17 Júní

    shaky FOLD3 footage after wasting 1h+ trying to start a live many times on the 360 and action cameras and it crashing

    [Music] okay I’m um testing on my other phone so I have determined now that there’s no problem with the phone or the connection on either of the phones this phone connection is just fine YouTube fine other phone fine it’s just the cameras over here these cameras so which impossible to this one and then you know either there’s a connection error there’s a was password there is password inage there’s two it showed me two two it show be two I pce of the devices for example what the hell is that yeah I have it on I have it I have a screenshot on this device I’m recording I don’t want to be writing with this phone because it’s a foldable phone quite big so I don’t know maybe I’ll try it let’s see since the other stuff is usess [Music] [Music] [Music] yes there’s a lot of action going up there so I’m writing on this so course my ccle 360 for guess that’s where the skill com hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on Dy [Music] [Music] [Music] let’s do some stairs shall we over [Music] there so I’m going to take take the stairs here I [Applause] think hey doy what’s this some more [Music] stairs yes so uh don’t have the one time or two maybe maybe 10 maybe 20 so this is this is Independence Day Iceland go [Music] here okay let’s see what else can we do um I don’t know go up here [Music] perhaps yes we can yes we can again this is the ster [Applause] R yes okay no let’s go here so I can’t see your comments if you’re making comments you cuz um yeah it’s just I don’t have the equipment set up like I would like it to be so I’m just going to be making some video while I can cuz the batter is running low what this look where you’re running I look where I’m [Music] ring have zero people on the channel well it’s not like a miss see much don’t like much [Music] hold I think it was a bird great just to F here okay some traditional costumes nice costumes [Music] here oh look at here what’s this nice [Music] yeah oh that seem to be going up there I don’t know why hell little [Music] cookie so yeah give some on let’s go here again shall we [Music] I’m going to turn around here going down the [Music] stairs hello welcome to the [Music] channel so down STS keeps showing like one person on the shot and uh then it’s like [Music] none I don’t know what the hell is is that it’s like it’s zero now but there’s like one and then it drops [Music] out yeah this must be the most UN popular stream [Music] [Applause] you so I’m going to take these stairs [Music] yes yeah Ro down these stairs okay I think I’m going to like [Applause] [Music] look can make comments nice my chck yeah this is a uh phone uh live on my mobile phone because both the insta 360 cameras fail it’s big time I can’t connect so I have to use my phone oh [Music] youy look at thisy K so I’m going to go down the stairs now so like this go down here [Music] this super easy py [Music] [Music] so hello hi so yeah [Music] okay YouTube keeps showing me like uh zero and then like one and then like 5 seconds later zero again so I don’t know what maybe if you’re falling out you know the connection here something some problem on the other end then then uh let me know so this phone batter last endlessly so I’ll just uh make the most to it make a most of it [Music] d [Music] oh there two KN woohoo [Music] so going to go up here see this yes I’m going to go like here and I’m going to go there yes hello hey it keeps falling off so two there and then long [Music] yeah this will be a good test for any more like live streams you know cuz and I cannot have some malfunctioning garbage of a equipment like those two not one two is the 360 temperature normally when I’m not live streaming doing normally recording you know great they’re fine you know no problem very little problem but this live strep stuff is f big time I wasted one and a half hour trying to connect this all kinds of freaking I took plenty of screens like this problem that problem that connection error disconnect all kinds of yeah I’m not going to waste timeing all those [Music] okay somebody’s liking the video about time can live streaming for 20 minutes now okay so I’m just writing here this is uh Independence Day it’s kind of chilly and I’m just having fun [Applause] just having fun riding around to have a big Fleck my sh is black can you see the flag yeah people like the flag too obviously it’s the it’s the right day to be fling okay it’s a Chase m r are here I think he’s going to beat me ah I crossed the Finish Line oh well can’t do them all it’s like a Dan here down here so yeah let’s take the stairs here tell there’s a uh there is a um very like this uh yeah there’s like this ramp there little ramp you can write uh okay so that was fun right [Music] yeah we’re next where should I go next I’m writing in circles here go I’m going to go to the going go to the parliament check that out check out the