Join us at 10:30am for our live Sunday morning worship service at Woodside Community Church led this week by Rev. David Perry.

    If you’re local to Watford, UK we would love for you to join us in church and you are assured of a very warm welcome. Our website has travel directions for you:

    [Music] [Music] J [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] break and I understand the the witching hour at half 10 everybody gets up and says hello to somebody and then eventually the church fills up anyway if You’ like to get up and just say hello and we welcome everybody [Music] [Music] my it was my daughter’s birthday on the 13th you’re going to read this to aren you [Music] l [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] right we are going to make a start if [Music] [Applause] [Music] we if we were in Parliament I would would be saying order order and everybody would be very quiet but there we are we’re here to worship God and there’s no quietness necessarily in that all the time today is one of those strange days isn’t it Father’s Day and then you have a mothering Sunday you’re never quite sure where to go with that cuz we thank God for our fathers we thank God for our mothers but then equally we thank God for those people that have been important to us down through the years now I’m not going to stand here and tell you of those people both men and women that have been helpful to me in my Christian walk but I’m sure for you there have been those people as well but then there is mothering Sunday we do have that opportunity to just thank God on that particular day for mothers of course course but then to spiritualize it we say our spiritual mothers or our spiritual fathers I know what that means but it’s not necessarily the case it’s just people that have been important to us in our journey through life but today happens to be Father’s Day and I would always ask for those of you I apologize to everybody else at fathers what did you get today if you’re a father right Steve folding his arms so come on you can shout out I a feelings today’s service might go on a bit sorry go on you know I actually said to to Daniel I said what did you get he said chocolate chocolate is that all you’ve got Keith what did you get I bet you got so you can actually carry on I’ve got about a minute anything else that you got particularly what you car on it’s all right he this afternoon when my grand well we got P I mean you know one of my daughters lived in Switzerland and it was great cuz she bought Us online you can buy a gift a meal out so we thought that would be great so we went for the meal out and we got there and they looked at the voucher a group on voucher and they said well I’m ever so sorry but it’s not available at the weekend so I said well in that case we’re going to walk out no we didn’t we had a meal but that’s by the by but I won’t tell you what my other daughter brought me but if you come very closely and just smell there you we come here to celebrate don’t we not just fathers but as I say those people that have been important to us and there’s an opportunity during the service for that to happen but we do welcome you and you’ve already welcomed one another in God’s name I think on today though it just reminds me as I look around the church it’s great to see new people but I’m sure for some of us it’s a reminder of loved ones that are no longer here and so I celebrate the empty spaces as well those people who down through the years have been so important to us and so as we go through our service whilst we say thank you there’s an opportunity there in the quietness of your hearts to say thank you as well for people for men but for women for parents members of your family no longer here but so much a part of our lives I’m going to open our service as we stand to sing that great hym I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus of Nazarene would you please [Music] that I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus The Naz and wonder how he could love me a [Music] s how marvelous oh how wonderful and my S shall ever be how marvelous oh how wonderful is my savior’s love for me for me it was in the God and he prayed not my will but thine he had no tears for his own but swear drops of blood for the mind how marvelous oh how wonderful and my soul shall ever be how marvelous oh how wonderful is My Savior love for me in pity Angel be him and came from the world of light to comfort him in the s B for my soul and night how marvelous oh how wonderful and my song shall ever be how marvelous oh how wonderful is my S is love for me took my SS and my sorrow he my burden [Music] to marous oh how wonderful and my song shall ever be how marvelous oh how wonderful is my saor for me when with the ransom in glory his face I shall see will be my joy through the Ang to S of his love for [Music] me how marvelous how wonderful and my song shall ever be how marvelous how wonderful is my savior’s love for me you can either be seated or remain standing it’s entirely up to you we’ve got another couple of songs they’re both of course there on the screens in front of you the Lord’s my shepherd based on that great 23rd psalm is up the Lord’s my sheer I not want [Music] one that’s it [Music] the Lord’s my [Music] sheer not want he makes me lie in PST he Me by The Still Still his goodness Ros my soul and I will trust in you alone and I will trust in you alone for your endless mercy follows me your goodness will lead me home he guides my ways rightousness he anoint my hand with all and my C in all over flows with joy I Feast on his pure de Li and I will trust in you TR I will trust in you alone for your endless mercy follow your goodness will lead me home I walk the [Music] darkness I will not fear the evil one