it is thoughtful it is careful it’s costed it this should be really the platform that you know Nigel could do very very well on this and he needs to stop talking about the boats and start talking about this bits in this Manifesto about the economy about the NHS and about education and defense stuff I mean like what he wants to not just increase defense spending but he also wants to have things like invest in the armed forces housing you know actual do do things for the veterans and not just them on on the beaches you know it’s it’s it’s thoughtful it’s it is actually well thought out and I take my heart off to reform and at the moment that’s a difficult thing for me to do yeah um I’m trying to look for a list of the other candidates I can’t seem to see it uh so uh it’ be nice if I could get that fairly soon it’s uh well it isn’t there [Laughter] where uh where oh right there they are sorry there they are another slick Moment by Kevin there finish the we on a down Point uh the other candidates in Clanton are Matthew benum uh liberal Democrat Nigel farage of course reform uh God I can hardly see that Natasha Osburn for the green party I can’t read it it’s too far away there we go Natasha Osborne green party uh Yovan aosu Nepal Labour party Giles Watley


    1. Kate shielding her children? The young lad was going out shooting wild life for SPORTS! Great early years education!! not! She is not a kind person, she eats foie gras (tortured ducks, production banned in UK) and she shoots wild life for sports, and allows her kid to do it.

    2. I disagree with Kinsey about Americans getting up at 3:00 am to watch Trooping the Colour. Quite a few are interested but not as obsessed as Kinsey. Also, Americans were not "in love" with Harry and Meghan when they first arrived in America … although some were mildly curious. The one thing that did draw an American crowd was in 1981, when many Americans DID get up early to watch the wedding of Charles of Diana … that event actually drew a crowd! No disrespect, because Kinsey is correct in saying quite a few Americans have an interest in Princess Catherine and the royal family in general. But today, we can catch the highlights of Catherine's reappearance on Youtube, social media, and 24 hour news outlets.

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