parliament yeah this is run B I’m always talking about run oh it’s very crowded there maybe I’ll take another route to a vot to avoid the crowd [Music] yeah has some music on a video make it more interesting okay hey uh yes I know another place here that we can do something fun so people are going to be okay maybe I go down here yeah I’m going to do do this okay how did this look pretty good huh yeah it’s actually rather easy then know actually rather easy experien the rer coming through this is not the best place for this [Applause] hul I think my alarm fell off and U I see it it’s sitting down there as is life huh that’s a life downtown R week that’s right right here so I always have to watch out when it’s like uh trees and signs cuz I have a flag living and uh yeah stuff like that so what I’m going to do now I’m going to stop and I am going to get my alarm pretty sure it’s down there what do you know that is it so I used two safe tires to secure it actually three one crush and didn’t do better job than this good thing I heard when it fell off and uh okay now it’s connection line came loose I’m going to have to connect that yeah I’m going to put the phone down for a minute okay I’m back so I’ll just keep making uh keep [Music] streaming streaming for 13 minutes now next [Music] so I’ve been trying to like convince the police uh like these devices would be really good for police work so so yeah yeah maybe one day and uh I’ll be policing the streets on unicycles electric unices just like this one cuz uh walking in too slow motorcycle is well it’s too big so yeah was a perfect in and you got the hands free nice [Music] yeah that’s right I was going to I going to trying to take uh another route here to get to the to get to the parliament bu now to cover cover a big you know area [Music] [Music] here so maybe go here yep I’m out here [Music] [Applause] wowow yeah hey I saw three there’s like one now so I can see the like uh user connected amount I can’t see like all here I am ready oh there’s clapping something there a choir there maybe go check that check that out yeah something going on [Music] here nice yeah move to the side somebody’s some traditional singing okay that’s nice okay well keep going [Music] [Applause] [Music] been [Music] [Music] you [Music] so let’s go here now [Music] [Music] that’s funny so here we are in go torque bikers some skaters some tourists yeah oh there’s nobody I know it’s two okay I don’t know if this guy is coming or going I think he’s so I’m going to go [Music] here maybe wait go down okay I’m going to go here go here [Music] yeah look at this it’s nice sometimes people are sitting here I can go here found it [Music] okay I don’t know you know this mobile phone thing is not ideal so I’m just uh improvising here basically it’s uh I took two cameras two cameras two action cameras from insta 3 360 with me wasted 1 and a half hour trying to connect this and it’s totally wasn’t working you know so that’s why I’m broadcasting on this mobile like [Music] so and yeah [Music] okay I can I get through here yes I can can I go here yes I can okay py pey lemon squeezy yeah this if you’re going to go down some stairs then this is the type of div you want to be writing or some like later iterations thereof and so [Music] forth okay yeah I made the video here about the uh ambulance so it was going down there it’s a longer video of course but was going down here I’m getting tired than a feet but I’m just you know writing more because the battery of the phone will die in maybe 10 or 15 minutes and then there is no what’s this some ship guys sailers um then the battery is finished on the phone and then the stream is finished at least on this phone here unless I recharge it I might try to stream later if I get some more stuff working so until then I’m just just riding around here now I’m back here I don’t know if uh there’s new uh viewers now that were not on before so so I’ll just do you know I just do here yeah give them signals you know like when I’m writing you know like I’m coming through here like uh doing a Moses you knowes mes I don’t know maybe you don’t read a [Music] lot so maybe go a little further here there’s actually a lot of people walking here I don’t know let’s see I didn’t go here before I did go here but I wasn’t live broadcasting I was like live pissed off that the broadcasting didn’t work so yeah so [Music] yeah pish likes this yes get some [Music] reaction here go here go here people don’t know how flexible this device [Music] is [Laughter] hi nice okay going here right around here oh yeah the part um I need to trying to cover as much ground as I can before it dies you know probably like 5 or 10 minutes left so I’ll just be quick go here go around here oh this is a real maze that’s okay I can slow down to a if I have to so oh it’s a classic car stuff here nice cars huh well nice old cars anyway so yeah it’s not as many as they used to maybe because of weather it’s cloudy all day so maybe it’s