for you are with when your R and stop I I need to know I will trust in you alone I will trust in you alone your endless mercy follows me your goodness will lead me [Music] home and then before I lead us in prayer there’s just that lovely song Jesus all for Jesus all I ever hope to be Jesus all for Jesus w [Music] Jesus all for Jesus all I am my and never hope me Jesus all for Jes Jesus all I am and now and ever hope to be all of my ambition SS and plans I Surrender the to your hand all of and Rich and pl I Surrender the into your hands for is in your will that I am free for it’s only your will ad [Music] free Jesus all for Jesus all I am and have and heav hope to be all of my ambition H and I Surrender thee to your hand I’m sorry if that was a duet between me and Naomi there but I think we did quite well don’t you would you please be seated I would like this young man if I don’t embarrass him too much to stand up and turn around did you do that what we got here [Applause] do you want to be in my gang my let’s not go there do you want to be in my gang well it’s quite an interesting t-shirt cuz I’m seeing that as you’re sitting there and you know we have a Heavenly Father we want to be in his I mean gang is a little bit too trite of course but we’re all part of God’s creation and there is that opportunity as we come to prayer to just thank God that we are part of his kingdom and part of his flock and Psalm 23 particularly a favorite Psalm of mine reminds me just of that let’s just bow our heads for prayer Our God and loving Heavenly Father we have much to thank you for we thank you that we are all part of your family and the songs that we’ve been singing remind us of just that we thank you today that we can come and say thank you to people that are important to us we come before you Lord and in prayer remember the Strange World in which we live the heartache and the sorrow whilst even as as we are praying there are those mourning the loss of their loved ones on far off battlefields of our world we pray for the peacemakers whether that be in Russia Ukraine Gaza or Israel we pray for the decision makers but maybe most of all we pray for those those that are mourning the loss of their loved ones in those areas we think of our own Fellowship for loved ones no longer with us or for those that are going through difficulties as well both younger and older we just come heavenly father to say thank you today and pray your will be done in all things in all peoples and in all situations in Jesus name I pray amen let’s share together in the Lord’s prayer that comes up on the screen I lead if you want to sit quietly and listen please feel free to do that or as I lead in The Lord’s Prayer let’s join in together Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom om the power and the glory forever and ever am amen a little bit later I’ll be speaking on Psalm 139 verses 1 to 18 but at this particular time we’re just going to have that read to us thanks Kate [Music] good morning church Psalm 139 God’s perfect knowledge of man oh Lord you have searched me me and known me you know my sitting down and my rising up you understand my thought of far off you comprehend my path and my lying down you are acquainted with all my ways for there is not a word on my tongue but behold oh Lord you know it all together you have hedged me behind and before and laid your hand upon me such knowledge is too wonderful for me it is high and I cannot attain it where can I go from your spirit or where can I flee from your presence if I Ascend in heaven you are there if I make my bed in hell behold you are there if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me if I say surely the darkness shall fall on me even the night shall be light about me indeed the darkness shall not hide from you but the night shines as the day the darkness and the light are both alike to you for you formed my inward Parts you covered me in my mother’s womb I shall praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well my frame was not hidden from you when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth your ey saw my substance being yet informed and in your book they all were written the days fashioned for me when as yet there were none of them how precious also are your thoughts to me oh God how great is the sum of them if I should count them they would be more in number than the and when I awake I am still with you amen when David asked if there was any presentence we got any presents for Father’s Day I’ve got one sitting at home I haven’t even opened it but what I did have this morning was a text from my daughter who lives in New York she says morning Dad hope you have a Happy Father’s Day today thought I’d be clever and do a moon pig card for you however the technology just wouldn’t work lesson learned I wonder where she got that from my knowledge of technology is is is renowned you know so she’s following in her Father’s Footsteps smart girl anyway I got my moon big did you well I didn’t get a m b card I just got all my love Andrea anyway that’s that right um as it is Father’s day today and uh I do like surprises and ladies do you like surprises well what I’ve what I’ve the surprise you’re going to have today is that we’re going to have a Men’s Choir all the men are you listening now most of them know about this but even if you don’t it doesn’t really matter because what we’re going to do we’re going to sing that wonderful hymn Amazing Grace and uh and it’s there’s a an Irish group called mandate nothing to do with Gary mandate who sing this in a particular way and I hope we’re going to be able to do it now some of you have been practicing it I hope because I gave you all the information to do it we’ll find out but I want all the men to come forward all the men right and we we we know which ones you are no there’s no feeling come on Stan lead the way come on there it’s amazing grace come on you all know it the the words will be up on the screen come here I’ll lead you in it look at come Herbert Craig go and grab Herbert don’t all stand at the back Keith come forward I’ll sh you out don’t you [Music] worry Matthew you coming oh yes no you you have to come for oh he’s got in there try to through all standing [Music] come right here the last last okay it’s not fast so you practice is it the melody or just one song it’s just the one song yeah it’s just the one song [Music] Amazing Grace how sweet the sound like me I was was lost but now I found was blind but now I [Music] see was gra that my heart to fear and PR my Fe how preious that Grace appear the are first the Lord has prised is good to me is word my will my shield and por be as long as [Music] to and I have already come his grace have BR we sa the SP and prise will lead me home when thish and heart shall fail and moreal light shall see I shall possess with the ve a life of joy and peace when we been there 10,000 years CHR shining the son we no last days to sing God’s praise and when we first be we no let days to sing God’s praise that when we first be [Applause] [Music] L well as a result of that me and my mate Steve mcer going to do a double act right there’s so much going on today I need to we all need our notes to work out and someone’s left a phone here by the way that doesn’t happen to be mine it’s very nice phone out thought you weren’t into modern technology I still got two tin in a piece of string but that’s another story right at this particular Point Paul is going to come out good morning everyone good morning right I’ve got some children who are going to come and talk to you about their wonderful daddies CU we’re celebrating our daddies so if the children with their work come and just join me now that would be lovely RN I’m sure you want to hear about their wonderful daddies come come a bit close big ones go at the back okay these are all their own ideas lovely come on R and Exel and Jacob excellent so a couple of weeks ago I asked them to talk to me about their daddies and this is what they said so let’s this on so we’re going to start off with Evelyn okay when you’re ready I do fishing with my dadd and go on long walks and play video games My Daddy doesn’t do jokes grandpa is a funny one I I love I love going to preso with Daddy Grandpa and Nanny I love my daddy so Steve’s the funny one right this is what ruby said about her daddy just come forward thank you Daddy for taking me two places I really like going to the cinema with you my my daddy is fun and playful I love him so so muchina come forward Dear Daddy thank you for helping me to make a tie-dye T-shirt it was fun daddy you are kind fun and [Applause] loving thank you Daddy for taking me for park park and for making me amazing birthday birthday cakes when it was my sixth birthday there were lots of different sweets on my cake I love my daddy he’s so fantastic I think to come with Olivia Rose if you both come together come together my daddy works hard and does people’s Gardens I like playing football with him I love him a lot this is a funny one I check this one could be told thank you Daddy for buying me stuff like my gymnastics bar daddy begged Mommy to buy it as she said as she didn’t want to as she thought it was too dangerous but in the end Daddy bought it I use I use it a lot I love him a lot Jacob do you want to come forward thank you Daddy for picking me up from school when when Mom is is out daddy usually cooks he makes me laugh he Mays my whole entire bedroom I love you Dad right where we go to next yes Valentina I love my daddy because he’s really fun and funny I like playing sports game games with like throwing and catching and Cricket with him he brought me a new watch which I love thank you [Applause] daddy my daddy WIS up up frozy May and this makes me laugh I like it when Daddy walks past and roughs my hair I love my daddy to the universe and back this is got rain one um thank you Daddy for cooking you are a good cook you are a amazing brick layer I love you you are 100% 100% right Maya come forward my daddy’s a mechanic and he loves cycling I enjoy cycling and rollerblading with daddy I love my daddy 50% and the others 50% for mommy ENT and then we’ll have Axel next come to now Evelyn’s written an acrostic poem sure you all know what that is for Daddy which spells Daniel okay Daddy is amazing never giving up incredible every night gave me hugs and loving welcome right Axel right we’re all can you see Axel I wonder if I get him up here you can see him there what you going to say about your daddy I’m playing Glory do track with my [Music] daddy so that was I like playing glow-in-the-dark tracks with my daddy didn’t he do well fantastic right now you’re probably wondering where Ruben and Anna are but we know that they’re in Northern Ireland um at a wedding but I did ask them to talk about their daddy and I think Gary would love it if we just read what they said and I think you’ll love it too this is Reuben what he says about G Gary my daddy is funny and silly he says put your hands in the air like you just don’t care daddy is good at preaching we know that and making everyone laugh he’s good at tennis running and squash I love my daddy over to the Moon that’s Reuben and this is Anna’s I love going on a walk with my daddy he helps me put my pajamas on I love him so much I love his big hugs daddy works at church and he cuts the grass my daddy is very clever hope you enjoyed that Gary now we have got one more left and this is from our youngest member so Rowan if you come to the front we’re going to see your video now okay so