not as many people you know [Music] downtown I’ll just go through [Music] here keep rting yes I’m going to go here go here I go there let see if I can K here yes is it working working just fine fine and dyo [Music] yeah maybe a turn here I want to go here yeah this a statue of a dragon there’s a dragon here see the wings it’s like dragon wings it’s a cool statue I look something it’s two years of uh the [Music] city so I’m riding around CH this is CH re uh it’s a bit it’s getting a bit chilly there’s the overcast and I’m just trying to make some live Broad cost let’s see if I can get through here thank you yes it’s nice nice very nice yeah I’m writing this and I’m coming here thank you this is nice here also very nice oh that was a irregularity in the ground there but uh always keep a constant speed never like let some irregularity you know catch you old C hello hello so I’m just going to ride here I think this is low enough [Laughter] yeah it’s uh it’s not low enough I need to I need to pull the flag down a little bit like so maybe I the wheel here a little bit too okay so there’s something going on over there this is City Hall City hole okay let’s continue there’s more people coming okay going to turn here it now turn here okay so getting somewhere go here [Music] hang yeah this closed here so I can write here just fine no [Music] problem so this is the this is the dir EG and in the middle of of rck and uh yes this is all closed off all closed off so people can walk here I want to go down here this is you can see here like there’s a lot of seals and there’s like this one [Music] here yeah [Music] it’s like let’s do this let’s do it again shall we so they go like this easy peasy lemon squee okay I’m not going to go there it’s okay see going to go here this I think the I think the tire is getting a bit I think the tire is getting a bit um uh deflated maybe when I went down there and the stuff uh fell off uh yeah okay we’ll [Music] see I’m just going to right here it’s 50 minutes getting close to an hour make an hour our broadcast and then uh maybe cut it down you know so this means I’m going to do no more stairs I’m just going to just going to it’s going to ride around maybe I take L yeah how about that go L let’s do that check on so I have a pump I can inflate if I need to you know can inflate the tire so no problem yeah L is kind of crowded though I don’t know you know [Music] um yeah I’m going to maybe go there [Music] [Music] so yeah this is this is Independence Day Iceland 2024 R Iceland and we’re just writing around here checking out checking out stuff it’s very nice nice nice nice here what more maybe go to the parliament one more time and then it’s like I don’t know when it’s 1 hour and I’ll uh I’ll uh take a break and charge something I might go live again later like in an hour 1 hour more time love to see just riding riding riding [Music] this is so fun yeah I think I need to put the [Music] FL think I need to put the flare off [Music] let’s see put the flag here higher [Applause] up it’s connectivity here connectivity issues how does this look maybe I connect you L not in any hurry so it’s 54 [Music] [Music] minutes so this is uh where I’ll think is this is and uh yeah just go here ah yeah okay they’re taking stuff down it’s finished the show is finished officially sto singing oh they’re singing still singing okay [Music] [Music] nice okay yeah it’s a bit bumpy yeah I think more people people are taking picture of me then I’m taking of them hey how’s it going [Music] woo going to just go like this this this yeah fun stuff [Music] huh woohoo yep yes sir [Music] Bop it’s fun fun fun oh yeah you can’t uh wait uh 1 minute uh around here cuz some uh National Security Alarms will sound something some guy told me like uh few days ago because I was waiting there a broadcast so on a Saturday when I was testing that first broadcast it wor for 1 hour on the insta 360 X3 until I reached but then it just cut up and it just would not you know let me restart so that kind of sucks but you know I’m making to you know making two with this ah this wheel here [Music] yes look closed this I don’t know if this is closed for the traffic coming here or other way because I mean there’s no traffic there you know it’s all it’s also closed you know by The Cars so yeah I don’t know so it’s 58 minutes I’ll uh yeah I’m going to get ready to cut the stream where should the sit down should I go there yeah I think I got go the same place that I came you I start the streaming yeah that’s a good idea yeah I’m going do that [Music] [Music] yeah just riding here just [Applause] riding riding all day long Yep this is the the zent end of the stream just going to right here and then uh thank you for watching leave a comment below and all that CH it’s been kind of experimental I’m still setting this up all right so yeah thank you for watching and uh see you next time maybe an hour maybe goodbye [Music]

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