we get you standing up here there we go right so if you look at the screen we’ve got a little video of Rowan hi [Music] R say hello to Daddy hello Daddy what do you like doing with your daddy playing what do you play with him games oh lovely what does daddy do football football and golf too lovely how much do you love your daddy three months fantastic what does daddy do for his job does he fly airanes yeah wow have you been in an airplane with Daddy yeah all of in Theo really yeah when we went to Holiday we went to a and the bath too oh wow and it’s fantastic that was fun say say to daddyy I love you Daddy love you daddy [Music] bye I think we’re going to sing Our Song now Dan yes so stay where you are and we’ll sing so you put your papers on the floor okay then you can do the actions fantastic well done are we going to help them [Music] I’m going to jump up and down going to spin around around going to praise your name forever I’m going to shout out loud going to D the crowd and send my PR to heaven I’m going to jump up and down down stay around going Praise Your Name forever I’m going to shout out loud till the from the crd and send my bre to Heaven I this race and I will never stop I follow Jesus still they I can do all things to streng me when you got such a when you got not L be happy I’m going to jump up and down got to spin right around going to praise your name forever I’m going to shout out loud going to definely cry going to send my praise to heaven I’m going to jump up and down going to spin right around going to praise your name forever I’m going to shout out loud when I in the crowd going to send my praise to heaven I’m run this race and I will never stop I follow [Music] Jesus I can do all things to Christ streng me when you got such a when you got not be happy [Music] I this R [Music] IOP Jesus still I can do all things through Christ streng you got such a you got be [Music] happy I need some help so you can leave the papers there but this is a story and it’s about a lady that used to carry some water along a path to a Master ‘s house so you have how many you got good imaginations oh you all have so what I want you to do is to pretend that you’ve got a long stick across your shoulders all right done you can do better than you’ve got a heavy stick across your shoulders oh we’re getting there you got the heavy stick and on each end is a real heavy pot it’s going down that end you’re filling it with water going down that end you fill in it with water now is a difficult bit it’s ever so heavy spending over mind you don’t when you carry it down the step mind you don’t fall over cuz it’s very very heavy okay so you’ve got to follow me along a very narrow path okay you got it still you’re carrying it on your shoulders oh I know about you but mine’s really heavy remember you got a put on each shoulder now come on come on guys enter into it right got now right got real heavy [Music] I know it’s too heavy for some of you you try your best right you got these two heavy pots mind you don’t step off the path grass oh there’s so on either side noing you’re right got you got your pot [Music] still they’re very heavy you’re right we go around 12 times but come on we nearly there we’re nearly at the Master’s house oh dear this is a relief all right come we up to M the step again oh dear I don’t know about you but these are really heavy are yours heavy no no why is that because it’s air right putting them down yeah do you know that is a true story and it’s about a lady that used to fill up two pots carry them on her shoulders along a narrow path to the Master’s house but one of the pots had a crack in it and what do you think happened what fell out exactly right the water as as she walked along the water ran out of the pot well after a while you didn’t know pots could speak did you but this cracked pot said to the lady you know I feel really bad because when I get to the Master’s house do you know what happened the pot was half empty cuz all of the water have out as she walked along well she said to the crackpot you know there’s no need for you to feel really bad about that but I do said the crackpot I wish I could be full like the other one she said ah but what you didn’t know was that as you walked along the path what I had done was planted seeds all along the side of the path do you know what happened they grew they grew I knew it you knew this you knew that I knew that part they what happens they always got you’re right and these flowers grew and what the lady said to the crack poot was because she gave those flowers to the master and the master was so pleased and the point of that story is that sometimes in life you might feel like that crackpot sometimes in life you might feel that you don’t feel that important as if you’re a big full po but just remember the story of the flowers as the flowers are on the side of that path doesn’t matter who we are each one of us has a little job maybe we’re the crackpot maybe we are a full pop but in Jesus Kingdom we are very important to him I’m just going to pray for you guys all right Lord heavenly father I just pray for the children for the young people you will show them just how important they are to you and to this church in Jesus name I pray amen thanks for listening stay hold on I haven’t finished part two one little girl came up to me and said have you brought any chocolate this [Applause] time some of you are looking and saying what is he going on about when I was here last time I asked what do you take on holid H day and what did they say who is it what did you say chocolate chocolate so I hope you haven’t got your best clothes on who’s got their best clothes on well what I’ve got is chocolate are they allowed to have these no no they’re not allowed to you can eat them now all the children are coming on now it’s all right I haven’t forgotten you don’t worry about it finger finger the chocolate finger the reason why I took three is for one for my n and one for my brother me okay that’s very of any other big once you start you always run out don’t you really sorry P you’re going to say something so the children are going to bring a little present around for more than men if you just take one I think it’ll be about right okay so just take one present and give it to one man one [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you very [Music] much thank you you are [Music] see mystery the king of Love sent for me now you’re singing Only The Father Song children young people now going to be leaving us to go classes Listen to A Thousand T there is sounds [Music] there are a few extra chocolate fingers which will be on the table out there and if anybody would really like a chocolate finger they can take one it’s perfectly okay otherwise I’ll only have to take them home and have to eat them all but there we go I don’t need them Andrew at this time when you the as well don’t worry about it don’t worry first of all thank you David for coming and taking our service this morning and nice to have Pamela with us really appreciate you being with us today thank you very much for that children’s story Pastor David I’ve always wondered where that crackpot thing came from my mom used it quite often however um if you turn the day by day we’ll just highlight the events of the coming week um we have on Wednesday we have n and NATA on Wednesday and uh in the evening we have this wonderful night of praise and worship with Lou and Nathan fellingham um they have been here before and worshiped with us taken a service we uh enjoy their Ministry and it’s a wonderful Ministry in song and in sharing the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so um you have to book in for this uh it is possible there is a one of those funny things for people of my age called a q andr card out there you have to sign on with it so um if you any problems with that uh and you don’t how to do it we’ll get a young person and they’ll show you how to do it so that’s on um on Wednesday night um and at is time is at 7:30 so do please come along and enjoy this time of Fellowship on Thursday with little stars and parent todler group meet at 9:15 and on Friday morning we have a time of prayer at 8:00 diary notes church family breakfast is on June the 29th at 9: here please speak to Anne or Joe and book yourself in for that um Men’s breakfast is on the 6th of July at 9:00 uh please speak to me if you can come to that uh so we can cater for it um on uh Saturday the 20th of July there is a books puzzles and Cake whatever this is yeah yeah lovely good mixture there isn’t it yeah I’m look forward to that so put that in your diary as well and then our church don’t forget our church weekend away in October you need to have the booking informs in if you need to know any details about it um they are all in the multi-purpose area but also do speak to Carol Dy about that um so I think those are the men there tea and coffee is served after and refreshments after the service so do please stay and have fellowship and our uh stewards and now wait upon us for our tithes and offerings thank you hi friends my name is Nathan fellingham this is my wife Lou uh we so enjoyed being with you last year uh and we are looking forward to coming back to Woodside Community Church on the 19th of June uh where we’re going to be enjoying uh an evening of praise and worship together yes um many of you know that Nathan and I have been leading worship online now for the past four years under the guise of worship Wednesday and um we’ve been doing it online but are really excited to be bringing it into a room where we can gather together as the people of God and believe that as we do that we’re going to encounter God’s love his presence his peace and his power yeah it’s really just an evening to yeah come and enjoy fellowship with one another and fellowship with the Lord together um tickets are free uh but we are asking people to register uh online at L’s website lelling there’s a a process then of just clicking on the right event and getting your sort of securing your your tickets reserving them uh there is an optional donation if you want uh but yeah we just basically love to have you there with us in the room where we’re going to enjoy a great evening together yep so we look forward to seeing you on the 19th of June um at Woodside Community Church see you soon bye for now bye almighty God we thank you that your word reminds us that it is better to give than to receive and we thank you oh lord for the greatest gift of all that you’ve given to us your son Jesus Christ and the opportunity to uh to be right with God and to uh one day be with him and so we pray oh God that you’ll accept our monetary gifts and tires as a token of our love and appreciation for you and pray that they will be used wisely for the extension of your kingdom both here and throughout the world in Jesus name amen amen amen well as pastor is not here and the children have dived out we still like to celebrate birthdays um and so I want to know if anyone’s got a birthday they’d like celebrating that right okay oh we’ve got we’ve got Jackie and we’ve got Angel there we are that’s two lovely okay well uh sorry Evelyn oh right yes well unfortunately the children have dived out not to worry but we’ll sing Jackie and Angel happy birthday to Jackie and Angel okay happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday Jackie and Angel happy birthday to you [Music] [Applause] and I think when we are after the service when we’re outside cuz Evelyn will be there then won’t she we ought to sing remind us we ought to sing Happy Birthday when she’s outside so that’s what we’re going to do as well as I said there’s sort of so much that’s uh going on today and yes as we’ve said it’s Father’s Day um and when I was thinking about what to speak on of course Father’s day was uppermost in my mind and the song that we’re now going to sing before I preach to you is one of my favorites How Deep The Father’s Love For Us can remain seated or of course stand if you wish it’s on the screen [Music] how deep Father’s Love For [Music] Us beyond all me he son [Music] to [Music] Tre the turns his face [Music] away many s to [Music] Glory i [Music] s sh [Music] my the it was my sin that held him there until it was [Music] accomplish I know that it [Music] will not boast in [Music] anything but I will Bo in Jus [Music] Christ resur why should I gain from this reward I canot give an answer of this I know with all my [Music] heart [Music] my will you please be seated let’s just for a few moments bow our heads as I pray how deep is the Father’s Love For Us I God and loving heavenly father as I share this morning may the reality of those words challenge us encourage us and fit us for each day that life brings us in Jesus name I pray amen did you know we’re heading for a general election every time you switch on the television and I’m not making this a political in any way but it’s interesting listen in as they debate the various leaders what they’re going to do but nobody will tell you who they actually are and Psalm 139 God actually tells us who he is I think so often as Christians we’re told what we should do and the proverbial is we’re always running around so often feeling inadequate because we feel we should do more there a phrase that I Ed when I first came into the ministry I don’t know where it came from I’d say to people look just to lay back and enjoy your Christianity enjoy God take time to enjoy God God loves us so much and it came out in the prayer that Andrew brought there with the offering God loves you so much I don’t know how you’re feeling this morning but I feel he would want each of us to know just how much he loves us well in one of the houses I think we asked him when we were in sheff not particularly when we were in Watford maybe Manchester on one occas at night we’re lying in bed and I heard a scraping noise just like that well of course in the middle of the night I crept downstairs expecting to find somebody at the window trying to break in but of course it wasn’t I looked around and there was the pet hamster in the cage and the pet hamster in the cage was on the wheel and the wheel was going round and round and round but because it was slightly off center as it hit the cage it was well I kind of sat there and just watched that hamster do you ever feel like that like the hamster on the wheel round and round and round the same rituals not really going anywhere okay if you don’t feel like that that’s that’s fine but there is that reminder today just how much God loves us there is a reason there is a purpose for what really is going on with us I don’t know how many of you have heard of Ross Kemp as the East Enders and also a presenter well it was interesting watching him on television the other day because he said on July the 7th do you know what’s happening on July the 7th what Ross Kemp said none of you watch the program that’s okay he said said that on July the 7th I want it to be a thank you day he said I want we all want to S just go around and say thank you to somebody now that really Struck it with me cord because so often we take it all for granted and there is of course that danger that we can take God for granted as well maybe we need to just sit back and realize that though life can be a treadmill sometimes the same old same old maybe you’re working hard and you don’t feel like you’re really getting anywhere you feel underappreciated overlooked dare I say underpaid and as I’ve gone through life I’ve realized more and more that our success is based on what we’ve achieved rather than who we are and that’s why as I come back to the thought right at the beginning so often it’s what we do regulates our achievements in life rather than just sitting back as we say with God and appreciating who he is I’ve so often said this but it strikes me so often particularly when I was up north and I came down and would meet some friends and invariably the three things came up Dave what sort of house do you live in what sort of car do you drive what sort of job do you have are you still in the police and when I told them now I was studying for the ministry that went down a bit like a wet squib really but so often how our success is measured is by those three things maybe you can think of other things but I hasten to add that’s in the world’s eyes but as Christians so often we are measuring ourselves by what we have achieved rather than looking back in Christ to see who we are you see Psalm 139 gives us a different picture of life in the first six verses there are eight different Hebrew words that re that resonate should do with each of us for they illustrate that God knows our story God knows everything about you and he knows everything about me and that is not measured necessarily on what you or I ch believe it’s about our relationship with him four thoughts firstly God knows you there’s so many songs that have been important and of be mentioned that lovely one faithful one so unchanging you lift me up when I feel down the one that we sang How Deep The Father’s Love For Us those eight different words as we acknowledge that God knows us God knows you intimately oh Lord You’ve searched me you’ve known me you know when I sit down when I stand up you understand my thoughts from afar You observe my travels and my rest you are aware of all my ways before a word is on my tongue you know all about it Lord You’ve encircled me you’ve placed your hand on me this behind and before this extraordinary knowledge is beyond me is too lofty I’m unable to reach it you see each of those words if you ever go through that particular chapter or rather Psalm each each of those words eight different words show to us just how much God knows you and God knows me this particular point when I was thinking about what I was going to say as I said right at the beginning for you maybe life is great and that is wonderful but for s the song All Through the storm your love is the anchor my hope is built on you alone I remember ironically growing up here in the boys Brigade um there’s that wonderful verse from Hebrews that we have an anchor of the Soul both sure and steadfast all through the storm your love is the anchor my hope is built on you alone God knows you God is like a detective he tracks every every activity he studies us even when we Think We’re Alone God knows our hearts God knows our fears God knows our thoughts our motives our dreams and our frustrations he knows us to go in that phrase better than we know ourselves maybe you or I don’t measure up to a success in the world’s eyes whatever that success I know I mention those three there’s lots of things maybe you don’t measure up to success in the world’s eyes but you see as I with that simple little thing I did for the children God knows you and God loves you still when David says in the psalm that God lays his hand upon him he’s referring to an Old Testament Practice of bestowing a blessing on someone a wise father would place his hands on his children and he would speak words into their lives about who they were who they will be what their hopes or ra their hopes and his hopes for the future were and still within the Hebrew Faith the Jewish faith that’s one of the most important acts that still happens you see in the same way God lays his hands upon us and God gives his Blessing our heavenly father give that blessing born out of love that marks you within his family what your future is about God knows you then secondly God pursues you when David in the psalm affirmed God’s Thor knowledge he concluded in verse six that’s beyond me it’s so lofty I’m unable to reach it what he meant is this I just can’t deal with this it’s too overwhelming it’s out of my reach David’s first instinct is the same as ours how can I escape where can I hide and sometimes negative feelings can come in my frustrations my inadequacies no matter how we feel positively or negatively God still loves us he knows us he pursues us where can I go to escape your spirit in verses 7 to2 David writes where can I flee from your presence if I go up to heaven you’re there if I make my bed in sh you’re there if I live on the Eastern horizon or settle at the Western limits even there your hand will guide me your right hand will hold on to me if I say surely the darkness will hide me and the light around me will become night even the darkness is not dark to you the night shines like the day Darkness and Light are alike to you see David is saying no matter where I go Lord you’re still there you’re still there following me pursuing me you see the Lord was determined to be involved in David’s life and I love this verse 10 if I could ride the sun’s rays and fly at blinding speed to some remote place or bury myself under miles of ocean even there your hand will light me your hand will lead me that’s guidance your right hand will hold on to me what security that is God’s hand and holding on to him and what this means for us today is that we are wanted by God over and over in the Bible we see this affirmed we are God’s beloved we are his chosen we are his children nothing can separate us from his love I remember a Sunday school teacher he got all the children out of the front and you perhaps know the game called Chinese Whispers where you’ll say to a child at the beginning a message and you hope by the end it’s going to end up somewhat similar to the one you said at the beginning and the Sunday school teacher whispered in the child’s ear I’ll say a bit louder because you won’t hear otherwise God loves you but it went all the way down the list and through the length to the very last J and the teacher said what is a message and the child said God loves me true story God loves me the message was changed but of course the truth so important God loves you Romans 8: 31-39 wonderful passage but Paul is writing in verse 38 of Romans 8 and he says this happens to one of the things when you’re preaching is you can choose your favorite verses but this is one of my favorites verse 38 for I convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our lord see God loves you God pursues you to show how much he loves you and then the third thing within this passage is the fact that God himself made you verses 13-6 for it was you who created my inward Parts you knit me together in my mother’s womb I will praise you because I’ve been remarkably and wonderfully made your works are wonderful and I know this very well my bones were not hidden from you when I was made in secret when I was formed in in the depths of the earth your eyes saw me when I was formless you see you are uniquely and wonderfully made maybe you don’t feel like that sometimes but nonetheless it’s so true in 1880 a man named Henry F is a Scottish surgeon in a Tokyo hospital he published his first paper on the usefulness of fingerprints for identification he said this and it’s still true today no two people have the same fingerprints even identical twins are different now my dad was an identical twin and for some of you that met both my dad and also his brother they were physically identical the only thing was one wore black shoes and one wore brown shoes that’s the only way I could in a sense when we were younger work that out um my dad wore the black ones by the way that’s another story but you know no two people have the same set of fingerprints not only do fingerprints identify that a person was at the scene of a crime but they determine whether that person smokes takes illegal drugs whereas after shave or perfume or even suffers from certain diseases J it’s surprising what you can learn on a Sunday morning isn’t it really I won’t even go into DNA is that something of course as well as what I’ve spoken about but something added to that but the point in the context of what I’m saying from this Psalm is this that you are unique ly made there’s no one else like you God has given you a personality he’s given you abilities he’s given you spiritual gifts and a particular purpose that sets you apart for him God knows you God wants you God made you but then the last the last one the four that God has plans for you the latter part of the vers is that Keith read to us all my days are written in your book Plan before a single one of them began God how difficult your thoughts are for me how vast their some there’s a a song that was made famous where it said that God is watching us from a distance I cringe when I hear that because God isn’t watching us from a distance God is here with great song by the way by Cliff Richard nothing wrong with that before anybody queries that but God isn’t watching us from a distance through his death his resurrection he has reminded us that he is present with us always that’s so important when we think of where we are going on life’s journey yes we’re so intent on what we do but let’s just take time to reflect on Who We Are are God knows you God pursues you God Made You with a purpose and is ready to live out those plans in you each moment of each day through trouble sadness heartache Joy God in Christ is saying very simply take my hand and let us journey together let us travel together it’s quite interesting watching the London Marathon 26 miles 50,000 Runners and they were some were interviewed afterwards why are you running and each explained their purpose many had got it on their t-shirt some had taken forever some had done it in record time but the times didn’t really matter what was important was finishing and each one of them of course were proud to display a medal no matter what time how long it took all received the prize in 2 Timothy 4:7 Paul says this I have fought the good fight I have finished the race I have kept the faith in the reminder of that letter to the Romans that Paul wrote nothing can and separate us from God’s love God knows you God pursues you God Made You with a purpose he’s ready to live out those plans with you each day and he says simply this take my hand and let’s run this race together let us pray my God and loving father I pray that what I fail to make clear your holy spirit will make abundantly clear How Deep The Father’s Love For Us in Jesus name I pray amen just going to sing a song the goodness of God I say if I pronounce the benediction but if anybody would like prayer following the service as is a custom for us every week I know here and as always been if you would like prayer then please either come to front have a word with somebody who be willing to meet with you and to pray with you thanks we always wait on technology doesn’t know pardon oh sorry you’re going to you’ve got the work this oh no we’re going to actually have the music are we Daniel as well yes was just can we just sorry I was just promted a few weeks ago I name I read that a christening and we were handed at the end a little heart box oh wow and inside just a lovely little just sort of um sumon up it says you are beautiful you are wonderfully made you are created by God you are known by God you were created to be just you and I just thought that was just you carrying around no no so important to mention really thank you for that thank [Music] you you for your mercy never fails me oh my days I’ve been held in your hands from the moment that I wake up until I lay my head oh I will sing of the goodness of God I love your voice you have led me through the fire in the darkest night you are Clos like no other I’ve known you as a father I’ve known you as a friend I have Liv in the goodness of God my life and all my life you have been [Music] faithful you so my life you have been so so good with every breath that I am oh I will sing all the goodness of God I love your voice I love your voice Lord you have led me through the fire in the darkest nights you are close like no other I’ve known you as a father I’ve known you as a friend I have live in the goodness of God [Music] all my life you have been faiss all my life you have been so so good with every breath that I am a oh I will sing all the good good of [Music] God your goodness is running after is running after me your goodness is running after it’s running after me with my life laid down I’m surrender now I give you everything your goodness is running after it’s running after [Music] me all my life you have been faithful Jesus all my life you have been so so good with every breath that I am made oh I will see of the goodness of [Music] God my life you have [Music] been all my life you have been so so good with every breath that I am a oh I want to sing of the goodness of God forever I see all the goodness who God I will sing of the goodness of [Music] God you have been faithful may the Lord bless you may the Lord be gracious to you lifting up his countenance before you and may he ever bring you peace in in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen

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